Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Oct 31, 2008


Commander Dick -- Part Two Centennial Dance By Apussyboy

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Once again the standard disclaimers apply. This story is intended for adult readers over 21 years old or whatever the legal age is in your locale. If you are not of legal age or are offended by gay sexual or authoritarian themes do not read this story.

Commander Dick had asked me to go out with him, not just to hang around at the bowling alley, or some everyday thing like that, but for a special night out. It was a dream come true. I mean even just the idea of getting to hang out someplace for a whole evening with Dick would have been special because it had never happened before. Dick lived clear across town in one of the mansions on the wealthiest street in town. I had heard his family was from 'old money'. His ancestors had come over on the Mayflower or something like that, and his father was CEO of the factory that was the biggest employer in town, so probably his family would not like the idea of Dick hanging out with a peon like me. After all, my Dad worked on the assembly line of the factory that Dick's father ran. People like that don't socialize with the working stiffs they employ, or their kids.

When I had learned who Dick's folks were, I was surprised that he would spend time with me at all, but he was the one who had arranged the time we spent together twice a week after school, and I never missed an opportunity to spend time with Dick. So, he saw something in me that made him want to be my friend, and I saw something in him. The main thing for me was that he was my 'Commander Dick'. I often wondered how he would feel if he knew the way his being Commander Dick turned me on. How would he react if he could see me laying on my bed when I got home from school with my pants down around my ankles jerking off while I visualized my Commander Dick telling me about how everyone in the world needed to bow down to him and submit to his control? I realized by this time, though, that by 'everyone' I really meant me. To be truthful I did not want to share my Commander Dick with anyone else. The rest of the world was just a part of the fantasy. I really

believed that Commander Dick had the right to rule the world, but all I really wanted him to do was boss my ass around and to rule 'my' world.

But in terms of the fantasy, it had finally come down to everyone. I had recently written to Commander Dick advising him that once he became King of America, for the benefit of people everywhere his conquest must continue until he became Emperor of the World. Everyone should and eventually would recognize that serving and obeying Commander Dick was the most important thing in their lives, and that real happiness could only be found in surrender to the authority of Commander Dick and recognizing him as Supreme Ruler and Absolute Dictator. My prick was standing at attention the whole time I was writing that letter to Commander Dick.

Recently, Commander Dick, asked me if I really believed all the things I wrote to him, and I acknowledged I did, and emphasized that I did so unconditionally.

"Would you like it if I elevated you from your lowly position as private in my service, and made you my Lieutenant Commander because I am impressed by your loyalty to me and the way you are dedicated to my mission?"

"Sir, I am grateful for your appreciation of my service to you, but I feel that the further my position is beneath you, the further above me that puts you who are Master of the Universe for me, the reason for my being. Rather than Lieutenant Commander, Sir, I would be honored if you were to let me know that you consider me your lackey, your flunky, and even your personal servant and slave. You can own me if you desire, your Majesty, my Emperor, my beloved Commander Dick"

"I believe you really mean the things you write to me especially because you finally say them out loud to me as well, and even more emphatically than in your letters. You do mean exactly what you write and what you say, don't you, Private Raymond?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Then as a token of accommodating you I will make you a promise, Raymond. You will never rise above the rank of Private even if you serve me for a hundred years and remain my most valued follower, and no one else will have the honor of polishing my royal boots or doing any of those other things that will define your proper place beneath me".

This was the direction our conversations had taken on the eve of the night of the Centennial dance and the alternative celebration of that august occasion that Commander Dick had planned for the two of us.

When Commander Dick came by my house on the night of the dance, I was practically walking on cloud nine. He was driving his Dad's Mercedes, and when I got into the car, he reached over and pinned a pink carnation onto the lapel of my white tuxedo jacket. I noticed that Dick was wearing a red carnation.

"You are my date for tonight, Raymond, so I had to get you a flower", he said, "I hope you don't mind. It's a masculine enough flower, the carnation, but since you are taking the place that a girl might be expected to have for tonight, I thought pink was most appropriate".

"It was very thoughtful of you, Sir".

"I know it was; besides it would never do to be dressed in a tux and not have a carnation in your lapel. It's all right though. You really do look lovely. You look just the way you should look on a special night like this".

I wondered a little about Dick's remarks, especially about him referring to me taking the place of a girl for that night, but I knew I shouldn't comment. I was so happy to be going out with Dick that I don't think I would have objected even if he had actually said I was his girlfriend. Dick had now planted a new idea in my mind, and really the more I thought about it, the less objectionable the idea that I might become Dick's girl seemed to me.

Anyway, Dick headed for the Interstate and we rode about 45 minutes to the next big city and when we got off the expressway, Dick headed into the heart of the city to a restaurant where Dick had reservations for two for dinner. There weren't many tables in this very quaint, and dare I say romantic, cafe, but it was very private. We were the only ones dining.

We were too young to order wine, but the food was amazing, and the service was just perfect. The waiter practically fell all over Dick. He just could not please him enough. The dinner ended with the most incredible Viennese pastries, and the most delicious coffee I ever had in my life. I just could not help thanking Dick over and over for this wonderful meal and the great time I was having.

"You'll have plenty of opportunity to show your appreciation", Dick said, "But I do want you to have some idea how expensive this little repast has been. The check for the two of us was way over a hundred bucks, but that is not the half of it. I didn't want anybody at any of the other tables, so it cost me another three hundred to have the place to ourselves for two hours"

I didn't know what to say. I was staggered by the thought that Dick would spend that much money to take me out and even more by a guy my own age having that kind of money to spend. This was at a time when the minimum wage was still one dollar an hour, so just the dinner alone represented over two weeks wages for a common laborer. It was more than some great extravagance to me. It was a demonstration of Commander Dick's superior position and station in life. I guess I might have thought that Dick's gesture of telling me how much the meal had cost was somehow improper or even vulgar, but I welcomed it as something he had to do. It was a magnificent display of his power and an almost obscene demonstration of how far beneath him his servant was. If I had come from the same caste as Dick I certainly would have been insulted; but here I was, a working class nobody, seated at table with the King whose domain I had myself proclaimed...and all I could do is

sit there with and foolishly smile and say "You really didn't have to".

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to do, Raymond, but when I want to do something I always find a way to make it possible"..

"That's why you're my Commander Dick", I answered.

"Yes, and I will be your Commander Dick for just as long as I want to be, and you will be whatever I want you to be for me. Isn't that so?"

"Absolutely, Sir....but can I ask you why you wanted the whole restaurant, without anybody else coming in to eat while we're here. It hardly seems worth paying all that extra money just to have the place to ourselves".

"I will explain that and some other things at the proper time. This is the night I've planned and it will enfold according to my plans, so please don't ask any more questions!"

"Okay. I know things have to be your way, Sir, so no more questions, Sir. I promise.

"Good enough. So, now it's time to continue with my plans. As soon as I pay the check we can be on our way".

We got back in the Mercedes. I was surprised when Dick held the car door open for me, and closed it when I was safely seated inside.

He drove for almost a half hour without saying anything more until finally we were on a very isolated country road where there were no street lights and no other traffic.

It really was remote, and I found it dark and kind of spooky. Dick noticed I was uncomfortable.

"You are wondering what we are doing way out here in the middle of the woods, aren't you? Well, you don't have to worry. Commander Dick is here to protect you from the big, bad bears that roam the mountains, and even from the bogeyman. Remember I'm King of America, Emperor of the World, and you can add Lord of the Universe to that. I'm frigging Superman, and you're that freckled little faggot, Jimmy Olsen, or maybe you can be Lois Lane, it all depends on which you would rather be....No, I take that back, it really depends on what Commander Dick wants you to be...because, as you well know by now, you are whatever I say you are. Isn't that right, Raymond?"

"Yes, Sir, that's right. I'm whatever you say I am".

"That's right! And what I say you are can change from day to day, or even from one moment to the next. It all depends on what pleases me at the moment. Take right now, for example; I choose to think of you as my girlfriend. I took you to dinner out of town and reserved the whole restaurant because you are a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, and I belong to a very prominent family at the top of local society, and I can't afford to be seen going out on the town with a low class girl, the daughter of a common factory worker. So now you know why I paid extra to keep others out of the restaurant tonight. I could not be seen interacting socially with a lowlife like you"

It was like Dick had slapped me across the face when he called me a lowlife and told me he couldn't risk being seen with me. Tears came to my eyes and Dick noticed.

"You really are a girl. Look at you crying! Stop it, now, bitch! Yes, I called you a bitch because one of the things I want you to be is my bitch. I'm still your Commander Dick. That isn't over by a long shot, and you are still my buddy too in whatever way I want you to be. You need to really get used to having this be my way, to having me be in total control, to having me be your Master because that is what you have been looking for and asking for, and how it's going to be from now on. You said you wanted me to own your ass. You wanted to be my slave. Well that's how it's going to be, bitch, from now on. And that's why we are out here in the middle of the woods tonight, girlfriend!"

Dick kept staring at me; watching the tears run down my face. Finally, he spoke again in a softer, gentler way: "You need to understand that whatever I make of you is wonderful, and anything I use to describe you is beautiful. Any name I call you is a precious gift when you consider the source of it. You must always know this, Raymond. When your royal Majesty speaks you must regard it as a blessing. Those who do not yet recognize who I am may hear the words I bestow on my servant as insults, but to you when I say bitch' it's like I give you a jewel and if I say faggot' it's a medal you can wear proudly. Watch my lips pucker up when I say `asshole' and send you that sweet word like a kiss. You are a lowlife, but you are lifted up. You are a nothing who becomes a something just because Commander Dick wraps you up with and absorbs you in his shadow. Never be ashamed. Being my follower makes you so special that if you were a pile of

dung those who know who I am would smell only the most fragrant perfume when they came near you, even if your name was "Shit'. I want you to treasure every word that passes my lips; no matter how ugly it sounds or how I seem to spit it out, when it reaches you and does its intended work it will be transformed into beauty, and it will make you special because it will make you mine."

There was still a tear or two in the corners of my eyes, but my penis was also hard. Dick had said he wanted me to be his bitch, and his girlfriend, but he also made it clear he wanted me to be his slave. He was going to 'own my ass' is how he had put it and that excited me. He was right. It was what I wanted and was looking for, and it got me all worked up. And his speech was so powerful and convincing. It was also amazingly erotic. What a succulent sound even a word such as `asshole' had when sounded by Commander Dick's regal mouth. My little cock was so-o stiff. I had a woody like you wouldn't believe. I wondered if Dick noticed how excited I had become.

"Up ahead there is a dirt road where we can pull off and park. That's when the fun begins!" Dick said, and there was a smirk on his face the likes of which I had never seen before. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next, but my hero and commander was still a mystery to me in some ways. He could speak like a poet prince at one moment and in the next he could come across like just another teenage boy looking to get his rocks off. Of course he was above every one else in my world, but what was amazing and made Dick even more fascinating was that, for all his greatness, he was still human and very sexy.

After Dick came to a stop and turned the engine off, he looked over at me. There were no street lights anywhere around, but it was a moonlit night, so I could see Dick's face, and as my eyes traveled down his body I could see him rubbing his crotch.

"You see where my hand is and what I'm doing, bitch? Well, it should be your hand feeling your boyfriend's equipment". He grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I could feel the heat coming through his pants. I liked having my hand there, and I started rubbing and tracing the outline of his prick with my index finger. His penis was stiff and it was pushing upwards. Once I began playing with it through Dick's pants it become a real boner and as it got harder it was really tenting his pants.

"That feels real nice, bitch. Now be a good girl and unbutton my pants and pull the zipper down.....Rub my prick some more now. This time feel it through my briefs".

There was no way I could disobey Commander Dick, and no way I really wanted to. I was too excited by what Dick was ordering me to do to stop or even object. I never thought Dick would humiliate me like he was doing by the way he was talking to me and by what he was telling me to do. But I remembered Dick's speech and began to savor the humiliation and become excited by it. This was really what I had dreamed he would do and what I had hoped for all through that time when I was helping to create Commander Dick. Some people might have said that I helped to create a monster, but that is not how it seemed to me. Commander Dick was my super hero. If he wanted me to be his Jimmy Olsen or even Lois Lane I didn't mind. I'd be whoever or whatever Dick wanted me to be because for me he was Master of my Universe.

I opened Dick's fly and reached inside his underwear to reach his boner. His cock was hard as a rock.

"It's really stiff, isn't it? You're the reason it's so fucking hard, bitch. Do you know why that is? It's anticipation. My dick is waiting for my bitch to put her mouth on it and suck it. I'm sure you like the idea of being my cocksucker, don't you, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, Commander Dick".

"I like that idea a lot myself. That prick you just pulled out of my pants, and which you are holding, is my real second in command. The other dick that is going to be commanding your attention from now on, cocksucker! You know I like that image of Jimmy Olsen blowing Superman. You look like that little faggot in the comic books with your freckles and red hair, Raymond, and I bet when you look at me you see Superman, don't you, punk?"

"Yes, Sir, Commander Dick. I see Superman, Batman, Captain America, every super hero that ever was imagined rolled into one real live representative of greatness and power. You are King, Emperor, Master of the Universe, Sir. I never knew it could be like this. Life has become so wonderful. To me you are the greatest man who ever lived. My life has no meaning except to serve and obey you, Sir."

"That's right, and you're an asshole, but mainly you are my fucking cock sucking bitch! So, get to work giving me a blow job, dick breath!" And with that remark, Dick put his hand on top of my head and pushed my face down to within and inch of his rock hard royal prick.

"Look at it! See that nice clear drop of pre-cum right there on top of my piss slit? Doesn't that look delicious, just like a drop of nectar from the gods? It comes from your King, so it is nectar, wonderful and more delicious than anything you ever tasted before. Go ahead, bitch. Stick out your tongue and lick it off the head of my dick.....Go on! Do it now, cunt!"

I looked at Dick's stiff penis and then looked up into his arrogant face looking down on me and I felt overwhelmed by the humiliation of being in the position I found myself, but I was also so turned on and so fascinated by what was happening, that I was glad for it. This was what I had been looking for, what I really needed to happen, and I was determined to submit to Dick completely and obey him no matter what he demanded from me.

I stuck out my tongue and licked the head of Dick's prick. That glistening drop of semen moved from Dick's prick onto my tongue. I looked up again into Dick's face. He was smiling.

"Good little queer Jimmy Olsen! Go on and worship Superman's dick, you homo! Get a good taste of the steel rod I'm going to use to screw the world with. Imagine getting fucked by that prick, faggot. Don't worry; you'll get the chance, cocksucker. It won't be long before you go from playing Jimmy Olsen to Lois Lane.

"Go on, boy, lick that dick right up and down the shaft, just like Robin does to Batman when Batman gets horny and parks the Bat mobile in the woods so he can get a blow job. Go on, show me what a devoted dick licker you are. Make love to my commanding dick. It demands it!"

With Dick talking to me like he was, I got even more worked up. I licked his cock up and down it's length, slobbering all over it. I loved Dick's prick. I enjoyed licking it like it was made of candy, I could hardly believe how much I needed and wanted to be doing this. I wanted to lick his cock all night like a lollipop if he would let me. But this was just the start of things. Dick wanted more. He ordered me to lick his balls and then suck on them. They were sweaty, and had kind of a musky taste. I buried my nose in Dick's scrotum and inhaled that wonderful aroma until it made me high.

"Okay, faggot, it's time for you to start sucking my royal cock! Put your lips around the head of my dick and take it in your mouth! That's the way, punk! Go down on it as far as you can....Ooh... that feels so good, girlfriend. Slide up and down on my fucking joy stick!"

I really got in to sucking Commander Dick's prick. I took it all the way down into my throat until I started to gag on it, and then slid back up Dick's pole until only the head was in my mouth. I went up and down it with a piston like motion, and then for a while I just sucked on Dick's cock head and ran my tongue around the edge of his helmet shaped dick head. Once in a while I stopped to do some more heavy dick licking. I licked his balls some more and even sniffed and licked his pubic bush. I really made frantic love to my Commander's dick until finally his whole body tensed up and he shot wad after wad of gooey cum into my mouth, and when he commanded me to, I swallowed it all and licked him clean after wards, getting all the drops of jizz off his stomach and out of his pubic hair with my tongue, as Dick ordered me to do. I imagined myself drawing strength and nourishment from my Master's cum. It came from the leader of us all, the

World's Emperor. What could be more delicious than Commander Dick's rich imperial cream?

When the sex was over, Dick put his cock back in his pants and zipped them up. I put it just that bluntly because after the royal climax and the flood that came from the King's majestic prick, I felt my place as his bitch all the more powerfully. I knew I was a commoner. I felt lower than dirt, but I was also beginning to relish my new role as the King's servile whore, and because I was so low something inside me, was it my soul, began to soar and I felt truly connected somehow with Commander Dick's masculine humanity, that raw sexual power, that links him to the rest of the world that is becoming his dominion. He could bully every servile fool on the planet into submission, and I would joyfully be the loudest of those fools in my adoration and celebrate the tightness of the bonds that held me captive to my Master in servitude.

When Commander Dick first spoke afterwards, one would have thought he was just and ordinary man. He was so down to earth.

"Yeah, this was a good date. Much better than any stupid dance would have been. And the great thing is, I found myself the perfect girlfriend, and as good a cocksucker as can be found anywhere. You make a good bitch, Raymond, and an excellent faggot. I hope you are happy, dude, because I am ecstatic. I could rule the world, but owning you puts me on top of it, and that's all I really care about. So, what do you say? Do I own your ass forever? I mean do you understand you're my property from now on, and there is no getting out of it?"

"Yes, I understand, Sir. I don't want to get out of it ever, Sir. Like I told you before I will be happy if you make me your slave".

"You got it, asshole! That is exactly what you are going to be, my fucking slave....among other things. You are also going to be my nigger, boy! What do you think of that?"

"Like you told me before, Sir, I will be whatever you want me to be, whenever you want it! That's what it means to be your slave, Sir. It's what you demand, but it's also what I need, deserve, and desire. Please, Sir, make me serve and obey you. Don't ever set me free, and never let me escape from your control even if I should change my mind".

"It's no longer your mind to change, slave, but don't worry, I will come up with ways to make sure you can never get away from Commander Dick's control. Your ass is mine, bitch! Get used to it.

(End of Part Two)

Next: Chapter 3

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