College Cocks

By Fritz

Published on Sep 10, 2000


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- This is a story which involves sex between young males. If that is not your thing, what are you doing here? If you are under 18 in most jurisdictions, you should not be reading this, but I take no responsibility for your actions. It takes place in an unspecified time and place and the characters do not worry about HIV or AIDS. If you are sexually active in today's world, you should be aware of the risks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

To all the guys who have written, Thanks! Glad you liked it. This is the final chapter for Bill And Larry Joe and Danny And Tommy, and of course, Tim. Watch for more from Fritz soon, although the next one might be a real change of pace.

Enjoy, guys, this is the end of College Cocks.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- College Cocks


The red Corvette, and its sexy blonde driver, arrived right at seven, as promised. I wondered if Johnny had an entire closet full of shirts in that shade of green. It flattered him, and he knew it. He grinned hello to us. "Not sure how to work this, guys. I didn't think, but you're both pretty good-sized, and this is really a two seater. The back isn't that comfortable for a six-footer."

"No sweat," Larry grinned. "I'm the biggest, and everybody please keep comments to themselves, I mean in height. I'll pull the seat as far back as it goes, and squeeze sexy here in on my lap."

I looked at him. "In a convertible? You aren't hiding much any more are you? Better be sure that's okay with Johnny."

"Told you, I gave up the games too. Anybody gives a shit, fuck'em. Or rather, don't fuck 'em, they're too uptight. Ignore 'em. Pile in, studs, and we're off."

My plan of action for Danny got a bit of an early push. His dorm was right across from ours, at the intersection. The light caught us, and as Johnny waited for it to change, Danny and Tommy came out of the dorm with an older couple who had to be Tom's relatives. Of course they saw us. Danny's blush showed from fifty feet away, but Tommy just waved to us, grinning. From Larry Joe's lap, I waved back.

Madison was a dull town, hovering between small and urban, with all of the disadvantages and none of the advantages of both, but it was at least away from Bowler, which was so much a college town you felt like you were in a fishbowl all the time. Wherever you went, there was a very good chance someone you knew from a class or the dorm would be there, too. The little Italian place Johnny took us lived up to its billing, cheap, filling and good for what it was. And we didn't know a soul. We made a pact to keep our mouths shut about it, because if word got out, half of Bowler would be there every weekend.

Johnny Akers was a hoot. Away from school, he let his hair down and camped it up, and I was pretty sure the waitress and most of the other patrons around us could guess our scene, and easily figure out what three good-looking college men were doing out on a Saturday night without dates in tow. If it bothered Larry, he never let on. He was in stitches most of the time, since Johnny seemed to have an endless supply of raunchy gay jokes. I'd heard half of them, but Larry hadn't, and John's timing and delivery were good enough so I laughed with him, even at the oldest ones.

We had a bottle of wine with our pasta, and were all mellow when we left, chuckling and having a good time. "On to the Blue Room, ladies and gentlemen."

"Which is which?" Larry giggled.

Akers shot him an arch look. "I could say take your pick, but maybe it's time to lay my cards on the table. Maybe I assumed too much last night, but you two are planning on coming back to my place tonight, I hope? And I don't mean just for a nightcap."

"We thought you'd never ask," I grinned.

"Good, that's settled. Now, I turn some people off this way, but I've found being upfront about it helps. Sex is sex, and I can be as versatile as the occasion demands, but if I have my druthers, as my granny says, I prefer to get fucked. As often and as long as possible. Anybody got any problem with that?"

Larry looked at me, fighting the giggles. "The man does speak his mind, doesn't he? You got a problem with that, lover?"

"Not a one."

"Can't say as I do either."

"Hot damn! Why did I promise to take you guys to the Blue Room?"

"Worry not, sexy, the night is young and so are we. First I see my first gay bar, then we deal with your druthers."

"I knew I liked your style, Weaver."

The Blue Room looked like any other gay bar in a town the size of Madison. Non-descript on the outside, semi-tacky on the inside, with most of the decor provided by beer-company advertising signs. The only real indication that it was anything other than a standard neighborhood bar were the posters on the walls, all of hunky movie stars, all male. My roommate laughed when we came in and he saw one of the hottest young heartthrob stars staring at him from next to the jukebox. "Oh God, I should have known all along. I have seen every one of his films, and it wasn't for his acting talent, believe me."

There were several guys there we had met at Jerry's the night before and other people Johnny knew, and once again, Larry and I had to endure introductions. Rick Warren came in, saw us, and came over.

"Ah ha! Bowler's latest fun couple has discovered the Blue Room. I thought that was your fuckwagon out there, John. I assume you brought these two?"

"Uh-huh. I'm driving them back, too, Rick, so reel in your line." We all smiled, and Rick and Larry and I didn't bother to tell him we all knew each other quite well already.

"Did you make Psych this morning, Rick?"

"God no. You didn't either, I take it?" Larry shook his head. "No sweat, there's a cute little blonde with the hots for my bod, although I don't think he realizes that's what it is. He'll give me his notes if I smile at him."

Johnny laughed. "Two weeks into the term and you haven't brought him out yet, Rick? You're slipping."

"Puh-leeze, what sort of slut do you think I am? Don't anybody dare answer that question." He grinned. "I'll ask for the notes tomorrow night when we have our dinner date."

A few minutes later, Johnny went off to the head, and Rick grinned at us. "My, we are cutting a swath, aren't we? I'm afraid I'm going to have competition for the title of Campus Whore this year, but it isn't fair. How am I supposed to keep up with a doubles act?"

Larry Joe seemed to be able to take anything in stride. "You did all right on your own last night," he smiled back.

"Uh-huh, but I bet you get better seats for home basketball games than I do. That was some little show out on the terrace, my dears. Did you know you triggered four climaxes I know of and probably more that I don't inside the bedroom?"

"Loyal supporters of the school sports program, that's us," I said.

Pat Gerber also arrived later, and we were chatting with him and Johnny. "By the way, Larry, I meant to ask you last night but never had the chance. Who is that good-looking dark-haired kid you run around with all the time? Short, looks Italian or something."

"Greek," Larry Joe smiled. "Danny Constantine."

"He's adorable. Is he gay, or a friend from your other life?"

Larry shot me a look, and I shrugged. "Well, don't say anything, I don't know exactly where his head is at yet, but both in a way. Danny and I have been friends since neither of us was out, but yeah, it looks like he is gay. Maybe not available, though."

"Still hung up, huh?"

"Not that way, no. In love. Only he doesn't know if the guy he's in love with is ready for it, if you know what I mean."

"Oh dear," Johnny said, "the college curse. It really is unfair, you know? Being gay in college is the pits. You are thrown among all these good looking young studs in the prime of their sexuality, only far too many of them have the unmitigated gall to be straight. Unfair."

"Not necessarily," Pat's eyes twinkled.

"Your scene, Hon, not mine. I don't know how he does it," Johnny said to us, "but this one has the most phenomenal talent for luring boys into his bed who never even thought of making it with another guy. Only he doesn't bring them out. How do you manage to ball with straight boys and leave them still thinking they're straight?"

Larry laughed, and looked at Johnny and me. "I already knew Pat from the Tube last year. I thought you were being awfully friendly to a mere freshman. You were trying to pick me up, right?"

"Guilty," Pat smiled. "That's why I don't do my drinking here most of the time. Thank God for the morals of Bowler's co-ed population. Keeps the poor lads in a state of perpetual horniness."

"Which condition you are only too willing to help them with, right?" Larry Joe laughed.

"I am a very sympathetic person."

"Well, That's not for me," Johnny repeated. "I don't have the time or patience to train 'em. I want the men who hit my bed to already know how to do it."

"Oh, don't worry, dear. Straight boys know what to do. All you have to do is convince them it won't kill them to go ahead and do it, 'just this once.' It's amazing how easy that can be sometimes."

We had a good time, but finally Johnny suggested maybe it was time to head back to Bowler? Larry Joe and I said sure, and once again we piled into the Corvette. Only this time, Johnny drove with one hand, feeling up both of our legs with the other. Since I was on Larry's lap, I could feel his growing anticipation of the rest of the evening.

Johnny had already made his desires quite clear, and as soon as we got to his apartment, he wasted little time making them even clearer.

"Anybody want another drink? No? Good, come on, troops, the bedroom's right this way." There hadn't been space for a real answer anywhere in there, but I don't think Larry wanted to sit around drinking any more than Johnny or I did. We followed him to his bedroom, and in a very short time there were three naked, ready men on his bed.

"Oh my gawd. This," he said, cradling the aroused Boa in both hands, "is everything I'd heard and then some." One hand left it and moved to my groin. "And as I'd hoped, so is that. Now, guys, let's get down to some serious fucking."

Johnny didn't waste much time on foreplay. We grappled and made out just long enough to get everyone worked up a little more, and then the wiry blonde got down to business. He pulled me up behind him while he knelt on his elbows and knees between Larry's spread legs chewing on his big nuts, and I didn't need an instruction manual to tell me what he had in mind. I lubed his hole with two spit-soaked fingers, but the stud was ready without much preparation, so I lined it up, cocked my hips, and let him have it.

"Unngghh!" He moaned around Larry's testicles when I rammed all eight inches home in one hard thrust. He pulled up. "Oh shit, yes, stud! Fuck it! Fuck my butt deep and hard!" And while I proceeded to do just what the man asked, he opened wide and swallowed the boa to the base. Larry Joe held Johnny's head down in his crotch, flexing his hips to pump his huge hardon deep in his gullet, and I simply cut loose behind him, riding his ass fast and rough, stud-fucking the grasping hole just the way he asked.

The rest of the evening was a series of variations on that same basic theme. I pumped a big load up his guts, and not more than a minute later Larry was in the saddle I had just vacated, fucking him even deeper in my lubricating come. Halfway through the fuck, Larry pulled out and flipped the lustily moaning senior over on his back, then resumed his efforts to straighten out his intestines while Johnny pulled my butt down on his face, rimming my ass in heat while B.C. gave it to him. I reached down to pump on his own throbbing cock, which was anything but undersized, and before long he blasted a copious orgasm all over his body, triggering Larry Joe to one of his patented gallon-sized climaxes deep inside the spasming chute.

And that was only the beginning. After a short, very short break, Akers revved me up again, sitting on me from above this time, rising and falling on my stiff pole while Larry pulled, tugged and nibbled at his sexy tits and I licked my lover's hot balls and reawakened cock. I shot off inside him again, but he still was ready for more, and once again, Larry obliged. He was on his back, and I grabbed his ankles, pulling them back over his head to really open his butt while Larry Joe pounded his butt again and again.

"Oh, fuck yes, you big-dicked stud! Tear me apart! Ram that fucking huge cock all the way to my lungs! Unngghh!" I think John Akers liked the way Larry fucked. Not very much longer, Larry was building up to speed, obviously close to shooting again. Johnny's cock was fully re-hardened and drooling lube.

He grabbed Larry's hips, pulling his all the way in. "Wait, man! Just like that. Put it all the way in and leave it there. "Unghh! What a cock! Bill! Pull my knees back, farther. Stay in me Larry!" I grabbed his legs behind the knees and pulled them back. Johnny was very slim, and his body was lithe and limber. He was bent almost double. Oh my.... I saw what he was up to.

His ass was almost straight up now, Larry over him, shoving his huge boner straight down into it. Johnny's cock was almost as long as mine was, although thinner, and it was rock-hard, and aimed right down toward his face. "Push down, stud," he moaned. "Ram that horsecock in me and push my butt down!" Larry Joe pushed, the gap closed, and Johnny's tongue flicked out, laving the head of his own, lube-slick, prick. "Oh yes! Now man, do it! Fuck me hard!"

Larry took his own weight on his feet and hands, above Johnny, and cut loose like a demon pile driver. Every ass-flattening thrust forced Johnny's hips down further, and every time Johnny drove it home, it pushed the first inch or so of Johnny's cock through his own lips. The fucking dude was sucking his own cock while Larry raped his butt! "Oh damn, yes, guys, hot!" I groaned. "He's sucking his own meat while you fuck him, babe! Your fucking big dick is forcing his down his own throat. Give it to him, stud! Harder! Fuck his ass, baby!"

"Oh shit! Tight hole, hot tight hole with my come and yours in it already. Hot, wet, slippery ass, fucking that ass! Yeah! Gonna shoot it again, gonna fill that hot ass till it drips, man! Take it! Take my cock and my load! Unngghh! Oh fuck, yes! Now!"

I could see the whole thing. Larry slammed home, buried to the balls in Johnny's guts, shaking like an earthquake while he went off. Johnny gave a muffled moan, took his own cock deeper than ever between his lips, and his nuts clenched tight. Growling from the pit of his stomach, he took the first jets of his own semen in his mouth, then let it flip loose, spewing a huge climax all over his lust-wracked face while Larry Joe emptied his balls in his already inundated rectal channel.

Some time later, everybody was more or less back to normal, lying on Johnny's bed with him between us. "Oh my lord! That was heaven!" He sighed.

"You're something else, man," Larry smiled. "When you said you liked to fuck, you weren't whistling Dixie."

"I've been fucked, and I've been fucked. You two are unreal."

"Did you really suck yourself?"

"Believe me," I chuckled, "he did. I didn't believe it but I saw it."

Johnny smiled. "I can't do that every time. It takes the right stud, preferably very hung - you do qualify, Weaver - fucking me in just that position. But when I can, it's fantastic. I feel like I'm having the biggest orgasm imaginable."

"I'll say. You ought to feel what happens inside your butt when you get off that way. I was afraid I was gonna lose my dick in there."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now, my two new friends, I make a wicked Bloody Mary."

"At this hour?" I laughed. "Johnny, it's almost two in the morning!"

"I know that. I thought we'd have the Bloodies in the morning, when we all get up after you two studs fuck me again."

Larry chuckled. "Bill, I think we're being asked to stay the night."

"Hmmm. You got a car?"


"Neither do I, and I don't think our buddy here could walk, much less drive. Guess we have to, don't we?"

"I wasn't going anywhere."

Larry got his ass in the morning. Johnny actually could suck almost as well as he took it up the butt, and I didn't bother to hold back. My hunky lover and I pumped our first loads of the day into Johnny Akers at the same time, one from either end, then flipped him over and took turns going down on him. Larry Joe was greedy and stayed on him for Johnny's entire climax, but I forgave him when he kissed me and fed me what he'd saved for me on his tongue. And Johnny was right; he did make a very good Bloody Mary, and wonderful scrambled eggs.

He drove us back to the dorm about one o'clock, and we got a paper and went up to the room to collapse. "That is it!" Larry announced, while he stripped down to his jockeys and flopped on the bed. "I'm taking a week off. I think I'm down to a half a nut."

"It has been quite a weekend, hasn't it? Quite a week, really. Maybe I should have left you playing dumb a little longer. Then you only went crazy once a week."

"No way, mister. I like it like this."

"What was that a minute ago about a week off?"

"Not from you, stud, just the rest of those sex-fiends. I hope you don't plan on sleeping alone from now on."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"What time are we expecting Danny and Tom?"

"Any minute, I guess. Danny said the relatives were leaving right after church. He was gonna try to get Tommy over here soon after that."

"Ha! First time Tom Hyatt's been in a church since he's been here, I'd bet. Hope he was able to find it. Hell, I'd hoped I might have time for a nap. This new life you've corrupted me into is tiring, babe. Oh well, where's the Sports section?"

"Why? Basketball season is months away." He threw a pillow at me and we were laughing when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called.

Danny did, with Tommy. "Hi guys, what's up?"

"Not a fucking thing," Larry said. "Not me, anyway, this is a day of rest, for sure. I am tuckered out from this weekend."

Tommy perched on a desk, as usual, and picked up his cues very well. "Yeah, where were you guys off to last night? Very flashy car. Who was that cat? I've seen him around, but don't think I know him."

"Name's Johnny," I said. "Johnny Akers, senior. We met him at a party Saturday night and went out to dinner with him last night."

"Yeah, and to the bar," Larry added. Nice touch, 'the bar' instead of 'a bar.'

Deliberately or not, Danny fed another perfect straight line. "I was at the Tube later and didn't see you."

"No, we went to the bar over in Madison."

"Madison?" Tommy laughed. "Where is there a college bar in that dump? The only place I've ever heard of anyone going in Madison is by rumor, at least, mostly a bar for gay guys." Boy, was he making this easy.

"That's right," Larry said, casual as you please. "The Blue Note."

I think Danny was holding his breath. Tommy looked from Larry to to me. "The Blue Note?" Larry nodded. "Yeah, that's the place I, uh, that I heard about. And it is a gay bar, isn't it?"

"Yep, sure is. Nice place, well, nice crowd anyway."

"And you and Bill went there with this senior you met at a party the night before, in his shiny red 'Vette."


I was trying to read Tommy's expression, but I got the feeling he was working at keeping it blank. If he was shocked or surprised, he wasn't going to give it away. He looked over at me. "Is he trying to tell us something, Bill?"

"Why don't you ask him?" I stayed just as poker-faced as he was, and Larry lay on his bed grinning. Danny looked like he didn't even want to be there.

Tommy looked back at Larry Joe. "Are you trying to tell me something, old buddy?"

"What do you want to know, old pal?"

"Do you mean you're gay?"

"Yup." Larry's grin didn't change a whit.

Tommy looked at me. "You too, right?" I nodded. "You guys did look cozy in the 'Vette, come to think of it. Are you, uh..."

"Yes, Tom," Larry said, still smiling. "Bill and I started the year as roommates. Now we're lovers."

This was it, the dicey moment. All three of the rest of us were very closely watching Tommy, and he knew it. He couldn't quite hide the smile starting to grow on his face, although I knew he was trying. He kept his eyes on Larry, but said, "Danny, did you know about this?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Uh-huh. I've got another question for you, Larry, old buddy. Were you and Alan getting it on last year? Sexually?"

"Yes. It wasn't the same, but yes."

"How about you, Danny, did you and Alan do it, too?" Danny was really surprised, and blushed beet red, but he didn't say anything till Tommy looked right at him. "You did, didn't you?"

"Yeah, a few times."

The smile was winning. "I will be dammed. And you both knew."

"No!" Danny added hastily, "No, we didn't. Not till a few days ago. Not about each other, I mean."

Tommy laughed outright, and I relaxed. We were home free on phase one at least, I was sure of that. Tommy confirmed it. "That son of a bitch!" He laughed again. "I don't believe this. He was balling with all three of us, but we all - each of us - thought we were the only one. I will be dammed!"

Larry just smiled even wider, and Danny's jaw dropped. "You mean you did, too? You and Alan?"

"Hell, yes! Remember Alan went home with me Thanksgiving weekend? Right. I only have a double bed in my room at home, and we shared it. Boy, did we share it. I guess we got it on once or twice a month after that, all year, and I was petrified one of you would catch on. Not so petrified that I could say no to him, obviously. Okay, troops, it's time to talk turkey. It looks as if there have been some changes in the, uh, situation this year. What do you all know that I don't?"

Less than an hour later, Tommy knew the whole story, without all the dirt on some of mine and Larry's more recent sexual escapades and with the omission of two other key details. Danny didn't want Tommy to know he had made it with us, so the preceding Wednesday was cleaned up into just a bull session where we'd let our hair down. And, of course, neither of us had mentioned exactly how Danny now felt about his blonde roommate. That card he would have to play himself.

Only he didn't have to, Tommy dealt it first. "Well shit!" He said finally. "It's a good thing Alan didn't come back. Right now, I'd love to get my hands on him. Hell's bells, why didn't anybody tell me anything? Wait a minute, though." He looked at Danny. "These two are really out, running around to parties and gay bars, but you didn't say you were, not in so many words. Were you just fooling around, getting your rocks off, with Alan, or are you gay?"

"Uh, I guess I am, yeah, only I haven't done that much...."

"Good." I saw what Tommy meant in his broad smile.

"Huh?" Danny didn't trust his hopes, that was clear.

"Babe. Alan seduced me, and I figured out I liked sex with guys. I kept making it with him because he was the only other guy I knew who did. But Alan wasn't who I really wanted to make it with. Maybe I shouldn't say this here, but why in hell do you think I wanted to live with you again this year? I've been trying to get up the guts to say something ever since we got back. I've been in love with you since last Spring!"

Danny just stared at him for a long minute, and then took a very deep breath. "Would everybody please be nice and look the other way? I don't think college men are supposed to cry in front of their friends."

"Oh fuck, Danny! Don't cry, man, come here!" Danny did, and I think they both cried a little while they held each other tightly. I looked at Larry Joe and we both grinned from ear to ear.

"You too, mister."

"Right," he said. When Tommy and Danny separated, Larry wasn't on his bed, he was on mine, leaning back on my chest, with my arms around him.

"Hi, guys," he grinned at them.

"What a fucking waste of time," Tommy said, smiling from one cute ear to the other. "I could kill Alan Carpenter." We all laughed. Tommy held Danny in his arms. "You know, I was about to say I was pissed that you all sprung this on me on a Sunday, when we can't go out and get roaring drunk to celebrate, but I have an even better idea." He looked at Danny. "You got any plans right now, sexy?"

"I'll cancel all of them," Danny beamed.

"You sure will." He stood up completely, taking Danny's hand. "Larry Joe, Bill, it's been a gas. But I think Danny and I will go back to our room now. What say we all have dinner together." He looked at his watch. "In about five hours?"

"See you later, boys." I smiled.

After they left, Larry Joe grinned at me. "You know what you asked me yesterday, about calling Alan in Texas? Now I think it's time. After dinner tonight. I think all three of us might like to talk to him." He snuggled in my arms. "Maybe Tommy had the right idea. What I said about needing a week off? I lied. Wanna make love, stud? Just the two of us?"

I slid one hand into his groin. "I think you may kill me." He rolled over, and we didn't talk anymore right away.

Afterwards, we both studied for a while, since we'd partied away the rest of the weekend. Finally, Larry looked up. "Damn! Are those two gonna screw all evening? I'm hungry, I'm gonna call them."

"They don't have a phone in the room, love."

"I know the number of the hall phone."

"Bad idea. They might not want just anyone coming to their door right now. Get some clothes on, let's go get them."

We tapped on their door. "Who is it?"

"Bill and Larry Joe," I said.

"Oh." There were giggles from inside. "One sec." A moment later Tommy opened the door, in a robe. Danny was in one bed, with the sheet pulled up. The other bed was undisturbed and the room was dim. Tommy grinned sheepishly and flicked on the light. "Come on in."

"Still?" Larry Joe laughed. "Christ, you're worse than we are. Have you guys been in bed ever since you left us?"

"Of course not," Danny giggled. "We both went to the bathroom once."

"Well, I'm hungry. Do you think we could talk you into getting up long enough to get something to eat? Besides each other, that is."

They both giggled again. "Guess you're right," Tommy said. "I was about to go to the head again anyway. Let me take a quick shower, okay? I can be ready in fifteen minutes. Dan?"

"Go on," he laughed. "I'll shower when you get back. I don't trust myself in the shower with you yet. Not here in the dorm anyway." We all laughed at that, and Tommy grabbed a towel and soap and headed off.

"So." I grinned at Danny. "I take it you and Tommy, uh, worked things out, so to speak?"

"Oh my God! I want to scream. I am so happy I can't believe it's real. Look, guys, this sounds tacky, but I'm dying to tell someone. When Alan, uh, made it with me, it was exciting, yes. It was so new, for one thing. And with you guys - Tommy knows about that now, by the way, I told him - well, that was fantastic, really. But I hope you're not going to be offended if I say I have never experienced anything to match the last four or five hours. Jesus!"

I smiled. "That wasn't just sex, guy, it was making love."

"I will be nineteen in a month and up to this afternoon I thought those two terms meant the same thing. Boy is there a difference!"

"Yup." Larry grinned, kissing me quickly. "There sure is."

"Lord, can that boy push my buttons! Again and again." Danny sighed.

"Oh yeah? How many times? Come on, 'fess up."

"Larry Joe Weaver!" I poked him. "That is tacky!"

But Danny was just giggling. Blushing, he held up two fingers, then laughed out loud and added a third. Larry let out a whoop.

Tommy came back, and Danny got up to go to the bathroom, giving his new lover a very warm kiss. When he went out, Tommy started to open his robe, hesitated a second, and then laughed. "Shit, I guess I don't have to be bashful in front of you two." He stripped it off. I didn't know if Larry had seen him nude before, he probably had, but I hadn't. I saw one reason Danny had enjoyed the day anyway. Tommy was lean and rangy, about five ten, I thought. And surprisingly well endowed. Soft, it looked like it was almost as long as mine, and nearly as thick as Mike Oberlin's.

He pulled on briefs and started to get dressed. "I don't know whether to thank you two, for finally opening everyone's eyes, or be furious at you for fucking with my boyfriend behind my back," he grinned.

"He wasn't your boyfriend then," Larry said.

"Yes he was, we just didn't know it yet."

"We could always see to it that you got your turn, sexy."

I shot Larry a look, and from his grin, I knew he meant it. Tommy looked at him and saw the same thing. "Hmmm. Danny last week, and that date last night. Do you two do that a lot? Mess around with other guys, together?"

"We have, yes. And probably will again. How about it, Bill? Want to show old Tommy here just how friendly we can be?"

"I'm staying out of this, thank you." I spread my hands.

Tommy laughed. "I will be very frank with you, Weaver. I'd be lying like a rug if I said the idea didn't cross my mind when Dan told me you three didn't just talk last Wednesday night. You're both hot, and I am curious as to just how much of that famous dick of yours I could handle. But no thanks. I think Dan and I will just be sticking to each other for quite a while. He's the only guy I want right now."

"Drat," Larry Joe teased. "It must be l-o-v-e after all. I suppose that means Danny's off limits, too."

"He sure is," Tommy laughed, "unless you want to find yourself not only hung, but hanged. In fact, I might use your well-known asset itself to run you up that flagpole out there."

"Good lord, Larry, the boy's barely out five hours, and already he's into kinky sex."

"Oh God, you're impossible!" Tommy laughed with us.

Danny came back with good news. "Hey guys, I don't think I can face the dining hall or even Barney's burgers in the mood I'm in. I ran into George McCray in the head, and he said we could borrow his car if we put some gas in it. Wanna go somewhere new and different?"

I looked at Larry. "Angelo's two nights in a row? I think they'd like it, don't you?"

"Good enough, you remember how to get there?"

"Sure. I'll even drive, seeing as how I am the oldest in this crowd. Come on, kiddies."

"Get him! Barely twenty and acting like someone's father."

"Watch your gender, love. In a way, I'm all of you guys' mother."

Tom and Danny did like Angelo's, I think. It was hard to say, since they could barely eat for staring at each other with stars in their eyes. Over dinner, Larry mentioned his idea about calling Alan later.

"Why?" Tommy said. "Can't we just send him a letter bomb instead?"

"Tommy," Danny said. "You can't be all that angry with him, hon."

"I sure am. Come on, he was a bastard, admit it."

I looked at Larry, but he was just puzzled, not upset. "In what way? I mean, we all liked Alan. Hell, we all went to bed with him."

"Exactly. And I know now that Dan and I both asked him if you had. It didn't occur to either of us to ask about each other. But Alan said no about you, and didn't volunteer the information about us. I think the fucker wanted it that way. He was getting his jollies, and keeping all of us to himself. I wonder how many other guys he was screwing. As I see it, he was just plain selfish."

"I think there was more to it than that, Tom," Larry said evenly.

"I'm sorry, B.C. Maybe he was really in love with you, like he told you at the end of the year, and maybe that is why he didn't come back to Bowler this year, I don't know. But even if he was, that sure didn't stop him from seducing Dan and me and God only knows who else."

Larry was starting to bristle. "That's not fair."

"Whoa, here, guys. Before this gets out of hand, I'm the only one who can be at all impartial. If he didn't tell either of you that he and Larry Joe were making it, maybe that was because Larry was still so hung up he wouldn't even talk about it with Alan. Alan might just have been protecting Larry's own reluctance to admit what was going on, not hiding him from you. And assume he had been honest, Tommy. Let's say he did tell you he was sleeping with Larry regularly, and that he had done so with Dan. What would it have changed, anyway?"

Tommy grinned, calming down. "I don't know, you're right. Well, I do know one thing it would have changed, yes. I'd have told this sexy Greek here I loved him a whole lot sooner, that's for sure."

"Tommy's right, send the bomb," Danny laughed.

"All right, Larry Joe. He wasn't a bastard. But lord, we all went through more grief than we'd have had to if he'd been more open about what, and who, was going down, you have to admit that."

"Maybe. But I wasn't ready to be open about it, and since neither of you came out, except for making it with him, maybe none of us was."

Tommy sighed. "Oh God. I should not admit this, not in front of my very new lover, anyway, but Alan was not the only guy I made it with last year."

"Huh?" Dan looked at him. "You said Alan was the only gay guy you knew. I'm not mad, don't worry, but what do you mean?"

"This is embarrassing. Alan, uh, thanks to Alan, I discovered what I wanted. But I couldn't get together with Alan all that often. On my own, accidentally in fact, I discovered something I could do about that. Alan was the only guy I really knew, yes, but Bill will probably know what I mean when I say there are places on campus where you don't have to meet formally to have sex. Or even exchange names."

I smiled. "As I understand it, third floor Graham, the basement of Sterling, and stack eight in the Library."

Tom chuckled, "I didn't know about Graham, and I was too nervous for the stacks. Sterling I know. All too well."

"Men's rooms, right?" Larry Joe said. Tommy nodded. Larry looked at me. "You haven't wasted time, have you? How do you know all of the busy spots already?"

"Down, gorgeous. Tim Pollard told me where they were, but fortunately I woke you up from that long wet dream of yours before I had the time or enough need to check 'em out." I laughed. "Since then I haven't had the strength!" He laughed, thank God.

Danny was wide-eyed again. "Are you guys trying to tell me people really do have sex in public bathrooms? I thought all that stuff written on the walls was just bullshit."

Tommy smiled at him. "Not all of it, no. Between the last two booths in the men's room downstairs in Sterling is a hole in the wall. About this big and about this high off the floor," he indicated both with his hands. "I presume I do not have to go further to explain its use?"

"Holy shit. And you did that?"

"Uh-huh. My sordid past. Sorry. But it is very past, I quickly add. I do not intend to do anything in men's rooms from now on but pee and wash my hands, okay? I did still think the guy I loved was straight at that point, remember."

"Aw, you say the sweetest things. When you're not telling me about sucking stranger^Òs dicks through bathroom walls, that is." He grinned.

"I think I may live to regret that I did tell you." From the way they were looking at each other again, I doubted he would. He reached over and squeezed Dan's hand, then looked back at Larry. "Okay, I can forgive Alan, I guess, all right? At least, thanks to him, we are all gay, now." He looked at me. "And thanks to you. You know, it's funny, Bill, but you even...."

"I know, please don't say it," I laughed. "They both already have. I look like the famous, or infamous, Alan Carpenter. Maybe I should call him. But that's no good, I sure know he's not my type, or I'd have to be a real narcissist to admit it if he were." Everyone laughed, and the tension in the discussion was gone.

"Since I seem to be on a confessional roll, so to speak, I've got another one. When you said you two had gone to the Blue Room earlier, you didn't have to go any further, Larry Joe. I know the Blue Room. I've been there."

"What?" We were all surprised. "When?" Larry said.

"Once, last year. Well, been there is probably an exaggeration, I got in the door and not much more. I'd heard about it, so one night last Spring I borrowed a car and drove over here. It took about a half-hour, sitting outside the place, for me to get up the guts to actually go in. Finally I did, and got a beer. I was just starting to look around when a guy I recognized walked in." He grinned at Dan. "Sorry, Hon, but how I knew him was from our doing each other in Sterling. I panicked."

He laughed. "It was so stupid, really. What did I expect him to do, announce to everyone there that I'd blown him in a bathroom? But I just couldn't handle it. I left before he saw me, leaving most of my beer untouched. I never went back, just continued to be frustrated and lust after my roommate, who I didn't dare say a word to."

"Hmmm." Dan smiled. "What a waste. Wonder if Alan ever went there. He was gay, or it seems like he was."

"Probably," Larry Joe nodded.

"I doubt it, guys." I said. "Larry Joe has quite a reputation in the gay community here. If I didn't think he'd hit me, I'd say a sizeable reputation." He did punch my arm, laughing. "But, everyone thought he was completely straight, and unavailable. And no one has mentioned one word about Alan to me or to Larry since he's come out. If 'B.C.' Weaver's roommate had been out, or known to be gay, around school, someone would have made the connection, or tried to, I'm sure. How old was Alan?"

"He was the youngest of us," Danny said. "He didn't turn eighteen until what, last April? Yeah. Most of the year, Larry or Tommy or me had to buy his beers for him."

"Uh-huh. I'm beginning to think Larry was right, Tom, you were being unfair to Alan, but not for the reasons he meant. Kid was seventeen, gay, or with gay desires at least, but not out. Hell, he was probably just as mixed up about it as the rest of you, only a little more willing to do something about what he wanted, that's all.

"And that got him in even deeper shit," Larry sighed. "Tommy, you've said you were falling in love with Danny last Spring. Okay, what if you'd gotten your guts up and made a pass, and he was willing to sleep with you? But, he wasn't willing to admit that he did, or acknowledge in any way how you felt about him. What if he had just had sex with you, and still pretended nothing at all was going on? How would you have felt?"

"Like shit. I get your point."

"Right. Lord. Poor Alan."

"Hey guys. Enough. Tommy was right, unfortunately it is Sunday, cause this toast ought to be with something other than iced tea, but here's to two great couples. Bill and Larry Joe, and Tommy and me. Whatever the hell happened last year, we're together now, right?"

Larry Joe turned on that Klieg-light smile. "Thanks, Danny. Damn right!" We all raised our glasses and laughed.

When we got back to campus, Danny and Tom said they thought they'd call it a night, which led to much teasing from Larry Joe until I told him to leave them alone or I'd tell his two friends everything he'd done over the weekend. Danny and Tom went off and Larry and I went back to our room. There was a pad by the hall phone, so whoever answered it could leave messages for guys who were out, and there were two slips under our door.

Larry picked them up, scanned the first one and handed it to me with a grin. It was from Timmy, saying if we got in early call him and drop by for a beer. I was about to say let's pass on that, when Larry grunted in surprise. "I'll be dammed. I don't believe it. Talk about coincidences."

"Huh? Who's it from?"

"An old friend called while we were out. Just to get in touch, the message says."

I felt my eyebrows lift. "Not..." He nodded. "I don't believe it, either! What is he, psychic?"

He handed me the note. Yup. Alan Carpenter. There was a number with his name, an area code I didn't recognize. "TCU?" I read from the note. "Texas Christian?"

"Yup. He's from Abilene."

"So. You gonna call him?"

"Uh-huh. Think I will." He looked at his watch. "Is it too late to go over to Timmy's? I hate to impose on him, but this is not a call I want to make from the hall phone."

"I don't think so, I'll go call him. You sure about this, love?"

"Yes." He smiled. "Alan was a good friend, after all and despite all. Why shouldn't I tell him I'm in love?"

Of course, I only heard one end of the conversation. But I did not have much trouble filling in the blanks at the other end of the line. Larry and I had briefly told Timmy about our friends' discovery of the afternoon, and about Alan's connection with all of them. He and I just listened when Larry placed the call.

"Hello, Alan? It's Larry, man, Larry Joe. Good to hear from you. How in the hell are you?"

"Well, fine. How's life among the Christian Texans?" He laughed at the reply. "I didn't really figure they all were. Not everyone at Duke's got a title, either. So what's new? How's your love life?" I was startled he'd put it that way, and I gather Alan must have been as much so. Larry listened a minute, frowning slightly.

"Hey, man, slow down. I'm sorry, that was a dumb thing to say. I did mean it as a joke, but you couldn't know that. Look Alan, I was glad you called, and I'd been thinking of calling you anyway. There... There are a few things you should know. It's my nickel now, so listen up for a few minutes before you say anything, okay?"

"First, I guess we both gotta admit we weren't exactly real honest with each other last year, right? I wish now you'd said something direct a little earlier. I don't know if it would have really changed things, but it might have. Let me get to the nitty-gritty first, guy. I've come out this year. I am gay, and I'm admitting it. And I owe you an apology for playing stupid games all last year, okay?" He paused. "Yes, I do. But Alan, what's really going on with you? Are you gay?"

"No, I don't. I know you slept with guys last year, but you weren't really out here, and - mostly my fault - we never talked about it. All I know for sure is that you were sleeping with me a lot, Tommy on a pretty regular basis, and Dan a few times." That was a bombshell, and he meant it that way. He waited a minute, then said "Alan? You there?"

He smiled. "I didn't last year, but yeah, I do know now. We're still all good friends, Alan, and we're talking about it now. Why couldn't you have been honest with us then?" This time he listened even longer.

"Yeah, I do understand. Really I do. Hey, guy, don't do that. I'm not mad or anything. I promise. We're all over it, I think."

"I know you were, but I didn't feel that way, try to understand. I liked you a whole lot, still do, and now I can admit that I liked having sex with you. But I wasn't in love with you, Alan. I'm sorry, but I just wasn't. If you'd ever asked me, maybe we could have settled that and you wouldn't have gone through so much shit over it." He listened again. "I know, I didn't make it easy for you to. I'm sorry for that, too, really I am. But things are different now."

"No, not until I got back here. I, uh, I have a new roommate this year, obviously. I think you'd like him, Alan. I sure do." Pause. "Yes. But more than just that." Another pause. "Uh-huh. Lovers."

"No, he's new this year, transferred here. Bill Toomey. You wouldn't have known him, he wasn't here." He listened. "Yeah, we do. And Alan? They're a couple now, too. Danny and Tom. That's hot off the press news, man, as of today. We all let our hair down, and compared notes. I gotta say this, Babe. I was one thing; I mostly did it to myself. But you really weren't fair to those guys. They were falling in love with each other, even then, but neither of them knew about...."

"No, Alan. None of us hate you. Hey, guy, we can't. We were buddies, right? It's okay. Tommy was a little pissed, but mostly I think because he really had a case for Dan-o, and he was, in a way, the last to know. But he's over it, we all are. I really am glad you called, okay?"

"Yes, really. But you..." he broke off, grinned over at me. "Yeah, he is." His smile widened. "Well, what's to tell you? Handsome as shit, a great guy, and hot as a firecracker. Let's see. Junior, twenty, likes weird jazz music when I let him play it, Comp Lit major, although what the hell he expects to do with that I'll never know. From Nawth Caroliny, with a drawl you can cut." He laughed. "Hey, everybody in my family talks this way, it doesn't sound funny to me." He relaxed, and I gathered Alan had too.

"Yeah, he's pretty neat, but I'd better shut up, or I'll swell his head. Anyway, I tried to ask before - you never really answered what I asked. What are you.... I mean, are you..." He listened a bit, and his smile grew again. "Well, that's just fine. I'm glad, I really am. Are you seeing anyone special, or regular?" Pause. "Hey guy, it just wasn't the right place or time, you're not still..." He smiled again. "Good. Don't worry man, you'll find a guy who does. Listen, write me a long letter, will you? I might even answer it. 328 Taylor... uh-huh, 328. Or get your cute butt back here if you can and visit us all, better yet. I've made me some new friends, and we can show you a good time."

"That's a promise old buddy. Huh? .... Okay, I will. Write them, too, okay, pal? It would help." He listened and chuckled. "Yes, in fact he is." Pause. "Yes, tacky though it is of you to ask, very much so." He laughed outright. "That's my old buddy. Pure crude. I'll tell him. Bye, now, Alan. Keep in touch, really."

"In my way, man, I love you too. In my way." He hung up.

"I gather Alan has fully come out?"

"Uh-huh. Apparently having himself a high old time out there among the cowboys. I didn't lay it on too heavy, did I? About Dan and Tom?"

"I'm sure Tom would have said more. Anyway, it's water over the dam now. What was that last bit? Something else about me?"

Larry Joe laughed. "Alan says if he does come up, you owe him one. Said he trained a lover for you, now you gotta find him a man."

Timmy laughed. "I'm trying to remember who your roommate was last year, B.C. What does he look like?"

"Bill's getting tired of hearing it, but a little like him. Smaller, both in height and slimmer, and his hair's a little bit darker but the same features, in a way."

"Wait. Carpenter? Right." He looked at me. "Uh-huh, I do see the resemblance. And he is cute. Was he good in the sack?"

"Now who's getting tacky?" Larry laughed.

"Honey, I can't 'get' tacky, I've been this way for years. So?"

"Yeah, he was."

"Well, hell. If he comes to town, remember I'm single. Even if I'm not still single, send him over. Lovers who play together seem to be the fashion this semester. Speaking of which...."

"Oh, no you don't. Not tonight, Jezebel. It has been a long weekend and we both still have to pretend to be students here. Larry and I are gonna finish these beers and go home. Alone. To sleep."

And not too much later, we did. When I drifted off with my arms around Larry, I realized that it was Larry who had told three people that day that we were lovers. I didn't mind one little bit.

Danny and Tom were amazed that Alan had picked that night to call, and listened while Larry told them about the conversation. We were sitting in the Student Union on Monday afternoon over cokes, and Rick Warren passed us, waving. "Hey, Rick, come on over," Larry called. When he did, Larry said, "Rick, you know my friends Danny and Tom, don't you."

"Yeah, sure. We were all in gym together last year, hi, guys, Bill."

We all nodded and said hi, but Rick read the impish grin on Danny's face. "Okay, what's up here?"

"Well," Larry drawled. "I just figured all my friends, old and new, ought to get to know each other. Now that we all know we have common, uh, interests, that is."

Rick looked at the other two, and cocked an eyebrow. Tommy just laughed. "Oh lord, he doesn't waste time, does he? Yes, Rick, what you think he means is what he means."

The brunette sophomore pulled up a chair. "Well, well, well. Neither do I. Waste time, that is. You busy tonight, Hyatt?" His leering grin at Tom left nothing to the imagination. Right, he'd been in gym class with him. Tommy's blonde good looks and that fat cock of his would have been just Rick's style.

Tommy smiled pleasantly. "Thank you, Rick, and I mean that. But yes. Tonight and every night. Danny and I aren't just roommates any more."

"Well, hells' bells. This sort of thing is getting to be a habit. First the big guy over there, now you two. Is every new face on campus this year going to come out with a lover attached? What's a single boy to do?" He laughed. "Ignore me, I think it's great. So you two were bumping the bedposts together last year, then. I wondered."

"So did we," Danny laughed, and the rest of us except Rick joined in. "Forget it, Rick, it's a long story. In brief, no we weren't, but we both wanted to. It took Bill and Larry Joe to get us both to see that and admit it, and that's fairly recent."

I looked at my watch. "Fairly, yes." Everyone laughed again.

"Well, congrats, whenever. I gotta run, see you guys around."

I don't know if it was just that Rick happened to be passing, or if Larry had figured that telling him was the fastest way to spread the word in the Bowler gay set, but it seemed to take very little time for the news that all of our little group was now gay and out to spread. I ran into Timmy on Wednesday, and he laughed and told me four different people had called him to tell him. And he had decided that was excuse enough to throw a party himself that weekend. It seemed that we were in the society for real now.

And Larry loved me. That was all I needed to know.

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