The Chrysalis

By Ronald Speener

Published on Jul 9, 2023


Chrysalis Part 1: Chapter 15

This story is about a young man's quest to fix a major birth defect--he was born without a penis. On his quest he meets his soul mate and many other soon to be friends.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and events are the product of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any real person is coincidental.

The story depicts procedures and practices common for gender reassignment; however, this story does not claim to be a medical treatise, and information is primarily for the purpose of the story and not medical advice. This story is written for adults with adult themes. If you are underage or live in a location where references to gay relationships or transgender people is forbidden, please log out of the story or move.

This work is copyrighted by © 2023

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Chris Wentworth Tom Greenwood

Chapter 15--Dinner Before Departure

Tom was packing the last few things into a carry on and Chris was sitting on the bed finishing dressing. "What did you buy today?" Tom asked.

"I forgot all about that at lunch, and with Britney, my mind shut down." Chris pulled the items from the Macy's bag. "I bought myself a tablet. Can you help me set it up?"

"Can do that at the airport while we are waiting, since we need to be there so early."

"And I bought a tie." Chris held up the paisley tie. "Don't know if I will ever need one but I loved the colors and patterns."

"It is beautiful," Tom examined it. "I did a little modeling for this company last year." He gently handed the tie back to Chris, who rubbed is across his face. "Yes, you will need ties and a tux." Tom smiled at Chris, "You realize that you get free designer clothes at many of the shows. The like to have you wear it, Free advertising."

"Oh, cool." Chris put the tie back in its box and then into a carry on. "I have something for you." Chris handed Tom a small box and stood tense with anticipation and dread.

Tom opened the box and took out the ring Chris had bought. The ring looked even more lovely in Tom's hand than at the store. Tom held it close to his eyes to inspect it.

"Do you like it?" Chris's voice showing concern and worry.

"It is beautiful. It sings to me of the forest and the green woods. It reminds me of home and of you in a field of flowers."

"Glad you like it."

"Likes is too feeble a word. How'd you find it?"

"I was looking at gold and silver rings when I saw a small display of wood rings. I remembered what you told me about the Greenwoods being attune to nature. The clerk was helpful in a choice. The dark wood is African black wood and the center is braided birch. The birch is for truth, patience and beginnings; the African black wood it for the connection between the spiritual and physical and facilitating communication. I liked the contrast and texture. Besides it felt like you."

Tom rolled the ring around in his hand. "Is this an engagement ring?" He slid the ring on his wedding finger, but it was too large.

"No, it is just my way of saying thank you for everything. Once we are in New York and your old routine, and Toby, I cannot presume the same attention." Chris smiled, but Tom frowned. "It goes on the middle finger."

Tom slid it on the middle finger of his left hand. It fit perfect. "How did you find the right size? Wood cannot be resized like metal."

"I asked a man who was walking by who had the same hand size as you."

"You asked a stranger to size a ring for your boyfriend. That's gutsy."

"He didn't mind. He was most gracious about it."

"Chris, I don't know how you will survive a week in New York if you approach strangers like that?" Tom shook his head in disbelief. "The ring is perfect in every way." Tom pulled Chris into a very indulgent kiss that was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Tom answered the door while Chris pulled three suitcases and two carry on backs into the living room. "Do you always pack this much for a week?

Tom turned back to Chris as he opened the door to Zack. "Two of those suitcases are your stuff, so stop whining."

"Hi Tom, Chris," Zack nodded to them, "Hate to see you guys leave. I still had hope of finagling myself into your bed." Tom frowned and Chris stood with both hands on his hips glaring at Zack. "I know not eighteen, worth a try." Tom winked at Chris and then took Zack into his arms and gave him dip and deep kiss. "Wow," Zack said as he was righted and the kiss ended. "I just shot a boner." Zack looked at Tom, "You are a wicked man." Then he looked at Chris then Tom, "but I think Chris could be even more wicked." Zack walked over to Chris and stood inches away. Tom nodded at Chris. Chris took Zack gently into an embrace and kissed Zack while one of Chris's hands inched down across Zack's buttock in into the crotch of Zack's slacks. The kiss was long while Chris explored Zack's mouth. They separated with an exhalation from Zack. "You are very, very wicked Chris, very wicked indeed. I think I need another try to see just how deep that wickedness descends." Chris spun Zack around and slapped his ass hard to urge him toward the suitcases.

Tom snickered as he saw the tent in Zack's pants. "Better stay away from the lobby, guest will want to hang their coats on that woody." Zack blushed a bright shade of red.

"Since you caused it, it is your responsibility to remedy it." Zack smirked back.

"Enough boys. Even if you were legal, Zack, we do not have the time to ravish you properly. And you deserve proper ravishment."

Zack's face went pouty, "OK, but this is not fair." Zack pulled a luggage cart from the hallway and loaded the bags on the cart. "Per Mr. Greenwood's instructions, not you the other Mr. Greenwood, everything will be in his limousine." As he was leaving the room with the luggage, Zack turned to Tom, "Sure not just a quick blow job?" Tom shut the door in Zack's face.

Chris started laughing, "We are so evil leaving him so horny." Chris continued to laugh as Tom started to laugh too.

"I think Zack knows a dark place where he can relieve himself."

"Several times" added Chris.

"I think he has a taste," Tom smiled at Chris, "literally of what being with a man can be. That it can be intense and wonderful. Maybe his first will not be an act of desperation but of mutual respect and consideration."

"Yeah, he deserves a magical first experience."

"Got everything?"

Chris glanced around and then grabbed the front of his slacks and the prosthetic. "Yup, let's go. Tom laughed and held the door for Chris.

In the lobby, Tom led Chris around some large foliage and a tropical fish tank to a door marked private. Tom punched in a code and held the door open for Chris. Chris entered and stopped confused; it was a room as small as a closet, but it had sumptuous carpet, light green flocked wallpaper above white wainscot and mirrors in heavy gilt frames. Tom smiled amused. "This is an elevator. It runs from a private garage below to two suites on the top floor." Chris nodded but still unsure why the hotel would have a special elevator. "This is for guests who need special security: presidents, royalty, foreign heads of states, and a rare rock star. Cedrick stopped allowing rock stars because the constant stream of groupies defeated the purpose of security. According to Ariel, Michelle Obama throw-up right where you are standing." Chris stepped closer to Tom. "Of course, they replaced the carpet. They stayed here when he was campaigning. He had a few death and do harm threats so Secret Service wanted a secure place until the threat was reduced.' Tom turned to a keypad that looked like a calculator and punched in a number. The elevator started moving. Chris thought but it did but it was a so smooth he was not sure. "Apparently Michelle ate bad seafood at an event. Up chucked in the elevator, she was so embarrassed and so sick for several days, but she never stopped her schedule. She is one tough woman." There was a pleasant ding and the left wall opened as a door into a living room out of Architectural Digest. Floor to ceiling windows faced east, overlooking Lake Michigan. Another faced south into Chicago. Although Chris expected a room with an ultra-modern European look, it was English cottage with overstuffed furniture in a subdued floral print. Dark walnut tables and heavy Tiffany style lamp. It was cozy, warm and inviting.

"Welcome guys." Ariel greeted them with her soft English accent, which lent authenticity to the decor. Miss Marple flashed as Chris's mind as he was dragged into an enthusiastic hug. "Have a seat, I will finish up in the kitchen. Cheddy's on the phone with Hong Kong. Some guest issue."

"Would you like some help?" Chis asked.

Ariel looked at him with surprise, "Sure, I would love it." Chris followed Ariel into the kitchen, which was hidden by a partition from the living area. Ariel was not a fan of open floor plans. She thought food should appear, as if by magic and create amazement. None of Cedrick's restaurants had open kitchens.

"Sorry about not being here when you arrived. Some guest in Hong Kong trashed a room. A nineteen year-old kid with a father's fat wallet decide to go all rock star. When we presented a bill for 25,000 pounds for damages. He grew arrogant and entitled. I called the father, politely explained the situation. A mention of large amounts of cocaine and with a small insinuation of police involvement with tabloid reporting," Cedrick chuckled "The damages were just paid."

"Kid must have done some real damage for 25,000." Tom said.

"Yeah, totally trashed a suite. We need to replace furniture, carpet, replace shower tile and a toilet. How do you destroy a toilet and water damage." Cedrick pulled out his cell phone and showed Tom pictures.

"Holy shit, one kid did all that?"

"No, he had help. Picked up a few people in a bar and returned for a coke party. If I were that father I'd..." Cedrick waved his hands about in agitated frustration. He relaxed. "So, how's it going with Chris? Still sappy happy."

"Yes, very." Tom face beamed.

"The disappearance the other day?"

"I over reacted. He left a note, but it fell off the dresser. He went to the library to research."


"About modeling." Tom looked chagrined, "and me." Cedrick started to speak but Tom cut him off. "I know you told me so."

"Did you talk to him about you and the family?"

"Yes, that night."


"It went remarkably well, like the Greenwood gift was just like saying red hair ran in the family."

"So, you then didn't tell him about Grandda?"

"Yes, ...not everything, but the important stuff. He is suitably concerned but not panicked. Not ready to run from me." Tom looked at Cedrick with concern bordering on despair. "I do not know what I would do if he left me."

"Into him that bad?"

"Yea, totally and rapturously." Tom glanced to the kitchen where he heard Chris laughing. "The more I learn about him, the more amazing he is. He is smart, amazing with people, sexy."

"Sex is good?" Tom gave Cedrick a look that need no further explanation. "That good." Cedrick smiled a Tom only the way two men smile when thinking of a good lay. "Ariel thinks Chris has some of the Greenwood trait."

"I think so to. The way he has with people is spooky."

"That will make it easier with Grandda. I mean you mother is an amazing woman, but Grandda never forgave your father for marrying someone without the trait. I'd worry more about not having children. You know how he is about maintaining the proper succession."

"He is very quaint about that."

"Quaint? I would say obsessive."

"Chris has a plan, but I'll let him tell you."

"How is it going with you and Tom?" Ariel asked while pulling a cheese tray from the refrigerator.

"Better than it should be, I mean we've only been together a week." Chris`s voice was light but serious. "We are at a stage I would expect after a year of dating.' Chris absentmindedly pulled grapes from the stems and placed on the cheese tray. "I'm not complaining, I mean it's just too weird."

"Cheddy and I feel the same way," Ariel smiled at Chris as she started to crackers onto a plate. "Don't get me wrong," she hastily added, "We fully approve. You are what Tom needs, but we don't want you to get hurt either."

"I expect to be hurt many times by Tom. Relationships are about hurt and repair. It is the ability to repair that is important."

"Here, in Chicago, it is only you and Tom. In New York it is you and Tom and Tom's friends." Ariel took the apple that Chris sliced and put them alongside the grapes. "Tom likes to fuck good looking men." Ariel looked up at Chris. "And Tom has found very few men who are not good looking enough." Ariel smiled at Chris, apprehension and concern flitted across her face.

"Got yeah, Tom's a slut and all men are the playground. If it has a dick and a pretty smile, he will fuck it."

Ariel laughed; it was bells in a wind. "That is Tom." Ariel grew serious, "Yesterday, your disappearance had Tom as frantic as I have ever seen him. He was a wild man with an imagination of finding you in the Chicago River." Ariel frowned at Chris.

"I didn't mean to upset Tom; I left a note." Ariel nodded but that was not the answer she wanted. "I heard Tom and Cedrick on the phone, I know it was only one side of the conversation, but I realized that Tom had a life in New York prior me and he was keeping secrets from me. I suddenly realized I knew nothing about him or his family or anything important if we were to make it. I needed to find out things that Tom was afraid to tell me. I left a note, which fell on the floor, and I ended up at the library. The whole episode made me realize that Tom does not really understand me. I mean I just signed a contract with Stu, a real job with good money. I have a future in New York with or without Tom. I have commitments, which I will honor. Even if Tom and I ended now, I would not back out of the commitments. That is just who I am."

"Tom is an idiot," Chris smiled agreement. "Did you find anything important?"

"Tom's parents live in LA. He has an older sister and brother and one younger brother. He is the presumed heir to a title and estate in England. And that his grandfather is mostly a recluse and has a reputation for being eccentric."

"All true. I would not call Grandda eccentric; that is too mild a term--bitter curmudgeon is better. But that is not the important stuff."

"Last night he told me about the family trait. Some sort of hereditary gene with empathy and nature. He can tell when a storm is coming. Even I can do that."

"Basically, but only partly true. Each Greenwood has the trait manifest in different ways. If you haven't already guessed, I have the Greenwood trait. Cedrick and I are distantly related several generations back. Aunt Mary keeps detailed genealogical record that would put the Mormons to shame. Sometimes there are multiple Greenwood traits. I see auras, as you know, and feel when people close to me are in danger, not that it particularly helps. It is because of this Cedrick and I were allowed to marry; if not, we could have been expelled like Tom's parents." Ariel closed her eyes to gain space. "The old man is a callus bastard." Ariel smiled at Chris to reassure him to not worry. "Tom's trait is he has proactive empathy. For some reason, he is in locations where he can touch people's lives. Once we were with him at De Gaulle Airport in Paris. Tom sauntered away and sat next to an older woman, and just started chatting. Our boarding was called, and Tom rose to leave the woman. She pulled him in and gave him a kiss on the check. It is his gift."

"Chaz told be about his first meeting Tom. Which is about the same. What has me confused about Tom and my meeting. Granted he was in the right place at the right time, but we would have never met if I hadn't propositioned him."

"That is odd, and it has Tom flustered because he has never been the recipient of what he can do. I like seeing him off balance. It is good for his ego."

"It is a large one." Chris laughed.

"Solar system, which is why you are so good for Tom, and I think he for you. You complement each other, just like Cheddy and I." Ariel's smile was soft and misty as she filled a teapot with hot water. Tom has not fully come into his gifts. They tend to appear as one matures. Grandda thinks Tom will be extremely gifted. He may eventually have the ability to change reality."

Chris blinked a few times in confusion, "Real magic?"

"Yes, at one time it was thought magic," Ariel stopped while she tried to think of a good explanation, "In quantum physics, everything is a potential until we a conscious of it. Then it becomes real. The reality of the world around us is real because we are collectively conscious of it. A transmogrifier changes, in small ways, the potential into what he or she wants others to be aware of. If I wanted to give you a rose, but did not see one around, I could create the potential for me having a rose and then make you aware. Poof, you have a rose. Great-Grandda had this gift, most unsettling when a willow switch appears"

"I suspect I will meet your grandfather at some point. Should I worry?"

Ariel laughed, "Yes, worry." Her laugh softened, "He is not that bad really, I like him, in small doses. He is a Victorian in the 21st century."

"Is Tom being gay is a problem?"

"No, absolutely not. He is not naïve or a prude, He absolutely adores Tom, but it is the heir issue that will be a problem. I suspect that you can adopt a child with the Greenwood trait. He will insist on that. So don't worry. I have a feeling that this will work out. And my feelings are almost never wrong." Ariel handed Chris the tray of fruit and cheese, the teapot and cups, which she added to the tray. She grabbed a second tray of scones, pastries and assorted jams and condiments.

"Shall we join our men?" Ariel smiled broadly and led Chris back into the living area.

"The sun has risen. Here comes the light of our lives." Cedrick mugged. And then leaning into Tom in a loud whisper said, "No more talking about them."

Chris deadpanned back, "We are not done talking about you, right Ariel?" Chris set the cheese tray on the coffee table and looked up to Ariel, the picture of innocence, "My mother always said `you shouldn't talk bad about people behind their back.' All the bad stuff we waited on until we could join you." Chris gave Tom a sickeningly sweet smile. "You have the list Ariel?"

Ariel smiled, an attorney at a car accident. "Sure Chris, but I left it in the kitchen. It was too heavy to carry with the food. Didn't want any spilt tea to ruin the ink."

"Just sit your ass down beside me and behave" Tom barked, not at all amused.

"Well fuck you Tom Greenwood, you will never command me." Chris's glare would melt a mountain. Ariel and Cedrick glanced at each other and held a snicker in.

Tom sat back on the sofa as if he were pushed by a strong wind. His eyes were wide and his mouth open. Tom sat stunned, "Chris, would you like to sit by me? I am sorry that I presumed."

Chris gracefully sat by Tom, "Yes, you presumed you were my lord and master. You ain't. We are equals, or we are nothing. Got it?" Tom nodded meekly. Chris turned to Ariel and Cedrick, "Sorry about the little display. We have had this discussion several times this week; Tom will eventually learn." He turned to Tom, "You are very lucky we are in company, otherwise." Tom mumbled understanding and reached for an apple.

"I think I will open some wine, instead of the tea." Cedrick's uncomfortable smile hidden in his words.

"We brought wine, if you would open that," Chris spoke up, "Tom, I think you put it in the bag." Chris put a hand on Tom's arm and gave a smile that only spoke of love. Tom visibly relaxed and pulled the wine out of a small travel pack. "It was a gift from Blaine. Since we are flying, we did not want to drink the bottle by ourselves."

Cedrick took the bottle from Tom. "Interesting choice 2013 Carménère from Chili. I've never had it before. Hard to get and highly regarded." Cedrick took the bottle to a bar that covered one wall. On the bar was the fanciest wine opener Chris had ever seen. Cedrick returned with four glasses and poured. "I know that the two of you are technically under age. I have never understood the American's banning wine at meals to `minor'. In Europe, the children grow up on wine; they learn the importance of wine for convivial dining. At 21, they do not run out and binge as a rite of passage. Getting a job, graduating college, marriage those are better rites of passage."

"Yes dear," Ariel soothed. "I hear this speech every time we are in the States. Not everyone is as enlightened as you, dear." She patted Cedrick's arm placating his pique.

Chris took a sip, "This is very good. My wine palette is underdeveloped. I assume that the interview went well with Blaine?"

"Damn well," Cedrick stated. "He is bright, cordial, knowledgeable, and ambitious. Once he graduates in May, he will go to my property in LA to learn the Greenwood systems and then after three of four months to Rome. His Italian is perfect and his French is very close to native. I haven't been as happy about a new hire in a very long time, Giorgio, remember," Cedrick looked at Ariel for confirmation. She nodded. "It was really fortuitous that we met at the restaurant." Tom gave a little cough like he was choking on a piece of cheese. Cedrick looked at Chris, "You set the whole thing up. You and Blaine planned it at Chaz's party." Cedrick looked sternly at Chris.

Chris blushed an attractive shade of pink. "Blaine had nothing to do with it. But yes, I made sure that the pieces were in place. Everything else is you and Blaine."

"Why Blaine, you didn't have much time at the party to talk about much."

"About fifteen minutes."

"So, after fifteen minutes, you knew that Blaine was a perfect fit for my business."

"Yes," Chris paused at how cocky that sounded, "I hoped it would be a good match. I mean he seemed nice, professional." "And cute," added Tom with a grin. "Not as cute as you." Chris said to Tom.

"And the argument, did you plan that?"

"No, just good luck."

Cedrick gave a hearty laugh, "If you ever want to quit modeling and work for me, I will put you in talent acquisition. You have a rare gift Chris with assessing people."

Suddenly Ariel squealed, bent over Cedrick and grabbed Tom's hand. "The ring is absolutely gorgeous. Where did you get it?"

"Chris gave to me last night. It is beautiful. And no, it is not an engagement ring." Tom smiled at Chris, "yet."

"I bought it at Macy's before I met Tom and my sister for lunch."

"You say your sister," Ariel enthused. "That is wonderful." She paused, "Right?"

"Yes, mostly. I just hate that my sister needs to sneak around to see me." An awkward pause followed.

"Are you starting hormone treatments when you get to New York?" Cedrick asked. Tom mentioned that you were to start them here in the next few weeks.

Chris smiled at Tom, "I think I will postpone them until after the Milan show."

"Makes sense to get settled," Ariel said. "I understand the hormones can be a beast, sort of the reverse of menopause."

"So, I have been told," Chris replied. "But that is not the reason. I want to freeze my eggs, and I can't if I am on hormone therapy--all the testosterone." Ariel and Cedrick looked blank. "If I freeze my eggs, Tom and I can have our own child or children through a surrogate. The next year is too soon to have children, and I shudder at the thought of a baby inside me. It is a very foreign concept for me."

Ariel clapped her hands in glee. "Oh, Chris, Tom that is so wonderful. Just think of little Tommies or Thomasinas."

"Never Thomasinas and probably not Thomas either." Tom scolded. "It is in a couple of years, when we are older and more mature."

"Whatever gave you this brilliant idea?" asked Cedrick.

"You remember Ms. Guzman from Chaz's party. Her son is transgender female to male. We met with them a few nights ago and his wife gave us the idea.

"I know it is a ways off, but both of you will be fantastic parents. I have not been this happy in a long time."

"Neither have I." Tom gave Chris an I-love-you look that would make valentine cards blush. Tom leaned over and pulled something from his traveler's bag.

"You did? How dare you Tom." Chris leaned over and tried to pull two T-shirts from Tom's hands. Tom quickly pulled them out of Chris reach, stood and unfurled one of the shirts--Tom. "Miriam and Gorky made these for us as going away gifts."

The look on Ariel's face was one of fascination, embarrassment, and fascination. "It is beautiful Tom." She looked at Cedrick, "see what you are competing against. It's good that you have me now." She laughed.

"Bet my cock's better," Cedrick deadpanned. Tom grinned evilly and removed the basket with eggs. "Shit!" was all Cedrick said?

Tom had the other shirt under his arm. "You wouldn't dare." Chris growled at Tom. "If you do, hell has no fury like an ex-boyfriend." Tom shook out Chris's shirt.

"Bloody fuck." Cedrick's said as an inhalation. "You are luck Ariel that you already have me." He smiled at Ariel. "That is enough to turn me gay."

"Let's see what's under the bunny?" Ariel fingering the rabbit in the crotch.

"Noooo," Chris whined, "please no." It was a pathetic whimper of a lost man.

Ariel pulled the rabbit of like it was a band aid and gasp. "This is a work of art," she finally said.

Tom smugly said, "The cock or the body."

Ariel flushed slightly, "The cock is a fine specimen but it is part of a whole work of art." She gave a subtle smile, "It is just a piece of the whole. And the whole would be diminished without the piece." She looked at Chris, who had his head in his hands in embarrassment. "Just because you have a nice package, you should not be embarrassed to show it off."

"But the penis is not mine--false advertising."

"It will be, just trust me." Ariel smiled and Chris somehow felt a little better.

"I hope you will not wear those in public." Cedrick said and shook his head in surprise at how sexy the two pictures were."

"Of course," Tom relied confidently. "Chris's T-shirt has the picture of me and mine, him. I will proudly wear Chris on my body telling the world that this seductive man is mine." Tom leaned over and gave Chris a firm kiss.

"What am I going to do with him?" Chris said in exasperation.

"I am sure that you will figure something out." The way Cedrick said it was dirty.

"These are works of art," Ariel said as she carefully examined Tom's shirt. "I would love to display them in my gallery in Rome." Chris looked at her as if she had drunk too much. "There are remarkable works of art. You need to introduce me to the people who made these."

"I will make arrangements the next time we are all in Chicago at the same time." Tom said with a straight face.

"You are lucky we were here this week. We originally planned on being home in London."

"Things happen as they are supposed to, not as planned." Tom said. "I know I am most grateful that you are here and could meet Chris. It will be easier when he meets the rest of the family. I mean you are the almost sane ones." Tom turned to Chris, "I think it is time to go. It is almost five and our flight is at 7:30. We need to be to the airport so early now."

They said their goodbyes at the elevator. Cedrick giving both Tom and Chris large hugs.

Ariel whispered to Chris, "Take good care of Tom. And if he doesn't take good care of you, just let me know because you are a Greenwood now, with or without Tom." Chris murmured thanks and an I will; and then kissing Ariel, he stepped into the elevator.

As Ariel pulled Tom into a kiss and hug, she whispered. "Chris is far stronger than you think, but he really needs your love. Give him it each day, for each day is so precious and who knows how many we have."

Tom kissed her back and slipped through the closing elevator door.

In the limousine, Chris pulled himself as close to the far door as possible, arms folded over his chest. The space between him and Tom was a chasm. "My I please have my airline ticket?" Chris coldly asked. Tom looked at Chris confused, reached into his coat pocket and handed it to Chris. "Thank you." Chris said tartly and turned to look out the window.

The silence in the vehicle was the silence of lightening before it strikes. And Tom did not know where the storm was coming from. Finally, frustrated, angry and worried, Tom turned and yelled at Chris, "What the bloody hell did I do wrong."

Chris turned and glared at Tom, a glare that would stop a bull. "You embarrassed me. I told you no and you did it anyway." Chris turned back to the window. Silence.

Tom sat still, stunned. What the hell had he done. Then a glimmer, like a reflection off of a knife. "You're mad I showed Ariel and Cedrick my T-shirt with you naked?" It was a question thrown as a knife.

Chris turned, "I told you no!" Chris again looked out the window.

"For fucking sake. It's only a T-shirt. It's not like I had you naked and was auctioning you off."

"Is that what you do in New York?" Chris bit back.

"No, of course not. You're just overreacting. They are family."

"So, incest is OK?"

Tom realized being rational, at least he thought he was the rational one, was futile. "I am sorry Chris. I thought your no was more playful than real. I mean I showed your T-shirt of me first."

"You like being seen naked. You like strutting your firm body and gorgeous dick for everyone to admire. You like your body worshiped. It gets you off."

Tom was about to deny this but as he realized that it was mostly true. "Yeah I do like showing off my body. I'd fuck me if I could."

"That is so shallow and narcissistic."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"Guess, man it is not guess. It is more real than a mountain."

"I admit that I am narcissistic, but I will challenge shallow. I am truly sorry that I embarrassed you, but I am so proud to be with you, all of you and that includes your body. That T-shirt with you on it, naked by a pond, lets me scream to the world that every inch of you is mine, This is my boyfriend. My stunningly beautiful boyfriend. He is mine and you cannot have him. Just worship the image I carry of him."

"Shit, Tom, you are full of BS." Tom gave Chris a seductive smile and batted his eyelashes. Chris slide closer to Tom, punched him in the shoulder. "That is for this afternoon." Then he gave Tom a gently kiss that blew stars into the limousine. "That is for the apology."

"What I said is true." Tom turned the ring around his finger. "This ring is your pledge to me. It is private and sacred. The T-shirt is my shouting to the world that I love you."

"Gentlemen," a voice came through a speaker, "we are at the airport. I will help unload your bags and a skycap will assist to ticketing."

Next: Chapter 16

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