Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on Apr 28, 2002


Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved.

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Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

{This latest installment as well as any other remain parts, are dedicated to, he knows that time places no limitations upon love and desire between men, be it yesterday, today or the future - whatever it might bring! Thanks for your friendship Bobby!}

Cowboy Tail (Part VII)

"Oh well now, what have we here?!" The Sheriff's voice boomed out...

Having quickly regained his "physical" composure, Sheriff Samuel F. Tipton stood perfectly still, braced in a tensed wide-legged stance before the two naked men huddled on the floor beneath him. One of them being his former and "long term" friend, Roger Mangum, proprietor of the local Mercantile and General Store! As Tipton continued to stand, his well aimed "Colt six-shooter" was held out straight before him, securely confined in the grips of his steady, unwavering hand. Being a man of the law, his duties were to uphold and defend the writ of the law and yet Tipton was hesitant about this particular situation, especially since he and Mangum were old friends but he was fully prepared to fire his weapon upon the two 'sodomites' if either one of them were to make a sudden or careless move - he finally decided that he would only wound them if things really got out of control!

Given the awkward state of things, such as they were for Smokey and Mangum, the Sheriff's staunch and rigid appearance convincingly hid the torrent of thoughts and questions that filled his now bewildered brain. What it was that he was thinking at the moment, was difficult for him to sort out, he was still so shocked and confused by what he had seen! Yet one thing stood out amongst all of the rest and that was whether or not anybody really knew anybody at all and could we really place any stock and trust in what we believed a person to be? In turn, he also found himself re-assessing his current relationship with Rog: could it be that their long years of camaraderie and friendship were now to be null and void? No, Tipton was confident enough in his feelings about Rog to know that this could simply not happen, the war with the confederacy alone had bonded them forever and his respect for the man still remained. Even so, the betrayals of honesty and truth were issues that had clearly displayed themselves before his very own eyes! Mangum was a just and hardworking man, married to a beautiful wife with two strapping young sons to add to his credit and long list of many other accomplishments! This was how Tipton had always known Rog to be and in all truth, he often looked upon Mangum as a shining example of how life should be lived....

"How cud Rog 'ev butrayed ahr frendship lack this..., wah did'nt he evah confide in meh..., cuhtainly weh cud 'ev come ta some sorta undahstandin butwain us..., wuz ar frenship fer nuthin!" Tipton reflected, and as he turned his head to look upon Smokey, he suddenly realized that he was being carefully sized up and appraised! "Who thuh hail is that rangy lookin varmint who wuz pogering aweh with Rog..., 'n wah is he starin up at meh lack ah wuz a platter 'o tasty grub er somethin?" Tipton guardedly thought and for some strange reason, he discovered that he could not tear his eyes away from the manly figure of the tall lanky stranger who unashamedly exhibiting his impressive masculine nakedness to him!

Tipton found himself oddly fascinated by the hardened state of Smokey's throbbing penis as well as the mere size and girth of it! Although previous opportunities had made themselves available to him when he as a young lad, Tipton never 'openly' allowed himself to study the various 'differences' between members of his own sex. And yet, as the years flew by and age and maturity had soften him somewhat, he did find himself looking at a nice healthy bulge or two as they met with his inquisitive glances but only in order to provide himself with assurances that what he saw throbbing away in his hand at night, still measured up to the younger studs of the township. One might say that Tipton was suffering from the effects of a full-blown case of "mid-life crisis," still, he could not deny having a strong curiosity over other men, a fact about himself that had only made itself evident in his latter years, it was purely a matter of masculine pride he convinced himself. Then again, being lost in the realms of his treasured private moments and with his inhibitions shucked down as far as his trousers were, his masturbatory fantasies over women were becoming more forced and would often fade out to be entirely replaced by disembodied images of throbbing peckers and other male oriented imaginings, he even fingered his own bung hole during such times but that was so he could experience what a women might be feeling as she was getting poked by him. And such were the various excuses and justifications that Tipton had made for himself in regards to his private dalliances.

Smokey's hazel eyes took on a sudden golden glow as they locked into Tipton's steely gray gaze with an overpowering effect! As Tipton continued to stare within the depths of those golden pools, they drew him in like a vortex, melting down his cool and calm reserve and with Svengali-like success! Smokey called it "the gift" and try as he might, he never could quite figure out where his 'mind controlling' abilities could have come from, his Pa didn't have them, maybe he got them from his Ma? The subject of Smokey's maternal parentage, never came up during his upbringing, even when he would ask, his Pa would either turn a deaf ear to him or simply act like he didn't know what his son was talking about. Whatever the case might have been, Smokey was sure about one thing and that was, that his "gift" had gotten him out of plenty of situations that roused him to actions, his life's motto being: "screw or die trying!"

In the meantime, Roger Mangum miserably sat, hunched over in a kneeling position, his tight narrow buttocks resting firmly against the boot callused flesh of his heels, his head bowed down over splayed naked thighs that were barely concealed by Smokey's discarded shirt. Mangum held this particular article of clothing tightly against his greatly diminished private parts and with as much chastity as he could possibly muster. His hand had unconsciously balled itself up into a fist at his crotch, the knuckles of which, were turning white from the exerted pressures. Mangum's whole body shook as a result of the deep sorrow-filled sobs that had overtaken him just a few moments before, runny snot bubbled at his nostrils and the burning hot tears flowed freely from his swollen eyes, streaming down his deeply etched, darkly stubbled cheeks and as they were ensnared by the coarse strands of fur that sprouted impressively from his upper lip, the crystalline droplets traveled their course and fell like rain from the neatly waxed ends of his black moustache. There were no doubts in his mind, that all that he had worked so hard for in his life, would be gone. Once the details of his current indiscretions with 'another man' were brought to her sensitive ears, his wife Lucinda would have to leave town along with his two beloved son's John and Paul in tow. Most likely they would travel back to their hometown of Savannah Georgia and when things had finally settled down enough, the confused boys would be told that their father had been murdered and his body unaccounted for. The whole township would ridicule the name of "Mangum" and with the strict Sodomy laws in place at the time, the prospects of Roger having to serve at least one full year of incarceration was immanent! All of these scenes, played themselves out with tragic consequence, within the tortured mind of Mangum and he continued to weep bitterly. All the while Smokey could hear the foolish blubbering sobs of the suffering shopkeeper and for one split second, he found himself wishing that the cowardly cuss would "shut thuh hail up!" Even so he would not allow the cumbersome noises to break the unceasing mental concentrations that he was projecting upon the Sheriff. The eyes of both men continued to lock.

With carefully measured tones, Smokey's deep drawling voice spoke out soothingly, "Hey theyah Sheriff, ya don't wanna go shootin nobody nah, t'ain't no rale reasun ta do so ya know..., no halm done..., jes two full grown consentin adults havin a bit 'o pleazuh mongst themseff's..., haven't ya evah dun a little whoop 'n holler with anybudeh befur?" "Listen up! Ah cun teach ya a thang er two Sheriff..., mostly bout thuh plezuable feelins that ony men cun give ta each otha..., how bout it Sheriff..., give it all up fer 'ol Smokey..., ain't nothin fer yuh ta be afeared of..., cumon nuh let meh take care 'o that hardy gristle that yer throwin inside 'o those breeches...!"

All of these words seemed to take on an agreeable meaning for Tipton and he found himself suddenly intrigued by all of the things that Smokey was talking about, was it really all that bad to be touched by another man and in ways that only a woman by her nature was compelled to do? What was it that prevented men from doing the very same things for each other? He had certainly caught enough criminals in the jailhouse, engaging in the act of licking and sucking away at their big throbbing peckers before; he usually had to splash both men down with a bucket of cold water and then detain the two of them in separate cells! Tipton always thought that such practices between men, were isolated incidents and only associated with the degenerate abnormalities of the criminal mind! His buddy Rog was no criminal though! Be that as it may, what he saw the stranger doing to his friend was a bit more than what he would be willing to do and yet his buddy Rog didn't think so?

The Sheriff was abruptly brought back to his senses, only to discover that the tall naked stranger had worked his way across the floor and was now kneeling only a few inches in front of him. It was the initial sensation of pressure at his penis that finally broke the trance and Tipton found himself watching with curious amazement as the stranger, who called himself "Smokey," had extended his huge hand and brought it up hard against the taut muscular firmness of his inner left thigh. The massive hand then gripped unrelentingly at the swollen oblong growth, which was undeniably displayed through the straining cotton material of his trousers. Tipton allowed himself to bask in the rays of lustful abandon as waves of pleasurable sensations spread throughout his groin. His shooting arm had relaxed and now hung limply by his side, still, his gun remained and although he was less likely to use it now, he held onto it with a much 'looser' grip than before! He reveled in the moment while the stranger intently pawed at and gently tugged upon, every square inch of the lengthening bulge. Smokey, taking particular note of how nicely the man's pecker was beginning to fill out the loose leg of his trousers, he confidently assured himself, that his mission was close to being accomplished! His next move required a little more finesse as he carefully slid his arm up under Tipton's vest, feeling through the cloth of his shirt, the firmly raised ripples of his well developed abdominal muscles, his hand continued to search as it traveled upward still, eventually it stopped to rest against Tipton's broad and heaving chest, at long last finding the object of his quest, that being, a small rubbery nipple nestle within a forest of hairs that felt like a bearskin pelt had been pasted to Tipton's chest. Smokey tweaked and pinched the Sheriff's untried sensitive nub. "Mmmmmmm...," Tipton moaned out and his round narrow butt-cheeks squirmed and flexed as his hips suddenly shot forward, giving Smokey greater access to his crotch. With his legs still widely placed, his crotch arched over the kneeling figure of Smokey Joe who quickly brought his other hand up to slide along the taut curving length of Tipton's towering right thigh, feeling the delicious musculature there. "Ahhh..., Nice!" Smokey uttered, he was definitely a leg man and he worshiped the manly pillar before sliding his hand further up to firmly grip at Tipton's flexing right buttock. The warmth of the Sheriff's flesh could be felt and it was there that Smokey gently caressed the solid inner slopes that led the way to the man's deeper anal recesses. The hindrances of clothing, of course, prevented Smokey from taking 'riskier' liberties with the Sheriff's cute ass. Irregardless of that fact, his fingers tenderly swept along the pleated mid-seam in the seat of the groaning man's trousers. It was there that Smokey could feel the sweet way that the firm globes of flesh pinched together as the Sheriff pressed his hips forward, thusly ensuring, that the sausage shaped lump at his thigh, might remain tightly imprisoned within the skillful gropes and tugs that Smokey was again, tirelessly providing! There was more than enough time to engage in 'less' subtle ways of explorations, Smokey thought, but for now, his only intention was to tease at Tipton's passions, allowing the Sheriff to realize the sensitive qualities of his body and especially his ass. And so it was that Tipton stood, completely oblivious to anything else but Smokey's talented hands as they continued to paw him at his crotch and backside and slowly but surely, all of the answers to all of the questions that had filled his puzzled mind earlier, were being masterfully supplied; along with those answers came the screaming revelation that he suddenly wanted to get naked with Smokey, now more than ever, he ached with the desire to share his body with another man!

End Part VII

Next: Chapter 8

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