Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Mar 2, 2006


Codename: Phoenix CHAPTER THREE

Disclaimer: This story is rated R, for langue, Mutant violence and cross-dressing mutants with a obsession for young blonde boys. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or any other celebrities that I may use in the near future. And this story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the members of the group 'N Sync, Backstreet boys, and 98 degrees. All X-Men material and references is a copyright of Marvel Studios and Comics Inc. They do not belong to me and all of it is merely from my mind.

Rating: NC-17

After the whole run in with Magneto, Kevin was feeling really uneasy. What is it that Magneto wanted? He didn't know, but he sure as hell was going to find out. " Mr. Richardson, I believe that you should be going to the meet- and - greet." Kevin turned to see Ms. Bates, smiling at him. God, what is it with her and smiling? he wonder. " Thank you, and don't call me that." he pass by her, only to be grabbed by her. " I would really watch how I talk, Kevin. Things are gonna happen today and I wouldn't want you to be caught up in your own shit not to worry about your friends." she let go and walked away. Kevin would have went after her, but she was gone by the time he had turn around. " Hey cuz. What's wrong?" Brian could tell just by looking at him that something was up. Kevin didn't say anything, he just kept looking past him. "YO , Kevin can you hear me!" Brian yelled. Kevin snapped back to reality. He looked down at his cousin. " You don't have to scream, I'm right here." "Hey, I didn't scream, I just merely made my voice sound louder." said Brian with a goofy grin on his face. Kevin just shook his head, and playfully hit him over the head. " Don't be a knuckle head." "Who were you looking for while I was trying to get your attention?" asked Brian. " Ji-- um I was looking for Ms. Bates. I thought I saw her go that way." said Kevin. " Dude, I came that way. I didn't see any one." said Brian. Damn that Bitch. Kevin let out a sigh. It was going to be hard to keep an eye on her, with her disappearing act and all. "Guys it time for your meet and greet." said Johnny. Brian and Kevin follow. Kevin took one last look behind him. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watch. "This is gonna be a long damn day." he said under his breath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin sat back talking with some fans. They all seem to love the show. They all told him so. " Well, I'm glad you like it." he said to one young fan. Who was literally jumping out of her skin. He smile and told her to have a nice day. He look over to see Joey, Chris, AJ and Howie all looking at some kids drawing of them. The kid got an autograph and started jumping up and down. Once the kid was gone, AJ turned to Howie. "My heads really not that big is it?" "I wasn't gonna say anything, but..." Joey nudged Chris hard in the side. " SHIT. I mean `shoot' that hurt really badly, dude." Justin laughed, they were to much. " Hey J." Justin turned to the voice. "Oh, hey Nick, what's up?" Nick stepped closer. " I have to talk to you, but in private." Justin didn't understand why he wanted to talk to him in private, but he didn't argue. He followed Nick out the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JC watched the whole thing, he would had went after them, but he remember the talk he had with Justin before and he didn't want to go back on his word. " Where are those two going?" asked Lance. " Not sure, but I not gonna worry about it because I trust Justin." he said. He just wasn't so sure about Nick. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " What did you want to talk about?" asked Justin. " Weird things have been happening to me lately and I can't tell the guys what's happening with me because, I don't want them to freak out..." "Whoa, Nick slow down what's wrong?" Nick took a deep breath, he hoped that once he told Justin, he wouldn't run screaming out of the room. That's just wouldn't be good. Not at all. " I'm a mutant." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " We have them in our sights." said Broc. " Good, if what Magneto say about those two is correct, then the humans won't stand a hell of a chance against us." said Toad. He bounce all over, not able to hold back his excitement. " Stop with all that bouncing. This isn't the time to be going crazy. We have a job to do and I will not let any of you mess it up, you got that?" said Loki. " Oooh, someone feeling a little grouchy today." joked Broc. "Leave him alone, Broc." said Jade. "Let's just get this over with." " Yes let's, I can' t wait to get my hands on those sweet young boys." said Miss Joon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nick was a mutant. He wasn't shocked, he wasn't scared. He didn't really do anything, really, he just kind of stood there. And Nick really didn't like that. " Dude, will you at least say something? Anything?" " Okay, you're a mutant, big deal." Justin said finally. What? " Wait, that's it? No `Oh my god, you're a mutant, help!' That all you can say to me?" Justin would have just laugh, because the look on his face was too funny, but he decided against it. " If it makes you feel better, I'm a mutant too." Nick looked at him, shocked. " You are?" Justin nodded. Okay he couldn't hold it any longer. He started laughing. The look on his face was just hilarious. He was able to calm down. " I'm sorry, but the look on your face, it was funny." " What can you do?" asked Nick. At first Justin didn't know what Nick was talking about. ` what could he do' What was he talking about. Nick seeing that he didn't understand what he meant. "What are your powers." Ooh. " Oh, that's what you meant. Um well, let's see, I can control fire, the weather and I can fly." Nick stood there not blinking. Justin already knew all about his powers. But Nick was completely in the dark about his. He never really tried to see what he could do. The whole mutant thing just freaked him out a lot. " Wow, you really seem to know what your doing." Nick said in a small voice. "Not really. My powers started up when I turned thirteen, but I'm pretty sure that Lance may think I started getting my powers when I turned fifteen." Nick looked up, a little surprised. "Lance knows?" Justin nodded. "And JC." "How'd they find out?" asked Nick. "Well, I told JC, the same night we became a couple, and I believe that Lance Knows because, he's a mutant too. He just doesn't know it yet." "Holy shit." "Yeah I know. Crazy isn't it?" "Yeah it is." "You never answer my question." "Huh?" "What can you do?" "Well, I'm not really sure. Um the only clue of what I can do is that this morning I made a clock blow up." "Okay, for what I think, I think your able to blow things up with one single touch. Anything else?" Nick shook his head. Justin understood. He would soon learn his other power. When, he wasn't sure, but it would be soon, he hope. "Come on, the guys might be wondering where we went." said Justin. Nick follow close behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back inside, the guys were all chatting it up with a lot of people. Kevin would listen to the fans, but he wouldn't really listen. It was more like, he was there physically, but not there mentally. He didn't hear Brian calling him. "Kevin!" Kevin was startled a little. "What!" "I was calling you for the last five minutes. Where were you?" Kevin looked at him apologetically. " Sorry man, I have a lot on my mind today." "Really? Want to talk about it?" " Not really, but if I have any problem, you'll be on the top of my Who- to- talk- to- list." said Kevin. Brian patted him on the back and then returned to signing some pictures. Kevin let out a loud sigh. He had to relax, Magneto wouldn't really try anything with all these people here. That's just crazy, but then again this was Magneto and that man just could not be trusted. Nick and Justin both had just enter back in the room. Nick made his way over to Kevin, while Justin went towards JC. "Hey Sweetie." Justin said low enough for only JC to hear. "Hey your self. What's wrong with Nick? He's acting strange today." "He's just coming to turns with being a mutant." JC head snapped towards him, eyes wide like a cartoon character. "Him too?" Justin nodded. "Wow. God whose next?" "Whose next for what?" They turned to see Lance with a perplex look on his face. "Whose next for what guys?" "Nothing dude, just something I heard on the news." JC said. JC was able to think fast and Justin knew that he had to thank him later for that. Lance didn't say anything more, but couldn't help but wonder what they were really talking about. Lance would have to find out for himself that he was a mutant on his own. Justin knew that he could pick on peoples feelings, made even there thoughts, but he didn't know, he wasn't a psychic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Damn. Aren't we done yet?" wonder AJ. He cracked his hand, which was starting to cramp up. "AJ stop complaining. You've signed a lot of these before, so you should be use to it by now." AJ shook his head. "No man, I mean, my hand is really starting to bother me. Actually its been bugging me for awhile now." Howie stopped signing. "Your hands been hurting? For how long?" Howie took AJ' s hands into his and started to massage his aching hands. AJ looked around him, lucky for him no one was near them to see any of this. "Howie, what are you doing?" "Just rubbing your hand that's all. Why is it making it worse?" He asked. He nodded no. AJ looked in to Howie's eyes. Seeing concern and love in them. Howie continue to rubbed AJ hands slowly, with a little bit of pressure, not too much to course anymore pain. AJ looked from Howie's eyes to his lips. God, they looked so soft, maybe he could...No this was he's best friend he could never do something like that. But he really wanted too. His thoughts were interrupted when a sweet voice spoke. "Um, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" AJ wanted to say `hell yeah bitch, so if you could be so kind to leaving us the fuck alone', but that would have been rude, so. " Um, no not at all, Howie was just helping me get the feelings back in my hands. So what's your name?" The young handed him a picture of all the guys on it. "Its Jade." "Mm Jade? Nice name, very pretty." He written his name, totally ignoring the pain that shot to his fingers. He past it to Howie, who had been watching him, knowing that his hands were still hurting. He gave the paper back to Jade, who looked it over admirably. She let out a sigh. "Its such a shame." she said. "What' s such a shame?" asked Howie "That this is will be the last autograph you will ever sign." Before Howie could ask what she meant a loud scream filled the room. A man the size of the hulk came crashing through. Smashing and knocking things around. "Let the fun begin." said Jade. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What the hell?!?" shouted Chris. He jumped at the loud noise and cover his mouth so the dust won't choke him to death. "Chris!?" Joey! Chris ran dogging the fans that tried to rush for the exits. He was relieved once he found Joey. "This is on hell of a meet-n-greet, huh?" he said, Joey pulled him into a hug. "We have to find the others, now." Joey knew that meant having to spilt up and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Wait. He knew how he felt about that, he didn't like it at all. "Maybe it would be best if we were close together." said Joey. Chris was about to disagree, but when he saw the look on Joey's face he kept his mouth shut and just nodded. Joey was scared, he knew he had to make him feel safe. "Come on Joe, let's look for the others." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin literary was pissed off. He couldn't believe that he actually went ahead and did this. He needed to find the others and get the hell out of here before... "Going to soon?" He turned around to see Miss. Joon standing with an evil grin on his face. "It's been awhile hasn't it? My, my how you've grown over the years." Every step he/she took closer to Kevin, the more he would take a step back. "Oh, why are you moving away from me? I don't bite." "Yeah, I'm sure. What are you all doing here?" Miss. Joon smiled, he thought of his question, being cute. He knew what was going on, he was just trying to stale. "You know what's going on. Why your trying to play dumb is beyond me." Shit! Kevin had to think fast, Miss Joon saw though it. "Yeah, I had a feeling what was going to happen today, I just didn't think he would stoop this low." He had to think, he needed to do something... "Kevin!" No! Nick don't come this way. Too late. "Kevin? Are you alright?" Kevin turned to Nick. "Nick, go find the others. Now!" But Nick wasn't moving. "Kevin? Who is that?" Miss Joon stepped closer. Smiling at Nick, who was unaware of what he was. The innocents that he/she felt from Nick was intoxicating. He wonder if he was a screamer or if he whimpered. "Nick I said move it. Now go!" "Why? Who is that?" "Someone who you'll being seeing a lot of, since we will be working together." said Miss Joon. Nick was totally confused. Kevin, seeing that Nick wasn' t going to do what he said grabbed his arm and took off running. "Kevin! Kevin! Slow down!" Kevin stopped when a huge monster of a guy jumped in front of them. "If you give us the boys, we'll leave and no one else will get hurt." said Broc. Bull, every word of that was bull. He knew once they got Justin or Nick people would get hurt. That was something that he wasn't going to let happen. Focusing, a large piece of the wall that had been destroyed, came straight towards Miss Joon, standing him/her flying. Kevin grabbed Nick and nearly dragged him with him. "We have to get the others!" he said over the noise of screaming people, who were trying to get away. "Kevin! How did you do that?" "it's a long story Nick, but now is not the time to get into details, we got to move now!" Kevin still ran with Nick close behind him. Now he had to tell him, tell him everything. What he was and what was to happen to him. "Kevin! Nick! This way." Brian! Good he was okay. That was a relief for Kevin. He didn't know how he was going to act if anything was to happen to him. "Are you two alright?" asked Brian "Yeah, just a little shook up, what about you?" asked Kevin "I'm fine, how about you Nick?" Nick didn't say anything, he just stared at Kevin, trying to understand what he had just witness back there. He could ask, but could he risk it. "Kevin? What happen back there?" "I think you already know, Nicky." Yeah he knew, he just didn't believe it. "Guys!" They turned to see Joey, and Chris running towards them. "Hey, we' re the rest of you?" asked Brian. "Not sure, and I don't think they left. So I'm sure that there still here." said Chris. "Look, there Lance. LANCE, OVER HERE!!!" yelled Joey. Lance ran over to the guys. "Thank guy I found you guys. Some really big dude, made out of stone came busting through one of those walls over there" Broc. Kevin looked around. He couldn't believe he was here also, this was too much. "Have any of you seen the others?" he asked. "I saw Howie and AJ over by exit talking to some girl." said Brian "And I saw Justin and JC talking over there, but I don't know if there still here." said Lance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AJ stood in front of Howie. He was going to make sure that nothing happen to Howie. Even if it cost him his life. "Oh isn't that cute, trying to protect your little boyfriend? By standing in front of him isn't going to be enough." Jade's eyes grow bright green, she raised her hands, revealing two glowing hands. (I can't let this happen) thought AJ. He felt his hand being squeezed. Howie. He was scared, he didn't want him to feel that way. He had to do something. "Alex." "Say hey to Satan for me." said Jade. AJ shut his eyes closed waiting for the impact of the ray to hit him. AJ was still waiting for the impact, but nothing happen. "AJ! Howie!" He open his eyes. Finding him and Howie in front of Kevin, Lance, Nick, Joey, Chris, and Brian. "Guys?" "Thank god your alright." Brian said while pulling them both into a hug. AJ turned to Howie, who also shared the same look of confusion as he did. Weren't they just in front of some crazed chick with glowing eyes a few seconds ago? "We have to get JC and Justin and get the hell out of here." said Chris. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOOM!! "Justin get down!!" JC was able to get Justin out the way just in time. He looked him over. He had a cut over his eyebrow, but that was about most of his injures and that was a good thing. "Josh, we have to find the others." said Justin. "Yeah, I know." he helped Justin get up and started stepping away from the rubble. JC stopped when he felt a strong force. "You have something that I want." The next thing that JC knew a blast sent him ramming right in to a wall. "JOSH!!!!" Justin tried to run to him, but stopped when the man leaded right in front of him. "Now, now, young one don't worry about him, he'll wake soon, after your gone of course." The man reached for Justin but he was able to move out the way in time. "Who are you?" "My name is Magneto and I am here to show you your density." Justin started backing up, he gasped when he felt something cold and hard grab him. "Hey! Put me down!" Justin kicked and screamed, but nothing happen. "You could kick and scream all you want, but it ani't gonna do ya any good." said Broc. He followed Magneto. (no I can't let this happen, I have to get back to Josh). Justin felt a surge of power feel his body. A warm feeling fill him. His power! He could do this. He focus his power and then a huge flame surround them all. Broc dropped him, the flames taking him by surprise. Justin created a ball of flame and hit Magneto square in the back. "Take that shit for brains. Josh!" He ran over, helping JC stand. He lightly slapped JC in the face to get a reaction from him. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw JC frown. "Not so fast young man." Damn Magneto. Justin was ready for what ever Magneto had for him. Just then Magneto went sailing in the air hitting a brick wall with a *crack*. "What the..." "Are you alright?" He saw a woman, with long red hair and a blue yellow jump suite. "How are they, Jean?" asked a man wearing the same color suite, but he had on weird looking goggles. "One seems to be out cold, how about you?" she asked. "I'm okay, just a little shook up." said Justin. He notice how they looked around them, trying to figure out where the fire came from. "It was an accident, I didn' t mean to make it this big." Jean realizing what he was saying. "You did all this? Scott, I think I found who Professor was talking about." Justin looked From the woman called Jean to the man called Scott. "Who are you people?" "I'm Jean and this is Scott, where here to help you. Come on before he waits up." "Wait, there other people here." "How many others?" asked Scott. "Eight others." "Okay, let's go find them. Scott can you get the boy?" asked Jean "He doesn't look that heavy. Let me take him off your hands." Justin handed JC took him carefully, making sure that he doesn't drop him. They hurried away from Magneto. "So, your Scott and she's Jean. How'd you get here?" "We've been getting nothing but reports about mutants attacking all over the places and this was just crawling with them." "Justin!" Justin looked up to his friends all running towards him. "Oh thank god." Chris pulled Justin in to a huge hug. "Ok, ok, you can let me go now. I'm glad to see ya'll too." Chris pulled away and looked at the two people that stood behind Justin. "Um Just, who're your friends?" "Where to get you kids out of here." They made there way out side. It felt like it had been a hundred years since they had seen outside. They all followed Scott and jean close behind. "Beast get ready to leave, were close by." Beast, who the hell? Joey didn't say anything he just follow the lead of the weird people dressed funny. Lance was slowing down. "Brian get down!!" He pushed Brian out of the way. They both hit the ground. "EVERYONE DOWN NOW!!!!" yelled Scott. "YOU AREN"T GOING ANYWHERE WITH THOSE BOYS!!" yelled Magneto. Scott touched the side of his goggles and a huge red beam came shooting out. Magneto moved out the way. But Jean using her physic abilities moved a large truck making fly straight towards Magneto. "Everyone to the X-jet." said Scott. A huge Black jet appeared in thin air. "Holy hell." Joey said to himself. They all hurried on to jet. All taking a seat. "Thank goodness you all made it. I was beginning to worry that you weren't going to make it." Joey nearly jumped when he saw the large blue create seating at the controls. "Please, do not be alarmed, I am not here to harm any of you. Maybe if I was to introduce myself that would help. I' am Dr. Henry J. McCoy, I'm either called Hank, but a lot do referrer to call me Beast." The guys were taken aback by what they were seeing. They couldn't really form a sentence. Lance founding his voice asked. "Who are you people?" "This is Scott, or Cyclops, I'm Jean Grey and that Beast. We're the X-men." TO BE CONTINUE.... Yeah its long, but that's what I wanted to do make it long so you'll have more to read. Like I said before if there are any question or remakes please email me at _www.jrt131n@aol.com_ ( . I'll be sure to email you back. So until next time Hugs and Kisses !! P.S. I'm working on two more stories ones called: "Innocent B+ Lust" and the other is "Lovely Temptation" Lovely temptation will be up real soon!!

Next: Chapter 4

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