Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on Apr 1, 2002


Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved. No copies of this document may be made without the expressed permission of the author. Submit comments to

Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

Cowboy Tail (Part IV)

As the widow Johnson hurriedly made her way to the Sherriff's office, Mangum had taken the necessary precautions needed to prevent any untimely interruptions (or so he thought). It had been a very long time since Mangum had enjoyed sharing the 'pleasures of the flesh' with another man. Men like Smokey just didn't come around all that often and he was going to enjoy this moment and to the very fullest!

Having divested himself of every stitch of clothing, Mangum now stood naked before Smokey who eyed the store owner's delicious body with 'heavy-lidded' lust. Mangum ran his hands over himself, rubbing his broadly muscled, hair flecked chest. His thumbs flicking at his protruding, "carmine" tinged nipples. He slid his hands downward against his pale, hard, flat belly, fingering the forest of hair that now tapered down the middle of his abdomen and met generously with the dark brown tangles of his pubic bush. He gripped his throbbing 'eight incher' in one hand while cupping his loosely hanging, sparsely haired nut-sack with the other. He rolled the large sensitive glands about and tugged firmly upon the sweat moistened scrotal flesh. Knowing full well that Smokey was watching his every move, he pulled his nut-sack up and spread his muscled thighs wider, allowing for a greater view of his inviting crotch. After wetting the 'sausage sized' middle finger of his right hand with saliva, Mangum probed further back at himself, delving and digging at the fur filled crack of his meaty ass. In the dim, 'window-lit' environs of the shop, Smokey could see it all as the darkly hued, wrinkled lips of the man's gaping shit-hole, kissed and slowly enveloped the store owner's probing finger. After working himself to a trembling frenzy, Mangum brought the shit streaked 'digit' up to his flaring nostrils and inhaled the sent of his own musk. "Gawd damn, ah smell good, wanna take a whiff er two?" He offered as he wiggled his finger down at Smokey. Smokey only grinned up at Mangum and replied "get down heya boy and lets get down ter business!" By now Smokey had lain down on his back, his bare balding head and shoulders braced up against the lower shelving and the bagged goods stored there. His hairy knees were drawn up and spread widely open, the crack of his hairy ass barely cloaking the winking pucker of his asshole, he smiled up at Mangum as he stroked his mighty poker, now at it's full ten inch length, Smokey wagged it at Mangum. It looked lethal as it pierced the open air, thickly veined and throbbing with life! The swollen, bloated head of which shone like a bruised pearl and dripped copious amounts of pre-cum which pooled onto his lower belly and began to spill down the sides of his narrow hips.

An evil grin spread itself out across Mangum's moustached face as he slumped down to the floor and began to crawl towards the man laid out like 'supper' before him; eyeing Smokey's massive cock just as a cougar stalking it's prey might do. Smokey opened his legs wider to accommodate the attentions of the store owner who reached out to grasp Smokey's pulsating pecker. The sour stench of Smokey's saddle weary ass struck at Mangum's nostrils and filled him with uncontrolled lust. Gripping the 'thing' tightly, Mangum could see the blue veins that covered it's length and the clear viscous drop of semen as it oozed thickly from the opening of the blood engorged head, coursing it's way down and coating the knuckles of his work roughened hand. Mangum leaned forward and slowly licked it off.

"...And I jes don't think that it's right Sheriff, I have a family of nine ta feed and this is the third time this month that Mr. Mangum has just up and closed his store and for no Godly reason, I'll warrant you that..., oh and there's one more thing you've jes gotta know..." The widow Johnson ranted and fumed in her attempts to air her frustrations. All the while, the Sheriff sat calmly and coolly at his desk, A thick growth of neatly trimmed wavy black hair framed his head and a days worth of beard stubble blanketing his chiseled face, nearly blocking out the coal black goatee that he sported. He took a long pull of smoke from his cigar and began to blow smoke rings as if deeply focused in thought and taking in every word that the miserable old hag was spewing out, as she continued her vocal assault upon his poor aching ears. Finally deciding to take control of the situation and the widows anger and mad ravings, he spoke out in his deepest baritone voice, "now Emma, jes calm yerself down, I'll drop by Mangum's store in a bit and see what the problem is." "Well, see that you do Sheriff, ah've jes about had enough of all this nonsense." Her chubby jowls jiggling as she spoke. And with that said, she stormed out of the Sheriffs office with her nose turned up in the air and smartly slammed the door shut behind her, rattling the glass panes and almost shattering them.

Scratching at his balls and farting loudly, Sheriff Samuel Tipton slowly raised himself up from his chair and stretched, revealing his full manly stature: A stocky muscular frame only slightly wizened with years of service to the law and he towered at a height of nearly six feet, four inches tall. Tipton put on his holster then swaggered into the cell area of the jailhouse to find that his Deputy was sleeping at his "post."

Deputy Caleb Jones was a man in his 'mid-twenties' and considered by some to be quite young for one to be taking on such a position in life as "Sheriff's Deputy" but his innocent blue eyes, red hair and tall lanky frame along with his youthful good looks took a back seat where his skill with a gun was concerned and there weren't many folks who could argue with that. Indeed, Caleb had earned his right to be the Sheriff's right hand man but for now he slept, his chair tilted back against the wall and his feet propped up on his desk, Sheriff Tipton could see the mountainous lump in Caleb's crotch and the dark wet stain there, it didn't take long for Tipton to figure out that his Deputy was having a wet dream. "Caleb, wake up and keep an eye on things while I'm gone!" Tipton bellowed. Deputy Jones jerked to attention and his chair came down with a loud "CLAP", he sat up quickly, regaining his composure with little effort and reached out his hand to take the key's which the Sheriff now offered to him. "Yyessir, Sheriff." Caleb replied. "I'll watch the fort while yer gone." "I won't be long Cal, I'm jes goin to go an check things out over at Mangum's ta see if there's any trouble abrewin." "Ya think you might need mah help Sam?" Caleb queried. "Well, keep within earshot, if ya hear anythin like gunshots, you come arunnin and with both barrels blasting!" "Will do Sam!" Then Tipton stepped out of the jailhouse, closed the front door behind him and started making his way on foot towards Mangum's store as it was only a short distance to the establishment.

End Part IV

Next: Chapter 5

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