Days of Our Lives Series

By Benji King

Published on Jan 13, 2012



"Days of Our Lives" is the property of Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television. This story contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual situations. If you are not of legal age in your area to view such content, please exit immediately. The following story is not intended to imply anything about the actors who portray these characters.

Things were winding down for the night at the Cheatin' Heart. The former dive bar was now more of a casual community hangout, thanks to the management of Adrienne Kiriakis. College kids and businesspeople were as common a sight as the usual barflies. Tonight, Adrienne's son, Sonny, was helping wait tables. Carrying a tray, he approached a table of his peers.

"Here comes the homo," came a mumble from the table. Sonny didn't have to look to know that it had come from the mouth of Tad, or "T," a recent graduate of Salem High who had been less than receptive to Sonny and his sexuality. Sonny's cousin, Abigail, smacked T on the arm and muttered to him to shut up.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" Sonny asked, trying to ignore T as he picked up a variety of empty glasses.

"I think we're good," Abigail said, glancing around the table. The others all nodded in agreement.

"Just the check," Chad DiMera chimed in. He flashed Sonny a disarming smile, one that Sonny often had to remind himself not to be too charmed by. Chad was tall and handsome, but he was also Abigail's boyfriend. Also seated around the table were Will Horton (Sonny's good friend and the object of many a dirty thought) and his very sweet girlfriend, Gabi Hernandez.

"Coming right up," Sonny said as he finished loading the tray with glasses. He dropped them behind the bar, drew up their check, and delivered it with only a scowl from T.

Sonny got back to cleaning up as the kids filed out the front door. A pang of jealousy hit him as he watched Chad with his arm around Abigail and Will holding hands with Gabi; as much as he hated feeling sorry for himself, it was frustrating to watch these happy couples and know that he would be going home alone yet again.

A few minutes later, Sonny had finished cleaning up. He locked up the bar and headed out the door to the alley. It was a warm night in Salem. Sonny fished in the pocket of his light jacket for his keys but stopped when, in the alley right outside the bar, he saw T, smoking a cigarette while talking on his cell phone.

"Come on, Kinsey," he was saying. "Just come over for a little bit."

Clearly T didn't like whatever Kinsey said on the other end of the line, because the next thing Sonny knew, T shouted, "Fine! Whatever." He hung up and shoved the phone back into his jeans.

Sonny thought about walking in the other direction and taking the long way around the building to his car, but then T turned and spotted him.

"What are you looking at?" T challenged him.

"Nothing, T," Sonny said with a sigh. The kid's aggression was more than a little tiresome. "I'm just going home." He turned to go.

"Oh, yeah, just walk away, faggot."

That was it. Sonny normally tried his best to be zen-like and handle conflict in a mature, calm way, but T had just crossed the line. Sonny rushed at him and pushed him against the wall.

"You wanna say that to me again?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Faggot," T said with a knowing smirk.

Gripping him by the front of his t-shirt, Sonny knocked him against the wall again. T just laughed.

"What, are you gonna kick my ass, Kiriakis?" he challenged.

In truth, Sonny didn't know what he was going to do. But he was sick and tired of T always having to make a snide comment about his sexuality.

"Part of me thinks you'd like that," Sonny said.

T's face tightened. "What does that mean?"

"Oh, come on. You're like a bad 1950s bully with all the gay jokes and constantly complaining about how gross it is. I'd say you're a little too interested in my being gay."

"Shut the fuck up."

"No, you shut the fuck up." Sonny wanted to throttle T, or punch him, or something. He was beyond done with listening to his cheap insults. "Say you're sorry."

"Or what?"

Sonny moved in closer. He was practically breathing in the other boy's face. "Say you're sorry, T."

T stared defiantly at him. The kid had sparkling blue eyes and a weirdly sexy mole on his face. Too bad he was such a shithead.

And then Sonny noticed something. Their bodies were pressed together as he held T against the wall. Surprisingly, T wasn't struggling to get free -- and maybe it was because of the hard lump pressing against Sonny's leg. Sonny pushed harder against it.

"You like that, you little ass?" Sonny asks. The only answer he received was a twitching against his leg. There was no mistaking it: T was hard, and his boner was pushing up against Sonny.

Wordlessly, without breaking their eye contact, T started to move, humping his hard dick against Sonny's leg. Sonny could feel his own cock stiffening in his tight jeans. He just stood there, enjoying the feeling of T grinding against him.

T's breathing was getting heavier. "You wanna feel my dick, Kiriakis? I bet you do."

Sonny didn't answer.

"I asked you a question," T said.

Sonny reached between them and groped the mound in the front of T's jeans. Sure enough, pressed to the left and reaching for the pocket, was an unmistakable hard-on. Sonny rubbed the palm of his hand over it.

"I bet you've been waiting so long to feel my cock." T's voice had a spacey, faraway quality to it, like he was lost in pleasure and simply saying words to justify the whole thing.

Sonny's own dick was starting to hurt, crammed into his pants the way it was. He reached into his pants and adjusted himself. T resumed grinding against his leg. The friction, coupled with the feeling of his hand on his own dick, made Sonny throw caution to the wind. His hormones were doing his thinking for him now. He glanced around and was unsurprised to see that the dimly lit alley was empty. He'd been the last one out of the bar, and it was late at night.

He slipped a hand around T and settled it against the small of his back. He felt the other boy jolt, but before he could get away, Sonny slipped his other hand past the waistband of T's jeans and the elastic of his underwear. His fingers immediately met a thick bush, damp with sweat. Jutting out from it was a hot, hard dick. From what Sonny could feel, it was maybe six inches, the same as his own, but a little thinner.

T gasped as Sonny started jerking it with three fingers.

Sonny tried to keep from smiling too broadly. The sheer ridiculousness of the situation was cracking him up. He'd found on way too many occasions that this was how it went with the most vocal homophobes -- and T was no different, apparently. He'd been so loud and obnoxious because he hated that he wanted to know what it was like.

"Dude," T said, his voice breathy. "You wanna suck on it?"

Sonny didn't answer. He sped up his hand's movement in T's pants.

"Come on. Suck on it." T's words were broken up by heavy panting.

"Say please," Sonny said, his eyes trained downward as he jerked T off in his jeans.

There was a split-second of hesitation. "Please. Kiriakis. Suck on my dick."

Sonny felt crazy with horniness now. He was jerking off this kid in the alley outside his mother's bar. He would have loved to drop to his knees, unzip those jeans, and stuff T's teenage dick in his mouth all the way down to those wild pubes, but he didn't want to give the little asshole the satisfaction.

"Sonny. . . It'll feel so good for both of. . . Unh!"

And there it went. Sonny kept stroking, fast and hard, as T's jizz filled the inside of his underwear. Weak with pleasure, T almost collapsed against Sonny, but he caught himself before his head touched Sonny's shoulder.

Instead he stood up straight and pulled back. He flashed Sonny one of his usual looks of contempt.

"You just gave me a fucking handy in an alley," he said, his laugh a little too forced. "What a fag."

Sonny pulled his wet hand out of T's pants and shook his head. "Whatever, man."

T pointed a finger right in Sonny's face. "I know you're gonna go home and beat off thinking about this. But don't you even think about telling anyone."

"I won't," Sonny said, not even bothering to make it sound convincing. He knew that he was the one with the power in this situation. He didn't really care if his friends knew that something went down between them; T, on the other hand, would probably drop dead if anyone had the slightest hint that he'd had a man- on-man encounter.

"Good," T said, and with one last, supposed-to-be-intimidating look, he took off.

Sonny stood alone in the alley, absorbing what had just happened. He would have hated himself for giving in if he hadn't managed to keep T begging for more.

T was right about one thing. . . sort of: Sonny was definitely going to jerk off thinking about this. But he was never going to make it home first. His dick was way too hard, and he could feel it oozing precum in his pants.

He looked at his hand, covered in T's cum. Slowly, he brought a finger to his mouth and licked it. The sensation made his dick jump in his pants.

He was about to lick the rest of it off when he got an idea. Reaching down into his own pants, Sonny grabbed his stiff prick and wiped T's seed all over it. He leaned against the brick wall and, right there in the alley, jerked himself to an explosive orgasm in his pants, using the homophobic bully's cum as lube.

It felt good to be home.

Rafe Hernandez couldn't believe that he was in his own bed in his own home. For months, he had been missing -- first held captive by the DiMeras, then locked up in an institution with his memory wiped. He'd managed to overpower the memory- erasing drug and fight his way home, only to find a DiMera-engineered lookalike living in his home with his family. Rafe and his wife, Sami, had managed to lock the doppelganger away while they figured out how best to take down the DiMeras, but there was one catch: Rafe had to pretend to be the guy who had taken over his life. So, for the time being, Sami was still pretending to be mad at him and living with the kids at her grandmother's.

Being away from her was hard enough, but at least they could be together in private moments. The absolute hardest part was facing his other family and friends but not being able to let them know it was really him. For months, this other guy who looked just like him had been running around, treating everyone like garbage, doing the exact opposite of what Rafe would have done. He was still short on a lot of the details, but based upon people's reception to him, "Rafe" had not been a very nice guy the past few months.

It was a hot night, so he was lying on top of the covers in his and Sami's bedroom in just a pair of red plaid boxer shorts. He flipped through a newspaper, trying to catch up on all he'd missed in the world, until his weariness won out. He set the magazine aside, turned off the bedside lamp, and fell asleep hoping that Sami and the kids would be back in the apartment very soon.

It was only a few minutes later that Will arrived home. He had been spending the odd night at the apartment even since his mother and the younger kids moved out. Tonight, he was definitely not in the mood to see his mom or grandma. He and Gabi had made out a little in the car when he dropped off, but per usual, it got all awkward. They'd had sex exactly once, and for a few days, Will had thought life was making sense again -- but every time they got close, something felt off and he pulled back.

He unlocked the door and entered the dark apartment. He was walking back toward his bedroom when he passed the open door of his mom and Rafe's room. Rafe was sprawled out on top of the covers in only a pair of boxers. A shaft of light crept through the blinds and illuminated his broad, tan chest, which had just a smattering of black hairs on it.

Will flashed back to what had happened between them in the shower. Rafe had been his first, and it was difficult to pretend that what he'd done with Gabi was anywhere close to the same thing. He knew it was wrong, but he kept hoping it might happen again. For a while, Rafe would throw him suggestive looks when no one was looking, but even that had stopped now.

Lust burned in the pit of Will's stomach and through his groin. Propelled by it and nothing else, he tiptoed into the dark bedroom. . .

What did you think of Sonny finally getting his hands on T? What's going to happen with Will and the real Rafe? What other pairings are you looking forward to? Drop me a line at with your thoughts, or just to say hi!

Next: Chapter 6: Days of Our Lives 6

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