
By A W

Published on Jun 9, 2010


The legal stuff: This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any member of 98 Degrees or other celebrities named herein. This is a work of fiction entirely.


Justin and Andrew managed to get Drew to the bathroom without attracting attention to his incident. When they got in the bathroom, Andrew locked the door and put the out of order sign on the outside. It would buy them only a couple of minutes, but that was all the needed. Drew was rummaging through his bag getting some new clothes to change into. Justin was still suppressing laughter. Andrew was standing by the door and Drew was in front of the mirror, his bag on top of a sink. Justin went over to Andrew. "I'm going to go see if Nick and the others had any luck scoring a room." He said.

Andrew nodded and unlocked the door. "Tell Heather what I did with the door and make sure she knows why but not everythin'."

Justin grinned slightly and said ok. He walked out of the bathroom and Andrew locked the door behind him. Andrew looked over at Drew, who was breathing heavily and looked pissed off. Andrew walked over to him. "Drew, are you ok?"

Drew stopped what he was doing. "Do I look like I'm ok!? I am not ok! I have a gallon of cum running down my pants and all because my brother thought it would be funny to have you sit on my lap! I wish he wasn't such a jackass and would butt out of things that don't concern him! God!"

Drew looked like he was on the verge of crying. Andrew felt so bad for him. "Hey, don't worry about it. I mean, I know that's not the most consolin' thing to say but hey, it could be worse."

Drew looked at Andrew like he was crazy. "Oh really? Please tell me how this could possibly be any worse!"

Andrew laughed. "I don't know. It was the only thing I could think to say."

"You don't get it. This is the most embarrassing thing ever. I know what Nick and the others are doing. That stunt they pulled in the car, they are trying to set us up. I know I haven't known you long but I do think you're a nice guy and you are attractive. You probably think I'm some kind of idiot." Drew said as he went into the stall and slammed it shut. Andrew walked over to the stall door and leaned against it.

"Drew, listen to me ok. You don't have anythin' to be embarrassed about. It can happen to anyone and it would've definitely happened to me if we had switched places. And if it means anythin', I always thought you were the hottest guy in the group."

Drew opened the door. "I knew you had the hots for me." He said laughing.

Andrew laughed mockingly. "You wish. I'm just desperate right now."

Drew feigned hurt. "That hurt man." He and Andrew started laughing. Drew snapped his fingers. "Hey, will you help me get revenge?"

"But of course. You are talkin' to one of the most vindictive, conniving', revenge loving people. I did grow up in the south after all and the women down there are as vindictive as they come. What you got in mind?" Andrew said.

"First let's get changed." Drew pulled out a fresh pair of jeans from his bag and a pair of silk blue boxers. He stripped off his jeans and stood in front of Andrew in his boxers and a long sleeve shirt.

Andrew looked over at Drew and smiled. "Oh, do I get a strip show now?"

Drew blushed and quickly made his way back into the stall. A minute later, Drew came out wearing his clean pair of jeans. He reached into his bag and pulled out another pair of jeans and handed them to Andrew. Andrew looked at him confused. "You want to walk around with a wet spot on your ass?"

Andrew looked at the tag of the jeans. "We wear the same size jeans."

Drew thought about that for a moment. "Ok well get changed and I'll tell you about my plan." Andrew shucked off his pants and stood in front of Drew in his boxers and shirt. He pulled on Drew's jeans and folded his own up. Drew explained to him his plan and Andrew couldn't help but laugh. The others would be so freaked out if they could do this without laughing and giving it away. Drew put on a cap and sunglasses and he and Andrew left the bathroom.

Nick and the others were at the front desk talking to Heather. She said they didn't have any available rooms but she would try to work something out until then because even the penthouse had been taken. Since they were wearing caps and glasses they didn't have to worry about standing out in the open. Heather suggested they go sit in the restaurant and get something to eat. Wanting to wait for Andrew and Drew, they stood by the doorway that led from the restaurant to the hotel lobby.

"Oh my god!" Vanessa said. They turned to see what she was talking about. They saw Andrew and Drew walking out of the bathroom, holding hands and whispering to each other.

"What the hell?" Nick said. As Drew and Andrew got closer to them, they stopped walking and just looked at each other. "What are they doing?"

"Damn Justin! What went on in the bathroom?" Jeff asked

"I don't know. I left them in there alone." Justin said.

Andrew and Drew looked at each other. "Are they looking at us?" Drew asked.

"Yeah they are and they are shocked. I think they are trying to figure out what the hell is goin' on." Andrew said chuckling slightly.

"Ok." Drew took a deep breath. "Ready for round two?"

"More than you know." Andrew said quietly.

"What was that?" Drew asked.

"Oh, yeah let's knock their socks off." Andrew replied quickly.

Drew moved his head upward to meet Andrew's. Andrew bent slightly to meet Drew. With Drew bring 5'6 and Andrew standing at 5'8 there was a minor height difference that needed to be compensated for. Drew pulled on the back of Andrew's head and forcefully brought him into the kiss they planned on.

"Oh my god!" Vanessa said in shock

"Holy shit!" said Jeff.

"Yeah buddy!" Justin howled.

"Well, I'll be damned." Nick said

Drew and Andrew kissed for what seemed like eternity. Things were going exactly as Drew planned. Not only could he get back at his friends, but here he is kissing the guy that's been on his mind since yesterday. Drew tightly held Andrew's head in place as his tongue explored every part of Andrew's mouth. Drew wasn't the only one enjoying this kiss. Andrew was floored by Drew. He didn't think Drew would put this much effort into it but Andrew could care less. All he could think about was this sexy man kissing him in front of everyone.

Nick and the group weren't the only ones staring. Heather, at the desk, looked on with her mouth wide open, and several guests in the lobby stopped to watch the passionate lip lock.

They pulled apart and Andrew looked at Drew. "Wow." Was all he could manage to say.

Drew took a deep breath and exhaled. "Time for round three." He grabbed Andrew's hand and dragged him over to where the group was standing. Nick and the others couldn't say anything to them. They just stood there. Drew waved his hand at them. "Is everything ok guys?"

They all stammered some form of yeah. Andrew chuckled and looked at them. "So what did Heather say?"

Justin snapped out of shock. "She said for us to grab a bite to eat and wait. They don't have any rooms but she was going to try and work something out for us."

"Cool. Well, let's get something to eat. I'm starved." Drew said.

He grabbed Andrew and the two walked into the restaurant. Knowing that Nick and the others were behind him, Drew placed his hand in Andrew's back pocket. Justin, who was immediately behind them, started to snigger and elbowed Jeff, who was walking next to him, to get his attention.

"Dude, look at them. What the hell is going on?" Justin asked Jeff while stifling laughter.

"I don't know but something doesn't seem right." Jeff said.

"Nick, look at them. They are so cute together. It's about time Drew made his move." Vanessa said excitedly. Her and Nick were walking behind Jeff and Justin.

"Yeah but this isn't what we planned on happening. We just wanted Drew to flirt with him a little bit and try to get out into the field again. He's not supposed to be kissing and grabbing his butt. It's almost like he's in love and he's going to get hurt when we leave Boston. We have to stop this Vanessa." Nick's voice was laced with concern.

They were seated at a table together and Abbey came over to wait on them. She looked at Andrew with her "what the hell is going on faces" she used with him often. He noticed this and glared at her. She asked him to come help her with a problem she was having in the kitchen with a sink. He reluctantly got up and was about to follow Abbey into the kitchen but he felt a tug on his arm. Drew pulled on Andrew's arm and pulled him down to him, much like he did the first time they met. This time, instead of taking a drink from Andrew, Drew stole a light kiss on the lips and released him so he could go. Andrew followed Abbey into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on!?" Abbey asked Andrew.

"What the hell is going on!?" Nick asked Drew.

Next: Chapter 8

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