Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on Oct 4, 2003


DAY 375

From Don's room I heard Dr Smith shout for me .However, when I saw him the next day I was able to tell him truthfully that I was not in my room; he was, last night, however, persistent in his attempts to talk to me but when he gave up I was in Don's bed.

I was bleary eyed when Don woke me but I did not remain that way for long as I could see that he was not overdressed. I guessed correctly that the garment was made from the same material as my silver suit but essentially it was a large triangle that covered his crotch. Through what I supposed passed for a waistband was a piece of black thread which continued around his back. His sides and thighs were bare- and with the leg openings elasticated , the lowest point of the silver triangle disappeared between his legs. The bulges under this large pouch were substantial and shear weight was attempting to drag down the garment- gravity had achieved a degree of success in that curls of fine dark pubic hair hung over the top of the pouch.

I was overawed by this sight and for awhile I was transfixed. However, Don brought me to my senses by touching my bare shoulder.

I explained about Doctor Smith-Don was annoyed and added that he would have to be more forceful the next time he spoke to the doctor. Reluctantly, I stood up and started to walk to the wall opening when Don offered to let me share his bed; especially, if I thought Dr Smith might return. Hey-there was no way I was going to turn that down so I turned and dived under the bedcovers. As Don put away his day clothes, I could see that the pouch had no rear, of note, just two threads- one linked to his waistband and a second that was wedged tightly between his cheeks before rising vertical to join the first. This picture only reinforced my view of Don as fit and lean but the shape of his buttocks made my boner throb; my urges enhanced by the silky down on his legs.

After he shut down the main lights, Don settled next to me; I'd already moved over creating space. Then, with the bedside light dimmed, giving virtual darkness, I felt him move towards me. I answered that I slept on my right side to which he mentioned that he did as well; however, he added that he was a restless sleeper so he hoped he'd not be keep me awake during the night.

Fortunately, he was happy to talk and we discussed the events of the last few days. Then, he turned to the topic of keeping me naked and immediately I offered to remove my briefs; however, he was adamant that he would be the one that always stripped me but then he added that he would wait until we were outside so that the first time he saw me totally naked he would really be able to enjoy the view. He edged closer during the talk and I felt his silver pouch against my cheeks. I responded by pressing into his body which, {hopefully} gave him the idea that I was willing; then I rested my head on his chest and his legs became entangled with mine. Finally, Don's right arm lay above my head on a pillow whilst his left arm rested on my bare chest. I wriggled to get into the best position leaving him wrapped around me. After a moment of silence, he asked if I would sleep with him regularly to which I said yes -- he squeezed closer and mentioned that I would, in future ,always be naked in be - but only after having been stripped outdoors first. I felt the power of his long dick -- now vertical and fully erect- with it being largely out of the silver pouch and pressed into my back. My erotic fantasy of being stripped by him --outside in fresh air- and watching his own dick -erect and throbbing as I lost my clothes- made me reach to adjust my dick and ease it above the waistband of my briefs, basically to prevent an immediate loss of wood.

He moved his head forward and kissed my neck and whispered quietly to say that we would make a perfect couple- adding that he would always look after me. It felt unusual to hear such words but I did murmur in pleasure and in response he moved his left hand to stroke a nipple. As I was being stimulated by his fingers, he asked if I'd mind if he slept naked. On receiving the only answer I wanted to give, he removed his pouch and as he did this, I slipped my briefs down leaving my cheeks bare. As he repositioned himself, it was obvious from a low murmur that he was happy to find flesh against flesh. I pressed into him and he responded by pressing his hard cock, once again. into my back. However, then Don mentioned that as we both had a long hard day tomorrow, we should get to sleep.

DAY 376

Don woke first this morning and he ruffled my hair then called my name and I came to life. I'm not noticeably alert first thing in the morning and it takes me time to focus on a new day. During the night, there had been changes to our sleeping positions; with Don now on his back and lucky me draped across his left side-additionally the bedsheets were in disarray and only our lower bodies were covered. As well, I could feel fresh air on my toes.

I turned onto my back and continued to adjust to the morning. Don asked if I'd slept well and I just nodded. He quipped that I was a regular sleepyhead and I nodded again. He grabbed at my bare stomach and started to tickle me so I let out a shriek and curled into a ball. Don laughed and then sat up and waited for me to recover. I was now sufficiently attuned to the world to realise he was naked beneath the bedsheet as his dick was tenting thin material- for my part briefs still covered my crotch but I knew my cheeks were bare.

Don looked towards the clock and announced that we had little time before the breakfast meeting, therefore I was told to shower next door. I was reluctant to leave the bed, but I knew that this sort of order meant that I must to do as I was told. I climbed out of bed with my cheeks still exposed and as I walked to the wall opening Don, in the manner of Dr Smith, mimicked -"William Robinson don't you wiggle your buttocks at me; because, young man you do not know what it will lead to"--I laughed and stood near the entrance to my room and exaggerated my wiggle. Don leapt from the bed. I shrieked in feigned horror but as he ran towards me I pointed at his crotch then wowed in false wonder, for the bedsheet did little to hide the size of his erection. He stopped, but then whilst pretending to be embarrassed, he pointed his body towards me; not trying in any way to hide the size of his dick. Before I darted into my room, I quipped that there was no way that I'd let him come near me until he'd learned to control himself.

Even though I was very hungry, there was time for a slow shower jerk before the breakfast meeting.

Over breakfast decisions were made regarding the coming week. The situation is that we have enough stores particularly water and fuels, but we are short in the variety of our foodstuffs although quantities are adequate. Dad and Don had been unable to find any silver and we were also low on corundum and diamond. The survey of the remainder of this solar system has found two inhospitable inner planets and gas giants beyond --consequently, we were to continue our `Earth' search by crossing space until we found a region where stars and planets were plentiful. It would be more fruitful to move towards the central area of the galaxy but as we know Earth is at the edge of the Milky Way, it's not wise to venture inwards. Naturally we are assuming that this is still our galaxy (but I didn't push the idea).

As a consequence of what might be a week's travel in open space, dad ordered a twenty four hour watch with two seniors on duty at all times. This meant that Don, Judy and dad would rotate duty with Robbie available at all times; Dr Smith pleaded to have an unaltered routine so he was given longer stints during the day - but Don insisted that the doctor and Robbie not be left as a watch. Dr Smith smiled at this remark but dad accepted the request. Mom, Penny and yours truly are to continue as normal but, of course, I knew that during this period, Don would be very busy and his free time limited.

The remainder of the morning we used to prepare for lift off but after lunch, Don and I were, for a short time, alone in the cargo bay. The results of our conversation were that firstly, we would use only Don's bed (so it could be kept warm!) and that we would give each other the time to sleep. However, it was hopeful that we'd be able to share on at least one occasion. Secondly, however, the stripping of William Robinson by the second in command of Jupiter, whilst of vital importance and significance, had {very) regretfully to be delayed - {these were Don's words}. Don insisted that he would strip me outdoors before we saw each other naked- but he was most disappointed that he might have to wait a minimum of a week. Then finally, to wet my (and his) appetite he suggested that I'd be stripped very slowly to near naked from a tight silver suit to just tighter thin white briefs which he'd yank down and then to use his words-" Then, I'll see what I want to see".

I had no objection to this.

DAY 382

It's been far trickier to reach this moon than any of us imagined. There have been magnetic storms and meteor showers and, yesterday, we nearly pitched into the tail of a comet which has a decidedly haphazard path. Everyone has helped but we are basically exhausted. Dad decided to land Jupiter on this small moon to rest but happily monitoring local space we know it is a region of stars and hopefully many resource laden planets.

This moon is airless so we're obviously staying inside Jupiter- but we need rest-I`ve finished my directed experiments for this month but later I'm gonna try some of my own. Don's flat out in bed and I've not seem him {for long periods} recently. We are holed up here for two days; then dad says we'll decide our route ahead. We're not to visit the moon's planet either as it has a sulphur based atmosphere; therefore I'm really wishing for time alone with Don.

Next: Chapter 4

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