Declan's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 26, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Declan's Shit

Chapter One

Hiya bruv, how you doing?' mouthed Declan into his phone camera. `I need a shit!'

He nudged his baseball cap back a bit, and the light from the ceiling fell across his long, oval face with its high cheekbones, and glinted in his short, straw-blonde hair. There was a hint of stubble on his smooth cheeks and chin. He looked coolly into the camera for a moment with just the faint hint of a grin, then pointed the camera towards the toilet, reached forward and put the seat down. As he straightened up again it ran up his lanky young body, its curves shown off by his quite tight Adidas T-shirt, then waved around wildly for a moment as he pulled down his running shorts and briefs. He was in the shopping centre in town, on the floor with all the record shops and places the students and local kids went to, in the same cubicle I sometimes used to sit in and listen to some fit young lad having a dump. He held the phone up again as he sat down, well away from him as if he was taking a selfie, so that I could see his long cock dangling down into the bowl between his slim, hairy thighs, and smirked into it again. Then he held it down behind him, and focused it on his bottom as he lifted himself up off the seat. He was a wiry lad but he had quite a peachy arse, with bubbly smooth cheeks, and as they parted I could just see his hairy little hole. It twitched a couple of times and started to pucker out, let out a little gassy squeak, and he grunted audibly; the faint, masculine sound he always made when he eased himself.

I yanked my pants down and wanked as I watched fit young Declan do a big dirty shit. He extruded a long, thick brown tube, all solid and lumpy at first so that he had to push it slowly out, until a big log fell into the toilet with a resounding `plop!' Behind it his turd grew smoother and slid fluidly out of him, he dropped three hefty curls that sent water splashing up onto the seat and his bottom, and then grunted again, strained and pushed out the end. He sat back down on the seat, held the camera up and smirked into it as he saw me wanking, then pointed it down for a moment to show his own developing semi, which he nudged downwards with his other hand as he started to piss. I could hear other people moving about in the room so he couldn't say anything, but I could see from his cock and his coolly horny expression that he was getting off on doing his big shit for me, in a public toilet cubicle where others guys could hear him. Then he held the camera down behind him, lifted his bottom up again and started doing another long, snaky turd that curled lazily this way and that, and dropped long, ragged lumps that splashed more water up onto the seat.

`Plop ... plop ... plomp!'

I wondered where Declan kept it all. He ate a lot and he took fibre supplements, but he only went for a shit every couple of days, so when he did it was huge. Shitting had turned him on a bit for as long as he could remember, but it was only recently he'd got the urge to do anything about it and joined a couple of scat websites, which was where we'd first got chatting. Then we'd realised we lived in the same part of London, only a twenty-minute bus journey away, and only a few days later he came over for me to watch him on the toilet. We both got so excited that we ended up wanking together and cumming all over his shit, and then I wiped his bum for him. Since then we'd been getting together regularly for filthy sex. We didn't have much else in common -- he was nineteen and unemployed whereas I was in my thirties with a professional job -- but he was a nice lad, and he was open-minded and amazingly horny. I loved his cocky, straight-acting young manliness, and then how his big cock would get rock-hard as we played together until he was so excited that he trembled all over, all tactile and sensitive so that every time I touched him he'd whimper and edge. He had the biggest, noisiest orgasms I'd ever seen, and sometimes he'd cum two or three times before he was finally sated. I could see he was more than half hard then as he hovered over the toilet, still with a thin brown rope coming from his flaring hole. Then he pinched it off, sat back down again and grinned at me.

`It reeks!' he mouthed, glancing up at the cubicle door.

`Mmm, I bet it does! Have you finished?' I said, keeping my voice low.

He shook his head and glanced up at the door again, and then his expression stiffened into a cute pushing face. He made it a few more times before I heard him fart, and he smiled contentedly as he did another series of little plops. When he was done he twisted round and propped his phone on the cistern behind him so I could watch him wipe. He always did it standing up, with his bottom sticking well out and his legs bent, giving me a grandstand view as he rubbed his sticky brown hole clean. When he'd pulled his pants back up he looked into the camera, smirking and wrinkling his nose up, and shot me a horny grin before he ended the call. He called me back when he got outside.

Phew, that's better,' he grunted. I really fuckin' needed that!'

`It sounded like it! Smelly one too, was it?'

`Yeah it was. Fuckin' stunk! Anyhow, I was gonna ask, you about this weekend? I ain't doin' much so if you're free...'

`Cool! Yes, I'm about I think. Well, I'll be out Saturday night I think, but apart from that I should be around. Make sure you eat a lot before then!'

That Saturday morning found Declan sitting in my living room with a cup of strong coffee, sitting stiffly in his chair and wincing every so often. He'd come over nearly an hour earlier, when he already needed a shit, and now he was visibly struggling to hold it in. No matter how hard he tried to be his usual cool self he couldn't hide his discomfort, or the semi starting to tent out his crotch. He took a drag on his cigarette, and as he blew out smoke he screwed his face up again and squirmed.

Uh,' he grunted. Mike ... mate, I need a shit so bad.'

`Mmm, good! I like seeing you desperate. You got your pants on?'

He nodded, leaned back and pulled the waistband of his shorts down to show me his pants. He was wearing white briefs like he usually did, but fuller ones that hugged his cheeks and fitted tightly around his thighs, and would hold his shit tight against his bottom. He'd had fantasies about shitting himself for a long time, and then a few weeks earlier, when he was hung over and horny, I'd got him to do it for real. The sensation was so intense that he'd cum in his pants as he filled them, but then the next couple of times he'd managed to hold back until he'd finished, and I'd got him to walk around and hump the air a bit so that his turds pushed about on his bottom and massaged the back of his balls and the sensitive bit behind. Every time he'd shat himself he'd cum harder than I'd ever seen a guy cum before, and now as he took another drag of his cigarette and leaned back a bit, blowing out smoke, I saw that he was almost fully hard. He was breathing quickly, and as he took a few last quick puffs on his fag and then stubbed it out in the ashtray my heart started to thump and the semi I'd been nursing quickly grew into a full hard-on.

`Gonna do it...?'

He nodded and stood up. All of a sudden he looked magnificently chavvy and straight in his cap and sports kit, his big cock making a great tent in his grey running shorts. He reached up and pulled them down around his knees. The pants he was wearing underneath fitted beautifully, showing off his lovely bubbly arse, his cheeks all taut and firm as he clenched up tight and jigged up and down. I couldn't resist it any longer, and I quickly pulled off my T-shirt and took off my pants, and moved in closer. His hand went to his cock and he looked around at me with that horny smirk.

`Ooh ... ooh, I need a fuckin' shit!' he breathed.

He hitched his T-shirt up around his ribs, showing off his smooth back and flat tummy, bent his legs and stuck his bottom out. He was trembling slightly, breathing hoarsely and letting out little horny grunts. He seemed to relax a bit then, bent forward and stuck his bottom back further.

`Uh ... it's coming, gonna shit ... ooh!'

His cheeks seemed to fill out and he let out a gassy `poof' from deep in his crack. Straight away my dick sprang to attention and throbbed uncontrollably. In front of me Declan grunted and farted again, tailing off into a hiss and squelch, and then he bowed his head and let go. He didn't need to push this time; just relax and let his thick, solid turd slide out. A little dimple appeared between his cheeks, paused, and then grew into a fat lump that pushed the seat of his pants out with a long, slimy crackling sound. His vapour trail hit me like a blow in the face. He always made an earthy, thick smell, with ra ough, gloriously dirty edge, and now it rolled out from him and filled the room. He was still breathing hard, and then he grunted and bowed his head again. His bulge pushed out and down and another fat lump emerged on top of it, and grew slowly bigger, with a squelch and hiss and little wet fart. He let out a soft grunt and a sigh.

`Unf! Ooh...'

He straightened up and wriggled his hips gently, and looked round at me with his face all flushed and intense. When he turned round further I saw he'd been edging into his pants, and he had a big splash of cum soaking through at the head of his swollen cock. He wiggled his bottom again, and I could just hear his load pushing against his skin; a faint, slimy sound. He did it harder and let out a little strangulated yelp. Then he grunted and turned away from me hastily, bending his legs and sticking his bottom out, grunting with pleasure as another turd slid down the chute. He did a long, squelching log that really packed his crack, and then when he pushed something gave way and he farted loudly and covered his bottom in a big brown mudslide that swelled his bulge out in all directions.

Oh!' he gasped. Oh fuckin' hell!'

`Ooh, Declan! Oh wow, that's huge! Phew, it really stinks as well. Mmm!'

He was still pushing, bucking his hips and grunting rhythmically, edging into his pants as he forced little turds out onto the big lumpy mound he'd made. Spots of brown moisture were seeping through in places. Eventually he went still and let out a contented grunt, stood up straight again and reached round behind to run experimental fingers over what he'd done.

`Unf ...oh that feels fuckin' nice,' he sighed.

He turned around, and his hand went to his cock, which was standing up like a pillar with a big splash of cum soaking through his pants at its head. He fingered it for a moment, breathing hard and wriggling his hips from side to side, then back and forth in a gentle humping movement. I could hear his shit squelching softly as he moved. Suddenly he gasped and tensed up.

`Oh! Oh fuckin' hell ... phew, I nearly cum then!'

Yeah?!' I grinned. God you're so fucking horny. You stink! But nah, don't cum yet. Let's see it, turn around...'

He grunted, turned away and bent forward slightly, sticking his arse back and emphasising the size of his load. I stepped forward and pulled out the back of his pants, and looked down on the hefty compacted block nestling against his cheeks. It was a beautiful, dark orangey brown colour, and the big smears of it on his bottom were vivid against his pale skin. His stink came up at me all the more strongly and I wanked through my pants with my other hand. He was wanking too, milking his dick and grunting hoarsely, like he did when he was really turned on.

Mmm, big shit!' I said admiringly, letting his waistband back into place. Now, wiggle your bum again...'

I got him to move on the spot a bit, hump the air and squat, so that his hot, lumpy pile massaged him underneath. He whimpered and edged as he did it. Two or three times he got near to cumming and tensed up with more cum soaking through his crotch.

Unf!' He wriggled his hips again. Oh it's so fuckin' heavy ... so warm, keeps tickling me balls an' I feel like I'm gonna cum!'

`Feels good, doesn't it! Now, bend over ... go on, right down...'

He squeaked and edged as he bent, right down until he was touching his toes so his pants pushed his shit against his bottom, and then I came up behind him and pressed my hand to it, fingers splayed so as to squash it lightly against his skin. He let out a long moan, and then a louder one when I did it again and rocked my hand slightly. His shit was hot and tacky through his pants, and I could feel it squashing against his skin.

That feel good?' I breathed. Mmm, dirty boy! You like having a messy bottom, don't you?'

He grunted and nodded, wanking clumsily through his pants again.

`Gonna sit in it for me? Sit in your shit?'

He nodded again and straightened up, whimpering. I took his hand and led him through to the bathroom, and put the toilet seat down. He stood in front of it, wide-eyed and edging into his pants, wriggled his hips again to feel what he'd done as he psyched himself up. His smell had followed us in here and it thickened around us in the pregnant silence, broken only by our wanking and heavy breathing. Then he turned around and lowered himself down onto the toilet.

Ah!' he cried as his turds touched the seat and pressed against his bottom hard. Oh fuck I'm cumming!'

I closed in on him, wanking hard as he hovered there gasping. Then he sat down hard, and came straight away. His head went back and he roared out loud, and spunked into his pants so hard that it spurted out through the fabric. Sated, he lay back against the cistern, and a beatific smile spread across his face.

Cum all over me,' he whispered. Fuckin' spaff all over me now, while me arse is covered in me shit.'

I needed no second bidding. I stood over him wanking hard, already on the edge of cumming, and then shot a big load all over his wiry twink body while he was still sitting in his pile.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 2

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