Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Jul 9, 2006


Codename: Phoenix

Chapter Eight

Author: Jackie Q

Disclaimer: This story is rated R, for langue, Mutant violence and cross-dressing mutants with a obsession for young blonde boys. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or any other celebrities that I may use in the near future. And this story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the members of the group 'N Sync, Backstreet boys, and 98 degrees. All X-Men material and references is a copyright of Marvel Studios and Comics Inc. They do not belong to me and all of it is merely from my mind.

Rating: NC-17

"Your not going anywhere." Lance struggle against Medusa's long snake like hair. It wrapped around his neck, choking him as it curled around his neck. Thinking fast, he grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled, hard. She screamed in pain. She quickly dropped him. "You little brat. How there you!" Lance took that as a chance to run. He stopped over by the pile that had buried Joey. "Oh god Joey, why?" "Come back here!" Lance panic and ran. He thought he was safe, but the string of hair had him trapped. He fought as much as he could, but the more he move the tighter the hair got around him. "The more you try to fight the tighter my hair will get. The tighter it becomes the closer to death you will be" Lance gasped as the hair got tighter and tighter. His struggling was becoming weaker and weaker. He could hear the woman's horrible laugh as she watched him become weak. *Joey, I need Joey.......* ________________________________________________________________ *Now where did he go?* wonder Chris, he was right behind Brian, but now he seemed to have lost him somewhere. He should have tried harder to keep him in that room, he was starting to freak out. It has to be because of all of the wild shit that was going on around them, he doesn't blame Brian for going nuts, he would too, but for some reason insanity hasn't come to him. He stopped when he heard a loud booming voice coming from one of the rooms. He saw that one of the doors were open, so he slowing creped to it, looking in side. He saw Brian standing in front of a young little girl, who was shaking in fear. It was understood, because Minotaur stood in front of them, casting a large shadow over the two smaller people. "Be a nice little boy and girl and come with me. If not, then I'll have to take you by force." boomed Minotaur. Brian shook is head. "We're not going anywhere with you. Besides I thought you wanted Nick and Justin, you don't need me or this child." "Oh but I do. We get the friends of the two that we really need, and they' ll come running to save you, the girl I could care less about, I could have myself a little snack." Chris grimced when he heard the loud monster crackle. He couldn't let this happen, he had to save Brian and the kid, but how? Damnit, he felt so weak, he was so use to being there for his friends, but this was different, he was faced with loosing a new friend to some maniac whose not even human. He punched the wall and could feel tears leave his eyes. He quickly wiped them away, but they still kept coming, it had been a long time since he had ever cried, the last time was when he had gotten signed with the guys and knew that there lives would be different. But now he was crying, not for happiest, but out of sheer loading for himself. ________________________________________________________________ "Gabriel? H-how? What are you---?" Kevin was in shocked, he hadn't seen him in over three years, he was sure that he was dead. Gabriel walked closer to him, he placed a hand on the side of Kevin face and slowly caressed it. Kevin leaned in to the touch. He remember this, Gabriel always did this, making him feel so loved. "You still look beautiful, but I shouldn't be surprise, you always did take care of yourself very well." He traced his lips, making Kevin shiver a little. Kevin stepped back, realizing that he couldn't let this happen. "What are you doing here?" Gabriel smirked at him. "You know why." he said as his graze turned to Nick. Kevin moved Nick so he was fully behind him. "I can't let you take him." "You well actually go against your own father? Kevin do you not understand what he is trying to do for our kind?" "Yeah, I know exactly what he plans to do with Justin and Nick, I won't let him do a damn thing." Gabriel was clearly taken aback by Kevin protection over the boys, especial the boy he stood in front of. A sneer formed on his face, he took a step back and drew his sword. "Gabriel? What are you doing?" "What's it look like, I' m doing what I got hired for. That boy is coming back with me, evening if I have to cut through you to get him." Gabriel leapt in the air, he swung his blade, creating a harsh wind roaring towards them. Kevin grabbed Nick and he jumped out the way. Kevin, seeing three body armor in the hall, each one was sent at Gabriel, but it one he just cut right like they were paper. "If you haven't guess, my sword is made out of the hardest metal known to man. It can cut through anything." He cut through another suite of armor, he gave Kevin a sweet smile, but soon pulled him away from Nick and planted a big wet one on him. It totally took Kevin by surprise. Seeing that he was started to giving in to the kiss, Gabriel saw his chance and took Kevin by the shirt and launch him, sending him flying in a wall with a hard loud crack. "Kevin!" Nick tried to run to him, but Gabriel stood in his way. "Not so fast, little boy, I came here to do a job, and I'm going to do it." He grabbed for Nick, but Nick faked left and ran out of reach. Gabriel took his blade and it formed into a boomerang, he threw it and he caught Nick in the leg, making him fall to the ground. "Now, are you going to be a good boy or am I going to have to play ruff?" He started to reach for Nick, but he back away. " Stay away from me. I said stay away. DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!" The ground underneath Gabriel began to move, shaking under him and then shooting upward. Gabriel was forced up by the ground, smacking his body to the ceiling. Nick scurried away, crawling over to Kevin, he let out a sigh of relief that he was still breathing, but he saw a gash on his head. Blood leaked out. Nick ripped apart of his shirt and placed it to Kevin's head. "Kevin, come on we got to find the others." He helped him get up and held him up by the shoulders and started off the down the hallway ________________________________________________________________________ "AJ! Hold on." Bobby had finally caught up to him. "I'm not going to let you go in there by yourself, its not safe." "Bobby's right, you can't, but with us you can." said Jubilee. AJ looked at them both, he could have been there already if it wasn't for them. There's no telling what's happening to Howie at that very moment. "Fine, but can we please go now, I need to get to Howie." They ran down the hall, only to bump into Justin and JC. "AJ! Thank Vandergrift your alright, where are the others?" asked JC. AJ didn't say anything, he just stared at JC, shock written all over his face. "We'll explain later." said Justin. "Who are they?" he said pointing to Bobby and Jubilee. "They go here. Bobby and Jubilee, meet JC and Justin. Now can we go please?" Once again, they took off running. AJ could only hope that they make it in time. "Whoa!" They came to a halt, the side off the school that AJ and Howie were staying in were cover completely in a reddish-brown color slime. It smelled horrible. Like something you find in the sewer. They had to cover there noses, all expected JC. He took a big deep breath and then exhaled. "The smell reminds me of my home planets common dish, Rashdoof." he exclaimed. "Not even gonna ask." said Jubilee. "AJ wait!" Bobby grabbed for his arm, but he pulled away. "I have to get Howie." "I understand that, but let me and Jubilee go in first. We'll make sure its safe." AJ would have argue but Bobby and Jubilee went ahead anyway. The smell was horrible, Jubilee felt a little bit dizzy. "What exactly are we looking for?" asked Jubilee. "I'm guessing something like that." In front of them stood a fifty foot blob like creature. It hissed and roared, thrashing about like some sort of animal locked in a cage. In the middle of it all was Howie, inside the ugly creature. "Howie!" AJ pushed through Jubilee and Bobby. Howie wasn't moving, AJ hoped that he wasn't.... No. He couldn't think like that. He had to do something. "AJ, don't even think about it." Bobby pulled him back. "Leave this to us." "Yes, we'll deal with it." said JC. He stood next to Bobby, showing no signs of fear. He started levitating off the ground. His eye began to glow a bright blue. JC, Bobby and Jubilee charged the roaring creature. "Shouldn't we do something?" asked AJ. Justin didn't say anything, but look on as his love, his boyfriend, fought off the beast. Bobby slid on a ice, sending icicles shooting at the creature, but it was no good, they just went through, some almost hitting Howie. Justin add to hold back AJ from running in. "AJ don't!" "But I have to do something!" JC sent blast after blast, each hitting it target, but not really doing much damage. Jubilee jumped sending plasma blast of firecracker like things at it, blinding the creature and sending it in a roaring rage. The large blob, turned one part of its body into a large arm like thing and use it to try to smash Bobby. He froze the giant arm and leaped out the way. Hitting the floor with a thump. JC came whooshing down and grabbed Bobby off the ground, they hovered over the large creature. "Do you think that you can get a better shot from up here?" JC held Bobby firmly in his grasp. "Yeah, this it good, get a little closer though." Bobby created a large mass of ice and sent it toward the large beast. " Jubilee! Blast it!" Jubilee twice as many sparks as she has before. The beast that was once covered all of ice, had half of its self broken all over the floor. "AJ grabbed Howie now!" AJ didn't need to be told twice. He ran for Howie and pulled him away. He check his pulse, he was thankful to feel a little bit of something. "We need to get him away from here now." JC and Bobby had since landed, Jubilee saw that the thing was starting to regenerate. "I think it would be good if we left, right now." They all ran for it, Bobby carrying Howie. ________________________________________________________________________ Chris threaded his fingers through his hair. He had to think of something, and quick before something was to happen to Brian and the kid. He could just run in and grabbed them and make a run for it, but that freaking suicide, he couldn't do something like that, or maybe he could. He had told his mother, no he had promised his mother, that he would never use his powers, but this time he would have to break that promise. He placed his back against the wall, waiting for the `rush' to run rapid through his veins. He felt his heart speed up, the adrenaline started pumping, `the rush' was moving fast in him, until he felt a flame erupt within him. He burst through the door, moving at a sickening speed. He grabbed Brian the kid and took off leaving Minotaur very bewildered. He dashed down the hall with Brian and the kid held close to him. He stopped when he saw Nick and Kevin. "Guys, wait up!" he ran catching them before they moved. "Holy! Where'd you come from. "Long story, look we need to find the others and get to safety." he then looked at Kevin. "Is he alright?" "He got a knock on the head, I think he may need stitches." "Yeah, I agree. Come on let's go." ________________________________________________________________________ Lance could feel himself loose consciousness. He could fight anymore. He let everyone down, most importantly, he let Joey down. "I'm sorry Joey." "Don't be sorry yet." Joey! He could hear Joey's voice and gasp of shock that had come from Medusa. The hair around let go and he fell to the floor. " Mother said that I shouldn't hit ladies, but your no lady." He pulled his fist back and planted one square in her face, she went flying back, like a rag doll. Joey ran to her, caught her and then started spinning around, he stopped and flung her out a window. "That's for throwing me into a wall." "Joey!" Lance ran to him and pulled him into a huge hug. He held him tight not wanting to let go. "I thought I lost you." Lance whisper in his ear. "It' ll take a lot more to kill me, you should know that by know. Come on, we better go find the others." Joey took hold of Lance's hand and ran down the hall, in search of the others. "Joey! Lance! Over here!" He saw a blur running towards them. The blur stopped in front of them, revealing that it was Chris, who was carrying Brian and a little girl and Nick and Kevin was with them also. "Wow. Chris, that was really fast. How in the world?" "Don't act like you can't figure it out without me having to say it." said Chris. Chris put Brian and the little girl down. "Are you alright?" Brian asked the little girl. She nodded shyly. "Brian how did you know that she was in trouble?" asked Chris. "I'm not sure, I just felt something in my soul, and then I heard her voice in my head, and I had to do something." "So what do we do now?" asked Nick "We go find them, then we're getting the hell out of here." said Kevin. _______________________________________________________________________ AJ and the others had since found a place so that they could put Howie down and rest up a bit. Bobby and Jubilee said that they were going to go up ahead and look for the Professor, they had to stay there and wait. They would be back. AJ sat down next to the bed that Howie laid in. He looked so peaceful, laying there. AJ touched his cheek, caressing it. He didn't realize it until just now, but he was really scared that he was going to loose Howie. But that was understandable, Howie was his best friend, he would act the same way if the others were in trouble, but he didn't, Kevin, Nick, and Brian were still a no show, but he wasn't as worried, why was that? Howie started waking up, he felt that he wasn't alone, he started to panic, but he felt a hand on his arm. He opened his eyes to see that it was only AJ. "Ale-AJ, you're here, I thought something had happen to you." He had tears forming in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." whisper AJ. They stared into each others eyes, not realizing that they were being watched. "Do you guys want some privities?" asked Justin. "Um, Howie just woke up." "Guys look who I found." JC came bouncing in, with the others. "Where the hell have you been?" asked AJ. "We had some distraction, but we dealt with them. No problem." said Chris. "We have to find a way out of here." said Kevin. "How do we do that?" asked Justin. "The Jet." Within seconds, they found themselves in front of the X- jet. Now who was going to drive it was beyond them. "I'll do it." said Kevin. He sat in front of the control, switching each on. "Do you know how to fly this thing?" asked Chris. "It pays to be related to a crazed mutant, he had me take lesson. I want all of you in a seat, we'll be back in Germany in no time flat." "We're not in Germany?" asked Brian "Nope, New York." They all took a seat, belting up and bracing themselves for a bumpy ride. Kevin started the Jet and took off, not waiting for the doors to open, he just smashed right through them. He hit the accretion button hitting it at full blast. They all got pulled back in there seats, the gravitation pull was strong enough to keep them from actually moving a muscles. It moved so fast, that no one would have notice that it had gone over them. "Just like Magneto had said." Kevin said to himself. He checked his watch, seeing that it was only going to take a hour to get back to Germany at the rate that they were going. When they got back he made a mental note to erase there memory the happenings of that day. And to have a one on one chat with his dear old father. TO BE CONTINUED...... Okay, that Chapter eight, I hope that's it good and I'm sorry that its so late, I made rewrites. So, if you have any questions pr comment please email me at _www.jrt131n@aol.com_ ( Until then Kisses, Kisses.

Next: Chapter 9

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