Dakota and Paxton

By benjamin winkler

Published on May 18, 2020


So this will probably be the last chapter of Dakota's recollections. It begins later that evening. There are a couple of things I want to mention quickly, which will be explained throughout the chapter.

First, I'm only assuming Dakota has a laptop/tablet, since most kids his age do to keep up with social media.

Next, I don't know his actual middle name so I put one in because as you know, your mother ALWAYS uses your middle name when she really wants to get your attention.

Also, not all of this chapter will include Paxton, since Dakota has to do a little bit of research about his prostate, as mentioned in chapter 3.

Finally, for the purpose of this story, Dakota goes home at the end of the day because he lives nearby.

As always, I've tried to make it as realistic as possible. Hope you like it! If you do, let me know fanofdrama31@gmail.com Please donate to nifty.org if you can.

Later that evening, after a successful afternoon of shooting because both boys were now more focused, Dakota was anxious to satisfy his curiosity. He rushed through dinner, then went directly to his room and turned on his laptop. Once it was booted up and the Internet browser opened, he stalled mometarily, unsure about what he should type in the search box. He finally decided on 'why does it feel good to rub my prostate?' and pushed enter. Why not keep it simple?

The first page of results had lots of articles but they pretty much said the same things: the anal canal has lots of nerve endings and a regular prostate exam is recommended for men over 45 to check for cancer. Also, it's not uncommon for stimulation of the prostate to heighten sexual arousal, help with urinary conditions, and assist sperm production.

(I'm not 100% sure on the details but I think I'm mostly accurate. If you're curious like Dakota, do some research of your own!)

So that explains it! That totally makes sense! Dakota's organ began to inflate as he read through the various descriptions and glanced at the medical diagrams. His laptop had touch screen capabilities so he scrolled down with his right index finger as he left hand started groping his growing erection through his skinny jeans.

No longer satisfied with medical diagrams and repetitive articles, the young horny actor decided to research something a little different. He knew he wouldn't find anything similar to his situation with Paxton but surely there would be pictures/videos of older boys having such fun together. He simply typed in 'gay teenage boys' to see what would happen. Then he clicked on a website, next he opened a video that had an interesting title and plugged in his headphones; the volume of his laptop was already up since he liked listening to music with it.

The two boys in the video looked to be not much older than himself. They started out by making out, fully dressed, on a bed. By the end of the six minutes, they were both nude and doing it doggy-style. The moans he was hearing made their enjoyment abundantly clear.

Dakota clicked on a few more videos, each pretty similar to the first in both content and length. It wasn't long until his pants and underwear wear around his ankles, his legs spread as wide as possible, and his left hand was wrapped around his throbbing organ. When he wasn't using his right hand to click on the next video, he had his index finger poking into his pucker about as far as young Paxton had earlier that day as his palm massaged his slightly hairy ball sack. He had to be careful to keep his moans quiet, although he couldn't help matching them with the moans he heard from the video.

"Dakota Matthew Lotus! I need to talk to you!" His mother yelled through the door. She knocked several times to no response, then repeated herself, though a little louder this time.

Dakota thought he heard something, though faint, so he reluctantly paused the video. When his mother repeated herself he panicked and began fumbling to pull his clothes back up to his waist. Stupid skinny jeans! He did enjoy how they felt and liked how he looked in them but honestly, they could be a real nuisance sometimes. Like now!

"Uh, just a minute! I'm changing." Luckily, Dakota knew his mother would never invade his privacy. However, he also knew he didn't want to be caught, literally, with his pants down. His mother had supported him his whole life but he wasn't sure if she still would if she found out what he was looking at. Once everything was back in order, he opened the door. "Yeah, mom, what's up?"

"Oh, honey, are you okay? You look a little flushed."

"I'm fine mom. I was just doing a little exercise; it helps me sleep better." It wasn't really a lie; he was sort of exercising and he usually did sleep better when he did it in the evening.

"Oh. Okay, if you say so. Listen, something serious has come to my attention. I was hoping you could help me out. You may want to sit down."

"Sure, of course. What is it?" Dakota couldn't help being a little nervous; he literally had no idea what she was going to say but he had to hope it wouldn't affect him in a negative way. After all, what child isn't nervous when he hears his mother use his middle name? He sat down on the edge of his bed while his mother took his office chair.

"I just got off the phone with Paxton's mom. She said he was in a bit of an accident so she was hoping you could go visit him. I told her you definitely would as soon as possible."

"Well what happened? Is he okay? Tell me everything." Dakota no longer worried about himself but grew great concern for his young friend.

"He jumped off the trampoline and when he landed, he twisted his ankle enough to sprain it pretty good. No cast but they did put it in a brace and he'll have to use crutches for a couple weeks. Luckily, he's young and he'll probably heal quickly but they want to make sure the bone is in the right place when it does. And don't worry about the show. He won't miss any thing and the writers are already putting it into the script. He'll be on set tomorrow and I told his mom you could visit him tomorrow night, maybe help him out if he needs it. What do you think?"

Many thoughts raced through Dakota's mind, not the least of which included the fun they could have in Paxton's bedroom or bathroom, under the excuse of 'helping' the young invalid. Blame it on his hormones or the fact that he had been interrupted before his release or probably both but these were the thoughts he was suddenly preoccupied with.

"Yeah, of course. I'd be happy to. Anything to help out a fellow actor."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear you say that. Although, if I remember correctly, you didn't seem too fond of him a few months ago."

"Yeah, well, things are different now. Maybe I'm growing up or something. I don't know. Is that all? I'm kind of tired and I've got to be on set early tomorrow." If only she knew just how much things have changed, he thought to himself.

"Okay. I guess you have grown up some these past few months. Well, good night." His mother left her son alone, having a pretty good idea of what he had really been doing before her entrance. With her ear to the door, she had heard his faint moans as he pleasured himself and when she saw his flushed face, that had been confirmation. However, she was not the sort to shame her son for doing what all boys do but instead was proud and sad that her little boy was indeed growing up.

Sure enough, Paxton was on set the next day in his usual t-shirt and briefs, only this time his right ankle was wrapped in a supportive brace. His crutches were the shortest Dakota had ever seen as they were tucked under the small boy's armpits. He was still his regular active self, just a little slower than normal. Throughout the morning, whenever he used the crutches to support his weight as he swung forward, the material of his briefs would move forward as well. It didn't take long for Dakota to notice and every time he did, there would be a stir in his groin. He was really looking forward to lunch.

"So Pax, buddy, I got some good news; my mom told your mom that I'll be coming over later tonight. Sounds fun, right?"

"Mmhmm." Paxton couldn't say much more since his mouth was busy bobbing up and down on Dakota's organ. His left hand was laying on the back of his idol's right thigh and his small right index finger was inside the forbidden tunnel up to the second knuckle, slowly moving back and forth. Like the day before, Dakota had his legs drawn up to his chest and was wearing only his shirt and socks while Paxton, for the time being, was still wearing his shirt and briefs. They had just barely started, which would explain why Dakota was able to speak to him without gasping for air between words.

"Also, I could see your little bits sometimes when you used your crutches to move so you may want to be careful about that." Paxton merely rolled his eyes, clearly unbothered by whether or not he exposed himself on set. He continued his administrations, focused on Dakota's face as he moved his own to bring his idol pleasure. Realizing Paxton didn't care, Dakota shrugged it off and allowed his young co-star to keep going without interruption. Soon, it was time for release, which he let Paxton know.

"Try to swallow as much as you can, bud, but it's okay if you don't get it all."

Paxton took that as a challenge and locked his lips in a tight seal around the head of Dakota's appendage. He could feel the organ briefly expand a little more before his mouth was filled with warm sweet boy cum. Some of it went straight down his throat but after only the second squirt, he couldn't swallow fast enough to prevent his mouth from overflowing. Despite his best efforts, some dripped down his chin and then onto Dakota's mostly smooth sack. When they had both caught their breath, Paxton spoke.

"Wow, that seems like more than last time. Why was there so much? And why did you shoot so soon? You usually last longer than that." The young boy withdrew his finger and used it to push the goo from his chin into his mouth, then proceeded to lick it off not only that finger but also the loose skin of Dakota's sack.

Dakota let his legs fall back to the floor, with Paxton between them. He sat up to explain what he had found out the night before. Unashamedly, almost absent-mindedly, young Paxton began to fiddle with himself through the cotton of his briefs but that soon changed to reaching up through the leg band instead of down from the waist.

"So last night I did a little research and I found out a couple things. First, did you know you have a little button-like thing in your bum that feels really good when it's massaged the right way? It's called a prostate and only us boys have it. Anyway, I think your fingertip rubbed against mine and so that's why I shot as much and as soon as I did."

"That's so cool! That means that if you rub mine, I can cum too. Let's try it!" Eager to test his theory, Paxton took a hold of one of Dakota's hands and placed one on his little, but stiff, organ, while the other he directed below his sack towards his pucker. He leaned all the way back and pulled his pale white legs to his chest, placing his hands behind his knees to spread them apart. He forgot about his briefs in his excitement but knew Dakota would take care of them.

Dakota allowed himself to be moved into position but felt bad knowing Paxton was still too young to actually produce sperm. However, he wasn't going to dampen the boy's spirits with something as nonessential as the truth so he figured he could worry about that after giving the boy some pleasure. He gently massaged Paxton's stiff organ and poked at the pucker through the soft material of the briefs but soon moved them down the boy's thighs to join his hands sandwiched at his knees.

Thinking back to the videos he had watched the night before, Dakota lowered his head and quickly engulfed all of Paxton's tiny bits with his mouth. Before using his finger, though, began to lap at Paxton's little pucker with the tip of his tongue like a thirsty dog at a bowl of water. It wasn't as bad as he had feared, given what comes out of that area, as well as the fact that most boys Paxton's age aren't known as professional wipers. Honestly, it didn't taste much different than the skin of the stiff little organ or the warm smooth sack.

Paxton looked down and saw Dakota peering up at him from between his legs. No words could describe what he was feeling, not only in that private part of him but his entire prepubescent body. Everything they had done together so far was incredible but having Dakota's warm wet tongue probing his tiny tight pucker was above and beyond it all. He began to see stars when he felt Dakota's stiff finger slide into him underneath the moist muscle already wiggling there.

"Uh, uh, uh, oh, Kota don't stop! Please don't stop!" Paxton grunted as his body went into overdrive. Unfortunately, his little balls were still unable to produce the cum he so desperately wanted to squirt but he almost passed out from the sensations Dakota was giving him. He really hit the ceiling when Dakota's fingertip tickled that sweet spot he now knew was called a prostate.

Since they had both released so quickly, they had a little time to recover before the lunch hour was over. They now sat on the couch but neither of them had bothered to reclaim their clothing. In fact, Paxton flung his briefs completely off his legs to join Dakota's pants, underwear, and shoes on the floor. Dakota allowed his left hand to alternate rubbing Paxton's small white thighs while his young co-star did the same to him, but with the right hand. Their deflated organs rested comfortably and would sometimes be squeezed by the wandering hands.

"So I found out something else last night but we don't have to try it unless you really want to. It's totally up to you."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll do it. If it feels anything like what you just did, count me in!" Paxton gave Dakota's limp organ a playful squeeze. It felt different soft in his hand as opposed to stiff in his mouth but not in a bad way; more like a fun toy to simply play with.

"Let me tell you about it first before you agree to it. It's similar to what I just did but instead of using my finger and tongue, I would use Kota Jr. here." Dakota squeezed himself to make sure Paxton knew what he meant. Even though he had just had his release recently, he still 'chubbed up' at the thought of getting it inside Paxton's tight pucker.

"Wow, that would be sooo cool but are you sure it would fit? It seems kinda big and I'm kinda little." Paxton took the organ into his hand again, flopping it from one side to the other, slapping each of Dakota's thighs with it.

"I think it might surprise you. But like I said, it's totally up to you. In fact, if you want to, I'd let you do it to me first. Think it over and let me know what you decide later tonight."

"Okay. I can do that. Now, can you help me up and hand me my crutches? Then maybe you could help get my briefs back on, since you were the one who took them off." Despite his injury, his attitude hadn't changed.

Dakota stood up and helped Paxton get his briefs on, then dressed as well. He then opened the door and they returned to set.

Later that evening, as promised, Dakota arrived at Paxton's house to 'help' him, but mainly just to visit. The boy gave him a quick tour of the boring rooms, (as quick as he could with crutches) then eagerly led him to his bedroom. There was a small bed, a dresser, a toy chest, and a lounge chair in front of a TV, obviously set up for gaming and movies with surround sound speakers placed strategically on the walls and end tables on either side of the chair. There was also a small, but full, bathroom across the hall with a clothes hamper that was mostly empty because the floor was littered with the boy's small shirts, pants, and briefs. The floor of his bedroom didn't look much better.

"This bathroom is mine, my parents have their own. Sometimes they have to tell me to turn down the volume on the TV but that doesn't happen too often cuz their room is on the other side of the house." He crooked his finger to signal for Dakota to step closer, then he whispered. "I don't think they'll be able to hear us." He smiled mischievously and suddenly grabbed Dakota's crotch through his skinny jeans, then tried to make a run for it. He didn't get far down the hallway before Dakota came up behind him and playfully squeezed his little round bottom with a hand on each cheek.

Luckily, Paxton's parents weren't around as he led the way back into the kitchen. There was money and a note to buy pizza since they wouldn't be home until later. He called the number, then retrieved some drinks for them while they waited. They sat at the bar and started discussing what they wanted to do later.

"Would you really let me put my wiener inside your bum?" Paxton had thought it about all afternoon and still didn't think Dakota was serious. Even though he was wearing pants, his hand instinctively went to fiddling with his little organ.

"Only if you want to. Just remember that if you do, I get to do it to you, too. Fair is fair, right?" Dakota replaced Paxton's hand with his own as the little hand groped him through his jeans.

"Yeah, you've always been fair to me and besides, I think it would feel really cool to put it in your bum. Can we do it now?" Paxton retrieved his hand from Dakota's crotch and started to unfasten his own pants.

"Whoa, little bud, let's wait until after the pizza comes, okay? We don't want to be interrupted, right?" Dakota fastened Paxton's pants but let his hand fall back to fiddling in his crotch. Realizing Dakota was right, Paxton did the same to him.

"Well he won't get here for another twenty minutes. You know me, I can finish a couple times before then. Please?" Paxton moved his hands up from Dakota's crotch to unfasten his idol's pants. He knew he was winning because Dakota didn't stop him.

"Okay, fine but we better make it quick. Only once, though. We need to be dressed again before he gets here, got it?" Even as he spoke, he stood up and sllid his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He knew it would take too much time for Paxton to go all the way back to his bedroom with crutches so he held out his arms, which his young friend leaned into. He would've jumped but couldn't because of his sore ankle. He was light, though, so it didn't take much effort for Dakota to pick him up and carry him to the sanctuary of his bedroom.

He gently laid the boy down on his own bed, then joined him, lying on his stomach like Paxton. He pushed his hips back and up, reaching behind himself to slide his pants and underwear down to his knees. Before lowering his hips, he put a stray pillow under them; he'd seen it in one of the videos and wanted to to try it. His organ was inflated as it rubbed against the material of the pillowcase.

"Go ahead, bud. Just climb on and put it between my bum cheeks. You can even spit on it if you want. I'm pretty sure you'll like it."

More than ready to try it, Paxton had removed his own pants and briefs but kept his shirt on. When the pizza guy came, Dakota could go to the door so he wouldn't have to get dressed. He eagerly climbed onto the back of his idol's thighs, then leaned over the bare bottom and let some spit drip down into the crack. He gently used his finger to poke the saliva into the pucker in the middle of it, which caused Dakota to gasp with pleasure. Although he knew they were alone, he was nervous about making too much noise, especially after almost being caught the night before.

Paxton moved his finger back and forth for several minutes, suddenly unsure about going further. He knew he wanted to but he also was worried that he might hurt his friend. He also couldn't help being nervous about letting Dakota do the same to him. However, his little organ was stiffer than it had ever been before so he took a deep breath and scooted forward until his pale white hips were directly above Dakota's. With a hand on each side of the older boy for support, he lowered himself until his appendage slid along the crevasse created by Dakota's smooth round globes. He was already in heaven but then remembered his actual goal. With his left hand, he pulled Dakota's left cheek aside and pushed his organ down to where he figured the hole would be.

"Just a little lower, bud, and you'll get there. Maybe use your finger to find it, then go from there. It's feeling good, though, right?" Dakota was a little breathless already.

Even though Dakota couldn't see him, Paxton nodded, then carefully poked into him with his finger up to the second knuckle. When he was sure he knew where to aim, he pushed his erection down again until the tip was tickling the tight pucker of Dakota's entrance.

"That's it, bud, you found it. Now go ahead and get your tingles but hurry. We don't have long." Dakota's organ was pinned between his abs and the pillow but he didn't want to release just yet; he'd make his deposit inside of Paxton instead of messing on the pillow.

Now that he had found his goal, Paxton wasted no time in thrusting his hips with surprising agility, especially considering his sore ankle. His little inflated organ, coated with his own saliva and poking into Dakota's private tunnel, didn't last long and soon his entire body was overwhelmed by his powerful orgasm. He collapsed onto Dakota's backside, not quite covering the taller boy but enjoying the close contact regardless. As he slid off back onto the bed, there was a knock at the door. Just as he had planned, Dakota left the room, pulling up his pants as he went. He stayed where he was, half naked and content.

After the pizza boy left and they had eaten, they returned to Paxton's room.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt you. You trust me, don't you?" Dakota knew Paxton was nervous and didn't blame him but he was serious; he really didn't want to hurt him. Instead of the bed, they were sitting on Paxton's lounge chair. Well, Dakota was and Paxton was nestled between his legs; he could already feel the teenager's erection pressed against his bottom. Dakota's hands were wrapped around Paxton's stiff organ and little sack of immature marbles while Paxton's hands were resting on Dakota's thighs. He tried to reach between them but his own little bare bottom was in the way.

"Let me take these pants down, now that the pizza guy isn't on his way." Dakota pushed the pale booty forward, forcing Paxton to stand up. Knowing he couldn't stay like that long without crutches, he quickly slid his pants and underwear all the way down his legs, then used his hands to guide Paxton's hips back between his own. The skin to skin contact was incredible but then he realized he would need some lubrication if he was going to do this without causing Paxton any pain.

"Hey, Pax, it's not too late to change your mind. But, if you still want to, I think we're going to need a little more than just spit. You have anything in your bathroom that might work?"

"Yeah, I think so. Give me another boost and I'll be right back." Paxton hopped to his crutches, his little bare bottom jiggling as he went. Dakota fondled himself as he watched. Moments later, the boy returned with a bottle of lotion. "I have to use it during the summer cuz my skin dries out pretty easily. It will work, right?" He stayed at the door, figuring that if he had to go back to the bathroom, he was already halfway there.

"That's perfect! Now get over here and sit on my lap but this time, I want you to face me so I can look into your eyes instead of looking at the back of your head."

Paxton was a little confused; he had never sat on anyone's lap facing the person and was unsure how it was done. He made his way to the front of the chair and stood there, waiting for further instruction. Dakota could see he was confused and wanted to offer assistance but had to prep first.

He took the bottle of lotion and poured a generous amount into his palm, then lathered his organ with it while Paxton watched intently. He then got some more specifically on his finger and leaned forward. Paxton knew what he was supposed to do and moved his right leg away from his left, which was still supporting his weight. He kept eye contact with Dakota as he felt his idol reach below his bits and slide a slippery digit into his tight pucker. Then he began to moan and whimper as it slid further into him and found his sweet spot. If it felt this good, surely having something bigger would feel that much better.

After several minutes of fingering, Dakota decided Paxton was ready. He gently took Paxton's right leg and swung it over his left, allowing it to drape over the armrest. With part of Paxton's weight being supported by his thigh, he was able to drape the other leg over his right, thus placing the small boy squarely on his lap, or more accurately, between his legs. Before Paxton lowered himself completely, Dakota held himself at just the right angle to allow entry. It was a little tricky to find the tiny hole and took some finesse but he eventually found the entrance.

When he and Paxton were both positioned just right, Dakota guided his young friend down by putting his hands on the milky white hips. Although incredibly tight, the boy was able to take Dakota's organ with surprising ease and little pain. Dakota was about to pass out by the time Paxton's hips came in contact with his own. The warm vice grip around his organ was unlike anything he had ever imagined and he practically shot his load without moving at all.

"You okay, bud? I didn't hurt you, did you?"

"A little bit at first but it's okay. I feel better now. So what happens next?" The boy was acting as if nothing at all were out of the ordinary. His insanely stiff organ pointing at his belly button, however, was not. As was his habit, he was twitching it with his little fingers.

In response, Dakota placed his hands on his friend's small white thighs. Holding Paxton in place, he began to thrust his hips up into the young boy. As light as he was, he was able to bounce a couple of inches high several times, making slapping sounds each time he landed. It was more than enough to make him pass out for a moment when he felt Dakota's warm goo shoot deep inside him. He had his own orgasm seconds before that but was still stiff as the rest of his body went limp.

Dakota allowed the exhausted boy to lean against his sweaty chest, keeping his deflated organ lodged in the warmt of his tunnel. He let his hands wander across the boy's back and down to the little valley he had intruded and still occupied. His fingertips found his deposit, then scooped some of it up and brought to his face. He still didn't like the taste, or even the smell, of it so he began to apply it to Paxton's lips like chapstick. This got the boy's attention and he came to, licking the goo off of himself hungrily.

"I think there's still more if you want some."

Paxton slid himself backwards and down Dakota's legs, then crawled between them to find out. Sure enough, the now soft appendage was still coated with yummy cum and he eagerly wrapped his mouth around the tip of it to collect as much as he could. Even though it was no longer fresh from the source, it was still good to the boy and he licked his lips again when he had cleaned the organ completely.

"I think there's still some in my bum; I can feel it kind of squishing around." Paxton reached between his legs and started to probe himself, trying to retrieve the goo with his finger. He managed to get some but he knew there was still more.

"Turn around bud, I'll get it for you."

Already on his knees, Paxton swiveled on them and leaned forward onto his hands. He assumed Dakota was going to use his finger so he was surprised when he felt that warm smooth tongue licking at his tender pucker. He immediately had two thoughts; one, why did Dakota decide to do that when he didn't like the taste of cum, and two, how was that going to help him get the cum for himself if Dakota got it? Deciding to forgive his idol for stealing his yummy treat, he allowed the tongue to swab him clean, both around the rim and inside. His little organ was stiff yet again and he couldn't help wondering how that was even possible as his hand went to fondle it.

"All clean, Pax. Now get on your back if you want me to help with that one more time. Only one more time though because I have to go after that. And besides, your parents should be home soon, too, right?"

Paxton simply nodded as he flipped onto his back and spread his legs. His rock hard organ was pointing toward his belly button and throbbing in anticipation. As soon as he felt Dakota's warm mouth on him, he thrust his hips and finished before the finger even made its way into his little pucker. Completely exhausted and finally limp, he smiled at Dakota.

"I guess you better go. Can we do this again tomorrow during lunch?"

"If you remember to bring that lotion! Or, maybe I can come back here tomorrow evening. That way, we'll have more time."

"I'd love that but my parents are home tomorrow night."

"Yeah but you said they wouldn't hear us, remember?"

"I guess we could turn on a movie or something."

"Okay but you could bring the lotion to set anyway, just in case. I'll see you tomorrow."

While they were talking, Paxton lay on his back, still half naked, while Dakota pulled his pants back up and fastened them. He then helped the boy onto his bed and closed the bedroom door behind him.

Paxton was suddenly lonely and sad but shook himself of the feeling when he thought of what he had just done as well what would hopefully happen at lunch the next day. When his parents came home, he went to greet them and say good night. It wasn't quite his bedtime yet but Dakota had really wore him out and his sore ankle could use a little rest as well.

I said at the beginning that this would be the last chapter of Dakota's recollections. Chapter 5 will be in the present time and will most likely be the final chapter.

Next: Chapter 5

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