Declan's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 29, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Declan's Shit

Chapter Two

Declan had started to get really into shitting himself. He couldn't really explain why, but letting go and filling his pants felt dirty and fucked up and out of control, which made it exciting, on top of the amazing physical sensation. He had a big family and he didn't often get time alone at home, but even so a couple of times he had the house to himself when he was horny and he needed a shit, and he got carried away and did it. The second time was in the garden, kneeling behind the fence whilst the couple next door were drinking and having a barbecue with their mates. He was so turned on that he came in his pants before he'd finished.

They could smell it an' all,' he laughed. Heard one of `em say summat about someone havin' farted! Felt so fuckin' naughty doing a shit in me pants wiv other people about ... blew me mind! So, I were thinking, you got a car, ain't you? We could go and do it somewhere, couldn't we...'

`What, and then come back to mine? Ooh, yes, we could, couldn't we. So long as you sit on something in the car...!'

`Ha ha, yeah I will. It'd be well horny, having to drive back through town sitting in a shit!'

`Unless we get pulled over by the police! Mmm, but yes, good idea. Let's do it! Now, where would be a good place...'

A couple of weeks later I picked him up from near his house. It was Sunday morning, and he'd messaged me not long after he'd got up to say he was starting to need a shit. He was standing at the bus stop as I drove up, looking magnificently chavvy in his old trackie bottoms, football shirt and cap, smoking a cigarette as he waited. In his hand he held a small bag. He waved as he saw me approach and flicked his cigarette into the gutter.

Thank fuck you're here,' he grinned as he got in and put his seatbelt on. I'm really bustin' for a shit! It's not far is it, where we're going?'

`Nah, just a few minutes. You really desperate then?'

`Gettin' that way, yeah. Ain't been for a shit since Friday, an' me mum cooked us a real big tea last night an' all. Then I went out and had a few beers an' got a pizza on the way home too. I had such bad farts this morning!'

`Heh, nice. Big shit, then...?!'

`Feels like it. So where we going then? You said it was a park, didn't you? There ain't gonna be lots of people about?'

`No, it'll be fine. It's the end away from all the houses so no-one goes there. Not at this time of day anyway!'

Heh, yeah I see. Okay! Ave you got summat for me to sit on when we go back to yours?'

`Yeah there's some bin liners in the footwell there. We'll spread one over the seat.'

Cool, an' I bought some spare pants and trackies wiv me.' He gestured at the bag by his feet, but then shuffled his bottom on the seat and screwed his face up. Hurry up though mate, I need a fuckin' poo!'

He sat stiffly as I threaded the car through a couple of junctions, and then turned off the main road and onto a quieter street. On our right was an industrial estate with most of the units closed for the weekend, and on the left a high wall gave way to iron railings with a thick hedge behind them, and beyond that the mature trees in the park. His hand went to the clasp of his seatbelt as I pulled the car into the kerb, opposite a small gate in the railings. I looked up and down the street as we got out, but it was deserted, and quickly we scurried through the gate and into the park. This end of it was little used and unkempt, and on either side of the path leading down the slope onto the main lawn empty beer cans were scattered around. We stopped and looked around us, listening intently, but there was no sign of anyone. Declan pulled his cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. He was standing stiffly with his bottom clenched and a hard-on starting to show through the front of his trackies.

Mate, I'm really desperate,' he said urgently. I'm gonna shit meself any minute!'

`Okay then, let's get off the path just in case...'

We struck off the path and headed for a clump of thick bushes a few yards away. Someone had been there recently and fresh spliff ends and a used condom lay discarded on the earth, but it was silent now, and behind the bush we were almost invisible, hidden from the road by the hedge and the park by the trees down the slope. Declan took another puff on his cigarette, and for a moment I thought how hot it would be just to watch him take his pants down and squat. Then he looked around and met my eye, dropped his fag end on the ground and turned away, pulling his trackies down around his knees. He glanced at my cock, starting to bulge out the front of my jeans, winked, and then winced and squirmed again. I loved the sight of him desperate for a shit, all his cockiness gone as he tried to control his own body, with his hard-on tenting out his pants. He looked around us urgently one more time, and then turned away from me. I closed up behind him, unable to resist touching myself through my pants, as he stood there panting hoarsely. Then he drew breath sharply, stuck his bottom out and let go.

His clenched cheeks relaxed, and a lump popped up between them, paused momentarily, and then pushed the seat of his pants out with a big solid log. It bent downwards and snapped and another one came out on top, and then the lumpy bulge started to swell out in all directions. Over the background hum of the city I could hear him squelching and the breeze blew the smell back at me, all rich and cloying. His bum clenched up again then, squashing shit in his crack, and he gave a little gasp. He looked round, his eyes half-closed and his face all flushed, caught my eye and grinned. But then another turd slid down his chute, and he looked away and bent his legs, sticking his arse out once more, strained and pushed it out. His bulge pushed out and down with a squeak and a filthy squelching noise. His hand went to his cock and he wanked through his pants as he pushed out the last of it.

Unf!' he grunted. Oh fuck...'

`Mmm! Ooh Dec, that smells!'

I know!' He looked round, grinning, but then his face froze. Hang on, was that someone...'

A woman's voice sounded nearby, laughing about something, and we both looked around us. His hands went to his trackies so he could pull them up quickly. Then another voice came, a bit fainter this time, and I noticed movement beyond the hedge at the top of the slope behind us.

It's okay,' I said. They're on the road.'


`There, look. You can just see them, through that thin bit in the hedge by the railings. It's okay, they can't see us. Sounds like they're going away anyway.'

`Oh. Oh yeah they are, aren't they.'

He relaxed again, grunted and wiggled his bottom, and grinned at me sexily. His cock had gone down a bit but it was still prominent, like a fat curled snake in his pants.

`Have you finished?' I asked.

Er...' He made a cute pushing face. I dunno. Feel like I `ave, but you know what happens when I really need a big shit. Like, when I stay sitting on the bog I always do another one. Oh man, it's so fuckin' heavy though. Wanna sit in it!'

`You're gonna have to in the car! Wanna go back then? Or are you gonna sit in your big shit here...?

`Let's go back. Go to yours, and I can sit in it and make a real big mess!'

He pulled his pants up. They were quite loose, but his semi still bulged out the crotch and at the back you could see the load in his pants. We looked around us again warily as we emerged from the bushes but there was no-one around and we picked our way quickly back to the path and up the slope to the road, where the car was waiting for us. It was still quiet, but there was a group of lads a hundred yards away, heading slowly in our direction. He stood by impatiently as I grabbed a bag from the footwell and spread it over the seat, and went to get in as soon as I stood back.

`Hold on. Let me get in first. I wanna see this!'

Okay.' He glanced over at the lads. But quick man, before they get too near.

I hastened round to the driver's side, opened the door and jumped in, and turned to watch as he lowered himself into the car.

Hold on,' I said. Pull your pants down again as you sit down.'

`No, man, someone'll see!'

`Yes, but if you don't you're gonna have a stain there when you get out, aren't you.'

`Oh shit, yeah.'

He braced himself against the seat back and fumbled his trackies down a bit, and then lowered himself down onto the seat cushion. His face froze and he gasped, I heard a soft squishing sound over the crinkling of the plastic bag, and when he reached out and pulled the door shut the smell filled the car.

Come on, man, go,' he said. Before they get here and see me wiv me pants down!'

I swung the car round and we set off for the main road. As we went over a bump he gave a little gasp, and when I glanced down I could see his dick was rock hard again. He put his hand over it as we stopped at the junction, and looked around self-consciously until there was a gap in the traffic and I could pull out onto the main road. Then as I accelerated away he relaxed in his seat and grunted, and I saw it jerk.

Uh!' he grunted. Oh, it's all under me balls, fuckin' rubbin' the back of me balls. Feel like I'm gonna cum!'

Mm!' I grinned back. You stink too! Don't cum yet though. Wait til we get back. Wanna see you cum all over yourself on the toilet, sitting in your big smelly shit.'

He nodded stiffly, screwed up his face as we went over a couple of manhole covers, then put his hands over his crotch again as we stopped at some traffic lights. For a moment he looked pensive, but then his lips twisted into a slow smile.

`Mate ... I need a shit again.'

`What, again?!'

`Yeah. It's like I thought it was gonna be. Feels like it might be a lot too!'

His fingers closed around his erect cock as we got going again, and for a minute or two we buzzed along. He grunted excitedly every time we went over a bump, stroked his cock with his left hand and reached over to wank me with his right as I drove, grunting about how big and warm the shit he was sitting in was and how he couldn't wait to sit in it and get his arse covered, and push out the turds still in his chute. He left off wanking as we slowed for another set of lights, and this time a bus pulled up next to us. He looked up at it, and his face twisted into that horny grin again. Quickly he loosened his seatbelt and levered himself up a little way off the seat. He made his cute pushing face and I heard a squeak and a fart and a long slimy crackle. I couldn't resist touching my cock through my jeans as another blast of his smell filled the car, hoping the steering wheel covered it in case any of the few people on the bus should look. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped slightly open.

`Oh! Oh fuck that was a lot!' he gasped.

Slowly he lowered himself back into his seat, still covering his dick with his hand, and screwed up his face as he sat back down in his pile and nearly came. The lights changed to green then and we were off again, with him edging and whimpering every time we went over a bump and the air in the car thick with his stink. Finally we turned into my street, and I spotted thankfully that the space outside my flat was still free. I got out first when we pulled up, went round and stood behind him, and hid him from view as he lifted himself up, pulled his trackies up over his ruined pants and got out of the car. Quickly we scuttled over to the front door, dived inside and shot straight through to the bathroom, pulling our clothes off as we went. In the bathroom he pulled down his trackies and showed off the big flattened bulge he'd made, all brown and sticky from the moisture that had soaked through his pants.

Mmm, Dec, that's huge!' I said admiringly. You stink!'

He liked being told how smelly he was. He was breathing hard and edging, with a sticky patch spreading from the head of his cock.

Now, gonna sit in it?' I said softly. Go on, sit in it and get your arse properly covered.'

Slowly he lowered himself down, groaning as his pants tightened and forced his shit more firmly against his skin. He paused as his bulge touched the toilet seat and rocked gently back and forth, edging and he looked around at me with his face more intense than I'd ever seen it. Then he sat down firmly.

`Oh! Oh fuck!' he gasped.

His shit squashed across his bottom and nearly out of his waistband at the top, and shot forward to envelop his balls. For a moment he had to tense up all over to stop himself cumming and he sat very still, grunting excitedly. Then he started to rock and slide about, squelching and squishing his shit everywhere and edging. He stood up to show me the damage, then sat down and did it again, beckoned me to come closer and then grabbed my hips and pulled my cock into his mouth. He sucked greedily, taking it right back in his throat and rolling his tongue around the shaft and the end, grunting as he started to taste my cum.

Cum in me mouth,' he mumbled. Fuckin' spaff in me mouth while I'm sitting in me shit.'

I fucked his face harder, so that it made him gag. He liked that, and as I did it he wriggled about and wanked harder, and his grunts and whimpers grew heavier and higher. For a few moments we moved together frantically. Then we came together, and he spurted all over himself as I shot into his open mouth.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 3

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