
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.

Author Notes: This is my first piece of work and I would just like to say thanks to HR for being a great friend and a wonderful and inspiring writer. I hope you enjoy the story.


Andrew swam back and forth the length of the pool until his muscles felt weak. As he tread water in the center of the pool, he felt an odd tingling sensation in his right arm. His arm went numb and his stomach filled with a sense of dread. His head went beneath the surface of the water, his mouth filling with water. He kicked upward and gasped for breath as his head emerged. He tried to scream but he went under again, his legs too tired to support him. He felt someone's arms wrap around his chest and begin pulling him upward. He felt cold as the air touched his moist skin and he inhaled deeply after coughing up water.

"Are you ok?" Andrew heard a familiar voice say as he struggled to catch his breath. "Should I call someone?"

Andrew opened his eyes and was face to face with familiar green ones. "You...you're...I know you..." he said between coughs.

The green eyes widened and a smile emerged from the frightened face. "Hey, I haven't seen you since you fainted from all the hotness around you at the concert."

Andrew looked at Lance confused. Lance laughed at him and helped him sit up. "I meant it as a joke. You must still be out of it huh."

"Oh yeah." Andrew said as he finally caught on to what Lance had said. "What are you doin' here? I thought N*Sync left after the concert."

"Well I got stranded here after my flight got delayed because of the weather. If Joey hadn't slept through his flight, I would be out on the streets. He was still sleeping in his hotel room when I came back to get a room." Lance explained.

"Uh huh and you just happened to be swimmin' in the hotel pool on Christmas day?" Andrew asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Well I can't be with my family so why not go swimming? Why are you swimming on Christmas day?" Lance countered without missing a beat.

"I'm on break from work. But I still find it totally unbelievable that I ran into you here especially since you ain't wearing trunks and you got no towel to dry off with." Andrew said.

"Nothing gets by you does it?" Lance said sheepishly. "All right...so I got word that you were here today and I went by the restaurant to see you and the blonde girl with the huge rack that didn't get my coming out interview told me you were here."

"Uh huh and just who told you to keep an eye on me today?"

"No it's not like that...I mean...I was asked to check on you but that was it...I promise." Lance stammered.

Andrew sighed. "So I take it you know then."

"I know something is wrong but it's not place to pry besides after you collapsed twice, I know that something is up. Drew told me they were staying with you and asked me to keep him apprised of how you were and when you were supposed to be leaving to go home. He called me this morning and told me all about you except for the mystery. Guess I'm not good at covert secrecy." Lance said with a grin.

Andrew stood up and went to the locker room, Lance following behind him. They continued to talk while Andrew led Lance to the housekeeping area. He handed Lance a towel and watched the hunky singer stripped naked in front of him. Andrew couldn't help but peek at the amazing body Lance had from years of dancing and the extra work he put into his body for the whole astronaut venture he tried. Andrew also noticed he was not as muscular as Drew but still had an awesome body. Lance told him about his conversation with Drew as he wrapped a towel around his waist. Andrew threw Lance's wet clothes into a dryer and the two went to the sauna. Andrew felt comfortable hanging out with Lance, especially knowing that Drew told Lance about him and their feelings for each other.

"So, I know you are from the south. Mississippi by any chance?" Lance asked earnestly.

"No...North Carolina. My entire family is from England though. They moved here when I was born...so I'm the only one with a southern accent. They're all prim and proper and sometimes I feel like I don't belong to `em. Working here in the hotel, I know I fit in as far as money and background, but sometimes I hear people talk about how low class I sound as if I was raised in the backwoods or somethin'. Most of the time though, people find the accent real charmin'."

"So a good ol' southern boy trying to make it in the big city?" Lance asked teasing Andrew.

"No...I came here from college...too many bad memories in North Carolina." Andrew said. "I'm a psych major. I want to work as a counselor helpin' families struggling with losing loved ones."

"That's admirable." Lance said. "It's just...you sound like it's not your first choice."

Andrew laughed. "You're good. I wish I could read people half as good as you. That will really help me when I start workin' as a counselor. My first love...is dance. I took ballroom dancing lessons for years and I always wanted to be a dancer. I competed in competitions up until I lost my parents."

"So ballroom huh? That would've helped me when I was on Dancing with the Stars." Lance said jokingly.

"Whatever...you did fine. I voted for you every week and Joey too...and of course Drew." Andrew said laughing. "I love ballroom dance though. It's so...romantic, so sensual. I wanted to go to an arts school for college to major in dance but since I gave it up before high school, I figured I didn't have a prayer of gettin' in."

When they were dry and dressed about an hour later, Andrew and Lance made their way back to the restaurant where Morgan seemed to be going crazy.

"Andrew...Andrew...you have had like twenty phone calls and someone called from room 2302 requesting you specifically bring them room service up and..." Morgan said quickly until she spotted Lance. She bumped Andrew out of the way and got in Lance's face. "I see you came back for me handsome."

Andrew laughed and grabbed Morgan's blonde ponytail, bringing her two steps away from Lance. "He don't want you girl."

"Whatever...everyone wants me...trust me Lance..." she paused as she licked her lips. "I'm good at what I do."

Lance looked at her then at Andrew, who shrugged and rolled his eyes before walking away. "Sorry Morgan...I think I'll pass."

Morgan looked defeated as she grabbed a tray of food off the bar. "Here Andrew...2302's order; have fun whore."

"2302? That's mine and Joey's room. I'll take it and leave you alone so you can work and I won't tell Drew about the near drowning in the pool...as long as you call him and check in. Oh and he wants to know when you are getting off work." Lance said as he grabbed Joey's food and left the restaurant.

Morgan walked over to Andrew. "Uh huh...you are such a whore."

"I will fire you." Andrew said as he reached behind the bar and pulled out his cell phone. Looking at it, he had twenty missed calls from Heather, Abbey, and Drew and a dozen texts from Drew, Emma, and Heather. He called the number listed as Drew and waited for the other end to pick up.

Drew was sitting in Andrew's apartment with his bandmates and Emma. They had decided to exchange presents since it was Christmas Day. After everyone had opened all of the gifts, Drew looked over to Emma who was sitting on the couch looking out the window. She was the odd one out as she was here with no friends and away from her family. Her brother Hunter had decided to leave that morning to head home to their house instead of staying with her at Andrew's. He couldn't handle Andrew's decision to fall so in love with Drew so fast and it was taking its toll on Emma. Drew moved over to her.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked sincerely as she looked to him.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just can't believe Hunter would take off like that. He should be happy for Andrew." Emma said sadly.

"Well, maybe he just misses your parents?" Drew offered in hopes of cheering the young girl up.

"No, he hates being there. He always finds some excuse to get away from the house. I think he is just mad that I decided to transfer schools and move here to be closer to Andrew so he took the car and left. He will make it home sometime tonight around midnight as long as he doesn't run into any trouble. I hope he will be ok."

"Really? Does Andrew know?" Drew asked, surprised by Emma's willingness to help out her best friend.

"No, I haven't told him yet. He's always been so independent and always trying to do everything himself."

"What do you mean?"

"Realistically, there were only two scenarios that could play out when I made the decision to transfer colleges. One, he would not seek treatment and just wither away into nothingness. In that case, he would need someone to settle his affairs when the time came and to make sure his final wishes were met."

"And the second?" Drew asked.

"Chemotherapy takes a toll on one's body. I'm going into medical school and focusing on oncology. If he gets help, it's not a sure thing and he will get sick and be weak and I knew he would need someone to help him do everyday things." Emma said, her eyes tearing up.

"It sounds like he's lucky to have you as a friend." Drew said to Emma.

"Well, it sort of just landed in my lap. I mean, don't get me wrong I would do anything for him. I know my parents love him as if he were their own and couldn't bear to watch what he would have to go through and Hunter just isn't responsible enough to do anything adult."

"So you basically are the only one who can step up to the plate?"

"Yeah, I mean Heather and Abbey have their own families and lives and it's too much to ask of someone who hasn't been friends with him that long even though I'm sure they would do whatever they could. I'm the logical choice and so I transferred schools."

"You sound like you are trying to convince yourself." Drew said.

"In a way I am. I don't know if I am strong enough to do it. I don't know if I can stay here and watch what is going to happen but I know he would do the same for me...for my family and so I will be strong for him." Emma said before crying full on into Drew's chest.

Her sobbing got the attention of the others; especially Jeff who came over to her to console her. He took her from Drew and hugged her tightly, gently stroking her hair. Drew's cell phone rang and he reached on the table to pick it up.

"How did your number get in my phone?" Andrew asked before Drew could even say hello.

"Well hi to you too." Drew said cheerily. "I programmed it in there last night after you fell asleep and put your number in mine. I hope that's ok."

Andrew smiled. "You are too much you know that. And by the way, Lance came by to see me and told me to pass along to you the message of me being ok and that he isn't going to spy for you anymore."

"Well I thought that if I came down there, you would get upset. He was supposed to be discreet..."

"It's ok...I know you're worried but I'm fine." Andrew said as he rubbed his still numb right arm. "So why am I supposed to let you know when I'm coming home?"

"Oh...no reason...inquiring minds want to know."

"You are such a bad liar Andrew John Lachey."

"How the hell do you know my full name?" Drew said laughing hysterically.

"The internet...but nevermind that. My point is you better not have anything up your sleeve." Andrew said before bidding Drew goodbye and flipping his phone closed.

Andrew glanced over and saw Morgan grinning at him. "What?" he said to his friend as he walked around the restaurant bored.

"You like him...don't you?" she said childishly.

"I like you...cleanin' the windows and the floors and the table legs..." Andrew said laughing.

Drew hung up the phone and looked over to Emma. "So tell me more about Andrew. I want to surprise him when he gets home. What does he like?"

Emma laughed. "Don't you think he should tell you stuff like that?"

"I know...I know but we haven't spent that much one on one time yet. I wanna do something special to impress him."

"I don't think you need to impress him bro." Nick said encouragingly.

"Yeah he has been totally crushing on you since 98 Degrees first came out." Emma said. "I think just meeting you was a dream come true for him but if you really feel the need to do something special, he has always had a soft spot for romance."

"Awesome...I have the perfect idea then." Drew said smiling widely as he saw a text message on his phone from Lance.

Since it was Christmas day, room service and the restaurant closed at 5:00. It was getting darker outside as Andrew bid goodbye to the employees and locked up the restaurant. It was definitely colder outside with the sun going down and Andrew pulled his jacket tighter around him.

"Need an escort mister?" Andrew heard from behind. He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily before turning around and seeing Drew waiting for him.

"Depends on how much you givin'." Andrew said smiling. Drew walked over and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you today." He said to Andrew as he held him in a tight embrace.

"Did you really miss me or did you just get sick of hangin' out with the same people you spend most of your days with?" Andrew asked playfully causing Drew to squeeze him tighter in retaliation.

"So...let's get you home." Drew said grabbing Andrew's hand and leading him down the sidewalk towards Andrew's apartment.

Once they got to Andrew's apartment, Drew opened the door and ushered him in. Andrew looked around and saw his candles lit and spread all over the apartment. On the kitchen table, Andrew saw two plates of steak and potatoes sitting with two glasses of red wine.

"Merry Christmas baby." Drew whispered from behind into Andrew's ear as he wrapped his arms around Andrew's waist.

Andrew was speechless and watched as Drew walked over to the stereo system and put on some familiar music causing Andrew to look at him quizzically.

"Don't tell me you don't know this song. It's part of your collection." Drew said softly as he took Andrew by the hand and pulled him into him and swayed back and forth slowly.

"Clair de Lune, Debussy. I know it...but I guess I'm just surprised you do." Andrew said as he and Drew danced slowly.

"It's a good song to dance to." Drew said which caused Andrew to pull back and look at him. "Just what are you up to Mr. Lachey?"

"Romancing you...is it working?" Drew said slyly.

"I don't know...I mean...I've seen your ballroom skills...I don't think you could keep up with me." Andrew said teasing.

"Ha...ha..." Drew said as he motioned to the table and led Andrew to one of the chairs. "How bout we eat before the food gets cold?"

"Well Mr. Lachey, I must say I am impressed." Andrew said as he took a bite of the steak. "The perfect medium steak, my favorite song, tempting me with the ballroom dancing, Emma and Lance really did you a favor didn't they?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you." Drew said sheepishly.

"Where is everyone else?"

"They are crashing with Lance and Joey at the hotel tonight."

"Wow, you must owe them big time then." Andrew said coyly. "I think that we should make sure that it was well worth it."

Andrew stood up and walked toward the bedroom, taking off his shirt and motioning for Drew to follow him. Drew smiled wickedly and stood up.

Next: Chapter 13

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