Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Nov 4, 2008


Commander Dick - Part Three The Pseudo Thief by Apussyboy

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This is an adult story with gay and authoritarian themes. If you are not 21 yrs old (or whatever the legal age is in your locale) or you object to stories of this kind, do not read any further.

That first Monday after the night of the Centennial Dance and my first date with Dick, we got together after school and took one of our by now traditional walks down to the pond where we sat on the bench and talked about our night out together, and Commander Dick told me about how much he enjoyed having me suck his cock.

"It gave me a great deal of pleasure to have you bobbing up and down on my prick, and to finally be able to let you know what you are, Raymond. You are my bitch, my girlfriend, and my personal faggot, but more than that you are my fucking slave. You are also my soldier with a commitment to my cause. Do you have any second thoughts about any of that, Private Raymond?

"No, Sir. I'm glad to be all of those things to you, Sir. There is nothing in life I want more than to serve, obey, and belong to my Commander Dick".

"Yeah, that's right, asshole, serving me as your Master is what it's all about. That is all that's important from now on. But we've got to talk about where we go from here, and how we take things to the next level. It just won't do any more to spend at most a couple hours a week meeting after school. We need lots of time together. I need you to give me plenty of blow jobs, but it's not just about you sucking my cock. You need plenty of training to become a first class soldier in my crusade for world domination and to be an acceptable slave for me, but right now, unless some changes can be made, there is no way".

"But there has got to be a way, Sir. What I really want is to be with my Commander Dick all the time the way Robin is with Batman, Sir, to be with you all along the way as you effect a revolution for Commander Dick's control, and to serve you... performing even the most humble tasks ."

"And what I'd like is to take you back to the Bat Cave and keep you there as my captive whenever you are not out with me on a mission Then you could worship me all the time. You know as well as I do that the new age of Commander Dick is coming. Nothing can stop the dictatorship of Dick; but for you, bitch, your number one duty will always be for you to suck my cock whenever I want it sucked. Every obstacle that prevents you from doing your duty has to be overcome. The whole world can bow to me, and it will, but it's you, Raymond, worshiping my cock that comes first.

"Yes, Sir, of course I agree, but what obstacles are you talking about, and how can they be eliminated? I will do anything to advance the cause of my Commander Dick, Sir"

"Then you must become whatever I say you will be at any given moment. I told you that you are no longer just a private. You are a soldier of a new kind who puts the cause of Commander Dick's movement for universal domination above every other emotion and thought that enters your mind. If you are to follow me, you must do so as a horse with blinkers and follow the only road your rider would have you follow, without looking to the right or the left, trodding toward the only goal that exists, the goal towards which his Master directs him; and you must go that way without thinking like an ordinary man. You must forget any ideas you have had about what is right or wrong. You will learn to live by the laws of Dick, as an object soldier whose only goal and purpose is the personal satisfaction and global dictatorship of Commander Dick. Do you understand me?"

"I think I do, Sir. The one thing I am sure of is that, although your brilliance is beyond that of any other human being I know, Sir, no matter what you say you are always right. So, I must always hang on to every word you say and do your will, Sir."

" You understand what I'm saying, Raymond, but more with your emotions then with your mind. You are intelligent but you are also stupid. 'You are intelligent because you have succeeded in learning a lot of stuff in school, but a lot of it is just stuff and a lot of it is wrong. You are stupid because you don't know what to think. You have to be told what to think. Whatever I tell you is what you must think, Once you learn the catechism of Commander Dick, you will know what to believe. Then you will no longer be stupid in any way, just as once you understand the military code of Commander Dick's crusade, your behavior will be just what it should be, pleasing to your Lord and Master and therefore, as perfect as it can possibly be. You need to be a fool for Dick and really love being my faggot slave. Then, I will really appreciate you. Are you ready to be the proud soldier and brilliant fool of your Commander Dick?"

"Yes, Sir, all of that and more, Sir"

"Well, I don't want to overload your brain with all my great ideas at one time. My brother, Brian is a cadet at West Point, and has a strong and brilliant mind. He got me interested in wielding power and giving direction to my inferiors. You will learn to admire and respect him through serving and obeying me. We have the same bloodlines and, therefore, share a right to instruct, control, and dominate our inferiors. And now, since we are on the subject of my family, I may as well tell you about the obstacles that must be overcome. Pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you because my plan depends on your unquestioning acceptance and obedience. Are you ready to believe whatever I tell you, even if five minutes ago you thought something different was true, and are you ready to obey all the orders I give you based, as they are, on this new truth?"

"Yes, Sir, your Excellency"

"Henry Ford said 'history is bunk', but I am telling you that history is what I tell you it is. Whatever I say is fact... is fact, and anything I say happened... happened the way I say. I make the truth. Everybody lies but Commander Dick. You lie to yourself, and you need to see beyond the lies that you have imagined so you can grasp the truth. Are you willing to do that?"

"Yes, Sir, because you are Master of the Universe and maker of everything, it makes sense that you are also the inventor of reality".

"Yes, but sometimes because you have limited perception, you need a picture of that reality to see it, or you need your Commander Dick to tell you a story that makes the truth clear to you....So, now I'm going to relate something that happened today that you should know about, but right now you don't have a clue. So, listen well to my tale and you will know the truth, but don't interrupt!

"Today when I was coming back from the showers after PE class, I saw something amazing, I saw my soldier whose devotion I never questioned, my very own bitch, Private Raymond, going through the contents of my locker, and just as I approached I saw him sticking my watch in his pocket. Of course I was shocked. I know you come from a low class family, but I never would have thought you were a thief."

I started to object, but Commander Dick put a finger in front of his lips in a warning that stopped me from speaking out of turn. "Think before you speak! Who is the maker of truth and reality? By your own words, I am. So, I must be telling the truth about this incident. If you say it isn't so, then you call me a liar which is a far worse thing for you to do than to admit you are a thief. The way I see it, the only thing for you to do is confess. I know you will find, if you search your mind, details of this incident that I haven't told you as yet. I command you to get on your knees now and confess, and once you have done so, you may beg my forgiveness".

I fell to my knees and then there was a moment of silence, before I felt moved to speak. My urge to submit to Commander Dick and confess was overwhelming.

"Commander Dick, my Master, and great King, ultimate Judge of your servant's sins,mighty sword of Truth, and punisher of criminals and traitors; I was struck dumb with fear and shame when your Excellency exposed my evil act. What I did was done because of my natural inferiority and weakness. It is true that I stood at your locker and rummaged through your belongings and then I stole from you. I see you are not wearing a watch. I should have returned it even though you did not confront me at the time, but instead I sold it to a hood who I saw afterwards coming out of the Principal's office, a guy who I know deals in stolen goods. I will repay you in any way you say, Sir. I know I must be punished, but please forgive me. I only did what my low class background conditioned me to do. I will never sink so low again. Please forgive me, Commander Dick."

"I'm thinking about what I should do with a lowlife thief like you....While I'm deliberating, lick my shoes!"

Without hesitating I dropped all the way to the ground and began licking the tops of Commander Dick's loafers. After awhile, I glanced up at him, and he said "Are you beginning to understand your lowly place, boy?...Get the bottoms of my shoes too, faggot! Lick the dirt off the soles! It's apparent to me that you belong under my feet."

I licked the soles and heels of Commander dick's shoes over and over again while I awaited his judgment.

"Pull off one of my loafers, bitch!...Now smell my funky sock! I tell you what, punk. Go ahead and suck on the toe of that sock. suck the sweat right out of it, asshole!. I hope you like the smell...because I know that it doesn't stink nearly as much as a lowly thief does.

"I tell you what....Just go head and take that sock off and stuff it right into your mouth. ..Great... go ahead and suck all the dirt out of it. Launder that stinking sock with your mouth, you prick!....Beautiful! I love watching you suck on my sock, but even more I want to see you eat my fucking feet, you bastard. Take off my other shoe and sock, so you can lick both of feet.....Good! You can drop the sock you got in your mouth and start worshiping your Master's feet!"

I began licking Commander Dick's feet as he had ordered. After i had given Commander dick a good foot bath with my tongue, he made me suck each of his toes and lick between each one.

After I did all that Commander Dick told me he was close to forgiving me my transgression because "although I don't particularly like it that you are a thief, Raymond, such a lowly talent may be put to good use in my service. Besides that, I am so happy that you have demonstrated how far you will go in worshiping me. You love kissing my feet, don't you slave?"

"Yes, Sir. All I think about is you, Commander Dick, and serving you. I am so sorry I stole from you. I really mean that."

"Yes, I know you do, and you want to make up for it, right, asshole?"

"Yes, Sir. You can be sure that I want to make amends, Sir."

"Good. I took the liberty of composing a document for you to sign. Here's a pen. Sign it!"

"What is it, Sir?"

"Your confession to stealing my watch...and an agreement for you to serve me in involuntary servitude until such time as I decide your restitution is satisfactory to atone for your crime. You will sign it won't you, Raymond?"

How can I refuse you, Sir.'s done."

"Nice signature. I can't think of an autograph I'd rather have. You know I could auction this off on eBay....or give it to the police!"

"I know, Sir, my fate is in your hands".

"You better believe that, bitch! I have a better use for this document, though. ...I'm going to show it to my parents. I couldn't bring you home to meet my family and introduce you as a friend; you being low class and all....but I can introduce you as my newly indentured servant. Believe me, Raymond, you will be much more appreciated in that capacity."

And so it was that Dick took me to his home, a mansion which, by it's very size and similarity in appearance to an English lord's castle, was intimidating to someone who lived all his life in a four room cottage.

When Dick had me follow behind him into what he called the drawing room where his mother and father sat stiffly in wing back chairs; I slunk along like a whipped puppy. When we were nearly up to where they sat, Dick's father stood up, but his mother continued to sit.

"This is Raymond, the boy from school who stole my watch, Father"

"Really, what do you have to say for lowly thief. No...don't say anything! There is nothing a lowlife like you can say that i want to hear. Dick has told me that you are to be punished for your crime through servitude. You are to become the personal servant of my son for as long as he decides to keep you. Do you accept this punishment?

"Yes, Sir", I answered with my head hung down looking at the oriental rug that covered the parquet floor rather than look up at Dick's father. All that I could see of Dick's father were the black leather dress shoes he wore. I visualized Dick's father making me lick his shoes the way Dick had made me lick his loafers earlier that day, but of course I didn't get the order to do that.

"You are ashamed of yourself, I see. You can't look your betters in the eye. Is that right? Well, that is as it should be, you unworthy wretch. I wonder if a thief like you wouldn't be better kept in jail than as my son's valet. Well, if you steal again I shall see that you go there and are kept for quite a long time.

"I understand your father work's in my factory. Well, he will keep his job there if you do as you are told and behave yourself. Your father must cooperate too. Dick wants you to reside here. We have quarters for you that I'm sure will be suitable, but you must advise your family that you will be leaving them. You also will be quitting school. A flunky like you has had more schooling than he should be allowed to get anyway. Being my son's servant will be full time work. There is no time from school. You will be paid a peon's wage....the legal minimum less the charge for your room and board. The pittance that is left I will give to Dick to give to you or not as he sees fit, but I want nothing to do with the likes of you, unless you seriously which case it will be my pleasure to give your sorry ass a good sound beating....Now go back to your parents and tell them you're a thief and what you are required to do. If your father objects to your leaving home or won't sign for you to quit school...then he can kiss his job goodbye....You let him know! I've said my piece, you miscreant cur. Now, go!"

Dick grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing the doorway going out of the room. "Don't dawdle, boy! Come with me, quick! Can't you tell my father wants a thief like you out of his sight"

The scene that had just occurred seemed like such a bad dream. There was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach after enduring the harsh lecture Dick's father had given me. I wondered what was to become of my life now that i must quit school and come to live at Dick's house and serve there as Dick's valet.

Dick read the expression of worry on my face and when we were out of his parent's sight he patted my head like I was a little boy, and then gave me a hug.

"It's going to be incredible for you! It's your dream come true! Serving your Commander Dick...totally...and forever!

(end of part three - The author would love to hear from you. What do you think so far? Any suggestions? Would you like to serve Commander Dick yourself or would you like to be like Commander Dick for a boy like Raymond? Do you want this story to continue? Please email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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