
Published on Nov 3, 2010


Hardwood 2

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

I wasn't sure my meeting with Mr. Beauchamp and his three bodyguards was going to be a success. Mr. Beauchamp sounded reasonable, but it would be easy for it to turn into a gang rape. The actual event couldn't have been more unlike my fears. Mr. Beauchamp asked me to call him Beau.

Beau looked as if he could have been a boxer or a strong man in a circus. While he was average in height, he had a muscular, barrel chest and seemed to project physical strength and power. With short-cropped hair and a bristly mustache, every hair was in place. He had cold, pale blue eyes. He came over to me.

"Colonel Meredith told me I would enjoy you and you would enjoy me," Beau said. "The colonel and I met many years ago and discovered both personal friendship and genital satisfactions together. I knew all about sex before I met him. With him, I found satisfaction. Our lives have taken us on different paths. He told me I might find satisfaction and fulfillment in you." He put his arm around me while he fondled my genitals with his other hand.

"The colonel knows I can feel that only when I am in a man. I'm not speaking metaphorically, I need to be physically in you, probing your innards, feeling you react to my cock," he continued. "Meredith told me he felt that in you."

Beau was a lover and a sensualist. Beau's organ was average, but curved so that erect it formed a "c" shape. He slipped easily into my ass, but once he was it I was hooked, literally and emotionally. His knob directly connected to my prostate. Every movement I made stimulated the two glands. I have since realized the cock head and the prostate are the most sensitive parts of a man's sexual anatomy.

He came close to shooting off several times. He turned me over to one of his bodyguards when he needed a rest. Timothy was a treat. He had me sit on his cock, facing away from him so Titus and Wong could suck me as he fucked me. That was good.

Beau returned for a second session that was just as good as the first. When he approached the orgasm, he pulled out and Titus took his place in my ass. Beau stayed close so he could watch he black organ slip in my ass. Titus possessed a large organ, but it fit well. I was open by then.

The Chinese guard Wong fed me his cock as Titus screwed me. Titus began to moan as he climaxed. Wong filled my mouth as Titus filled my ass. As soon as Titus pulled out, Beau entered for a third time. He shot off shortly. I think the excitement of using his black bodyguard's sperm as a lubricant was too much for him. While he was a reserved man, he lost that reserve during the orgasm and was most vocal in his appreciation.

I assumed the session was over, but that wasn't beau's plan. Timothy fucked me to a climax and Beau too the cream as I shot off. He seemed to take my load enthusiastically. By then I was both complexly relaxed and completely open.

Once you are that relaxed cocks can penetrate deeper and it seemed as if the men were exploiting exactly how deep they could get. In some ways, they were like playful boys full of spunk with a new toy. I was the toy and they enjoyed men. They had all climaxed and their cocks weren't quite as hard. It was a very different feeling for me. I loved it, as did they. I had no feeling they were purely interested in their feelings. They were interested in my sensations and concerned about my comfort and stamina. "We don't want to break you," the big Irishman, Timothy, said.

He discovered that when he was only 90% erect there was room for another cock in my ass. Luckily, Beau's cock fit. They had never done this before and the experiment was an unmitigated success. Both men loved it. Timothy was still as Beau pumped. He was both fucking men and rubbing Tim's cock. They had a near simultaneous orgasm and left their cock in me. My sphincter tightened as they lost their erection.

Beau pulled out, but Timothy left his in. I squeezed my sphincter and his cock twitched. He was still ejaculating. "I like that," he whispered.

Beauchamp's relationship with his bodyguards was very close. They had been through much together. While Beau had a taste for variety, he hadn't discarded his older friends. They had never share the same asshole before. We continued our experiments and found Titus' member left just enough room for Beau's cock too. Titus and Timothy were both giants, but quite tender in sexual approach.

The session ended and I returned to the Guesthouse and dinner. I slept very well that night. The next morning I went to the mining camp with the Bishop. I had an office next to the largest bunkhouse. A newly painted sign about the door read, "Ovid Greenmont, Letter Writer and Reader. Reading Private and Confidential. Writing A Dime.

Of course, my clientele couldn't read the sign but a man named Amos sat outside and explained the service. I had my first customer almost immediately. He was straight from the mine and had a week old letter in his pocket. It was from his mother and told of his grandfather's death. Apparently, he had been in ill health for a while. The man gave me a dime and I wrote a letter in return. He wanted it to be a proper letter, not just words strung together. I made it slightly fancy, and the man approved.

When it came to signing the letter, I wrote his name of a piece of scrap paper and had him trace it on the letter. This was a great success. I have fine penmanship and the name, Albert Malloy, looked good. He took the scrap with him and I gave him a piece of paper and a pencil so he could practice. We closed up shop at five, but I thought I might try some evening hours. The ten-cent charge for the letters seemed unnecessary, but the Bishop explained paying for it made it more respectable.

There were letters for mothers and fathers, some wives and children as well as some business letters. The Bishop liked the stay nearby, since several of the letters reported the deaths of family members. Some of these came in black bordered stationary, so we had some warning, but most were from out of the blue. Eventually I arranged a signal with Amos if there was a death. I would adjust the blind in the window. When he saw this he would go off to fetch the Bishop, or another man called the Preacher. The Preacher had a tendency to make great fear of hell, and liked to preach more than comfort, so I tried to get the bishop as often as possible.

I also did some deathbed letters. These I had done during the war for wounded soldiers. They were hard to write, but when I realized the calming effect on the dying man these letters had, I resigned myself to writing them.

I developed friends quickly. This was a surprise to me, since making friends had been difficult. A good portion of the men in Hardwood liked men and had a taste for man sex. In Philadelphia, I was worried someone might discover my secret. This made close friends problematic. This was especially a problem for a male teacher of boys.

My experience with men was with fellow officers in the army and the clientele of the Alhambra. These were upper class men for the most part. The Alhambra wasn't expensive but few workers could afford the dollar entrance fee. My artist friend Philip Hawkins had several laborers as models, but he always took them to the steam bath before bringing them home.

Most of the men at the camp were laborers or workers. The baths were a godsend. All the men were clean since they had to shower as they left the mine to recover silver. The men who ran the showers also made sure everyone pealed there foreskin back to insure there was nothing hidden in the skin. I thought a clump of silver ore would be painful, but was assured many men were willing to endure it. They made sure every man's knob was "buffed and polished" before they left the mine.

Similarly, if a man was caught trying to take some silver out, would have his ass probed too. The man who did this, Owen, had exceptionally long fingers. Oddly, he became quite popular. He always made a point of stroking the prostate, and the men realized the potential of that small gland. Owen was partial to lubricants, unlike his predecessor. Thus, some men always had lubricated ass shafts. Owen's predecessor used the rectal exams as a way to punish the men he didn't like. A fingernail can cause serious injury. Owen never did that.

All of this could have been humiliating and degrading, but the rules applied to everyone leaving the mine, up to and including Mr. Beauchamp. He showered with the men when he visited. He was not shy about his body and had no problem with a finger or two up his ass. He had his ass probed every time he visited. He usually got hard and that did a good job of peeling back the foreskin. The men loved that. He was like the better generals who were close to their troops. Good Generals lead by example. The showers created a sense of fellowship.

That had another impact. Disease due to dirt and infection was comparatively rare. Mr. Beauchamp knew of M. Louis Pasteur's experiments and the role of germ in disease transmission. Minor cuts and wounds were daily occurrences at the mine, but the showers seem to reduce the infection level. The regular nudity and bathing had a beneficial impact on everyone's sex life. The weekly or monthly bath made some practices rare for anyone with a sense of smell or taste for that matter.

Cleanliness made it possible to get much closer to the cock and kiss or suck the organ. You could lick the tender knob. I could taste the delicate juices that ooze from a cock before the orgasm. In the dim light of the baths, it was easy to slip into a pal's ass or open your hole for his pleasure. A shower would wash away the traces of the coupling. Mr. Dee actually liked this. One has to shoot a huge load for it to drip out of an ass.

Through the Bishop, I met the upper crust of Hardwood; Willy was my introduction to the lower orders. Willy's monster organ was a magnet for the most sexually driven men in the camp. While it didn't want to admit that to myself, I was a member in good standing of that group. Willy had several good friends, but Willy tended to keep his distance.

I noticed that in some of my Army friends. They had lost so many comrades during the war they were afraid of losing more. Thus, they avoided making new friends. Willy could be aggressive, moody and prickly. Willy and I got along well. We had matching wounds, and similar experiences. I hoped I could help him.

Everyone knew Willy. In an all male camp of men who liked men, he was hung like a prize stallion. Other men always admire the well endowed. There was nothing at all pretty about Willy or his cock. He was damn close to being ugly and the war scars didn't help that. I had noticed some ugly men could be intensely masculine. That was Willy. Women would cross to the other side of the street to avoid him, but he was all man. He seemed to get a double dose of things that made a man manly. God gave him a triple dose of cock. That God works in mysterious ways was never more true than in Willy. Word got around I could take Willy's cock. It wasn't just that I could take him; I enjoyed it.

We attracted two groups of men. There was a large group of men who wanted to watch. They thought it was some sort of a magic trick and they wanted to see it. They thought of Willy as a circus freak. I was a genital equivalent of a sword swallower. Many men seemed to think of me as a handsome gentleman. I was perhaps of average looks, but educated, well spoken and polite. I had been an officer. Willy had the manners of Attila the Hun. The men thought of me as an innocent virgin assaulted by a barbarian cock. My virgin days were well in the past, but lack of virginity doesn't show on your face.

There was a small cluster of well-hung men who wanted a new bottom. While some cocks stretch the asshole, a few are big enough to rip a new one. Some men liked to fuck, but hated the crying and screaming in pain that sometimes accompanied the act.

With Hardwood's emphasis on cleanliness and easy availability of oil, the problem of oversized cocks in small assholes was mitigated to some extent. Some men didn't mind inflicting pain, but Mr. Beauchamp and the Doc didn't like that much. You could get yourself fired if you were too much into pain.

The horse-hung, donkey-donged set of bulls thought I could take them and enjoy them. While many of these men were bulls, several ponies sported massive organs. They all wanted to take me for a few laps around the racetrack.

Of course, I had no intention of doing this. At first, I had no intention, but my resolve weakened. I am a naturally curious and inquisitive man, and I found myself wondering what it would be like to sample some of the larger cocks. I could now admit I enjoyed sex with men, and I had a taste for variety. There were some men who found a partner and stayed with that man exclusively. While I came to like some men deeply, I never could exclude sexual experiences with other men. My final undoing was seeing naked men in the baths and showers.

I am interested in cocks and seeing them regularly did nothing to reduce my curiosity. A part of this curiosity was scientific. If you could capture cocks and mount them in an album like Butterflies, I would have done it. The far greater part of my interest was simple, non-educational lust. I didn't like the idea of being a cock hound, but that was the case. After pretending my sexual desires were rare and intermittent outbreaks of lust, I finally acknowledge the outbreaks were often permanent and sometimes continuous for days and weeks.

While this was a personal failing, it was not regarded as so by the men in the camp. They seem to regard it as a positive asset.

Willy did odd jobs around the camp, but he had dark periods when he could not do much of anything. Willy was too proud to take charity, but too depressed to do anything. Someone offered Willy a dollar if he could watch us go at it. A dollar was big money for Willy. He was proud of his cock and not shy at all about showing it off.

At the Alhambra, I had sexual connections in the steam room with other men watching. I enjoyed that. Once Major Williams screened me as one of his friends fucked me. Several men watched me as I did that. They whispered comments and encouragements as the stranger slid his cock into my ass. The major and his friends enjoyed it greatly. I enjoyed it immensely; the audience seemed to increase my pleasure.

There were no secrets in the camp. A few nights later Willy royally fucked me in the bath surrounded by twenty admiring men. Willy made $25.00, and I got a terrific rush of sexual excitement. Willy was a bit of a showman. He took his time and enjoyed himself. When he shot off, he squirted and few times in my ass, then pulled out and sprayed me and our audience with sperm. Perhaps eight or nine members of the audience shot off on us when Willy popped.

A pair of twins in the group, Clyde and Wilbur, had a taste for man milk. They licked me clean, and a small, hairy guy named, Bullhead sucked me and took my load. $25.00 took care of Willy's cash needs for a month. He went off to have a beer. I went to my room.

Ten minutes later Bullhead knocked on my door. He came in my room and very politely asked if he could fuck me. For some reason I said yes. I hadn't noticed his equipment in the baths, but half of his body weight was his cock. His cock was thick, blunt and his slit was exceptionally wide, like a Bullhead's mouth. His organ wasn't as big as Willy's meat, but he was big.

Bullhead had one problem. He didn't lose his erection when he shot off. He spent the night with me, most of the time in my ass. I didn't seem to care if I was awake. Bullhead was a genuine country Bumpkin, but polite, considerate and gentle. As far as I could tell he was self lubricating. He used the left over lubricant from Willy's earlier fucking and never had to replace it. Willy like his cock deep in me. Bullhead liked to massage my prostate with his knob. I had an odd sensation he wanted to stable his cock in my ass. He liked the warmth. I fell asleep and woke briefly when I climaxed, then fell asleep again. Bullhead did all the work. It was a good night.

I was afraid my openness to sex would undermine me in the eyes of the men. It had quite the opposite effect. They saw me as a gentleman who was a good sport and didn't put on airs even though I was well educated. I was helpful as a letter write and eventually as a man who could give good advice in legal and medical matters.

I also made head way in teaching men how to read and do simple mathematics. Many men were uneducated or under educated. As such, they could be easily cheated. I worked with the cost of silver per ounce and then worked the basic skills of adding and subtracting. I spent time on fractions. Numbers were a useless abstraction to them, but when they saw numbers as a way to determine the values of their silver, it was much easier to understand

I had always been a good student and more often than not the teacher's pet. Bad teachers would often treat the poorer students with contempt and our right cruelty. I never felt that way. I was easy to deal with good students, but I tried to help all.

When the weather got colder, men spent more time in the thermal baths where it was warm., Several buildings in Hardwood were heated by the thermal springs, but the springs at the Silver mine were smaller and only the showers were heated. Most of the building were all-wood outside and inside a wood stove usually lost the race to the strong and bitter winter gales.

If the temperatures were too cold, Mr. Beauchamp would reduce the hours or sometimes give the men a day off. He apparently had experience with frostbite and didn't want to take the risk of losing or injuring good men. Most of the miners would come to the big bath in Hardwood to spend the day and get warm. Normally the building would hold between 30 and 40 men. During a storm or gale, it could hold 100 to 120 naked men.

These events tended to be rather festive. Men would sing and dance as much as was possible in the limited space. We had little talent shows with skits performed by the men. Some of these were both very funny and very ribald.

Mr. Beauchamp liked to visit the big bath on these occasions and talk with the men. He had a fine voice and sang popular songs. Other men would join him and they formed an impromptu chorus. The music could be beautiful.

As it was in the showers at the mine, when Mr. Beauchamp was naked, he also tended to be erect. He didn't have a modest bone in his body. This tended to lighten the mood and encourage others.

As the singing continued, the men tended to cluster in groups and make use of the pleasure giving organs we all possessed. With 120 men, there were over sixty feet of cock and 210 balls needed to be drained. Eventually the singing slowed and was replaced by sucking sounds and moans.

Next: Chapter 3

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