Colins Picture Service

By Mister Fish

Published on Nov 29, 2008


WARNING: This a work of fiction. This story depicts sexual situations between fictional minors. It may be illegal for you to read this.

DISCLAIMER: This is written in British English. I did not create, do not own, and assert no rights towards Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling/Bloomsbury/Scholastic/Warner Bros). No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement or defamation is intended.


(Part Two)

It was still early when Harry woke again, urged up by a demanding bladder. He stumbled half-blind to the toilet and took care of business, returning blearily to bed after.

Pulling his glasses on to check the clock, Harry was surprised to find a small package had been left on his side- table -- no, not a package, but a box that artfully unfolded between his fingers. Inside was a small pot of oil, a wooden object, and a note. Confused, Harry took the wooden thing out to examine it. It was incredibly smooth, as if waxed, and vaguely conical shaped, although just above the flared base it narrowed abruptly before widening again. It was warm in his hand and vibrating very gently, and Harry suddenly had a very bad idea about what it might be for. He dropped it quickly and snatched up the note. It was wrapped around three more photos of him and Cedric, Harry on his back, Cedric working fingers into him.

'Dear Harry,' Colin had written.

'As you know, proper planning prevents poor performance. Please prepare yourself for my prick with this plug. Use the lubricant I provided. You may feel a slightly tingling. The plug is also charmed to clean you out. After everyone has left for Hogsmeade, come to the end of the fourth floor corridor, where the school's photography club has set up a dark room. I know you're looking forward to this as much as I am.

'Love, Colin.'

"No way," said Harry out loud, and then quickly closed his mouth when he heard Ron stir at the noise. No way was he -- 'prepare yourself for my prick'?! No fucking way, Colin.

There was a faint whine. It repeated, louder. Harry frowned, and then his face twisted in horror when he realised the noise was coming from the plug, which was beginning to glow and shake. Ron stirred again, and Harry cast a silencing charm at the plug, but it had no effect - except now a new line of writing was appearing on Colin's letter.

'It will just get louder until you do it, Harry,' Colin wrote. 'Today will go much easier on you if you just do as you're told, I promise.'

"...fine," Harry hissed at the plug, snatching it up. "Just shut up."

It did, though it thrummed warningly whenever his grip relaxed. Getting back onto the bed, he made sure the curtains were secured, before pulling his pyjama bottoms off. Pulling his knees up, he uncapped the pot of oil and, taking a dollop, reached between his legs. With a deep breath, he brought them to his rosebud, first rubbing circles around the entrance before pushing his finger in, rubbing it all around. The oil warmed up inside him and he caught his breath, but the complaining warble of the plug kept him moving. A second lot of lube joined the first, a second finger too.

Keeping his fingers sliding in and out of his arse, Harry awkwardly oiled up the plug with his free hand. When it was as slick as it was going to get, he replaced his fingers with it, the end of the plug pressing against his hole.

"Just like Cedric," he told himself, and pushed.

It hadn't seemed so big outside his body. Even with the finger stretching, he could feel his sphincter complain. He pushed down, feeling first a dull pain, then a sharp rush of heat. His hole stretched wider and the plug slipped deeper, rubbing the inside of his rectum. Harry's cock twitched and began to thicken. He pushed harder, and finally the plug slipped all the way in, the relief of his ring closing around the thinner shaft offset by the pressure inside. As Harry shifted it around a little to get it comfortable placed, the flared base pushed flush with his skin, his cock hardened all the way.

Harry took petty satisfaction in wiping his fingers clean of oil on Colin's note, and dropped oil, photos and note back into the box, which folded close of its own accord. Grabbing his underwear, Harry started to dress, moving gingerly. It made no difference. Whether by biology or by magic, the plug kept shifting inside him, not much, just enough to be a constant reminder, just enough to keep his cock hard and leaking. By the time he was finished dressing - a t-shirt, his Weasley jumper and a pair of Dudley's old jeans which were baggy in useful ways - the rest of the boys had stirred, and Harry leant against the side of his bed for a long moment before straightening (ha!) up and attempting to look normal.

It clearly didn't work, but since everyone already thought he was sick, it didn't really matter all that much. Ron kept fussing but Harry couldn't decide if the other boy was actually being annoying, or it just felt that way because Harry couldn't concentrate, or stomach his breakfast, or sit still because of that damn plug, shifting and vibrating inside him. Harry really didn't want to know how Colin knew his stuff.

Seamus made some unthinking remark, same as ever, and Harry snapped at him, which he never did, and when everyone turned to look at Harry in surprise, he mumbled something about a headache and clambered off the bench, hurrying away as fast as he could. Back in his dorm room, he hid behind his bed curtains, hearing the others return, clatter around, and finally leave again. Ron was last to go, and he stopped just outside Harry's curtains.

"You alright, mate?" He asked, his voice oddly thick.

"Yeah," Harry said, wanting to go to him, knowing he could never explain this. "Just sick. I'll feel better tomorrow."

"I hope so," Ron said, which was kinda unusual, but he was gone before Harry could work out why.

An hour later, everyone had left for Hogsmeade except the younger years, and they barely noticed Harry as he crossed the common room and climbed out of the portrait hole. Slowly he walked down towards the dark room, the twisted feeling in his stomach warring with the urges of his prick and the waves of tingling heat from the plug. This was all kinds of messed up, but what could he do? For Ron, he told himself. You're doing this to keep Ron.

Holding the redhead in mind, he crossed the final corridor and lifted his hand. The door gave away at his knock, and he half-stumbled, half-fell into the room. It was bigger than he'd expected, though cut into sections by thick curtains, and Harry caught sight of a desk against the wall before the door slammed behind him and a young, clear voice called out "expelliarmus."

Harry swore, making a grab for his wand, but even seeker's reflexes were no good when wrong-footed against magic. He watched Colin, still wearing his school robes, casually pluck the wand out of the air. Harry complained, "You didn't have to do that."

"Better safe than sorry," Colin said, and smiled. "Hello, Harry!"

"Whatever," Harry said. "Let's just get on with this."

"Don't be like that, Harry," Colin pouted, locking the door behind him, and then pulling another of those curtains across it. "Do you like our room? That's the development area back there, behind those curtains. They keep the light out, so people can work here. Or play."

Harry just glared.

Colin sighed. "I am sorry I have to do this, Harry. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy yourself." He flicked his wand a little, and the vibrations in the plug suddenly doubled, making Harry twitch and gasp. "You just to have to open yourself to possibility."

Walking past Harry, he put Harry's wand in a small cabinet and locked it, and then turned to wave his own wand at the desk. It shuddered and dropped to knee height, becoming wider. A mattress ballooned out of nowhere. Colin sat and bounced on it for a moment, then nodded. "Just right. Oh!"

He flicked his wand at Harry again, turning the vibrations off.

"B-bastard," Harry gasped out.

Colin patted the space next to him. "Come and sit, Harry." When Harry hesitated, Colin raised his wand again, so Harry did as ordered. "There. That wasn't too bad, was it? I'm sorry there are no sheets."

"You--?" Harry blinked at him. "Er. It's okay?"

"I want it to be good. May I kiss you, Harry?" Harry stared. "You have to say yes," Colin patiently explained.

Harry swallowed. "Yes."

They were sat, side by side, at the edge of the newly transfigured bed, turned towards each other. Colin's head was level with his shoulder; he reached up a hand and ran it back through Harry's hair. It felt ... nice.

"Colin," Harry started, licking his lips. Colin's eyes darkened.

His hand cupped against Harry's neck, Colin tugged the older boy down. Their lips met, Colin's moving against Harry's in slow circles, coaxing Harry's open. The grip on Harry's neck grew more forceful as Colin moved up into him, his tongue swiping against Harry's lower lip, before pushing in, sliding against Harry's own. Colin's free hand came down to run his knuckles against Harry's jeans, over his cock, and Harry whimpered a little against Colin's mouth. Colin's tongue coaxed his forward into Colin's mouth. Harry tasted -- something, he wasn't sure what, a little spicy, a little peppery - clenched his hands against the mattress. When they finally broke apart, he found himself panting for breath.

"Nice," Colin breathed, pressing a light kiss against Harry's scar. "I really do like you, Harry. I know I can be a nuisance, but you've always been nice to me."

"Please," Harry started, having no idea what he was going to finish it with. It didn't matter anyway. Colin pressed a finger to his lips to quieten him.

"I'd like to see you now," he said, getting to his feet and nudging Harry's legs apart so he could stand between them. When Harry hesitated, Colin pouted a little. "Don't be like that, Harry."

"I am like that," Harry groused, but when Colin tugged at the hem of his jumper, he lifted his arms obediently, letting it be pulled off.

"Keep your arms up," Colin said, and pulled Harry's T-shirt after, thoughtfully straightening Harry's glasses as Harry slowly lowered his arms. Colin smiled appreciatively. "Wow."

Harry, who had seen both Cedric and Oliver Wood naked, didn't think he quite deserved a wow, and something of that must have shown in his eyes, because Colin reached out to stroke his cheek.

"You're very handsome, Harry," he said, sincerely. "I mean that. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Yeah," said Harry. "'Lucky.'"

Colin pulled a face. "I do hope you won't hold a little blackmail against me, Harry."

"Why would I do th--" Harry gasped as Colin tweaked his nipple. "God!"

"I was going to let you keep your jeans on for a little longer," Colin said, fingers drawing slow circles on Harry's chest, "but I don't think I will now. Stand up," he ordered, a commanding note in his voice now. "Stop resisting me, Harry, because hard or easy, we're doing this, and you knew we were from the moment you shoved that plug up into your delectable arse."

Harry couldn't argue. He had known. And no matter what he did, those photos would still be there. There's no getting around this, he told himself, standing. It was meant to be encouragement but it felt more like justification. Surely he couldn't want this on some level? Surely not? He unlaced his shoes and kicked them off, and then unzipped his jeans.

"Slowly," Colin said, watching intently from the bed.

Slowly. Right. Slipping his thumbs under the waist of his jeans, Harry slid them down. Across his thighs. Over his knees. Down to his ankles. He stepped out of them, straightening up, knowing his still hard cock was obscenely tenting out his briefs. Watching Colin swallow and lick his lips was oddly rewarding.

"Come here," Colin said, and Harry did, resigned.

He shivered a little as Colin's small fingers trailed up his thighs. The fingers slipped up his side, crossing his briefs and then swept across his stomach to come to rest against his treasure trail. Harry let out a surprised laugh when Colin suddenly leaned forward and licked at Harry's navel. The younger boy grinned up at him at the sound, and then did it again, before kissing a line down, pressing his lips to head of Harry's cock through his briefs. Harry couldn't help the moan that escaped him, and Colin grinned up at him again, scampish. Harry almost smiled back.

"I'm going to enjoy sucking you," Colin told him, and then yanked Harry's briefs down while Harry was still gaping.

Harry's cock went with them for a moment, caught painfully, before snapping back up to smack against his belly and bounce, leaving a thin line of precome stretching between cock-head and skin. Colin's fingers trailed through Harry's pubic hair before lifting to break the strand. He rubbed his fingertip across Harry's slit before lifting his hand to his mouth and sucking his finger clean.

"Mmm!" Colin licked his lips and then, steadying hands on Harry's hips, leant forward and slowly licked the head of Harry's cock.

Harry bit his lip to stop from moaning, but only Colin's hands on him prevented him thrusting forward into the boy's mouth, and nothing could stop the whine that escaped him when Colin pulled back.

"Not yet," Colin said. He pulled Harry's briefs the rest of the way down, and Harry stepped out of them on cue. Colin patted the bed again, and Harry came to sit down, but Colin placed a hand on his chest and pushed lightly until Harry got the idea and lay down on his back.

It felt weird, not just because of the plug still inside him, but being naked while Colin was still dressed. "Aren't you going to--?"

"Eager to see me?" Colin asked, grinning, stretching out at Harry's side, casually dropping a leg over Harry's.

"I just want to get this done," Harry said, even though, actually, yeah, he was kinda curious, had been since the 'prepare yourself for my prick' line in the note.

"Patience," Colin said. "No one's looking for you. Victor's distracting the media nicely, and your friends won't be back from Hogsmeade for hours. We have plenty of time."

His fingers were still playing with Harry's pubic hair, occasionally grazing Harry's cock, but never touching enough to help with the ache. It couldn't be good, surely, being this hard, this often, for this long? Colin was saying something, and Harry forced himself to listen.

"--thought we could take a look through them, first." Colin leaned over Harry to retrieve his wand, and used it to summon a shoebox over. It came from behind the curtain and, just before they fell shut again, Harry half-thought he saw someone in there, sat in the shadow. He was going to ask, but Colin distracted him entirely by opening box. It was chock full of photos and, even at a glance, he could tell they were all of him.

"Fuck," Harry swore. "How many did you take?"

"I like to be thorough," Colin said, tipping them out and then snuggling against Harry's side. His rough robes rubbed against Harry's skin. "Put your arm around me."

Harry, bemused, did. Colin made a satisfied sound.

"This is nice," he said, reaching to pick up a photo, holding it so Harry could see. "Look at this one -- see how intent Cedric is? What's he doing?"

Harry stared at Colin like he'd gone insane. "What?"

"You've got to tell me what he's doing," Colin repeated patiently. "I want to hear you say it."

"You--?" Harry swallowed, tried again. "He's sucking me." Colin nudged him. "My balls. He's sucking my balls."

"How did it feel?" Colin asked. "Was it good?"


Colin kissed Harry's neck. "What about this one?"

"I'm - I'm biting him." Colin made a disapproving noise. "I'm biting his nipple," Harry expanded, cheeks flushing.

"So cute," Colin said, and sucked at the pulse point at Harry's throat. "Next."

"I'm l-licking Cedric's cock," Harry forced. He'd never said this stuff out loud before. He and Cedric, sure, they'd made suggestions, but they'd never actually -- not with whole sentences. Saying it like this, out loud, was - it was embarrassing. And weirdly hot.

If he'd been asked before today, not that any would have, but if he had been, Harry would have said he was comfortable with his sexuality, but it turned out that wasn't quite the same as being comfortable with sex.

"And here?" Colin prompted.

"I'm sucking the head of his cock," Harry said.

"How does it taste?" Colin asked, fingers lightly brushing Harry's cock, sending shudders running up him.

"Um. Good?" Harry tried. Colin made encouraging sounds. "Sort of... fleshy, and a little salty and a little-- I don't know. Cedric tasting."

"Tell me how it feels against your tongue," Colin said, closing his slim, careful fingers around Harry's cock, squeezing a little, but not stroking yet.

"Sort of rubbery, but hard too," Harry said, remembering. "It's heavy on my tongue. Warm, too. I like it," he added, before Colin could ask.

"Say it," Colin urged him. "Say you like sucking Cedric's cock."

"I like sucking Cedric's cock," Harry said, and smiled. It felt good admitting that to someone else; not just aesthetic attraction, but the sheer raw physicality of it - like before he had only been theoretical but now it was actual, it was real. Colin smiled back, and then leaned down to tongue Harry's nipple. That felt good too, but the smile had reminded Harry of who he was talking to and why.

"I'm not gay, you know," Harry said, not really knowing why. Colin just nodded anyway. It was kind of patronising. "I like girls," Harry insisted. "I like Cho, a lot."

"She's very pretty," Colin agreed. "I have some photos of her too. I'll show you if you're very good."

Harry grinned at that. "Yeah?"

Colin nodded. "But you like guys too, Harry. It's okay, you know. There's nothing wrong with that."

"I know there isn't," Harry readily agreed. He could be bisexual and proud without being out, damn it. "Sure, I like guys too. I was just saying. I like both."

"Do you like me?" Colin asked, and Harry was surprised to catch an unguarded look on the younger boy's face, almost vulnerable. "I mean, not like Cedric, or even right now, but. You know. In general. Just to like me, like a friend."

Harry started to just say yes, but he made himself actually think about it for a moment. "Yeah," he said eventually. "I like you okay. I mean," he admitted, "I don't really think about you much, because we're not in the same year--"

Colin chuckled a little. "It's okay, Harry. As long as you like me just a little. Come on, we're reaching the good photos now." He stroked Harry's cock, just once, and Harry's hips bucked despite himself, making Colin giggle. The boy was pressed so close to him that Harry more felt it than heard it. He reached for the next photo.

"Cedric's kissing my bum," he said, without prompting.

"Next," said Colin, sliding his hand off Harry's cock to play with Harry's balls. Harry shifted a little, spreading his legs, as he picked up the next photo.

"Cedric's, um. He's licking my, you know. Arsehole," Harry said, feeling himself blush again.

"Outside or inside?" Colin asked, fingers dropping to press against the plug still in Harry's arse.

"Both," Harry said, except it came out more a breathy moan.

"And in this one?" Colin asked, holding up the next photo.

"Fingers," Harry managed, as the plug moved inside him at Colin's touch. "He's got two fingers, inside me. Rubbing me." He could see Colin looking up at him. "It feels good."

He already knew what the next photo would be. They both did. They looked at it together.

"He's." Harry licked his lips. "He's fucking me."

"Who is?" Colin prompted, pulling the plug out a little and pushing it back in.

"Cedric. Cedric is fucking me." Harry moaned.

"How?" Colin asked, still slowly moving the plug in and out, just enough to start stretching Harry's hole.

Harry stared at him. "What?"

"How?" Colin repeated. "I want you to say it."

"He's-- His cock is in my arse," Harry said.

"Louder," Colin insisted, pulling the plug further out, pressing it harder in, twisting it as he did so. "Come on, Harry. The door is charmed. No one outside this room will hear."

"Cedric Diggory's cock is in my arse," Harry yelled. "His big fat cock is thrusting right up inside me! Is that what you want?"

"How does it feel?" Colin asked. "Tell me."

"Good - amazing! Hard and full and-- fuck!" He moaned again as Colin pulled the plug all the way out and then shoved it all the way back in again. "I love Cedric's cock in my arse! Oh, god!"

His head fell back on the bed and he panted for breath as Colin's free hand came back to his cock. His arse was still being stretched, fucked with the plug.

"Good boy," Colin said softly, warmly, approvingly. "For that you get a reward."

Wet heat surrounded Harry's cock, and he couldn't help looking down to see Colin's cherry lips wrapped around his aching cock. Colin's tongue worked the head, while one hand worked Harry's shaft and balls and the other kept the plug moving. Colin was making hungry, happy noises, his head moving, leaving bright trails of saliva on Harry's cock. Harry's hand moved of its own accord to twist his fingers in the boy's thick, mousey hair, and push him down harder. Colin obliged, sucking Harry in deep, head bobbing, hand still working the plug, twisting and angling and thrusting it. Harry felt tension curl in his belly, felt heat ripple through him from his arse, felt Colin's teeth lightly graze his shaft and let loose a loud cry, bucking. His hand fell away, and he felt Colin back up so Harry's cock head was at his lips, hand milking the shaft as shot after shot of Harry's come filled the boy's mouth.

One last hard squeeze milked him dry, and Harry fell back, his softened cock coming out of Colin's mouth with a wet pop. He sighed, feeling boneless and oddly empty - the plug had been taken out, Harry realised, actually missing it for a moment.

A young, high-pitched voice interrupted his reverie. "That was awesome!"

That wasn't Colin. Harry pushed himself up onto his elbows, and swore when he saw a younger, shorter Colin watching them eagerly. It was Dennis Creevey in a bright clash of Gryffindor jumper and blue denim jeans. Harry started to speak as Dennis came towards them, but it became another expletive when he saw Colin close the gap, tip his brother's head back and kiss him. No - not just kiss. Colin still had Harry's come in his mouth, and he was sharing it with his brother, their tongues entwining, passing it back and forth. That was his come, his fourteen year old balls come in the mouth of a thirteen year old and his ten year old brother. It was disgusting. It was hot. It was both.

"Just in time," Colin said when they broke apart. "Now we can really get started." And he grinned the brightest grin Harry had ever seen.

Next: Chapter 3

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