College Cocks

By Fritz

Published on Sep 8, 2000


College Cocks, part 7 of 8 (M/T, T/T, w/s)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- This is a story which involves sex between young males. If that is not your thing, what are you doing here? If you are under 18 in most jurisdictions, you should not be reading this, but I take no responsibility for your actions. It takes place in an unspecified time and place and the characters do not worry about HIV or AIDS. If you are sexually active in today's world, you should be aware of the risks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

College Cocks


Our ride was with a very nice grad student named Pat Gerber. Timmy already knew him, and Larry did too, although not from this context. Pat laughed as we drove to Tom's. "Larry, I must say you knocked a few people for a loop tonight. I think three queens fainted when you walked in that door. Welcome to the club, guy."

"Thanks, and I mean it." He and I were in the back seat, and his hand snaked into mine. "Or, I guess I should really thank this dude here. For bringing me out for real. I'm having a blast."

"Just wait," Timmy grinned. "Jerry's parties are great, but Tom's are a whole different ball game."

Pat chuckled. "Interesting choice of words, Pollard. Anybody know who else is invited tonight? Mike Blanchard and us I know of, Tom usually includes Rick Warren, mostly because the kid has no inhibitions whatever and can always be counted on to get things happening. But I wasn't paying attention to who else he was asking."

"Lord," I said, "how big are these, uh..."

"Tom calls them his 'at homes'," Pat said. "Around a dozen or so, at least when I've been there."

"Maybe I shouldn't say this, but we'll all be there anyway," Larry spoke up. "Tom said something about two guests who weren't at Jerry's party because they didn't want anyone to know they were gay."

"Aha. I know who at least one of them is, I'll bet. You should too, if you think a minute, Timmy."

Timmy cocked his head at Pat, puzzled, then grinned. "Uh-huh. I'll just bet I do. Weren't they a thing last year? Him and Tom? Rumor had it they were practically lovers for a while."

"I thought so, but obviously no longer if they were. Tom never has anyone he's serious about at these little 'at homes' of his."

"Who you guys talking about?" Larry asked.

Timmy grinned. "You may be very surprised, pal."

His smile said he was going to play mysterious, so Larry shifted to a different tack. "Look, men, I don't want to seem naive, but I am, in a way. Uh, how, exactly, does one behave at an orgy? I mean, I don't want to embarrass myself or anyone else."

Timmy laughed. "Don't worry, B.C. You get your clothes off and I'm sure you'll have plenty of people willing to help you, uh, find your way around."

"I think that's a safe bet." Pat laughed. "Seriously, Larry. There is no fixed agenda, and no hard and fast rules, except for two. This is free choice time, nobody has to do anything or do it with anyone unless he wants to. The other rule is that anything that happens at Tom's stays at Tom's. The guest list and who makes it with whom. Gossip about it and I guarantee you Tom will never ask you back. That's why we can all have a good time.

"He usually has films, porno films, that is, on in the living room, and there's a huge king-size bed in the master bedroom. Once things get rolling, go with the flow, relax and in the vulgar vernacular, let it all hang out. And if what I've heard is true, you have plenty to hang out." Timmy and I laughed while Larry Joe did his aw-shucks routine. Pat said, "Fasten your seat belts, kiddies." He pulled into the apartment complex. "Or better yet, loosen your regular belts. We are, as the man said, here."

Carroll Gardens was one of those semi-detached apartment complexes that surround any major campus. Nice, but totally interchangeable with a hundred others just like it. Tom Parker met us at his door, and the first thing we noticed was that he had definitely changed since he left Jerry Harlow's. And I certainly noticed his body.

As I said, Tom was more pretty-handsome than I usually went for. My type ran more to cute, like Timmy or Danny or All-American boy, like Larry Joe and Johnny Akers. But I also do like good builds, and Tom's body had obviously seen the inside of a gym regularly and often. In the preppy clothes he had worn at Jerry's it had looked good. In the buff, it looked even better, all hard muscles and well-defined curves. And the man was very hairy, very sexily hairy, with a thick pelt of dark hair that swirled in whorls over his solid pecs and down his abdomen.

He wasn't quite naked, but he might as well have been. I don't think I had ever seen a jock strap made of almost sheer fabric before, but Tom sure did it justice. Very hairy in the crotch, too, as we could all see quite clearly. He smiled, waving us all in, but his very dark eyes held mine a moment longer. I knew he had noticed me noticing, and neither one of us minded at all.

"I see you made it. Come in, make yourselves as comfortable as you wish. You can leave whatever you want to in the small bedroom right here in the front. And I warn you, you can take off or leave on as much as you please, but I tend my own bar, and I reserve the right to refuse to serve any man wearing more than one garment above his ankles. Almost everyone's here and the stragglers have ten minutes before I lock the door. Go on in, get 'em off and come get a drink. The bartender tends to get a little distracted as the evening wears on."

We said hello, and turned to go in the changing room just when two men I hadn't seen and assumed were the mystery guests, came out of it. They were both very tall, even next to Larry and me, and we're tall, and they both looked like jocks. One was white, and very good-looking, his coloring somewhere between dirty blonde and brown. He had only a jock strap on, which looked like it was very nicely filled. The other was black, simply stunning, and nude. Clearly, he could give Larry Joe a strong run for his money in the cock-size department. If Larry had a boa constrictor, that mammoth tube of black meat was an anaconda, and I'd have paid cash money to watch the two snakes wrestle. Pat nodded to both men, and they smiled back. The one in the strap winked at him, and they both laughed, obviously in recognition.

While I was admiring, Timmy was fighting his giggles and pulling my completely wide-eyed roommate into the bedroom. I followed.

"Holy shit! Is that really...

Timmy and Pat laughed. "Yes. But don't ask him for his autograph, all right?" Pat grinned. "He has to be discreet, obviously, but he's a very nice guy, and likes to just relax and have a good time."

"Gang?" I said. "I'm the new kid, remember? Should I know who one of those guys was?"

"Both of them, if you're a sports fan, but the season hasn't started yet. Mike Oberlin, the white guy, was a surprise to me, too. Well, a surprise that he's here, anyway, but that's another story. The black kid is Beau Sanchez. I assume he brought Mike. Do you follow basketball?"

"Not particularly, but that name I've heard. Big star, right?"

"Just about the whole fucking team!" Larry Joe was impressed. "Holy shit. Sanchez is gay?"

"Well," Pat said, already half undressed. "If he's here, you may consider that a safe assumption. If you'd like to verify it, you might very well get the chance. But if you want a drink, you'd better strip."

"All right!" Larry grinned from ear to ear, and began to do just that very thing. I timed my own strip to see how loose he was ready to be, and watched amused when he paused in his jockeys. He put his hands at the elastic waistband, stopped, and caught my eye. "What the hell, right?"

Timmy and Pat had just gone out, Pat also in a jock strap, so I guess he'd dressed for Jerry's party knowing he was coming here. To no one's surprise, Timmy had stripped all the way. I grinned at Larry, pulling down my own briefs. "Go for it, hot stuff. Knock their socks off."

"Can't," he smiled, shucking his underpants off. "Nobody's wearing any. Come on, lover, I want me a drink and a basketball player, and not necessarily in that order."

"Which one?" I teased.

"Which do you think? Man, that looked like the only cock I've had a crack at yet as big as mine, if it grows much when it hardens up. And I surely do intend to find out."

It did, and Larry did find out. We headed back into the living room while two other guys came in still in clothes. I'd met them at Jerry's and I had to say one thing, Tom picked the cream of the crop for his parties after the party. I hadn't seen anyone yet I wasn't more than ready to orgy with.

The living room was definitely weird. Not the room, Tom's taste in decor was as good as his taste in men. It was the attire of the guests that was strange. Half the men in the room, approximately, had on some form of jock strap or skimpy briefs and nothing else; the other half, including Larry and me, less than that. So far, everyone was still just drinking and talking, but more than one hand was casually stroking some portion of another guy's bare flesh, and not all of the visible cocks were fully soft. Pat was standing with the two athletes, and as soon as Larry and I had drinks, he waved us over.

Introductions were made all around. I got the definite feeling that Pat and Mike Oberlin already knew each other more than casually, but I was amused at the way Larry Joe and Beau Sanchez greeted each other. Both of them raked the other's nude body with hot eyes while they shook hands, and I was surprised sparks didn't pop between them. I already knew my hot stud of a roommate had the hots for Beau, and the main star of Bowler's varsity basketball team quite clearly returned his interest. His big cock was already demonstrating that it did in fact grow when it hardened.

It seemed that everyone who was going to be here was here. Even as we spoke to the two athletes, the lights dimmed, and I heard a projector whir into life. A flickering rectangle appeared on one wall, and my roommate's blue eyes widened again while he saw his first gay porno film get underway. Some of the guys were still talking, but when the action on the wall heated up, the room began to, also. Pat and Mike Oberlin were making out, both of their jock straps bulging dangerously.

Rick Warren, as billed, was getting things started. In the middle of the room, he was on his knees, feeling up Timmy's ass while he went down on another dude. Larry was at my side, his eyes moving from the film to the live action around us. He leaned over to whisper in my ear. "I'm gonna mingle a little, do you mind?"

I grinned, reaching down to squeeze the Boa, which was definitely rising to the occasion. "This is an orgy, Babe. Go on, have a blast. Just find me from time to time, okay?"

"You got it, stud. Hang loose."

"I hope not."

And I didn't, for long. I felt a hand on my butt and turned. From the way we'd clicked at the door, I wasn't too surprised to find that the hand belonged to our host. I let myself be pulled into a very nice sexy kiss, sliding my hand down that wonderfully hairy torso to circle his bare and stiffening organ.

"You seem to have lost your sexy jock strap."

"You don't seem to have worn one to start with."

"Isn't that convenient? We're both nude."

"You really watching this movie?"

"Not any more."

Later, Larry and I would compare notes, of course, and I would be amused when I counted up just how many times I did get off, but while it was happening, I took Pat Gerber's 'go with the flow' advice to heart. When Tom led me toward the bedroom, I saw that Larry, who I assumed had gone off in search of a certain black ballplayer, had gotten detoured by the two guys who had come in last. One of them was Hank, I thought, but the other name escaped me. Hank and Larry were swapping tongues while the anonymous one alternated swallowing their cocks.

Tom's body proved to be as sexy in my hands or under my lips as it had been to look at, and the man threw a mean fuck. I barely managed not to come while he plowed my ass good and hard, that stud torso flexing between my lifted legs. I didn't really want to get off too fast, waiting to see what the night held in store, but I was primed and hot by the time Tom Parker pumped a big load of hot jism up my guts. He had no sooner pulled out, and I was just starting to get up, when a hot voice growled "Where in hell are you going, sexy?" and a large hand wrapped around my forearm, pulling me back down on the bed.

Pat Gerber and his ball-playing stud had joined Tom and me on the huge bed, along with a couple of other guys who were very busy. The hand and voice belonged to Mike Oberlin, and I gathered I was being invited to join them. I did. Not all that much later, My delayed load was inside Mike's very fuckable butt, Pat's down his throat, and Mike's own still lingered sexily on my tongue and taste buds. My jaw needed a rest. The hot jock wasn't as impressive in length as his teammate or Larry Joe, but that was one of the thickest dicks I have ever sucked, and pure heaven.

Speaking of his teammate and Larry Joe, I wondered if they had found each other. I was pretty sure they both wanted to. I went to see, but first, I had to find the head. When I did, Mike had beaten me to it. The tall stud was shaking his head and grinning oddly when he came out, and I wondered if I knew why. I went in the bathroom. Yup. I smiled at Timmy, sitting on the john, dripping wet, rubbing his fingers through his own thick load mixed with the piss on his belly.

"I should have known."

"Jesus! He doesn't dribble, dude, he shoots. I thought I might drown."

"Doesn't look as if it turned you off," I grinned. "But if you're too full or need a break, you'd better move, man. I have a full load myself." As I had suspected, Timmy didn't move, just sat back, smiled and opened his mouth wide.

I found Larry Joe at the bar; watching a new film and sipping a beer while Rick Warren knelt in front of him, getting acquainted with the boa. While the sexy brunette slurped at it I could see it wasn't fully hard, and I figured Larry was taking a breather. He signaled me over, pulling Rick up at the same time. "Man, that feels great, really, but I think I need a couple of minutes to regroup, okay?"

"Sure, sexy. Just whistle when it wakes up again, will you? Michael cheated me out of the last one, the bitch."

"I'll find you later."

"How bout you, handsome?" Rick turned to me without missing a beat, grabbing my cock. I caught him when he started down.

"Whoa, boy," I laughed. "I'm on a break, too." He moved off, and I took a sip of Larry's brew. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Lord, yes, if I live. What you been up to?"

"Fucking the ass off a basketball player." His eyes flashed and I laughed. "The other one. I thought you'd have Sanchez off in a corner by now, anyway."

The Weaver supersmile came out in full force. "We have a deal. Along the lines of 'save the last dance for me'. Lord, can that black stud kiss. Almost as good as you." He grinned. "That was a hint, sexy."

I took it. He smiled again when we separated. "Hmmm. tastes nice. Is that Oberlin's too?"

"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies."

"Uh-huh. Listen, Beau thinks you're sexy, too. Wanna join us in a little while? I'll bet he's really hot. In fact, from the look on Pete's face right this minute, I'm sure he is."

He nodded over my shoulder and I turned. On the other side of the living room, Pete, the guy who had been sucking Larry earlier whose name I couldn't recall, was bent over the end of a sofa. The star forward was behind him, plunging a foot or so of hard black cock in and out of his ass like he meant it. Larry was right, Pete sure did look like he was enjoying it.

"Hmmm, I'd be happy just watching you two get it on. It did grow, didn't it?"

"Uh-huh. Tastes real nice too."`

"I'll just bet it does. Okay, hot stuff, find me when you're ready. Think I'll go get in trouble till then."

"Right. I gotta take a whiz anyway."

"Say hello for me," I said, leaving a puzzled expression on his face as we separated. I didn't have to look far for 'trouble.' There was a tangled heap of four bodies in the middle of the living room rug, and a hand snaked out of the tangle to caress my leg. I joined the fun, finding Rick Warren in the middle of it. This time I didn't stop him when he went for my re-stiffening cock.

Some time, and one hot orgasm later, I reconnected with my hot roommate. Well, we had reconnected in a way in between, but not to talk. I'd wound up back in the bedroom again, with Mike Oberlin again, only this time, his thick cock was plowing my ass, and I can testify that the jock could fuck as well as he got fucked. While I moaned in passion, a large and very familiar cock loomed in front of my face, and I muffled my groans on Larry Joe's delicious ten-inch shaft until somebody else pulled him away. I wasn't greedy, I figured I slept with him, let the others enjoy his charms tonight.

I was beginning to feel that I might be ready to see if anyone was planning to drive back to campus soon. I went to the john again, but Tim had been on the bed when I left it, his legs in the air and Tom Parker in his ass, so I used the toilet by itself. When I came out, Larry and Beau Sanchez were being very friendly in the hallway. Larry snagged me and pulled me into their joint embrace and a moment later I discovered he was right, the black ball player could indeed kiss. His tongue felt like it was as big as his cock. Since the latter was rigid as an I-beam and currently drooling lube against my left side, I knew that that was big indeed.

"Come with me, both of you," the tall hunk whispered, and headed off toward the end of the hall. I decided I could wait for the ride home. He passed the bedroom, and I wondered where we were going. Another door led to the outside, onto a small, totally enclosed terrace, with a glass door to the bedroom. I'd noticed that glass door from inside, but since the lights in the bedroom, low though they were, were still brighter than out here, you couldn't really see from inside out. From the terrace, however, we could clearly see into the bedroom, where Tom's orgy was in full swing on the bed.

Larry grinned. "Sexy view, Beau. Who needs movies?"

The ballplayer had an incredibly deep, very erotic voice, with a rich drawl. "I've got a better idea, studs, let's make our own sexy view." He pulled us back into his long arms, and neither of us was in any mood to argue. Beau yanked the cushions off two lounges, spreading them together on the terrace, and we sank onto them.

Larry's assessment had been right, Beau Sanchez was hot. Very hot. I had only had sex with one other black dude, but he and Beau shared one characteristic that really turned me on, which was extremely smooth, sexy skin. Except for a dense and wiry bush around that enormous piece of meat, and tight curls in the center of his chest, Beau was practically hairless. His flesh was like chocolate colored silk, and he had a hot sexy musk scent when aroused, which he certainly was, that was a potent natural aphrodisiac.

While we tangled on the mats, combining our three naked bodies in an incredible variety of positions, we forgot all about the half-dozen men also having sex on the other side of the glass. Beau was six foot seven, I would later find out, but all Larry Joe and I knew right then was that there was a lot of him, all over, and it was a lot of fun to play with. Larry liked rimming and Beau had an ass made to be munched. The jock hunkered over my roommate's face, Larry spearing him with as much of his tongue as he could get up his butt, to the obvious delight of both hot college men. And mine, since the position they were in allowed me free access to the two biggest cocks in town.

At full stand, Beau was in fact bigger than the boa, by a good half-inch at least. I was glad I'd been practicing on Larry Joe, since that black whopper could have damaged an inexperienced throat for real. The stud was already moaning from Larry's tongue in his back door, but he could still growl his appreciation when I managed to take all of it, my nose pressed into the crinkly pubic hair at its base. When I felt him throbbing, too close too soon, I switched to Larry's equally hard cock. My fuck-buddy and maybe lover had a slight edge in girth if not length, and no matter which of them I was going down on, I sure knew I had a mouth full of cock.

We switched places, with Larry Joe now on his hands and knees, with Beau behind him giving Larry's butt the benefit of that long tongue of his while the hunky blonde deep-throated my steel hard cock. I was glad I had already given several other studs my load, since the combination of Larry's talented mouth and the sight of Beau's handsome black face buried between his snow white cheeks could have set me off in a second. I leaned over Larry's back, grabbing his buns and spreading them open for Beau's oral assault, and he moaned even deeper, swallowing my dick so deeply I thought he was going to get my balls inside his hot mouth with it.

I don't know who missed us, or when, or discovered where we were, but when I surfaced for air at one point, I realized that a light on the terrace had been turned on. I had been eating out Larry's butt, with as much pleasure as ever, while he and the hung basketball star lustily sixty-nined, each taking the other's impossibly large cock all the way to the root. Now Larry Joe was on his back, Beau lifting his legs to his chest and guiding his massive pole to the waiting entrance to my stud lover's ass.

And we were no longer unobserved. Half the men in the bedroom were at the window, watching avidly, when Beau sank it home and Larry's sigh of pleasure emptied his lungs. I just grinned and kept my silence, figuring it would only distract the two studs if I shared my discovery with them, so like the guys inside, I settled back, beating off slowly and sensually while I watched my roommate get his brains fucked out by the only cock bigger than his I had ever seen.

"Oh gawd damn!" Beau growled in his bass voice. "Fucking hot ass, stud! Fucking hot white butt around my big black cock!"

"Oh, yes! Fuck that butt, man, Fuck that huge dick all the way to my stomach. Want it all, all the way in me, give me that cock!"

Beau's lean, athletic body rippled over Larry Joe, driving his huge dick to the hilt again and again, his groin slamming against Larry Joe's cheeks, impaling him on a foot of black sex. And Larry Joe was clearly loving every fucking inch of it.

"Get your cock over here, too, stud." Beau said to me. "Feed me that hot dick while I open this one's guts."

"Oh shit yes, Bill! Sit on my face and let this hot fucking stud eat your cock and split my butt open at the same time!"

I was going to argue? In a moment, I was straddling Larry Joe, taking his hot tongue up my rear while Beau bent into my crotch to gobble my throbbing shaft. The hot jock sucked as well as he fucked, and he had my roommate and me both flying in no time. And our audience. I was facing the window, so I was the only one who knew that five or six other men were watching every thrust of our three-way sex, all of them with steel hardons, either jacking off or feeding it to someone else on his knees or bent over in front of them.

The combination of sensations was finally just too fucking much. Howling with pleasure, I grabbed Beau's short afro-cut in my hands and pulled him all the way down on my cock. My nuts exploded, gushing a load I was surprised I still had in me up into his hungrily swallowing throat while my asshole spasmed around Larry's hot tongue.

The moment I stopped shooting, Beau pulled up, his face a grimace of sheer passion, lean hips pumping like a pile driver. Slamming his mammoth tool into my roommate's guts deeper than ever he roared like a young lion and blasted his wad halfway to Larry's lungs. His entire muscular body trembled with sexual release while he obviously flooded the blonde's rectum again and again with his hot sap.

"Oh fuck, yes! Feel it!" Larry moaned when I pulled my ass off his face. "I can feel that fucking huge hose coming in me! Filling me up with your hot stud load. Oh god, I have to get off, have to come!"

"No!" Beau grabbed Larry's immense stiff pole. "Hold it man, wait. I want that load, want it in me!" Larry moaned even deeper when Beau's big hand squeezed his shaft hard, stopping his climax, delaying it. His hips drug back, pulling his incredible cock from Larry's flooded hole with a wet plop. In a flash, he lowered Larry Joe's legs, swung up off his knees and straddled my hunky lover's hips, flexed his legs and sat down on the rock hard Boa, all the way to Larry's balls.

"Oh my God! Yes!" Larry's voice went off the scale, a wordless howl of insane lust while his cock erupted like a volcano in the depths of the basketball player's butt.

Larry Joe and Beau were still panting, recovering from their twin phenomenal orgasms in each other's asses when the door to the bedroom was opened and the applause broke onto the terrace. They both wheeled around in surprise; realized what had happened and collapsed with me in a pile of laughing, very spent, very satisfied men.

Beau drove us home. He had a very flashy car, and I didn't feel like asking how he got it. The scandals of college athletics were for someone else to worry about, right? Timmy had made his own arrangements, and I gathered Pat Gerber and Mike Oberlin were staying over at Tom's in the spare bedroom after everyone retrieved his clothes from it. I asked, and Beau confirmed my suspicions.

"Yeah. I think Pat's got a thing for Obie, no question there. And Mike really does like him. But what Pat doesn't want to admit is that he isn't ever gonna tie that Yankee honky down. Obie's my best friend, but honey, those legs will spread for any big cock that comes down the pike. And he handles balls as well off the court as on."

"Including a teammate's?" Larry teased from between us.

"Who the hell do you think brought him out?" Beau laughed.

"This is probably an indiscreet question, Beau," I said, "But are you and Mike the only gay guys on the team?"

"It's okay. The only ones who'll admit it, yeah. I can't name names, but mine isn't the only Varsity dick that's been inside Obie's throat or up his ass. Only the others had to get drunk first so they wouldn't have to admit they remembered it the next morning."

Larry broke up, and at Beau's puzzlement, we gave him the short and quick version of how we'd become more than roommates. Beau grinned. "So I guess I should thank you, then, Bill. I had the hots for this big stud all last year."

"You what?" Larry was amazed.

"Baby, you are hard to miss. I'd seen you around campus, and asked the few people I dared to. The report was you were hung too big to really be white but also totally unmakeable. You just don't know. You could've knocked me over with a feather when I came out of the bedroom at Tom's tonight and saw you there."

My turn to laugh. "That makes two, then. I'm new here, and didn't recognize you on sight, but Larry did. I think he was more surprised that you were there than you were that he was."

"Uh-huh. Needless to say, I have to be real careful. I don't think the Athletic Department would enjoy knowing they were giving one of their prized scholarships to a black faggot, honeys. And that does cramp my style. But, uh, Tom lets me come to his place sometimes, and I have one other friend with an apartment and buttoned lips. To be blunt about it, I would not mind at all getting together with you two studs again."

Larry looked at me, saw my grin, and turned back to the basketball star. "I think we can definitely arrange that, Mr. Sanchez, sir."

It was starting to get light on the eastern horizon when Beau dropped us at our dorm. The quad was totally deserted, and so he treated both of us to another of those hot kisses and said he'd get in touch soon. We were two tired men when we climbed the stairs to our room.

"Whew," Larry sighed while he undressed. "Talk about debuts! I don't think I have any secrets left. Did you know all those guys were watching Beau screw my ass off?"

"Uh-huh. I'd have said something but you both seemed busy at the time. Occupied, shall we say?"

"More like invaded. I didn't believe I could take that horse cock up my ass, much less how much I wanted it."

"You may be ruined for life, stud," I teased. "Think a normal man will ever be able to satisfy you again?"

I was teasing, but Larry suddenly wasn't. "I know one who can."

"Is this the time for this conversation, babe?"

"Probably not, but I have to say it anyway. I did mean what I said earlier, Bill." We were both stripped for bed. Larry caught my hand and pulled me into his arms. "I had a good time tonight, yes. And I got it on with six or seven guys at least, including the incredible and very hung Beau Sanchez. But I don't love any of them. I love Bill Toomey."

"Love's a heavy word, Larry Joe."

"Uh-huh. Do you love me, Bill?"

"Oh God yes. You know I do." I melted, hugging him to me.

"Good. Can we go to bed now?"

I smiled. "Your place or mine?"

"Ours. Right here," he sighed while we sank onto the nearest bed, which happened to be his, and into a long, warm kiss. I'm not sure, but I think we fell asleep still kissing.

I woke up in Larry Joe's arms, supremely happy. He was still asleep, and I pulled back just enough to lie there staring at him. Asleep, he looked like a little kid, innocent and sweet. His blonde curls were all over his forehead, tousled from sleep. His eyes, exactly the color of the sky on a crystal clear June day, opened slowly when I brushed that corn-silk hair back.

"Hmmm. Kiss me." I did. "What time is it?"

"Nine-thirty. Ought to get up soon. You should anyway, for classes."

"One class, and only a dammed Psych lecture. Rick Warren's in that section, I'll get his notes. To hell with class."

I chuckled. "You think Rick Warren's in any better shape for class this morning than you are?"

"Guess not." He grinned. "So, we'll both have to get someone else's notes. Now, are you gonna talk all morning or cuddle with me and go back to sleep?"

"No contest, Judge."

When I woke again, it was to a knock on the door. I nudged Larry Joe awake and got out of his bed, quickly flinging the covers back on mine as I headed for the door, snaring a pair of briefs from the floor. "Who is it?" I said while I tugged them on.

"Danny. You guys still in bed, or what?"

"You alone?"


I opened the door. "Come on in, Babe. Yeah, we were out pretty late last night, or this morning to be more exact. Lazybones there skipped class and we slept in."

Larry was sitting up, rubbing sleep from his eyes and stretching. "Hiya, Danny my man, what's up?"

Danny looked at my bed, grinned. "Not very convincing, Toomey. You could at least sit on it to wrinkle the sheets."

"Watch your tongue, Junior. What time is^Å? Oh, God," I looked at the clock. "After noon? Up, Weaver! We're sleeping the day away."

"Right. Gotta piss anyway." He swung out of bed, snagged his robe and went out.

I chuckled. "Put your eyes back in the sockets, Danny. You've seen it before. From closer than that, as I recall."

"Uh-huh, but I still can't believe it," he grinned.

"Did you just come by to ogle everybody's favorite cock, or for any legitimate purpose?"

"I waited to catch B.C. after his Psych class, and when he wasn't at it, came to find out what you guys were up to. Where were you last night anyway? Tommy 'n' I came by, but you were gone already."

"At a party. Friend of mine invited us."

Danny's dark eyes glinted. "A party. Uh, were there girls at this party?"

I smiled slowly. "No, all guys. Yes, Danny, it was a gay party."

"Shit! For real?"

"For real."

"Bill, uh, After last Wednesday, I know this is gonna sound like a real dumb question, but are you really? Gay, I mean."

"Uh-huh. I was before I came here. I thought you and Larry Joe had talked about all that Wednesday, before I got back."

"Well, we did, but I'm still a little..." Larry Joe came back in then, and he blushed.

I smiled. "Confused?"

"Yeah," Danny said.

"About what, pal?" Larry Joe asked.

"Wait a minute. Danny, have you had lunch yet?" He shook his head. "Okay. Obviously, Larry and I haven't even had breakfast. Before we get into a long discussion, I need coffee. Preferably by transfusion. Get some clothes on, lover, and let's go find us a nice private table where they serve coffee and food. Then we can talk."

When we had food, I got us back on the topic. "Okay, Danny, I'm going to take the bull by the horns and turn your question around. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but do you think you're gay?"

"Hell, I don't know. I didn't, or didn't want to, maybe, but the only sex I've ever had has been with my own fist and guys."

"Alan, and with us," Larry said.

Danny blushed again. "Three out of four. Not bad, B.C."

"Someone else? Hey! Are you and Tom..."

"No, not Tommy. A guy back home. With him, even Alan, I could try to pretend I was just, I don't know, messing around. But last Wednesday, uh, well, I can't exactly say that... oh hell, why beat around the bush? I can't pretend that out- and-out begging you two to fuck me in the butt was still just messing around, can I?" He blushed. "And, well, you asked if the other guy was Tommy. No. But I... I...."

I smiled "He is good looking."

"Oh, God!" What was really on Danny's mind came out in a rush, "I think I'm in love with him."

Larry grinned at me. "Do you suppose it's contagious?"

Danny looked from one to the other of us. "I don't think I have to ask what that meant. Anyway, I caught that casual 'lover' you dropped back in the room, Bill. You guys are really, well, going together is the only way I know to put it, aren't you?"

"Guilty," Larry said. "But wait a sec, you didn't say anything about Tommy the other night. You claimed you had the hots for me, and the sexy transfer student here."

"I know, and in a way, I wasn't exactly lying. Or, well, I didn't... Oh shit! I told you I was confused. When, uh, when Alan came on to me last year, I didn't know what to do? See I really had wanted to 'mess around' with you, Larry, but I was so naive. All the guy at home and I had done was jack each other off, and suck each other, kind of. We, uh, we didn't come inside each other, to be blunt. I hate to say this, but I just wanted to, uh...well, you're so..."

Larry sighed. "I'm beginning to think it's a curse. Okay, I have a big dick and you wanted to see it in action."

"Yeah. Until Alan showed me there was more to two guys making it than I had known." He broke off with a sheepish grin. "Am I blushing as much as I feel like I am?"

"Yeah, but it's cute," I said. "Go on."

"Jesus, I can't believe I'm actually talking with anyone about all this. Okay. I fucked Alan, and loved it. He wanted to fuck me, but I was afraid to let him. Maybe that's why we stopped doing it. But he never told me he was making it with you, the bastard, and believe me I asked." I shot a look at Larry Joe. I still wasn't sure what his real feelings about his first roommate were. But he seemed okay, just listening to Danny tell his story.

"When, well, when you came on to me last Wednesday, I almost died. And I couldn't believe it when I wanted you to, you know, fuck my butt. Christ, if I was afraid to let Alan try, I had to be out of my mind to want you to. I mean...." He looked at Larry, grinning. "Sorry, but, I mean, it is..."

"We all know. It's big. Go on."

"Okay, so we made it, and then Bill got home and you two gang-raped me," Larry snorted, but Danny's grin made it plain he was joking, "and I absolutely loved it, which I guess you noticed. When I left, all I could think about was when I could get you two alone again, either together or separately. Until I got back to my, to our, room.

"I'd left Tommy studying for a test, and it was pretty late. He had zonked out on top of his bed, just in his briefs, with the lights still on. I mean he was out. He was in a weird position and looked like he was uncomfortable, so I went over to wake him up and tell him to get in bed right. I looked down at him and it hit me like a baseball bat over the head." He stopped, looked down, and shook his head. He didn't say any more for a minute or two.

"Danny?" I prompted.

He looked up. "I'd thought it was you, B.C., partly I think because I could convince myself that I was just fascinated by you know what. That was bad enough, but at least it was physical, not romantic. As for you, Bill, now that I'm being honest, you are hot, and besides you look sort of like Alan, who was the first guy I ever really did anything with."

"So I gather," I grinned at Larry.

"Yeah. But I was kidding myself. It was really Tommy all along. I'm in love with the stupid fuck, and how in hell can I tell him that?"

"Oh dear," Larry said softly.

"Right. I have been miserable since Wednesday night."

"Slow down, guys. Look, you three have been close friends for over a year. And last year with Alan. Do either of you think Tommy knew anything at all about Alan making it with you guys?" They both shook their heads. "Did you know about each other?" The light dawned on Larry Joe first.

"Shit! You don't think...."

"I don't know. I'm the new kid in town, remember? And I never knew Alan, so I'm not going to try to second-guess him. But, if he managed to put the make on both of you, he may have with Tommy as well."

"Oh God!" Danny groaned.

"Hang on, we certainly don't know that for sure. But, uh, what does he say about gay guys in general? Not specifically, but surely one of you has heard him make some comment. Someone you all suspected, a joke?"

Larry laughed. "For reasons which should be clear now, that was a topic I tended to avoid whenever possible. Danny, you room with him."

"I don't know, I don't... Wait a minute. Uh, you guys know a dude named Rick Warren? You should, Larry Joe, he's in our class."

Neither of us could hide our smiles. "Uh, yeah, we know him."

"Remind me, I still want to talk about that party. Okay, Rick is gay then, isn't he?" Larry nodded. "Uh-huh. He was in gym with Tommy and me last year. One day, we were having a beer with another guy from class and Rick's name came up somehow. The other guy said he thought Rick spent a lot of time in the showers looking at other guys, and made a nasty crack that maybe he was a fairy. I didn't think anything about it at the time, but Tommy seemed real pissed. Told the guy he didn't have any business saying that about someone if he didn't know what he was talking about, and even if he did, it was Rick's affair."

"All right. If nothing else, he's not a bigot about it. I have an idea, but it depends on you, partly, Babe."

"Me?" Larry Joe laughed. "You want me to seduce Tommy? He is cute, but I don't think that's what Danny had in mind."

"Not what I had in mind either, lover boy. Keep your fly zipped. No, listen and see what you think." I outlined my plot, and Larry agreed it was okay with him. I hadn't been sure he would, but it seemed as if my roommate fuck-buddy lover was in fact out of the closet for real. Our friend Danny wasn't sure it would do any good, but he was ready to try almost anything.

"Tonight? We could all have dinner together, and.... Oh shit," he broke off. "No, we can't do it tonight. Tommy's aunt and uncle are here. He's showing them around and then they're taking us both out to dinner."

"That's okay, we're busy this evening, too."

"Another party? What are you two, social butterflies?"

"No," Larry Joe grinned impishly, "we have a date."

"A date? Both of you? But I thought...."

"Come on, gang," I said. We had finished our lunch. "I'm tired of keeping my voice down and shutting up every time a waitress passes. Let's pay up and head back to our room or somewhere we can talk more openly." We did, and told Danny about the party we'd gone to the night before. Well, the first one, anyway, not Tom's. Danny wanted to know who else was there of course, and I knew Larry Joe was simply dying to tell him about meeting, and fucking, Beau Sanchez, but he managed to be discreet.

Danny finally said he'd better go, and meet Tommy and his relatives. "God. I don't know if it'll ever work out, but I feel better just having told someone. Thanks for listening guys. And listen, I'm glad you two are together, you know? It couldn't happen to a nicer pair of guys." He got an impish look. "Or sexier."

"Right. Now get outta here. Try not to make goo-goo eyes at Tommy in front of his aunt and uncle, okay?"

"Easier said than done, I'm afraid." He left.

"Well, babe, what do you think? You've known Tommy longer. Any chance he might be receptive?"

"I don't know. I am beginning to wonder if it was an accident that the four of us, them, me and Alan, all became close last year. Alan was gay to begin with, that seems clear now. I am, and now Danny's coming out. If Tommy is straight, he's the ringer."

"I haven't seen him do so this year, but did he date much last year? I mean with girls?"

"No. None of us did, really." He laughed. "Funny. Now that I think about it, Alan probably had more real dates, with girls, than any of us. But then I guess he knew what he was covering up. For the most part, we just hung out together. We all talked about dating, and which girls we'd like to try to make, but we never did anything about it. I never thought about it. Of course, I was getting laid regularly, even if I wasn't quite admitting it. Jesus! Was I sick or what?"

"Just adjusting."

"Nope," he grinned. "Waiting for the right guy."

I took the plunge. "I am probably risking raising a ghost I should let lie, but you do know where Alan is in school, don't you?"


"Have you thought about calling or writing him?"

He took a deep breath. "I've thought about it, yeah. Ever since last weekend. I'm not sure what I'd say, though. I liked Alan, a lot, as a friend and roommate. And we had sex at least once a week for most of the year. But. He was in love with me, and I wasn't really in love with him. I've thought about that and it's the truth. It's part of what kept me in my self-imposed closet." He smiled. "The fact that I was falling in love with you is part of what brought me out of it.

"Okay. Now I am out, and in the past week, I've had sex with at least six or seven men besides you. Most of them last night, but anyway, I did. What would I say to Alan? Sorry, man, but I had to wait till you were gone to admit it? I don't think he'd appreciate that. But in a way I ought to get in touch with him, I guess."

"Well, don't worry about it. When it feels right, you'll do what you think you should."

"Yeah." He looked thoughtful. "About doing what's right. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Tonight. Johnny Akers. He wants to go to bed with us, not just out to dinner, that's pretty obvious."

"I got that feeling, yes," I grinned.

"Does it bother you?" I understood that he wasn't asking if the fact that Johnny, who was very sexy, was interested bothered me.

"You mean now that we're admitting we love each other, that we're not just balling for the sex, should we still fuck other guys?"


"Do you want to cancel our date with him?"

He laughed. "No. But in a way, I think I ought to want to."

I thought a second or two. "Look, Larry Joe. Let me try to get this all out. Yes, I love you, and I sure do like the fact that you say you love me, too. But last week we agreed that neither of us was ready to make it totally monogamous. So far, I think we're doing okay. We're both new, as far as the local talent is concerned, and at the risk of being conceited for both of us, we're both hot tickets.

"We're having a good time, or at least I am, and you certainly didn't seem reluctant last night. But we both came back here, with each other, and we won't be invited to orgies at Tom Parker's every night. Why don't we leave the status quo for now, play it by ear and see how it develops? If we get to the point where one or both of us wants to change the rules, let's just promise each other we'll say so, okay?"

"Come here and kiss me again, lover."

Next: Chapter 8

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