College Cocks

By Fritz

Published on Aug 26, 2000


College Cocks, part 1. (m/T, T/T, w/s)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- This is a story which involves sex between young males. If that is not your thing, what are you doing here?

If you are under 18 in most jurisdictions, you should not be reading this, but I take no responsibility for your actions. It takes place in an unspecified time and place and the characters do not worry about HIV or AIDS. If you are sexually active in today's world, you should be aware of the risks.

College Cocks


You've heard the phrase, "drop dead beautiful," right? Well, that was the first thought I had when I met my new roommate, Larry Joe Weaver. I transferred to Bowler College as a Junior, and since my scholarship paid for my room only if I lived on campus, I had little choice but to leave myself at the mercy of the housing office. The day I arrived, I was shown to a room in a very standard dorm, which was modern sometime in the early fifties. There was no sign of my assigned roommate, so I unpacked into the closet on the side of the room closest to the window, and made up that bed. I was all but moved in when the door was kicked open by another guy struggling to carry four suitcases at once. None of them matched, and part of his problem was that two were held together by canvas web belts and looked like they were two or three feet from the end of their final journey.

I jumped to help, which got me rewarded with a ear-to-ear grin full of perfect pearly whites. Once we managed to get all four cases onto the remaining bare bed, more or less intact, he wiped his palms on the seat of his faded Levis and looked me over intently. "I don't recognize you," were his first words to me. He had an odd look on his face.

I laughed. "That's not too surprising, since I don't think we've ever met."

"Aw, hell, that ain't what I meant. I know I don't know you, but I don't recall havin' ever even seen you. Round the campus, I mean. Shit! Where in hell are my manners?" He stuck out his big hand and took mine in a friendly shake that threatened to re-arrange some of my fingers. "My name's Larry Joe Weaver. If this is 328, I guess we're gonna be living together."

"Bill Toomey, Larry. It is 328, and I guess we are, and the reason you haven't seen me is this is my first year here. I transferred from a junior college in my home town." He was so friendly, and also so good-looking, that I began to feel guilty about having appropriated the better side of the room. "I kinda moved in already, but if you want to negotiate about the window side, we can."

That grin again! Christ, the guy could pose for toothpaste ads, and I was pretty sure those were all his and not caps. "Bill, my man, if you'll give me a hand with the shit I've still got downstairs, I'll sleep in a bureau drawer if you want. All I want right now is to get this crap put away. Where it goes don't matter. By the way, pleased to meetcha."

While I helped him move in, we got to know each other, and of course I sized him up. He was a sophomore, and had originally signed up for a room with a pal from his first year. But the other guy decided not to return to Bowler over the summer, so Larry Joe was back in the pool. I didn't mind this turn of events at all, since the prospect of sharing a room with him was far from unpleasant. That was partly because he seemed like a genuinely friendly guy, and mostly because he was gorgeous.

A raft of cliches leap to mind to describe Larry Joe. "All american boy," "Corn-fed midwest farmboy," "Joe College," he fit 'em all. A big, rangy blonde, he was an inch or so taller than my six feet one, with a naturally developed build, not body-builder exaggerated, but broad in the shoulders, narrow-waisted, and muscular in all the right places. He was extremely handsome, with sparkling blue eyes, hair the color of a wheat field on a sunny summer day, and that kilowatt smile, which was almost as constant as it was appealing. His hands and feet were large, even for his big frame, and I couldn't help but steal an appraising glance at his crotch. It didn't tell me much, since his well-worn jeans were so loose they were baggy. I figured I'd have plenty of chances to find out what treasures they hid, and if he lived up to the promise of his feet and hands, treasure would be the word.

At last we had all his stuff in the room, and Larry Joe plunged into unpacking, as I had already done. His version was a lot faster, although I wondered how he'd ever find anything, since what he seemed to be doing was indiscriminately dumping clothes into any available drawer. When he had it all stuffed somewhere, he flopped on his still unmade bed. "Whew. Guess I oughta make this up, and maybe take a shower. But I'm too pooped to do much 'cept think about it."

Right then, a knock on the half open door was immediately followed by the entrance of another student, who obviously was looking for him. "Hey, B.C.! 'Bout time you got your ass back here. Tommy 'n' me been wondering where in hell you were. Wanna hit the Tube and and grab some suds?"

"Saved by the bell," Larry Joe grinned, slowly unfolding himself from the bed, "I was afraid I was gonna have to do somethin' useful. Danny, this here's Bill, my new roomie. Bill, Danny, the official Sophomore class idiot. He used to be the Freshman class idiot, but to everybody's amazement, he passed a couple of courses, and they hadda ask him back." I shook hands with Danny and he asked if I wanted to join them for a beer. I said sure.

"Great. I'll go round up Tommy and meet you guys downstairs." Danny jerked his head toward Larry Joe, "Keep him moving will you? He can fall asleep standing up if you don't watch him." He disappeared into the hall while my new roommate protested this slur.

As Larry Joe and I started out, I remembered Danny's entrance and his greeting. "What's with the 'B.C.'? Not your initials."

"Aw, it's just a dumb nickname. Don't mean nothin, really." He seemed a little embarrassed by my asking, so I let it drop. I figured maybe it had something to do with the comic strip. As promised, Danny was waiting for us with Tommy, another good-looking blonde kid, but not nearly as stunning as Larry Joe. Danny was much cuter, in a compact dark way. I guessed he was a good part Italian or Greek, and sure enough his last name was Greek, Constantine.

We headed for the local student hang-out, a place called the Two Bell Pub for reasons no one seemed to remember, known to all its regulars as the Tube. It was so completely a typical college beer joint, I halfway expected to see movie cameras in the corners. It had to be a set. My three new friends were all really nice guys. I gathered that they, with Alan, the roommate who had dropped out, had been a very close set the previous year. Both Danny and Tom seemed very surprised that Alan had transferred, especially Tommy Hyatt. I sensed he was thinking more than he was saying, but he dropped it quickly. Since they all seemed willing to welcome me into their circle, I took advantage of it and started to make friends in a new place.

Other guys dropped by our table in the corner to exchange greetings and news of the summer, and I finally had to protest, laughing, that I didn't want to be introduced to another person until I had a chance to remember the twenty or so I'd already met. We each bought a round of beers, and the bartender, who seemed to know and like my three young friends, sent over another. By then we decided we were getting a bit looped, and had better add some real food to the beer and chips in our guts. They led me to Barney's, a place that they promised had the best cheeseburgers in the state. After two, I had to admit they were probably right, but I also had to allow that it just might be all the beer and the fact that they were the first thing I'd eaten since breakfast.

After the burgers we debated what to do next. We'd all seen the one movie playing downtown, and no one seemed interested in getting a cab or hitching a ride out to the other theatre in the shopping mall on the outskirts. Sort of by default, we wound up back at the Tube. I promised myself I wasn't going to stay too long; I'm too careful about my figure for all that beer. But of course, like a lot of my promises to myself, I broke that one. Thank God the bar had to close at midnight. I considered the state drinking laws an affront to civilized men, but if we'd had any more time to drink that night, none of us could have gotten back to the dorm. As it was, Tommy and I had to half carry good old Larry Joe, who was drunk as a lord.

We managed to get him back to the room, and Tommy and Danny dumped him onto his bed. Danny grinned at me, and I decided once again how cute he was when he grinned. "He's all yours, pal. But watch out, he walks in his sleep when he's loaded. See you tomorrow."

The two of them stagered off, and I began the somewhat clumsy process of undressing. I hadn't realized just how looped I was. Suddenly Larry Joe sat up and announced, "That's a lie!"

I was a little slow on the uptake. "Huh? What's a lie?"

"I do not walk in my sleep. Drunk or sober. I have never walked in my sleep in my life. And you know what?" I confessed that I didn't. "I gotta take a wicked piss." He started to get up, swayed a little, then sat down heavily on the bed again. He giggled. "Hell, right now, I ain't so sure I can walk at all, even awake."

I laughed. "Well, you'd better remember how, cause I'd greatly prefer you didn't take that piss here." I grabbed one arm, tugging the big farmboy up to a standing position. "Come on, let's get you across the hall to the john, but from now on, how 'bout taking your leaks before you collapse?"

"You know, Bill, you're a real friend. But you're also a helluva fucking nag." With both of us giggling like schoolboys getting away with something, I managed to keep the big blonde upright all the way to the head. I started to leave him at the urinal to take care of his business, but the minute I moved away, he started to sway again, so I quickly held him. I didn't want him pitching headfirst into the urinal and busting his crown, and besides, I figured it would give me a chance to check out his meat. I waited as he fumbled with his fly, positioning myself so it only seemed that I was holding him up, but in fact giving myself a good view of his crotch.

When he finally located it and hauled it out, I damn near whistled. Jesus and the saints, was that kid hung! I swear it looked like he had it wound on a reel in his pants and was unrolling it. As loaded as he was, it was completely soft, but he must have pulled a good six inches out. And with the baggy jeans he wore, I could tell that there was more left inside the fly. Thick as a baby's arm, and uncut, that was one of the most incredible hunks of cockflesh I'd seen in a long time. I decided I was lucky that Larry Joe was totally looped, so he didn't seem to notice my staring in open-mouthed amazement while he unloaded his bladder. He had one arm around my shoulders, and the other hand on the wall to prop himself up, so that horse-meat just hung there, gushing a river of piss. I could have watched all night.

Finally, he finished. "Okay, chum, my turn now. Hang on a second - just lean against the wall there. Lemme take a leak and then I'll help you back to the room." He grinned and said sure, and did exactly as told. Of course, I made sure he could also see my dick if he wanted to, and watched to see if he showed any interest, but the kid was really too plastered to react to much of anything. I pissed, zipped up, and Larry Joe began to haul himself off the wall to lean on me again.

"Uh, Larry, buddy?"

"Yeah, Bill?"

"Don't you think you ought to put that back in your pants before we go out in the hall?" His cock was still right where he'd left it when he stopped pissing, hanging out of his fly halfway to his knees. I almost added, "... so you don't trip on it."

He giggled again. "Whoops! Uh, sure thing." He did tuck it away, but the fly was too much for him. After two tries, he said "Fuck it. Just have to open it again, anyway, right?"

"Right, Larry Joe. Come on, pal, it's bedtime." He slung his arm over my shoulder again and we staggered back toward our room. I had already decided that he was far too soused to undress himself for bed, but I was more than willing to help. I slung him off my shoulder onto his bed, and quickly asked, before he passed out solid, "How do you sleep, buddy?" That only got a confused "Huh?" so I elaborated, while I started to pull off his shoes and socks. "How much of this do you want me to get off of you? Or, as the man said on television: Do you sleep in the nude?"

"Hell, it don't matter. Just let me ... I can...." I'd gottten his socks off, and looked up. Too late. The kid was out for the duration. Well, that left it up to me, now, didn't it? And I have firmly believed, ever since I was a little boy, that sleeping in clothes is downright unhealthy. So however my hunk of a passed-out roommate usually slept, tonight he was gonna sleep in the buff. That was more easily decided than accomplished, however. As I said, Larry Joe was a big fellow, and as zonked as he was, he was pure dead weight. I tugged him to a more or less sitting position and holding him up by first one arm, then the other managed to pull his knit shirt up and off without ripping it. I knew he was really out when he didn't wake up no matter how I manhandled him.

I paused a moment to catch my breath, and to enjoy the view so far. Larry Joe's torso was really nice, with just enough fine blonde fur to accent the natural curves of his well-developed chest. One thin line of that fur trailed down, past his deep navel, across a flat, hard stomach, and disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. The broad expanse of his chest was punctuated by two very large, deep-rose nipples that looked like they were made to be sucked on. I was definitely sobering up, and heating up at the same time. This was one helluva hunk; a very drunk one, but a hunk none the less!

Feeling only slightly guilty, I returned to my task of stripping the sleeping youth's clothes off. His pants were loose enough so they were really no problem. All I had to do was tug them down under and past his hips, then grab the bottom hems and pull. His legs were long, lanky and muscular, covered with more of that down-like golden hair. And where they met, the pouch of his jockey shorts was bulging, packed with that huge salami I had already seen. For once, the big feet, big hands, big dick formula had held true. I slipped my hands into the waistband of his briefs, and a moment later my new roommate was revealed in all his naked glory.

And what glory! There wasn't one unattractive inch of that body, and I just stood for a moment, drinking it in with my eyes. I had been right in the john, as big as his cock had looked, there was even more of it. Soft, it had to be at least seven inches plus, and it hung heavily on top of an enormous pair of balls. The long, loose foreskin puckered around the end, covering what looked like a huge head. I couldn't resist my baser impulses, even at the risk of waking my passed-out chum.

I reached down, lifting the thick flaccid hose off his nuts. It was warm against my fingers, and a definite handful, even soft. Slowly, I pulled the skin back, revealing a glistening crown, the same deep pink color as his tits. I bent closer, and the rich smell of his crotch filled my nose. That aroma of musk and sweat promised a full load of come hiding in those heavy balls, and it was all I could do to keep from sucking him off right then. I was beginning to have second thoughts, however, about taking advantage of his condition. Hell, I'd only just met the guy, and I was gonna have to live with him for a semester at least. Why fuck it up by trying to rape him the first night? But I had to just taste it, at least.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, I bent over his groin and lifted that massive prick up once again. Opening my lips, I took it inside my mouth, pushing the foreskin back with my tongue. The tang of piss and cock-juice exploded on my tongue, and I had to force myself to let it slide out again. I knew one thing. One way or another, I was going to get this hot dude into bed with me, and not passed out. I had to suck that cock!

Larry Joe was still dead to the world, but his dick had responded slightly to my lips. It wasn't hard, but it was swollen a little, and looked sexier than ever. I wondered just how big it could get on full hard. While I stood up, reluctantly, and started to undress myself, the sleeping farmboy muttered in his sleep, and rolled over. That beautiful cock and balls disappeared from my view, but I almost didn't mind when I saw what replaced it. I amended my earlier resolve. Not only did I want to suck his horse-sized cock, I intended to make a meal out of his hot fucking ass. It was firm, and round, and completely smooth, and the deep cleft that split it in half looked like it would be a perfect fit for my face. I gave it a loving caress, and finally decided I was pushing my luck. With a dull ache in my nuts, I finished undressing, turned out the lights and went to bed.

At first, I wasn't sure what had awakened me. Then I realized the door was open, and the light from the hall was in my eyes. I glanced over at Larry Joe's bed, and it was empty, the sheets rumpled and tossed off. Probably had to take a leak again, I thought sleepily, he'd drunk a lot of beer. I started to roll over and go back to sleep, but suddenly woke up all the way. Hadn't Danny said that Larry Joe was known to walk in his sleep? I wondered if I should check on him. If he was just taking a piss, I could always say I'd gotten up for the same reason. I swung out of the bed, pulled on a pair of briefs, and stuck my head out in the hall.

Oh dear. There was my roomie, halfway down the hall, heading, no, wandering aimlessly toward the stairs at the end of the building. I could tell he wasn't awake and heading somewhere purposefully. For one thing, he was still stark naked. I figured I'd better go get him, and headed after him. I was trying to remember whether that bit about not waking a sleepwalker was an old wives' tale or for real, and wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do to get him back to his bed. When I caught up, at first I thought I'd been wrong, that he was awake after all. His eyes were open, and he looked perfectly normal. Until I said his name and he turned to look at me.

Those beautiful blues were open, but that was all. There was no one home behind them. Old Larry was still out, all right. He looked right at me, but without a flicker of recognition. "Larry Joe?" I repeated softly, "It's Bill, remember? Come on, pal, let's get you back to bed."

"Bill." he said. "Bed." Both were just repeated words. I'd said them, he heard them and some corner of his brain popped them back out. This was not what I'd call a conversation. I'd been concentrating on his face, but when I glanced down to take his arm and try to lead him back, I caught my breath in surprise. Larry Joe was still nude, as I said, so there was nothing to hide the roaring erection standing straight out from his bare crotch. Had I said horse-sized? Whale was more like it. Well over ten inches of ramrod-stiff cockflesh jutted up from the thatch around his balls, angled slightly up from the horizontal, and swaying gently. The foreskin was pulled halfway back off that golf-ball glans, and one tiny drop of pearly ooze glinted in the flared slit that split the head. I felt my own dick twitch in immediate and involuntary response.

I'd have happily sunk to my knees and gone down on him right there in the hall, but shook my head and decided I'd better get him back to the room before someone else got up or came in late. He looked at me again when I took him by the arm, gently turning him back toward our open door. "Bill." He said my name again, but I still wasn't at all sure he knew who I was. However, he did let me guide him back into our room. I closed the door behind us, latching it this time. I wasn't sure it would stop him, but if he got up again, it might slow him down until I woke up. I hoped this wan't too regular a practice.

I guided the nude, and still very spectacularly erect, sophomore to his bed, and was trying to figure out how to get him back into it when suddenly he took my hand in his. He looked right at me, and said, much more clearly than his earlier words, "I'm horny." He pulled my hand right into his crotch, wrapping it around that flagpole hardon. "Horny," he repeated. "Wanna fuck."

One half of my mind said this was a dream come true, but the other half didn't know for sure what the hell was going on. I had no way of knowing how aware Larry Joe was or wasn't of what he was doing. For all I knew he might be in the middle of a walking wet dream, and think I was actually Raquel Welch. He was moving my hand on his dick, using it to jerk himself off, and in fact seemed to be very eager to make it with me. And my dick was surging up, just as eager to join in the action. But if I did, and he woke up in the middle of things and discovered that he was actually having sex with a guy, was I risking getting the shit punched out of me?

While my brain was holding this internal debate, Larry Joe decided to take things in his own hands. Or rather, take me in his own hands. He let go of my hand, leaving it still holding the steel-hard projection from his crotch, took me by the shoulders and pulled me down onto his bed, on top of him. "Uh, Larry Joe, are you..." I started to ask him if he knew who it was he was embracing, but my question was cut off when his mouth closed over mine, and his tongue plunged into my tonsils in a kiss that sure meant business! Somewhere halfway through his massage of the deepest recesses of my mouth, the cautious half of my head threw in the towel, eagerly capitulating to the surge of pure lust rising from my throbbing dick.

The next thing I knew, my hunky, horny, hung new roomie and I were locked in a passionate embrace. His hands slid down my back, massaging and caressing my flesh while we kissed each other like we'd just invented it. When he encountered the briefs I'd put on to go retrieve him, he started pulling at them, and I quickly shucked them myself, before he flat-out ripped them off me. Now we were both naked, and he moaned deep in his throat while he grappled my body to his with powerful arms, grinding our stiff cocks together between us. If he still thought he was humping Raquel, his imagination was working overtime.

I gave up trying to figure out what was going on, and just rode with the moment. Asleep or a wake, Larry Joe had meant it when he said he was hot to trot. His mammoth cock stabbed against my belly, sliding back and forth in the wetness of its own lube. He was leaking so much I almost thought he'd come already, but the throbbing, iron-hardness of his meat said otherwise. I decided it was time to get beyond the crotch hump and on to some serious sex. I managed to pull up from his combination bearhug and deep-throat french kiss, and started to lick and nibble my way down his sweaty body. I was heading right for one of those quarter-sized tits, and as soon as my lips found it, I got the feeling Larry Joe liked it. A whole lot.

"Unngghh!" the stud groaned aloud when I began to make love to his immediately stiffened nipple. His hands came up to grip my head, pulling me firmly against his chest while I sucked and chewed on the hot button of sensitive flesh. I knew the one I was chewing on had had enough when his strong grip moved me across his chest to the other one. I gladly gave it the same a ttention, until the strapping body under me was writhing in sheer pleasure. Time to move on. His hands still held my head, fingers stroking my hair while I moved down, following that sexy line of pale hair until I plunged my tongue deep into his navel. As I made hungry love to it, his hands moved first to my upper arms, squeezing them in passion, then to my chest. He massaged my tits roughly, turning me on even more, and also letting me know how turned on he was.

He was moaning and groaning while I worked on his body, mostly just growls, but scattered words surfaced here and there. "Oh, yeah ... Hot, babe .... Do it ... Hot cock .... fuck .... eat me ...." Somehow, I got the feeling old Larry Joe wouldn't mind at all if I decided to suck his monster meat. And I sure the hell knew I wouldn't mind! I slid further down the bed, between his muscular legs, and they opened up immediately, spreading his fucking spectacular crotch wide open for me. No question, this number was hot!

Over ten inches of thick, very hard man-meat stood at attention, just waiting for whatever I wanted to do with it. And under it, what looked like a pair of duck-eggs in the wrinkled pouch of his ballsack. The fine reddish-blonde bush that haloed the base of that magnificent tool curled wetly down around his nuts, which begged to be held. I held them, barely able to get both of them in my grip at once. Larry Joe's erection had now completely bared the head of his dick, and it glistened with the copious ooze his sexheat was forcing up from those hot cojones. I bent forward, getting a low animal groan from his throat when my tongue flicked out to slurp the musky lube off of his glans. HIs hands went back to my head immediately, trying to guide me all the way down onto his prick, but I had other plans first.

I let his dick slip from my lips, then slid and licked my way all the way down that huge pole and buried my face in his crotch. "Oh God! Hot balls!" he grunted when my mouth found them and began to slurp, lick and suck at the delicious groin. The combination aroma and flavor from his sweat and ball-musk was like an aphrodisiac more powerful than any ever invented. I went wild on his scrotum, eating it like it was going out of style. I opened my lips even wider and sucked one of those big beautiful eggs inside my mouth. This was obviously a turn-on for the randy youth. He bucked his hips up, shoving his crotch into my face at the same time while his hands pulled me down. I sucked even harder on the tender nut until he was groaning constantly. Now, I thought feverishly, I've got one. Can I manage both?

I gave it the old college try, but at first I thought the whole set was just too much to take at once. But I spread my lips as wide as they would go and sucked like a fucking Hoover. I wasn't sure which one of us moaned in lust when I succeeded, probably both, but mine would definitely have been muted by the incredible mouthful of flesh stuffing my oral cavity. There wasn't anything I could do but hold them there, my tongue pushed all the way to the back of my throat, but that was plenty enough for Larry Joe. It seemed his balls were really one of his hot spots, in fact, too much so. I hadn't counted on just how horny my young roommate was.

The rumble started down around the balls I had squeezed in my lips, and rolled up to his throat where it erupted in a howl of lust. "Unngghh. Eat 'em! Hot! Too fucking...! I'm gonna... I gotta ... UHNGH! OH GOD I'M COMMIINNGG!!!" Oh, damn! I pulled off his nuts, lurching for the pulsing, jerking ramrod of his prick, and just barely managed to catch it. No time for subtlety, I just opened wide and swallowed fast. I was only halfway down that huge column when his entire body went as stiff as a board and the rigid hose exploded like an open hydrant.

The first blast damned near drowned me while what seemed like a month's supply of hot thick cream gushed out, flooding my tonsils with jism. And the next was even bigger and stronger. After that, I just hung on for my life, swallowing as fast as I could, but feeling the excess coating my lips and his shaft while bolt after bolt pumped out. Thrashing in the bed like a dinghy in a hurricane, Larry Joe almost threw me off him across the room as he emptied his balls. I held my ground somehow, keeping his huge pole halfway down my throat while the orgasm just went on and on. I've been a party to a whole lot of orgasms, but I've never seen anyone else climax the way Larry Joe did. I halfway expected to find one of his big nuts in my mouth.

All good things must come to an end, though, and finally, Larry Joe's orgasm did. The only way I could tell was that his dick was no longer inundating my mouth and throat with cream. It was still as hard as when I'd found him in the hallway. I was upset at the speed with which he'd gotten off, though. I was still on fire myself, my cock dancing in my crotch from arousal, and I'd hardly sucked his horsemeat at all. I was afraid he'd pass out again now, the edge of his need blunted. But when I kept him inside me, slurping off the last traces of his sweet, musky come with my tongue, Larry Joe surprised me.

In the volcanic throes of coming, his hands had gripped my shoulders. I was sure I'd be black and blue the next morning from the force of his grip. Now they moved, gently, to the sides of my head, his fingers lacing through my sweat-damp curls, and he began to guide me up and down on his still-erect tool. His hips were slowly pumping, and while he gradually shoved more and more of it into my stretched, come-flooded throat, I realized we'd only seen round one so far. Never one to complain about more sex, I began to worship that long thick dick with my lips. I was determined to give the sexy stud the best blow job of his young life. "Oh, yeah, man," his voice urged low and hot from above me, "Suck that hot cock!" Well, I guess part of him at least had figured out it wasn't Raquel Welch.

I didn't need any encouragement, since that was exactly what I had wanted to do, and exactly what I was doing. The massive pole I was now pumping in and out of my hungry throat was still plenty hard, but the building-shaking climax had loosened the skin that sheathed it just enough so I could use my lips and tongue to cover and uncover the head while I worked on it. Hard to say who that turned on more, me or Larry Joe. I love sucking an uncut piece of meat, and from his satisfied growls and the way he was caressing my ears, I could tell he dug the skin action too.

I still only had about two-thirds of his rod going in and out of my mouth, and the heavy crown was touching the back of my throat on every stroke. I was determined to get all of him into me, even if it did mean permanently rearranging my gullet. I slurped down, gaining a half-inch or so on each try, until the wedge of his glans was lodging in the top of my windpipe on every thrust.

All at once Larry Joe took my head in his hands, and pulled me up off his throbbing cock. I would have protested, but he pulled me all the way up his body and had his tongue wrapped around mine before I could speak. Kissing me like I hadn't been kissed in a long time, he rolled us over so he was on top, his big muscular body covering mine. Then he tugged at me until I was lying across the bed, with my head right at the edge.

Breaking the kiss, he rolled up onto his knees, and the next thing I knew he was standing next to the bed, right over my head, cradling it in his hands. Bending over me, he titled my head back, and when my mouth opened, he bent his knees and fed that hard ten-inch shaft right down my waiting, open throat.

I could tell that this stud was a lot more experienced than I had given him credit for. He didn't ram it home, but he obviously wasn't planning to stop until he felt my lips on his balls. Slow and steady, in one long smooth thrust, he slid inch after inch of thick meat into me. In that position, my throat was as open as it was going to get, and I drew a deep breath in through my lungs. Once he got that thing home, I knew I wasn't gonna breathe again until he pulled back.

It seemed like he'd already plunged a foot or more of dick into my all-too-eager hole, but there was more coming. Suddenly, I felt a jolt of triumph and sexheat course through my body when the damp hair of his pubic bush brushed my nose. I'd done it! Or rather Larry Joe had, but the result was the same. I had every bit of that beautiful, glorious, huge dick inside my throat! I damned near creamed all over myself just at the thrill.

Larry Joe pulled back, just far enough for me to gulp air around his jaw-stretching boner, and then filled me up all over again. Now that we had established that it was possible, I was eagerly sucking every bit of his horsecock for all I was worth. His lean hips rose and fell, pumping steadily while he fucked my face with his massive pole. His hands roamed over my body, pinching my swollen, tender nipples, caressing my sides, exciting me almost as much as his dick was while it reamed the depths of my throat. Then he leaned over and grabbed my balls in one hand, wrapping the other around my pulsing erection.

Oh yes! I was flying now, every nerve end in my body tingling while the big hunk long-dicked my mouth and pulled on my cock at the same time. I heard myself groaning around his plunging shaft while he played rough with my cock and nuts, bringing me over and over again right to the verge of blasting off, but never quite pushing me over. Suddenly, I was sucking at empty air, as he pulled his thick meat all the way back, completely out.

Before I could wonder what had happened, his thighs were straddling my head and once again I had a faceful of his hot fucking balls. As he rubbed the sweaty orbs across my mouth and nose, filling my head with the incredible ripe aroma of his crotch, I yelled into his scrotum when his hot, wet mouth swooped down, engulfing my straining dick to the very root in one long swallow. Larry Joe Weaver, the hottest stud I'd had the luck to get my hands on in too long, was sucking my cock like a pro!

I tried to concentrate every bit of my attention on his heavy nuts, licking and sucking at them for all I was worth, to keep from blowing my wad before he got started good. And did he ever get started. His lips rose and fell, up and down the length of my prick, and I've never had anybody tell me it was too small. I've got a good eight and a half when I'm really hard, and believe me, right then I was really hard!

His tongue was playing the Star Spangled Banner on my organ while he sucked it in and out of his hungry, incredibly hot mouth, and I felt like I was gonna come any fucking second. But Larry Joe knew it too, and he knew just how to keep me hotter than a percolater without letting me get my rocks off. It was the sweetest and sexiest torture I've ever known.

Just when I was sure I couldn't last another minute, Larry changed tack again. I felt his mouth leave my dick, while I was still slurping on his big balls, and his strong hands lifted and spread my legs. He licked across my nuts, and sucked each one briefly into his mouth, but I think my moans told him he was really playing with fire there. My balls were so sensitive they ached, and much of that action would have been all the trigger I needed. Pulling my ass up even more, the stud bent me nearly double, and the next thing I felt was about an inch of his hot tongue buried up my rectum!

Fucking wild! I growled my pleasure at this latest trick, and sucked both his enormous testicles inside my mouth, chewing on them in pure lust while he rimmed my ass like never before. It felt like he was trying to get all the way inside me through my tender asshole. I'd learned how talented that tongue of his was at probing for tonsils, and now he was all but massaging my prostate with it. I don't remember ever being any hotter, or ever feeling more totally sexual. Nothing existed anymore but the hot balls in my mouth, the hotter tongue up my chute, and our two sweaty, passionate, bodies striving to join totally together.

This was all Larry's show now, and when he raised off me, swinging me back around on the bed and climbing between my legs, I just let him do what he wanted. Not that I seemed to have much choice in the matter.His muscular arms lifted my knees up and over my head, folding me in half like a rag doll and leaving my ass wide open and straight up.

In a moment his hot mouth was back on it, his tongue thrusting in and out, halfway to my stomach, it seemed. The tiny part of my grey matter still capable of rational thought told me I was about to get truly and royally fucked, and I couldn't think of anything I wanted more right at that moment.

Larry Joe didn't disappoint me. Once his tongue had my anus sopping wet and all but snapping open and shut in desire, and my nuts were trying to crawl up out of my scrotum into my abdomen, the big stud pulled his face out of my crack, lowering my legs just until my asshole was parallel to the bed and right at the level of his jutting pole.

"Oh, shit yes, hunk!" I growled in passion, the first time I'd spoken since he initally rammed his tongue down my throat. "Stuff me with that fucking telephone pole dick of yours! Fuck my damned ass off! Ungghh!!!" My horny pleading was punctuated by the moan of lust forced out of my gut when ten incredibly thick inches of sexflesh were driven home through my quivering fuckhole.

I've never sat on a fencepole naked, but now I know what it must feel like. That studcock filled my guts like they've never been filled, and I think he straightened out the first couple of bends in my intestines. I felt his huge nuts slam into the crack of my ass when he sheathed his whole goddammed prick in me in one incredible thrust. My own cock twitched like I'd been plugged into an electric socket, as the enormous bulb of his glans battered my prostate in passing.

I've always preferred taking a bigger cock if I was gonna get fucked at all, since being screwed by a small dick is too much discomfort for the rewards. But that was still the biggest prick I'd ever had up my ass, and it was almost like having my virginity back. My hole felt incredibly stretched while the massive column began to plow in and out of me.

Larry Joe fucked like he did everything else sexual: in earnest and all out. Once he had me impaled on his huge dick, he settled in and gave me the wildest fuck I'd ever had. Every stroke pulled his prick all but out, until my sphincter was frantically clutching at the hooded base of his cockhead to keep him inside me, and then plunged immediately back into the depths of my bowels. His thighs slapped against the cheeks of my butt on every thrust, while his bull-balls banged against me. The hard, deep butt-reaming was pushing me higher and higher, and it was all too soon that I felt my nuts churning with a climax, and knew that this time there was no way short of a nuclear attack to hold it off.

"Do it stud! Fuck my brains out! Gonna fuck the come right out of me! Deeper, baby, harder, make me shoot! Gonna... Oh yes! Now! I'm going to, ungh....! Aaagghh!!"

At precisely that moment, Larry Joe slammed his huge cock all the way inside me, deeper than ever before. I felt it swell to maximum size, totally filling my rectum, and I knew he was coming with me. I seemed to hang suspended in a limbo of heat and passion. The climax my balls were screaming for, postponed so long it was almost painful, held a second longer, then blasted through my dick as it went off like Krakatoa.

The first spurts of my load arced all the way to my face, spattering my cheeks and mouth with the evidence of the firestorm of sex Larry Joe had unleashed. In an instant his mouth was on mine, kissing me, licking the come from my lips while his spouting rod flooded my guts. My own cock was pumping out a steady stream of sap. I gushed again and again, feeling like I was emptying a quart of cream between us, thoroughly soaking both our chests and stomachs. By the time my balls finally stopped spasming, and there was no jism left to pump out, I was whimpering in total satisfaction.

I didn't want to move. Ever. Larry Joe stayed in me, my legs hooked over his back, while our joint orgasms ebbed and subsided. He had come twice, and from the way my asshole felt, his second had been almost as big as the first. And still that massive cock was stiff in my rectum. Once he got it up, I began to wonder if it ever went down. Now he was tenderly kissing me, not the tougue-stabbing passion from the start of our lovemaking, but nice quiet after-sex kisses. Talk about the luck of the Irish, I thought. Young, sweet, friendly, handsome, hunky, hung for days, and to top it all off, a fabulous lover! It seemed like it just might be one wonderful semester.

After a while, he slowly drew his softening hose back out of my stretched but thoroughly satisfied ass. He rolled onto his back beside me, and I turned to look at him. There was just enough light in the room from outside for me to see that his eyes were closed, but the smile on his face told me he was as pleased as I was. "Larry Joe?" I asked softly. I still wasn't positive he was really awake, even though he'd just plowed my hole wide open.

"Mmmm?" He didn't open his eyes.

"That was fantastic, babe. The best in a long, long time."

"Mm-hmm." He pulled me closer, rolling me on my side with my back to him, and curled against me, with one arm draped over my side, and that thick slab of sexflesh nestled sexily in my crack. I gathered it was time to go to sleep. Sure enough, in a couple of moments he was breathing in a deep, regular pattern against the back of my neck. I snuggled in happily against his still hot, sweaty body, until a couple of moments later the breathing was replaced by a soft but definite snoring in my ear.

The single-sized dorm beds weren't really made for two six-foot or larger men to sleep in, particularly if one of them is snoring. I tried nudging him gently so he'd shift position and stop. He shifted slightly but only started snoring louder. Smiling, I gave up. I slipped out from under his arm and got out of bed. When I did, the big stud rolled onto his back, and I noticed that he was a bit of a mess, with half my climax matted on his chest. The rest was on mine.

I slipped across to the john to take a needed leak, and brought a damp washcloth back with me. I mopped up his body, and knew he was really out when he didn't wake or even stir when I washed off his cock. It was finally completely soft again, and I planted a big kiss on the juicy covered head before I climbed into my own bed. I could still feel his last load in my butt. Hell, that staff of his had stretched me so much, I could almost still feel it inside me. Grinning like a kid on Christmas, I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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