Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on May 29, 2006


Codename: Phoenix

Chapter Seven

Author: Jackie Q

Disclaimer: This story is rated R, for langue, Mutant violence and cross-dressing mutants with a obsession for young blonde boys. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or any other celebrities that I may use in the near future. And this story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the members of the group 'N Sync, Backstreet boys, and 98 degrees. All X-Men material and references is a copyright of Marvel Studios and Comics Inc. They do not belong to me and all of it is merely from my mind.

Rating: NC-17

Previously on Codename: Phoenix.... "Come on Justin, we need to get out of here." said JC. They had heard the exploration and they were lucky to have gotten out of there a live. "Shouldn't we look for the others?" asked Justin. JC was about to answer. "So, there you are, do you two realizes how long I have looking for you. Now JC, is it? Can you be a dear and hand over your little boy toy?" JC stepped in front of Justin. He wasn't going to let this crazy person anywhere near Justin. "Over my dead body, he isn't going anywhere." Loki looked at him blankly, then a smile started to spread on his face. Holding his hand out to reveal sharp claws growing. "Oh I think that could be arranged." ________________________________________________________________ Loki crept closer to the young lovers, he never took his eyes away from Justin. He then charged them. JC pushed Justin out of the way. Loki tackled him, he got off and ran towards Justin. "NO!!!!" JC jumped up, his eyes flashed with rage. "You keep away from my boy!" JC flew up, blue energy formed around his hands, blue beams shot out, each blasting near Loki. Loki jump back from each blast. "Well, well, well, looks like the pop star got some treats under his sleeves. Who knew you had it in you." Loki jumped up landing on JC' s back. He bucked up, trying to get the brute off him. He flow over and around. Thinking quickly, he started to fly through the walls, breaking each one, as he past. "JOSH!" Justin ran after them, hearing shouting, mostly coming from JC. Justin jumped out the way, when Loki came flying in his direction. JC walked out of the crushed wall, he dusted himself off. "I asked you to get off but you wouldn't listen." he turned to Justin, seeing the shock look on his face. "Are you okay, baby." He touched his face. Justin finally blinked. He looked JC over. He looked so different. His hair, it was much longer, it was up to his shoulders, his skin took on a orange color and his eyes were more purplish, with some blue in it. "What happen...? Your orange." said Justin. JC gasped, he looked at his hands and slightly blushed. "I was going to tell you sooner..." he stopped when he heard a loud blast come from the other side of the house. They both looked at each other. Thinking the worst, they both took off running, leaving Loki behind. ________________________________________________________________________ "What in the world is going on?" cried out Brian. "Brian!" he turned to see Chris, Joey and Lance running towards him. "Are you alright?" asked. "Yeah, where are the others?" he asked. Chris was about to answer when a huge bull-like creature came crashing through the wall. He looked at the young bunch that stood in front of him. "This is going to be fun." he said. He then got ready to charge. "Don't have too much fun, Minotaur, we came here for the boys, not to mess around." said a young girl, she walked over the rubbish and looked the guys over. She smile sweetly. She was going to have fun to night. "Don 't worry I know what to do, you just do your job." He then charged at the four young men. "RUN!!" screamed Joey. They all took off running, they could hear the heavy hooves of Minotaur from behind them. "We have to slip up, Joey, you and Lance go that way, Brian and I go that way. Now on the count of three...." "Before the three or after?" asked Joey. "I would think after the three would be good." said Brian. "Guys we have more to worry about then the number three, like the huge monster bull-like creature that is chasing us!" Brian grabbed Chris and ran down on hallway, while Joey and Lance went down the other. Minotaur stopped abruptly, he saw them go the different ways, but wasn't sure which way to go. He scratched his head, wondering what he was going to do. " What are you waiting for?" Minotaur turned around facing Jade. "You go that way, and I'll go get the blonde and his friend." ________________________________________________________________ Where the hell were they? Kevin flew through the house, check each room that he passed. "AAHAAAAHHAAAAHHAHHAHAH!!" That was Nick! He followed the screamed, he had to hurry. "Nick!" He saw a tall man carrying two swords inch closer toward Nick, who was back into a corner. He looked terrified. "You will come with me." said the man. "It is your destiny, you can not denied the path that you must go. Now will you go with me on your own or will I have to take you by force?" "How about neither?" said Kevin. Kevin rammed into the man, knocking him over. He grabbed Nick and pulled him back, protecting him the man with the swords. "Kevin, how the hell...?" "Now is not the time to be asking questions Nick." responded Kevin. The man got and faced the two young men. "Kevin, you should not be trying to get involved in this." "How do you know my name?" The man laughed. "Kevin, I am working for your father, so its not like I don't know who you are, plus." the man removed his dark mask. "How can I ever forget the one person that I call my one and only love." Kevin eyes widen in shock. "Gabriel?" ________________________________________________________________ AJ quietly walked the halls of the large school home. He could hear footsteps running rapidly past him. "What the hell is going on?" "AJ!" AJ saw Bobby and a girl running towards him. "AJ, you really shouldn't been out here." " Wow, you're a lot cuter in person." said Jubilee. Bobby rolled his eyes and gave AJ an apologetic look. "We need to get you to a safe place. Which room are you sharing with Howie?" "We're..." "AHAHAAAHHHHAAHAHAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" The scream made them jump. AJ realized where it had came from. "Howie." Before Bobby could say anything, AJ took off running back to his room. "Where is he going?" asked Jubilee. Bobby knew immediately where he was going. "Come on." He grabbed Jubilee and they follow after AJ. He just hope that they got there in time. ________________________________________________________________ "Man, this guy is really persistent isn't he." said Brian. He was huffing and puffing, he wasn't sure if he could continue anymore. He could feel his legs start to cramp and his heart was beating really fast. He started slowing down, he needed to catch his breath. "Brian are you okay?" asked Chris. He rushed over to Brian, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I need to catch my breath, I can't run that fast." he said. Which wasn't really true, he was actually a pretty fast runner, its just with all of what has been going on, it was starting to catch up with him. "Is it your heart?" Brian looked at him shocked. "You know about that?" Chris looked down at his feet. "Yeah, but only because I read somewhere, that's all." "Well, well, well look what I found. You guys made it to easy to find you." Chris grabbed Brian's hand and started running again, they couldn't be caught by that thing. Chris tried each door, but they were all locked. "Doesn't anyone leave doors unlock anymore?" he said to himself. He let out a sigh of relief when he found a room that was open. He pushed Brian in first and closed the door behind him. Brian leaned against the wall. Chris took this time to look at where they where. A bathroom? Just great. He sat down on the bathtub and put his face in his hands. What was he going to do now? He was stuck in a bathroom with a someone who could have a heart attack any minute now. "You doing okay Brian?" He just nodded. He was worried about the others, he had no idea what was going on, he doesn't know where Kevin, Nick, Howie or AJ. He was freaking out. "Brian, hey man, easy breaths, you have to relax." He didn't even know that he was breathing hard. Chris was at his side in a flash. He rubbed his back in slow circles. "Its going to be alright Brian, we safe in here." Chris pulled him in to a hug. Brian wrapped his arms around him. He started wiping. "What's wrong?" "I don't know, I was fine a minute ago, but then I felt a wave of fear wash over me." He sniffed. What is this feeling? *Help me* Brian pulled back from Chris. "Help you?" " Huh?" Chris looked at him like he had three heads. "Didn't you say `Help me' just now?" "Um no, I didn't say anything." But he could have sworn...*HELP ME!!*. Brian grabbed his head, he felt like someone had split his head open with a jackhammer. He fell to his knees, welling the pain to go away. *Help me, please!!* "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" "Brian?" Chris was starting to freak out. He didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. Should he call for help or just knock him out? *Please, help me, he is going to kill me* Brian stopped pulled at his hair. "Yes, I have to help you. Tell me where you are." Chris was now officially freaked out. Now Brian was talking to himself. *I'm hiding in the room on the right, the doors been knocked open, he's trying to find me, I'm hiding in the closet... I think he knows where I'm, Please hurry*. Brian then did something that took Chris off guard, he open the door and ran out the room. It took Chris a few minutes to realize what had just happen. He quickly went after him, hoping that he could reach him in time. ________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, Joey and Lance had found a safe place to hide, so they hoped would be safe. "Joey, what the hell are we going to do?" asked Lance. "I have no idea? Man, I wish the others were here, at least with them here, I wouldn't feel so alone." Lance frowned. Joey wasn't alone, he was there, okay its not like he could actually do anything. He couldn't protect Joey, he didn't really need it. Joey was much bigger then him and tougher then he lead on. Yeah Joey was a big teddy bear most of the time, but that didn't mean that he was a pushover, he could hold his own in a fight and usually doesn't have to worry about fights because most people were intimidated by him. As for Lance, himself, he was really short, but he wasn't really tall either, and he wasn't big, he was thin, and hardly got into fight, because he knew how to mind his own business. Joey, almost reading Lance's mind realizes what he had just said. "Oh Lance, look I didn't mean it that way...." "No, its alright." "No, Lance what I meant was that, I have gotten so use to being with you guys twenty-four seven, it feels like a part of me isn't completely whole." Joey looked at Lance, hoping that he understood what he meant. "Do you get what I mean?" "Yeah, I do, Its just that I got the feeling that you didn't want me hear." "Lance, never think that way, I'm glad..." Joey stopped talking, he heard foot steps coming from down the hall. "Someone's coming." he said in a whisper. Before Lance could respond, Joey grabbed him and pulled in him over to a large desk that they could hide behind. Joey put a finger to his mouth, Lance took that as a sign to stay quiet. They listen to the footsteps, hoping that they would pass over this room and go to another. No such luck, the door burst opening. The Lights came on, and footsteps could be heard walking in to the room. "Come on out, I know your in here, there's no used in hiding from me." said a female voice. "Why not just come out, your only prolonging, what we know will already happen." When she wasn't getting any responds back, things in the room started to move. Each thing moving to the other side of the room. "Holy fuck." said Joey. He then realize that the only thing that was left was the desk that they were hiding behind. "Wait!" He stood up fast, shocking Lance. "We giving up." " What!?" Lance looked up at him in shock. "We don't want to run anymore, right Lance?" He looked at Lance, seeing that he was still seating. He grabbed him and forced him to stand. "You are a lot smarter then you look. You are both making the right choice, now come on." She lead them out the door, making them go ahead of her so she could keep a eye on them. Lance was cursing on the inside, how could Joey just give them away like that? He could never understand Joey. He watched him from the corner of his eye, Joey looked somewhat nervous but he wasn't so sure. "Stop." They did as they were told. She pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Medusa here, come in Doc, I have to of the boys." "Are they the ones we want?" said Doc. "No, but they are the friends of the boys." "They will have to do for now, bring them to me and we'll use them as some kind trade." "Have you heard from Loki?" "No, I tried to, but I lost all contact with him." Medusa cursed under her breath. "Keep trying, I'm on..." Joey took the chance while her back was turned. He tackled her from behind, slamming her in to the wall. "Run Lance, now!!" Lance stood there shocked. Medusa jabbed Joey in the stomach and hit him in the chest. "You little shit! How dare you!" She grabbed Joey by the hair and send him fly across the floor. Lance rushed to his side. "Joey!" She pushed Lance out the way. Her hair grabbed on to Joey and picked him up. She banged him four times in to a wall and then threw him at a large mirror. The mirror shatter in to millions of pieces. She then throw him at a wall. His body made a loud 'thump' as he hit the floor. Her hair made a fist and punched the wall. Lance scream in horror as the wall fall on top of Joey, burying him alive. "No. No!! JOEY!!!!!!" He was running to the body, but was stopped by black strings. "Your not going anywhere." ________________________________________________________________ TO BE CONTINUE.... That's it for now, sorry it took so long. Look out for chapter eight. And I' m almost finish with chapter three of Lovely Temptation. And thanks to Nifty for the nomination. So until next time. See ya. (if you have any question or comments email me at _www.jrt131n@.com_ ( )

Next: Chapter 8

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