Days of Our Lives Series

By Benji King

Published on Feb 5, 2012



"Days of Our Lives" is the property of Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television. This story contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual situations.

If you are not of legal age in your area to view such content, please exit immediately. The following story is not intended to imply anything about the actors who portray these characters.

"Rafe," Will Horton whispered as he stood at the foot of the bed.

His stepfather didn't even stir. The bedroom was dark, save for the odd bit of light streaming in from the street outside. It was a warm night in Salem, and Rafe was sprawled on top of the covers in just a pair of plaid boxers.

Carefully, Will knelt on the bed. It squeaked and bounced ever so slightly. He paused, then continued slowly crawling between Rafe's hairy legs.

He had to have this man again. He didn't care how wrong it was. Besides, Rafe had made a pretty bold move on him in the bathroom that day -- and then he had fucked the hell out of Will and spewed his load all over Will's face. The line had already been crossed. It couldn't be wrong for Will to take some initiative of his own.

Will's hand lingered over one of Rafe's defined, furry calves.

His heart pounding, Will finally Rafe's leg. It felt hard, muscled, and so hot. He began to stroke up and down, first just the lower leg, then up and over Rafe's knee, and soon he was rubbing his hands over Rafe's thick, athletic thighs.

Will's fingertips toyed with the edges of Rafe's boxers before slipping inside the bottom of them. He could feel the heat emanating from his stepdad's crotch. One of Will's fingers brushed against Rafe's hairy ballsac, which was resting against his thigh. He caught a whiff of the manly scent emanating from Rafe's balls, and Will knew he had no other choice.

Rafe Hernandez awoke to the most wonderful feeling.

He hadn't been home from his strange journey that long, so when he awoke, it took him a few seconds to realize that he was in his bedroom -- the bedroom that he shared with his wife, Sami. And speaking of Sami. . .

There was something warm and wet and wonderful enveloping his cock. He stared up at the ceiling through the darkness, his head cushioned in the pillow, and finally he thrust his hips upward. It had been far too long since he had woken up to a nice, long blowjob.

And then it hit him: Sami wasn't home.

She'd taken the kids to stay with her grandma for the night. They were still pretending to be split up, because he was supposed to be the fake Rafe, the one that the DiMeras had hired to take over his life. Which meant. . .

Slowly, Rafe lifted his head from the pillow. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next.

There was blond hair bobbing up and down in his crotch. But it wasn't his wife -- it was his stepson, Will.

"What are you doing?" Rafe asked, sitting up. His boxers were pulled halfway down his thighs, making movement difficult. He scrambled to pull them up.

Will looked alarmed. Frightened, even. "I just thought. . ." He drew back. "I was just doing what we did that day. In the shower."

Rafe didn't have a clue what he was talking about. And then it dawned on him. That guy -- that pervert. He hadn't only violated Sami, but Will, too.

"Am I not doing a good job?" Will asked. He almost looked like he was going to cry.

"Will, you're--" Of course you're doing a good job, Rafe's mind answered, but he obviously couldn't say that. This was wrong. It was depraved. And it didn't matter how good it had felt to his unaware body. "That isn't the point."

"Then what's wrong?" Will stared at him with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have--"

"Will. Wait."

But the teen was bounding out of the bedroom.

Rafe laid back against the pillows. He had a feeling he would not be sleeping tonight. For one thing, he could not believe what that monster the DiMeras sent had done to his family. Sami was bad enough -- but Will? For another thing. . . Will clearly enjoyed what they had done, enough to try and do it again. Will was dating Rafe's little sister. What a mess. How was he supposed to face Will or Gabi tomorrow?

And worst of all, Rafe's erection was still throbbing. He rolled onto his side and attempted to ignore it as the moonlight streamed in through the cracks in the blinds.

Quinn Hudson had big dreams. Unfortunately, life had not always dealt him the hand he needed to make those dreams happen. He grew up in Australia, the son of a business tycoon who, upon his death, left Quinn not with the inheritance he had expected, but instead a mountain of debts. Ever enterprising, Quinn created his own opportunities. They perhaps weren't always the most legal of opportunities, but they were lucrative nonetheless. Taking over the drug and prostitution trade in Salem had made him quite a chunk of change, but an attack of conscience had caused him to abandon that path and leave town for a bit. Now he was back in Salem and opening a day spa in hopes of going legit.

There was only one catch. He needed money. He wasn't about to sink everything he'd earned into opening a business in this economy, and even if he were, he hardly had enough to keep the place afloat until it turned a profit. No, Quinn would have to put his entrepreneurial skills to use once again.

Morning sunlight streamed into the lobby of the brand-new spa. Quinn strode through and waved hello to the recently hired receptionist, Gabi Hernandez.

"You look like you're having a good day," she said.

"I'm hoping it'll be one," Quinn trilled in his heavy Australian accent as he knocked on the door of one of the massage rooms. "All ready?" he called to the client inside.

"Yep!" came the reply.

Quinn entered and closed the door behind him. Lying flat on his stomach on the massage table was Chad DiMera. The college student had only learned he was the son of criminal mastermind Stefano DiMera within the past few years, but he had been quickly accepted into the family fold -- even if he continued to fight against Stefano's very controlling idea of family.

Chad's body was longer than the massage table, so his feet hung off the edge. And he was naked, save for the white towel draped over his butt and upper thighs. Perfect, Quinn thought to himself as he dimmed the lights and put on some relaxing music at a low volume.

"Did you finish that tea?" Quinn asked as he lightly applied massage oil to the creamy white skin of Chad's bare back.

"Yeah," Chad answered, his voice muffled by the massage table's headrest.

"Good. It helps promote increased circulation. It'll enhance the effects of this massage."

Not to mention what that secret ingredient will do, Quinn thought with a wicked grin.

He began with Chad's shoulders. The muscles were stiff and knotted, and Chad let out an appreciative groan as Quinn loosened them up. After a few minutes, Quinn moved to the middle of Chad's back. He used his thumbs to work the muscles on either side and then slowly let them travel down. Chad was a tall, lanky young man -- though his time in the gym was clearly paying off, as he was showing some impressive muscle mass -- and he had an impossibly long torso. Quinn's thumbs pressed firmly as they moved downward, just to the edge of the towel, and then pushed upward again.

"Mmm," Chad murmured into the headrest. He knew that taking advantage of the spa's complimentary massage deal was a good idea, but he had no clue that it would feel this good. It was like every single muscle fiber in his body was fully alive, moreso than ever. Every touch of Quinn's fingers felt like an amazing new discovery.

Quinn continued to work Chad's back. Gradually he allowed his fingers to drift over Chad's sides. He knew that he had to proceed slowly and carefully, but now that he had the young DiMera under his touch, this plot was turning out to be not much of a labor at all.

"Raise your arms," Quinn instructed softly as he worked his way back up to Chad's shoulders. His fingertips grazed over the soft skin and brushed against the tufts of dark hair peeking out from Chad's armpits.

Chad raised his long arms to rest by his head. He couldn't believe how amazing this felt. He started to become aware of the blood rushing to his groin, plumping up his dick, but he figured it was bound to happen. He was a young man at his sexual peak. Pretty much any physical contact was bound to turn him on. He tried to ignore it so that he could fully enjoy the massage.

Quinn switched focus to Chad's feet. The boy must wear a size 14 or 15 shoe, Quinn realized, not with great surprise. He applied firm pressure to a variety of points on the soles of Chad's feet, then loosened up each of his toes one by one.

Chad felt his breathing growing harder. His entire body was tingling with pleasure. Worst of all, his dick was fully inflated now. It was hard and pressed between his stomach and the massage table. He tried to think of things to will it down, but every little touch from Quinn only seemed to make him harder.

After spending some time on Chad's feet, Quinn moved on to his ankles and then his calves. Chad's legs weren't very hairy at all, with just a light dusting of dark hairs spread evenly over them. His calves weren't overly developed, but they were firm and had nice muscle tone. Quinn attended to them before moving along to Chad's thighs.

"Is this all right?" Quinn's accented voice asked as his fingertips moved to Chad's buttocks.

"Yeah," Chad said, his voice husky.

As Quinn's strong hands kneaded his butt, Chad humped against the massage table. He couldn't help himself. He was sure that he felt a bead of precum leaking out and sticking to the table. He didn't know why this was happening. He wasn't gay. He loved having sex with his girlfriend, Abigail. But then again, it had been a few days, and he was a young guy. . . Maybe that was all it was. Close, intense contact like this was bound to turn anyone on.

Quinn watched Chad squirming and smirked to himself. It was clear his plan was working so far. The young man was turned on. Time to step things up.

"Turn over, please," Quinn said.

He saw Chad's body tense up.

"I, uh. . ." Chad made no move.

Quinn let out a conspiratorial chuckle. "Let me guess. Your body got a little too excited, and now you're feeling embarrassed. Don't worry, Chad. It happens far more often than you'd think."

"Really?" Chad asked, glancing up.

"Absolutely. I've seen it all, I promise. If you'd like, I can step out for a few minutes while you get comfortable -- but I have another client right after this, so your session will be shorter than it's supposed to be."

Chad thought about it for a moment. "Just give me a sec," he said, trying his hardest to will his dick down. He could swear it deflated a little, but now he felt stupid for being so embarrassed. It was a boner. All guys got them. So he flipped over, keeping his body under the towel as he moved.

When he looked down, of course, he saw that was mostly pointless. The outline of his seven-inch dick was very visible through the white towel.

"Just relax," Quinn said. He walked around to the head of the table and resumed the massage. He worked at Chad's neck and shoulders, pressing into the tight muscle with his thumbs.

"That feels great," Chad said, exhaling hard. He had his eyes closed and his head rolled to the side, and he was trying to simply enjoy the massage. But Quinn's hands pressed on his pectoral muscles, and Chad once again felt desire surge through his body.

Quinn grinned to himself as he let his fingers brush over Chad's achingly hard nipples, first the right and then the left. The pink nubs were standing at attention, and Quinn saw the bulge in Chad's crotch jump under the towel.

Chad didn't know what was happening to him. He felt like an animal in heat. When Quinn crossed back to the side of the table, Chad opened his eyes for a second and caught a glimpse of Quinn's dick pressed against the thin material of his workout pants. The outline was unmistakable, even though it looked flaccid -- and judging by the bulge in his pants, Quinn had a big one. Chad realized that if he jutted his head forward just a few inches, he could have his mouth on it.

What the hell?! He wasn't gay. But he couldn't stop the insanely sexual thoughts and feelings that were overtaking him.

Quinn could tell that the plan was working. The young DiMera's erection had not subsided at all since he'd turned over; in fact, it seemed to have grown harder. The towel's presence was almost laughable at this point. Quinn felt himself growing a little aroused by the raw sexuality of it all. As he felt his dick plump up in his pants, he decided that this might be the most enjoyable evil deed he had ever done.

Chad saw the older man's cock jump through his pants. He was suddenly overcome by the desire to strip away his own towel and jerk his prick until he blew a hot, steamy load all over his stomach. Then Chad became aware that Quinn's hands were working gently at his obliques. The touch was simply too much.

"How's that?" Quinn asks quietly.

"Good. . . great." Chad's breathing was already heavy. He felt like he was in the middle of the best fuck of his life.

Quinn decided to go for broke. He let one hand travel downward until it rested on top of Chad's towel-covered bone.

"And that?" he asked.

"Yeah," Chad simply groaned. His head was too clouded with sexual thoughts to even care about the reality of what was going on. The only thing he could think about was having an orgasm.

Quinn's palm rubbed up and down Chad's dick a few times. He felt it twitch under his touch, even through the towel. Growing bolder, Quinn grasped Chad's cock through the towel and gave it a few light jerks.

"Goddamn." The word came from Chad's mouth through a heavy sigh. This had to be the greatest handjob he'd ever gotten. It felt even better than the one he'd gotten from a girl at school when he was 13 -- the very first time someone else had ever touched his dick. He had never been this turned on in his life, and he knew he wasn't going to last long.

Noticing Chad's eyes rolling back in his head, Quinn gave the kid's dick a final jerk and then removed his hand. This couldn't end so easily, or it would be all for naught.

Chad lifted his head to look at Quinn. His eyes were glassy. "Why'd you stop?"

"Because I think I need to make some adjustments," Quinn said. With that, he stripped off his white polo shirt, revealing the bronzed, buff torso of a man who spent lots and lots of time working with weights. Chad couldn't help but stare. He had never seen muscles as developed as Quinn's up close. The man's pecs were like two huge slabs of beef; each abdominal muscle was individually carved out. His arms were pumped-up beyond belief.

Chad couldn't believe how hot another guy's body was making him.

Then Quinn pushed his loose pants down. He was wearing a pair of black boxer briefs, and his cock was clearly at half-mast already. It was pressed out and to the right. Chad wanted to reach out and touch it.

"Do you mind?" Quinn asked, though the answer didn't interest him much. He was going to get naked and get off in this room.

"Sure, whatever." Chad grabbed his towel and tossed it onto the floor. His seven- inch cock bounced up, relieved to be free. It was framed by a nest of dark hair that he kept neatly trimmed, and the rest of his long, lean torso was hairless, with barely even a hint of a treasure trail. He reached down and wrapped his hand around his dick. Touching himself had never felt this good.

Quinn knew what he had to do. He dipped his head down and wrapped his mouth around the head of Chad's dick. Chad gasped in surprise and pleasure as he slowly pulled his hand away. He never thought a guy like Quinn Hudson would be sucking dick, but holy shit did it feel good. Quinn's mouth moved up and down a few times, the wet heat sliding past the ridge of Chad's dickhead and down onto his shaft.

Quinn didn't have any particular desire to suck dick, but he'd gotten himself into far weirder situations during his life, and this wasn't an entirely unpleasant experience. Chad had a nice cock, long and straight, and there was something about feeling him squirm all over that massage table that seriously turned Quinn on. Maybe it was knowing that he was making this young stud feel so good. Or maybe it was knowing what he stood to gain from the whole thing.

He could taste Chad's precum, so he pulled off. The taste was a little bitter, and he wasn't exactly dying to get a mouthful of DiMera seed -- but even moreso, he couldn't let it be over yet.

"That feels so fucking good," Chad said dreamily. He held his cock at the base and pushed it toward Quinn again.

Quinn smirked at him and then pushed his boxer briefs to the floor. His own seven-incher bobbed happily at being released. Chad took in the sight of the naked, buff Australian: he was tan all over, with his pubes fully shaved off and a set of round, equally smooth balls. Quinn's dick curved ever-so-slightly upward. It wasn't as thick as Chad expected it to be, though the fact that he had been thinking about Quinn Hudson's dick at all was kind of a surprise to begin with.

"I want to try something," Quinn said, reaching out a hand to fondle Chad's low- hanging nutsac. Chad squirmed some more at the stimulation, as Quinn's index finger trailed downward and over his taint. Chad humped upward into the air and then grabbed his dick again. Quinn watched him give it a few fast pumps and knew he had to push this along.

Quinn grabbed the bottle of massage oil and poured a healthy dose into his hand. He brought that hand back down to Chad's taint and then, when Chad wiggled his butt off the table, Quinn left his hand wander into the young man's crack. He felt Chad stiffen up at the cool, wet sensation.

"What are you doing?" Chad asked.

For a moment, Quinn thought Chad might actually stop him. Then the whole plan would be ruined.

"I promise this'll feel good," Quinn said in his most soothing, seductive tone. "And if it doesn't, just say so."

Chad dropped his head back down to the table in resignation. Quinn let his slicked-up finger find Chad's hole. He poked at the tight opening, circling his fingertip around it. He'd fucked enough women in the ass to know how this went. Chad, on the other hand, was clearly a newcomer to anal play, because when Quinn tried to slide even the tip of his finger past the tight ring, he met overwhelming resistance.

"Push out," Quinn instructed him. Chad didn't say anything, but slowly, his sphincter relaxed enough for Quinn to get a finger inside. He moved it back and forth, letting Chad's body get used to the sensation. And Quinn realized his own cock was throbbing at the thought of getting inside that tight, hot hole.

To keep Chad lost in bliss, Quinn reached up and used his other hand to tease the young man's cock. Chad, for his part, felt like he was in the middle of an incredibly intense dream. None of this seemed real. He thought he was getting a massage, and now he was being fingered by studly Quinn Hudson.

Quinn kept at it, eventually adding another finger, and he even dropped his head back down to suck on the head of Chad's cock. Almost immediately, Chad thrust up into his mouth and started humping. His dick was practically gushing precum.

Pulling away from Chad, Quinn bent down and retrieved a condom from his discarded pants. He tore the wrapper open and climbed up on the massage table.

"This is going to feel incredible," he said as he put the condom on. "I promise."

Chad looked uncertain at best. "I don't know. . ."

"Give it a chance, is all I'm asking. Everything else I've been doing has felt good, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," Chad said, nodding. He wasn't sure about getting fucked -- it was definitely not something he had ever thought about doing, and it seemed like it might hurt -- but Quinn had been making him feel really good. And it wasn't like Quinn could just run around Salem telling everyone what they were doing, anyway. It takes two to tango and all that.

Quinn couldn't believe how badly he actually wanted this. He used more of the massage oil to lube up his condom-covered cock, and then he poured some of it into his hand and slicked up Chad's back door even further. He pushed Chad's legs into the air.

When Quinn pressed the head of his cock against his ass, Chad almost jumped off the table and ran out of the room. It felt so unnatural and, as the dick pushed inside him, painful.

"Take deep breaths," Quinn said in a calming voice. "Your body will get accustomed to it soon."

Chad wanted 'soon' to be right this second. It felt horrible. With his dick planted in Chad's ass, Quinn used his hands to massage Chad's lithe body, from his tight abs to his firm pecs. By the time Quinn started rocking back and forth in Chad's hole, Chad was relaxing again.

He realized with surprise that it was actually feeling okay. His dick was leaking so much, without even being touched. He used a finger to swirl some precum over his dickhead. He needed to get off. Soon. He wrapped his fist around his dick and started stroking it slowly, trying to match the rhythm of Quinn's fucking.

Quinn couldn't believe how fucking good it felt. The physical sensation of Chad's tight hole was phenomenal, and the sheer power trip of it was even better. Here he was, with Chad's long legs splayed over his shoulders, fucking a DiMera. He picked up his pace, and Chad's hand moved on his dick accordingly.

"I'm gonna cum soon," Chad said, his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side. He looked lost in ecstasy.

"Me too," Quinn muttered. He drilled his dick in and out of Chad's ass, feeling his orgasm mounting in his groin. He saw Chad's balls pulling up toward his body, and he knew they were churning with juice that was going to be flying all over the place in a matter of moments. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, mixed with Chad's occasional groan and Quinn's low, steady grunts, filled the room.

And then it happened. Quinn drove his dick as deep into Chad as he could, and Chad felt-- what the hell was that?

"Oh my god," Chad said, unable to believe the pleasure racing through his body. He gave his dick one more stroke, and then his whole body was flooded with heat and desire and--

Spurts of cum shot out of his dick. One, two, three, four, five. One hit his chin, others his chest. He kept stroking, his hand a wet, sticky mess as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Quinn knew he didn't have long. Luckily, he didn't need it. He slammed into Chad one more time and felt his orgasm overtake him. He let out a loud grunt as his dick pulsated and filled the condom with his seed.

Even as Quinn came down from his earth-shaking orgasm, he could tell that Chad was growing more lucid. Quinn pulled out of Chad's ass, and almost immediately, the young man sat up.

"I don't. . . What the hell was that?" he asked, looking genuinely worried.

"It was a good fuck, plain and simple," Quinn said. He hopped off the table, removed the condom, and tied it off. "No need to think about it beyond that."

"I'm not gay," Chad said. He was covered in cum, and Quinn tossed him a small white spa towel to dry off.

"Neither am I. But you were obviously horny, and your body enjoyed it. Doesn't have to be anything more than that."

"Yeah." Chad cleaned himself off and seemed a million miles away in thought. "You're not gonna tell anyone, right?"

Quinn pulled on his boxer briefs and pants. "Why would I tell anyone? I just had sex with a man, too, didn't I?"

"True. Good." Chad hurriedly grabbed his clothes from the chair in the corner and got dressed. "I, uh, I gotta go."

Quinn pulled on his polo shirt as Chad scrambled into his clothes. With an awkward wave and mumbled goodbye, the young DiMera stud was gone.

As the door closed behind Chad, Quinn grinned to himself. He went to the corner of the room and picked up the small camera hidden among the knick-knacks on the shelf. It was still recording. It had recorded the whole thing. Perfect. With a little editing magic, he would have a clear video of a DiMera heir getting his ass pounded like a little bitch. That should be plenty to ensure the financial well-being of his spa.

Did you get off along with Chad and Quinn? What is Rafe going to do now that he knows about Will and the doppelganger? Drop me a line at with your thoughts, or just to say hi!

Next: Chapter 7: Days of Our Lives 7

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