Farmer Turned Rancher

By John Colorado

Published on Jul 19, 2009


by John of Colorado Farmer Turned Rancher

If you are not of age or man/man sex bothers you, or this illegal in your area, then I suggest you leave NOW! Why are you still here, I told you to leave! The names have been changed but the story itself is basically based upon facts. However, it is fiction.

Chapter 2

We received a good soaking rain and it would be a couple of weeks before we could go to his village and let his family know that he was still alive. Jack Carlos needed a little more time to be completely healed and able to travel. I would take him in a wagon because I didn't want him bouncing around on a horses's back.

There was plenty to keep us busy. We had to brand the new calves and cut the bull calves except for the best ones, which we would save to be use as bulls. I had to rope and tie a calf and John Carlos would use the branding iron on him. It was John Carlos' job to keep the irons hot.

We had to make some willow crates to hold chickens I wanted to sell or trade for some needed supplies . I had a bumper crop of chickens and needed to take 25+ to market. Jack Carlos said there was a place in his village that would take them and we would receive a fair price.

" Paul, you know that we will have keep our private life to ourselves. Society will never accept our way of life. In fact, they would make it plain miserable and we would become outcasts."

"I know. My Dad and I slept together. He always told me never to say anything to anyone. He told of couple of men, who where caught kissing and the townspeople beat them to death. Jack Carlos, I have to tell you now. There is an Indian man that stops by the house occasionally. I go into the woods with him for a couple of hours. There is no danger so don't try to stop me or protect me from him. Yes, he will fuck my ass several times and return me unharmed. He will usually have fresh game, cows with no brands, leather clothing or something. I like to think that he is trading for my ass. Sometimes, there may be one or two others with him. If you want to join in , you can. However, not required. Dad did sometimes and other times no. It is up to you. I know that is why we have never have any trouble with the Indians. I must say he is one good fuck and he is hung like a stud horse."

"Paul, you have made me get a boner just listening to you talk. I can't wait to meet your friend!"

"Jack Carlos, I will do more than talk. Race you the bedroom. Hey, no fair! You got a headstart but that is ok. You can be ready from me when I get there.!" I said as I was taking off my clothes. Jack Carlos was already nude when I got to the house. I couldn't wait to get that big piece shoved up my ass. My ass would just have to wait. Jack Carlos was all ready for me to use him. We both like to bottom so it makes no difference who is first because the other one will get it next.

Finally, we were caught up with all the work that had to be done. We loaded the chickens in back of the wagon, some feed and water for them, hooked the horses up and we were off to see his parents. After a short day, we pulled up at his parents house. Jack Carlos jumped out of the wagon and ran screaming to the house. He was met at the door by his mother and father. They were hugging and crying and hugging some more. I did nothing to stop this re-union.

Jack Carlos called me over and introduced me to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chavez, both of them started hugging and kissing me. Jack Carlos had told them that I was the one who had found him and had saved his life. They invited me into their house. Jack Carlos and I told our stories and his parents were beyond belief that he had survived.

I asked for directions as to where that I could sell the chickens. Mr. Chavez told me that someone from the east had purchased all the land , buildings, stores and every thing in the village. In 30 days, everyone and everything must be gone. He had a wagon train coming with his own people in it.

The dad suggested that I move the chickens into the shade and give them some feed and water. Then I should take them home with me.

Jack Carlos asked his dad what he planned to do. "Son, I don't know.. Your mom and I have been waiting for news about you. We had given up hopes and knew that your were dead. Now that you are here, We have to make a decision and move. We received a fair price for our place. There are only a few families left. Your two sisters and their families are still here. Everyone else has already gone. Most have headed toward California."

"Jack Carlos, would you like to help me with the chickens, with the two of us working together, we can be back in a couple of minutes."

"Sure thing. Let's go."

We excused ourselves and went out side. "Jack Carlos, I really needed to get you alone. I have a plan and would like to hear what you think about it."

"I know that you wanted to get me alone and no you can't. You have to leave my ass alone, remember." Said Jack Carlos laughing. "I really want to hear what you have to say. I know it concerns my family. You know they come first and I may have to leave you and go with them."

"I respect you for that. Now for my plan. My valley and a nearby valley can support at least 10 families maybe more. I would like to invite the people left in the village to come home with us and start over in our valley. They must be told about our life style. I won't be a part to trying to keep it a secret. It anyone disagrees with it, then they are under no obligation to return home with us. You, Jack Carlos, are include and you have to make a decision now before I approached the rest of the people. I know I am only 16 but I have been given an adult role. I can't take the easy way and let someone take over my role. Am I making any sense?"

"Absolutely, Paul. I have already made my decision. I am going to stay with you all the way.

I think you are absolutely correct and we must put all our cards on the table and let everyone make their own decisions. Shall we go inside and tell my parents and then we can go from there?"

"I would like to wait to tell them and tell the entire community at the same time. If that is ok with you."

"Good idea! Let's go inside!"

Once inside, I asked Mr. and Mrs. Chavez if there was any way that we get all the remaining people of the village together. I told them I had a proposal for all the remaining people.

"Sure all we have to do is go down to the church and ring the bell. Everyone within hearing distance, which would be everyone left, will be there in 15 minutes. It had better be good or there will some real mad people."

"It will be good. What I have to say will impact all of their futures."

We went to the Church and rang the bell. Within minutes, people started arriving and in 15 minutes everyone was there. We went inside and I went to the front so I could see their faces while I was talking with them.

"I am Paul, Carlos' friend. I could tell by your reactions when you arrived that you were surprised and glad to see that he was alive. His survival is another story which we would love to tell at another time."

"Mr. And Mrs. Chavez have told us about your situation of having to leave this beautiful place and your hesitation to leave. I understand how you feel.. I am here before you today to offer you a chance for a new life. I know I am only 16 but I have been living on my own for the last two years and in that period of time, I had to become a man in order to survive."

"I have a place in a beautiful valley which is about 10 miles away. This valley can support about 10+ families with no problem. Before I lay out my proposal, there is something that I must tell you. I hope that you will hear me out before you get mad and leave. I am gay and have fallen in love with another man." There were several gasps and finally it grew silent in the room.

"Now that the shocker is over, I will go on with my proposal. You will have to accept me for what I am. I will not tolerant any cruel and harsh behavior. My partner and I will be treated as one of your neighbors and on an equal basis. That goes for any racial prejudices. I see in this room several white couples, families who's ancestors came from Mexico and a black couple. Everyone will on an equal basis and as freemen. No slavery will be permitted in my valley. Occasionally, Indians may visit the valley. I have never had any trouble with them and I would expect them to be treated fairly. Before we go any farther, If there is anyone who can not agree to these conditions, Please leave now." No one made an effort to leave.

"Good, I can believe that all of you are in agreement with me." Every head was shaking yes. "I think I will describe the valley now. There are 3 creeks running through the valley that have water all year long. Plus there are several springs that offer good building sites. Water is near the surface of the land so wells could be dug without a lot of effort and problems. Grass is very plentiful and the cattle, horses, goats and sheep can graze the year around. There are large stands of timber that can be used for building homes and outbuilding. I have a small portable sawmill. However, if a brick home is desired, there is a large natural clay deposit and I have a kiln that can be use to fire the bricks. We can make all kinds of clay vessels. The soil is very fertile and will grow almost anything. There are lots of wild berries ,wild plum and other wild fruits. I have a large orchard of apple, peach, apricot, pear, plum, and pecan trees. We can use this

orchard as a start for other orchards, that is if some knows anything about pruning and grafting. Two hands went up. There is a large abundance of wild game and there is an ice cave. We can use it to keep our food from spoiling, plus it is nice to have ice on the long hot days. All I need is people.. I know that this valley sounds ideal. I must say it is my garden of Eden. All of this land can be filed upon and had for a small filing fee. Now I will take any questions and will try to answer truthfully."

Mr. Chavez, Jack Carlos' dad, rose to his feet. "Paul, I have only one question and you don't have to answer it now if you don't want to. Are you and Carlos partners?"

"Dad, I would like to answer that. We were going to tell you later in private. Yes, we are partners. Does that affect you decision?"

"No, Carlos it does not. You mom and I have already decided that this would be your answer. You two just have that look about you. Welcome, Paul, to the family." Everyone stood and clapped. Tears came to Jack Carlos and Paul's eyes.

Another man stood and started to speak. "Paul and Carlos, We are so happy for the both of you. As you know we all have to move. We only have two weeks left. When can we begin our move?"

"As far as we are concerned, We can start loading the wagons now. How many wagons do we have? Please hold up your fingers showing how many wagon you have. That is good . Everyone has at least one wagon. Four of you have two and one has three."

"Another question. Do all of you have a team of horses or oxen. Raise you hand if you don't. We have six extra wagons. Do any of you have extra teams? Six hands went into the air. Very good. Let's plan on loading the wagons tomorrow and we can leave the next day. We can help each other. Lets decide after this meeting is over what order we want to load into the wagons. We may have to make more that one trip. If we hurry we can break some more land and get crops planted. We should be able to make a decent crop, the good Lord willing. Then we can think about building houses and outbuildings. We can go to my place and get the barn ready to use until we can build houses."

That night Jack Carlos and I slept in the barn and had a terrific love session. We were so glad that his parents had accepted his life style.

We decided that we would load the wagons with the small animals ie chickens and other fowl, rabbits, small pigs, etc. We would have to put side boards on the wagons and take the large hogs at another time. Any space left over we would take what kitchen utilities and bedding. We could put the animals into the pens at my place. We would leave the women that we didn't need as drivers, and the children and then the rest of us would return for the house hold goods. The men folk would then return get anything that was left. Then we could drive the large livestock and sheep over to their new home.

We all knew that we were running short of time and everyone would have to work from sunup to sundown, if we were going to get all that need be done before time ran out. Men, women and children labored breaking and planting the fields. We had just finished, when we got another soaking rain. So far, things were working in our favor.

Next: Chapter 3

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