Hand of Fate

By Erron Wright

Published on Aug 29, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction and does not imply anything about the celebrities in this fantasy. FANTASY!

Hello, I'm Erron, an avid reader and a new author. I believe that literature is magic. Please allow me to cast my spell for you.

Well it's been a while, but I'm finally back. Thanks for all the encouragement and the concern of my absence. I was just living life. Something I encourage everyone to do. And to everyone that responded to my ranting in my delay update, thank you. I just needed to know that I was right about everything getting so caught up in competition. We need to realize that writing comes first and self-gratitude last. There is so much in between that we need to take care of before we ask others to gratify our actions.

What I'm saying is you don't have to e-mail me. If you feel that my story has touched something inside you, then please let me join in on your revelry. But I'm not gonna demand that you write me or I'll take my story down. I like my story and I'll take it down when I feel it's time. I'm just here to entertain each and every one of you. Thank you so much for reading.

Hand of Fate Enraptured

"I guess I'll head into the shower now," he said invitingly. Or at least I made myself believe he said it invitingly.

"Okay. When you're done we'll be downstairs in the galley."

"Could you stay. Talk to me for a while. You can sit on the counter while I shower. If you don't mind, that is," he said with a longing in his eyes.

"I guess I can do that." I followed him down the hall to the bathroom and waited for him to get undressed and in the shower before I entered.

"This room is really nice. Thanks for letting me stay in it."

"No problem at all. This is actually my favorite besides mine. I used to come in here a lot when I felt down. Surprisingly it made me feel better, because I knew that no matter how much sadness I had, that I would get over it. This room will always be blue. I guess it has some weird paranormal sadness absorbing power," I laughed.

We continued to chat for about another ten minutes. I never heard the water turn off. So I didn't know when to leave. The next thing I knew, I was pulled out of my mindless droning by the shower curtain being pulled aside. There standing in front of me was a naked god. My jaw hit the floor and I turned bright red. I looked away as fast as I could.

"What," he laughed, "You've never seen a naked guy before?"

I stuttered for a few seconds and just gawked at the naked god in front of my pagan eyes. I tried as hard as I could to grab hold of the hormonal surge that was happening in my brain. It was hard, but I succeeded.

"Actually," I laughed, "No. I never had the chance to see naked guys before. I'm always busy. I haven't gone to the nearest "See Naked Men" club lately." I laughed so hard from my rather unfunny remark. He just smiled.

"Well take a good look. It should keep you satisfied for the next two years," he laughed as he shook his hips in the most seductive way. The pole the protruded from his groin swayed back and forth like a pendulum in a hypnotist's hand.

"Oh aren't you full of yourself," I questioned with a lighthearted smirk.

"Only around people I like," he said as he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom. I was caught in a stupor. Did he mean like as in like? Or like as in like? I swear if I could have drop kicked myself for over-analization I would have. I walked down the hall and re-entered the bedroom to find Justin already dressed.

"That was quick," I smiled.

"I try."

And with that he followed me out and down to the galley where all the guys had assembled. Justin ran up and took a seat next to JC while I stood behind him. We exchanged morning pleasantries as if they were programmed into our brains. Then Lance finally spoke up.

"What took you guys so long?"

"Well I kinda got caught up in this show that I HAD to see," I said as I kicked the back of Justin's chair. Justin burst out in a fit of laughter that would have easily had him committed to a mental institution if he had been in public and not around friends. I chuckled a little and the guys just stared at us.

"What's so funny," JC asked with a smirk on his face.

"Don't ask," I replied with a huge laugh. "So anyway, what would you guys like for breakfast?"

"French toast."

"Bacon and eggs."


"An omelet."


"I guess I should have written all that down," I laughed. "I have an idea. Why don't I take you guys to my favorite restaurant? It's right down the street and I can call in the order so it will be ready when we get there."

"Sounds cool," Chris said.

"Then it's settled." I got on the phone and talked to Scott, who owned The Cove, and set up a table for six while I gave him the food orders. We exited the building and hopped into my Navigator. As we left the parking lot Joey mentioned something about all the cars that were parked. He asked whether or not I ever drove them. Of course I had, but not as much as I drive my navigator. I feel so safe in this thing.

We pulled up to The Cove, which is a quaint hostel at the end of my residential block. It was previously an inn but was converted into a restaurant on the bottom floor and ten rooms on the second floor for the employees who needed or could not find decent apartments. The d‚cor was pretty fanciful. The walls on the inside were lined with stone so it gave of the essence of being in a cave. There were no overhead lights, just wall lantern that splashed a serene aura around the place. But I think the grandest part of The Cove was the pond that was dug up right in the center of the restaurant complete with a waterfall and tiny tributaries that led back to the pump/filtration system. So each table was basically separated by a bridge. It was divine.

"This place is great," JC whispered. He was probably too afraid to speak up because of the quiet atmosphere.

"I think so too," Someone said from behind us. We turned to see that it was Scott.

"Scott, how you been? Long time no see. You're never here when I dine," I said as I gave him a hug.

"Well you know, wife and kids, that tends to keep me busy in a place far away from here. So who are your friends?"

"Scott I'd like you to meet Justin, JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris. Guys, this is Scott the owner of The Cove."

"You're the owner? But you look so young," Joey gasped.

"It's true I am only 17, but with a little help from Erron I was able to take over this place," Scott said as he punched my arm.

"You didn't tell us that," Justin smirked.

"It must have slipped my mind," I joked. We all laughed and were seated. Our food was waiting for us in these piping hot silver platters. We all dug in and began to eat like Armageddon would soon be upon us and we wanted to die stuffed and happy. We made little or no conversation, just the occasional chitchat now and then. When we had finished gording ourselves with breakfast I paid the check and we rushed out to the car. Scott escorted us out and thanked us for stopping by and told me to give him a call. I agreed and we departed.

The drive to the hotel was energetic. The food must have triggered something in the metabolic function of the guys because they were all over the place. Touching this and pushing that, I was about to crack the whip but we ended up at the hotel sooner than I thought. I drove around to the back entrance to let them out. As they got out Justin came around to my window and invited me up.

"No thanks. As much as I'd love to, I have so much to get done today. What you can do is give me a call later and tell me what time you guys are leaving and I'll come and say bye," I said. I lied through my teeth. Of course I wanted to come up and hang out some more. But I didn't hang out. I wrote and that was it. I didn't have friends because I was afraid to lose them. I think that is the real reason I refused.

"You sure," Justin said almost pleadingly, "We may not see each other for a long time and I'd really like to spend as much time with you as possible."

"Me too," Lance smiled as he popped his head into the window next to Justin's.

"Well," I hesitated, "I guess I can come up for a while."

"Great," Justin shouted as he opened my door for me. He draped his arm across my shoulder and guided me inside. We walked past a huge array of security guards that all gave me this ruthless stare until Justin told them that I was a friend. Can you believe that? I was a friend. I had friends.

We got into the elevator and Chris and Joey started horsing around with each other which caused Joey to bump into JC knocking him into the door of the elevator just as it opened. He fell straight to the floor with a thud.

"Ouch. That hurt dammit. You guys should watch what you're doing," He scorned as he rubbed his ass and lifted himself up. I could not stop laughing.

"Whatever you say pops," Chris joked as he ran to his room and quickly slid his key card into the door. He jumped in his room and shut the door before JC could catch up to him.

"Well I'm gonna take a nap before we go," Joey said, "All that food made me sleepy." He unlocked his door, entered, and closed it behind him.

"Lance could you help me out with something in my room real quick," JC questioned with a very distinct hint of `let me get out of your way' in his voice.

"Can't it wait JC? I was gonna spend some time with Erron and Justin."

"No it can't," JC said as he gave Lance this death stare, "It will only take about half an hour. I'm sure Erron will still be here."

"OHHHH," Lance chirped as he glanced from Justin to myself, "OKAY. Sure I can help you JC. Let's go. I'll see you in a while Erron. You too Justin."

"Alrighty," Justin said. He then turned to me and questioned, "Don't you think that was a little strange?"

"Just a little?" We both laughed as he walked me to his door and let me in. "This is nice."

"It's okay I guess. It's nothing compared to the suites in your building."

"You're too kind," I joked.

We made small talk for a while. He packed his stuff up while I lounged on his bed and just listened to him speak. I loved his voice. Even if he hadn't been a singer, his speaking voice would still sound as angelic to my ears. I was falling for him. But something told me that it wasn't that I was falling in love, but that I was falling in lust over this angel in front of me. I knew it was true but I couldn't control my feelings. I was driven by him. Him as in his whole being. I couldn't pick out certain aspects I loved about him because I loved everything about him. . . Equally.

"Yo Erron snap out of it." He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking."

"Don't hurt yourself."

"Very funny," I said as I smacked his arm.

"So what were you thinking about," he inquired.

"What do you think Justin? Of course, I was thinking about you. You are my world, I don't know what I would do if I didn't think about you all day long," I joked and began to laugh. He didn't. I began to get worried.

"Haha. Good one. Were you really thinking about me," he asked inquisitively, like he was hoping that my answer be yes.

" To tell you the truth, I was thinking about you," I muttered so softly hoping that he wouldn't hear me. But he did, and his smile gave it away. It was like the Cheshire cat from wonderland but so much more.

"Really? What about me?"

"Oh nothing."

"Come on, you can tell me. I mean, it was about me and all."

"That's the point."

"Erron please tell me," he begged with not only his words but with his eyes. They were dim lit bulbs hoping that my words would somehow electrically up their wattage with a great answer. An answer that I was not ready to give. But his face wouldn't let me lie about something this big. I turned to him and began to speak. I was really gonna do it and tell him how I longed for him.

"Well, ummm, Justin, I, really. . ." I stuttered out.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! A door never sounded so good to me. I rushed to the door and opened it. It was Lance.

"LANCE! Hey, how are you! It's been so long," I exclaimed as I pulled him into the room hoping that his presence would alleviate all the tension in the air.

"Woah, Erron, nice to see you too. You seem really happy to se me."

"Of course. Who wouldn't be," I beamed. Justin started cracking up. And he walked over to me and out of nowhere pounced on me causing me to crash into the bed.

"You're such a wuss," he said as he tickled me, "Lance here saved ya from spilling the beans, but he can't save you from my attack!" I could not stop laughing.

"What's going on here," Lance shouted.

"Oh nothing, Justin just decided to beat me up. Would you mind helping me out?" I waited for Lance to come and save me, but he just stared and laughed. "Umm, Lance, I could use some help here."

"Sorry Erron, I don't get involved in other people's affairs. I like to mind my own business," he squealed.

"Thanks a lot Lance."

"No problem. Now if you guys excuse me for a second, I think I still need to help JC with, uhh, that thing. Be right back," he said as he exited the room quickly.

We wrestled for another five minutes. He had infinite energy, while I; on the other hand, hand long given up and just enjoyed him touching me. I'm such a perv sometimes. I had to think of a way to get him off of me. Something so repulsively funny that he would jump off in milliseconds. I had an idea.

"Justin," I gasped between fits of laughter.

"Yeah?" He just kept on tickling me.

"If you don't stop I'm gonna cream in my pants. You've gotten me all hot and bothered. And boy am I hard!" That was a little overboard but I hoped that it would get him off of me.

"Really? You don't feel hard," he laughed as he grabbed my crotch, "Nice try though."

Justin Timberlake just grabbed my crotch! What is wrong with me? I'm not being serious. I was happy. No, this can't be. I'm supposed to be forever morbid and gloomy. What is happening to me? He makes me so happy. No one has made me happy since John. My mind was so jumbled up in the commotion that I forgot to respond to him grabbing my crotch. I just started crying.

When Justin noticed my tears, he immediately stopped ticking me and pulled me into a hug. "Erron, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that grabbing you would affect you this much." I burst out into a horrible fit of laughter.

"I don't care about that you reject. I was just thinking about something."


"You. . . Again."

"What about me?!?"

"Justin I can't. I don't have the strength. It hurts so much to talk about."

"Please Erron. Remember what I said. You can tell me anything. I meant that. Now please trust me," he said as he grabbed onto my hand and peered deep into my eyes. I could feel his aura dive through the lens on my eye and swim in the retina. He then floated down to my brain and stayed there trying to soak up some understanding from my vague indiscretions. He seemed to have control over my lips as I spoke.

"Justin, I haven't been truly happy since I was with John. I haven't smiled since my parents' death. I haven't loved since I lost the people that have meant so much. But I feel those emotions when I'm around you guys. When I'm around you. I smile every time we're together. I laugh now. I feel the love you guys have for each other, and that makes me want to love again. I can't control myself when I'm around you guys. I just want to have fun. I missed out on a lot growing up, but it just seems that you guys were sent by fate to help me catch up on everything that I've missed. My brain goes left to right trying find something to say when I'm around you guys because I'm afraid you'll be gone so soon, and I'll regret not saying something. And although I feel all of this. . ." I paused.

"Keep going," Justin said as he rubbed my hand.

"And although I feel all this happiness and love and joy and heart and greatness and satisfaction and rapture and blissfulness and euphoria and everything else I feel when I'm around you. I keep thinking that I'll lose you at any second. So I set my defense up and try to put up a front. I don't know what else to say. Oh yeah. What I was really thinking about before you jumped me was how much I wanted to kiss you." I shocked myself. I can't believe I actually said that.

"You're always such a wise guy. Can't be serious for one moment can you?" YES! He thought I was kidding. I mean NO! He thought I was kidding. What do I do?

"Justin I'm always serious I about stuff like this," I said. What was I doing? I'm practically throwing myself at him. Hell why not. If I'm gonna be hypocritical to my normal self while they're around I might as well take advantage of the situation. When he looked up at me, I leaned my head in towards his and waited for our lips to make contact. I waited for my lips to make contact. I waited so more. GOD DAMMIT! Where were his lips? I was too afraid to open my eyes and see that he had jetted out of the room so I kept leaning. I kept leaning some more. Until. . .

Ahhhh. There they were. Like soft lip pillows for my mouth. Cushions for the force of our hormonal impact. His face was smooth. No stubble, no blemishes, no imperfections. Because he was perfect. Our lips danced the oscular tango, while our tongues hid in their cages; too afraid to make the journey to meet each other. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. We withdrew from each other and sat up straight.

"Well. What do I say? WOW! That was my first kiss. I never expected it to be like that."

"Like what" he asked, in an offended way.

"SO PERFECT!" I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Well Justin thanks for the kiss, but, WOAH, look at the time, I must get going," I laughed as I ran for the door.

"Hey come back here! You're not getting away that easy," he yelled as he chased me down into the hall. I ran as fast as I could and glanced behind me to see where he was at. When I turned back around there was an open door that made full contact with my face. Damn that hurt. It felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer and pummeled it right into my face. I lost my balance and semi-consciousness as I plummeted to the floor. But this floor felt softer. Life flesh. Flesh that smelled like Justin. "Gotcha. Wow that must have hurt," he said as he helped me into the room with the open door. "Alright, who left the door open? You almost killed Erron," he said as he laid me down on the bed. I tried to laugh but I couldn't. I looked back and forth waiting for my eyes to focus. When they finally adjusted to my surroundings JC and Lance smiling faces cam into focus as they stood over me. I mustered up all my strength to speak.

"Sssshhhuurrreee. Laf at thu brokan fache gy. I bet thees is rheeeaally ffunny," I stuttered. It felt like I had just learned to talk again. They laughed at me. My first instinct was to reach up and hit each of them but I couldn't focus enough on using my arms. Justin came back into the room with an ice pack that he placed on my forehead. He rubbed on my chest a bit to try and sooth me.

"Just relax for a second Erron, the pain will go away somewhat and you'll be able to talk right. Just hold tight," he said while he leaned in and kissed my cheek. My eyes shot quickly over to see Lance or JC's reaction, but there was none. The just smiled and went on about their business. I tried to smile but I couldn't yet. I ended up falling asleep.

To my right were my parents and John. To my left were the guy's from `NSYNC. I got the cries for help from both of them but when I looked closer I noticed the bullet holes in my parents bodies and the haggard look of John's persona. Each crying out to me telling me to be strong. The guys were each yelling, pleading rather, for my attention. They seemed to be in so much pain.

"Help me Erron. It burns so bad. I can't stop it," JC screamed as his skin bubbled.

"Take it out Erron! Please it's so sharp, take it out," Chris screeched. He turned his back towards me enough to show me the butt of a knife protruding from his shoulder.

"It's so cold. Why is it so cold Erron?" Joey looked frigid. Icicles formed at his ear lobes. Kinda like icy earrings. His shiver was tremendous. It shook the very floor I stood upon. His tears of agony fell to the floor and shattered, then melted.

"Get it off me! Get it off me Erron," Lance yelped. A huge mosquito like creature was sucking the blood from his body via a clear snout. I could see the huge amounts of life force he was losing in such a short amount of time.

"What's wrong with me? My heart, it's throbbing. Why is it doing this to me Erron," Justin questioned while he clutched his chest with such an intensity that would make any strength machine keel over. This was Justin. That was JC. That was Joey. Over there was Chris. And Lance, poor Lance. They were all suffering. But what about me? Why was I not suffering?


"I don't know how. Please tell me how. What do I do," I shouted into the air.

"You watch," an ominous voice resounded as a shape came into form between the two platforms that held my loved ones, both dead and living.

"How can you ask me to watch? They are my friends. Let me help them. Tell me what I can do," I pleaded as I dropped to me knees.

"Help? That's a laugh. You put them in this situation. You've helped enough," it laughed. IT was no longer an IT. It has transformed into a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman with long flowing, flaxen hair, subtle breasts that bounced when she laughed, slender arms with fragile hands, and long, picturesque legs. She had red eyes. Red eyes? So fiery red that a mere glance into them would burn a man's soul.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Me? Doing anything? You are doing this to them. Anyone that is around you is destined to suffer from some sort of pain. It's has been predestined. You have no say, or no power against it. Notice your parents and your precious John. They died because of you. It is all your fault. As for who I am, it does not matter. I am called many names. But you are not worthy to address me by a name," she ordained into my head as if by telepathy.

What was I to do? I could do nothing if what this wonderful beast had said was true. I cried even harder. All I could do was cry as I looked from right to left. My mother was clenched onto my dad's arm as she looked at me with those eyes of hers. So loving and compassionate. My father had his arms wrapped firmly across my mother's torso. He stared at me with intensity. The stern look that he always gave me when he was proud of me. Ironic isn't it. They looked so at peace, but somewhat disturbed by my situation. Then I looked at John. How could I look at John? My mentor, my idol, my big brother. He stood with a stance that was all too common to my memories. Whenever he was at ease he would hunch his shoulders over and bend his knees just a tad. It reminded me a lot of Shaggy from Scooby Doo. He smiled at me and just kept beaming.

"John! What do I do? Please help me John. I can't lose them too," I cried into the space that divided us like it was a tissue. I saw his mouth move but I couldn't hear his words. I tried to read his lips. It was almost as if he was saying. . .

"Erron wake up," I snapped out of my slumber by the fits of shaking that was occurring over my body. It was caused by Justin's tremendous paws shaking my body like it was a castanet. Except I did not have little beans inside me, I had dreams.

"I'm awake. I'm awake. Please stop shaking me," I said as I let my eyes focus on his gorgeous face. I looked into those eyes and saw his agony from my dream. I scanned the room and saw Lance folding some clothes. But I saw more; a mosquito sucking his blood. And JC who was packing; was burning. An invisible fire surrounded him like a forcefield. He was as unaware of it as Lance was about the mosquito sucking his blood. I got up as quick as possible and jumped out of Justin's secure arms. "I have to go. I've done enough." I dashed out of the room and down the hall before anyone could catch up to me. I didn't look back. I found the stairs at the end of the hall and began to skim down them like they were made of water. I had to get as far away from them as possible. I didn't want anything more to happen to them.

I found the exit and ran towards my car. I got in, started the engine and hauled ass to my home. I saw Justin in my rear view chasing after me, but I couldn't stop. I loved them too much to let anything happen to them.

I wrote. It took my mind away from everything. I wrote more and more everyday. In a weeks time I had finished a manuscript that normally would have taken me at least five months.

And excerpt from: To Say Goodbye By Erron Wright

". . . Haggard and wary I stalked into my bedroom with feelings racing. Never winning the cup, always racing. Your face etched in my brain like a tattoo on newly cleansed skin; almost as puffy and bloody. Painful. No needles to numb, just memories to burn. No antiseptic to sterilize, just blood to corrode. Your memory. Forgetting you would be a sin against all I stood for. To relive the memories would break upon the boundaries of treason to my sanity. So there you stayed on my brain, like mold to bread. You were the mold whose spores spread down the pain receptors of my body causing it to go into violent shock. Unnoticed. No one would be around to notice because I'm alone. Alone not because of you, but because I chose to be. . .Alone. . ."

The book sold in bushels. I didn't expect such an emotional novel to hit so close to home with so many people. Needless to say, I had skyrocketed into the world of pop culture writing. My publicist demanded that I travel for book signings to increase sales. I had been locked away for so long that maybe a change of scenery would be good for me. So I traveled from city to city, from signing to signing, from sob story to sob story. These people who felt pain, who pretended to feel my pain. I toured for about two months. The last stop was New York, on April 20th, which coincidentally was my eighteenth birthday.

I was so relieved that I would be able to return home soon that I put on my best face for my readers. Everyone greeted me with such a warm tiding; I even received a few gifts from my younger readers. I was so glad that I had an audience around my age. I asked most of them if they would like to celebrate my birthday after the signing. They all agreed. So I called my agent and had him set something up. The second floor of a club was cleared out for my little party. I told all my new "friends" the time and location and they ran off to get dressed. I had about fifteen more minutes to sign and I was beginning to grow bored but kept up the fa‡ade. I was off in my own little world when someone spoke me back into reality.

"Excuse me could you sign this," he questioned as he placed my book into view. I never looked up, just opened the cover.

"Who do I make this out to?"

"If you could, could you please make it out to Justin, JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey?" Did he just say whom I think he said? I looked up, and there I was staring into JC's face.

"Oh my god. JC. It's you. What are you. . .How did you. . .Why did you?"

"Nice to se you again too Erron. Now get over here and give me a hug," he laughed as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his body. He felt so warm. So comforting. Like a security blanket a child holds in the first years of life.

"You came to see me. Why," I questioned.

"Well when you jetted on us back in Frisco I figured something was up. I had to hold Justin back from going after you. He was so wrecked after you left. But I insured him that something would happen. And then your book came out and we all read it. We understand now. We know that you're afraid something will happen to us, but you don't have to worry. We understand that whatever happens, happens, and we want you to be a part of our lives, and hopefully you want us to be a part of your life," he said as he gave me a huge grin.

"Of course I do. I've thought non-stop about you guys. I'm glad that the book explained everything, I don't think I could have. How is everyone? How is Justin," I inquired with hope in my voice.

"Everyone is fine. And as for Justin, he's still hoping that you'll come around. And one more thing, we all wanted to thank you for dedicating this book to us," he said as he hugged me again.

"Oh so you guys caught on. I'm glad," I said. I had dedicated the book so vaguely. "To The Five. Thank you and I'm sorry." Sappy isn't it?

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"Well actually tonight is my birthday. I have reserved a floor at a club and invited some of my younger readers to celebrate. I'd be honored if you guys would come out and join in on the festivities. Maybe sing a song or two," I hinted with a huge smile on my face.

"Anything for the birthday boy. We'll be there," he said. I gave him the time and address and hugged him one last time. He turned to go and I thought of something.

"Hey JC," I yelled from across the bookstore.


"Don't tell him where or why you're going. Make up an excuse. I want to surprise him," I yelled back.

"You got it Erron. See ya later on tonight."


I signed a few more books and then was ushered out to my limo. I was driven back to my hotel where I showered and dressed. I had my driver take me to the club where I undermined all decorating and catering. I didn't want to go all gaudy, but simple. Minimal decorations with maximum food and drink. The music was light and the coffee and wine was flowing. After overseeing everything I made my way down to a local bookstore where I picked up another copy of The Catcher in the Rye. A birthday present for myself. I had an hour to kill so I strolled around for a while and soaked in the atmosphere. I made my way back to the club and waited for my guests.

Every reader that I had invited had already shown up, some with a couple of friends. I mingled for a while and thanked everyone for coming. We sat around and talked about different things. Everyone made it clear to keep the conversation clear of my writing. I shared my life's experiences and I heard from others. We were having a great time when the door opened and Joey stepped in followed by Chris, then Lance, then JC, then my Justin.

He looked as delightful as ever. Same hair, same body, same face. What more could I ask for? I made my way over to them and greeted them.

"Joey! Chris! Lance! JC! Justin! Thank you so much for coming. I've missed you guys so much," I said as I hugged everyone.

"Erron! It's been so long. Happy Birthday," Joey said while he bear hugged me.

"Yeah, congrats Erron," Chris said as he punched, "Maybe you should think about keeping in touch this time kiddo!"

"How about a phone call now and then," Lance interjected, "But seeing you is enough for me." He hugged me with such comfort.

"Nice to see you again Erron," JC laughed as he hugged me. The same warm, security hug.

"Erron?!? What are you doing here? Birthday? Why do I feel like I was left out of something? Come here. I've missed you so much, I've been so worried," he said as he pulled me in for the most intimate hug I had ever experienced. Our bodies molded together as one. For a moment in time I was happy again. Completely happy.

"I told JC not to tell you. I wanted to surprise you. SURPRISE!" I then turned to my other guests and said, "Everyone, I want to introduce you to some great friends of mine. The guys from `NSYNC." There were a few gasps here and there but everyone acted as adults and not children. "Let's eat!"

We sat around and ate. And ate, and ate some more. The wine was downed with easy, and everyone was a little woozy. I asked the guys to sing and they accepted. The stood in their little group formation and whispered amongst themselves about what song to sing and then finally agreed. Justin gave the starting pitch and everyone found their subsequent pitches.

Ooh How can I say That I love you When you're so Far away

So tell me why You had to go Was it me I need to know

Ooh What can I do To make you see That I'm here Here for you

I really hope Hat you'll come home So we can be Together again

So tell me why You had to go Was it me I need to know

Ooh What can I do To make you see That I'm here Here for you

We applauded. I cried but kept it under enough that it wasn't noticeable. We partied a little bit more and then my guests left except for the guys. We stayed and drank all the wine. We were sober enough to get to the limo and back to their hotel, which they decided I was going to stay at. I tried to refuse but they kept saying something about me not getting away again.

We got up to a room that I finally discovered was JC's and I sprawled out on the bed. I asked Joey to bring me my bag. He complained about its weight but finally brought it to me. I opened it and pulled out five wine bottles that I had smuggled out of the club. They all looked at me with wide eyes. But they each jumped at a bottle. I was left without one, so Justin decided we'd share one. We pretended to be winos and got even drunker. Surprisingly, they all held their liquor very well, no one puked. After a couple of hours each member fell asleep one by one. It was finally down to JC, Justin, and me. We were lying on the bed talking when JC began to snore.

"Maybe we should go back to my room," Justin started, "There's not very much room left for us in here."

"I think that's a good idea," I said as I tried to stand but failed. We decided that it would be best if we crawled. So crawl we did. We finally made it to Justin's rooms and locked the door behind us. I scooted onto the bed. Justin made his way over next to me and lay down. "I missed you so much Justin. More than any book I could ever write would describe. More than the words I say."

"Erron, I cried so many times after we left. Sleep came so naturally, because I would dream of you. I didn't understand why you left us so quickly with no explanation. And then I read your book. I was moved beyond belief. I didn't know you had that much talent," He said as he grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into him.

"It's not talent, it's emotion. You are the reason the book turned out like that. I feel so much for you. I don't know what it is, but it was you," I snuggled up closer to his body and kissed him on the lips. A short, soft, yet emotionally charged kiss.

"Erron, I want you to know that no matter what happens, where I am, what I do, I will be with you. Nothing bad can happen to me if I know that you care for me as much as I care for you. Nothing can keep me away from you," he said as he kissed my cheek, "Nothing."


Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome. Email me at erronifyte@hotmail.com. Have a good one.

Next: Chapter 4

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