Colins Picture Service

By Mister Fish

Published on Dec 13, 2008


WARNING: This a work of fiction. This story depicts sexual situations between fictional minors. It may be illegal for you to read this.

DISCLAIMER: This is written in British English. I did not create, do not own, and assert no rights towards Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling/Bloomsbury/Scholastic/Warner Bros). No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement or defamation is intended.


(Part Four)

"How does it feel?" Colin asked.

"Hot," Dennis breathed, and Harry said, "Big," and "Good" and "Filling me" and Dennis said "oh" and "moving around me," their words running into and over each other.

Colin chuckled lightly. "Good boys."

Harry shifted a little and Dennis's hands closed on his raised legs, holding Harry, almost pulling him, though they were already as close as possible. That cock, so big on the boy, felt even bigger inside; when Harry squeezed around it, Dennis gasped, clutching at him harder, hips twitching. Harry wanted to touch him, to touch himself, straining at the tie that bound him tight.

"Den," said Colin softly. "Hey, Dennis."

The younger Creevey finally looked up, wet lips parted as he breathed heavily, blinking glassy eyes at his brother. "Uh- huh?"

"You're supposed to move, dumbo," Colin said affectionately. "Go on. Give him what he needs." He stroked Harry's cheek. "Tell him, Harry."

"Y-yeah," Harry said, managing to nod, his hair brushing Colin's belly. "Do it."

"Say the word," Colin coached.

Dennis licked his lips, did it again. Harry swallowed.

"Move," he said; the word came out somewhere between an order and a plea. Colin nudged him and Harry, realising what Colin wanted, what he himself wanted because that ten- year-old cock had started an itch in his insides that could only be scratched by one thing, added, "Fuck me, Dennis."

"R-right," Dennis said.

Balanced on his spread knees, hands clenched around Harry's legs, Dennis carefully pulled back until only the head of his cock was still in Harry. Just as carefully, he pushed back in, making Harry moan with the slow tease of it. When Dennis pulled back again, Harry lifted his lips a little more, and the boy leaned forward, both pushing Harry's legs back more and using them for support as he sank back in, his weight behind it this time, moving faster, somehow deeper, better angled.

"Tha--" Harry started, and then the end of the stroke pushed across his sweet spot and his words caught in his throat.

There were sparks under his skin, rushing through him. Dennis did it again, and again, each time pulling almost all the way out and then plunging deep, getting faster as he grew more confident in his strokes. Harry felt sweat bead on his skin, heard grunts each time Dennis hit home and realised they were his own.

"Wow," Colin breathed. "Way to go, Dennis."

"Fuh," Dennis managed in response, hips working. "Nng!"

Harry lifted his head again to watch Dennis's face, undone by pleasure, the boy's cheeks flushed, his eyes half-closed, his mouth half-open; the peculiar beauty of sex. Colin's fingers brushed the side of his face and Dennis slipped out of focus as Harry's glasses lifted away.

"Hey!" he complained.

Colin folded them neatly, putting them to one side. "As fun as this is to watch," he said, letting Harry gently down so that the older boy's head was once more hanging back off the edge of the bed, "I've got something for you."

Exact details were vague but Harry, looking down -- or up, directions got confused when you were upside down -- could see well enough to make out Colin grasping the base of his cock and waggling it suggestively. Each new thrust from Dennis made Harry's head move, Colin's cock swinging in and out of focus. As the boy moved closer, Harry closed his eyes. Colin smelt clean. There was a faint, lingering chemical scent, developing solution, but Harry couldn't tell if that was Colin or the room; mostly he could smell sex and the soap the boys all used, like Colin had cleaned himself in preparation. Remembering the note as the boy leaned over him, Harry decided Colin probably had. Proper preparation for prick performance.

The head of Colin's cock pressed against his lips. The head of Dennis's cock rubbed across his prostate again.

Harry's lips parted and Colin's cock pressed in, sliding against his tongue. He closed his lips around it and sucked gently as Colin first pulled back, then pressed in again, getting a little deeper with each stroke. Colin's hands stroked across his shoulders, down over his chest, fingers tweaking at his nipples. Harry could hear Dennis panting in time to his thrusts, hear his own heart beating fast in his ears. Colin made a little, almost whimpering noise, thrusting deeper, pulling back a little when Harry gagged, only to do it again, and again, until Harry timed it right to swallow around him, letting the boy into his throat.

It took a minute, but soon Colin and Dennis were moving in sync, the older brother thrusting in to Harry's throat as the younger pulled out of Harry's arse and then both reversing, Colin slow back, Dennis hard in. Neither spoke; none of them made any voluntary sound. Still, the air filled with grunts and groans, forced out of them by rising heat and coiling tension, to counterpoint the wet slap of flesh against flesh.

Bouncing with each incoming thrust, Harry's cock twitched, precome strung between its head and his belly. The ache in his shoulders, his weight on his bound wrists, the feel of the bed and the pillow under him; all these things faded away. It was like there was nothing in the world but cock, invading stiffness and heat and his own, throbbing in response. Nose pressed against Colin's balls, he moaned around Colin's cock, feeling the boy shudder at the vibrations.

Dennis suddenly sped up, thrusts getting shorter, harder, rabbit fucking Harry's arse. In contrast, Colin slowed down, long slides across Harry's lips and tongue and throat. Harry sucked harder, something tightening in his belly as Dennis grunted louder and louder with each thrust. Long before it could break, Dennis let out a delightful squeal, hammering his cock into Harry who felt it expand and jerk inside him. The boy collapsed forward onto him, only Harry legs keeping him up.

As the tension inside began to recede, Harry couldn't help making a disappointed, keening noise.

"Just give him a second," Colin said, somewhere above Harry. "Dennis can't squirt yet. He can go again right away."

Dennis made a happy noise of agreement. His cock hadn't gone soft at all inside Harry. Colin pulled his hips back until Harry's lips closed just behind his head. When Harry licked at Colin's slit, it tasted sweet; sweeter than his own and much sweeter than Cedric, who always tasted bitter. Dennis might not have been old enough, but Colin definitely was, and Harry sucked harder, wishing his hands were free, not just to work his own cock, but so that he could touch the brothers. Caress Dennis's chest, his little boy nipples. Squeeze Colin's arse. Maybe push a finger or two into him. Somewhere along the way he'd gone from reluctant, through willing, to actual anticipation.

Maybe it was because, with Cedric, it was just sex. It wasn't that they didn't like each other, there was just not much more to it than, hey, a room, horny, let's go. With Colin it was much more deliberate. In, okay, a really fucked up way, but--

All thought went out of his head as Dennis started moving again, first slow like before, but quickly building up steam. Colin got into the act, pumping his cock into Harry's mouth. The force of the impacts started him rocking, and Colin's hands came back to his shoulders to hold him down as the Creevey brothers' cocks filled him and fucked him at both ends. The heat in his belly came back, stronger than before. Each push of Colin's cock just made it taste better. Each punch of Dennis's cock against his prostate sent lightning through him. He was burning up, thoughts exploding like fireworks in his head before they could form.

"Don't swallow," Colin gasped out. "When I. Don't swallow."

"Yeah," panted Dennis. "Fuck. Harry!"

They were relentless, pistoning in and out of him like jackrabbits, cocks massaging his insides. Harry snorted desperately for air between thrusts, feeling the heat build, his toes curling, his muscles tensing, hearing Dennis moaning and Colin chanting "yes, yes, yes", sliding across the mattress with the force of their fuck, feeling his balls draw up and cock expand and he yelled wordlessly around Colin's dick as his hips bucked, shooting so hard he splashed Colin's belly.

Dennis pounded harder as Harry's arse clenched convulsively around his cock, his moans rising into a squeal as, less than a minute later, he buried himself balls deep and came again. More come drooled from the tip of Harry's cock as Harry twitched with the aftershocks, trying to still suck Colin but losing all coordination. It didn't matter. Colin pulled back to just the head of his cock, pumping the shaft was his hand; moaning Harry's name, he jerked forward and Harry's mouth was filled with sweet, salty come.

It was difficult not to swallow, but Colin quickly pulled out, his hands urging Harry upright. Some of Colin's come slipped tantalizingly down his throat but the rest was still in his mouth when Colin pushed him up into Dennis who lazily kissed him, licking his tongue clean. Exhausted, Harry fell back, wriggling around so he could lay his head on the bed. Dennis scooped up some of the come on Harry's belly and sucked it off his fingers, then did it again and offered his hand to Colin who did likewise.

"See?" Colin sighed happily. "Brothers always share."

"Yep!" Dennis giggled brightly. He pulled his cock out of Harry -- it came free with a wet plop -- and threw himself down, half on, half off the other boy. Colin crawled onto the bed, taking the other side, wiping his softening cock off on Harry's hip and chuckling at Harry's small noise of annoyance. They ended up cuddled together. It made Harry think of puppies again and he smiled, and the brothers smiled back at him, snuggling close.

After a long moment, Harry asked, "could someone maybe untie my hands now?"

After his request had been obliged, and after Colin cast simple cleaning spells over Dennis's protests that he liked the sweaty-sex smell, the three of them returned to drowsy snuggling; at least, Harry tried to.

The naked boys were soft, warm, and heavy against him and it would have been easy to just stop thinking for a long while and enjoy it. His friends weren't particularly physical in their affection; sure, sometimes Ron dropped an arm across his shoulders, or Hermione leant against him while they shared laughter, but they didn't exactly cuddle ever. Molly might have been over-bearing, but he still envied the Weasleys for their constant, easy hugs that he found himself craving from time to time. Touch, just simple touch like this, was a rare and wonderful thing, and even though they had blackmailed him into it, he would have been happy to indulge.

Colin might even have let him, but Dennis had clearly had better ideas and a much faster recovery time than the two older boys. He started out gently stroking a finger across Harry's scar before graduating to petting Harry's hair. The slow, repetitive pull was actually more soothing than distracting. Curled up against Harry's side, Colin's head rested on Harry's shoulder, in easy reach for Harry to idly mess with the mousey strands, earning a soft appreciative hum.

Clearly put out by this response, Dennis started nibbling at Harry's neck. It tickled and Harry huffed, lightly batting at him. Dennis just giggled and did it again, harder, trailing bites down to Harry's shoulder, sucking at the skin. Colin lifted his head to see what his brother was doing, dislodging Harry's hand.

"Stop messing, Den," he complained, pushing at his brother.

"I'm not," Dennis said, so indignantly it could have fooled Harry if the boy hadn't promptly rolled on top of him. The hard length rubbing against his hip belied the words. "Am I, Harry?"

"Get off," Colin insisted, louder, shoving Dennis hard enough that Harry let out a warning "hey!" that went ignored.

"I wanna go again," Dennis whined, pushing back at Colin, and suddenly the two were wrestling, both clambering all over Harry to get at the other.

"Hey!" Harry said louder, dodging a stray elbow. "Guys!" He yelped in surprise when a stray hand goosed his cock; when he turned away, another hand squeezed his arse. Dennis giggled and Colin made a muffled noise, and Harry gave them the best suspicious look he could manage without wearing his glasses. "You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?"

"Mayyyybe," Dennis drew out, less concerned with Colin's arm around his neck than with humping against Harry. "Are you hard, yet?"

Everybody looked down at Harry's cock, which twitched up to half-mast in response.

"It's sad being old," Dennis said, disappointed.

"Oi!" Harry swiped at him. "I already came twice, it's only been a couple of minutes, and--" He frowned, trying to sit up, spilling the boys onto the bed. "Why am I even arguing this?"

"Because you want to earn the rest of the photos?" Colin asked, all fake innocence.

"You're going to push that too far," Harry warned him, lying down again. "This is the last, right?"

"The climax," Colin agreed, his hand on Harry's thigh. Dennis groaned theatrically, and Colin chuckled. "Pardon the pun."

"What do--" Harry started, and then lost track of the sentence as Colin's hand closed around his balls, squeezing and rubbing gently.

"I want Harry to bum me," Dennis said, cheerfully. Colin pulled a face at him, which just made Dennis giggle. "Come on, Harry." He squirmed against Harry's side. "I wanna get boned till you pump your jizz up me."

"Do you have to talk like that?" Colin complained, fingertips rubbing the skin behind Harry's balls, making Harry's cock fill out faster.

"Yes." Dennis nodded, fake-seriously. "It's a rule!"

Harry coughed to cover the laugh that escaped him, and then yelped when Colin pinched his skin. He attempted to look apologetic and it apparently worked because Colin went back to soft presses, his fingers drifting from Harry's balls down to ghost across Harry's hole and coming back again.

"And you on the other end?" Harry asked Colin, already knowing the answer.

"You want to, don't you, Harry? You have to say yes," Dennis added, sounding so much like Colin that Harry had to lean forward to make sure he was talking to the right boy. Dennis apparently took that as acquiescing because Harry ended up with a mouthful of giggling-boy kisses.

Surrendering to Dennis's enthusiasm, Harry deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Dennis's mouth, stroking his hands down Dennis's back to rub and squeeze the boy's arse. Dennis wrapped one arm around Harry's neck, stretching blinding with the other to find Harry's cock, fingers bumping against his brother's. Harry couldn't tell which of the two started tugging his foreskin back and forth over the head of his cock, but as long as they kept it up, he found he didn't care all that much. He moaned into Dennis's mouth, earning a matching hum.

"You're a good kisser," he told the boy when they finally broke apart.

"I know," Dennis said, but he smiled proudly all the same, swinging a leg over Harry so he could straddle him, reaching back. "Cock time!"

Colin smacked Dennis's questing hand. "Not so fast." Dennis pouted at Colin over his shoulder, but the older boy was resolute. "You have to be stretched out properly, first."

"But I already--" Dennis started and then, when Colin glared, sighed heavily. "Okay." He turned back to Harry and said, brightly, "Finger time!"

Harry couldn't help smiling. He wrapped his arms around Dennis, pulling him close and then rolling them over, so Dennis was on his back on the bed, Harry over him. The boy's cock rubbed against his belly, and Harry chuckled. A hand nudged him, and he looked up to find Colin waving the pot of oil at him, presumably the same one Dennis had used when he--

"I can't believe I got fucked by a ten-year-old," Harry said, aghast, sitting back.

There was a long silence, and then Dennis piped up with, "I'm practically eleven, if you add a few days! And a month!"

"That doesn't really help much," Harry said, guilt starting to wilt his erection again.

"I can't believe I'm saying this to you of all people," Colin said, leaning against Harry's back, "but you really have to stop over-thinking this."

"I was trying not to," Harry admitted, eyes half-closing as Colin reached around him to stroke his cock, "but it doesn't seem to take."

"B-but," Dennis whined, "I've been looking forward to this for days! And you liked it, Harry, you did, and I liked it, and Colin really liked it, so what's the problem?"

"I said he might not," Colin started in a conciliatory tone.

"Colin! You've been looking forward to this for, like, forever!" Dennis complained. "You can't stop now, when you've always want--"

"Dennis!" Colin practically yelled, the anger in his voice surprising Harry.

The younger Creevey suddenly looked overwhelmingly guilty, even to Harry's slightly blurred vision. Colin slid off Harry to sit at his side, playing nervously with the jar of oil, an odd contrast to the self-assured control he'd had so far.

"Oh," said Harry, realising. "You really like me. Like, like, me."

Colin wouldn't meet his eyes, but Dennis said, "He's liked you since he first read about you in the book."

"The book?" asked Harry, confused.

"The one they give to Muggleborns," Colin said, quietly. "A brief introduction to the magical world. There's a whole chapter on you; they have a photo from first year and everything. The hero at Hogwarts. You were really cute," he added, cheeks colouring a little.

"Oh," said Harry again. "That's... kinda creepy."

Dennis smacked him. "Hey!"

"What?" Harry blinked at him, then looked at Colin. The boy had pulled in on himself, his face gone cold, and Harry hastened to correct himself. "No, no, not you! Me being in a book! It's okay if you-- I mean, I don't mind that you-- What I'm trying to say, is--"

Colin finally smiled again. "It's okay, Harry. I said before. You don't have to like me in the same way I like you. I know who you really like."

Harry really wished he had his glasses on, so he could see the boy clearly.

"If it makes you feel better," Colin continued, "you can just pretend we're someone else."

"We don't mind," Dennis agreed. "It's just a bit of fun." He grinned up at Harry, spreading his legs invitingly. "I can be Cho, if you want. Och, Harry," he added in an atrocious Scots accent, stroking his fingers against Harry's cock, "yer bonnie bobby is so grand Ah dinnae ken if it'll fit in me wee bahooky."

Harry managed not to laugh, though the smile escaped him. "Cho doesn't really sound like that."

"You've never heard her drunk," Dennis said, wrapping his hand around Harry's cock and pumping it. "There we go."

"Here you go," Colin said, offering Harry the oil again.

Dennis promptly rolled over onto his front, grabbing the pillow from earlier and pushing it under his hips, wiggling his arse at Harry.

"He could be anyone," Colin said in Harry's ear, sliding back behind him. "Without your glasses on, how would you tell?" He guided Harry's hand to the pot. "Go on. Imagine."

Harry dipped his fingers in the oil, rubbing his fingertips together. Just thick enough, just slick enough. Colin gave him a gentle push. Harry reached out, wiping his fingers down the cleft in Dennis's arse, feeling the boy shiver under him. Colin tugged him back to the pot. Harry slicked his fingers up again, letting Colin push him back to Dennis. He rubbed his fingers across Dennis's entrance, and then carefully pushed his forefinger in. Dennis's breath caught, and pushed back, not letting Harry take it slow, almost sucking him in. Tight heat squeezed around his finger and Dennis exhaled loudly.

"Take it slow," Colin said.

Dennis promptly shook his head. "Two!" he demanded. "Two fingers!"

"Typical Gryffindor," Colin sighed, dipping his own fingers in the oil. "Too brave for his own good. Spread your legs a little more, Harry."

Legs. Right. Harry shifted a little. He felt Colin's slick finger against him, pressing lightly. Colin tapped the oil pot against him, and he took the hint, collecting more. As he carefully pushed two fingers into an appreciatively moaning Dennis, Colin's finger wriggled into his own arse, tickling his insides. Dennis squeezed around him, prompting him to move and, as he stroked his fingers in and out, spreading the boy's ring, Colin repeated the action inside him with uncanny precision.

Creevey brothers shared, Harry thought.

Colin added a second finger, then a third. Dennis was panting in front of him, humping forward against the pillow and back against Harry's hand. Harry added a third finger, watching in amazement as Dennis's small, glistening, pink hole opened around them. The boy hissed, clamping down, and Colin nipped warningly at the lobe of Harry's ear.

"It," Dennis panted, "it's. Okay. Don't st-uh."

"Careful," whispered Colin in Harry's ear. "If you hurt my brother--"

"I won't," Harry said thickly, to both boys. The constriction around his fingers eased and he started slow thrusting again. Dennis shuddered and moaned in a way that skipped Harry's ears and went straight to his groin.

His cock jerked again when Colin's fingers rubbed across his prostate, making Harry grunt, push harder into Dennis. He pulled his fingers almost all out, and then in as far as he could go, feeling for the bump and grinning when Dennis made a matching grunt-moan. When he pulled back again, he took his fingers all the way out, watching the hole wink at him before he shoved them back in. Dennis moaned louder, and Colin made a pleased noise in his ear.

"Good, isn't it?" he asked. Harry mumbled agreement.

"Please," Dennis gasped. "I want-- In me-- Please!"

"Yeah," Colin breathed. He reached around Harry to rub the oil over Harry's cock, did it again, and again, pinching the base of Harry's cock hard when Harry moaned and shook with the feel of it. "Turn over, Dennis."

Dennis did, repositioning the pillow under his hips, his cock steel hard, his skin flushed, sweat sticking the tips of his hair to his forehead. He pulled his knees back to his shoulders and Harry noticed that the boy was still wearing his socks, which made Harry laugh for some reason. Colin huffed, but Dennis just grinned happily up at Harry, breathing a little hard.

"Slow," Colin said to Harry, still holding Harry's cock, guiding it to his brother's entrance.

"Hard!" Dennis insisted, making Harry chuckle again.

He wrapped his legs around Harry, bending up to meet him as Harry leaned down, taking his weight on his arms. Colin gave his cock a warning squeeze. Harry pressed forward, watching Dennis bite his lip. The boy's ring strangled his cock head, and both boys gasped. Colin's hand stopped him moving either in or out. Harry held his breath until Dennis nodded and then pushed forward an inch. Dennis was hot, impossibly hot inside, and so, so tight, even with all the lube they were using. Harry pushed forward again, another inch, two, and Dennis cried out, making him freeze.

"N-no," Dennis managed when Colin tried to pull Harry back. "I-it's good. Big--! God, Colin!"

"I'm right here, Den," Colin said, reaching down, so his brother could grab his hand, leaning against Harry as he did so, his cock teasing Harry's arse. They entwined their fingers, holding hard.

"All the way," Dennis ordered Harry. "'sokay. 'magine I'm Cedric. Want it all. Please!"

Harry didn't trust himself to speak. As the furnace pressure around his cock eased off, he let his weight close the distance between himself and the boy, sinking in until he could feel Dennis against his balls. There was a sharp pain -- Colin biting his shoulder; just enough to hold him off. He moaned, hearing echoes. Dennis's free arm wrapped around him, and he leaned down to kiss the boy, tasting sweet sweat.

"Don't move," Colin said, like Harry could, like he would, knowing what followed.

Blunt pressure increased against his hole. He bore down, accepting Colin's length inside him, the whole of it in one long, deep, slamming stroke that drove him harder into Dennis who swore, clutching at him.

"J-just like Cedric," Dennis said breathlessly.

Colin chuckled. When he moved, his pubic hair pleasantly tickled Harry's arse. "It's not Cedric he's imagining, Den."

Harry clenched around Colin's cock, delighting in the burn in his ring, in the stretched feeling, larger than Dennis, smaller than Cedric, perfect in its differences. He only half heard Colin speak. Dennis's other arm wrapped around him and some small part of Harry, not focused on the constricting heat around his cock or the fullness in his arse, noticed Colin was reaching for something.

"It's not Cedric that Harry watches in lessons," Colin was saying. "Not Cedric whose socks Harry wanks into." He pulled back until just the head of his cock was in Harry. "Is it, Harry?"

"N-no," Harry managed.

Colin's hand on his hip tugged at him. He slid backwards, pulling out of Dennis, pushing back onto Colin -- who suddenly drove forward, pushing Harry hard back into his brother. Dennis groaned. Harry groaned.

"Who is it?" Colin asked.

"Wh--?" Harry managed as Colin pulled back again. "Fuck. Ron. It's--"

All three boys grunted as Colin thrust forward, as Harry slammed back into Dennis.

"Louder," Colin ordered, panting against Harry's back, pulling back. His wand moved at the edge of Harry's vision, making something rattle. "Say his name."

"Ron," Harry moaned, hips moving before he could think, back onto Colin, forward into Dennis, fucked and fucking, Dennis pant-groans echoing in his ears. "Ron," he repeated, louder, and again, yelled, "Ron!"

"Harry," said a thick voice.

Harry's head jerked up at the sound, pulling against Dennis who tightened his grip. Cool metal slipped against Harry's ears and nose and the room came back into focus, the room, the open curtains, and his tall, redheaded best friend revealed behind them with unexpected, terrible clarity.

Horrified, Harry squeezed his eyes closed against the pale, freckled face of Ron Weasley.

Next: Chapter 5

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