Colins Picture Service

By Mister Fish

Published on Dec 6, 2008


WARNING: This a work of fiction. This story depicts sexual situations between fictional minors. It may be illegal for you to read this.

DISCLAIMER: This is written in British English. I did not create, do not own, and assert no rights towards Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling/Bloomsbury/Scholastic/Warner Bros). No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement or defamation is intended.


(Part Three)

"Colin!" Harry tried to grab for his discarded jumper to cover himself, but somehow his clothes weren't there any more.

"It's okay," Colin said. "Dennis likes it. Don't you, Dennis?"

Dennis smacked his lips and grinned. "Tasty!"

"You- you can't--" Harry stared. "He's your brother!"

"Er, yeah?" Colin stared right back at Harry. "I share everything with him. That's what brothers do. I know you don't have one of your own," he added, "but you must have seen the Weasleys?"

"What? No, what?" Harry gaped. "The Weasleys don't -- they would never --"

"I like the twins!" Dennis said. "They really like being photographed!"

Harry couldn't take this in. He heard someone gasp, from a distance. Everything seemed to be at a distance.

"This- This is. This is wrong," he said. "I. I've got to go. Give me my clothes."

"Not yet!" Dennis whined. He turned on his brother. "You promised, Colin!"

"I did," Colin agreed. He smiled. "Sorry, Harry. You don't want me to break my promises, do you?" Off Harry's look, Colin nodded at the shoebox. "The photos."

Harry looked wildly from the Creevey brothers to the box and the scattered photos, to the curtains and the door, and then back all around again, before finally collapsing back onto the bed and covering his head with his arms. "Oh, god."

He felt a small hand touch his arm and opened his eyes again to find Dennis looking down at him. His hair was a little lighter than Colin's, his brown eyes a little darker, but otherwise he looked very much like his brother, save for the sad look.

"You don't have to," Dennis said, sadly. "Not if you really don't want to."

There were tears forming in the boy's eyes. Harry knew -- knew! -- he was being manipulated, but he couldn't help looking across at Colin.

"What?" He asked. "What do you want?"

"What's going to happen," Colin said, simply and with absolute certainty, "is that you are going suck my cock while Dennis fucks you, and then I'm going to fuck you while you fuck Dennis."

Harry gaped.

"Pleeeease?" whined Dennis. "It'll feel real good, honest it will!"

"But you're," Harry started, and then turned back to Colin to finish. "He's only ten!"

"You're only fourteen," Colin said, "and you let eighteen year old Cedric fuck you. You loved Cedric fucking you. Didn't you just say so?"

"Well, yes," Harry had to admit, "but this is different."

"How?" asked Colin.

"I've done it before!" Dennis insisted, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "Loads of times!"

"I always share," Colin put in, grinning.

"And we won't tell anyone," Dennis added, "we promise! Don't we, Colin?" He looked to his brother for approval.

Colin nodded. "Of course. As long as Harry keeps his promise, we'll keep ours."

"Cubs' honour!" Dennis said, giving the salute. "I mean, wizards' honour!"

Harry looked between them, not knowing what to say. The threat was clear in Colin's words -- Harry would be outed to Ron if he didn't -- but still. Dennis was so young. The top of his head, even with that mess of hair, only reached Colin's shoulder, barely the middle of Harry's chest. He was still trying to decide what to say when Dennis, apparently bored of the wait, turned to Colin.

"Can we get naked now?"

Colin chuckled, looking at Harry. "Well, Harry? Can we?"

There was a long pause and then, defeated, Harry nodded. What else could he do?

"Awesome!" Dennis breathed. He bounded forward to throw himself at Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and smacking a wet kiss on his mouth. Harry automatically wrapped his arms around the small boy, but he was too surprised to kiss back. Dennis didn't seem to take offence, just turned to say "you first!" to Colin, and then back to exclaim, "He's got hair now!" to Harry. "You gotta see it!"

"Would you like him to undress me?" Colin asked.

"Please! Would you, Harry?" Dennis asked. Harry just nodded again and Dennis beamed. "You're the best." He gave Harry another wet smack kiss.

"Kiss him properly, Dennis," Colin admonished.

Dennis nodded seriously, shifting in Harry's lap so he could put a hand on either side of Harry's head, studying him for a moment before tilting his head and leaning in. A warm tongue slid across Harry's top lip, then his bottom. As Harry opened his mouth, Dennis unexpectedly nipped at his lower lip. Harry gasped and Dennis took advantage, slipping his tongue into Harry's mouth. Lips pressed to Harry's, Dennis deepened the kiss, his small tongue roaming over Harry's, then pulling back, licking again, then pulling back, until Harry got the message and let his tongue follow into Dennis's mouth. Where Colin had tasted almost peppery, Dennis tasted salty-sweet, like chocolate-coated come. Dennis sucked at Harry's tongue, pressed tight against Harry, so that Harry could feel a not insubstantial hardness against his chest.

When Dennis finally broke the kiss, beaming, Harry looked down in surprise. Colin interrupted him before Harry could clearly inspect the young boy's bulge.

"Me first," he said.

Dennis scrambled off Harry, who sat up, legs on either side of Colin. Dennis promptly snuggled in behind Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck again. "Go on!" he ordered, giggling. "Clothes off! Clothes off!"

Harry couldn't help smiling at the enthusiasm even at the same time the childish glee made him feel weird, a little twisted and guilty mixed up with curiosity and arousal. Despite having just come, his own cock had perked up at Colin's frank accounting and Dennis's artful kissing so that, half-hard, it nudged the top of his thigh. Colin smiled down at it, and then reached out to take Harry's hand, pulling it to the neck of his robes.

It was simple enough to undo the clasp, and Harry pushed the robes back from Colin's shoulders, letting them fall to puddle around Colin's feet. Colin only had dark socks on, not shoes; Harry couldn't remember if he'd had shoes before. Seeker observational skills only worked on glittery things, perhaps. Though it was a Saturday, Colin was still wearing a school tie underneath, so Harry pulled that loose first -- Dennis took it from his hands and draped it over a bed-knob -- before tugging Colin's white shirt out of his black trousers and starting to unbutton it.

Dennis started humming against Harry's ear, making Harry smile when he recognised the tune as 'the Stripper'.

"Brat," said Colin, smiling fondly at his brother.

While Harry finished off the last of the buttons, letting the shirt fall open to reveal a swathe of Colin's chest, Colin undid his cuffs. When he lowered his arms again, Harry pushed the shirt off Colin's shoulders, so it too fell away. For a moment, that almost vulnerable look was back in Colin's eyes, as Harry looked him over. The boy was slim, but not un-athletic; his skin was pale, though a healthy flush rose in it as Harry touched Colin's chest at Dennis's eager prompting.

"He likes it when you play with his nipples," Dennis confided, leaning harder against Harry's back, pushing Harry forward.

Colin moved forward too and Harry, lost in the moment, closed the gap to graze the small pink nubs with his teeth. They grew hard against his tongue, and Colin hummed a little before gently pushing Harry's head back.

"Trousers," he said, voice a little thick, eyes darkened.

Harry obediently undid the buttons -- the clothes were wizard made, without zips -- and tugged them down Colin's thighs, helping the boy step out of them one leg at a time. Colin was wearing red briefs, pushed out by his erect cock. Harry squeezed it through the fabric; a little slimmer than his own and maybe half-, three-quarters-an-inch shorter, but a good size for the boy. Colin gasped a little, his eyes half-closing.

"See," said Dennis, in Harry's ear. "He's got hair, look."

Colin did, a thin run of sandy-blond pubic hair disappearing in a line towards his covered cock.

"I wish our hair was darker," Dennis said. "Then our pubes would be black like yours." He reached around to rub his fingers through Harry's own treasure trail. "It looks so cool."

"Uh. Thanks?" Harry managed.

"Don't stop!" Colin pulled Harry's hand back to his cock and Harry gave him another squeeze.

"Take his pants off," Dennis ordered.

Harry looked up, and Colin swallowed and nodded agreement. Hooking his fingers under the waist of the red briefs, Harry lifted them away from Colin's cock and pulled. His fingers brushed over the globes of Colin's arse as he worked the briefs down, and his own cock twitched up further in response. Dennis slid from behind him to his side to get a better view. Harry had estimated the size correctly but, to his surprise, Colin was circumcised, a purple-tinged mushroom head neatly nestled at the top of Colin's slightly curving four inches.

"You're--" Harry said.

"Yeah," said Colin self-consciously. "Mum let the doctors do it when I was born, before Dad even knew. Dennis isn't cut, though. He's -- well, you'll see."

"Yep!" Dennis laughed, his hand squeezing his own crotch.

"You look good," Harry said, honestly.

"Say he has a nice cock," Dennis immediately prompted.

Harry smiled. "You have a very nice cock, Colin."

Colin's cheeks flushed, but he grinned. "Don't forget who's in charge here."

"Yeah," said Dennis, reaching out to curl his fingers in his brother's pubic hair. "Me!"

He pulled at the hair, making Colin yelp and bat at his hand, and then fell back on the bed giggling. Colin promptly tackled Dennis, knocking into Harry too. The two Creevey brothers, one naked, one not, wrestled across the bed. Dennis let out a loud squeal, and Harry quickly moved to break them up -- without his clothes, it wasn't like he was going anywhere until Colin let him -- but quickly realised that Dennis wasn't in pain so much as being mercilessly tickled.

Yelps, giggles and yells of "get off Colin!" (with corresponding replies of "I'm going to!") devolved into happy noises and then the wet sounds of Colin, on top of Dennis, kissing him into submission. Harry watched in amazement as the brothers made out, hands roaming over each other's bodies, as if they had forgotten he was there for the moment. It was oddly beautiful. The light, wherever it came from -- spells, presumably, as there were no torches or candles in the room -- suffused them, made them as cherubic as they were pornographic. Little devil-angels, locked in a loving, lovers' embrace.

When they finally broke apart, Harry was as hard as Colin. Dennis lay on his back, breathing deeply, eyes glazed, lips parted, swollen and wet. Colin leaned over him, smiling triumphantly, before pressing a soft kiss to the tip of Dennis's nose, making the younger boy giggle softly.

"Now I'm the only one not naked," said Dennis, grinning, and Harry startled; he'd almost forgotten his own state of undress.

"That's not right, is it, Harry?" Colin asked. "I think you'll have to do something about that." Dennis sat up, starting to eagerly pull up his jumper, but Colin batted his hands away. "Let Harry do it. Look, he wants to."

"You're hard again!" Dennis giggled. "You have a nice cock too, Harry. It's gonna feel great!"

It was hard -- pun intended -- for Harry to remember he was being coerced into this, when Dennis was so cute and enthusiastic. He didn't even need prompting to crawl forward across the bed and take Dennis's jumper in his hands and pull it up. Colin joined in from the other side, pulling Dennis's T-shirt up too. Static from the wool made Dennis's hair stick up in odd tufts, which made Harry think of all the times his Aunt had tried to make his unruly black mop behave. He had been so young then, and Dennis was so young now, and he really should stop, except Dennis was already helpfully -- or, anyway, impatiently -- wiggling out of his jeans.

Unlike the other boys, Dennis was wearing boxers. They were baggy and worn and, as Dennis rolled over so Harry could pull them down over the boys arse, he realised it was because Dennis was wearing his brother's cast offs. C. Creevey was written inside the waist in felt tip pen. Then Dennis rolled back again, and Harry realised there was another reason. Dennis proudly lifted his hips, thrusting his own hard-standing four inches at Harry. Long foreskin covering the head even when it was erect, a light tracery of veins beneath the almost translucent skin, Dennis's cock and balls wouldn't have looked out of place on Harry; on a boy of Dennis's short stature, it looked positively humongous.

"Fuck," breathed Harry.

"I said he was precocious," Colin said, smirking and pulling off his socks.

"I'm going to get hair soon, too," Dennis said. "See, Harry?" He grabbed Harry's hand, pulling it to his crotch. "Feel!"

How could Harry not? His fingers brushed the skin below Dennis's cute navel and trailed across the curve of Dennis's belly. The boy was heavier than Colin, with still a touch of boy-fat; just enough chubby to be nice. Harry's fingers dipped lower, encountering a soft peach-fuzz around the base of Dennis's cock. He would have pubic hair within months, Harry thought with a slight flash of jealousy because his hadn't started growing in until he was twelve. Almost of their own accord, his fingers moved on, wrapping around Dennis's cock. The boy sighed happily and Colin breathed something Harry didn't quite hear, though the tone was definitely encouraging.

Dennis's cock was warm in his hand, twitching, soft and hard all at once. Harry slid his hand up, then slowly pumped it down, stretching Dennis's foreskin about his cockhead. The boy made enthusiastic noises, so Harry went the whole way, skinning Dennis back until the purple-pink cockhead slipped out into view. Possessed of some uncontrollable impulse, Harry leaned down to lick it. The faintly soapy taste quickly disappeared, leaving only Dennis, who moaned softly as his hips jerked up again, sliding his cock against Harry's tongue.

Hands caught Harry's shoulders, pulling him back, and he made a noise of protest, but Colin was adamant. "It's my turn to get sucked. Don't worry, you'll get all of Dennis soon enough."

"Mmmm," Dennis said, lifting his head lazily, eyes a little glassy. "He's good, Colin."

"I know." Colin aimed a kick at the shoebox. "I've seen."

That brought Harry back to himself. He knew Colin was trying to reassert dominance, that he shouldn't give in to it, but just as he couldn't help licking Dennis -- fuck, he'd sucked a ten-year-old's cock, he was such a pervert -- he couldn't help this, either.

"Come on, then," he sighed.

"You can do better than that," Colin said, moving further up the bed so he could lean against the wall, legs spread in a v pointing at the cock he was slowly stroking. "Ask me nicely, Harry."

Harry started to speak, but was surprised to be interrupted by Dennis quietly saying, "Don't be mean, Colin."

An expression Harry couldn't identify slipped across Colin's face, before the boy ducked his head and sighed. "Sorry, Dennis. Harry." He held a hand out. "Come here. Please?"

Shuffling forward on his knees, Harry automatically moved towards Colin's crotch, but Colin's hands caught him, tugged him up and forward, and he ended up sprawled out on the smaller boy, their heads together and Colin's cock rubbing against his belly.

"Does it hurt?" Colin asked, his fingers tracing Harry's scar.

Harry shook his head, vaguely aware of Dennis moving in behind him. Colin pressed a kiss against the scar and then, when Harry closed his eyes, against Harry's eyelids, the tip of his nose, the corner of his mouth.

"Please," Colin whispered.

The whole thing was too complicated for thinking. Harry reached up a hand to run his fingers through Colin's hair, trailing them through the thick mess of soft mousey strands before cupping his hand against the back of Colin's head and pulling him into a slow, deep kiss. Colin's arms went around him, hands roaming Harry's back, to be joined be Dennis's. Crouched between Harry's legs, Dennis traced Harry's spin down, first with his fingers and then with soft kisses that made Harry shiver and moan against Colin's lips. The noises escaping him got louder as Dennis's small hands squeezed his arse, as Dennis's fingers slipped down his cleft to stroke slow circles about his entrance.

Colin broke the kiss to rest his forehead against Harry's, breathing hard. "You'll like this." His hands stroked Harry's shoulders, while Dennis's hands spread his arse cheeks. "Just relax."

Expecting fingers, Harry tried; he squeezed involuntarily when, instead, something warm and wet licked a swathe across his hole. "Fuh--!"

He turned to look back over his shoulder. Dennis waggled his stuck-out tongue before sticking his face back in Harry's arse, licking him again.

"Cedric never did that, huh?" Colin asked against Harry's ear.

"Nuh-no," Harry managed.

"Good?" asked Dennis. He pressed his tongue against Harry's hole, licking slow circles around the rim, grinning a little when Harry moaned and shuddered and grinning a lot when Harry made a noise of protest as Dennis lifted his head again. "All clean?"

"Of course," Colin said. "I charmed the plug; like a magical enema without the mess."

"The mess is half the fun of an enema," Dennis retorted.

"What's an enema?" Harry asked, and the Creeveys both laughed.

"Something for another day," Colin said. "You know protection charms, at least?"

"Sure?" said Harry confused. "We did them in Charms - sex ed. But guys can't get pregnant."

"Harry!" Colin admonished, wriggling out from under him to retrieve his wand. "You should always use protection. It prevents the spread of disease and it renders body fluids inert, so you can't get anyone pregnant."

"And they can't use your jizz for dark potions," Dennis put in.

Colin pulled a face. "Can't you just say 'come', Dennis?"

"Jizz is fun to say," Dennis said, laughing.

"Kids," said Colin, giving Harry a conspiratorial eye-roll, only barely hiding a smile. He performed the charms, stroking his wand tip against Harry's cock and touching it to Harry's lips. A light tingle rushed through him, leaving an oddly minty after taste that quickly faded when Colin kissed him again. "There. Now you're all ready."

"Come on!" Dennis said impatiently.

Colin discarded his wand once more, returning to his position against the wall. Legs spread, he took the base of his cock between his thumb and first two fingers and waggled it at Harry. Licking his lips, Harry crawled forward, his hands going to Colin's thighs, thumbs stroking slow circles as he leaned down and took Colin's cock in his mouth. Colin's free hand dropped to play with Harry's hair as Harry gently sucked, the other still stroking his cock until Harry replaced it with his own. Dennis pressed his mouth to Harry's rear, sucking at his pucker, and Harry moaned around Colin's cock.

Dennis made happy noises, tongue swiping in every direction between slow circles and hard pushes, wriggling inside Harry. Pleasant tickles raced up Harry, drooling on Colin's stiff prick, bobbing his head in accord to the insistent hands curled in his hair. Deeper he went, swallowing, the tip of Colin's cock grazing his throat, his lips grazing Colin's balls, Colin's hair tickling his nose. A small finger, then two, starting a delicious burn, joined Dennis's thrusting tongue in Harry's arse. He hummed around Colin's cock, gently squeezing Colin's balls; a distant moan reached him, but his mouth was too occupied to grin.

A third finger pushed into him, all three twisting and rubbing before pulling out again. There was a small pop, a jar opening, and when they returned, it wasn't on the warm slide of spit, but the cool slick of oil. Harry pushed back as the lube warmed up inside him and his free hand dropped from Colin to wrap around his needy cock. The head was already slick with precome, but before he could get more than a couple of strokes in, Colin pulled his arm away.

Mouth full, Harry made a disapproving noise. Colin lightly smacked his shoulder.

"Hands off," he commanded. "We'll take care of that."

"Ready, Harry?" Dennis asked, and Harry felt Dennis's slippery cock slide down his crack.

"Go on, Dennis." Colin tugged Harry's head up a little by his hair, so that Harry's lips wrapped around his cock just under the flared head, tongue working the slit. "Slip it to him."

Dennis's cock slid up and down his crack a few times before the boy pulled back to reposition himself. Harry felt the blunt head centre on his hole, felt it start to press against his slick ring and started to push down. Without even thinking, his hand went back to his own cock.

"Harry!" Dennis and Colin simultaneously complained, and Harry moaned in disappointment as that sweet pressure disappeared, as Colin pulled his cock from Harry's mouth.

Panting, Harry looked up at Colin -- gaze trailing up Colin's cock, shiny with his own spittle, up the flushed chest to meet Colin's dark eyes. "Sorry?" he managed.

"I know us Gryffindors aren't known for their self-control," Colin said, "but you have to do better than that, Harry."

"We could tie his hands," Dennis said idly.

"What--?" Harry started to protest, but it faded when Dennis pushed a hand under him to grab his cock. The boy's delicate, artful fingers stroked him and then slipped up, one working under his foreskin to tease his cockhead.

"It's to help you!" Dennis explained.

"You don't want to ruin anything, do you, Harry?" Colin asked reasonably. When Harry looked back at him, it was to find Colin running his tie through his fingers. "Put your arms behind you, there's a good boy."

"It'll be better this way, honest," Dennis said, one hand still working Harry's cock, the other tugging at his wrist.

Harry closed his eyes tight, then opened them again, took a deep breath, let it out, and did as asked. Colin crawled behind him, pressing a kiss to Harry's neck as he wrapped the tie around Harry's wrists and knotted it. The soft material didn't chafe his skin, but Harry found he couldn't move, and he said so.

"Cub scout," Colin informed him.

"We had to give it up when we came to Hogwarts," Dennis complained. "Wizards don't have cubs, unless they're werewolves."

"Or animagi," Colin agreed, pushing Harry onto his back, bound arms trapped under him.

It was uncomfortable, but not painfully so, and anyway, Harry was distracted searching Colin's face, trying to see if the boy knew anything about Sirius, Harry's sometimes-a- dog godfather. Colin just looked inquisitively back and, when Harry said nothing, pulled him around so that he was lying with his head just off the bed. When Colin stood on the floor, Harry's mouth was exactly level with Colin's cock.

"Put something under him," Colin advised Dennis.

Harry lifted his head to watch Dennis pick up Colin's wand and use it to transfigure his discarded jumper into a pillow. Pulling his legs back, Harry lifted his lips to let Dennis slide it under him, and settled down on it. Colin moved forward to support his shoulders so Harry could watch as Dennis got back between his legs. Part of him couldn't believe this was real, couldn't believe that he could possibly be about to give his arse to a boy four years his junior in body and almost equal in cock. Harry wondered if Dennis's cock would keep pace with his body, imagined Dennis at his own height with a, what, eight, nine inch monster. He swallowed, eyes closing and then snapping open again as the boy pushed his legs back.

Dennis dipped his fingers in the pot of oil and, pulling his foreskin back, worked the lubricant over his head and shaft, before shuffling forward on his knees. With one hand, he pulled Harry's cheeks apart, while the other one positioned his cockhead once more against Harry's entrance. It slipped a little, then found the mark and began to press in.

A cute frown on his face, Dennis stared intently down as he inched forwards, pushing until Harry's ring gave way and the head popped in, the ring closing behind it. Someone gasped, and Harry couldn't be sure if it had been Colin, Dennis or himself, or all of them, caught up in the moment. Harry's eyes started to close again, but Colin reached forward to pinch his nipple.

"Keep watching," Colin ordered.

Harry did, seeing Dennis's skin flush, feeling each inch as it pushed deeper into him, rubbing his ring, filling and stretching his tunnel, seeing those same feelings reflected in the boy's face as he gasped and bit his lip and pushed until suddenly Harry could feel Dennis's balls pressed against his skin.

They were completely joined.

Next: Chapter 4

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