Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Apr 6, 2002


Fame, Love & Reality

Legal Disclaimer: This fictional story is not meant to imply anything from the real lives and sexualities of the celebrities portrayed here. I don't personally know the members of The Backstreet Boys or N'sync so this is just a fantasy I have. (Also, Shon Macalister is a character I created myself, so if there is anyone named like this in real life, I'm sorry, it is just pure coincidence) If homosexual stuff offends you, or you are under age and this kind of material is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. Any comments, good or bad, and suggestions are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. All e-mails will be answered.

Author's Note: What's up everyone! Great changes have come to this story. I hope you don't freak out when you read this chapter. Keep in mind the introduction of FL&R, which is an important key for the understanding of this story. If you have any questions about it, just e-mail me and I'll be here to clear things up to you. The BBSAs are upon us so good luck to everybody with the nominations and keep up the good work.

Stories I recommend, "Nick and Ashley" and "Josh's Heart" Both written by the very talented author and my very good friend ND, "Encountering Nick" By Kevin, "Get Another Boyfriend", and "Though He Only Be Mortal" Both by Travis. These are really great stories, go and check them out.

Fame, Love, & Reality Chapter 5

'Where the hell are these guys?' Nick asks to himself as he walks through the empty hallways of the school. He got tired of playing with the kids so he ran away from them, they were driving him crazy plus Brian left him alone. 'I can't take this anymore, I wanna get the hell out of here!'

Finally Nick sees Brian and Shon sitting on a bench near the entrance. He gets closer and then he sees that Shon is crying. Nick becomes concerned and sits next to Brian. "Is everything alright guys?" Nick asks. "No, Nick, Shon is having a rough time so we're leaving now!" Brian replies, "Sure we are man, I can stand one minute more in this place!" Nick says, "Let's drive Shon home so he can rest!" Brian says. They went outside the school and got in the car. "I'm driving so you go in the back with Shon!" Brian says. Shon was calmed but the look on his face told that he was sad, and it's true, he was going trough a very rough time, I mean, calling of his wedding, breaking up with his girlfriend and realizing after so many years that he was gay it's kind of upsetting. Nick asked Brian if he could help in anything but Brian told him that it was better to leave him alone for a while and think things through. Suddenly Brian got an idea, and well, it was the best opportunity to help Shon. He got to the Firm's office and parked the car in front of the building. Fortunately, Shon had fallen asleep during the ride.

"Hey Nick, would you do me a favor?" Brian asks Nick.

"Sure Bri, what do you want?"

"Could you stay here and pick up the stuff? I want to take Shon to his apartment fast, he doesn't seem very well at all!"

"Alright man, don't worry, I'll do it but who is gonna drive me home?" Nick asks.

"Just... take a cab and that's it, I'll pay you later OK?" Brian says.

"OK then see ya later Bri!" Nick says and then he gets out of the car. 'There is something going on here, why is Brian acting so weird? And why the sudden interest in Shon? Oh God... Could it be? Nah, I don't think so... or maybe... who cares anyway, is his life not mine' Nick thinks to himself as he walks toward the building's entrance.

(Somewhere in New York City, February 23, 2001)

"Hey hold on a second, isn't this about Nick and Kevin? Why the hell are you talking just about this Shon guy and Brian?" I yelled. Obviously, I was getting very annoyed by this, no body wanted to get to the point.

"Calm down man, we'll get there but later, you wanted the entire story with all the details so that's what we're doing!" Howie said as he sits back.

"OK but fast, Brian is in about to get here so I don't want him know that I'm asking you guys about his past!" I said.

"Yeah but remember the first question you made? How Nick and I got together?" Kevin said "Besides, Brian is an important character in this story because first you have to know how he and Shon got together, so shut up and let us finish!"

"OK, go ahead!" I said as I continued listening to them...

Brian and Shon got to the apartment a few minutes later after dropping Nick at the firm's office. Shon was still sad and he didn't want to be alone so he invited Brian in for a drink and they could continue talking. Shon felt the need of someone, a friend maybe, so he could tell that person everything about himself and let out all his frustrations and problems. Brian gladly accepts the invitation now that he was there to help Shon in anything he might need from now on. Shon had a great apartment, it was a beautiful place to live in. Brian went outside the balcony while Shon served the drinks. The sight he observed from there was beautiful, he could see the ocean and the sun setting over the horizon. Shon came outside a moment later with the drinks and gave one to Brian and they both sat down outside in the balcony.

"So...! It doesn't bother you that I'm gay?" Shon asks as he stares at Brian with those beautiful British eyes.

"Not at all Shon, I mean, why would it bother me if..." Brian was saying but then he stops 'No I can't tell him that I'm gay... well at least not yet... but he told me so I have to tell him to make him feel better' Brian thinks to himself.

"If what Brian?" Shon asks, "Well if you don't mind telling me!"

"Well Shon, I know what you're going through, I mean, realizing it and then telling it to someone!"

"So you mean that you're...!"

"Yes Shon, I'm gay too!"

A smile comes to Shon's face, well, at least he knew he had told the right person about himself, he was also happy because he liked Brian so much. Brian was staring at the floor because he was kind of shy about telling his manager this but well, he was finding great confidence in him since they both had gotten to know each other pretty well.

"Actually, not so many people know, just Kevin and Nick, I haven't had the courage to tell AJ and Howie yet!" Brian finishes.

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it, well, if they really love you!" Shon says.

The minutes started to pass by and Shon and Brian were having a very interesting talk. Brian was the only Backstreet Boy who got to know Shon better, he wasn't just that evil manager who was always in a bad mood, he was also a very sweet person with beautiful feelings. They also drank a few beers more, something they shouldn't have done, it was getting late and Brian needed to drive back to Nick's house.

"Frick where the hell are you?" Nick asked himself as he paced from one side to another in his room. He was afraid that something might had happened to him because his cell phone was turned off and no one answered the phone at Shon's apartment. 'Well I'll wait a little bit more so in the mean time I'll call Justin.' Nick thinks to himself as he takes out his cell phone from his jacket and dials Justin's number.

"Hello? Justin here!"

"What's up Timberlake!" Nick asks.

"Oh, hey Carter, how are you?" Justin asks enthusiastically as soon as he hears his friend's voice.

"I'm fine, better than ever!"

"Cool, and how was the tour?"

"It was good, we did pretty well in Europe. So, AJ told me you called and that you needed to talk to me urgently, is something wrong?" Nick asks.

It was 10:00 in the evening and soft music played in the background, Shon and Brian were laughing loudly and they both were sitting very close to each other. Brian was telling some jokes he and Nick used to do to the rest of the guys while touring.

"Hey if I would have ever found out about that one, believe me you wouldn't be here talking to me!" Shon says as he laughs.

"Well, fortunately you never found out just until now that I'm telling you but believe me that was damn funny!" Brain says.

They had bonded very well. They had a lot of things in common, they shared very similar personalities and that made the way easier for them to talk confidently. Brian couldn't help but stare and smile at Shon who felt much better. 'He is cute and so much like me.' Brian thinks to himself. Since Brian knows Shon from a few months ago, he had liked him a lot but he realizes that the love he felt for Kevin was affecting him so much that he couldn't lie his eyes on anyone else, his stubbornness wouldn't let him do it, but now that he is trying to get over that impossible love for Kevin, he is being successful. The night was beautiful and there was a warm breeze coming from the ocean that made the environment very enjoyable. Brian was also trying to remember when he felt so good around some one before, well, other than Kevin.

"Hey Shon come here, I want to tell you a secret!" Brain says as Shon comes and sits next to him. He leans over and whispers to his ear something.

"What...?" Shon asks not getting what Brian had just said to him.

"Are you deaf or something... I'm saying that you're very hot!" Brian says.

"Oh... Thanks... You are... hot... too!" Shon replies quite astonished.

Then, to Shon's surprise, Brian pulls him down from his T-shirt and kisses him on the lips. The truth is that Brian drank many beers so it was having effect on him. Brian parted his lips to allow Shon's tongue inside his mouth, which he gladly accepts. They stay there kissing quite passionately for a moment until Shon pulls apart.

"This is not right Brian, I don't think we should be doing this!" Shon says.

"I'm sorry Shon I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable!" Brian says as he stands up.

"No, is not that you made me feel uncomfortable, is just that we're taking things very fast!" Shon explains.

"But Shon... I like you!" Brian says merely as a whisper.

'What...? I can't believe I'm hearing this, he likes me, he just said it' Shon thinks to himself.

"And I can help it, I mean, ever since I saw you this morning, I felt attracted to you, I don't know why!"

"Brian... To tell you the truth, I like you too and this morning when I saw you coming out from the bathroom, I crashed against my reality, my true self. I liked you so much, I find you very attractive and I can't help it either. Is just that well, it is the first time I've ever kissed a man and well it came as a shock to my system!" Shon replies looking at Brian the whole time.

"Well, that's a relieve, I thought that I really blew it, however, umm now that we know that we like each other... Umm... why don't we... give it a chance!" Brian says.

A cab stops in front of the building where Shon lives and a lady comes out from it. She pays the driver and soon she is walking towards the entrance. Caroline Ray Patrick wasn't very satisfied with the conversation she had with Shon in the afternoon so she decided to come over to his apartment and talk about it. She gets inside the building and asks the doorman if Shon Macalister is at his apartment, the doorman nods and then she heads towards the elevator. "Miss Ray Patrick would you like if I tell Mr. Macalister that you're here?" The doorman asks. "No, there's no need to, I'll surprise him." She answers.

"I don't have any problem whatsoever if we give it a chance Brian!" Shon says as he comes close to Brian and takes his hand. Brian smiles as he stares at Shon's eyes with great happiness.

"So Brian Thomas Littrell... would you be my boyfriend?" Shon asks as he holds Brian's hand up and kisses it.

"Yes Shon, I'll be your boyfriend!" Brian answers as they both lean in for a kiss. 'God, I can't believe I have a boyfriend' Brian thinks to himself, 'And I'm all over Kevin, this is great!' They stay there in the living room kissing tenderly and at the same time passionately... They don't hear as someone opens the door...

"Oh my God...!" Caroline gasps, "What is going on here?" She asks in total shock and horror as she stares at Shon and Brian who are hugging and kissing. As soon as they hear that they pull apart and turn around to face her.

"Well...?" She asks.

"How did you get in here?" Shon asks her as he lets go of Brian.

"I have the keys of this apartment remember?" She replies with obvious anger in her voice.

"Listen Caroline, I can explain..." Shon says but he never gets the chance to finish his sentence.

"Explain...? Explain what Shon if what I saw it's very obvious... you were there, kissing this guy... Oh god... please tell me you're not gay Shon... Please... We were in about to get married! How you dare do this to me that I've loved you so much huh?" Caroline says as tears run down he cheeks.

"Caroline... That's why I called off the wedding, I didn't want to make a big mistake with you... I really thought that I loved you but now I know it's not like that... I'm gay!" Shon replies.

"But why didn't you tell me this before, I could've helped you? I mean, we could've changed this and-"

"No it can't be changed... I've denied this to my self for so long now and I'm not gonna do it anymore, I'll live my life how I am and nobody is gonna change that!" Shon says as he holds Brian's hand.

"And what...? You think that this is the best way... Now you change me for this little Backstreet rat! You have no idea how much you've hurt me Shon? I can't believe that this is happening to me!" She yells and then falls on her knees to the floor.

"I'm sorry Caroline, I know it's hard to understand but I couldn't go on anymore. Our relationship wasn't going anywhere, look how many problems we've had lately-"

"But they were all because of you and your lies... You've never been honest to me, how do you want me to understand that?" Caroline says sobbing uncontrollably. "And you..." She says pointing to Brian, "You come here to mess things up even more... You totally converted him," She yells at Brian.

"Brian does not have anything to do with my decision, so don't blame him, blame me all you want but leave Brian out of this!" Shon yells back at her.

"I guess I don't have anything else to do here...!" Caroline says as she stands up "Here, take your keys, I don't want to see you ever again in my life!" She yells tossing the keys of the apartment to Shon and then she storms out crying. When she slams the door behind her, she leans over it and whispers "You'll pay for this... you'll regret this your entire life Shon Macalister... you're just for me and all your fortune belongs to me, I'll make you come back to me sooner or later!" Then she goes inside the elevator.

(Back to the present)

"So this Caroline girl just wanted Shon because of his huge fortune and the royalty title?" I asked Kevin who was drinking his coffee.

"Well, she loved Shon and all but it was kind of a sick love. She had issues, I mean, mental problems so things got worst after what she found out that night!" Kevin replied.

"Brian and Shon decided to keep their relationship as a secret, they didn't want us to know about it for a while but Brian told me the same exact night... You know, we are best friends so we told each other everything...!" Nick said.

"But why hide that relationship from you guys?" I asked...

"I'm sorry Shon, I didn't mean to cause you more trouble with Caroline!" Brian says sadly. Shon comes and pulls Brian into a tight hug.

"Nah, don't worry, I'm glad that this happened, she needed to understand that things between us were over and I'm feeling much better now that I've done the right thing!" Shon replies as he caresses Brian's cheeks with his hand.

"I'm glad you're feeling better!" Brian says as he puts his arms around Shon's neck and brings him close for a kiss. After a few minutes of making out, they pull apart. Brian takes a look at the time and then realizes that is too late and that he has to go back to Nick's house.

"Shon, I'm having a great time here with you and all but I kind of have to go now, it's late and Nick must be worried!" Brian says.

"It's OK, I understand but when can we get together again?" Shon asks.

"Maybe tomorrow night!"

"OK I'll invite you to dinner!"

"So it's a date then!" Brian says with a mischievous grin.

"Sure it is!" Shon replies.

"And before I forget, would you mind if we don't tell anyone about us...? Well, not yet. First I've got to tell AJ and Howie about me!" Brian says.

"Sure Brian, no problem, we'll do whatever you want as long as it is for the good of us!" Shon replies.

"Alright so see ya tomorrow, I'll think of you the whole night!" Brian says as he walks towards the door.

"I'll do the exact same thing!" Shon replies as he kisses Brian good-bye.

Brian comes out from the building and gets inside his car. He doesn't notice that someone is looking at him closely. A woman is behind a tree nearby looking as Brian drives off. She quickly gets inside the cab that is waiting for her and orders the driver to follow the BMW. 'So lets find more about you Brian!' She thinks to herself. The cab drives off and soon is following Brian's car.

A few minutes later Brian was pulling up the parking lot of Nick's house. He gets out from the car and walks towards the door. He was in about to get in when he hears a woman's voice. He turns around and sees that Caroline is standing there with a look of pure anger on her face. "Something I can do for you?" Brian asks politely.

"I just wanted to tell you that you wont get away with this one that easily!" Caroline says coldly. "Shon and I were meant to be together and you don't stand for a chance with him... He'll soon realize that he is wrong and he'll come back to me, and if he doesn't then I'll make him come back to me no matter what!" She finishes.

"I don't think so...!" Brian sighs and then takes a deep breath "Why can't you see that things between you and him are over... He doesn't love you anymore, you can't change the way he is neither no one can so let him be happy and go away!" Brian replies.

"We'll see about that, and I'm telling you right now... You won't get away with it Brian!" Caroline says as she storms out of there and heads toward the cab. She gets inside and the cab drives off soon disappearing in the dark of the night.

"You don't scare me Caroline... Shon is mine now!" Brian says to no one. Then he goes inside the house.

"It was about time you get here!" Nick says as Brian takes his jacket off. He was sitting in the living room with his mother Jane Carter.

"Umm Sorry about that is just that I stood at Shon's place and didn't notice the time pass by!" Brian replies.

"Well young man, next time give us a call, we were worried about you!" Jane says as she stands up.

"I'm sorry Jane, I didn't mean to get you two worried, it wont happen again!" Brian says as he sits in the loveseat of the living room.

"It's alright Brian. Why don't you two go upstairs and rest, it's too late now!" Jane says as she gives Nick a quick kiss on the cheek and another one to Brian. "I'm gonna go up and check on Aaron and Angel and then I'm going to bed, and by the way Nick, your father comes back tomorrow from Boston, could you two go and pick him up?" She asks.

"Sure thing mom, don't worry. Good Night!" Nick says.

"Good Night Jane!" Brian says.

"Good Night you two and go to bed now!" She replies as she goes upstairs.

"OK Frick, spit it out, tell me everything that happened!" Nick says as he gets up and goes to sit next to Brian in the love seat.

"What do you want me to tell you? Listen man, I'm too tired, could we go to bed now?" Brian asks grinning at Nick.

"OK but promise me you'll tell me everything!" Nick says as he doesn't let go of Brian's arm.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you but come on, I want to go to sleep now!" Brian replies.

They both get up and go upstairs to Nick's room. They both change into their pajamas and then they get inside the covers. Actually, Brian sleeps in Nick's bed when he stays at his house. Nick doesn't mind at all since he's used to sleep in the same bed with his best friend. Not to mention the fact that Nick sleeps on a king sized bed all by him self.

"OK, now tell me!" Nick asks impatiently.

"What do you wanna know?" Brian asks playing dumb.

"Well, you can start by telling me why do you have that stupid smile on your face? It's beginning to annoy me!" Nick replies.

"OK, OK, OK, I'm happy because I think that I'm over my feelings for Kevin!"

"Oh really, and why is that?"

"I've got a boyfriend now!"

"WHAT...? Oh please don't tell me that you and Shon...!" Nick never finishes what he was saying. Brian nods and then Nick goes wild.

"Oh man, congratulations, I'm so happy for you!" Nick says as he hugs his friend. "I never would've thought of you and Shon being an item!"

"Well, now we are and tomorrow we have our first date!" Brian says

"Cool!" Nick says... 'I wish Kevin was my boyfriend' Nick thinks to himself. "Hey, but wait, wasn't Shon in about to get married with this girl Caroline?" Nick asks.

"Well, he was gonna get married but he called off his wedding!" Brian answers as Nick starts talking with a funny voice as two girls would talk when they are having a girl talk.

"Dooooooon't tell!" Nick laughs "And why is that?"

"Well that was the reason why Shon was that upset today!" Brian says, "But is a long story and I'm too tired to tell it now!"

"It's OK for this time but tomorrow you've got to tell me everything!" Nick says.

"Alright man, now good night!"

"Good night Bri!" Nick says as he leans and gives his friend a kiss on the cheek. They both drift off and rest calmly for the night.

Caroline gets to her apartment and then she slams the door behind her. "Shit, I've got to think of something but WHAT?" She yells. Then she gets an idea, a great but very awful idea. "Oh yeah...! Something tells me that this two won't last together for very long!" A devilish grin comes to her face and then she starts planning on how to separate Shon from Brian. She takes out her cell phone from her purse and dials a number...

"Hello!" A voice says.

"Hi Alexander... it's me Caroline, Shon's fiancée!" She says, "Sorry I'm calling you at this time but I need you to do me a favor!"

"Alright, how can I help you Caroline?" Alexander asks.

"I need you to seduce a man...!"

To Be Continued...

So this was Chapter 5. I'm sorry I'm taking too long to update but I'm doing my best. I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. So... Who is Alexander? I guess you all know him, try to remember. And who is the one asking all those questions to the Backstreet Boys in New York City in a long time after? I'm telling you guys things will get even more interesting so stay with me. I'm already working on Chapter 6 so I guess this one wont take long. All comments and suggestions are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading and good luck to everybody with the nominations.

Next: Chapter 6

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