Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on Oct 1, 2003


DAY 374

The planet has two suns-so we had to plan our work for the periods when only one sun was overhead. Dad issued a timetable showing when we had to rest and the time to return when night was due. Dr Smith objected to working with Robbie but dad insisted so he had no choice and he capitulated when he was told that his particular skills would be vital. Fawning works when you need to get Dr Smith to work.

Dad set off with the `good' doctor and the robot to search for magnetite as the computer had found the planet to have a strong magnetic field. Don headed the buggy southwards leaving our small rocky plateau and down onto loose sand but the buggy was able to cope. Below this uneven ground lay a wide flat plain and beyond that were the low hills for which we were eventually heading. The plain was empty of plants and Don suggested it was probably a salt flat which meant we would have to go around it. Our destination were the green and blue hued hills beyond in which Don hoped we'd find some crystal or at least copper.

However, it was not possible to reach the hills before the first timetabled break so two hours into our journey, we drove onto a small rocky plateau similar to the one on which Jupiter had landed. We erected a large tent which was subdivided-at the rear in total shade there was a room into which we could escape from the heat the front was open but shaded by a large awning under which Don reversed the buggy. I sat on its bonnet whilst Don took the water and food packs into the room.

Don had said nothing of note to me on the journey-well none of the things I truly wanted to hear- but he had been totally engrossed in driving the buggy .I'd dressed real carefully with a clean silver suit and nice tight briefs and I was sure he had taken care over his clothes even though he was dressed in a similar fashion. The second sun was now partially visible over the horizon as Don climbed onto the bonnet and handed me a flask of water. On such a narrow surface it wasn't possible to be comfortable side by side so I moved forward and returned nestled between his legs. As I drank he folded his arms around me and pulled me into him.

I could feel the second sun warming the planet and I mentioned this to Don. He moved his hand to my zipper and lowered it to below my crotch. The fresher air tingled across my skin as he unzipped himself then drew me in. His hands once again folded tight across my chest before as we watched the sun he slowly lowered them till they reached the waistband of my briefs. He hooked his fingers under this but did not delve deeper. He asked me if I'd had any more problems with Dr Smith and I was glad to say that I had not but he still added that he'd deal with it for me if they recurred. I could feel myself getting warmer and as to answer my state Don lowered the top half of my suit to below my knees then twisted me around until I was in his lap. I could feel him beneath me his dick rock hard against my rear and I, and he, could see I was tenting my briefs.

The bonnet was getting real warm as the second sun ascended so eventually Don advised we go and get some rest in the back of the tent. Naturally I was reluctant to move and Don urged me from him by flicking the top of my tented briefs with his fingers. My suit was round my knees when I stood up but I lifted it up before I followed Don into the tent.

There were two low recliners next to each other and it did not take me long to strip to my briefs. Don asked if was gonna keep them on and as I intended to he decided he would to. He was still stripping when I lay on one of the recliners and I turned to watch him. He lay on his back with what must have been a full erection under his small briefs and although I had every attention of admiring the bulge as we rested, within a minute I was asleep.

I was woken by Don who was clearly agitated and told me to come and look outside. I was still coming to life from my sleep when I hit the suns and even if it took me a moment to focus it was clear that not only were there more plants in the sand but most of them had moved. Don urged me to come and look behind the tent for there the plants were massing in the shade. As I gazed at this phenomenon, I could also reflect that the plants might be looking at two earth males of variable size standing very close to each other. They might have also noticed that, whilst my thoughts regarding them were forming in my mind, the taller of the aliens appeared to be crushing the smaller one from behind.

There was still about half an hour before we could leave, so Don brought out one of the recliners so we sat in order to eat. We were able to guess that the plants moved in the sand to escape from the heat and that they moved slowly. I suggested that there maybe just one plant and that what we saw were branches that moved from a central core. We were not able to verify any of this because of the time restrictions but our ideas were affected by what happened next. Don finished a piece of fruit and threw the core into the sand and there were a number of lines drawn from under the sand as somethings searched for the core. Don threw another fruit and this landed near a plant and resulted in a similar patterns. However, this time after the fruit disappeared a small head appeared above the sand and then the animal jumped to snatch a leaf from the plant-then it quickly returned to the sand. Don suggested that Judy would be interested in this interrelationship and that we should tell her when we returned.

As it became cooler, but thankfully still warm, we returned the equipment to the buggy and then I set about dressing to finish the rest of the journey. I picked up my silver suit but then Don asked me if I'd mind just wearing briefs. I had no objection so we both sat near naked in the buggy and drove off towards the hills.

We skirted the salt flat and fortunately the route was solid rock- the salt formations were tinged with green and blue which suggested that at some time water may have flowed onto the flats. The hills contained small ravines and Don drove the buggy into one of these. We stepped from the vehicle and Don moved over to the ravine's steep side to inspect the rock. He pointed out the minerals veins and he was pleased to find both copper and tin ores. He intended to collect samples for analysis on Jupiter.

We were still in briefs but then he made a suggestion that I was not expecting. He moved towards me and then he hooked a finger into my briefs and asked me if I'd be prepared to work naked. He did mention I could wear boots and a hat! I was taken by surprise and perhaps too quickly I said that I preferred to remain in my briefs -- but then to stop him looking disappointed, I added a promise to work naked for him next time. He said that he understood- however, he added that he would definitely keep me to my promise. Then after my briefs were released, and trying not to grin, Don told me he'd need to rub me with a sun blocker or else mom would not only know I'd been near naked but that he'd also be in trouble for reasons I could no doubt guess. Then Don climbed into his silver suit whilst I was only allowed to add boots to my gear.

He asked me to rest on the buggy's bonnet whist he fetched the sun blocker.

I was lying face down. He knelt behind me and the cool cream stimulated me so that when he'd reached my thighs my dick was erect and pressed into the bonnet .He fingered the waistband and leg openings of my briefs before my back and neck received a slow massage-with Don pressed into my rear.

I was told to turn and although I could not see most of my body I knew I was tenting my briefs. He applied the blocker and repeated the sensations to my legs then he slid fingers under my leg openings letting one fingernail cross my nuts. He fingers delved below my waistband caressing my hairless skin but tantalisingly he failed to touch my dick. Then, he turned his attention to rubbing the cream in slow circles across my chest. When he reached my nipples, he took his time circling them before tweeking the small nubs with the tips of his fingers. My dick was throbbing and trying to move beneath my briefs. Now almost in pleasurable discomfort, my face received cream before then I was told to stand. My arms were last to be treated and when finally I turned to go with him to the buggy, he playfully swotted my rear and advised me that in future he would be the one regularly removing my briefs. Instead of saying nothing, I agreed.

We collected material from the veins using the laser cutter and after samples had been placed in the buggy, Don checked their composition, and after deciding that he had sufficient variety, we loaded the equipment and started the return to Jupiter. I was concerned that I did not greet my family there wearing just dusty briefs but as if Don were reading my thoughts he told me that we'd stop soon and that he'd help me into my suit.

Just after the site where we had studied the plants, he stopped the buggy in the shade of a large boulder. We got out then I stepped into my silver suit as he held the garment open .He fastened the leg openings above my boots- then he faced me and leaning down he grasped my crotch-firmly gripping both fabric and flesh-before forcing it first sidewards then down under the shiny fabric.A clear bulge was created under my suit. He zipped my suit to the neck, we returned to the buggy and shortly arrived at Jupiter.

DAY 375.

I didn't see Don last night and he was already in a detailed conversation with dad when I arrived for breakfast. We couldn't venture outside till late today as both suns were overhead, so I finished my latest study.

At lunch Don whispered quietly that he planned to make alterations to his room that afternoon and he'd come and show me prior to his journey to the hills. I was both disappointed and perhaps relieved at the thought of being made to go naked when Don told me he had to go with dad as they were this time looking for silver; and further that Jupiter was to continue on its journey tomorrow.

In the middle of my studies I was joined by Dr Smith who eventually produced a tirade of words concerning the severe mistake I was making by choosing Don and that only he knew what I really I needed .He continued by saying that he'd always been good to me and that as he'd always looked after me why was it that he was the one being left out in the cold. He attempted to paw at me and place an arm round my shoulder. I just said that I'd more important things to do than listen to him and after a while he did retreat but only added that he'd definitely see me again. It was when I was alone again that I fully realised the intent of dad's earlier conversation but as I sat I was happy that Don would be part of the equation.

Don came to lure me away an hour later. On the way to his room, I told him about what Dr Smith had said and I was clearly led to understand that if there was a repeat of Smith's action I was to let him know.

The obvious change in Don's room was that the panel, removed by Dr Smith, that enabled me to be seen when I was next door had been replaced--as well it appeared that the bed was a little wider but I decided not to ask for a measuring tape. The new panel blended in with the wall but Don had created a walkway, for when a switch was released three vertical panels slid quietly upwards.

Don suggested that I could use the walkway to escape from Dr Smith if he came calling but that it was a more importantly a safe route between our rooms.

Later with dad, Don and Robbie away, I was untroubled until evening for when I was settled into bed, I heard footsteps outside my door.


Next: Chapter 3

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