Declan's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 3, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Declan's Shit

Chapter Three

Sometimes I just liked watching Declan going for a shit, and on some days when we didn't have much time or one or both of us wasn't in the mood to go further he used to come over and just do that. That quite often happened on days when I was working from home and could spare a bit time between conference calls and paperwork: he'd call me when he needed a shit and come over to sit on the toilet.

Ain't bin for a shit since Monday,' he grunted, turning round in front of the toilet and going to pull down his pants, Fuckin' busting I am! Wanna see it go?'

He lifted his bottom off the seat, his hairy little hole already twitching and puckering out, farted softly and curled out a hefty brown tube. His closed his eyes and blew his cheeks out, and grunted loudly with satisfaction as three lumpy logs dropped from him. Water splashed up on the seat and his cheeks, and he filled the room with his vapour trail. When the end had dropped from him he sat himself down, grunted again and looked round.

Ain't shit meself for you for ages, ave I,' he said with a little grin.

`No, it's been a while, hasn't it. Last time was, what, a month ago? Six weeks, maybe?'

`Yeah, summat like that. Wanna do it again sometime. Somewhere real naughty, outside again maybe, or...'

He broke off and glanced down, grunted and let out a hissing fart, and then a string of light plops and splashes. The rough smell grew thicker, and I sniffed at it eagerly and wanked, loving the spectacle of my hot, chavvy young playmate doing his business. When he was done he fidgeted on the seat, strained a couple of times and cleared his throat.

Tell yer what I really wanna do,' he said, with a horny little smirk. I wanna do it in a public bog.'

`What, shit your pants?'

`Yeah. Do it in a thunderbox wiv people about, and then have to get out of there wiv a big shit in me pants!'

`Ooh, that's risky! But yeah, it would be cool. If you want I can drive you somewhere, if we can think of a place. I'd have to wait outside, though, wouldn't I.'

`Well, yeah, that's the problem innit. I wanna do it wiv you watching!'

`What, while you shit yourself?!'

`Yup, that's what I were thinking, so we need somewhere we can both go in.'

`Hmm, yes, or at least somewhere I can watch over the partition. Y'know, if you go in one cubicle and I go in the next...'

Yeah, or that. Tell yer what, let's try and find somewhere, shall we? Anyhow...' His face stiffened and he strained a couple of times. I'm done I think. Wanna wipe me arse for me?'

Only a couple of weeks later I drove through the suburbs to his place on a Saturday afternoon. We'd been talking the night before and hatched a plan, and now I tingled with excitement as I turned into the main road near his place and saw him standing at the bus stop, smoking. He looked round and waved as he saw my car approaching, and took a couple of hasty drags of his cigarette before I pulled up.

Hiya mate!' he grinned, opening the door and puffing smoke into the car as he spoke. All set?'

`Yup! Are you ready...?'

Yeah.' He pulled the top of his trackies down a little to show me the tight boxer briefs he had on underneath. I got me pants on, look.'

`Good! And you need a shit?' I asked, letting out the clutch and pulling out into the traffic.

Yeah. Thought I was gonna have to sit on the shitter earlier but I managed to hold it. Dunno how, cos I ate so much yesterday. Ended up aving two dinners. Me mum made shepherd's pie, and then I went to me mate's place for a smoke an' he was just ordering a curry from this Indian place round ere that's really good, so I `ad to have some, didn't I. I was stuffed!'

`How do you stay so thin?!'

Easy, I shit a lot!' He shuffled in his seat. Unf ... feel so full! It's weird how I ain't desperate to shit, cos it feels like it's gonna be massive! Unf, I'm gonna fart.'

He lifted his arse up a bit and did a muffled `parp,' and a second later I got his smell, rough and dirty and so exciting. He reached over and put a hand on my crotch, and grinned as he felt my dick stiffen.

Gonna have such a shit!' he grinned. Gonna fuckin' fill me pants big time. I can feel it! Anyhow, this is it, just on the right there.'

It was him who'd come up with the place; a big townie pub a mile or two from my flat. Later that evening it'd be heaving busy but it was normally quiet during the day, especially since it didn't show the football, so a lot of people would be elsewhere watching it. Sure enough, there were only a couple of cars in the car park and a few people around. I parked up next to the back door, and we exchanged glances before we got out and walked around to the front of the pub. He was trying not to look furtive, but I could see him glancing around us as we went in. There was a table free in the corner, well away from everyone else, so he went and occupied it whilst I got us a coffee.

Mmm, that's good coffee,' he said, raising his eyebrows appreciatively. Strong, though. Really gonna make me shit!'

`Good. So, where are the toilets in here?'

`Just over there, through them doors by the bar, and that door into the car park's right by them.'

`Okay. So when we've finished this coffee...'

Yeah.' He looked around again and dropped his voice. Look, there's three thunderboxes in there. You take the one by the wall and I'll go in the middle one. Okay?'

We sat and talked in hushed tones for twenty minutes or so, and Dec started to look uncomfortable. He hadn't been for a shit for two days, and now the coffee was having its usual effect so that he sat poker-faced and stiff, fidgeting in his seat and clenching his bum up tight. When I sneaked a look under the table I could see he was already nursing a semi, and so was I. Every time I thought about what was going to happen I got a rush of blood to my crotch and my dick tingled with anticipation.

I'm not gonna make it home,' he said suddenly. Like, even if we was to get in yer car and go now I couldn't hold it til we get to yours. Gettin' real fuckin' desperate, man!'

Being trapped like that made it even more exciting. My mouth felt dry and my stomach was churning as we sat and drank the last of our coffees, and his discomfort became more and more obvious. The pub was just starting to busy up, and now the football was over a couple of groups of lads came in and sat down near to us. Dec eyed them surreptitiously, picked up his coffee cup and drained it, and met my eyes. It was time to go.

I felt intensely self-conscious as we stood up and headed to the toilets, as if it was obvious we were up to something, even though to anyone who noticed us we were just heading for the back door. I still had a semi and I glanced down fretfully to make sure it wasn't obvious, and I noticed Dec doing the same. He was walking stiffly, with his bottom clenched and his face expressionless. The few steps across the pub seemed to take forever. Then we were through the doors and in the little lobby by the back door, with the gents' toilet right in front of us. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

The toilet was deserted. Along the wall to our right was a long urinal, and in front of us three cubicles, the doors open and inviting. I noted thankfully that the partition above them went nearly to the ceiling, so I wouldn't be visible if someone came in. We exchanged hurried glances, and then hurried into our cubicles and locked the doors behind us. Heart thumping, I put down the toilet seat and climbed up onto it, stood up straight and looked over the partition. Dec wasn't bothering to hide his desperation now. He was hopping from foot to foot as he took his jacket off and hung it on the back of the door, and then his hands flew to his bottom and he clutched it and squirmed, face screwed up in pain. Then he calmed down a bit, straightened up and looked up at me with his face pale and his eyes wide.

At that moment footsteps sounded outside and the door opened, and we froze. It was one of the groups of lads, on a pub crawl now the football was over, bantering with one another as they went for a piss before moving on to the next bar down the street. Dec took another deep breath. His hands went to his waist, and slowly he pulled his trackies down around his thighs. His boxer briefs were tight across his peachy bottom, and in front his raging hard-on pushed them out into a tent. He squirmed and hopped again and I thought he was going to hold it until the lads had gone. I could hear flies being done up and hands being washed, and the door opened as the first of them left. Only a minute or two now...

All of a sudden his eyes widened as if in horror. He stuck his bottom out and I saw he was touching cloth, and at the same moment I got his smell. Then he lost control completely. His mouth fell open and I heard his arse hiss and squelch. He did a long, solid turd that pushed out a big tent in his seat, broke and collapsed across his right cheek, and gasped audibly. My dick throbbed as I watched him shit himself and sniffed at the smell rising from him. At that moment the door opened and more young men came in.

Come on Tommy,' said one of them. Next pub calling!'

Can't,' another voice replied. I'm going for a shit. I'll catch you up.'

Nah, it's your round in the next one mate. We'll ave another one here. Come on lads.'

Some of them went then, but Tommy went into the far cubicle, locked the door and undid his belt. Dec looked at the wall between them and back to me. He had a lumpy bulge on his bottom and the air was thick with his smell. As soon as he sat down Tommy grunted audibly, farted and let out a couple of loud plops.

Oh mate, that's disgusting!' laughed his friend at the urinal. At least cough or something! Yuk!'

Tommy laughed, then farted and started to shit again. Dec glanced in his direction again, then took a deep breath, stuck his bottom out again and pushed. I heard him fart softly, and then over the sound of Tommy dropping his load came his faint squelch and hiss, and downloaded another hefty turd that slowly pushed the bulge in his seat out into a great rounded mound. He managed to suppress the usual gasps and grunts he usually made, but his mouth fell open again and when he looked up at me he looked amazed. He'd near enough cum, and he had a big stain across the front of his pants.

See ya back out there,' called Tommy's mate, opening the door. Wanna pint?'

`Yeah, cheers mate. I'm gonna be a few minutes ... got the shits.'

`I know, I can smell it! Fuckin' stinks in here!'

`That ain't me!' protested Tommy, uselessly since they'd already gone.

Dec looked around, cocked an ear out for any more people, and hauled his trackies up. It was time to leave, before Tommy finished or anyone else came. Quickly I got down off the toilet and went for the door. My heart was in my mouth in case someone came out of the bar, even though it wasn't me who had a load in my pants. Thankfully they didn't, and quickly I unlocked the car, got in and grabbed the plastic bag from the footwell. I'd only just finished spreading it on the passenger seat when Dec scuttled out of the pub, glancing around guiltily.

Go, man,' he said as he got in. Someone saw me. Just go!'

He grunted as he sat down, squashing his shit and forcing it up under his balls, and hastily pulled the door shut. The car filled with his smell as I started the engine. He kept looking at the pub door as I backed out of the space as if he expected someone to come after him, and only when I'd turned onto the main road and accelerated away did he relax.

`So what happened?' I asked.

Oh it was just as I was coming out,' he said. Couple of girls come out of the bar and we passed by the door, an' I heard one of them say something about a smell of shit, and they must've looked round, cos I heard one of `em say "that bloke's pooed his pants!"'


`Yeah. Oh well, could've been worse! But ... was fuckin' amazing, doing it with that lad having a dump next to me, wannit?! Such a big fuckin' shit I've done too. Unf, get yer foot down a bit, I wanna get back to yours an' sit in it!'

An hour later he leaned back against the toilet cistern in my bathroom and reached for his cigarettes with fumbling hands. He'd cum into his pants once already and soaked his crotch in spunk, before he'd got his dick out and started to play with it in the open. Now it stood up proud, all sticky and oozing cum whenever he moved. His bottom was covered in shit, right out around the sides, up around his balls and the base of his cock, and squashing out of the waistband at the back. He stank. I'd bent him over in the bathroom, wrapped a plastic bag around my hand like a glove and rubbed his bottom until he was edging and whimpering, then got him to sit down on the toilet. Since then he'd been rocking and wriggling and wanking, squishing again and again until he was nearly cumming and then stopping to calm down. Now as he crushed out the end of his cigarette in the ashtray he looked down at his ruined pants and the big mess he'd made on the toilet seat, and back to me, with his face all wide-eyed and sweaty and his cock throbbing.

Ooh...' he sighed. I gotta cum now...'

`Yeah! And me! Wanna cum all over your messy bottom!'

He got up and turned round. The back of his pants was a crumpled brown mess sticking to his cheeks, which made revolting noises as he peeled them away from his skin and pulled them down around his knees to show off his brown cheeks. The weight of the hefty lump that had been tickling the back of his balls took charge then, and they dropped to the floor with a thud. He bent forward and put his hands on the side of the bath, bending well down as if for a spanking, and I closed in on him with my cock in my hand.

Mmm!' I said admiringly. Such a mess. You stink! Look at you, with your big messy bottom. Go on, wank yourself off.'

He whimpered and tugged at his cock, and at once started to edge and breathe heavily. So did I, and I pointed my cock at his shitty backside, sniffed and drank in his manly young smell and listened to his whimpers and grunts, and wanked hard.

`Uh ... oh Dec I'm gonna cum! Oh!'

I hadn't cum so hard in years. He yelped out loud as I fired a big load of spunk all over his messy bottom, and then he too fell off the cliff and spattered his load all over the bath.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 4

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