The Chrysalis

By Ronald Speener

Published on Apr 23, 2023


This story is about a young man's quest to fix a major birth defect--he was born without a penis. On his quest he meets his soul mate and many other soon to be friends.

Please contribute to Nifty. They do a great job of providing stories that please the senses, titillate the mind, and expand our view of the world.

Part 1: Chrysalis Forming

Chapter 4--Chad's Soiree

The drive to Chad's condo had Tom in back with Ariel. They yammered about the comings and goings, kids, and spouses, parents and spouses, loves, affairs, and falling outs of what seemed to Chris a very large, sometimes fractious, eccentric, and close family. Chris had one uncle and one aunt, a scattering of a few cousins, and a grandmother, who loved him, but they lived far away and seldom saw them. Chris gave a sardonic laugh; I guess my family meets the definition of nuclear family--emphasis on nuclear.

"You would think that the two of them had not seen each other for a hundred years the way they are going on back there," Cedrick broke into Chris's pity party. "I am so glad that Tom is gay. Otherwise, I might have to fight him for my wife. Is your family large?"

"No." Chris shook his head. "Just me, my younger sister, and parents." Chris's voice broke a little. "Now, it is just me." Turned his head to look out the window. His reflection was superimposed on the passing buildings, cold glass and brick lit briefly by streetlights. The buildings seemed devoid of life. He felt as empty, a glass wanting water. Would it have been so bad to remain a girl? To fake who he was for the rest of his life? Others have done it, before surgery was an option. Others had taken an easy way out. Was being physically male that important? As the saying went, "He who makes the bed must lie in it." But the streets are a might cold bed.

"Tom is totally into you," Cedrick broke into Chris's thoughts. Chris turned from the window and looked a Cedrick and then at Tom. Who was in an animated conversation with Ariel that was punctuated with frequent laughter. "I have never seen him,... so boyish."

"Maybe he is just into trannie's or wants to have bragging rights. `Bagged me a freak.'" Chris's bitterness and fear obvious behind each word. Chris really liked Tom, but in a day or two he would be back on the street, dumpster diving, panhandling, tricking. Why weave a happy ending--fantasies get you killed on the streets.

"Do you think Tom is that shallow?" Cedrick looked into Chris's face, ignoring the road longer than he should have. "Don't get me wrong, Tom has had his share of boys: beautify, intelligent, rich, powerful boys. Kids that had looks, but nothing else. He has fucked a flower garden of men, but they were day lilies or gardenias: ephemeral--to be enjoyed for the day." Cedrick paused. "You are different, other, a rose in his garden that he wants to inhale for a long time. I think he might even think that you are his to love." Cedrick took a breath. Chris sat mute, face toward the window and the passing buildings. "And you kid, what are your intentions. Are you using Tom for a warm bed, warm food, and a little snuzzle on a cold night? You worry about Tom using you. I worry about you using Tom. I do not want to see his heart broken. He is special to me and his family. What is it Chris?"

Cedrick was right; was he using Tom? Chris thought. "I guess, I know it is a cliché, but I have trust issues. You know, the whole parent thing." Chris did not smile. "I do not want to hurt Tom, but I do not know how not to."

"You do not care for him like he does you?"

"That is the problem, I do. I have never met a man so comfortable to be around. He is so grounded and yet impulsive. I could spend a lifetime just staring at him. The colors I see around him, like yours but less solid. Tom could become everything to me. I cannot allow it."


"Look at me. A woman without breasts who wants a dick. I live on the streets, eat garbage, trick for money. I am not a catch. That is too much baggage to give Tom. It is better we end soon and coldly. Hearts heal better when amputations are sudden. Believe me I know about amputations."

"Bull shit," Cedrick's anger lava. "you are afraid. You have said nothing that Tom does not already know. He is not a child and not a diva, despite his profession. And I am fucking sorry that your father is unable to see the wonderful son he has. You have no choice with family. I was gifted with supportive family, you were not. Life sucks, but you know that Chris. Fuck it, make you own life and chose whom you will love." Cedrick took one hand off the steering wheel and squeezed Chris's leg and gave Chris a quick glance.

"Hey, you guys talking about us," Ariel yelled from the back.

"Of course," Cedrick yelled back, glancing at Ariel in the rear-view mirror. "Only fair since you were talking about us." Tom and Ariel laughed, "Caught us." Cedrick continued, "I was telling Chris about Tom's misspent youth. I was about to tell him about Clive."

"No, please, not Clive. That is so embarrassing." Tom begged, "You promised never to tell anyone."

"Who's Clive?" Chris asked with humorousless curiosity. If he was to take a chance with Tom, he needed backstory.

"Clive was Tom's first attempt." Clive stated. "Noooo," whined Tom. "Are you familiar with the movie Julia and Julie?" Chris shook his head yes. "Well, Tom bought the book The Joy of Gay Sex." Tom reached over the front seat and slugged Cedrick on the shoulder. "Ouch, that hurt. I'm driving."

"Oh, please tell," Ariel said. "You have never told me about Clive, second cousin. He is as straight a redwood."

Tom, who had curled into ball in the back corner of the car, resigned and plotting revenge, added, "hung like one too."

Ariel giggled, "That's why his wife is always so happy."

"Five kids too." Added Tom.

"Now we know that size is not everything. Right honey," Cedrick stated

"Right dear," Ariel replied. She slightly shook her head no as she looked at Chris, who at turned to face the backseat.

"I saw that," Cedrick shot back with a smile on his face.

"Tom," Chris said, "When it is time to select my penis, will you help me to decide what is the best size." Chris paused as he realized this may be an inappropriate conversation, but what the hell. "I mean, I am not sure what handsome men like. And since you have had so many men, I figure you would be the expert." Chris gave Tom a broad smile.

"You want me to go dick shopping with you. And it is not that many men." Tom gave Chris a malicious look, "The week isn't over yet, so you better behave." Tom wanted to lean into a kiss with Chris but was unable to because of the seat belt. "This may be my first. I've bra and panty shopped with women, Swimsuit shopped with men, who were more interested in advertising their package than finding thongs," Tom laughed. "First time shopping for a dick. Yea, sure."

"I was thinking, since I have a choice, maybe ten by two inches. I've wanted one so long that I might as well indulge."

"Chris, honey," Ariel cooed "As skinny as you are that would be a second person in your pants." Ariel had not had so much fun in ages, and it showed on her face. Talking about sex, especially other peoples' sex, was always entertaining. "I would, since you have time to make a life time decision, to try various dildos on Tom. Just to check what fits his ass best." Ariel laughed.

Cedrick added. "You can start with the one I gave Tom and work up."

Chris smiled at Tom, "Isn't there a sex shop downtown. Maybe, tomorrow, we can shop. I'm sure the store would not mind my sizing samples in your ass." Chris gave Tom the largest lecherous smile he could. Tom turned red. Ariel broke into loud laughter, "Chris, I like you. We are going to have tons of fun at Tom's expense." She gave Chris a warm smile that made Chris feel like family. It was so needed. It had been too long since anyone just smiled at him with anything but pity or contempt or freak shock. It is very hard when living on the street to not turn bitter and cold. The smile melted some of his frost. Chris smiled back, the first genuine smile in years. "Back to Clive," Ariel said, warmth and humor in her voice.

"Well Tom had this book, sex book and he was interested in exploring each chapter. Like in the movie Julia and Julie." Cedrick paused "I can never remember the actresses' name." "Amy Adams" volunteered Tom. "Yeah, her." Cedrick continued. "She wanted to recreate every recipe in Julia Child's The Art of French Cooking. Tom wanted to recreate with himself as the subject, every position from A to Z. So, here was twelve-year-old Tom.

"I was thirteen," injected Tom

"So here was thirteen-year-old Tom, raging hormones and hard-ons. Propositioning Clive, who is about two years older, raging hormones and hard-ons. Tom, how did you persuade him? I mean, I love the guy, but he is very straight-laced, save yourself for marriage kind of bloke."

"You know how charming I can be." Cedrick nodded into the mirror, flashing thoughts of the numerous time Tom has persuaded him into mischief. "I convinced him that having sex with me was not like having sex with a girl, and so he would still be a virgin when he got married. Also, he did not want to go to the marriage bed without any experience with sex because his wife may have experience. It did not seem to bother Clive if his future wife was a virgin or not. Since an ass is similar to a vagina, both moist and narrow. I pointed out, he could us my ass for practice. I told him to think about it, no pressure. I persuaded some of his more voluptuous classmates to flirt with him. About three days later he came to me and said that he thought about my proposal and agreed."

"You are one devious fucker," said Chris.

"Best you learn now," Ariel smiled, "But he is never malicious, just persistent. Continue Tom."

"I had never had anal sex. I had shoved a finger or two up my ass and decided I liked it so a penis would be better. As I said, Clive was well hung. Somewhere in the book I missed the section on lubrication. Needless to say, it was painful for both and our desires went unfulfilled. Clive had a boner as stiff as a space needle and needed relief. Horny myself, I figured, why not a blowjob. After several attempts with too much teeth, bad rhythm, me laughing, and Clive embarrassed, Clive hit his pace. Clive was so close to coming, his face was red, his breathing short and quick. His eyes rolled back. At the moment, before paroxysm, he dove deep into my throat and triggered my gag reflex. I puked on his cock in full stroke, it spilled out and down and over all his genitals. That ended our romantic encounter."

"I think that Stanza has never needed to give Clive a blowjob." Ariel laughed. "Not that Stanza would agree to do it. They are a perfect match." Ariel pursed her lips and raise her chin, like someone who first smells a fart.

"I helped Clive clean up; we hugged and never spoke of it again." There was a sadness in Tom's voice. After that he and Clive had never been as close; Tom missed that. "Cheddy, how did you learn of the story?"

After Cedrick winced at Cheddy, "Clive told me right afterwards. He was afraid that he might have destroyed you desire for sex with men. I assured him you would be fine. Small set back, learning experience." Cedrick abruptly turned right into the driveway of high-rise condo and stopped at the entrance. A doorman smoothly came forward and opened the two passenger doors. He gave a quick smile at Chris before turning to help Ariel out of the vehicle.

Tom and Cedrick came around the car took the hands of their respective dates. "Good evening Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Greenwood. It is a pleasure to see you again. And you too, Ms. Greenwood." The doorman looked at Chris as if he were trying to remember his name but could not find it in has vast data files. "George, this is Chris. He is my date tonight." Tom smoothly said. "Good evening sir." George said to Chris. "I had thought I might have forgotten your name, which is very rare. But after tonight, I shall not be at a loss again." George turned to Tom, "Finally, I see you finally have a suitable companion."

Tom smiled at George "Very suitable," and then winked, "even better unsuited." George allowed a small smile and bowed. "You know the way. The concierge will have the elevator ready."

The four found the elevator waiting and a friendly good evening from the concierge Marge. "I need to forewarn you," Tom said turning toward Chris. Chris frowned. "Our host Chad, has the hots for me."

"He'd pound you to a door faster than a carpenter with a nail gun," Ariel laughed.

Cedrick chimed in, "Chris, my lad, I can guarantee you that Chad will be waiting by the elevator, hands primed to grab Tom's hammer."

"That may be an overstatement," Tom replied. Cedrick and Ariel both harrumphed. "In any case, I want you to know that his overtures, while not subtle, are definitely one sided. I beg you; if you see Chad all over me, please rescue me."

"This may be interesting. Tom Greenwood, unable to defend himself from an interior decorator." Chris shook his head at Tom in mock pity. Just then, the elevator door opened to a tall lithe blond, Andy Warhol blond, with plump lips and Botoxed brows. "The party can now start in earnest," said a wispy tenor voice from the body by the elevator door. "The Greenwoods have arrived. So good to see you and Ariel" Chad gave a quick handshake to Cedrick and a Hollywood kiss to Ariel. Quickly moving past them, he stood inches in front of Tom. "Tom, it is so good to see you again. You are more handsome than last time." Chad leaned in and gave Tom a full mouth kiss and grabbed Tom's crotch. Chad looked down to where his hand was and said, "I see you brought me a package, Can I unwrap it later tonight?"

Tom calmly palmed Chad's chest pushing him back and then took Chad's offending hand and patted it on Chad's crotch. "I am so sorry, Chad, that is the only package you will unwrap from me. I know it is not much, but it is the thought."

Chad laughed, "One of these days my persistence may pay off." The Chad spied Chris, "Who is this divine creature that you are hiding from me."

Tom pulled Chris forward holding his hand. "This is my date Chris. Chris is Chad. Chad this is Chris."

"Pleased to meet you, Chad," Chris extended his hand.

"A date Tom, you are crushing my wet dreams us. Maybe a three way. Right Chris?" Chad then moved to grab Chris's crotch. But inches from the target, Chad's hand and arm were twisted behind his back by Chris, and Chris's forearm was against Chad's neck. "You try to touch me again without my permission; I will break your scrawny arm. Got that." Chad nodded. Chris released Chad and held out his hand for Chad to shake. "A pleasure to meet you. Tom's description of you was lacking."

Chad took Chris's hand and smiling; Chris squeezed a little too hard on the ring encrusted hand. "Impressive date, Tom," Chad shook out his sore hand. "Beauty, brawn. Don't tell me. The trifecta--brains too."

"Yes, the full package," Tom gave a quick glance at the bulge in Chris's tight leather pants. Chad followed Tom's glance and gulped.

"Yes," smiled Chris, all honey dripping from the comb, "I am his package and only he can unwrap me. And," Chris smiled even larger at Chad, the smile having menace behind the honey, "he is my package, mine alone to unwrap. Get me."

Chad looked at Chris. "I am so glad you could make the party. I need to go mingle. Food is by the guy with the tall chef hat and the bar is by the patio door. Toodles." Chad executed a crisp bow to the four and turned to regain kingship of his realm.

Cedrick, Ariel and Tom appraised Chris with a critical eye and then they all laughed. "Tom, you have yourself a knight in shining armor," Cedrick chuckled, "Your virtue is now safe from cads like Chad."

Tom stared at Chris, like it was another person that he had not seen before. "Where did you learn that?'

"Five years of self-defense classes," Chris smile back, pleased that he had Tom by surprise. "My dad felt girls needed to be able to defend oneself from all the lecherous men after a woman's virtue."

"I will need to tread carefully with you, Chris." Tom pulled Chris into a hug.

"Only if you do not have my permission. Otherwise, bring out the whips and chains"

"Kinky, I like you Chris," Ariel said. "Now I need a drink." The four headed off toward the bar.

"What do you want?" Tom asked Chris

"Just club soda." Chris replied and scanned the crowd. The gathering had a mix of ages with a mix of genders, but more so young and male. The shabby chic theme was displayed with only a few variations: torn jeans, some torn to expose just a little pink of prick, tuxedo shirts, ripped and paint splatter; T-shirts over nicely tailored dress pants above scuffed tennis shoes; women in bustiers and suit jackets, scarves with negligees, stilettos with Daisy Dukes. The wait staff, only men, wore rhinestone G-strings and matching bow ties; they efficiently gathered empty plates and glasses, smiled at the occasions pat, slap or pinch and politely moved a hand that wanted far more. But none of this was what made Chris notice the wait staff. They were all shaved of hair from neck to toe and painted, more dipped, in silver glitter. If they had wings, Chris would have thought they were fairies, flitting lights about the room.

"Chad does know how to make a statement," Cedrick whispered in Chris's ear. "This is all a tax write-off--marketing. He does a lot of wedding, parties, besides interior design. This is all advertising." Cedrick laughed.

"Here's you drink," Tom said as he handed Chris a flute of sparkling water with a twist of lemon. "I see Chad toned it back tonight." Chris looked at Tom to see if he was jesting.

"Remember the one, fantasy theme." Ariel broke in holding a glass like Chris's but a pale yellow, most likely expensive champagne, Chris thought, May try some latter. Might as well enjoy today. Ariel continued, "All the waiters had either a butt plug or dildo in the ass." Ariel looked at Cedrick. "You came as Ozzy Osbourne, the young version," then she turned to Tom. "You, tell Chris what you dressed as. Nearly drove Chad to a drooling heap." She laughed.

"I don't remember," Tom hesitated, but both Cedrick and Ariel gave Tom the look that if you don't we will. "It is kind of embarrassing," Cedrick nodded agreement while Ariel nodded negative, "I came as a satyr: hairy legs, goat feet--damn uncomfortable shoes--small horns on the head."

"And," Ariel prodded. When it was obvious, Tom was not going to say, she added, "the biggest, fattest, longest schlong." Ariel gave a laugh that charmed Chris. "I would have loved to see that." Chris smiled back. "Ariel thought a second. "I think I just might have a picture on my phone." She smiled mischievously at Tom, who was not amused.

Tom grabbed Chris's arm. "There are people I want you to meet," as he pulled Chris away.

"Later" Ariel whispered in Chris's ear as he was reluctantly tugged along behind Tom. Chris returned a conspiratorial smile and disappeared into the crowd with Tom. The next hour or two, Chris was not sure of the time, was Tom introducing him to people. People who looked at him: weighing ounces and judging horses. Appointments were set over the next few days, which Tom diligently noted in his Iphone.

As Tom was guiding Chris to an older, heavy-set man wearing a black spandex uni-piece and a crimson velvet dinner jacket, Chris whispered in Tom's ear, "I gotta pee, where's the john?" "Guest bath down the hall, first door on right" Tom pointed. "I'll be chatting with Stu" Tom pointed to the heavyset man. Chris nodded and headed toward the head, dodging people, returning pleasant smiles for smiles, lecherous or envious. All the looks, made Chris feel uneasy, no not really uneasy; Chris did not feel threatened or intimidated. It was more uncomfortable--this was too new to Chris. Was this how being a model was? Chris decided he might like being noticed for being an attractive man, with the emphasis on man.

He found the bathroom without problem, but it was occupied. Four people occupied the room, sitting in various stages of undress around the commode, where white powered lined up in crisp rows on the john lid. "Want to join us man?" said a thin young man with tattoos that did not show beyond a dress shirt. "Yea dude," another man with wild curly brown hair added, "have a tooke and then we'll do a five way. Might fine bulge there."

"Sorry," Chris smiled back, "but just got to piss, so I'll leave you to your party."

"Later?" asked the very young girl, now only in panties, with the third man's hand inside them slowly fingering.

"Again sorry, not my scene." Chris slowly backed out of the room, eight eyes, like a spider, watching his escape. Once in the main room, Chris spotted a wait staff. "Excuse, me, where is a restroom?" The silverplated man turned to Chris, smiled and started point to where Chris had just left. "No, that one is occupied" then when the waiter looked confused, Chris added "by a small party"

"Skinny dude with yellow hair?" Chris nodded, "His father is beaucoup rich, best to avoid him. He's toxic. This comes from experience." The smile that Chris got was almost as fine as Tom's. "There is another bathroom in the guest suite upstairs. By the way I'm Blaine." A broader smile, "I would be happy to escort you there." Blaine took Chris's hand and led him through the crowd. Tom saw Chris ascend the stairs with the silver angel and a wave jealousy, possessiveness, anger, despair, anger, resignation--he had known Chris two days, anger at Chris and himself. Maybe, it is innocent? I am sure Chris will tell me if he cares--if he cares. Dejected Tom returned his attention to Stu.

"Here you are sir," Blaine led Chris into a subdued but tasteful earth tone room of greens and browns with accents of russet and black. "The bathroom is here" Blaine said as he held the door to a room decorated in brown marble. Blaine paused, debate on his mind. "Those leather pants seem very snug." Blaine paused "If you need help in and out" he paused again and looked expectantly at Chris.

"I can manage by myself," Chris said. The big smile on Blaine's face was less large. "I am sorry, but I am here with someone. Otherwise, we might do more than just help with the pants."

Blaine looked less crestfallen, "Who you with?"

"Tom Greenwood."

Blaine blinked a couple of times, "Any relation to Cedrick Greenwood?"

"Yea, his cousin. I came with Cedrick and his wife."

"Cedrick is here?"

"Yeah," Chris was not sure where this conversation was going and why the interest.

"I've always wanted to work for Mr. one of his restaurants, but his staff never leaves so there are few opening. And then in this business at the better places it is always who you know and your reputation."

"This," Chris pointed at the bow tie G-string, "is not a full-time job?"

Blaine laughed, "Heavens, no, dude, this is spending money--beaucoup spending money. Chad is lavish. No, I actually am a waiter at Del Artiste Ristorante--for ten years. I started as a busboy and advanced to waiter."

"Why do you want to leave?" Chris now realized that the ruse of the bathroom to extricate himself from all the people was rising to a reality.

"Don't get me wrong, I love the place and people where I work, but they are local while Mr. Greenwood is international. I speak fluent Italian, French, and some German and passable Arabic--an old boyfriend, but don't go there."

"I could introduce you to Cedrick tonight."

"No, I appreciate the offer, but it would be unprofessional of me. I am here as wait staff not to find a job."

"I hate to make this short, but I really have to pee. Could I have your full name? I could pass it along to Cedrick."

"Oh sorry, I mean about the peeing. No not the peeing but keeping you from doing the peeing." Blaine paused in frustration at his inane remark. "And you would do that? I'm Blaine Bottom." Blaine pause as Chris gave him that-for-real look. "Yes it is really Bottom and no I am not a bottom--more a top, mostly." Blaine gave Chris a smirk. Chris moved himself into the bathroom and gently closed and locked the door on Blaine. "Do you want me to wait for you" Chris heard through the door. "No, I might be awhile. I can find my own way. Thanks Blaine." Once Chris felt sure that Blaine had left did he begin the onerous task of disrobing: boots, pants, underwear, a pile on the floor. Now the prosthetic. Tom had helped; he needed him now. He nervously fumbled with the prosthetic and dropped it into the toilet. The giddy weight of the last two days overwhelmed him: from cardboard box, to luxury hotel, to penthouse party, and people--rich, famous, doers. And then there is Tom. Chris knew he could give up everything now except Tom. Chris had always told himself that there was never love at first sight--it was just lust. Chris shook his head thoughtfully, with Tom it was the lust at first sight. But, but was there just now a ember of love that could so easily be flamed into what conflagration. Ah well, Scarlet, there is always tomorrow. Chris gave the prosthetic a closer look. It was very life like. The shaft moved like a flaccid penis, and inside was a small pump to create an erection. The scrotum felt real too, with the swing and weighted right. Chris sighed. If Chad had actually grab, he would have believed it real. Maybe, later tonight, Chris thought, Tom and I can explore all the features. Since when had he become so kinky. Chris laughed and started the cumbersome task of dressing. The leather pants proved to be a challenge with getting the prosthetic just right.

Tom, while talking to Stu, angled himself so he could watch the stairs. He saw the glitter waiter descend, but no Chris. Tom waited and waited. He wanted to tell Stu that he had to find a friend, but Stu was important for Chris's future and he did not want to offend. Just as he was to forgo Stu and hunt for Chris, Chris can down the stairs with the aplomb of Betty Davis--confident, smiling, master of his own destiny. And then Tom frowned because Chad stopped Chris at the bottom of the stairs and whispered in his ear. Off they went together toward the kitchen. Tom was in a near panic.

Chad stopped Chris at the bottom of the stairs. "Chris, can we talk in private." Chad looked worried and afraid.

"I have little to say to you after how you acted. That was so not cool."

Chad looked down, "I know. I want to apologize in private." Chad waited, patient as a puppy.

"OK, but if you try anything," Chris tone was definitive.

Chad laughed lightly, "Got cha." Chad led Chris through the kitchen and a small eating area to adjoining balcony. The balcony had a small café table and chairs, a kerosene lamp burned low. Chris was surprised to see a small hydroponic herb garden against the wall and vegetables growing in pots.

"It smells nice out here," Chris stated as he sat in one of the chairs.

"Lavender," Chad replied, "I use it in tea and some baking."

"You bake." Surprise.

"Yea, mostly breads and cookies.--for open houses. Smell is a powerful inducement to buy." Chris laughed; he might start to like Chad.

"I do want to apologize for earlier. It was very presumptuous of me."

"Very, almost got your arm broke."

Chad shuttered, "Yeah, anyway, I'm sorry. Tom has never come to one of my parties with a date. I at first thought you might be a rent boy."

"Rent boy!" A soft laugh as Chris thought he might just be that.

"Foolish. I watched the two of you here. Tom is smitten by you. I have never seen that glow about him, him so casual, protective, and attentive."

"It is almost embarrassing."

"Don't be. I feel you deserve it. You may not realize what a catch you are."

"Thanks, but he is a little to protective."

Chad smiled at Chris thinking this is just who Tom needs. "How long have you known each other?"

Chris rolled his eyes and hunch a shoulder, "Two days."

"Fuck, two days! I've been trying to get that bastard in bed for over five years. How'd you meet."

"I picked him up outside Macy's Department Store." Chris gave Chad a wicked grin and fluttered his eyelashes.

"Damn, I never thought of that. Macy's men's room is known as a cruising place, but outside?"

"Surprised me too."

Chad started at Chris. He saw a strange innocence, not weakness nor naivety, Chad saw in the start of Chris's eyes at the sounds around him, an alertness, that Chris had been in tough places, but it had not damaged him or made him bitter. Chad saw some of Chris's attraction. "Outside Macy's? Really?"

"I just up and asked if he had a light." Chad laughed, "I don't smoke, so it was rather inane."

"Tom once told me that he shows up places sometimes because it is important for him to be there. I met Tom in a bar. My boyfriend, I thought the love of my life, just had beaten me up, cleaned out our joint bank account, and ran off with some skanky twink. I was low, end of life low. And then this kid, not old enough to be in a bar, sat down next to me and held my hand. It was Tom. He was with his dad, who was meeting friends before supper. He said, "Today sucks, so will tomorrow, and several after, but you will pull together and set the world on fire."

Just then Tom's dad came into the bar and casually asked, "Who is your friend?"

"This is Chad and he is having a bad day today, but it will improve." I don't ever remember giving Tom my name, but I was in a real stew and remember little.

"Well, young man," Tom's dad said to me, "If Tommy here says it will get better. It will. I taught him to never lie. Now come son, our table is ready." A week or so later, Macy's called. They were in need of a decorator, immediately, and my name came up as the best in town.

"That is how I met Tom. He needed to be there when I needed him so he was for you." Chad grew silent, and Chris let the silence build like a warm blanket.

Tom was worried, Chad and Chris off together. What was Chad up to know? "Stu, there is someone I would like you to meet, but it seems that Chad has him cornered. I need to go rescue him and introduce you to him."

Stu took on a worried look, "If Chad has him of course he needs rescuing. Be off gallant knight. I will be at the buffet table. The stuffed mushrooms are amazing."

Tom went storming onto the balcony and stopped dead. Chris and Chad were just sitting there, quite as nuns at prayer. Hands on the table, almost touching but not. "I see you are having a lively conversation." Tom walked behind Chris and put his hands on Chris's shoulders, possessive.

"I wanted to apologize to Chris for being an ass earlier." Tom blinked, Chad apologizing. "And then we started talking." Chad looked at Tom. "I like Chris. He is welcome here anytime with or without you. And no, not for sex. He is good for you. Chris, if this lump of gorgeous flesh ever dumps you, and he would be a fool to, you can always stay here."

"Thanks, Chad. If this lump of gorgeous flesh every dumps me, his flesh will not be so gorgeous." Chris leaned his head back to stare into Tom's eyes and slowly smiled.

"I meant what I said Chris about being welcome here any time. I also have a store on Main Street that I would love have you see. Back to my party." With a sigh of resignation, Chad left the balcony.

"You and Chad are buds now?" Tom took Chads empty chair.

"Maybe not buds but budding. I'll see."

"Well, there is a man I want you to meet."

"Another person, how many do you know."

"This one, Stu, is very important. He is my boss."


"I told you I think you would be a very successful male model. Money's a fraction of the women, but we last longer."

"OK, lead me to the sacrificial table. But I must warn you, I not a virgin."

Tom snorted a smile, helped Chris rise, and returned into the overly crowded and now less dressed party. Tom led Chris on a serpentine path around knots of people gabbing, flirting, eye fornicating, toward a short, fat, balding man talking to a writhe of a man.

"You know Stu, I am looking at changing managers. Your name has come up frequently as one of the best. I would like to hire you," the man said.

"I'm sorry, D'Delii, but my stable is full. I only have as many horses as I have stalls."

"But you know I just did Sears and am always in demand for magazine layouts."

"Yes, your looks are popular now. Tell you what D'Delii, call my office this week and my secretary will schedule an appointment. Ah, Tom, my boy there you are. Did you save your friend for Chad's lecherous clutches?" Stu turned away from D Delii and took a step toward Tom. D'Delii wanted to regain Stu's attention; Stu frowned, so the skeleton faded back into the crowd.

"See you were chatting with D'Delii." Tom pulled Chris to his side and draped one arm over his shoulder.

"He does not realize skinny is out and his days are numbered. Too much coke and other nasty shit." Stu passed and gave Chris a calculated look. "This is the young man you are so pesky for me to meet?" Stu gave Chris a critical but bored look.

"Stu this is Chris. Chris this is Stu, my boss." Stu rolled his eyes at the word boss.

"Nice to meet you sir." Chris extended his hand. Stu's hand was soft and wet like bread dough but it was also firm boned. "Tom has this silly notion that I should become a model. I've never done anything like that."

"Humm," Stu studied Chris like a lobster on a plate. "Tom, if you could relinquish the young man." Tom removed his arm from Chris's shoulder. "Now Chris stand straight, arms at side, hmm, Turn left. Huh. Now back to me. Nice ass. OK face me." Stu took out his IPhone. "Now smile for the birdie." Stu quickly snapped several pictures and scrolled through them. "Chris," Stu looked directly at Chris. "You are very good looking, But good looking men are a dime a dozen, and most of them will never make good models. Being a good model is an essence. It is more than a face or a body. Take Tom here." Stu pointed at Tom as if he was a painting at a gallery. "Gorgeous, so gorgeous that I would fuck him if I inclined that way. But it is not his looks that make him successful. It is a depth, a mystery, a hint. A good model is like a perfume, you can never accurately describe it. You experience it. You my dear boy have a fragility, a vulnerability, an honesty." Stu turned to Tom, "I just sent a message to Helga for 10:00 AM. Can you both be at my office then for evaluation." Tom nodded and smiled at Stu. "I hope 10 is not too early for you to stop fucking." Stu smiled at Chris as he drew closer and then whispered in Chris's ear loud enough for Tom to hear. "You are the first guy Tom's introduced me to. How is he in the sack?" Chris blushed, glanced at Tom. "Sir, exploits in the bedroom are private. And I do not know Tom as well as I will, but suffice it to say that my cravings are mostly met." Stu gave a hearty laugh that caused head to turn in the area immediately around the three. "He's a keeper Tom."

Tom pulled Chris away from Stu, hand on Chris's hip until the two looked conjoined. "I know."

"You boys have fun; I need to talk to Chad. My wife wants to redo the living room--again." Stu gave an exasperated sigh. As Stu turned to leave he yelled over his shoulder loud enough for everyone in proximity to hear. "Fuck yourselves senseless tonight and tomorrow. Fucking is one of the few important things in life." He laughed again and disappeared into the crowd.

"That was surreal," Chris put his arm around Tom's hips and pulled him even closer.

"Stu is a good guy," Tom smiled into Chris's eyes, "and the best boss around. He is tough, fair, and caring." Tom pulled Chris into a kiss. And the universe smiled. "Whoa." murmured Tom. "Double whoa," breathed Chris. "I think I need to sit down." Chris pointed to a teal leather sofa by large glass windows overlooking the city. "I'm not used to all this nightlife. I am usually in my box by dark." Chris gave Tom an ironic smile. "Literally a box." The comment although light hearted, pained Tom "Go," Tom released Chris from his grasp. "I need to work contacts. I see you there." Tom reluctantly let go of Chris's hand. "This will be your life, if you want it. And me, if you want it."

"You, I definitely want. The other, we'll see." Chris left for the sofa, turning back to look at Tom, who was watching Chris. Two nights ago, a box and now this. Chris stood looking out the window over the city Me a and Tom...God I'm falling for him so hard. Chris chuckled at the pun. What would have happened to Cinderella if the prince had never found her? Suddenly Chris was very afraid. Could he go back to a box? Could he survive? He needed to sit--now.

The sofa was half occupied by an older woman. She had dark hair, with a few strands of Grey, glasses on a cord, as you would see on a librarian. She was wearing a flowered peasant dress and an old fox stole. The beady eyes of the fox stared at Chris challenging him to sit. "Mam," Chris said, "may I join you on the sofa?"

She looked away from the wall of glass. "I never refuse a polite and very handsome young man." She patted the seat next to her. "I'm Isabella Guzman." She smiled. It was fresh bread and butter warm.

"Please to make your acquaintance Ms. Guzman," Chris smile back with the same warmth, "I am Chris."

"Just Chris?"

"Just Chris." His face tightened briefly at the thought of not wanting to use his family name, and his smile brightened. "Just Chris, Ms. Guzman," as he shook her hand and sat.

"Since we are sharing a seat," she smiled, "Call me Izzy. But please not Dizzy Izzy. It was a name my parents would often use." She paused at the memory. "Not without reason." She laughed softly, a breeze in aspen.

"I am sure you outgrew that sobriquet."

"No, I'm still a little scattered or oblivious at times. But I am older and richer, so people are more polite to my face." Izzy turned to look at the wall of glass. "You know I like sitting here."

"It is a comfortable. And the city at night looks like stars fallen from the sky"

"Yes, it is that. But I must confess," She leaned in closer to Chris. "The window is a mirror. If you adjust your focus you can watch the people.."

"Oh, yeah," Chris suddenly saw the room. Tom talking to a tall severe looking woman. Cedrick and Ariel were by the bar. An exchange of numbers or drugs by the guy in the bathroom.

"I can sit here," Izzy continued, "and gather stories." Izzy smiled again at Chris, "I write romance novels."

"Romance novels, I've never met a real author before."

"I have about 46, or is it 66 books floating out there. Mostly gay romance novels."

"Are you a lesbian?" Chris was confused

"Heavens no." She laughed. "No, man on man romance. Many writers of gay romance are women. I think women have a better feel for the hunt. Men are more for the bang."

"But the sex?"

"I've been told that it is accurate and very steamy. They sell well. My books have been translated into five languages."

"I've never met a dirty old lady before." A throat clearing came from Izzy. Chris suddenly realized he had called her old and flushed a bright red. "I'm, sorry I didn't mean that you were old." Izzy stared at him delighting in his discomfort. "I meant that I've never thought of women as being smutty like men."

"Honey, I am a dirty old woman." She smiled at the edge of a laugh. "At your age anyone over 30 is old." She patted his hand.

"How do you learn about what men do in the bedroom? Do you watch?"

"Watch, oh gross. I won't even watch me have sex. I go to parties like this, gay bars, and ask questions. You would be amazed what details people will share about their exploits in bed. Most men are proud of their exploits in bed and willing to share in excruciating details. I take the details and make it last longer than five minutes." She laughed

"I would never tell what I do in bed."

"Chris, dear, you are not most men. Do you have a date for reassignment surgery?" Izzy asked with almost no change in tone. Chris flinched, sudden worries crossed his mind, was his gender identity so poorly masked that everyone knew, was he the butt of some joke. "Oh, my dear boy, I only know because my son had one similar to yours." Izzy smiled as she casually flicked a finger at Chris's crotch. "My son is transgender, married with one adopted daughter, whom I love dearly." Izzy continued to smile and patted Chris's hand. "You are going to be OK."

Chris sighed, but his worry did not subside. "Do you think my masquerade fooled anyone?" Panic and humiliation hung in his voice.

"Most," She made a sweeping gesture at the window. "But dear, this is not a masquerade, this is who you are--embrace it."

Many of the feeling of despair, otherness, self-loathing that he had growing up and thought he abandoned when his parents disowned him came flooding back. "It is sometimes very hard to embrace the me I feel I am with the person I see. I often wonder why God made this mistake with me."

Izzy quickly took her hand away from Chris. "Look at me," she demanded. "Look me in the eyes because I am going to tell you that God did not make a mistake when he made you." Chris looked into Izzy's eyes and stern determination and concern. "God does not make mistakes. God gave you the soul of a boy so you could turn into a fine man. It was nature that screwed up and gave you the body of a girl. What you are doing now, changing the mistake nature made, is putting yourself back on God's original plan. Never apologize for being who you are. The world may be blind to what God intended." She swept a ringed hand across the window. "Many only see what nature gave you and not what God gave you. These are benighted people. I saw the struggle my son had, the attempted suicides, the drugs, the slutting, the self-destructive behavior. I was at wit's end trying to help him. It wasn't until he was in the hospital with his third suicide attempt that a nurse casually said I had a very nice son and he would be fine. Of course, I became defensive and stated that that person in the bed was my daughter and not my son. Of course, she apologized but then she said, `It is just that she seems more a man than a woman,'" Izzy stopped talking and stared out the window. Chris stayed silent. "But as I thought about the comment and my child's behavior growing up everything clicked. I had a son and not a daughter. And I was forcing my son to be a daughter. Everyone was forcing my son to be a daughter just because that is what his body said. But his body was not him. The body was not the child I loved." She wiped a tear away with a gloved finger. "So, my boy. So, Chris do not apologize for becoming who you were born to be."

"Thank you," Chris whispered.

"I am so sorry that your parents do not see the wonderful, kind, caring, intelligent man sitting beside me. And brave, you are very brave. You know who you are and who you want to be and against many shallow cruel minds. Sometimes these minds are parents who discard the children they love because they see only the past, the shell and not the soul."

"How did you know that my parents kicked be out?"

"You introduced yourself as Chris, without a last name."

"I thought it was very modern, like Cher or Madonna." Chris laughed.

"The young man that you came in with seems be smitten with you. Does he know?"

"Tom?" Chris smiled, "His cousin gave me the equipment." Chris glanced down at his crotch.

"I need to meet this man with very fine taste in a companion. He keeps glancing at you--concern, care, desire." Izzy casually said without turning her head away from the wall of glass.

"How do you know he is watching me?"

"The glass is also a mirror my dear boy. Remember. And you, lad, have been the topic of many conversations."

Chris shifted in his seat concerned. He turned surveying the room huddles of people doing what people at parties do. He spotted Tom and waved. "I would like to be a fly right now," Chris turned back to Izzy.

"Oh honey, this place is much better because we have the whole cast laid out upon on a screen. Now, sit back and let Dizzy Izzy interpret." Chris slid a little closer to Izzy, a confidential, conspiratorial tête-à-tête. Izzy barely raise her hand and point to the left side of the window. "Those two men the one in yellow, I think. The tinted glass distorts color."

"The one with the full beard?'

"No further left."

"The one dressed like an account garbage man?"

"Yes, him and the guy he is talking to?


"They want to pick you up for a three way. They are discussing the various things they would like to do with you. Definitely kinky."

"How do you know this?"

"I read lips. It is most handy to pick up conversations, dialog for my novels."

"I need to learn that skill." Chris decided he was having fun and liked Izzy. "So how kinky?"

"Various dildos, a grocery store of lickable food items, fleshlights. I think I can use this conversation in a novel I am working on."

"I admire your dedication to your work," Chris said tongue in cheek.

"It's a dirty job but someone has to keep romance in gay life." Chris laughed. "Now, the young man to the right-center talking to the blond." Chris saw whom Izzy was point at. It was Tom. "He is not listening to her prating on about her last trip to Thailand and her sexual exploits there." Izzy paused seeming to concentrate on the woman. "Holy Saints, I thought gay men held the records for inventive sex, but she is amazing. I wish I had brought a pen to take notes. If her conversation companion where paying half attention, he would drag her off to some back corner, which is what she wants." Izzy looked at Chris, but Chris was looking at Tom intently in the window. Izzy continued, "He would run like a true blooded man from a snake." Chris turned on the sofa and waved at Tom. Tom started to excuse himself from the lady. "Well done Chris. You made a triple play." Chris looked at Izzy puzzled. "You saved him from slow suffocation by constriction; he has stared at you since you sat down, so you invited him; and he is the most gorgeous man here." Izzy patted Chris's hand and smiled. "After you."

"You are most kind, but I will concede second most gorgeous after that man." Chris smiled as he saw Tom approach. "That gorgeous man is Tom. I am his date."

Izzy broke into the broadest of grins. "I am so obtuse sometimes. I should have realized it; his stares were of protection as well as lust. Because believe me dear, he is lusting." Chris just smiled as he imaged Tom walking naked toward him and shoving Izzy off the sofa and ravishing him on teal leather. "How long have you been dating." Izzy broke into the Chris's fantasy.

"A little over 24 hours." Chris paused; it seemed like so much longer from box to bed to here. Tom seemed so right, so perfect, so bloody fuckable. "I know....I know. It is happening so fast but it seems so, so right. God and I am so afraid."

Izzy smiled at Chris with deep compassion and understanding. She took both hands and pulled Chris into a deep hug that Chris melted into with a shudder as he approached tears. "You are at the start of a marvelous journey and of course you would be a fool not to be afraid. This Tom feels the same way. Trust him and trust yourself." Chris felt the waves of love and encouragement not since his mother once offered it after his father's first rejection.

"I hope I am not interrupting something too secret." Tom's tone was a mix of caution and pique. He was very uncertain about what had transpired between the two and how he fit in, which he was certain he fit in. He softened his tone. "My I join you?

Chris separated from Izzy and wiped a tear from his eye. Izzy more composed greeted Tom. "Of course, there is always a place for a handsome man at my side" She patted a place beside her so that she would be between Chris and Tom, But Tom was intent and forced her so slide over so he could sit next to Chris.

Chris had composed himself. "Tom, this is Isabella Guzman. And this is Tom Greenwood." Tom offered his hand. "I am his date, as you know," Chris added, so that Tom would know that the conversation was just friendly between Chris and Izzy.

"My friends call me Izzy. I would appreciate if you would too." Tom nodded, "Izzy, it is a pleasure." Izzy continued, "Are you related to Alexander Greenwood."

Tom laughed `Yes, that sodding gossip is my second or third cousin," Tom turned to Chris, "We are a large but close clan." Tom smiled at Chris, "He is a gossip blogger in Hollywood."

"The very best," added Izzy, "His reports are always accurate, first, and salacious, second. I follow him. He is a great source for plot twists."

Tom looked at Izzy a little confused, but Chris rescued him. "Izzy writes gay romance novels."

Tom's face went from bewilderment to childish excitement. "You're I Guzman, the I Guzman?" Izzy's flushed slightly with embarrassment. "You don't know how important your stories were to me growing up." Tom turned to Chris, "My parents gave me two of her books to for a twelve birthday." Chris tentatively added, "Where you that obvious at twelve?" while Izzy just carefully listened. "You don't understand. My parents knew I was gay before I knew. I mean I had attractions to men but I didn't know what that meant. At twelve, for my birthday, my parents gave me two books with bare chested men holding each other. The artwork was crap." Tom turned to Izzy, "Sorry about that."

"Don't be. I was just starting out and had little say. They were crap, but they sold."

"So, for my twelve birthday I got these two books with men on the cover. My first reaction was instant lust; my second, right on the heels, was embarrassment. What were my parents doing to me? I stumbled a thank you. My mother" Tom smiled lightly, "my mother, who has the most beautiful blue violet eye--you'll see when you meet her Chris--gave me a quick hug. Honey," she said, "you're gay.' I knew the word and the context. I heard it at school, but not always in a positive way. My father then hugged me. We've known for some time that you are gay. That is part of who you are, and we love all the parts of you.' I was very confused just then because I was not sure that being gay was a good thing. Look, son,' my father continued, you are gay, and that is good. For you to be other would make your life miserable. Some flowers blossom during the day others at night. And we love the flowers of the night because they are the most fragrant.' I remember smiling at my parents and running my fingers gently over the tawdry cover. I started to cry. It was like when a long-lost piece of a jigsaw puzzle is found and fits and you see the start of a complete image. My father handed me a handkerchief from his pocket--he always wears three-piece Italian suits. My mother continued, Your father and I wanted a gift to tell you it was good to be gay to be you.' And,' my father added, `these are well written, accurate, and sensitive. We did not want you to learn about loving a man from a prudish sex ed instructor only interested in the mechanics or from guys in the shower room.'" Tom turned to Izzy, who was dabbing away tears. "Izzy, you taught me how to love a man." Tom turned to Chris, "How to love Chris." Tom gently grab Izzy and Chris's hands. "Needless to say, those books were well read, repeatedly, and I have bought every book since."

Silence reign for a while. Izzy looking into the wall of glass; Chris looking at his hands; and Tom looking at Chris. Finally, Izzy broke the silence, "Tom, could you put that story, in one sentence, as a blurb for my new book."

"You're writing a new book. What's it about? Can I read the galleys? Will you autograph a copy for me?" Tom's attention and enthusiasm were fully on Izzy.

"From protestations of love to being overthrown by a putative book." Chris huffed in mock anger. "Are the pages of her books more satisfying than my ass?"

"You must understand how important her books were until I found my first ass." Chris frowned. "But none compared, believe me, until I fucked yours." Suddenly Tom realized that Izzy was sitting next to him. He blushed and turned to Izzy. "I am sorry about that. I was being crude and remembered that I was not in our bedroom"

Izzy laughed fully, "Honey, that is what I write about, the bedroom talk. Don't be surprised if some of this conversation ends up in a future book. Names changed to protect the guilty, of course."

"Really?" Tom enthused, "Us?" Izzy just smiled and thought, he is gorgeous, smart, and still a boy at heart.

"Izzy's son is transgender, female to male, like me." Chris said gathering Tom's attention. "She was very informative and encouraging. I am now certain that I am doing the right thing." Tom added without hesitation, "Of course you are, and I will be with you."

Izzy sighed, "I'll leave you two lovebirds." She stood, "You now have your own story to write. And I have juicy dialog to harvest." Chris and Tom stood and hugged her.

"It has been a great pleasure to meet you. I follow you on Facebook and Twitter, but I would love to take you to diner."

"And bar hop?" Izzy added. "Gentleman's bars and raunchy ones too. I love raunchy bars. The testosterone is so thick you can slice it and serve it as pie."

"Know several of both, membership only," Tom smiled to a smirk.

"God, I've taken up with a sleazy scum bucket." Chris playfully hit Tom's arm.

"This coming from a guy whose pimped himself out a few times." Tom countered.

"All for a good cause." Chris patted Tom's chest.

Izzy gave Chris an appraising glance, "Well boys, I'll leave you to the bickering over who is the biggest slut. I need to work. Chris," Izzy reached into the beaded bag on her gloved hand. "Here is my card with my private phone and email. Please, keep me informed. I would also like you to meet my son before you have surgery."

"I would really like that," Chris said. "I do not have a phone or email."

Tom took a card from his shirt pocket and handed it to Izzy, "Here is my information. I will make sure Chris stays in touch, as will I."

"Tom, Chris," Cedrick and Ariel had appeared unseen by Tom and Chris, "we will be leaving in about forty-five minutes, so start making your goodbye's now." Cedrick turned to Izzy. "He can make a two minute goodbye last fifteen."

"Oh, how rude of me." Tom said. "This is my cousin Cedrick Greenwood and his wife Ariel."

"Pleased to meet you," Izzy said and then arched an eyebrow, "Of the Greenwood hotels?"

"The very same."

"I always stay at your places. Love them."

"I appreciate your endorsement."

"Your places are so gay" Izzy did a thin smile that curved the edges of her lips, "in both sense of the word."

"Both intentional. It lends to an ambiance. Everyone knows a gay man can be most charming if charmed and aloof if snubbed. And some of my guests need to be snubbed." Izzy laughed at the remark.

Tom continued the introduction, "Cedrick, Ariel this is Isabella Guzman. She is a very prolific, popular and insightful author."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I am familiar with your works." Cedrick replied slightly embarrassed.

"You know I Guzman, the I Guzman." Tom prompted.

"My dear, do not feel bad. You are very straight." Izzy smiled, "And please call me Izzy."

"Oh," Ariel chimed in, "gay romance novels. Very, very steamy and informative. And very well written. Some of the love scenes read like poetry. I was thinking of give one of her books to Aaron. You remember Ced, we talked about it and the possibility that he might be gay" Cedrick nodded yes when it was obvious he did not remember. Ariel just rolled her eyes. "Husbands," she confided to Izzy. Izzy smiled back as a memory flitted through her mind. "It is a real pleasure to meet you, Izzy." They hugged. "Do you do tea?" Izzy nodded. "Would you join me for high tea on Tuesday?"

"Tuesday, 3:30," Izzy pulled an IPhone from her bra. "Yes, that is perfect. I will need a civilized break from book signings, publisher's meetings, and galley approvals. Thank you. It will be a pleasure."

"Tom, if you are in town, can you and Chris join us." Izzy whispered into Ariel's ear. "If they can get out of bed." Ariel laughed, "You are a wicked woman. I like you." Everyone else just looked at the two women confused, which Ariel thought was normal.

"I think we can make it, right Chris" Chris nodded, "That is if we can pull ourselves out of bed." Ariel and Izzy burst into hysterics, while Tom just smile with mischief in his eyes.

"I must make my rounds. Gather information. See what's happening in the bathrooms."

"Drugs" said Chris with disgust in his voice.

"And the bedrooms?"

"Sex" said Tom, which gained a look from Chris. "Like you, I need to use an unoccupied bathroom. The bed was like a CiCi's pizza. lots of slices for little money." Tom looked at Izzy, "If you have a strong stomach, I am sure no one would mind you watching."

"At my age," Izzy answered, "very little shocks me. And it is the pursuit of pleasure and not violence. It is my bread and butter and someone has to chronicle it, so I go an innocent,' Izzy fluttered her eyelashes, "into the deep depths of debauchery." With that, she exited giving her best southern belle wave.

"Interesting woman," said Cedrick. "I bet she was a wild cat in her younger days."

Ariel added, "I bet she is a wild cat now." Everyone laughed.

"Tom, like I said we leave in 45, so start working toward the elevator."

"Yes, colonel," Tom saluted Cedrick, grabbed Chris's hand and pulled Chris into the crowd. Then it was a whirlwind of names and faces, tall stately women, overweight men who made not very subtle offers to Chris, twinks, and bears and cowboys. Tom's past and those wanting to be his future. Slowly, far too slowly for Chris, they made it to the elevator where Chad was waiting.

"You pumpkin awaits," said Chad to Chris, "if you would kindly loose a slipper. I would appreciate it." Tom cleared his throat. "I know, I know, he is yours. Chris and I had a very nice conversation on the patio and knows my offer--I am hands off to you." Chad paused and winked at Chris, "Unless there is room for a third." Tom glared at Chad. Chad looked at Chris and they both laughed. "This I mean." Chad looked Tom firmly in the eyes. "you are very good for each other and I want both of you happy. However..." now Chad turns his gaze to Chris, "if Tom stops appreciating how wonderful you are, you always have a place to stay--no strings attached." Chad stepped into Chris, pulled Chris close, and kissed him deep, Chad's tongue startling in Chris's mouth. "That is for my pillow tonight," Chad said as he stepped away from Chris, who was beet red. Chad then stepped in front of Tom, who was seething, grabbed him and pulled him into a very deep kiss. Tom struggled at first and then relinquished control to Chad. "That," Chad said as he pulled away, "is for my memory box because, I fear, you are off the market."

"Now if you boys are finished exchanging spit," Cedrick said, asserting control and redirecting to them, "We need to leave because I need to be in the hotel at 6:30 in the morning," he emphasized, "to spot check the kitchen." With that, he ushered Tom, Chris, and Ariel into the elevator. "We had a marvelous time, as always. I may have some work for you Chad, so I'll call you over the next few days."

"That is always appreciated," Chad said as the elevator closed.

The ride down the elevator was quiet, just the sound of floors whispering by. And at the bottom, Cedrick car was waiting and George has both passenger doors open.

"Thank you George," Cedrick said as he shook Georges hand and slipped something into his hand. "I know I cannot tip you. Management frowns on that, but I can give a friend tickets to Saturday's basketball game--center court."

"Thank you, sir," George said, as he looked at the three tickets. "I will take my son and daughter. They are both avid fans."

Chris slid into the backseat. As Tom was about to follow, Ariel stopped him, "Front seat" and she pointed imperiously to the front door. "Chris and I have much to discuss." Ariel slid smoothly into the backseat while George closed the door. George gave Tom a wink and Tom reluctantly took the front seat.

"Oh, Tom, Tom, my boy. You are in trouble now." Cedrick said to Tom as they pulled out of the parking garage.

All the way back to the hotel Tom heard mumbling from the back seat and then peals of laughter. "I hope you are enjoying yourselves at my expense," Tom yelled to the back. "Oh yes, we are" Ariel yelled back, "very much at your expense." And then Ariel and Chris both laughed and went back to the mumbled conversation.

Next: Chapter 5

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