Hand of Fate

By Erron Wright

Published on Sep 17, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction and does not imply anything about the celebrities in this fantasy. FANTASY!

Hello, I'm Erron, an avid reader and a new author. I believe that literature is magic. Please allow me to cast my spell for you.

Here we go, chapter four. It should have been out sooner, but as it always does, life butted in for a while. Sorry for the delay. I really don't have much else to say but, THANKS. I love each and every one of you. If you read, I love you. That's loving a lot of people, but hey, I have a big heart. And now, on with the show.

Hand of Fate Copacetic

"Erron, I want you to know that no matter what happens, where I am, what I do, I will be with you. Nothing bad can happen to me if I know that you care for me as much as I care for you. Nothing can keep me away from you," he said as he kissed my cheek, "Nothing."

Sleep came so easily that night and stayed for a long time. In my comatose state I had no dreams of mosquitoes, or fire, or knives, or frost, or heartache. I dreamt of a field, a strawberry field to be exact. I could smell that scent of fresh strawberries looming in the air. It was so likeably obnoxious. So potent that my lungs would become poisoned from the love of this aroma. I heard a loud roar, like thunder, but not. There were no clouds in the sky, just the sun. I heard again, but this time I was awoken out of my dream. I came to grips with consciousness and realized my nose was in Justin's hair. I sniffed. Strawberries. That is why my dream was about the field. The sweet smell of his hair. Intoxicating. I drifted back into sleep. . .

I awoke to an angel's face. The angel smiled. I could not help but smile. "Good morning," I croaked. My voice was very harsh in the morning.

"Good morning to you to," he said as he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"So what do you have planned for today?"

"Well today is our last day off and I was thinking that you and me could do something. But all the guys want you to themselves also. So maybe we can pass you around for awhile then later on tonight we can all do something."

"Well," I smiled, "As long as I get to hang out with you last. I want you to be the last face I see before I head back home."

"You got it."

We got up and showered. Separately of course. We then headed out to JC's room where we found everyone sitting around arguing. "Woah. Everyone calm down. What are you guys fighting about," I interrupted. They all looked at me and appeared to be blushing.

"We were fighting about who gets to hang out with you first," JC spoke up.

"Hmmm. Let's see. It all depends on what you guys want to do."

"Well I thought we could grab a bite to eat. How about breakfast? I guess I'll take you first," Lance stated.

"Sounds good to me. I'm famished," I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"Then after breakfast you and me can go shopping. I noticed that you're not half as stylin' as I am. I can fix that," Chris laughed.

"Well thanks. As long as you're here to help, I'm sure I'll be GQ in no time Mr. "My braids are so beyond cool that even though the fad went away two years ago I can still make them cool"," I joked. Everyone laughed.

"Then we can go to lunch at my uncle's deli," Joey said.

"Great. Sounds good."

"After lunch, I'll take you to my favorite theatre her in New York, I'm sure we'll find something good," JC interrupted.

"That is definitely cool. Then after that we can all eat dinner together," I said.

"And lastly, I get you. We can go for a walk or something. Since the guys took all the good ideas. I think I'll stick to the basics," Justin said.

"Okay then it's settled. Lance are you ready to go?"

"Sure am. Let's get down to the limo and we'll decide what to do."

I followed Lance downstairs and into the limo where we then tried to figure out somewhere to eat. As we passed along the streets I noticed a quaint corner caf‚. I stopped the limo and we exited. Inside we were seated and ordered our food.

"So what are you gonna do now," Lance asked as he set down his glass.

"Well, after I get home I get to take a two week break from the signing tour and then it's off to do television interviews and stuff like that. I have a few magazine interviews. Can you believe that Rolling Stone wants me on their cover? Is that some crazy shit or what," I questioned.

"Not too crazy. Your book is great. It deserves all the attention it can get. I have this idea," Lance started.

"And that would be?"

"Why don't you come with us for a few dates on our tour?"

"Well, I don't know. I kinda would like to just rest. I know how hectic your lives become and I don't think I could handle that right now."

"Um, then why don't you go home for a week and then come with us for a week?"

"That might work, but don't you have to clear that with the big wigs?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure it will go fine. They already know all about you and your work. I think that they might say yes just because us being associated with you could score us some major brain points with the public." I laughed at his statement.

"I never thought about it that way."

"Well after breakfast I'll call up the proper authorities and ask. Don't tell anyone. I want this to be a surprise."

"You got it kiddo," I said as I put a forkful of food into my mouth.

We conversed here and there between bites. Talk mainly focused on how we saw ourselves in the next ten years. Then we talked about relationships. I had this feeling Lance was trying to get me to tell him about Justin and I. "Lance if you want to know about Justin and I just ask."

"I didn't want to seem nosey."

"You're a friend. You can't be nosey. What is it that you wanted to know?"

"You know. If you guys have. . ."

"Hold up there! No! I'm not that easy."

"Okay, just checking."

"Look Lance, sexuality is a huge issue with me. I'm so afraid that I'll lose someone if I step up onto that level with them. I have to make sure that they'll stick around for awhile before I go that far."

"I wish I had your strength," he muttered.

"Why Lance, have you been dipping into the pool of hormones?"

"A few times. You know, it's sad to say, but it was all just meaningless sex. These girls meant nothing, I wish they did, but they didn't. I just get so lonely sometimes and. . ."

"I understand, " I interjected, "But I'm sure you'll find someone soon."

"I sure do hope so."

We finished up breakfast and headed back to the hotel. On the way, Lance kept pointing out people on the street and stated their attractiveness. It was funny. He had a little story about each one. We pulled into the hotel and we decided to brave the crowd in the front. They tugged and pulled at Lance and begged for autographs. I even had some people ask me for autographs. I felt special. We finally made it back inside and met up with Chris.

"So are you ready to shop till you drop," he asked in that high-pitched squeal of his.

"Sure am."

"Good, let's go!" With that, he pulled me back outside where he signed a few autographs and dragged me into a limo. We pulled up into the parking garage of a shopping me and were let out. We walked around a couple of shops, which he claimed, were the best and tried a few things on. He insisted that I buy this and that before we could move on. "This" happened to be a pair of jeans baggier than hand me downs to a twelve-year-old kid whose brother was a sumo wrestler. And "that" consisted of a few t-shirts that were "all the rage" according to him. After I made those few purchases "I absolutely had to have". I escorted him to the Gap and made him try on a little bit more mundane style of clothing. I like to keep my style simple, which I tried to rub off on him. We agreed that if I wore what he wanted me to buy, then he had to wear what I wanted him to buy. After and eventful hour of shopping we decided to trek it back to the limo. On our way back to hotel we struck up a conversation.

"So Erron, what are you gonna do after we leave."

"I try not to think about that Chris. You guys are my EVERYTHING! I don't think I could live on without you guys in my life," I said with sarcasm so thick it could choke a comedian.

"Very funny, but last time I checked you were no Jim Carrey."

"And boy am I glad! But really, I think I'm just gonna chill for a while and get my mind back in order. I have an idea for a new manuscript I wanna start writing."

"Really?!? What's it about," he asked with so much excitement in his voice. I decided to go the fecicious route with my answer.

"It's about this guy. And he's got these braids. . ."

"Very funny wise guy. Really, what's it about?"

"Well it's about this girl. She approaching adult age and she still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. You see, she's never been really good at anything, and that which she does try, she always screws up. So it's basically a novel that focuses on the mental capacities of an average person. Only she doesn't realize that she is just like everyone else because she grew up in a family and a town of over achievers. Well during her course of blundered attempts to find who she really is, she meets a man with the same problem she has. But they don't realize they are in the same boat and start a competition and hatred for one another. Well the guy finally lands a job at a restaurant when the girl finally discovers that waiting tables is her life's calling. When she finds out that he got the job before her she goes crazy right when the man discovers that he really is in love with the girl. The moral of the story being life's a bitch. So both win. The guy gets a job and the girl discovers what she wants to be. But they also both lose. The girl goes crazy and the man misses out on true love."

"Woah! That's intense. Too bad you ruined the ending for me dumbass," he joked as he punched me in the arm.

"Hey you're the one who asked man."

We got back to hotel and went in the back way this time. We dashed up to Chris' room and waited for Joey. We didn't have to wait very long. "Hey guys. How was shopping?"

"Very interesting. I realized that Chris really does have NO style," I said as I pat Chris on the back. At first he thought I was complementing him but then my words sunk in.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice," he smiled.

"Remember my story? Life's a bitch," I said as I smiled right back at him.

"So anyway, Joey are you all set?"

"Yup, I called the deli and had them set up a special table for us," he beamed.

"A special table. I guess that means I'm special," I said with a little bit of conceit.

"Yeah, you're special alright," Chris started, "Special ED!"

"Oh my Chris, that was the most original joke I have heard in my lifetime," I laughed as Joey escorted me out of the room.

The ride to the deli was tedious. Joey wasn't much of a conversation piece. He would basically talk about what was on the tip of his tongue and then wouldn't elaborate. It was pretty funny in a way, but I just kept picturing his head as a potato. I started calling him Spud; he didn't really catch on so I just told him it was a nickname I made up for him off the top of my head. We finally got to the deli and I met Joey's uncle and aunt. They were good people. We were seated in the back next to a huge window. Joey finally filled me in that we could see out of it, but no one could see in. That's basically how I felt about my life. I could see out and observe the fronts that people wanted you to see, but no one could ever really tell what was going on inside.

"So how do you like the food," Joey questioned as a huge glob of Mayo fell from his lip like a huge snow boulder falling from Mt. Everest.

"Just great," I answered as I took another bite of my sandwich.

"Good. You know, my family has owned this place for at least fifty years. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to come back and run it for awhile," he said with a huge grin. Wow, now that is as down home as you can get. None of these fancy cars or houses for this guy, just a deli in New York with good food. I wish my dreams could be that simple.

"That sounds great, it should be a total change from the hectic tour life you guys have," I said as I returned the smile.

"You better believe it. You know Erron, I like you. You're a great guy. You don't try and fake what you aren't and you just roll with the punches."

"Thanks Joey, you're not so bad yourself. But if you must know, all those punches I've rolled with have left me pretty beaten. So I basically don't have enough strength to put up a front."

"I never thought about it like that," he said with a puzzled look.

"Most people don't. My situation really doesn't happen to most people, so I decided that it would be best to let people know that even with all these hardships I can still strive. Kind of a motivational thing to pick people back up," I said as I finished my sandwich.

"That's what makes you such a great guy."

"Why thank you and like I said before, you're pretty darn cool yourself."

We picked up our mess and said our good-byes to Joey's family. When we got back to the hotel JC grabbed me by the arm and said, "Let's go. We're late."

"Okay, okay. See ya later Joey."

"Bye," Joey said as he stepped into the elevator.

We got into the limo where we were driven to a run down theatre. "This is my favorite theatre. I always make it a habit to come back here whenever we're in town," JC said as he rushed me up to the ticket booth.

"May I help you," the old woman asked from behind the glass, "Oh my stars, it's you JC. Come right in and give me a hug." She opened the side door to her little "office" space and pulled JC into a nice granny hug.

"It's nice to see you again Betty," JC smiled.

"Oh how I've missed seeing your pretty face around here. And I see you've brought a friend," she pointed at me. `No. Don't introduce me,' I thought. Old folk give me the willies.

"Yes. Betty I'd like you to meet Erron," `Damn! He had to go and do that.' "He's a writer. We met him back in San Francisco. He's in the city doing a few signings."

"Well nice to meet you Erron. You know, you're face seems really familiar. I may have seen you somewhere," she said hurriedly as she dashed back into her booth and pulled out my book, "Yes right here." She showed me a picture of myself on the insert of "To Say Goodbye."

"I guess that would be me. It is very nice to meet you Betty," I said I shook her hand.

"I always thought that that picture was a lie. Your writing seems too grown up for a seventeen year old," she mentioned, "Well anyway what movie would you like to see?"

"I was thinking that we would see something that could show Erron what it's like to be a real teenager," JC said to Betty.

"Oh then here you go. Two tickets for American Pie. It's a little to lude for my taste but I know you kids nowadays," she chirped as she handed the tickets to JC.

"How much will these be," JC inquired as he reached for his wallet.

" Nonsense. I'm lucky enough to have two famous people in my theatre. Just promise me that after the movie I get to take a picture of you both for the bulletin of stars."

"You got it Betty," JC squawked.

"Now hurry up you two, the movies about to start."

"Thanks Betty, it was really nice meeting you," I said as JC gripped my arm and pulled me down the hall.

The movie was. . .geesh! Can we say crude? If that was normal teenage life, then I am glad I live the sheltered hermit bit. I can't imagine having friends so driven by sex. But as they say, each to his own. After the movie we met up with Betty who pulled us over to a wall and snapped our pictures with a Polaroid. We then autographed the pictures and were on our way. In the limo JC got this serious look on his face and closed the privacy window so the driver couldn't hear anything.

"Are you gonna kill me now or something," I laughed. He didn't. I was beginning to get edgy.

"Erron I wanted to talk to you about something," he paused for a brief moment while he straightened out his shirt, "As I got to know you more and more I realized how much you've missed out on and how fortunate I am to have it. I'm talking about family. The more and more I think about it; the more and more I realize how much I care about you. I know I'm pretty young but if it would make you feel better I would like you to think of me as your father."

"WAOH! Slow down JC! I didn't ask for a father. I know that you're trying to make me feel better but trying to take the place of someone who I lost really won't make up for it," I yelled. I was very angry.

"Erron, I didn't mean it like that. I would never want to take your father's place. I just want you to know what it feels like to have that type of dependency there twenty-four ours a day. Think of me as a stepfather or something. I just want you to know that if you ever need anyone, I want you to come to me first. I know you share a bond with Justin, but he feels for you in a different way. Ever since we left San Francisco I kept hoping you were okay and wished that I would get to see you again," his tears started to flow freely from his eyes as he continued, "I know that you have grieved and are still grieving over the loss of your parents and over John, the stability they gave you was that only a parent could. I want to give that to you again. I want you to know that whenever I'm off that I'll come live with you or you can come live with me and we'll live a normal family life. Erron please understand where I'm coming from. I know you're a huge success, but sometimes you just want to get away from it all and stay in the comfort of family. Please Erron I didn't mean to upset you, I just wanted to. . ."

"I understand," I interrupted as I wiped the huge formation of tears from my eyes. "JC. . .Josh. . .Dad, you don't know how much you just said really means to me. I can't describe it. Thank you, I love you so much," I blurted out between sobs as he pulled me into the tightest hug I have ever experienced. It was like a vice holding a piece of wood waiting to be sawed. Wait. Did I just tell him I loved him? Did I just say love?

"I love you too Erron," he cried as we hugged all the way back to the hotel. Someone actually loved me again. When we got back to the hotel JC walked me into Justin's room and sat me down on the bed. Justin, seeing that I had been crying, went into hysterics.

"Erron! Are you okay? Did something happen? JC what the fuck did you do?!?"

"Justin! Relax, Dad, err JC, did nothing to me. I'm just crying because I'm so happy," I groaned as I fell back onto the bed.


"Long story," JC spoke up, "I'll fill you in later. Right now I think I'll go catch some Z's. I'll check back up with you later guys and Erron if you need anything just dial my room number."

"Ok. Bye."

After my new father figure left Justin sat down next to me and started up with the twenty questions. I told him the whole story and he seemed to be pretty happy with the whole situation except for the part about calling JC before him. It was beyond sweet. So with that I fell asleep in Justin's arms as he sang to me some song I didn't recognize. Funny, you would think that if God spent a little more time on me than my life might have turned out better. . .

"Hey Erron wake up," Justin said as he roused me. I tossed a little bit but soon came back into consciousness.

"What is it?"

"Well, we have to get ready for dinner. We have to be there in thirty minutes."

"Oh, okay," I mumbled as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. While I milled around the room looking for something to wear the telephone rang. Justin answered.

"Hello? (pause) Yeah he's here. Okay," he said as he handed the receiver to me, "It's Chris."

"Hello," I asked.

"Hey Erron remember our arrangement. You wear the clothes I made you buy, and I wear the ones you made me buy. Okay?"

"I guess, but I think I'm gonna look like a reject," I pouted.

"Just do it. Okay?"


"Good, now I have to get ready. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay Chris, see you in a bit."

"Bye," he said as he hung up. I put the receiver back on the holder and opened all the shopping bags I brought back from my little excursion with Chris. I picked a few articles that I thought were decent and laid them out on the bed. I heard the shower stop and I figured Justin was done so I walked into the bathroom and began taking off my clothes.

"So I guess you got over your shyness," Justin said as his naked body glistened in the steam and florescent lighting.

"I guess I have. It's just you anyway," I said with a smirk.

"Just me huh?"

"Yep, just you," I said as I stepped into the shower. I washed up and dried off. After putting my clothes on I went back into the bathroom and styled my hair while Justin was doing the same. "You know you really don't have to put any of that in there, it won't help how bad you hair is," I joked.

"Very funny," he smirked as he ran his hand messily through my hair, "it may be bad, but not as bad as yours."

"This means war," I shrieked as I grabbed the hairbrush like it was a sword. He joined in by grabbing the blow dryer pretending it was a gun. We had a mock battle like two five year olds with over-active imaginations. During our little war there was a knocking on the door. I ran for it and answered with the brush still in my hand. It was Lance.

"You gonna style me to death or something Erron," he laughed as he walked in.

"Um, no. I was, um, I was, um, just, um, BRUSHING MY HAIR, yeah that's it, brushing my hair!"

"Sure you were, where's Justin?"

"In the bathroom," I said as I pointed to the door of the bathroom. Lance walked in and all to be heard was the sound of the blow dryer and Lance yelling.

"I'm so sorry Lance," Justin apologized with a laugh, "I thought you were Erron."

"Dammit! Look what you did to my hair. It looks like I've been walking head on into a tornado."

"It's not that bad Lance," I cut in, "It's kinda cool."

"Speaking of cool. Who dressed you? Chris," He asked with a huge laugh.

"Shut up. I had no choice. I made him wear what I picked out."

"I'm sure he looks better than you."

"Hardy har har."

We then headed out into the hall and towards the elevator. I felt like a star. Not only was I walking with two of the most popular guys in music, but I was also known for something other than my family tragedy. When we got to the elevator we met up with the rest of the guys. I noticed Chris first. "Woah, Chris you look awesome," I said astonished at the transformation that had taken place. It's like from rags to riches, only rich rags. If you get my drift.

"Thanks," he bellowed with an air of self-cockiness, "You don't look half bad yourself."

"Half bad," Lance joked, "I'd say more like full bad. What did you do to him Chris?" Everyone laughed as we got into the elevator and proceeded down into the lobby. When we stepped out we were greeted by a mob of pests, I mean the press. Questions were lobbed at the guys and myself as well.

"So Justin, is it true about you and Britney Spears," one reporter questioned with an unseen amount of force. I looked at Justin who just smirked back at me.

"I'm sorry to say but that is just a rumor. I've known Miss Spears for a long time and the only thing that has perpetuated out of our acquaintance has been a great friendship," Justin answered as if rehearsed. I came to think that there was this tiny robot inside of him that controlled his speech in tense situations. I mean, come on, Justin Timberlake saying perpetuated?

"Mr. Wright, how do you know `N Sync," some heavyset lady towards the rear of the entourage inquired.

"Please, first off, call me Erron. Mr. Wright makes me feel like an old geezer. Oops, no offense," I chuckled to myself, "I met these guys back in San Francisco when I had the privilege of going to a concert and meeting them backstage." I looked at the woman who jotted down my answers. She still seemed a little steamed about the whole geezer thing. That's what I love about being a writer, I can say and do whatever I feel. I don't have to keep a clean rep. like the guys. More questions were shouted at us while we were escorted to our limo.

"I think you pissed that lady off," Joey grinned.

"I believe I did," I said in a self-satisfying manner, "So where are we eating?"

"Where else," JC chimed in, "THE HARD ROCK CAF!" This resulted in an uproar of groans coming from everyone else.

"Do we have to," Lance whined.

"Of course we do," JC answered, "Unless Erron wants to go somewhere else." Everyone looked at me as if to say, "Please pick somewhere else." I smiled back at their pleading faces.

"Nope, I think the Hard Rock Caf‚ will be just fine," I replied. Again. Everyone groaned and Lance threw a stuffed animal at me. "Did I say something wrong?" I looked around with a mischievous grin on my face only to be glared at with sneering faces and curled lips.

"No Erron," JC kindly said, "You did absolutely NOTHING wrong. RIGHT guys?" He looked at each of them with a death stare. Soon I was overwhelmed with a bunch of nodding heads and smiling faces. I laughed. Funny, I seem to be laughing a lot lately.

We pulled into the parking lot of the HRC and made our way inside. The place was deserted. I was confused. And JC was smiling his ass off. If his ass had teeth he would be. I gave him a quizzical look when out of no where I heard, "SURPRISE!" All these faces I did not know came from behind tables and chairs and down stairs to congratulate me.

"What is this," I questioned in a panicking manner. I felt like I had suffered from a severe case of amnesia and forgot who all my friends were.

"A surprise birthday party. We never really got to throw you a REAL `N Sync party, so here it is, from us to you," JC replied with the biggest smile.

"What do you mean us?"

"Yeah, we didn't know anything about this," Lance yelled finishing Justin's response.

"Of course you didn't. If I would have told any of you, then you would have told him," JC laughed.

"But we don't have gifts," Chris said as he blushed from embarrassment.

"I already got a gift from each of you," I mumbled.

"What do you mean," Joey asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Each of you took me out today. While you took me out, you each showed me what it is like to be "normal" and to just have fun. You also taught me what it's like to have a family again," I answered as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Oh, I guess I didn't think about it like that," Joey mentioned.

"When do you think, Spud?" We all laughed as JC pulled me by my arm and dragged me into a huge glob of happy people.

"I'm gonna introduce you to a few people," he said as he brought me up to a beautiful girl. "Erron, this is Britney Spears. Britney, this is Erron."

"Hi Erron, nice to meet you," she said, or more like bounced, as her breast moved to every syllable. I shook her hand.

"Hi there. So you're the infamous girl Justin is supposedly dating? It's so nice to finally meet you," I said as I released my grip from her smooth hand.

"It's all vicious rumors."

"It'd better be," I laughed and winked at her. She gave me a puzzled look and then caught on.

"Oh, you're so funny. We have to get together later and tell me all about your writing career. You're like the me, of the literary world," she squawked in a jovial tone.

"I never really thought of it like that."

"Come on Erron, enough flirting, time to meet more people," JC bellowed as he proceeded to drag me away from Britney.

"Bye Britney. Call me. It was great meeting you," I yelled at her with a wave. I was then halted and spun around to feast my eyes upon another beauty.

"Erron, this is Christina Aguilera. . ." I cut him off.

"I know who she is. . .The genie girl. I love that song, it's so infectious," I said as she shook my hand very lightly, almost as if she thought I had some life-threatening disease that was communicable through touch.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you. I just started reading your book today; I couldn't put it down. Not even to come to this party," she said in a low hush.

"You're too kind Christina, but is there something bothering you? Do I smell or something," I asked as I sniffed myself. She laughed.

"Not really. I just didn't know how to act around you. I had this notion that you would be very dark and mysterious, and altogether clamed up. I guess I was wrong. I'm glad I was wrong," she joked.

"Well Christina, I've just learned how to detach myself from what I write about so it doesn't consume me or my life."

"That's great Erron. I'm so happy for you and your success," she said as she hugged me. Much better. I guess I've been cured of my disease.

After about an hour of meeting more and more people, I settled at the center table with the guys, Britney, and Christina. It was fun. I sat in between the two blonde bombshells, while MY blond-bombshell sat across from me and made eyes at me all night. Britney and Christina basically played Erron tug of war all through dinner.

"I'm telling you Britney, he's my new friend. He likes me more," Christina chided.

"Well, he told me to call him. Did he do that for you Christina," Britney teased as she looked at me.

"Well no, but, uh, I, um, hugged him. You won't hug him cause he might flatten your new friends," Christina joked as she pointed at Britney's breasts. We all laughed. I felt kinda bad for Britney though.

"You little bitch," Britney paused while we all stopped laughing and stared at her, then she spoke up again, "But that was pretty funny anyway." She laughed and we all got to laughing.

Towards the end of dinner and beginning of dessert, one of Britney's dancers kept coming over to our table to talk to Britney. Halfway through my key lime pie Britney tapped me on the shoulder. "Yes Britney?"

"Erron I'd like you to meet my best friend and best dancer. TJ, Erron, Erron, TJ."

"Nice to meet you TJ," I said as I put down my awaiting fork and extended my hand.

"Likewise Erron," he said with obvious quelled excitement.

"Who are you sitting with TJ," I inquired as I looked for is table.

"Over there with all those snobby label mates of Britney's. I was her only dancer that could attend."

"Britney that was not very nice of you to leave your best friend there all by himself," I scolded sternly with a smile as I continued, "Scoot your chair over Britney and I'll scoot mine over. Please join us TJ."

"Thanks," he yelped as he ran to fetch a chair like a heroin addict who's gotten word of a free drug convention. He pulled in his chair between us and I resumed eating. I looked back up to notice Justin staring at me. He was jealous. Now this was sweet. He kept looking from me to TJ repeatedly and I rolled my eyes at him. He got more red faced then a tomato. I took this as an opportunity to rub my foot up and down his calves to quiet his jealousy. I`m glad to say it worked.

As the party died down and the guest began to disperse I was left in the company of the guys and girls from the center table. Britney suggested we have an after-party party, but we declined because of the fact that the guys and myself had to catch planes the following afternoon. So I exchanged numbers with Britney and Christina who soon left. We had to wait another hour or so for the workers to finish up packing up all the gifts I had received. I felt really special. My personal glorification was soon interrupted by Lance.

"Okay," he said with a hint of giddiness in his voice, "And now for the final present of the night. This tops JC's party by, um, you know, a lot. Just pick a big number. Anyway, after meeting Erron tonight the big wigs gave me permission."

"Permission for what," Justin asked.

"Meet our new roadie for a few dates," Lance yelled.

"No way. They're letting him come with us," Chris screeched astonishingly.

"Yup. So take that JC," Lance said as he punched JC in the arm.

"Wow. So when does he get to come," Joey asked.

"In a week. Erron and I discussed this at breakfast and we decided to give him a weeks break." Everyone looked at me and smiled.

"So I guess this means I'm welcome," I questioned with a grin.

"You're always welcome," Justin softly spoke as he hugged me and kissed me gently on the cheek. I blushed forever. The guys found this amusing, but I found it downright embarrassing. We were then notified that everything was packed and in the process of being shipped to my building in Cali, so we left.

When we got back to the hotel I decided that it would be best if I retired early for the night because my plane left at 9:35am. I hugged everyone goodnight and Justin followed me into the room. I got into the shower and washed off as Justin shaved. Then we switched places as he showered and I shaved and brushed my teeth. When he finished drying off I led him to bed in nothing but our towels.

I lay down beside him and reached for his towel, which was his body's only defense against the cold air. He got my hint and pulled mine off as well. I decided to take the initiative and rolled over onto him and began kissing his neck. I would have become a vampire if it meant that I could feast upon his neck forever. He moaned in ecstasy that caused his body to create small vibrations through his pores. I soaked up these sexual frequencies and became more aggressive. I brought my lips to his and began kissing so deeply that I was sure I would strike oil anytime. The fullness of his lips allowed extra bounce to my ferocious attacks. I was one with him. I traced the outline of his lips with my tongue and followed down his jaw line to his ears. I whispered oblivion into his ears and confessed the love that I knew was welling up inside of me.

I felt myself be lifted as he rolled over on top of me and began with the same animal-like tenderness I showed to him. Only he did not stop and kissing. I felt his manhood growing against my swelling member and I knew someone was taking a trip downtown, figuratively speaking. My pleasure receptors followed his tongue as he outlined my pectoral muscles and did swirls around my hard-fleshed nipples. He then proceeded down the mounds of my abdominal taking a short stop at my belly button, which got nonetheless attention as my nipples. His tongue finally grew the courage to venture deep into my nether regions where no one, but myself, has ever gone before. Being only eighteen, I was still insecure about my size, but I showed no evidence. He showed no displeasure. I felt his tongue sketch the outline of my penis as if it were canvas. My body was the easel to his tongue-paintbrush. I was lifted to new heights with every inch that he swallowed of my rigidness. My aura changed from pleasured to deeply satisfied as he continued down the base of my shaft. He almost submerged all seven and a half inches of my sex but a muffled gag told me that he could not take it all. He quickened his pace and I shortened my breaths. Every breath I exhaled filled the room with more and more pleasure. I knew I could only bare a few more seconds of his royal treatment before I exploded from within. I felt my stomach and buttocks tighten and I let out a loud gasp. I released a month's worth of pent up sexual frustration into his Hoover mouth, which he willingly relieved me of. When my body at last ceased twitching he licked his ways back up my body and kissed me. I could taste a difference in his mouth environment and I knew that it was because of me. I wanted to fulfill him as much as he did me. So I again took the offensive.

With small kisses, I lightly sprayed his body with love. When I reached his forest of hair I inhaled deeply to intake his scent. His aroma enraptured me. I was driven mad with love for it. I used my tongue to gently tousle his awaiting organ and get accustomed to his taste. I inspected his penis, getting to know every inch of his manhood. It stood in front of me, a proud, roughly estimated seven-inched sequoia. His girth was above average and very inviting. After my general overview I lapped my way down to the sack that hung below his penis. I sucked on each one with the same care to make sure that they both got the same amount of attention. As I trekked back up his pole, I placed it in my mouth and began my mouth's internal vacuum force. His thickness hurt my jaw but the love I felt compensated for the pain. I increased my force and speed relative to his moans of pleasure. I wanted this to be the night. THE night. As I continued to suck I used my leg to summon my backpack from under the bed. With my free hand I unzipped it and fiddled around for the jar of Vaseline I kept to brighten and help ease my smiles for the signings. I opened the lid and fingered a glob into my hand. I looked up to my love and whispered, "Close your eyes."

"Okay," he moaned with pleasure as I slicked his organ up and down with the lubricant. With the leftover amount I oiled my awaiting love void. When I was through I climbed up onto the bed to see that Justin still had his eyes closed. I smiled. He still had no idea. I stood up on the mattress and straddled his body. I lowered myself above him and placed his penis in my hand. I guided his sex into my hole and allowed it to enter with little hesitance.

"Open your eyes Justin," I softly crooned. His eyes opened in ecstasy and he stared wide-eyed at the situation unfolding before him.

"Are you sure," he asked with pure hesitance. I knew he wanted me to affirm. I nodded and lowered myself more. An audible moan escaped his throat as I continued to lower myself.

I felt no pain. This was my first time, but yet I did not.. My love for Justin put me so at ease that my body succumbed to every desire that I made of it. It was perfection in motion. Words could never express the emotion that was shared with every movement. We were now each other. I was as much a part of him and he was of me. Complete. I moved nice and slow along his pole and then decided to increase my speed. His eyes never left mine. We stared at each other through the whole love making session. This was true love. The ability to look into someone's eyes while performing an "unspeakable" act I truly amazing. I felt his body tense as he finally pulled me into him and exploded within me. Each burst being a keepsake that would remind me of our first time together. I fell onto his chest, exhausted from love and kissed his neck. He lifted me up off of him and pulled back the blankets. He then placed me between the sheets and lied down next to me. My hand found its way to his chest as his arm covered me in rapture. He leaned over and said, "I want this to be the last thing said tonight. I love you." He kissed me passionately one last time before we drifted off. . .

I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face. My rousing caused Justin to stir and wake up. Surprising. From what I hear, he is not too good at waking up. I looked him in the eyes and whispered, "It's my turn. I love you." I kissed him not waiting for a response. After the kiss I said, "Last night was incredible."

"You said it. It was almost like it was magic," he said with a grin. I looked over at the bedside alarm.

"Damn. I have to be ready in an hour. Come on. Take a shower with me," I said nonchalantly.


The shower was a shower. We had resumed back into our normal selves and just showered. After the shower we dried and changed. Around that time the telephone rang. I answered. It was JC saying that breakfast was ready. We made our way next door to JC's room and did the good morning thing. I grabbed a glass of coffee and sat down behind Justin who was furiously devouring his breakfast. I kept noticing these glances from JC, so I spoke up, "JC, since you've finished eating, would you mind helping me gather my stuff up in Justin's room."

"No problem Erron. Let's go. Be right back guys." Everyone okayed and I patted Justin on the head. We walked next door and I began getting my stuff and placing it in my bag.

"So what's up pops? Why the weird looks?"

"Was it good," he questioned with a huge smile.

"What are you talking about," I replied trying to avert the question.

"Don't try and play it off, these walls are paper thin, and your face is giving it away," he smirked.

"Oh. . .Well I'm not one to kiss and tell. But since you mean so much to me, I'll tell you this, it was unbelievable," I winked. I then got my bag together and ushered him back to his room where I was greeted by Justin's smiling face. I looked at my watch. Damn. It was time. "Well guys, it's time for me to be heading out." Everyone got up and hugged me. They offered to follow me out to my limo but I refused. "Naw, let me brave the crowd alone this time. Well, I guess I'll see you all in a week. Don't miss me too much." I walked out with Justin and JC. I hugged JC and kissed him on the cheek.

"Take care bud," he said as he patted my back.

"Sure thing dad." I leaned over to Justin, "And as for you. If I hear any of this Britney stuff, I'm coming back around with a butcher knife."

"Okay, you win. No more Britney on the side."

"No more?"

"Just kidding. I'm gonna miss you baby," he said as he pulled me in for one last kiss. As we separated I spoke up.

"I'll miss you too guy. Take care of the old man here, don't let him have a heart attack while I'm gone."

"I will."

"Well, It's time for me to go. I'll see you both soon," I said as I walk for the elevator. Down in the lobby the receptionist informed me that my limo was out front. I thanked her and exited. The crowd went crazy as I walked outside. Girls held up signs that said happy birthday and some even went out and bought my book. For those special girls I autographed the insert. I got into the limo and headed for the airport. I got there just in time to catch my flight. On my way home I reflected back onto the mirror of my last few days spent with the guys. And as had become normal. . .I smiled. Everything was Copacetic.


Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome. Email me at erronifyte@hotmail.com. Have a good one.

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