Dakota and Paxton

By benjamin winkler

Published on Apr 30, 2020


Just a reminder: Dakota is still sitting on the couch in his dressing room, thinking back over the past year. The memory he last recalled was the first day he did things with his young co-star Paxton. The following, much like chapter 1, is mainly his recollection while he relaxes during his lunch break. As I'm sure you've noticed, he's primarly remembering the highlights.

That first day with Paxton had been a turning point in their relationship, one that ultimately transfered to their interactions on stage. It didn't go unnoticed, either, with many of the crew and even the director commenting on how their chemistry as 'brothers' really came across on camera. Of course, no one had any idea as to why the sudden change happened and although some were curious, none really cared enough to ask either actor about it. As long as they performed well on stage, that was all that mattered.

After that first day, Dakota was no longer surprised to see young Paxton waiting for him in his dressing room. Sometimes, though, it took him a minute to find the mischievous boy, as Paxton liked playing hide-and-seek. He purposely hid poorly, though, because he didn't want to take up too much time before the real fun started. More often than not, his hand would be fiddling with himself, sometimes in his little briefs and sometimes over them. Dakota couldn't help smiling each time he caught Paxton doing it right in front of him and it almost immediately inflated his appendage from half mast to full hardon.

That inevitably led to Dakota dropping his pants and boxers, then replacing Paxton's hand with his own while his young admirer administered to him. Much like the first day, they kept eye contact and thrust their hips forward until each had his release. When Dakota finished first, Paxton would allow the spray to land on his stomach, then drip down to his stiff organ, where Dakota would then use it to bring the boy to a powerful, though dry, climax. A lot of times, though an hour wasn't enough for Dakota to splurge more than twice on a good day, young Paxton was sometimes able to reach 3 or more.

Paxton loved Dakota's dry hands on him, no doubt, but usually felt light-hearted with pleasure each time he felt his idol's slippery hands moving all over his little appendage and sack of marbles. There had to be a way to get that feeling from something else for the times that Dakota couldn't produce it for him. He couldn't really think of anything until one day when it happened quite by accident.

It'd been a couple weeks since their first day and he was standing in front of the toilet in Dakota's bathroom. Paxton hadn't really been hiding this time, it just so happened that he had to pee and wanted to do it before they started. Sometimes, in his bathroom at home, he liked to lean forward and spit into the toilet and then try to aim at it as he peed. He did the same this time and was a little annoyed when his spit didn't completely disconnect from his mouth but instead made a continuous strand almost to the toilet water. Rather than drifting to the intended target, though, it fell almost straight down and onto Paxton's protruding organ.

Mildly grossed out by the fact he'd basically just spit on himself, he quickly tried to find something to wipe it off. To his dismay, Dakota's toilet paper roll was bare and he knew he was too short to get his crotch to the sink. With no other option that he could see available, he reluctantly wrapped his fingers around the base of his organ and pulled toward the tip to hopefully move the spit off of him and into the toilet. Of course, he was pleasantly surprised to find how nice it felt, very similar to how it felt to have Dakota's cum on him.

The first dribble of spit dried up quickly but Paxton was quick to replace it with more, this time on purpose. He waited for a minute, though, until he was able to get more in his mouth before dripping it onto himself. With more to work with, he was stiff instantly and breathing heavy in moments. Before he reached that all-too-familiar sensation, he heard Dakota enter the dressing room, then lock the door behind him. He couldn't wait to continue this and show his discovery to his idol.

"In here." He shouted through the open bathroom door. "Had to pee." He quickly relieved himself and flushed the toilet, then ran eagerly to where Dakota met him in the living room.

"Hey, little bud, guess you weren't in the mood to hide today, huh?" It was more of a statement than a question as Dakota fell to his haunches and spread his legs to brace for Paxton's impending hug. He no longer allowed his hands any hesitation concerning where they went, so each slid down Paxton's back and gently held a round globe, then squeezed it like a stress ball.

After a brief, full contact hug, Paxton stepped back to let Dakota stand up straight, but he couldn't contain his enthusiasm about what he'd recently discovered. He was squirming as if he still had to pee. Before his idol could ask about his excitement, he grabbed Dakota's hand and pulled him to the bathroom, having in his mind the idea to re-enact what had led to his discovery.

Dakota patiently went along with it all, listening and watching as his cute little friend explained what had happend before he came in to the dressing room. Of course, using spit as lubrication was nothing new to him but Paxton's zealous behavior was contagious and he couldn't help being proud of the boy and the discovery he'd made.

"And guess what? It feels just like when you use your cum on me. Isn't that cool?" Paxton had led Dakota back to the living room and looked up at him expectantly, dark brown eyes eagerly waiting for an answer. He was still holding Dakota's hand with one of his own but his other was digging into the front of his little briefs.

"That's great, buddy, I'm happy for you. Maybe I'll try it, too, how about that?" Dakota knew that Paxton thought he was the first to discover such sensations and didn't want to spoil it.

"Oh, man, you've GOT to! It feels SOOO good." Paxton reclaimed his hand from Dakota's grasp and used both to unfasten, then unzip Dakota's pants. Without bothering to slide them lower than mid-thigh, he reached into the boxers with his left hand and pulled the organ out of the fly. Holding it perpendicular to his idol's body in his open palm, he explained what Dakota should do next. "There, now spit on it."

Dakota smiled and tilted his head forward just enough so that he wouldn't spit on anything but his target. He'd purposely accumulated a fair amount while listening to Paxton so now he had plenty in storage. Instead of dropping it all at once, though, he allowed it to flow from his mouth in a continuous strand. It landed directly on his shaft, then fell to either side into Paxton's hand, where it quickly puddled. Without waiting to be told, the boy began to move his hand back and forth, allowing Dakota's inflated organ to glide easily in his palm. The older boy instantly closed his eyes and moaned.

"See? Told you it feels amazing." As his left hand pumped Dakota's shaft, his right hand reached into the fly and cupped the warm sack of marbles, rolling them like a pair of dice. Quite by accident, Paxton's middle finger went a little too far back but quickly withdrew when he realized what he'd found. The boy liked watching Dakota's face, even when he closed his eyes, because the expressions of pleasure on it made him happy. However, when his finger had wandered too far, he lowered his head and withdrew both hands in shame.

Dakota, who'd undoubtedly felt the wandering finger, was a little surprised at Paxton's bravery but then realized it was an accident when both little hands retreated from his boxers. He opened his eyes to see his young friend with a lowered head and tears dripping down his pale, slightly freckled cheeks. He fell to his haunches again, this time to offer comfort and consolation.

"Hey, bud, what's wrong? You were totally right so why'd you stop? It was starting to feel super good." He gently held Paxton's shoulder with his left hand while tilting the sad boy's face up with his right. He found himself practically drowning in the big beautiful brown eyes.

"It was an accident, really it was. I didn't mean to touch you there, honest." Paxton's chin might've quivered if it hadn't been held firmly, but gently, in Dakota's hand.

Dakota had no doubt that his young friend spoke the truth and was genuinely upset with himself because of it. Not wanting to make him feel worse about it, he decided to play it off. "I don't know what you mean. You didn't touch me anywhere that you haven't already, so don't worry about it. Now let's get these cute little briefs off so I can make you feel good, too. What do you think?" Waiting for permission, Dakota slid his fingers into the waistband of Paxton's briefs, ready to slide them down the boy's skinny pale legs.

"Okay." Suddenly convinced that maybe his finger hadn't gone to where he'd feared, Paxton was back to his usual high-energy self. He started reaching for Dakota's boxers again, trying to get into the open fly.

"Oh, no you don't. It's your turn, remember?" With his hands already on Paxton's hips, it was easy for Dakota to keep the boy at bay. His arms were too short to reach their goal and were halted in their attempt when Dakota took hold of his young friend's hands. He swung the boy around in a circle before setting him down on the couch.

Not one to sit still easily, Paxton tried in vain to reclaim his prize but Dakota's hold of his hips kept him securely pinned. His arms and legs flailed uselessly for less than a minute before settling down. He knew he'd been beat so he resigned to Dakota's mercy.

"Okay, I give up, do whatever you want to me but you'll never get me to talk. Never!" Paxton sat completely still, arms at his side, maintaining eye contact.

Dakota could see that his young friend was completely stiff in the little cotton confinement and smiled back. He liked this new direction they were heading in. Keeping the eye contact, he grabbed the waistband and slid the briefs all the way down Paxton's legs, then off completely. Then he leaned forward until his face was directly over Paxton's eager member and let some spit drip onto his young friend.

Paxton's little organ, when it was as stiff as it was now, usually pointed straight up towards his belly-button. This meant that it was the underside that felt the warm lubrication first. Resisting the urge to take it into his hands, he simply whimpered as he kept watching Dakota.

The older boy gently took his young friend into his hands, one on the inflated appendage and the other massaging the boy's hairless sack. With his thumb and forefinger, he pinched Paxton and began moving his hand back and forth. His opposite hand was busy rubbing the rest of the lubrication into Paxton's loose skin, something the boy hadn't done in the bathroom.

Throughout the whole event, the boys maintained eye contact, even when Paxton spread his legs and began bucking his hips into Dakota's hands. Coincidently, Dakota's middle finger accidently went further back than intended due to the thrusting but if Paxton noticed or cared, he was too involved to let Dakota know.

As for the older boy, an inexplicable twitch stirred in his groin before he immediately withdrew his fingertip from the tiny pucker.

Only minutes after starting, Paxton's thrusting picked up pace until suddenly his entire half-naked body tensed and created an arch above the couch. He whimpered and bit his lower lip as his dry orgasm vibrated through him like an earthquake with his little organ at the epicenter. As the tremors settled, his hips collapsed onto the couch and a smile formed on his face.

"You okay, bud? I thought you were going to pass out there at the end." Dakota retrieved his hands from Paxton and casually began to fondle himself. He glanced at the clock; they didn't have a lot of time if he was still going to get his satisfaction. The lubrication had dried long ago but he was still semi-erect from helping his young friend.

"Yeah, I'm good. I think it's time to take over for you, though." Paxton didn't really want to admit it but when he'd felt Dakota's fingertip behind his little sack, it gave him a new sensation he wanted to feel again. Too shy to pursue that, though, he pushed the thought from his mind as he stood up and slid his hands into Dakota's boxers to distract himself.

"Sounds good but I think I'm a little dry again." Dakota waited until Paxton pulled him out of his boxers so he wouldn't get spit on them. He puckered up and was about to let it fall when Paxton's little finger crossed his lips as if to shush him. He smiled, realizing his young friend wanted to do that as well.

Paxton held Dakota's organ in one hand and his warm loose sack in the other, massaging its contents gently. He carefully aimed his spit to pool in his palm around his idol's appendage. He then looked up at his friend's eyes as he began to move his slick palm back and forth, causing Dakota to thrust his hips in time to the movement. After a few minutes, the boy's breathing quickened, as did his humping into Paxton's fist. In a moment of unusual bravery, Paxton allowed his middle finger to go behind his idol's sack and press against the forbidden tunnel's entrance. His face showed nerves and a little bit of fear of what Dakota's reaction would be, since there was no way the older boy didn't feel it this time. He was greatly relieved by the response he got.

Dakota didn't understand why but when he felt Paxton's little fingertip probing his entrance, quite purposely this time, he let out a loud moan as his whole body tensed up in orgasmic bliss. Several healthy ropes of gooey white cum shot from his pee hole and onto Paxton's hands and arms. Lucky for them both, it hadn't landed on his t-shirt; that would take some explanation.

"I guess we better clean up, huh, bud?" Dakota suggested, once he caught his breath.

"What do you mean, 'we'? I'm the only one that got messy." Paxton stated matter-of-factly. He was right.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Well, you can use my bathroom. There should be something you can use to wipe yourself off." Dakota pulled his pants up and fastened them as if nothing unusual had just happened. Once again, he decided not to bring up the finger incident.

"Just so you know, there's no toilet paper so you'll want to get some." Paxton headed to the bathroom as he spoke. The goo was beginning to dry on his arms and he was already starting to itch a little.

"I'll do that. See you on set." With that, Dakota left.

In another instant of bravery, mixed with a little bit of curiosity, Paxton was about to rinse his hands and arms off in Dakota's bathroom sink but had another idea. Instead, he raised his gooey finger to his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Gingerly at first, he used the tip to taste Dakota's deposit and then, deciding he liked it, sucked his whole finger into his mouth.

Not bad. I wonder if it would taste better before it got cold.

When the buzzer rang signally the end of lunch, Paxton quickly rinsed himself off and slipped into his briefs before running to set.

I know this is a little longer than chapter one but I'm trying to realistically lead from one development to the next. This one is obviously meant to set up for some oral fun soon. I also realize that Dakota left Paxton a little abrubtly but remember that lunch hour was almost over and he knew Paxton understood that. After all, they had gotten to know each pretty well over the past several weeks. I hope the spit element wasn't too much because it was the only way I could think of to lead into their next adventure. Besides, who of you haven't used it for a little bit of lubrication?

Next: Chapter 3

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