Days of Our Lives Series

By Benji King

Published on Jan 2, 2012



"Days of Our Lives" is the property of Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television. This story contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual situations.

If you are not of legal age in your area to view such content, please exit immediately. The following story is not intended to imply anything about the actors who portray these characters.

"Will? Earth to Will!"

The sound of his name snapped Will Horton out of the labyrinth of thoughts in which he had been lost. He looked over at his friend and forced a smile.

"Sorry. What were you saying?" he asked Sonny Kiriakis.

They were sitting at a table in the Brady Pub, the cozy restaurant owned and operated by Will's great-grandmother, Caroline.

"I was saying that I'll send you a list of all the stuff we need coded for the website by the end of the week," Sonny said as he closed his laptop. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I was just spacing out. I'm tired."

Sonny continued to eye him curiously. "You're sure everything's okay? You've seemed a little..."

"I'm fine, Sonny. But thanks." As was his habit, Will grinned bigger than was necessary. It was a dead giveaway that something was up with him, and this wasn't the first time Sonny had noticed it. Will had seemed very distracted over the past few weeks, no matter how hard he tried to maintain his happy-go-lucky persona.

"I have to get home for dinner," Will said as he stuffed his own laptop into his backpack and rose from the table. "E-mail me that stuff, okay?"

"Will do. Later, Will."


Will hurried away from the table with a wave. Sonny watched the blond boy go over to the bar, hug his great-grandma goodbye, and blow out of the pub. Will hadn't had the easiest year, with all the upheaval his mother, Sami, had brought upon their family -- not that that was anything new. But Sami had married her cop boyfriend, Rafe Hernandez, and things seemed to be fairly civil between her and EJ DiMera, the father of two of her kids. One would think that things for Will might have settled accordingly. He and his girlfriend, Gabi, even seemed pretty solid these days. But something was clearly still eating at Will.

There were moments when Sonny wanted to take Will in his arms and console him as best he could. There was no denying that his friend was a pretty hunky guy. Sonny had to work pretty hard to keep from staring during their outings to the beach this summer -- he hadn't expected Will to have such an amazing body, with rippling abs and some of the biggest pecs Sonny had ever seen on a guy that size. But Sonny made it a point not to mix up friendship and lust with straight guys... though that line seemed to be blurring more and more, given his recent encounters with his relatives, Philip and Brady.

Sonny felt his cock stirring in his jeans at the mere memory of getting slammed by studly Brady in the Kiriakis hot tub. He wondered if there might be a repeat performance in store when he got home tonight. Of course, he'd been hoping for the same thing for days on end. That was the trouble with hooking up with straight guys -- it always wound up being on their terms.

Which was exactly why he shouldn't be thinking about twisting Will Horton's perky nipples and licking his way down those abs and that sandy blond treasure trail into his shorts. . .

The truth was, Will totally was distracted. His encounter with his girlfriend's bad boy brother had been on his mind for weeks -- and not just because it had been so unexpected, but because Will had liked it. Heck, he'd even tried to kiss Dario in the heat of the moment. Dario had turned away, which made Will feel like an idiot, but maybe it was for the best. He didn't need to muddy the waters. He loved Gabi. He wanted to be with her. What happened with Dario was strange and hot and. . .

Sometimes, when it was late at night, he'd wake up flushed and feverishly jerk off to the thought of Dario eating him out and spraying a healthy load of jizz all over Will's chest and stomach.

He swallowed hard, realizing that he had walked right past the apartment building where he lived with his mother, stepfather, and younger siblings. Thankfully, Dario had saved up enough money from his bartending job to move into his own place. That made it a little easier for Will to put the experience aside, or at least to keep it inside himself.

With a sigh, he turned around and headed for home.

Javier Morales was on edge. He didn't know why he had agreed to this crazy plan. Okay, he did know: because he was wanted on more criminal charges than he could count, and when a powerful man named Stefano DiMera came to him with a proposal to leave his checkered life behind, Javier had jumped at it. Truth be told, it all sounded good at the time: get plastic surgery to look like a guy who was respected by the Salem community; move in with that guy's family and spend plenty of time with his hot blonde wife; enjoy the perks of being on the DiMera payroll for the rest of time.

The problem was that things kept going wrong. Sami Brady was becoming more and more suspicious about her husband's strange behavior, and Javier-as-Rafe could only use his head injury from a car accident as an excuse so many times. Her little brats were annoying as hell, he had no idea how to pretend to be a cop well enough to convince Sami's whole damn family (who seemed to be the entire Salem PD), and everywhere he went, he seemed to run into someone who knew Rafe Hernandez and had an eye on every little thing he did.

Sami wasn't even putting out anymore, and that had been one of the most appealing parts of the job. Javier was a sex addict, plain and simple. That was what had gotten him into so much trouble to begin with. He was liable to jump on anything with a pulse if he went more than a few hours without getting off. Hell, he even had a hazy memory from right after his surgery, when EJ DiMera had been admiring the DiMera surgeon's masterful work -- which had to be convincing on every part of his body -- and Javier had coaxed the tall, cocky Brit into finishing him off by hand.

Damn, he could use a handjob right now. At least. Sami was out with the kids, which gave him a few hours of peace and quiet. What he really wanted to do was go down to the Cheatin' Heart and find some hot piece to rail. But Rafe's brother, Dario, worked there, and he would be suspicious of any woman "Rafe" talked to. Then again. . .

As Javier sprawled on the couch, a beer in hand, he rubbed his ample bulge and thought about how he'd walked in on Dario with his face buried in Sami's son's ass a few weeks back. He was sitting on the information, not sure what to do with it, but the sight had been damn hot. If worse came to worst, Javier figured, he could probably convince Dario to fuck around -- and unless Dario wanted his new girlfriend, Melanie, to know about his side activities, he wouldn't be able to tell a soul. But there was something even hotter about the thought of young Will Horton squirming beneath Javier's sweaty body, thinking that he was doing it with his stepfather, maybe even getting pounded the way Javier wished he could pound Sami.

Yeah, that would show them all.

Just then, his opportunity walked right through the door. Will entered the apartment and set his backpack on a chair.

"Hey," Will said to the man he thought was Rafe.

"Hey, kid." Javier thought of standing up to greet him but decided to lie there on the couch, his legs spread open, and see if the teenager took notice. The TV droned in the background. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good. I met up with Sonny and worked on the website. What's for dinner?"

"Your mom had to run some errands. She said she'd pick up something from the Pub on her way home," Javier said. He watched Will intently and, sure enough, when Will glanced up from the pile of mail on the counter, finding nothing of interest, his gaze caught on the jeans-clad legs of Rafe Hernandez, spread wide- open over the family sofa.

This should be easy, Javier thought. Not that there was much doubt, considering how Dario seemed to have made Will his little bitch.

Javier's thick Latino dick was already plumping up at the thought of what might happen.

"I think I'm gonna grab a shower before dinner," Will said. Javier nodded absently, and the teen made his way to the bathroom.

He'd better not jerk off in there, Javier thought. Judging by the way Will had been eyeing him, it was possible. Javier decided not to take any chances and chugged the rest of his beer. He could hear the shower already running as he made his way to the bathroom.

He tested the doorknob and, unsurprisingly, found it locked. In a more clear- headed state, he might have left it at that. But lust was the only thing fueling him now, so he reached to the top of the doorframe and found the little spare key stored up there for emergencies. He used it to pop the door open.

"Hey!" Will shouted from inside the shower. The room was already foggy with steam, and the frosted glass on the door revealed only a blurry outline of the young stud's body.

"I needed to check something," Javier called out over the shower.

Will opened the door just a crack, enough to stick his head out. "It couldn't wait?"

"Nope." Javier stalked determinedly toward the shower and stripped off his shirt. "Make room, kid."

Will drew back even further behind the door. "What are you doing?"

"Come on, Will." Javier's thick fingers undid his jeans and pushed them down to the floor. He wasn't wearing underwear. He caught Will's eyes involuntarily travel downward, scoping out his stepdad's hefty uncut meat, which sat in a wild bush of dark black hair.

"Rafe. . ." Will said uncertainly as Javier pushed his way inside the shower.

"I saw you and Dario." Javier smirked at the teen. "So if you don't wanna let me play, I can just go tell your mom and your grandpa what I saw. . . Not to mention Gabi." He stroked his fat dick, which was rapidly swelling to its full, impressive size.

Will was speechless. Rafe had been acting weird since the accident, but this was nuts even for the 'new' Rafe. But as crazy as it seemed, his stepfather was standing buck-naked in the shower with him, his broad, tan chest, his hairy, muscled legs, and an insanely tempting cock all on display for Will to ogle.

"This is a bad idea," Will mumbled as he turned his back to Rafe.

"Doesn't look like your dick thinks so," Rafe said, peeping around the front. Sure enough, Will's six-inch dick was standing at attention. His tight, flat stomach led down to a set of dark blond, trimmed pubes, a fuzzy sac, and that delicious pink cock.

Javier decided to throw caution to the wind and reached around to grab Will's prick. He stroked it a few times, loving the feel of the teen meat jumping in his hand. No matter what Will said, there was no denying that his body was enjoying this. Javier decided that this was the most persuasive approach he could take and silently stroked his faux-stepson's dick. With each motion up and down, Will seemed to relax a little more, giving in to the seduction. Javier pressed his big, defined chest up against Will's back as an animalistic lust coursed through his body.

"You're a hot little fucker, you know that?" he said through gritted teeth. He reached down and played with Will's balls and then went back to jerking him off. He let his other hand toy with Will's left nipple, which was so hard it could have cut through ice. Javier could practically feel the hormones radiating off the kid. He let his hand travel over Will's hip, across his firm ass cheek, and into his crack.

"You like this, huh?" Javier muttered as he let two fingers find Will's hole. As expected, Will's entire body quivered at the mere sensation of "Rafe" grazing his opening.

"That feels so good," Will said, his voice breathy. He lifted his arms and used them to lean against the shower wall.

Javier was worried the kid would cum soon, so he removed his hands. Will looked back at him like a sad puppy dog. Javier grabbed his own throbbing dick, which had risen to its full eight inches, and wagged it.

"Come on, buddy. Just suck on it for a minute. Please?"

Silently, Will dropped to his knees. The water rained down over both of them as Will wrapped his fingers around the thick cock and then plunged his mouth over it. His movements were clumsy as he tried to get his mouth and hand to work in unison, and Javier realized that this might be his first time sucking dick. But there was no doubt about it: Will Horton wanted a cock in his mouth. And that hot little mouth sure felt good.

Will settled into a rhythm, letting his mouth slide over the fat purple head of Javier's dick while his hand formed an O that worked the rest of the shaft, from the ring of foreskin that had pulled back all the way down to the base. After a few minutes, Javier started pistoning slowly in and out of that mouth. In almost any other situation, he would have been content to blow his load down Will's throat and get on with his day. But not today.

"Hang on," Javier said, pulling back. He practically had to shove Will off his dick. "I don't wanna cum yet."

Kneeling on the floor of the shower, his blond hair matted to his forehead, blue- eyed Will looked like a little angel. Will's fingers played hopefully with Javier's hairy, low-hanging balls.

"Stand up," Javier said. Reluctantly, Will complied. . . but his hesitance faded as soon as Javier reached around him and started tickling Will's hole with his forefinger. "You wanna get fucked, boy?"

Will nodded, though there was a little bit of fear evident in his eyes. "Yeah. . . yeah."

The teen's buttcheeks were covered in an almost invisible dusting of blond hairs, and his crack was the same way. Javier worked a finger into the tight hole, now plenty wet from the shower. Man, was it tight. He'd watched Dario finger-fuck the kid without abandon, so he knew it was capable of loosening up. Sure enough, after a few minutes and some increasingly loud groans from Will, the hole opened up enough to add another finger.

Will couldn't believe what was happening. He felt like his knees might give out from under him at any second. This was so weird and so wrong, but Rafe's strong body was so sexy and so manly. He wanted this man inside him -- he didn't care if he was his stepfather. Heck, that made it even hotter. He leaned his head against Rafe's thick pec and strong shoulder and closed his eyes, losing himself in the feelings that were flooding his body.

Javier couldn't wait anymore. He had to fuck that tight little ass. He spun Will around and pressed him hard against the shower's wall. Using the same two fingers, he held Will's hole open and worked his engorged dick right up against the entrance.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good," he said. He realized that he sounded a lot less like Rafe than himself, but he figured Will wouldn't take any notice at this point. The kid was too busy wiggling his butt back toward the man he thought was his stepfather.

Javier pushed the head of his dick past Will's sphincter. Will groaned in pain -- not surprising, considering that Rafe Hernandez had a hell of a dick for anyone to take their first time. He decided to go easy on Will and held it there for a very long moment, not moving, just letting Will's ass get used to it.

"It hurts," Will gasped as the water poured into his open mouth. He felt like his asshole was on fire, like he was being ripped into two. He thought he'd wanted this, dirty and wrong as it was, but this felt terrible.

"Just wait a minute," Javier whispered into his ear. He reached around and rubbed Will's bulging pecs, trying to soothe him. "Any better?" he asked after a minute or more.

"A little. . ."

"I'll go slow." Javier slipped maybe another inch of his prong inside the unbelievably firm grip of Will's asshole.

"Oh my God. Rafe. That's. . ." Will was caught somewhere between hideous pain and mind-blowing pleasure. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

"Relax your body," Javier said. He let his hands wander down Will's taut stomach and eventually took his cock in hand again. It had deflated a little from the shock of being penetrated, but a few strokes of Javier's hand brought it back to a full erection again.

"You can go a little more," Will said. It still hurt, but it was getting a little better. And Rafe was being so gentle with him. He almost wanted more of that dick, no matter how bad it hurt, just so Rafe would hold him closer.

Javier kept a hand on Will's dick as he very slowly started to saw his dick in and out of the boy's ass. His balls were tingling, and he wanted nothing more than to drill the hell out of this sweet little hole, but he didn't want to hurt the kid, either. Will was being a hell of a sport.

Slowly they got into a rhythm. Javier pumped his fat cock in and out, feeling pure ecstasy every time Will's body clamped down and gripped him a little harder. When he had maybe four or five inches in, he felt Will shudder.

"Holy crap," Will said. He was on pins and needles, in the most pleasurable way possible. There was no comparison for what he was feeling. Whatever Rafe had just hit inside him. . .

"You like that?" Javier muttered lewdly. He positioned his hands on Will's hips and decided it was time to go to town. He pulled out and then thrust back in hard, knowing what the effect would be. With each slam into his prostate, Will looked like he was going to collapse with joy. His cheek was pressed against the wall, his eyes closed as the older man drilled into him from behind.

Javier leaned his face close to Will's. "You like that daddy dick, boy? You like your stepdaddy filling you up?"

"Yeah," Will said breathlessly.

"Tell Daddy how much you like it."

"I like it a lot. . ."

"Say it. Call me Daddy."

"I like it, Daddy. Fuck me. Fuck me, Daddy. . ."

Javier's brain was turning to mush now. All he could think about was emptying his balls. Hearing Will call him "Daddy," thinking he was being pounded by do- gooder Rafe Hernandez, was just about enough to push him over the edge. He started to rail the young man with abandon.

"Ow!" Will groaned, but Javier didn't care now. This was how it always got at the end. He was a man on a mission.

A few more pumps and he felt his balls boiling.

"Wanna. . . breed. . . your ass. . ." he said, clamping his eyes closed.

Something about the way he said it made Will panic, and as much as he didn't want to, he pulled off Rafe's dick and spun back around. Dropping to his knees, he grabbed that monster Latino cock and jerked it hard. Within seconds, Rafe's hot seed was spraying all over Will's face.

"Shit," Rafe was muttering from above him. "Goddamn. Shit." He was panting hard.

Will kept one hand on Rafe's once-again loose sac as he fisted his own dick. The head flared, and he felt his load surge out. He watched it splatter all over Rafe's hairy shin and foot.

The hot shower water continued to fall on both of them. Neither moved, too rocked by their wild orgasms even to compose a thought, let alone stop the shower or get out.

Eventually, Javier patted Will on the head. "Good boy. Goddamn."

Will watched him get out of the shower and dry himself off.

"Rafe," he called out over the water. "Please don't say anything. . . I don't. . ."

"Don't worry, kid. Your secret's safe with me."

Javier wrapped the towel around his waist and left the bathroom. As the door closed, Will pulled himself to his feet and set to work washing the heavy load off his face. His dick slowly began to deflate under the hot water. Even though he knew Rafe was technically the one who'd crossed a line, making a move on his teenage stepson, he couldn't help but fear what would happen if anyone found out. What would people think of him?

Will turned off the shower, dried himself, and sprinted to his bedroom to get dressed. When he emerged in a t-shirt and shorts, his mother was bustling through the front door with Johnny, Allie, and Sydney, as well as a big bag of takeout from the Brady Pub.

"Sorry that took so long," Sami said as she got out a stack of plates. "You guys are probably starving."

Rafe, who was dressed in the same clothes he'd been wearing when Will got home, said, "I know I've been working up a hell of an appetite." He turned to Will. "How about you, kid?"

"Yeah, um, me too," Will said. Rafe threw him a sexy wink behind Sami's back and then went about unwrapping the containers of food. All Will could do was watch, his head spinning.

How'd you like Will and "Rafe" getting it on? What Salem guys do you want to see together next? Drop me a line at with your thoughts, or just to say hi!

Next: Chapter 5: Days of Our Lives 5

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