Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Oct 29, 2008


Commander Dick -- Part One World Empire By Apussyboy Your comments are welcome. Please email me at

This story has a gay authoritarian theme and is for adult readers only. If you are under 21 (or whatever the legal age is in your locale) or if you are offended by these themes please go away without reading this.

Authors Note: If you are looking for explicit sexual content, please be patient, or skip to part two of my story if you must, but I really think you will get more out of reading it if you start at the beginning.

I don't remember how it all got started, but I do know that I first met Dick in my Journalism class. That was in the Junior year of High School. Dick was shorter than me, but beefier, and more muscular. He had a crew cut and always wore khaki slacks to school, and loafers, both of which I guess I found attractive, along with his brilliant blue eyes and winning smile. Dick wasn't really handsome, but he was really sexy. At sixteen I was already looking at other boys and fantasizing about them, imagining what I might do for them if I had the chance because for some reason I felt like I needed to serve other guys. I can't explain why but I was always thinking about what it would be like to have another boy make me do what he wanted, and about me having no choice but to serve and obey him.

At first it wasn't like that with Dick. He wasn't a bully, and he didn't insult me, talk down to me, or try to dominate me. We just became friends. We ate lunch together. Sat at the same table in study hall, and tried to sit next to each other in those classes we had in common.

I don't remember how our make believe organization began, but I know originally it was Dick's idea. He was the founder of the World Empire which didn't start out with that name or any name at all really, but, anyway, I was immediately attracted to his idea and began to shape it into what I thought it should be. But when he first brought it up to me, we were having lunch in the cafeteria at school. It was just Dick and me at the lunch table. The idea started off small, but just kept growing. As Dick first introduced it the idea only pertained to our school, but like a balloon expanding with each breath blown into it it just kept expanding, until finally, in our minds at least, it grew to the size of the entire globe.

"You know, Raymond, I've been thinking. We talk about all the things that are wrong with this school and how it's run. I wish we could take it over and run it the right way. I know I could do it with all the great ideas I've got, and I'm sure you would help me".

Right away, I liked what Dick was saying. I knew it was just fantasy, but the idea of Dick being in charge of the school somehow was a turn on. I could feel my little pecker getting stiff for some reason. For a moment I daydreamed. I could see Dick sitting at the Principal's desk in charge of all the discipline at our school.

"I'd really like to see you in charge of this school, Dick, and of course I'd help you. I'd like to hear more about your ideas."

"Well, first I'll need to take over leadership of the student government. The student body needs to be organized against the nerds and stuck up snobs that control it now".

"Sure, Dick, but once the word gets around we should be able to instigate a student strike to overthrow the existing order. Most of the kids will realize your natural right to lead them and to run this school, and you will then be able to pick those to run things with you who recognize, like I do your superiority and your right to rule."

'Do you really think so, Raymond?"

"I do, but it will take organization and clandestine operations to achieve what must come about...the dictatorship of Dick, but it will happen. Eventually, there will be no need for a Principal, a school administration, not even a student council. There will only be the rule of Commander Dick and his hand picked assistants".

"Commander Dick...I like that. You think a lot like me. Maybe I'll make you my second in command".

"Whatever you want. Dick, I'll serve you in any capacity you want....but whatever decide you will be Commander and so superior to the rest of your followers that none of them should ever hsve a title close to yours. I will be your assistant and do whatever you want me to further your cause, but I am and should never be more than a private in Commander Dick's army".

"Is that so, Raymond? Then that is how it will be. You will be private Raymond....but you will always be at my side ready to assist me in any way. You will be with until victory, and beyond into the great age of Commander Dick's domination. I can depend on you, can't I, my private Raymond."

"Yes, Sir, you can depend on me".

That very same day I began writing letters to Dick. I remember when I handed him the first one, as he sat next to me in one of the classes we had together.

"What's this?", he asked.

"A letter to Commander Dick from private Raymond. I hope it will please you, Sir. If so, it will be the first of many."

"Thank you, private. I will let you know".

I watched Commander Dick read the letter looking for his reactions. I saved copies of all the letters I ever wrote to him. This was the that first letter that Commander Dick read as I watched:

Dear Commander Dick:

I can never express adequately how much I look up to you with admiration and respect. Your genius and the way you project your right to command others, and especially me as your assistant and humble servant, is self-evident to m, Sir. I wholly embrace your cause which has so far only begun to take shape. I know you should and will control this school for starters, but I also feeel that this is only the very beginning of the dictatorship of Dick. Everyone must come to know your superiority and your right to in this school at first, but afterwards throughout this town, and even beyond that. I can imagine nothing greater and more worthy of devoting myself to than the cause of Commander Dick. I know this great cause will triumph and everyone will acknowledge Commander Dick as their absolute ruler and master. Respectfully, your subservient assistant, Private Raymond

I paid close attention to Dick's reactions as he read this letter. I saw a smile form on his face, and change (but maybe this was my imagination) into kind of a smirk.

"Good letter, Raymond. I appreciate the deep feeling you put into it. I hope you will be wrintig to me every day from now on. I want you to. I expect it!"

"I take that as an order, Sir. I hear and obey!"

"You are a good and loyal supporter of the cause, private Raymond. Can you stay after school today? We can go for a walk and spend some time together...have a nice talk. I enjoy being around you, and the way you respond to my ideas and suggestions"

"There is nothing I would rather do with my time then spend it with you, Sir. I feel honored that you want to spend time with me after school."

We met that night and very many nights after school. At least twice a week we had about a hour we could spend together. We took walks, usually down this one road that lead to a picturesque pond with ducks swimming in it that was off of school property. Sometimes we sat on a bench by the pond, other times we sat on the ground under a pine tree where the ground was carpeted in pine needles. We talked about a lot of things but Dick's role as Commander Dick was the main topic.

I wrote a letter to Dick every day, as he wanted me to do. And as time went on these letters became more involved and expanded Commander Dick's mission. Here is an example that will illustrate the point. This letter was written about three months after the first one.

Dear Exalted Commander Dick;

Every day we see your reputation and influence growing. Certainly it won't be long before the student body wakes up and revolts against the corrupt officials and the incompetent so-called student government. I can hardly wait for the day when your Excellency will impose his dictatorship on this school for the good of all the students here. But already, a larger role seems to be in the offing for the great Commander Dick, and that is to become King of America. It is obvious that you are superior to any who has ruled us up until now, Sir. All the men of this country should kneel before you and swear allegiance to you as Commander and King of these 50 states. I know that the day will come when you will rule our country from sea to sea because you are great and magnificent, and the country is filled with your splendor. To serve you and obey your every order has become the most important thing in my life, and soon all the others will find that submitting to

your authority makes their pathetic lives worth living. Respectfully, Your groveling subject, Private Raymond

One afternoon after school when I was with Dick sitting on the bench by the duck pond, Dick brought up the Centennial dance sponsored by our school that was to take place the following month. It was a major event because it was part of the celebration of our home town's one hundredth anniversary. It was being billed as one of those once in a life time events that no one should miss, like seeing Haley's Comet streak across the sky or your own graduation from high school. The subject of girls had never come up before when Dick and I talked, which I thought was unusual because all the other guys I knew always talked about their girlfriends or just about how hot Va-va-va-voom Andersen was (she was the sex symbol of the sophemore class). So, I was surprised when Dick asked me if I had decided which girl I was going to invite to the Centennial dance.

"I haven't decided yet", I replied.

"It's only a month away, Raymond. You should be making plans now, or any girl you might like to take will already have a date."

"So, have you made up your mind who you will ask to go to the dance?"

"No, because I'm not going to the dance".

"Did I hear you right, Sir; you said you are not going? How can such a big event even take place without Commander Dick being there? I can't believe what I just heard, Sir".

"Well, believe it because I'm not going. But I want you to think seriously about who you want to be with the night of the Centennial dance because it's something that you will remember for years."

"Then why aren't you going?"

"Commander Dick intends to make alternative plans for the night of the dance. I've thought about it for some time, and while I want to celebrate the Centennial of our home town I don't want others deciding for me how that should be done. So, I will do my own thing!"

"Are you still going to ask a girl out that night, Sir?"

"Of course not, Raymond. What girl do you know who does not have her heart set on being asked to go to the dance?"

"No, you are right, Sir. There isn't any girl who would want to do anything else that night. But I don't understand what you will do if you don't go to the dance....One thing I can tell you, though, Sir. The dance is not really such a big thing for me either, especially since you aren't going to go, Sir. I probably won't go myself".

"Do you want to spend that night with me, Raymond?"

"Wow, can I really, Sir. I would rather be with my Commander Dick anytime than anywhere else I can think of".

"Then it's a date! We will have our own Centennial celebration!"

"Do you realize, Sir, that it will be the first time we spend some time together outside of school?"

"I realize that, and that's why I planning for it to be a very special night. I'll make all the arrangements, but you will need to rent a tux, just like you were going to the dance. You will tell your parents that that is what you are doing, and that your buddy Dick will come by to get you before we pick up our dates since they live across town and close to where the dance will be held. My parents will be told the same thing. We have to do it that way because I'm sure our parents could not understand why we we're not going to this dance which is supposed to be the 'event of a lifetime'. Does that make sense to you?"

"Perfect sense, Commander Dick, Sir. I will do exactly what you say".

"Good. And you don't need to know anything else. I will make all the arrangements for a very special night of celebration".

(End of Part One)

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Next: Chapter 2

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