Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Feb 13, 2002


Fame, Love & Reality

Legal Disclaimer: This story will be centered most on the BSB characters and many other famous people, and by the way this has nothing to do with any of the celebrities mentioned before. This doesn't involve anything with their real lives and sexualities because it is just "Fiction", a story made from my mind. If you are under age and this is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. If you feel like not getting with the material you are in about to read and that homosexual stuff offend you, then, please don't read it and also leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to start reading and enjoy it. I'm Alex and if you have any kind of comments, good or bad, you can send them to Alexfire2264hotmail.com. I would be pleased to read all of them.

Author's Note: I think that chapter 1 didn't go that bad. However I apologize for the little mistake at the end of it. The right e-mail address is alexfire2264hotmail.com as it is told to you in the disclaimer. Before I go on with this chapter, I would like to thank ND for being such a great friend and helping me out with everything now written here. I suggest you guys go and check out his story, "Nick and Ashley" which is great and enjoyable. So here is chapter 2, I hope you all enjoy it.


Fame, Love & Reality Chapter 2

"Brian shut up, he could hear you!" Kevin whispers to his cousin who at the time can't believe what he had just been told.

"Oops, sorry Kev, but listen man, it can't be, I mean he is just a kid and I don't think he is gay." Brian replies gaining composure.

"I know, I know that, but what can I do if I love him so much." Kevin says rubbing his face with his hands. "I don't care if he is a kid, for me he is a man."

"Well cuz, as you know, I'm Nick's best friend and I keep telling you, I don't think he is gay, at least he hasn't told me anything, but anyway, do you want me to find out about it? I mean, if I tell him..." Brian was saying when Kevin interrupted him.

"Please Brian don't do anything, I don't want Nick to know about feelings I have for him, He could hate me for that, and that's the last thing I want."

"Well Kev, I would suggest two things: First you better try to look for someone else or second, tell Nick the truth. Anyway you know that he could never hate you. Man, you are like the older brother he never had, or like his second father."

"That's precisely why I don't want him to know..." Kevin is interrupted by someone opening the bathroom door.

Nick is done with his shower so he comes out from the bathroom totally naked, forgetting that Kevin was there and at the same time coming into the room from the balcony with Brian.

Kevin almost faints when he sees Nick in the nude, but he knows that he has to control himself in front of Nick. He is like a Greek God, a young, attractive and sexy guy with a great body build for a sixteen year old kid. His wet blonde hair is almost covering his crystal blue eyes and this makes him even sexier. His hairless chest is irresistible, his flat abs are followed by a trail of tiny blonde hair going down beneath his bellybutton leading to a soft, not too long, cut penis. Kevin tries not to look at him, something that is almost impossible for him because when he is getting out of the room he stares at Nick from the corners of his eyes. Just the sight of Nick like this makes Kevin really hard.

Nick noticed that Kevin was staring at him but he didn't feel ashamed. He asks to himself why Kevin has been showing a great affection for him in the last days? This doesn't really bother him, but it makes Nick feel confused about many things. Nick also has very strong feelings for Kevin, something that nobody else knows. He doesn't even know why but lately he is finding Kevin very attractive. Anyway he just tries to hide these weird feelings because he thinks they are wrong. The problem is that he is afraid of coming out from the closet and he doesn't want to accept the fact that he is gay.

When Kevin closes the door, Nick puts on a pair of boxers and he goes to the balcony where Brian is standing.

"So Bri, what were you two talking about?" Nick asks as he brings Brian inside the room because it is very cold outside in the balcony.

"Nothing Nick, nothing important, I'm taking a shower now I don't wanna be late to the interview." Brian answers, as he tries to ignore Nick.

'Something is definitely wrong here, I don't like the look on Bri's face, I'm gonna find out what's going on' Nick thinks to himself as he watches Brian going over his stuff.

But when Brian is picking up his clothes from his suitcase, he thinks to himself 'Why? Why Nick and not me? This can't be, damn it Kevin.'

"Oh God, what have I done? I told Kevin that I wasn't attracted to him but I enjoyed that kiss and a lot, oh man, Kev, I love you. I don't care if you are my cousin but I love you more than anything in this world." Brian thinks to himself while he is showering. "I should have told him the whole truth, damn, why did I have to lie?"

An hour later, everybody is ready and waiting for Kevin in the lobby of the hotel. Yes, once again, he is late. Ten minutes later, Kevin comes running as fast as he can because the interview is in 20 minutes so they have to fly to the radio station. They all get in the limousine and soon in the way to the radio station.

Inside the car nobody was talking until AJ breaks the silence "Kev, could you tell us what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me AJ, why?" Kevin replies.

"Well, your lateness today for breakfast and the other lateness to meet us in the lobby at 10:00 o-clock are very weird, I mean, Kev, you are never late to something that has to be with the group." AJ answers looking straight at him with concern.

"That's true Kev." Howie adds to the conversation "If you are having any problems or something is bothering you, tell us, we are your friends bro, maybe we can help you out!"

"Thanks Howie but I'm fine, as I told you all before, I didn't sleep well last night so I'm feeling like shit now 'cause I haven't gotten any rest." replies Kevin looking at the window.

"Something must be wrong with him, he is acting different, he is not used to be like this... He is having problems, I gotta talk to him." Nick thinks to himself.

Finally they arrive the radio station for the interview. Despite the fact that they were a few minutes late because of Kevin, everything went very well. All of them went inside the building where they were supposed to meet Shon MCalister, their new tour manager.

"Ten minutes late guys, next time you better wake up early, now come on follow me, Mr. Brosman is waiting for all of you." Shon says turning around and walking towards the elevator.

"At least say good morning Shon." Brian says getting inside the elevator with the rest of the guys.

"There is no time for that Brian." Shon replies with a serious face.

"Oh man, is he never gonna change that fucking attitude?" AJ whispers to Nick who giggles a bit.

They all get to the last floor where they meet with Patrick Anderson the DJ and pierce Brosman, the interviewer.

"Hello guys, my name is Patrick Anderson and this is Pierce Brosman, I suppose you all know him." Says Patrick shaking his hand with the boys.

"But of course man! This guy is awesome, have you guys seen his movies? Mr. Brosman, it's a huge pleasure to meet you!" Howie says shaking hands with Pierce, "You can consider me as your number one fan."

"Howard, could you calm your self a little bit?" Shon snaps at Howie.

"God, Shon, you must be the most boring English guy of the entire world, ya know that?" Howie says in return to Shon's question.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Howard and all of you guys so, why don't you have a sit and lets start with the interview." Pierce says as he organizes the questions for the interview.

"Oh, you just call me Howie or D, and by the why, can I seat next to you?" Howie asks with a pleading face.

"Of course, no problem, but can we hurry up, because it's getting late for the program!" Pierce says.

"Wow, this is so cool, I'm sitting next to James Bond how exciting!" Howie says happily.

Everybody laughs at Howie's attitude, who is behaving like a five year old and then they start with the interview. Kevin made it through the whole interview, he tried to concentrate the most on his job and he was successful. Now the one who was very distracted was Nick who didn't pay attention to many of the questions and he made some mistakes. He has been thinking all the time about Kevin, and during the interview he was looking at him all the time specially when Pierce asked Kevin if he had any girlfriend to which he answered "no".

The interview was over and they were all living the room except for Nick who stood in the chair totally gone from this world, his mind in the seventh heaven.

"Nick, are you coming with us?" Brian asks bringing Nick back to reality.

"Oh, yes, sorry guys, lets go."

After the interview they had a photo shoot at the studios so when they finished the interview they went directly to the studios. This time they arrived on time and Alexander Douglas was waiting for them.

"Hey Alex, I didn't expect to see you here in England?" Kevin asks as he gives the young photographer a hug.

"I know Kevin but JIVE Records sent me to get in charge of your official book guys." Alexander replies pulling away from the hug.

The photo shoot went very well also and the boys posed for more than 500 pictures. Yeah I know, it sounds like too much, but they where needed to make the official book and to get them published in many magazines for Europe and America. Once again, Nick was looking all the time at his beloved Kevin and he was breathless when Kevin changed into his bathing suit.

"All right guys that's it you have done a great job, now you can go and get changed." Alexander says as he puts away his camera equipment in his bag.

After the photo shot, they all went to the management meeting that was in the same studio.

"Here he comes, the most boring manager in the world." AJ says as the 26 year old Shon MCalister comes in the room.

"I heard that, and it is not funny Alexander James so you better get serious." Shon says putting on the table six folders.

"OK children, listen up, we need to set up and organize some things before you go to rehearse for tonight's concert so please all have a seat and lets get down to business.'' The manager says giving each of them a folder.

"So what is all this Shon?" asks Kevin with a curious look.

"Well Kevin, as you can see, this folders contains all the information about the place, the time, the songs, the clothes, the choreography and many more things for the concert you're in about to perform so please read it well and then you can go."

"It looks like you are not in a good mood today Shon." Nick says grinning at Shon.

"Is none of your damn business Nickolas, please pay attention to the information I just gave you." Shon answers with an angry face.

"OK, OK, sorry, I won't ask again." Nick replies going back to reading.

They went over the concert stuff for one hour and a half until 1:30 PM and when they finished, they went to a restaurant nearby for lunch. After they had lunch, they went to the stadium where they will perform for the concert to rehearse. Kevin took a little nap while the other guys rehearsed some steps, he looked tired so Brian suggested him that he should go and take a nap. Fortunately the concert is at 7:00 PM, so they have the enough time to rehearse and to get things prepaired for the last concert of their european tour.


Finally, the time for the concert has arrived, everything was ready for the clausure of the european tour. The guys went out and started the concert with.


Everybody groove to the music Everybody jam aaahhh...

AJ: uh-oh hey!

B-ROK: We've been waiting so long just can't hold it back no more creepin' up and down now it's time for me to let it go

AJ: If you really wanna see what we can do for you I'll send a crazy wildin' static sing it!


Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it come on now, everybody We've Got It Goin' On for years (2x)


AJ: uh-oh hey!

We've Got It Goin' On for years

AJ: oh baby yeah

We've Got It Goin' On for years

AJ: well I'm creepin' up on your left stay up funky when I get widja I get ruthless when I get wet keep the party packed in my corner tough like granite to keep the crowd hype get up on this just to get right

If you really wanna see what we can do for you I'll send a crazy wildin' static sing it!


Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it come on now, everybody We've Got It Goin' On for years (2x)


AJ: uh-oh hey!

We've Got It Goin' On for years (We've Got It Goin' On)

yeah ...

We've Got It Goin' On for years

We've been waitin' so long just can't hold it back no more (just can't hold it back no more) creepin' up and down now it's time for me to let it go time for me to let it... GO!

AJ: jam on, jam on...

Everybody groove to the music Everybody jam (uh-oh) (2x)

Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it come on now, everybody We've Got It Goin' On for years (2x)

We've Got It Goin' On

Then they sang "As long as you love me", "Quit playing games with my heart", "All I have to give", "Hey Mr. DJ", "Get down" and for the last and the big finale,


Everybody... Rock your body... Everybody... Rock your body right Backstreet's Back alright!

AJ: Hey ...no Oh my God we're back again Brothers, sisters everybody sing Gonna bring the flava, show ya how Got a question for ya, better answer now, yeah hey

Nick: Am I original? (Yeah!)

B-Rok: Am I the only one? (Yeah!)

Nick: Am I sexual (Yeah!)

B-Rok: Am I everything you need You better rock your body now

Everybody...(yeah!) Rock your body ...(yeah!) Everybody...rock your body right Backstreet's back alright! Alright! AJ: Now throw your hands up in the air Wave `em around like you just don't care If you wanna party, let me hear ya yell Cuz we got it goin on again

Nick: Am I original? (Yeah!)

B-Rok: Am I the only one? (Yeah!)

Nick: Am I sexual (Yeah!)

B-Rok: Am I everything you need You better rock your body now

Everybody...(yeah!) Rock your body ...(yeah!) Everybody...rock your body right Backstreet's back alright! Alright! Yeah, oh, yeah , oh...

Nick: So everybody, everywhere don't be afraid, don't have no fear I'm gonna tell the world, make you understand As long as there'll be music we'll be cumin' back again...

Everybody...(yeah!) Rock your body ...(yeah!) Everybody...rock your body right Backstreet's back alright! Alright! (2x)

The concert went very well, it was done with success but it really tired the boys off, they were totally exhausted so the only thing they were thinking about, was to get to the Hotel and hit the pillow.

To Be Continued...

Well my friends, here is part two of "FL&R", I hope you all liked and enjoyed it. In the next installment you will find out, what will happen to Kevin and Nick, and what will happen to Brian. So don't miss the next part and see you soon. Remember that the right e-mail address is alexfire2264@hotmail.com for any comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 3

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