Farmer Turned Rancher

By John Colorado

Published on Aug 13, 2009


by John of Colorado Farmer Turned Rancher

If you are not of age or man/man sex bothers you, or this illegal in your area, then I suggest you leave NOW! Why are you still here, I told you to leave! The names have been changed but the story itself is basically based upon facts. However, most of it is fiction.

Chapter 9

Scott arrived and we left for The Campbell Ranch. Scott was still not sure about his sexual orientation. Jeremy and I told him that we would give him an initiation, and would do so on the way to the ranch.

We had to go by a little lake and this would be the perfect place.

It was a nice hot day and by the time we got to the lake, the three of us were ready to take a cooling dip in the lake. We started taking off our clothes. Scott suddenly had the look of panic written all over his face.

I took him in my arms. "Scott, you don't have to do this, you know. We can stop at anytime if things get too uncomfortable for you, or if you change your mind. Jeremy and I want you to be our friend regardless of what happens today."

"I know and I am just scared. I don't want to stop, I want to know for sure." He said as he was kissing me.

Jeremy had moved down and was licking and playing with Scott who was rock hard. My fingers found their way to his backside, I poured a little oil on them and inserted one in his hole. He froze and tensed up. I just continued to play with him and continued kissing him. He finally relaxed enough for me to get a finger all the way into him. Soon I had two and then three. I told him he was ready for the real thing. I had him get on all fours and moved behind him. Jeremy crawled underneath Scott and swallowed him all the way down.

Soon I was all the way in. Scott had not stopped us, but we both knew that he was not enjoying it as much as he should have been. I climaxed and Jeremy and I traded places. Even though Scott was good, we all knew that he was not completely satisfied. Something was missing. Jeremy finished off and pulled out.

"Guys, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't think this is for me. Sure I had fun, but I didn't see stars and hear bells. It was just ok and I don't think I would want to repeat it." uttered Scott. "I just had to try it out, so I would at least know where I stood."

"Scott, You were good and I enjoyed my time with you. I certainly wouldn't turn down another session with you. You are right, though, this is not for you. After my first time, I knew for sure what I wanted. So if you ever change your mind, just let me know and I will gladly give you another ride or let you use me. Your choice." I said, kissing Scott. "Thanks good buddy for giving me a chance to be your first!"

"That goes for me also. Even though I was raped by 3 guys when I was 14, I knew what I wanted and girls weren't for me. Too bad, with a little practice, you would be one hot one. You have all the makings of being really good," Beamed Jeremy.

"Let's take a another swim and wash some of the love smell off us and be on our way. We have things to do!" I said. "All this sex talk is making me want to do it again, but I guess I will just have to jump old Jeremy."

"If we don't get a move on, we will just have to spend the night here and I don't want to embarrass Scott." giggled Jeremy.

"Nasty old man!" declared Scott.

We headed toward the Campbell ranch. When we came to the end of our property, there was a fence with a gate across the road. "I wonder who this land belongs to. I just hope that we don't get shot for trespassing. It will make it a lot farther if we have to go around." Just over a little rise, we saw a new house. " I think we had better stop in and say hello to our new neighbors." I declared.

"Hello! We are neighbors. Anyone home?" I yelled.

A man and a woman came to the door. "Hello, won't you get down and rest for awhile? Alice, please bring some water for these gentlemen. Thank you, Dear!"

We were off our horses and sitting on the porch in the shade when a girl about 18 came out of the house with our drinks. I thought we would have to lasso Scott and bring him down to earth. Alice was one good looking girl.. She sat down next to Scott and all he could do was make googly eyes at her. If he had to repeat his name, he probably couldn't. It was very plain to see that she had made quite an impression on him and he on her. Could this be `Love' at first sight!.

I looked at Jeremy and he smiled at me. We both knew that Scott had made a wise decision. We sat for quite some time and found out that Mr. Campbell had bought this land and had fenced it completely. He was running cows on it.. Alice's dad was hired as a ranch foreman and ran the spread. Mr. Campbell had planted a large section of maize, to be used as winter feed for the stock. Close to the house and near the stream was a large section for a garden with an irrigation system already in use. The meadow had a large crop of hay.

We were getting ready to leave and Scott asked if he could call on Alice. " You certainly may. There weren't any young people her age around here."

"I would love to have you come by. I get tired of talking to the animals. Mom and Dad are ok, but I would like to have someone my own age for company." Alice said with a large smile.

"May I came back Sunday and go to church with you?" inquired Scott.

"That would be absolutely great. We are having a Social after church and I will make a box lunch for us." Replied Alice.

"Boy, you are in for a super treat. Alice is the best cook in the country next to her mother" bragged her father.

We were on our way. "Jeremy, you had better pinch Scott and wake him up. I think he is still in a dream. He has love written all over his face---his whole body in fact!"

"I was just thinking about throwing Paul's ugly body to the wolves and going a courting. That is one pretty woman back there. Scott, Look out, I think I am going to give you some competition." laughed Jeremy.

"You go near my woman and I will fill your butt with buckshot." retorted Scott.

"Listen to that, `my woman'. She is more woman than you know what to do with." I funned.

We had our fun and we were glad that we were there to help Scott make up his mind about what he wanted in life. If and when he did decide to get married, we would set him up in a place of his own.

The three of us arrived at the Campbell Ranch headquarters and we were in luck, Mr. Campbell was home. He welcomed us into his house and we were just in time for lunch so he invited us to eat with them.

After we had finished eating, we went into his study and began our business meeting. Much to our surprise, Mr. Campbell had developed a serious illness and the doctor had given him no more than two years. He was in the process of liquidating all of his assets. He and his wife were going to return to the east coast to be with family and friends.

He made us an offer we couldn't refuse. The land that we just went through contained a 1,000+ acres and was fenced and subdivided. He was running 650 head of cows and calves on it, plus horses and bulls. It contained a new house and outbuildings. He had another 1,000 acres which joined this place on the north which was exactly the same as the first place. All supplies and equipment would go with the purchase. In addition, he would throw in the home place, completely furnished, 300 acres, 200 cows and calves, along with 35 head of dairy cows and two dairy bulls, a small heard of swine , 100 laying hens, an unknown number of fryers, and several roosters.. All of this for the price of $15,000.

"Mr. Campbell, this is a most reasonable offer. I think that we need to take a little walk and talk all of this over," I stated.

"Sounds reasonable to me. Take all the time you need," replied Mr. Campbell..

The three of us excused ourselves and left the house. Mr. Campbell told us if we went due west for about ½ mile, we would find a beautiful swimming hole. So west we headed.

"Paul, I couldn't believe my ears. Can you believe what kind of bargain this is! We wanted to become ranchers and now the chance has been dumped into our laps." Exclaimed Jeremy.

"Jeremy, do you realize that will be about ½ of your money. Do you really want to spend that much?" I asked.

"Correction, Our money! Remember?" responded Jeremy. "If we make a bad investment, which I don't think this would be, we would still have more than we had when we started out. Dad made all this money by taking chances and I would like to continue in his footsteps."

"Ok, you have convinced me. Let's go ahead and go swimming and think about it a little more." I asserted.

"Scott, we haven't heard from you yet! What do you think?" questioned Jeremy.

"It doesn't matter what I think, it is not my money." responded Scott.

"I haven't discussed it with Paul yet, but I would like to make you a partner along with the two of us and Jack Carlos." countered Jeremy..

"I think that is a marvelous idea, especially if he belongs to us and not that girl." I agreed. "Just kidding. I would have to agree that you would be a partner."

"Well, in that case, who am I to say no to such a fine offer." exclaimed Scott.

After our swim, which was a very short one, we went back to see Mr. Campbell and told him of our decision. We agreed to meet him at the bank at the railhead where we had our money and would complete our final transaction in a week. We signed a letter of intent and started home with more than we had come for. Everyone was coming out winner. The Campbell's could head east and we were ranchers and not farmers.

Mr. Campbell was going to load his belongings in a couple of wagons and would leave after the deal was complete. He couldn't believe that everything fell together so quickly, especially finding someone who could cash him out.

We stopped by so Scott could see Alice again. We told them what had occurred between Mr. Campbell and us. We offered to let Alice's dad remain foreman of this section of the ranch. He would have to decide how many men he would need and we left it up to him to hire all he needed. He said he had a brother and two nephews who were available because they worked for Mr. Campbell already. He thought that would be all he would need for the time being. However, during harvest and round-up time more would be needed.

Scott and Alice hitched up the buggy and went for a ride. When they left, every one had a happy look about them. "Be sure and be back before dark." Called the mother! "You know that driving a buggy after dark isn't the wisest thing to be doing!"

We were invited to spend the night. We had our bed rolls with us and could use the barn. The hay loft would make a nice bed and with the windows open at each end we would have a cooling breeze all night. Scott could have one end, and Jeremy and I would take the other. We knew that Scott would still be able to hear us but we knew that he would be ok with the arrangement.

We sat around talking and decided to ride up to the North Ranch, look things over and meet the other ranch hands and offer them a job if they wanted it. Mr. Wallace said he would go with us. He was sure that Mrs. Wallace and Alice would want to take the buggy and ride up also. The road connecting the two places was a good one and the drive wasn't all that long. Of course, Scott would have to do the driving.

Editor's Notes: It looks as if things are really coming together nicely. Scott has found someone he really wants to spend his life with, and everything is really looking good for everyone.

We will just have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens, won't we?

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Next: Chapter 10

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