
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.


Andrew woke up and found himself in a hospital bed. He looked around and saw someone standing by the window. He tried to sit up but was overcome by a wave of nausea. He groaned and the person by the window came next to his bed. It was Vanessa. She sat down on the side of his bed and looked at him.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. How do you feel?" she asked.

"What happened?"

"You passed out. You said you were dizzy but apparently there is something else wrong with you. When we told the doctor that was the second time you had a dizzy spell, they ran some tests. I'm going to go find the nurse. I'll be right back." Vanessa walked out of the room, before the door could shut; Nick and Justin came into the room. They sat down in the chairs next to bed.

"Hey dude how you feeling?" Nick said, clapping Andrew on the shoulder.

"I have the worst headache. What are you guys doin' here?"

"You gave us all quite a scare, especially Vanessa. I know this may sound weird, but she thinks of you as a friend, even though we haven't known you that long. She was really worried about you so we stuck around the hospital to make sure you were going to be ok." Justin said quietly.

"Why are ya'll talkin' so low?" Andrew asked.

Nick and Justin leaned over a little and pointed behind them. Andrew saw Drew passed out in a chair, sleeping soundly. "He didn't want to leave the room and he was tired so I guess he just sat down and fell asleep." Nick explained.

"We didn't call Heather or Abbey; we didn't want to go through your cell phone, so Jeff ran over to the restaurant to get them and the guys from N*Sync and Jessica left as well to get some sleep but they were worried about you as much as we are." Justin added.

"What time is it?" Andrew asked looking around for a clock.

"It's a little after midnight. Jeff left a bit ago, he should be here shortly."

Vanessa came back into the room, along with a doctor and nurse. The doctor checked over Andrew's vision and memory, his blood pressure and pulse, and his breathing.

"Well, we ran several tests on you to determine what could be causing your dizzy spells. We took a MRI and a CT scan to see if we could determine the source..."

Andrew stopped the doctor. "I already know what caused it doc. Can I go home now?"

"So you know about the..."

"Yes doc I do. I just want to know if I can go home now."

"But son, I don't think you realize..."

"No, I understand perfectly well. I have been over this before and I've heard it all before and I just want to go home. I have a headache and I'm tired and I'm sure they are tired of dealin' with all my drama. I need to go and they need to go as well. So, can I just go home?"

The doctor nodded apprehensively. "If that is what you want, but it is against medical advice so there will be additional forms to fill out. I'll have the nurse here go and get them and as soon as you finish filling them out, you're free to go."

The doctor and the nurse left the room. Nick, Justin, and Vanessa looked very confused. "What was that all about Andrew?" asked Nick.

"Look, I really appreciate everythin' you guys have done for me. I really do. Thank you so much for taking me to the concert and I'm really glad to have met you, all of you."

Vanessa laughed. "You acting like we're about to go somewhere.."

"I think I know what's going on." Justin said. "You want us to leave don't you?"

Andrew sighed heavily. "Look, I realize that I have given ya'll a hard time these past couple of hours. First at the restaurant, then at the concert and now here ya'll are in a hospital room all because of me..."

"Andrew, here's the deal ok." Nick began explaining. "When we first met you in the restaurant, we realized that you were different that a lot of people. You weren't star struck at all and you didn't bow down and cater to us just because we are celebrities. You treated us like we were normal people, which we don't get to experience all the time. Then, that night at dinner, we saw how over worked you were and when Abbey told us about you being a big fan of ours, we thought we could repay your kindness by inviting you to the concert."

"And then, hanging out at your apartment and backstage and just chatting with you all night, I feel like you're an old friend. You are so comfortable around us and it's easy for us to relax around you because we know we don't have to worry about we say or do and if it's going to end up in the tabloids the next day." Vanessa continued from where Nick left off.

"So, don't you worry about anything. If we didn't want to be here and we weren't concerned about you, we wouldn't be here. You think we hang out in the hospital every time someone faints at our concert? You are now our friend and this is what friends do for each other." Justin added.

Andrew smiled slightly. "Ok, I get that but I mean I'm just a waiter, a nobody. It's like Reichen said at the house..." Vanessa stopped him instantly. "Don't you worry about what Reichen said. He's a jerk and not all of us are like that. I may have only known you for like a day, but I can tell you are a kind and genuine guy. So stop worrying and wondering why. Just go with it ok? You might be surprised at what you find out along the way."

"Ok, that sounds like you have somethin' up your sleeve missy." Andrew said laughing.

Nick started laughing with him. "With Vanessa, you never know."

Jeff came into the room, followed quickly behind Heather and Abbey. They hugged Andrew, both on the verge of tears. They were gabbing away, asking Andrew a million questions, without realizing Drew was sleeping. Andrew tried to quiet them down.

"Shush. Drew is sleeping over there."

"Not anymore." Drew said groggily. "You're up. How are you feeling?"

"Well, I have four of the hottest guys on the planet in my hospital room. I think I'm doin' ok." Andrew said laughing. "But seriously, I'm fine just a headache."

"So if it's just a headache, how'd you end up in here?" Heather asked with concern. "Is it a concussion from earlier?"

"No, it's not a concussion. Don't worry you two. I'm fine."

"I'm fine." Abbey said mockingly. "That's beginning to become your theme song."

"But there is something wrong with you though. I mean two dizzy spells only a couple of hours apart. Did the doctors find out anything from the tests they ran?" asked Drew.

Vanessa was about to say something but Andrew quickly interrupted her. "Nothing that can't be fixed with some Aleve and that's what I'm taking as soon as I get home."

Vanessa looked at him strangely but didn't pursue the issue. She would talk to Drew later at the hotel. The nurse came into the room with all of the discharge papers Andrew needed to sign. As he was filling out the forms, Nick, Vanessa, and the rest of the guys left, leaving only Heather and Abbey. They were going to drive him home and make sure he was doing ok for the night. "What aren't you telling us Andrew?" asked Heather abruptly.

"Nothin', I told ya'll I am fine." Andrew said annoyingly. She didn't want to start an argument so she left it at that.

Around two in the morning, Andrew walked into his apartment. He took some Aleve and drunk a glass of water. He went into the living room and looked at his wall where the pictures of his family members were hanging.

In the middle of the wall, there was a huge family portrait. Surrounding it, were smaller individual pictures of each member in his family, his grandmother, grandfather, mom, dad, older brother, and older sister. He sat in front of the wall and bowed his head down and stayed that way for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's happenin', just like I knew it would. I was kiddin' myself but it was only a matter of time." Andrew said to no one in particular. He got up and headed into his room to get some sleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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