Dakota and Paxton

By benjamin winkler

Published on Apr 23, 2020


The following story is based on the Disney Channel show, Coop & Cami Ask the World. It will include consensual sexual activity between two underage actors, Dakota Lotus (Cooper Wrather) and Paxton Booth (Oliver 'Ollie' Wrather). Of course, I can't say if either would actually indulge in this type of behavior. If this isn't for you, leave now. If you happen to like it, let me know fanofdrama31@gmail.com. If you can afford it, donate to nifty.

Dakota was sitting on the sofa in his dressing room, his mind reflecting back over all that had happened over the past year. It was lunch time, a full hour to relax before returning to set.

It had been an interesting year indeed. Upon hearing about auditions being held for a new show, Dakota figured it wouldn't hurt to try. His dream came true when he got the call, informing him that he landed the role of Cooper Wrather on Disney's new show. He was told a little bit about his character and the show itself but details would have to wait until later. The date of the first table read was set and it was soon.

Dakota remembered that first day and how he had instantly found his co-star, Ruby Turner, very attractive. Normally comfortable around both boys and girsl, he found it difficult to concentrate on his lines for the first several rehearsals. At the time, he hadn't thought too much of Paxton Booth, the boy who played his younger brother Oliver.

Back then, he had locked his dressing room door at lunch time to 'relieve stress' as many teenage boys do. Even though her character was his sister, he couldn't help fantasizing about his co-star Ruby as he enjoyed his body, practically on a daily basis. Incidently, in the afternoons, he was more able to concentrate and his mistakes were far fewer. However, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty and it was still a little awkward acting with her after pleasuring himself to thoughts of her naked and sitting on his lap, riding him enthusiastically and calling out his character name. He would never openly admit it but the idea of siblings doing such a thing had recently taken over his fantasies.

Of course, at the time, his sibling fantasy had been restricted to imagining scenarios between him and Ruby, in which he always had her call him 'Cooper' or 'Coop'. Not once did the idea of replacing Ruby with Paxton even remotely cross his mind. He found the boy fun to be with and a decent actor for such a young age but had no interest in him otherwise. Little did he know, though, that young Paxton had an interest in him.

Paxton was a rambunctious and carefree boy, always playing harmless pranks on his co-stars and crew alike. Comfortable in his pale skin, he could often be seen with less than all of his clothes on. A shirt and cartoon briefs were his norm when not filming a scene and since he had established it early on, no one on set really paid any attention to it anymore. Dakota had found it a little unusual but soon, he too, thought nothing of it.

Although he was the youngest on set, Paxton was quite smart and knew what he wanted. It was his intention to get into Dakota's pants and that had been his motive practically since the table read of the first episode. However, so far, he had been unsuccessful because every time he tried to visit Dakota during lunch, he found the door locked. He had to figure out how to get into Dakota's dressing room if he was ever going to get into his pants. Then, the answer became painfully obvious: he would go there first and wait for Dakota.

Paxton couldn't help flubbing his lines because he was so nervous about his plan. Even though he was too young to enjoy a wet climax, he had discovered the pleasure his boyhood could give him a few months ago and had a pretty good idea that Dakota was doing the same thing behind the locked door. However, hopefully today would be different and perhaps they could do stuff together.

As soon as the director called for lunch, Paxton disappeared from set and made a beeline for Dakota's dressing room. Lucky for him, Dakota was still on set, chatting with Ruby and Albert (Cooper's good friend Fred). He slid into Dakota's room quickly and quietly, then began nervously pacing as he waited for his idol to come to him. He had no idea how long it would be, so he decided to sit on the couch. This time yesterday, he'd been playing with his small appendage but today it wasn't even stiff due to the nerves in his stomach. Instead of pleasuring himself, his hands were running up and down his small bare thighs as he rocked back and forth in eager anticipation.

There was a sound in the hallway as Dakota opened the door, entered the room, then Paxton heard the click of a lock going in place. It was the moment of truth. Paxton's hope and anxiety were equally present in his mind.

"Hey, there, Pax, whatcha doin here?" Completely surprised by his visitor, Dakota tried to act otherwise. He was both hungry and horny and in no mood to deal with Paxton interfering with his routine. His partially inflated organ immediately went limp in his pants.

"Oh, nothin, I was just hoping I could hang out with you today. I get bored in my room." It wasn't really a lie; once he was done giving himself a few dry orgasms, he did get bored.

"Can't you go bu--- I mean hang out with Ruby or Albert? I wanna study my lines when I'm done eating and I don't want any distractions." It wasn't really a lie; he usually did run through his lines after eating. But it was also after he took care of himself, too. Paxton didn't need to know that part.

"Can I hang out with you while you eat? Please? Then I'll go visit the other two, I promise!" He figured he could actually do that if his plan didn't work. If the plan worked, though, he'd be staying with Dakota the whole lunch hour.

"What about you? Do you have a lunch or did you already eat?" Dakota figured he could kick Paxton out and still have time.

"That's okay, I can eat later. I'm not really hungry."

"Well okay but you better leave once I'm done eating." Dakota was always one eager to please others, a lot of times at his own expense. He didn't want any bad feelings between himself and Paxton that would ultimately transfer to how they interacted with each other on set. That didn't mean he was comfortable eating while Paxton sat next to him. His peripheral vision allowed him to see his young admirer staring at him unashamedly. He was about halfway done with his lunch and was about to say something when an interesting development almost make him choke on his bite of hamburger.

Paxton's heart fluttered in his small chest; time was running out. Dakota expected him to leave soon and he had no way of stalling. He noticed Dakota's lunch disappearing from the tray on the coffee table in front of them so he had to make his move. He could hear his heart beat, pretty certain that Dakota could as well. He suddenly grasped Dakota's right thigh before he could chicken out, surprising himself almost as much as his idol.

Unsure of Paxton's intention, Dakota allowed himself time to think as he chewed and swallowed. He didn't want to scare Paxton and cause problems with their relationship but he surely couldn't let this continue either. Whatever his mind was telling him, though, his appendage was betraying him. He hoped that Paxton wouldn't notice. That hope was in vain.

The whole incident lasted less than a minute but the younger actor was quick to notice the affect his hand was having on his idol. He knew he had to be careful now because whatever happened next would forever alter their relationship for better or for worse.

"So what do you normally do during lunch, Pax?" Dakota tried to forget the hand on his thigh and his resulting excitement. He knew Paxton was a friendly boy, sometimes climbing onto his lap between takes. It was possible this was just an extension of his 'touchy, feely' nature. He took another bite of his burger and chewed as he waited for a response.

"Oh nuthin much. It's kinda boring eating lunch all by myself. That's why I decided to come here." Paxton said cooly, moving his hand closer to Dakota's hip.

This definitely caught Dakota's attention, in more than one way, and he suddenly realized it may be more than he had originally thought. Would a boy Paxton's age really be trying such a thing? How would he even know about that, anyway? Whether he was right or wrong, he had to make it stop. Heaven knows he didn't want it to, though, if for no other reason than to see just how far Paxton would go. His curiosity won.

"I guess that makes sense. Hey, maybe you could help me with my lines. What do you think?" No longer quite as annoyed with Paxton's presence, Dakota thought maybe he could get some use out of him. After lunch, he would use his bathroom and then rehearse with Paxton, which would help them both. He made eye contact with his young friend for the first time since the hand placement, trying to ignore it.

"I'd rather help you with something else." Growing bold since Dakota hadn't refused his advances, Paxton moved his hand to Dakota's hip.

Now it was Dakota whose chest was stirring with an increased heart rate. His suspicion had been accurate about Paxton's intention but he was still wondering just how much further this would go.

"There's nothing else I need help with." Dakota was breathing heavily already, glancing between Paxton's pale freckled face and his own crotch, which was noticeably bulging more than normal. His legs instinctively spread inspite of himself.

"I know I'm young but I'm not dumb. I can help you with more than your lines and I'd be happy to do it. I've been wanting to for a long time now." With his confidence growing as much as his own appendage, Paxton slowly moved his hand from Dakota's hip over and then down until it was directly on his idol's bulging crotch. As an emphasis on his declaration, he gently squeezed the inflated organ once but did not remove his hand. He kept eye contact with Dakota the entire time he spoke.

"If we do this, you have to promise not to tell anyone. You understand that, right?"

Paxton nodded vigorously, his smile broad and his eyes sparkling with mischief. He forgot his hand was still on Dakota's crotch.

"Well then, could you move your hand so I can get you some more access?" Dakota couldn't help smiling at Paxton's obvious enthusiasm and, truth be told, he was actually pleased with what was happening. He was suddenly apprehensive about exposing himself so he decided he would only pull down his pants. Paxton would have to be happy with reaching through his boxers.

Paxton stood up and eagerly watched as Dakota also stood up and began to undo his pants. The younger actor couldn't help fiddling with himself as he enjoyed the show. He was a little disappointed, though, when only Dakota's pants went to the floor. He was hoping to see more but when Dakota sat down again, he knew his idol was done so he returned to the couch.

"I believe your hand was right about here, if I remember right." Dakota took Paxton's right hand and placed it on his crotch. He was pleasantly surprised when he felt the boy's soft touch on his own skin. Apparently, the fly of his boxers had been opened and he couldn't help thinking that Paxton had done it on purpose.

"So warm and stiff, like mine." Paxton smiled as he gently held Dakota in his small hand. "Only a lot bigger. Will mine get to be this big?" Knowing how good it felt to massage himself, since he was doing just that with his left hand, Paxton hadn't wasted much time before moving his hand up and down, withdrawing several deep breaths from his idol.

"I'm sure of it. You may think it's small now but it'll grow. You're pretty young, after all." Dakota certainly noticed young Paxton pleasuring himself and was suddenly interested in just how big his friend was inside those small briefs. He saw how Paxton was pinching himself between thumb and forefinger so he knew the boy had to be pretty small. He had an idea. "Say, Pax, little buddy, maybe you could show it to me and I'll let you know if you're small for your age or not."

"Okay!" Paxton quickly jumped up and slid his briefs down his skinny white legs, suddenly more interested in showing off than in pleasuring Dakota. This was actually good because Dakota needed a quick break or he would release sooner than he wanted.

Dakota had seen other boys his own age in the locker room but hadn't paid much attention to them. Once in a while, in the locker rooms of swimming pools, he had seen younger boys in the showers with their fathers/brothers but hadn't paid them any attention either. Truth be told, he had no idea if Paxton was on track with other boys the same age but he didn't want to crush the boy's hopes in being an average size. For all he knew, Paxton was big for his age but rather than lead with that, he decided to play it safe.

"It looks like a good size to me, bud. I don't think you got anything to worry about. Give yourself a few more years and you'll be as big as me, I promise." He sat there on the couch, casually fondling himself through the fly in his boxers, and actually enjoying the sight of a half-naked Paxton, who was also fondling himself.

"And how big is that? Can we compare? Please?!"

Dakota looked at him a moment, then conceded. It was only fair, after all.

"Okay. I mean, fair is fair, right?" He smiled and stood up, then slid his boxers down his pale legs. Instead of sitting down again, he remained standing as Paxton did a little hop to get a closer look.

Paxton bent over and began inspecting Dakota's entire crotch as if he had never seen such a thing in all his young life. Semi-erect, the organ inflated completely when Paxton took it into his hand and moved it back and forth, admiring it from all possible angles as well as the slightly hairy sack hanging below it. Forgetting his own organ for now, he used his other hand to gently grasp the sack and massage its contents between his fingers. He had never done that to his own and wasn't sure if it would feel good or not; he was simply curious, that's all.

"Oh, buddy, that feels nice. You want me to do that to you?"

"If you want. I won't stop you."

Dakota had never touched another boy in such a way and up until today had never even thought of it but suddenly he wanted nothing more than to make young Paxton feel as good as his friend was making him feel. He carefully pinched Paxton's throbbing little appendage and gently stroked it from base to tip. He noticed that whatever he did, Paxton did the same to him.

They stood facing each other, both bare from their hips down to their ankles, their hands on each other's erections. Each boy's glance alternated between the face and the crotch of the boy in front of him. In a matter of moments, they both began breathing heavy and instinctively thrusting their hips into the hand wrapped around them.

"You know anything about cum, bud?" His words came out between gasps of pleasure. He was now focusing on keeping eye contact. His right hand was on autopilot on young Paxton, much the same as the hand on him.

"Yeah, but I can't squirt yet." Paxton sounded sad, even despite the fact his hips were thrusting quickly into Dakota's closed fist.

"Well, if you want to see it up close and personal, you better look now!" Dakota was out of breath as he spoke, punctuating his exclamation with several grunts, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as he suddenly released Paxton amid the excitement.

Paxton, who was close to his own climax, was mildly disappointed when Dakota let go of him but his eyes were still glued to Dakota's throbbing appendage in his hand as it almost came alive in anticipation of the impending release. He'd heard the term 'cum' from older boys and knew it had to do with making babies with girls. He also knew that he was incapable of producing it, despite all of his previous attempts. Therefore, he wasn't entirely sure what was about to happen but the fact that it was obviously making Dakota feel very good made him happy to participate in it.

Suddenly he felt Dakota's appendage expand in his little hand and saw several squirts of thick white goo shoot out of his idol's pee hole. They were close enough together that, instantaneously, he felt the goo hit his pale white body and begin dripping towards his own stiff little organ.

"Wow, Pax, buddy, that was amazing. So much better than doing it myself. Thanks! Sorry I had to let go but I couldn't help it. That was probably the best cum I ever had." Dakota slowly recovered and bent over to pull his pants up. As his face came close to Paxton's crotch, he felt guilty for leaving the boy hanging, literally, without release. He pulled up his pants and was fastening them when Paxton reminded him of what he had already noticed.

"What about me? I was so close before you stopped...." Paxton sort of pouted. He was still stiff because his hand had wandered back to fiddling with himself but in his young mind, he thought that Dakota would no longer want to help since he had had his own release.

"Don't worry, Pax, buddy, you helped me out so it's only fair if I return the favor, right?" Kneeling down to be at Paxton's level, he suddenly felt sorry for his young co-star. He placed a hand on each shoulder and kept eye contact as he spoke. "Now, move your hand and I'll be happy to finish that for you."

Paxton simply smiled and moved his hand to his side. He had to catch his breath again as Dakota's hand gently took a hold of him and tugged back and forth. That already felt nice and Paxton began thrusting his hips almost immediately. When he felt Dakota's fingertips massage his little sack of marbles, he sighed contentedly, smiling at Dakota and receiving a smile in return. He then focused on the feelings flowing through his entire body and closed his eyes. Moments later, his knees began to buckle and he started whimpering as he practically collapsed over Dakota's shoulder. His orgasm had been dry but powerful, draining the energy from him temporarily. He felt safe draped over Dakota and wanted to stay that way.

Dakota recognized the signs of orgasm when he saw it and was happy that Paxton had obviously enjoyed it so much. He also felt a certain sense of pride that the boy had chosen him and was comfortable enough to drape over his shoulder half naked. He rubbed Paxton's small back but no lower than the middle of it, not sure if he even wanted to go lower. Due to his position, seeing Paxton's little crack was practically unavoidable but that didn't mean he was interested in it. Or did it?

"You can go lower if you want. I don't mind, really." An almost sleepy Paxton whispered, seemingly aware of Dakota's hesitancy.

Dakota had a decision to make, one he never thought would cross his mind ever in his life. Of course, that had happened already today and so far, he hadn't regretted it. Why not keep going? After all, Paxton had made the first move before and now he was giving permission to continue.

He allowed his hand to glide down Paxton's back and began caressing the small round globes of white flesh, causing the boy to sigh. He had to admit that it felt nice to hold Paxton so intimately and he wouldn't mind doing this again. But the moment was ruined when he glanced at the clock and realized their lunch hour was almost over.

"Hey, bud, thanks for everything we did today but I'm afraid it's almost time to get back to set. We don't want to be late or somebody might come looking for us. We don't want to get caught, right?"

"Okay. But we can do this again some time right?" Paxton, still a little weak from his time with his idol, was reluctant to stand up straight to pull up his briefs.

"Yeah, absolutely! How about tomorrow?"

"Okay, that'd be so cool! I'll see you then, okay?" Without waiting for a response, Paxton was on his way out the door, full of energy once again, even though he really hadn't eaten his lunch. Suddenly, though, he stopped and turned back to Dakota. "Hey Dakota? I'm sorry you didn't get to study your lines."

"That's okay. It was much funner hanging out with you. But if I mess up later, it will be your fault."

"I can live with that. See ya." Paxton left Dakota alone with his thoughts.

You might think this is where we go back to Dakota on the couch, as he is in the beginning. Don't worry, that will happen. However, he has a lot more to reminesce about before then. After all, he really did have a busy year, especially the past few months since developing that close relationship with Paxton. More to follow.

Next: Chapter 2

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