Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Apr 17, 2002


Legal Disclaimer: This fictional story is not meant to imply anything from the real lives and sexualities of the celebrities portrayed here. I don't personally know the members of The Backstreet Boys or N'sync so this is just a fantasy I have. (Also, Shon Macalister is a character I created myself, so if there is anyone named like this in real life, I'm sorry, it is just pure coincidence) If homosexual stuff offends you, or you are under age and this kind of material is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. Any comments, good or bad, and suggestions are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. All e-mails will be answered.

Author's Note: Back with a new chapter of FL&R. I got a very good feed back from chapter 5 and thank you so much to all the ones who e-mailed me. ND, thanks for the great orientation and help you have given me, I'm glad I can count on you. As I promised, this chapter is even more interesting than the last one, the narrator of the story will make his appearance and don't think is me, I'm just the author and writer. So I would suggest you guys to stop reading this crap I just wrote and move on to the beginning of the chapter and enjoy it.

Stories I recommend, "Nick and Ashley" and "Josh's Heart" Both written by the very talented author and my very good friend ND, "Encountering Nick" By Kevin, "Josh & Just " By AJ, "Get Another Boyfriend", and "Though He Only Be Mortal" Both by Travis. These are really great stories, go and check them out.

Fame, Love, & Reality Chapter 6

"Excuse me... What exactly do you mean?" Alexander asks with a voice of concern. He was kind of taken aback by Caroline's comment.

"Alex, don't play dumb with me, I know everything about you... Well, at least the most important part I needed to know!" Caroline replies with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"And why would you knew about me?" Alexander asks "We haven't even had the chance to get to know each other well!"

"I've got my sources of information so lets get to the point... I'll pay you!" Caroline says.

"What...? I can't believe I'm being persuaded by a woman who I barely know!" Alexander says.

"Well, don't put it on those terms... you can call it a little job!" She says trying to convince him. "Besides, I've heard that this is not the first time you've done this, you're an expert on this subject so I'm consulting the best!"

"Hold on, from where do you know all this? I haven't told anyone but... unless she... damn it... bitch!" Alexander says angrily.

"Oh now you get it... She is the one who takes care of my Shon when all of you are on tour and well, she tells me everything that happens there. As you can see I'm aware of all the things you've done... so what do you say? Work with me... I can pay you a great amount of money, even more than what you make working for JIVE...!" Caroline proposes. And as a matter of fact, she almost all the times gets away with what she wants. Caroline has a spy on the tour team, which informs her about everything. That's how she found out about Alexander's most intimate secret and his bad habits.

"So... will you?" Caroline asks...

(New York City, February 24, 2001)

I woke up to find myself alone in bed. Last night Brian told me that he had to go to a press conference with the guys and an interview with Carson Daily for the TRL at Virgin Mega Store in Times Square early in the morning. I glanced over the clock and it was 10:00. I reached for the remote control on the nightstand and turned on the TV to see if there was anything interesting to watch. I flipped through the channels and then I stopped when I saw Carson Daily. It was MTV, and sure he was next to the Backstreet Boys.

"So here we are with the Backstreet Boys!" Carson said and all the fans screamed like no tomorrow.

"We're here at Virgin Mega Store Times Square at the promotion of Black and Blue, the Backstreet Boys' new Album. They are in about to go on a worldwide tour starting from Stockholm Sweden. So guys tell me, how is everything going with this new release?"

I watched the interview for a while and then I got up from bed. I took a look outside the window to check on the day and well, it wasn't that good at all. It looked like it if was going to snow. Hey, I don't know, I didn't take a look on the weather report. Anyway, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Andrew Jerald Madison, I'm 23 years old and I'm the assistant tour manager of the Backstreet Boys. Actually I joined the management team in November of last year. Yesterday night the guys were telling me their story and how they became very famous. Since I was kind of curious, I also asked Kevin ad Nick how they got together but they haven't told me anything yet. They just talked about Brian and their former tour manager Shon Macalister. I was lucky that my father got me this job. He is an important executive in JIVE Records so that made things kind of easier. When I told my father that I wanted to meet the BSB in person he was more than glad to find me a job here. I go to college here in upstate New York and I'm studying Business Administration. This career is what I've always wanted to do since I like the world of business and finances a lot, this is my passion and becoming a businessman is my dream. However, I decided to take a break and do something else so a job sounded good. I've lived with my mother ever since my parents got divorced. We live in up town Manhattan, and when I say we, I'm talking about mom, Jeremy my six year-old brother, and me.

OK... I think that was enough about me so lets go back to my purpose. I wanted to keep listening to the story the guys were telling me yesterday but unfortunately it was very late and they were pretty tired so they told me they were gonna continue tonight.

I went inside the bathroom and there I found a note on the mirror. It read:


We'll be back for lunch so be ready and meet us in the lobby by twelve. I'll miss you love!


Oh, and by the way, I've been dating Brian for over two months now, just in case if you hadn't figured it out. Anyway, that's another story which I'll tell you later.

A smile came to my face after I finished reading it. He was so sweet and caring. I took the note and left it on the bed, then, I went back to the bathroom to take my shower. When I was showering, my mind went back to last night conversation with the guys...

(Last Night)

"And you guys never knew anything about Alexander?" I asked them as I paced around the room. I didn't want Brian to find out about this conversation since he doesn't like to talk about his past.

"Not too much, we only knew that he was our photographer and he was a very cool guy that's it. Well, that's what we thought. We never knew about the things he once did so he seemed to be a nice person!" Howie answered.

"But what happened then?" I kept asking them questions. This was getting even more interesting...

Friday arrived and it was time to go to Kevin's apartment in Orlando so Nick and Brian woke up early that day. Shon was coming along too and Brian was very excited about it. Nick was also very excited because he was going to see Kevin soon.

Both boys were in Nick's room finishing packing their stuff. Jane was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone and Aaron and Angel were getting ready to go to school.

"Nick, Brian... Breakfast is ready...!" Jane called from downstairs.

"We're coming mom!" Nick yelled back as he and Brian came out running from the room racing to the kitchen. Robert Carter was coming out of his room wearing his bathrobe and he didn't see the guys running through the corridor so Brian tried to stop but it was almost impossible. He crashed against him and both of them went to the floor. Nick stopped when he was right about to go downstairs but he saw the little accident Brian had so he went back. He started to laugh at the sight of Brian lying on top of his father.

"Are you guys OK?" Nick asks extending his hand to help his father up and then Brian.

"I'm so sorry Robert, I didn't see you coming out from the room so I couldn't stop!" Brian says nervously as Robert stares at him with a funny look.

"It's fine, don't worry Brian, I should be aware that there are some hyperactive kids in my house so next time I'll check the corridor to see if no one is passing by running!" Robert replies and then he burst in laughter. Brian blushes and then Nick joins his father.

"Yo, Brian, next time you come to my house make sure you pay all my family members a life insurance in case you and your clumsiness kills one of them!" Nick says laughing.

"Oh come on Nick, stop being so hard on your friend, it was just an accident!" Robert says "And with that comment you just killed it!" He finishes as he calms himself.

"Yeah Frack, next time use a better argument to pick on me...!" Brian says and then he and Robert start laughing at Nick. Now it was his turn to blush of embarrassment. "Alright... so who is the clumsy now?"

Kevin has just finished his shower so he comes out from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. He looks at the mirror for a moment to gain some self-esteem and then goes to his closet opens it and drops the towel on the bed revealing his incredibly well sculpted body. Suddenly, AJ flies inside Kevin's bedroom scaring the hell out of him. "HEY... Have you ever heard about the word "knocking", bone?" Kevin asks his friend who by now was jumping nervously on Kevin's bed, which was already made.

"Sorry Kev but I need your help, Howie is trying to dye my hair purple!" AJ says "That's his favorite color, not mine... Please tell him not to do it... And calm down, it's not like if I haven't seen you naked before!"

"It doesn't matter, Bone, it bothers me!" Kevin responds quite angrily.

"OH AJ...!" Howie yells from outside the room. Kevin quickly picks AJ up and carries him outside the room. He drops him on the couch, bounces, and then AJ falls to the floor.

"OUCH!!!" AJ yells "You traitor...!"

"There... take him, dye his hair rainbow style if you want but keep him away from me OK?" Kevin says to Howie as he goes back inside his room and slams the door behind him.

He opens the door again...

"Oh and by the way... Frick and Frack are coming later at four so try to have their rooms organized... I'm gonna be working on some songs!" Kevin says and then he slams the door again.

"Sure he is mad at us!" Howie says as he helps AJ up. "You should have helped him with all those papers yesterday!"

"You didn't help him either so shut up!" AJ replies.

"Hey I'm hungry, will Kevin fix us anything for breakfast?" AJ asks.


"I don't think so!" Howie replies.

"Oh well, so make me a sandwich and to drink I want apple juice... I'm gonna be taking a shower!" AJ says as he goes inside his room.

"Huh...? The fuck I'll make you a sandwich... Make it yourself!" Howie whispers as he sits alone in the table.

"Guys, Mr. Macalister is here, hurry up you're gonna be late...!" Jane yells as she lets Shon come in.

Brian quickly comes downstairs to say hi to Shon while Nick carries the bags down. "Hey! I could use a little help here!" Nick complains.

"Let me help Shon says as he goes upstairs where Nick is with the bags and takes two. Of course does two are Brian's bags. "So, are we leaving now?" Shon asks Nick who seems to be waiting for something.

"Yeah sure, just let me say bye to my parents and then we can go!" Nick says and then he goes inside the kitchen where he finds Brian hugging Jane and saying goodbye to her.

"Thanks for everything Jane, I'll miss you!" Brian says.

"You're welcome Brian and I'll miss you too Brian!" She replies as she kisses him on the cheek. Robert, who is sitting on the table, stands up and pulls Brian into a tight hug. "Come back anytime soon son, take care and say hi to your parents from me!" Robert says.

"Will do Robert, 'til next time!"

Nick comes close to his mother and gives her a hug "Bye mom, I'll be calling you often!" Nick says.

"You better do as you say Nicholas!" Jane says as she kisses her son on the cheek. Then Nick hugs his father, "Bye dad. Take care you guys, tell Aaron, Angel, and Leslie that I'll be calling and that I love them so much!"

"Mr. Macalister, please make sure they behave well!" Jane says still looking at her son who is blushing at her comment.

"Don't worry Mrs. Carter, they'll be good!" Shon replies smiling.

"Bye!" The three of them say at the same time and then they head to the door.

Then they all exit the house and head to Shon's SUV. Before Shon gets in the car, Brian pulls him into a passionate kiss. Shon struggles a bit because of Nick's presence but Nick just look at them with such joy and envy. Shon breaks the kiss and looks at Nick in embarrassment.

"What...?" Brian asks nonchalantly.

"Umm Nick... umm well... I..!" Shon mumbles.

"It's OK Shon, I know about you two and I'm happy for both of you!" Nick says as he comes over and pulls Shon into a hug. Shon, quite astonished returns the hug and then someone interrupts.

"Ahem! May I remind you Nick that the one you're hugging is my boyfriend and you haven't let me say hi to him the right way!" Brian says playfully as he snatches Shon and pulls him into another kiss.

"Hey yo, Brian, you better watch out, my parents could see!" Nick says.

Shon becomes concerned and pulls apart again. "You're such a hornball you know that?" Shon says as Brian gives him a pout.

"So when is it that I'm gonna be able to say hi to you the right way? That wasn't enough for me!" Brian complains poutting even more.

"Later baby...!" Shon replies.

"OK, come on you two, lets go!" Nick says and then all of them get in the car.

Kevin lies on his bed facing up the ceiling, he's been trying to rest but it's almost impossible with all the trouble AJ and Howie can cause together. Those two are a serious thing. He is thinking about Nick, his secret love, he is happy that he is going to see him in a few hours but something disturbs that happiness and is the fact that he can't tell Nick how much he loves him. Day and Night he fantasizes about a life with Nick, how would it be if Nick loved him the same way? The problem is that he doesn't know that Nick loves him the same way but he is another idiot who can't tell Kevin because of the same stupid fear. In my opinion, I think this is pathetic, I thought they were courageous enough to face each other no matter what but now I realize that it took them quite long to get together. So if Kevin can't be with Nick, then he won't be with anyone else. Nick is his one true love and he is not gonna look for anyone else just because it seems kind of complicated the situation with him. Now his thoughts went to Brian. Maybe his cousin would be able to help him someway or another since he is the only one who knows about him being gay and well, Brian is gay too so it would be easier and helpful.

"Hey Kev! Nick, Brian and Shon are here, would you come out of there?" Howie yells from outside Kevin's room.

"Be right there D!" Kevin yells back.

"So, how's everything here?" Brian asks as he sits next to Shon in the couch of the living room.

"Everything is fine, there are no problems at all-" AJ says but he is cut by Kevin.

"Are you kidding...? Problems and head-aches are all you two had given me the past few weeks!" Kevin stops and then turns to Shon "Hi Shon!" He says "Man, next time I won't accept the arrangements you make in case we need to split up again, I will not stay with these two alone again!"

"Hi Kevin, and don't worry, I'll keep that in mind. Now you see why I'm in such a bad mood when I'm touring with you guys?" Shon says.

"But what happened? What did you guys do?" Nick asks.

"Umm... not much, Kevin is just making a big deal out of it so don't pay him any attention!" AJ answers.

"Well, don't worry anymore cuz, we are here to help you out with the children!" Brian says and then giggles. "Hey... at least we found you alive and that's what it matters!"

"Yeah... Whatever!" Kevin whispers.

"So come here, I haven't said hello to you!" Brian says as he stands up and hugs Kevin. "What's up Kev! You alright?"

"Almost!" Kevin replies with sadness in his voice.

"Hey Kev! Nice to see you again!" Nick says as he stands up too and hugs Kevin. Nick feels something strange coming from that hug. He feels like Kevin not wanting him to go away from his arms but maybe he is misunderstanding the affection coming from Kevin.

'Oh this can't be good!' Brian thinks to himself as he watches Kevin hugging Nick. He noticed the pain in Kevin's face, he really loved Nick and there was no way that Brian would have changed that. After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, they pull away from the hug "It's good to see you again Nicky!" Kevin says with such sweetness in his voice.

"So guys, how about if we go and eat outside tonight?" AJ proposes.

"That sounds good to me!" Kevin says, "How about you guys?"

Everyone in the room nod and then they decide to go out. But that wasn't the best thing they should've decided to do...

Ring... Ring... Ring...


"Hey, its me... I'm here in Orlando and they are just coming out from the Building where Kevin lives... what do I do?"

"OK just follow them and keep your eyes on Shon and Brian, especially when they are alone. Try to take the best pictures of them!"

"Alright so I'll be calling you later!"

Dial tone...

(Back to Andrew's flashback of the conversation with the boys...)

"How stupid, that's a very old trick and it doesn't work most of the times!" I said referring to the plan of getting pictures from them in compromising situations.

"I know what you're saying but back then it caused us a lot of trouble!" Nick said.

"But what else did Caroline do?" I asked.

"Wow, a lot of bad things!" AJ answered "After the incident in Shon's apartment, she disappeared like for a year and a half but she had her people around us without our knowledge!"

"Traps, traps, and even more traps. She was trying to break Brian and Shon apart. But she was pretty smart. She never threatened us with going to the tabloids and tell the information to the press!" Howie said.

"Yeah, she started a complot against us!" Kevin added. "But not against the group, it was more like a personal revenge so he wanted to prejudice Brian no matter what and believe me, I was included in her revenge also!"

"That night we went out, Howie almost finds out about Brain and Shon's relationship but it was because he discovered a photographer near the restaurant!" Nick said.

"And that was Alexander?" I asked.

"No it wasn't him, Alexander was assigned another kind of dirty job in this complot. This guy was a photographer that Caroline hired to take pictures of us and especially Brain and Shon!" Kevin said as he brought Nick closer to him and wrapped his arms around him protectively.

After dinner, Shon and Brian excused themselves to go to the bathroom so this looked kind of odd to Kevin but he didn't pay much attention to that. Once they got to the bathroom they started kissing again. Brian locked the door and leaned against it.

"I didn't know how much I was going to be able to hold!" Shon says panting, "I wanted to kiss you so bad!"

"Me too baby, I couldn't stand a minute longer staring at you but not being able to kiss you or at least touch you!" Brain replies. Shon kisses him on the top of his head and holds him for a while. Both stay like that not noticing the presence of someone outside the window.

'You should be more careful about were you do this assholes. This will cost you thousands of dollars...' The photographer thinks to himself as he deliberately takes pictures of Brian and Shon hugging and kissing...

"Who the fuck are you?" Someone yells and then the photographer starts running away. Brian and Shon hear the yell and pull apart from the embrace and then they see Howie standing outside the window looking inside the bathroom...

"OH shit!" Shon whispers...

To Be Continued...

I'm sorry I cut it like this but I need to update. Anyway, chapter 7 will be out soon so stay with me. All comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. 'til next time and thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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