Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on Apr 14, 2002


Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved. No copies of this document may be made without the expressed permission of the author. Submit comments to

Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

Cowboy Tail (Part VI)

Sheriff Tipton heard the strange "Slapping" noises getting louder as he enter the retail section of the store, along with Mangum's groan's and grunt's which were growing louder as well! "SLAP...., Oooooh..., SLAP..., Aaaahhhh..., SLAP..., Ughhhoooh..., SLAP..., Uhhhhh..., SLAP..., SLAP..., SLAP..., Uh..., Uh..., Uhhhhhh!!! Tipton held his "Colt" straight out before him, ready to shoot if necessary and silently rounded the corner of a wooden countertop display situated near the storage shelves at the side of the shop. It was here that the sounds were the loudest and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what all the noise was about. At first he thought that Mangum was sexing his wife and he flushed with embarrassment but when his shocked perceptions had cleared, he saw that it was not a man and a woman screwing, it was two men! The biggest surprise of all was the screaming revelation that it was his buddy Rog who was laying flat on his back, getting poked and magnificently! Mangum's long strong legs were held high in the air and widely spread, one leg bent down so as to dig his heel firmly against the flexing buttocks of the well built, naked man hunching over him! Tipton watched with amazement as the squirming, hairy white butt of the bearded stranger rose up and fell down, again and again between Mangum's beefy open thighs. He could see the thick, heavily veined shaft of the stranger's penis as it deeply penetrated the dark split of Mangum's clenching, accepting ass. The loose, thin lips of Mangum's reddened anus were drawn out, clinging to and caressing the wet circumference of the fleshy weapon as it was withdrawn then they would roll back in again with each powerful inward stroke of the throbbing cock. In so doing, Smokey's narrow pelvic region would make contact with Mangum's upturned buttocks with a dull "SMACK!" Tipton now fully understood the cause of all the slapping noises!! Dumbfoundedly, he watched the coupling men and glancing up and over the arching back and tilted head of the bearded stranger, Tipton caught sight of Mangum's face, his eye's tightly closed in concentration as his slack, parted lips stretched out into a wide bushy grin. It appeared to Tipton that Rog was actually enjoying the act of being bred like a woman! His arms were now loosely draped around the neck and upper shoulders of the man pummeling is ass furiously, a look of total surrender upon his rugged face.

Mangum, couldn't believe how good getting poked could feel! Initially it hurt like hell and he didn't think that he was going to be able to take the monster cock of the stranger. Even so, Smokey's expertise with a man's butt was legendary! He took his time, letting his fat pecker soak inside of Mangum's stretched anus, allowing it to relax and become familiar with the intrusion. Mangum felt the exquisite sensation of fullness, like he had to take a really good shit and when the stranger slowly began to withdraw his boner from Mangum's rectum, the delicious sensation of release, caused him to groan out with pleasure! Then as Smokey thrust in once again, the feeling of fullness returned but as Smokey withdrew his cock for the second time, the bloated head of it rubbed against Mangum's swelling prostate and fireworks went off in the shopkeeper's head! Smokey saw the man's eyes roll back and the abrupt intake of breath that he took, was slowly exhaled, in a deep pleasure-filled moan that sang it's way from the shopkeeper's lips. This was indeed music to Smokey's ear's, "Anutha satisfahed customuh!" He thought to himself and he grinned with pride. "Ah've gotta hang up muh hat now pard, ahya good ta go?" He softly queried the storekeeper. "Go fer it stud, I..., I thank I'm raddy fer it now..., plow meh like theyah ain't no tomorrah," he pleaded; bracing himself eagerly for the onslaught. And such was the state of things, when Sheriff Tipton arrived on the scene.

Tipton stood watching the mating pair with continuing amazement. He suddenly wanted to laugh out loud but he held himself in check. How could it possibly be that two grown men would have the capacity to yearn for each other and gain pleasure from their bodies, in the same manner that a man and a woman might?! This was clearly an act against the laws of God and Nature both! Although Tipton was somewhat appalled to see such perversity displayed so openly before him, he could not deny the fact that he had often entertained thoughts about doing just what these two men were doing:

Sometimes late at night when the whole western world was asleep, Tipton would lay alone in his bunk, free at last to indulge in his most secret fantasies. His first thought was about Miss Amanda, the saloonkeeper over at the "Silver Dollar." Images of her and the deep cleavage of her ample breasts came into view, the glowing green eyes, the red 'cupid's bow" lips and the beauty mark that graced her left cheek filled Tipton's mind. As he continued with his fantasies, Tipton's cock would begin to swell inside of his close fitting trousers. Raising his hips up from the mattress, he would slowly unbutton the waist and fly before working them down over the curving swell of his tight ass and yet even further down into a tangled bunch about his sparsely furred ankles. Splaying his knees widely apart, he began cupping his "plums" and manhandling his throbbing "axe-handle" until a clear drop of seminal fluid breached the thick cleft of his large cock lips. Tipton would finger the pre-cum and swirl the fluid around the crown of his ballooning cock's head. When it was well coated he would bring the large slime covered finger to his thirsting goatee'd lips and sucked upon it, savoring the salty flavor that filled his mouth. Once again he would tug upon his fat pecker in order to bring about more of the tastey stuff and scooping it up, would bring the next batch up to his feasting mouth. With his finger thus wetted he would begin to finger his tight butthole, working it around the tender tissues before plunging it deeply inside of his raw rectal canal. "Ahhh..., Uhhhh..." Tipton would grunt. His thickly furred mouth gapping open as images of the rough, rugged characters that occasionally filled the cells of the jailhouse, entered his fantasies. Tipton stroked his 11 inches of thick pecker meat with one hand and with the other, he would continue to maul at his flaring butthole with furious intent! Spitting in his hand for lubrication he would work the curving "banana-shaped" organ, as naked masculine buns raised themselves toward him..., spread open..., loose..., cum moistened..., ready for his skillful screwings..., huge veiny cocks came next and so hard that they shone as they loomed in for the tender touch of his furry sucking lips..., thoughts about getting a good poking came to Tipton's mind as well, as he would continue to probe at his sensitive anal cavity. As suddenly as it all started, Mangum's asshole would tightening up around his pre-cum moistened finger and the burning tingle of orgasm would announce it's welcomed approach! Splattering his hairy belly and chest, his cock had the "mechanics" necessary to spew abundantly, sending one ropy strand after another throughout the air, one even landing on his closed eyelid which he would quickly swipe away. Tipton's experience in the art of self-love had taught him that nothing hurt worse than an eye full of spunk!

Yes, Tipton could not deny the male oriented content of his 'private' thoughts during such times but he never once had any notions of making his fantasies a reality and up until now, never even imagined that men like Smokey and Rog even existed! Tipton's continuing shock at seeing his fishing buddy Rog with his legs in the air like that, was clearly evidenced by the stunned looked upon his face! Even so, his eyes squinted as he leaned in closer to view the activities of the two men. Unconsciously, Tipton brought his free hand down to his crotch and began to squeeze at his swelling cock, the bulge of which ran down the length of his right thigh and threatened to rip through the straining cloth of his trousers! Tipton continued to rub his stiffening cock-shaft through the cotton cloth until a wet spot began to darkened the area just above his right knee, so lost in the indulgences of voyeuristic pleasures was he, that he forgot for a moment where he was and he groaned out his pleasure, "Oooooh!"

"Oooooh...!" Sonofabitch! Tipton thought to himself, he couldn't believe that he had betrayed his presence with such a stupid mistake, quickly releasing his hold on himself, he cleared his throat and with his trusy "Colt" still held in his hand, aimed it at the humping pair and said gruffly, "Oh What have we here?!"

Smokey jerked up and twisted his head around to see the Sheriff standing over him. He quickly withdrew his cock from the storekeeper's gripping ass and flipped himself over onto his back and propped himself up onto his elbows to acquire a better view of the threatening figure standing before him, his throbbing shit streaked cock was still hard and with each beat of his racing heart, bobbed about between his widely spread, furry thighs. Smokey's face was greatly reddened from his earlier exertions and it was coated with sweat which dripped freely from the curly ends of his "handlebar" moustache and ran rivulets through his closely trimmed beard before falling onto his equally sweat drenched and heaving chest. He leered up at the Sheriff with a grin upon his lips, "nice - slab o' prime beef on the hoof!" He thought to himself! Meanwhile Mangum quickly grabbed a shirt that lay crumpled up on the floor next to him and shamefully covered up his nakedness with it. He was humiliated to say the least and his proud throbbing pecker had wilted down to the size of half a sausage! "Whut wuz ta become o' him now" he thought miserably and a sudden surge of hot tears began to well up within his big brown eyes!

End Part VI

Next: Chapter 7

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