Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on May 16, 2005


DAY 386

Don ordered me over his knee. To be honest it had been a couple of years since Dad had had to spank me- back then he had stated that my insistence in always being right had finally ended. However, I had considered why today I had disobeyed Don and I came to a conclusion that either I'd really wanted to stay with him or I'd wanted to see what was happening. It did occur to me- after I'd finally accepted my error- as I stood naked against the cave wall- that Don was trying to protect me and it had been for my own safety. I was apprehensive as I knew Don would take my disobedience seriously and, after all, I was his now and, as he's frequently reminded me, I must always do as he says. My concern was not lessened by the fact that Dad always let me keep my whities on whilst, now, I was not only naked but sporting a woody.

I could see that Don was gripping his cock between his legs although it was straining to surge upwards. He said nothing as I lay across his knees. He adjusted my position slightly- forcing my cheeks to a higher position- and to gauge his action rested the flat of his right hand on my rear. Then, he opened his legs and I felt his cock press against my stomach. I was hoping Don would just get on with it but I guessed he was likely to pass a comment or two. I was only allowed to reply `Yes Sir' at appropriate times as he reminded me of my ownership, my disobedience and my learning curve. Finally, he explained that an over the knee spank was his major punishment but that if I was not able to respond to this he would implement other methods; my main concern, in that moment of silence before he began, was the despair I would feel if he withdrew our sexual contact or worse still if he said he no longer wanted me. I was digesting that particular nightmare when the first hard smack landed.

In between my howling, Don commented that I could shout as much as I wanted to. His aim -- and intention - was to secure five severe smacks to my rear ensuring that each cheek was red. I was astounded at the force of each one realising that perhaps Dad's efforts might have been somewhat lax. I was crying after the second and sobbing after the fourth. After the fifth I wondered if Don had felt my dry orgasm but if he did he failed to mention it as he ordered me back to face the cave wall.

I was to remain there whilst I considered the consequences of my disobedience that had ended with the spanking. Don added that I could assist him with the magnetite extraction if, after ten minutes, I came and apologised.

Thus ten minutes later, I stood in front of a clothed Don and apologised stating that I would not disobey him again. He claimed to be satisfied and offered a half smile before ordering me to don a hat, mask and boots. We worked for a further hour collecting several large chunks of magnetite before I was sat at the back of the cave whilst Don loaded the buggy, collected rations and stripped. On his return we sat side by side.

After a light meal but with plenty of water, Don estimated there would be about two hours left before we could leave so we were to rest and, if possible, sleep that was after I had drained him of his cum. I knew, of course, that jaking him was not what he had in mind so I positioned myself to let him insert his erect cock into my mouth. A combination of my eager fast mouth and, I guess, his heightened sexual state caused him to moan and predict his spurt quicker than was normal but, as I felt him tense and ready to gush his juices down my throat, he pulled his cock from my throat letting it spurt an amazing amount of cum all over his chest. The white liquid oozed down between the hairs in rivulets or clung in large globules. The runnier fluid finally entered his navel and then some trickled further to coat his pubic stubble. His shrinking cock rested on one of his thighs with the last vestiges of warm cum trickling from the sticky slit. I eagerly awaited Don's next command to clean him up.

Once there were no traces of whiteness -- only some glistening on wet chest and pubic hair- Don ordered me to stand over him and bring myself to climax. He watched intently as I did so and I trust I was not the only one wishing for at least a few drops of boy juice to issue forth- but, alas, we will both have to wait. I settled beside Don who wrapped an arm around me- but although soreness continued to pain my rear I did fall asleep.

Don woke me and offered me water then announced that we would be leaving in about thirty minutes but that our talk was now due. After we had placed the equipment into the buggy Don ordered me to its front. He lifted me onto the bonnet leaving me facing him. I gripped the sides to order as he raised and separated my legs- I fell back onto the metal as he forced my legs higher then wider. This action I knew had exposed my hole and if I was in any doubt as to what this talk would focus on he released one leg and scraped a finger across the tight puckered pink virgin hole. All Don mentioned was that it was for me to understand that he was ready to fuck me- not just any old fuck but all of him in me -- and not just once- but after for days, weeks, months and years.

Briefly, I thought he meant there and then but he let go of my body and pulled me into him and carried me to the driver's seat. He faced forward with me, sat on his hard cock, facing him and as I buried my face into his matted chest he continued to talk.

Don mentioned the importance of having me sexually to complete our bonding and jokingly he mentioned that afterwards perhaps I should be called William West but I didn't mention that I liked the idea. As I was nearing a birthday- about four weeks to go- he wanted to ensure he could service morning, noon and night on that day, so he hoped that I saw the need for plenty of practice before my birthday. Quietly, I just told him that he could do what he liked even if hurt at first- to which he replied that I was to be the one to tell him when I was ready to receive for until that day, he would not own me completely and I would still have the chance to back out of our relationship. I said that I understood but I knew that only time would prevent me offering him what I knew he particularly wanted from me.

He let go of me and told me to raise the buggy's canopy whilst he checked outside. As all appeared quiet, we drove off after I had donned hat and boots and he had replaced his surfies.

The heat had reduced but the canopy kept me out of direct sunlight and the soft blanket Don had given me rendered the bumpy ride less uncomfortable to my still sore rear.

The journey was uneventful and after circling the flats we were soon driving parallel to the low barren uplands that we had initially investigated.

I gauged that we were about two or three miles from Jupiter when Don pulled the buggy off the main path and stopped under an overhanging ledge. He ordered my hat and boots removed and sent me to wait in the shadows beneath an overhanging ledge. A few minutes later a naked Don approached carrying a box. I helped him dress into his usual silver clothes via a quick head sucking session which he initiated- this left a very pronounced shape under the silver once he was completely dressed.

Don was handing and stretching my foreskin as he explained that he had left precise instructions with the robot to produce a large appropriate wardrobe for me- clothing that was in no way particularly effeminate but which he had a great desire to see me in. More would come of that, he mentioned, when we got back to our rooms but although I had to wear practical clothing in front of the others -- notably Doctor Smith- Don's first choice for me was always going to be no clothes at all.

Don retrieved a silver suit from the box- I realised now that the tearing from me of the other suit and also my tight whities had been planned. Then, Don informed me that this suit would be a tight fit as it was a size too small but it was designed to stretch- and as there were no whities- when we got to Jupiter I was to drape something in front of my cock just in case the robot was filming.

I stepped into it but with it around my ankles, Don ordered me to bend over and rest against the sandy rock wall. He spread my legs to expose my hole which he poked but he then proceeded to massage my sore rear with a soothing cream -- not forgetting at the end to force three large lubricated fingers right into my tight hole. I gasped and jumped but he only laughed -- joking that when he fucked me he'd better tie me securely to the bedroom wall in case I ran away.

The suit was very tight and Don had to force my erection and my balls to one side of the zip -- leaving them clearly outlined which I'd anticipated anyhow. Back at the buggy, Don stroked my outline noting that it was exactly the effect he had been hoping for- but with me looking at his bulge I commented that he had an effect equally as satisfying.

The robot was guarding the ship and as we left the buggy I carried a sheet in front of me- likewise Don carried a box.

We unloaded the buggy and stored the contents then Don carried the magnetite into a lab. Once outside, I checked for the others and I informed Don that the earliest anyone would be back was two hours. Without a smile or a comment Don ordered me to wait at the top of the quarters' corridor whilst he checked through the robot's memory for any images or data.

When Don turned into the corridor, I saluted him in my normal fashion and, laughing, he picked up a naked William Robinson, flung a giggling William Robinson over his shoulder and finally got a happy William Robinson into bed where the giggling was easy to control.

Next: Chapter 12

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