Farmer Turned Rancher

By John Colorado

Published on Aug 5, 2009


by John of Colorado Farmer Turned Rancher

If you are not of age or man/man sex bothers you, or this illegal in your area, then I suggest you leave NOW! Why are you still here, I told you to leave! The names have been changed but the story itself is basically based upon facts. However, it is fiction!

Chapter 7

Jeremy and I loaded the buggy, got Grandma and the kids settled in and headed toward the nearest railroad station to take the train East. We were going to leave our horses at a stable and pick them up on our return trip. In less than a week, we arrived in Jeremy's home town.

Grandma was from a little town about 50 miles away. The kids wanted to go with her. So we put the three of them on a stage and sent them on their way. They would visit for awhile and then return so we could start the ride home.

Jeremy and I learned that the old influenza had wiped out most of the town and community. We were disheartened to find very few people who knew Jeremy left. I felt very sorry for him. He was very down and blue. His old home place had been sold and the money had been invested in the bank until all the heirs had been notified. All of the family's personal belongings had been put into crates and moved to storage. So part of Jeremy's life was still here, but his childhood memories were now gone.

We knew that since Jeremy was the only heir left, everything would go to him. Luckily the judge, one of the fortunate survivors, was handling the case.. The Judge knew Jeremy and also that he had no living relatives . Jeremy would have no trouble collecting his inheritance.

What the judge didn't know was why Jeremy had left home, so we thought. Jeremy's father had tried to cover up the real reason and told the community, that Jeremy got restless feet and went west to seek his fortune. We did not bother to tell the judge any differently.

I found out that Jeremy's father had gone into the mercantile and hardware business and had a very large store. Jeremy never talked about his family and his youth. I knew nothing about his early life.

The inventory from the store had been put into crates and stored in a large warehouse. We decided to take all this and his personal belongings back to the ranch. We knew that everything would be put to good use by us and the other settlers. We just didn't know what he had.

We had to wait for several days for the bank to clear a draft,which was ordered by the judge. During that time, Jeremy and I spent a little time sight seeing and visiting with old friends. The rest of the time was spent in the hotel room, doing what we loved to do best----making love. This was almost like a honeymoon and we took best advantage of the time we had alone. Jeremy and I knew that we now had a long future ahead of us.... together.

Finally, Jeremy received his money and we hired some men to load all the merchandise and things from the warehouse into wagons and take everything to the railroad depot to be loaded into boxcars. We, actually, filled five cars!

Jeremy and I decided that we would need some heaver freight wagons to haul all of this back to the ranch from the railhead. We scoured the countryside and finally found 8 wagons. We could find all kinds of wagons, but we wanted good strong ones used to haul freight. We took them to the depot, where we took the wagons apart and loaded them into a box car.

We found 30 draft or work horses and harnesses to go along with the wagons. These horses would come in handy on the farm. With good horses, we could get more work done and in less time.

We met Grandma and the kids at the stage depot. Now all we had to do was wait for the train to take us home. The train arrived and we loaded the horses into cattle cars. Needless to say, we filled the whole train, except for the passenger cars.

We were all ready to depart, when a buckboard pulled up to the platform. The sheriff and Judge were in it along with two small children, a boy, Robert and a girl, Sherry about 9 years of age. We found out that they were twins and actually were 8½.

"Jeremy, these two children belonged to your friend, Roger Jones. They lost both their parents and all known relatives during the epidemic. We had no place to put them and they were placed with a very abusive set of foster parents, who only wanted what money they could get from the county. The children were very badly abused. The Judge and I would like to send the children with you. Hopefully, you can find a good home for them if you decide not to keep them yourself. The judge has signed papers giving both of you complete custody of the children. We know why you father kicked you out and you left home. We think the children will have a good home with you two." said the Sheriff.

Before the judge could say anything, Jeremy and I both held out our arms. The children ran to us and threw their arms around our necks. "Well, Judge, does that answer your questions. We have a boy and girl about the same age as these two. They were orphaned and we took them in. Sarah and Mark come here for a minute, I want to introduce you to your new brother and sister. I would say that our family just increased by 100%." Smiled Jeremy.

"We took in a widow woman to help with the children. She is an absolute prize. We all love her and I know these two will have the best grandma ever. Grandma, I want you to meet the new additions to the family, Robert and Sherry" I said. "Judge, how long have you known about Jeremy?"

"We have known since Jeremy's dad died.. Jeremy, your dad forgave you before he died and he prayed to God for forgiveness and to bring you back home. I think he got both of his requests answered." said the Judge.

Jeremy started to cry. The kids and I just held him tight and let him get it out of his system. Then we heard the train whistle . Now the tears were flowing from all of us, including the Judge and Sheriff. The Judge handed a small box to the little girl. "Sherry, here are some of your mother's things. She wanted you to have them. We didn't give to you before, but now take them and treasure them and remember that your parents loved you both very much! There is also a picture of your mother and father." Said the Judge through his tears.

The children had never ridden on a train before and were petrified. Jeremy and I each picked up a child, who locked their arms around our necks as we climbed on board. Mark and Sarah turned out to be lifesavers and made the children feel welcomed and that they belonged.

We heard the Sheriff tell the Judge "We did good, Judge! We really did good!!

The Judge replied, "That we did. Thank you God for sending those two young men and their family to us!"

The train started pulling away and there were seven noses pressed hard against the windows, waving good-bye!

It didn't take the kids long to adapt to us and the train ride.. It took Grandma, Jeremy and I all to ride herd on the children. This was to become an experience none of us would ever forget. When it came to sleeping, that was another matter. Jeremy had one kid in bed with him and I had the other. They would have it no other way. Grandma got stuck with the other two.

We would wait until they were asleep and then we would get together. Our love making was taking a turn for the better. Jeremy and I both were madly in love and we knew that we had a lifetime partner.

The train finally arrived at our departure point. Our cars were put on a siding and the train continued on down the tracts. Now came the hard part of our journey. We had to find help to unload the cars and find drivers for the wagons. Hopefully, they would be the same. We would need men with horses or we would have to rent horses for them, so that they could return.

This turned out to be easier than we had thought. There were 3 young men sitting in the shade of the train depot talking and taking life easy. We approached them and they agreed to take the job.

They would round up some of their friends and complete the work force for us. About 3/4 of an hour later they were back with their friends. The man inside the depot told us that this was a good bunch of guys and we would get our money's worth from them.

We unloaded the horses first and took them to nearby corrals where we fed and watered them. They can eat and drink. They may be big but they are sweet and loveable. I don't think there is a mean bone in any of them.

We started unloading the wagons and putting them together. Jeremy was a thinker and had numbered all the parts for each wagon so we would know how to put them back together. At least we didn't have one big puzzle.

Then came the other boxcars. We put all the heavy stuff in 3 wagons . We would hitch four horses to each of these. We and would use only two horses per wagon on the ones that were filled with the lighter stuff. We soon discovered that we needed two more wagons. One of the men said he could get them for us.

We had some horses left and we decided to buy another lighter wagon for our supplies. We would have a train of 11 wagons and a buggy, which we got back from the stable where we had left it. We could tie the saddle horses behind the wagons and the men could use them to return to the railhead.

We planned on 5 days to reach the ranch. If we didn't have any major trouble. We had used up most of the day loading the wagons and decided to get an early start in the morning. We ate our evening meal in town at the local restaurant. The kids were overjoyed to get to sleep out under the stars. One guy who knew the area was put in charge of finding campsites for us.. We would need water and a place for the horses to graze. "No problem," he told us.

We made better time than we thought and only had to spend 4 days on the road. We arrived at the ranch house. Jack Carlos was there doing chores. He told the kids that Lady had a new litter of puppies. The kids were off like a herd of race horses. We knew that the kids would be occupied and would not get in our way.

We unloaded the wagons in the barn and put the crates along the edge so we could open them and sort the merchandise. Grandma was still shaking her head every time she looked at the pile of stuff we had unloaded. Jeremy and I couldn't believe it, either. We didn't open the boxes but we could do that later. The horses were given extra grain and put out to pasture with the other horses.

Grandma, Jeremy, the kids and I were cooking a big meal for the workers. While we were cooking, the men decided to go to the creek and clean up. Jeremy and I were wishing that we could join them, but we had work to do. The men were going to rest up and would leave in the morning after breakfast. They had been the best and were rewarded generously by Jeremy.

We told them they could take the light wagon back and give it to someone if they didn't want it. Therefore, they could haul all their personal gear and food back in it.

Grandma dug out several of bottles of homemade wine and gave a bottle it to each of the men. They were very happy and very appreciative. Grandma knows how to make good wine. I don't know how much she has in her wine cellar .. I never go down there but she gladly shares when the occasion arises.

Jeremy and I would have to spend the night in the barn with the rest of the men. Grandma had to have some place to put the children. The boys were to share one room and the girls were to share another. I could see another addition to the house. I have never seen 4 happier kids. I got all teary eyed just thinking about what the four of them have gone through and at such a young age. Jeremy and I are determined to make their lives good ones.

Jeremy and I were in our room getting ready to go to the barn. "Jeremy, do you have any underclothes on?"

"That is a funny question to ask! Why do you want to know?"

"When we get to the barn and start getting ready for bed, If we are nude, I know we are going to get fucked by all those men in the barn. Have you ever done it with a group of guys?"

"No, but I am sure willing to try. I have to take my undies off though!" laughed Jeremy.

"Here take this bottle of peanut oil and use it. It will make penetration a lot easier and more fun. I already have nothing on underneath. So I am ready for action!"

"It sounds like you have done this group thing before." mentioned Jeremy.

"Yes, I have!" Then I told him about Uncle Big Man and his friends. "You haven't lived until you feel what happens as soon as one cock is pulled from your ass and another is inserted immediately. Just remember when you have had enough, just say so and the party is over." I told him, grinning from ear to ear. "Man you are going to live tonight but you will pay for it tomorrow. I just hope that none of the guys are super studs. I don't want to get sore too fast!"

We headed toward the barn. We found all the men just sitting around talking and a couple of them had already in bed but were definately not asleep.

"We have been kicked out of the house and will spend the night with you guys." I started making my bed and Jeremy followed suit. I sat down and took my boots and socks off. Them came my shirt and finally my pants. There I stood, naked and unashamed.

"Man, that is a cute looking ass you have, I think I would like to sample it, if you don't mind."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Before we start though, there are just a few rules: no rough stuff. When we say enough, that is all. Open us up easy and then have fun! OK?"

"Fine with me! Said the man, starting to undress. Jeremy was already in the process, also. The rest of the men started following suit.

"Man, you are sure being slow. I am going to get out of the mood before you are ready. I may even die of old age." I laughed.

My guy just laughed and move in and took me in his arms and started kissing me and then his hand started finding my joy spots. He was big but not huge.. Just the right size. We were both hard as rocks now. I used the oil on him and oiled my ass good. I laid down on my back and he moved in for the kill. He cock broke through my ring and he stopped and waited for him to give him the ok. It was very evident that this was not his first time.

"Go ahead and pound my ass like there is no tomorrow!" With that, he buried his cock all the way in my ass and I felt his balls hit my butt. Now he was off to a flying start.

"Man you have one tight one and you know how to use it. So lay a good one on me!"

All I could do was moan. I picked up his rhythm and would squeeze and relax at just the right time. Just as soon as he pulled out another man would climb on and stick his cock in my ass. Jeremy was getting the same treatment.

Toward early morning, Jeremy and I couldn't take any more. We were just too sore to continue. So we called a halt.

Everyone in the barn fell asleep almost immediately, completely exhausted. It seemed like we had just gone to sleep when the boys were yelling at us to get up and that it was breakfast time. They went back to the house. It was a good thing, because all the nude men crawled out of bed and started getting dressed.

The first guy I had, came up to me, Took me in his arms, kissed me and told me thanks. He told me if he was out this way again, that he would be sure and stop by and see Jeremy and me. The other guys didn't have much to say. We were just a night of entertainment for them and we would soon be forgotten.

Jeremy and I sat very lightly on our chairs. We were sore and it showed. After breakfast, we said our good-byes to the guys, who left to return home.

Grandma told Jeremy and me that Jack Carlos had stopped by and told her that the cattle in the far southwest corner had broken down the fence and that we would have to go down and round them up and repair the fence. It was several hours ride down there. I looked at Jeremy and he looked at me and we both let out with a loud moan. No way could we sit in the saddle and ride that long.

Grandma started laughing, "I was only kidding. I am going to hook the buggy up and drive over to the Chavez', introduce the kids and let them know that we have returned safely but that you aren't up to visitors yet because you have sitting problems." Grandma was laughing so hard that the guys were afraid that she would pass out.

"Why, Grandma, we don't know what you mean! There is nothing wrong with us that a little time won't cure." I Laughed. Jeremy was beet red by this time and really didn't know how to act.

"Grandma, will you tell Jack Carlos to pass the word for everyone to come over in three days and plan on spending the night. We have a barn full of goodies to distribute to everyone. They won't need wagons or teams because we have some for them."

"I can do that! Just kidding with you boys. I hope that I didn't make you mad, or embarrass you too much. While we are gone, heat some hot water and take a long soaking bath. It will work wonders."

"Grandma, we love you, and nothing you can do will make us mad at you--at least not for a very long time and no you didn't embarrass us.." Said Jeremy.

"Both of your faces are beet red? Have you been out in the sun too much?"

Jeremy and I both grabbed her and gave her a big hug and a kiss. "We will even go and hitch up the buggy and we want you to have a good trip. Kids, you take good care of this woman and keep her out of trouble and bring her back safe and sound. We don't want to break in someone new!" I remarked, smiling.

After Grandma and the kids had gone, we built a fire in the outside stove and put a tub of water on to heat. "Man, I love that woman. She is one of a kind. She is the only Grandma, I have ever known."

"I know what you mean. She is special and is getting a lot of jewels in her crown." expressed Jeremy.

We filled two bath tubs and just sat and soaked until the water started cooling. Our butts had started feeling a little better. We knew that soon they would be back to normal.

"Paul, if you even touch my butt in a two week period of time, I am going to kick yours for a country mile."

"I was thinking the same thing, but I am going to say a month."

"You know you will be going after my ass in about a day. You can't go any longer than that without getting a piece ass. You know you are just oversexed!" Laughed Jeremy.

We were both laughing now and I just took him in my arms and gave him a big sloppy kiss. "Maybe I should amend that to an hour."

Editor's Notes: well, there you have another quite interesting chapter of life from a few years ago. I must admit that it has been a long time since I set foot on a farm. The only horses and wagons I have seen in many years were in movies or on TV. I have read a lot of stories about life in the days of the pioneers. This one certainly caught my attention. I am really curious as to what will happen next. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Next: Chapter 8

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