
Published on Nov 7, 2010


Hardwood 3

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

Naked men and hard cocks filled the bath. Nudity wasn't that rare in the camp, but much of that was vocational. This was purely recreational and the men were in a good mood. Beau was leading the men singing when one man came up to him and began to suck him. He eventually sprayed the audience with his man seed. The room burst out into applause.

Beau raised his arm for silence. "You know Mr. Dee likes it neat in here," he said. The men tittered. "Let's not worry about the man cream today. Every man makes his own home brew. I like it when a man shoots his spooge. I remember how good it was when I jerked off in the hayloft of the barn. I didn't think it could get better than that. A year later the hired man, Milton caught me doing it. I thought I was a dead man."

Instead of telling my folks, Milton bent over a sucked me. Again, I couldn't believe anything was that good!" The men roared in approval. "I guess you've figured out Milton and I got to be pals. A few months later, I felt guilty about Milton doing all the work, so I gave his cock a lick or two well if truth were to be told, it turned into a lot more than one or two licks," Beau continued.

"There was an odd thing about Milton. If man seed was a food, Milton could have fed India all by himself. That man was a sperm factory," Beau explained. The men cheered. "Well nature took its course I soon hand a mouthful of Milton's seed. I was shocked, but then I thought, damn, this stuff is odd, but it tastes better than mama's oatmeal, and it's a hell of a lot hotter."

The men roared with laughter. "To make a long story short, eventually I got my cock in Milton's ass and that was good too. He had a pal who popped my cherry. You would think have a man's dingus in your ass would be terrible, but it was great. Everything I've ever done with a man has been great. I think it's nice when a man feeds his pal his man seed. It's best when it's served hot and steamy from the balls."

"You are all hard workers. Our work is dirty and sometimes dangerous. I know most of you aren't the most refined men in the world, but this ain't exactly a tea party," he continued. "You are all real men, and there isn't one of you I wouldn't gladly take your man seed. I'd take it spurting from your tool, used in place butter on a sandwich, or served in place of champagne." The men laughed.

"By the way, I'm not offering to take it all tonight," Beau added. The men roared in laughter.

"Maybe you could do it as a birthday present?" a man yelled from the crowd.

"Sometimes I have two or three birthdays a year!" another man yelled.

"Once is enough, and if you are who I think you are, once may be once too many!" Beau replied.

Everyone knew Mr. Beauchamp was wealthy, fabulously wealthy, but he had a knack for making you feel he was on your side. We then settled down in to more personal pleasures.

Men tend to be task oriented. Everyone had full balls and wanted to drain them. For some, draining them in the ass of a pal would be good, but not necessary. Perhaps 20 or 30 percent of the men sat it out or just got blowjobs. Another 30 percent were all oral. I guessed the rest liked to fuck. I thought we would have a shortage of bottoms, but that wasn't a problem. In one on one sex, you have no choice as to the cock. One's playmate's cock might be too large to fit or too small to excite you. Here there were choices. There was considerable variety. There were short, long, thin and thick cocks. Cock heads were flared or cone shaped, mushroom like and one or two who seemed to have doorknobs.

Most men also have a sense of fair play. If you were a top at some point, it might seem right to bottom. That was especially so here, where you had a choice. Here you might see a man you liked. If he was a top, you might bottom to make the connection. By hook or crook, things seemed to work out. The pure bottoms had no problem at all. I liked it all,

I don't think of myself as a superficial person, but I did feel an attraction to the doorknob types.

My options were more limited than I expected. Willy's cock was well known, almost legendary. The audience who had watched Willy's cock fill my ass openly admired my skills, or capacity. The word got around and I was in much demand.

A big Norwegian was the first to get me. Olaf was a giant, and popular with the men. He had only a poor grasp of English, but when you needed a big man to get you out of trouble, he was the man. He saved several men during a mine collapse. He was big from head to toe.

He picked me up and then sat me on his cock. I am not a small man, but it was effortless for him. His cock was thick. He put me down, got my legs on his shoulders and skewered me again, then lifted me up again and took me to meet his friends. He was a jolly man. As he walked, I bounced on his cock and almost shot off. I got use to it.

He leaned me back so I could suck his best friend. They came quickly and I almost choked on their sperm. Olaf pulled me up again and we kissed. My mouth was still filled with their seed and Olaf loved that. It was a very passionate kiss, and I felt a tickling deep in my rectum. He was ejaculating. I don't think Olaf wanted to let me down, but he was polite and didn't want to hog me.

As Olaf sat me down and pulled out, a man next to us asked, "Was that as good for you as it was for me watching?"

The man was an older geezer type with a big gray beard and grizzled look. He was body was lean and muscular and very hairy. He looked like a Gray Wolf and would have looked sinister without a twinkle in his eye.

"The name is Harlan," he said. "You're the letter writer?"

I nodded. "You aren't one of my customers."

"I don't have no one to write to," he said. Harlan had a strong Southern accent. "I know Willy done you," he continued. "Would you mind taking some more Southern home brew? That is if you're not too worn out by that Viking cock. I've been stewing cream in my balls for over a week." I looked at his crotch. He had prizewinning balls, but not much cock. The skin alone peeked out of his thick bush.

"Willy told me you took a Rebel bullet. My cock should be pretty easy compared to that," he added.

"You're not going to pick me up and show me to your friends, are you?"

Harlan smiled. "I can guarantee I won't do that. I like to take things nice and slow. No heavy lifting, I get to do enough of that in the mine," he said. I leaned over and took the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. He was relaxed, but I tasted pre cum. I worked my tongue into the puckered foreskin. Harlan got hard fast.

I had been curious about the doorknob style cock heads. By the luck of the draw, Harlan possessed one. His knob was huge, but the shaft thin.

A small man was next to Harlan. "This is Alfonso; he's my pal. He likes to get me slippery," Harlan said. I assumed Alfonso would suck Harlan. "Shoot!" Harlan ordered. Alfonso stroked his cock a few times and then began to ejaculate. Harlan collected it in his hand and coated his cock in the sperm. "Bend over!" he ordered me. I did and a second later Harlan rammed his cock into me.

Harlan was a bit light on the social graces, but Alfonso's sperm was an excellent lubricant. Except for a twinge of pain as he popped my sphincter, it felt good, very good. His doorknob felt detached from his body. It was as if his cock head was alive and playing in my ass.

"Damn, you're fucking tight," he exclaimed. "I was afraid the Viking had stretched you too much." Once he was in, Harlan was a perfect gentleman, kind, considerate and attentive. There were two Harlans: the crude pre penetration Harlan and the tender post penetration man. He loved rubbing my prostate with his bloated head.

"Shit, I wanted this to last longer!" he cried as his whole body twitched and shook with each of his ejaculations. He lay on top of me afterward. I squeezed my ass to milk the remains of his orgasm from his cock. When only his cock head remained in my ass, he pulled out.

I was lucky so far. My first experiences were good. I later found out this wasn't by accident. Willy though I was his, and while he didn't mind sharing, he didn't want me to come back broken. Willy had a temper and was known to go off. I don't know if Willy approved Olaf and Harlan, but they were both careful.

I hadn't noticed anyone in Hardwood who was particularly squeamish or uncomfortable with man sex. The atmosphere in the bath was quite different from the usual. There was sex in the baths but usually you would sit next to a man and strike up a conversation. As you talked, you could size up the man and check out his equipment.

A few scratches and rearrangements of the genitals would let you know if the man was interested. Only then did you make genital contact. Tonight was a "let's do it and bend over please," event. There were no preliminaries. It was free and easy, if not refined. I had a sense this whole thing should have bothered me, but it didn't. It was what it was, horny men having fun with horny men. It wasn't love; just was just a day's fun.

Angus came over to me. I wrote letters for him. He was a Scot and used his money to support his mother back in Scotland. He had a friend, Socrates, a former slave. Socrates was short, very muscular and quiet. He said almost nothing. Angus had been a miner in Wales and knew the ropes of the trade. He was a demanding foreman who was a sticker for shoring and bracing.

Angus was unpopular until Shaft Three collapsed. Olaf had saved those who could be saved form that disaster. Four men died. From that point onward, Angus became a good luck piece. Men wanted to work for him. You almost could see his mind working as he figured things out. He rarely picked the easiest way; he did things the safest way. In many mines in the West, that would have gotten him fired by the mine operator. Mr. Beauchamp said he's seen too many men die in the war. That was his quota for his entire life.

Men knew, but didn't officially acknowledge that Angus and Socrates were close. Socrates had helped in the collapse of Shaft Three. He held a brace in place for ten minutes while Olaf pulled out the survivors. He did it with a broken and arm. Even the most narrow-minded of the men recognized Socrates was a good man when the chips were down.

"Mr. Greenmont, I have a favor to ask of you," Angus said. "Socrates is a good man and I fuck him regular. I'd welcome his to my ass, but he's about four sizes too big for my ass."

"Mr. Angus is a big man, but he's got a mighty small hole," Socrates said. I had never heard him speak. "He had a great mouth though."

Angus came close to me. "I was wondering if you might open up for him. It's been years since he last fucked a man," he said. "He doesn't need to shoot in you, just get in you. I drain him pretty regular, so even if the shoots there aren't much."

"My seed is white," Socrates added. I stroked his cock. It was a beauty/ He was oozing quite a bit of cock juices. We were in a corner of the room. I turned by back to him and spread my ass open. His cock slid in my ass like a hot knife in butter. Socrates was shorter than I was and his cock was at the perfect location for full penetration. He was thick and just long enough. It was lovely.

Socrates' had a club cock. His cock head was the same size as the thick shaft. He rubbed the sperm tunnel on the underside of his cock on my prostate and I felt wonderful. Angus would take my entire cock every time Socrates went deep. That was even better. A few of my friends and Angus' workmates gathered around us watching and encouraging us. The Bishop, doc Watson and Scout enjoyed the scene. It was oddly intimate. There were 120 men in the room, but we were a cluster of six or seven men.

Socrates was in no hurry. Angus said he had drained him, so there was no drive to the orgasm. While Socrates may have been drained of his seed, his other juices were just fine. He was self-lubricating and if anything, it got more smooth and easy as he pumped. After perhaps fifteen minutes he bent over me and whispered, "I'm close; do you want it in or out?"

I replied, "In."

I think our extended session had given him time to refill his balls. Nothing about his orgasm suggested he was shooting blanks. His twitching cock set me off and Angus got my load. I filled his mouth.

By now, most of the men had popped and the intense excitement of the first orgasm was replaced with a slower paced drive to the second. Colonel Meredith said the second orgasm was the best because it required more cock time. I think most American boys were use to jerking off as fast as they could to avoid detection. The climax was the thing. Meredith thought the slow build up to the orgasm with a comrade's mouth licking and sucking your cock was the best part of sex.

He loved having my tongue explore his cock. I licked his knob, the flared edge of the glans, licking up the sweet drool. He loved it when I took his entire cock and pulled away suctioning the pre orgasmic juices from his ball. I licked the ball sack and sucked the individual balls into my mouth. He had large balls.

He wanted every inch of his genitals excited before he released his load. My earlier experience with Major Williams was good, but Williams was more prone to charge up a hill to capture the enemy than to ponder the situation and capture the enemy by clever tactics. Major Williams was capable of multiple orgasms.

After I stimulated Meredith's cock, he would mount me more often than not. He was every inch a top man. He didn't ram it in; he eased his cock in the deepest recesses of my ass. Williams was in and out in less than five minutes. Meredith took a half hour the first time and once too more than an hour. Both men tended to stay hard, but Meredith would get slightly relaxed in a long session. My innards got very tender after a long session; I would be exhausted, but was happy.

Sometimes Meredith would take my load. The first time he did that, I felt as if the President gave me the Medal of Honor. It was wonderful. The colonel confessed to me that he had been sexually selfish, but discovered if he was more attentive to his playmate, he extended the playtime greatly.

Doc Watson came over to me after Socrates pulled out. "Am I correct in assuming you have studied the amatory arts?" he asked.

"Study isn't the right word," I replied. "It's more field investigations than study. I tend to get carried away and forget to take notes."

He smiled. I have a scientific and personal interest. Sexual intercourse is the most intense physical and emotional act am human being can experience, but the medical literature avoids it. There is a great deal of information on plagues, consumption and other ailments, but little on sex," he said. "I think it may be due to a misunderstanding of the Bible. It said be fruitful and multiply. We might have been better served if it said fuck like rabbits and enjoy yourself."

"Fuck ye like hares and shoot your seed in abundance?"

"That has more of King James like ring to it," the Doc said. "We should celebrate sex, not be frightened and embarrassed by it. Unless my eyes deceive me, you celebrate it. Mr. Beauchamp asked me to watch you."


"He enjoys sex and he wants his men to enjoy it more," Watson said. "This is a remote and lonely place. They men will be happier if they enjoy sex more."

"The men seem to doing well on their own."

"Mr. Beauchamp feels they would be happier still if the sexual episodes were longer and more intense," Watson replied. I noticed you have some exhibitionist characteristics. That is good."


"He asked me to do some demonstrations for the men, illustrating some sexual options," the Doctor said. "Many of them seem to pop in an ass, pound as hard as they can for a minute, shoot off and then go to sleep. He wanted me to demonstrate other options. I need some men to help me."

"You want me to put on a show? Is this to be a class?"

"Ovid, let me be direct with you. You are educated and intelligent. You must be aware you have a strong sex drive and I am quite sure it is well above normal. If you were an aggressive man, this would be a problem. You know you are both responsive and receptive, but usually evenhanded. Slim told me you were a good man. He doesn't say that about anyone."

"You are also a handsome man and a well endowed one. You are comfortable and at ease nude. I assume you have noticed you are sexually stimulated being watched in sex acts," Doc continued.

"I'm not so sure about that," I said.

"I think if you examine your own feelings you will recognize I am right," Watson replied. "You would be the ideal man to help me with my demonstrations."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"You don't need to be sure now. Mr. Beauchamp is planning for it to be a part of the next day we have off," he said.

"In front of the entire camp?" I asked. "Are any other men working with you?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Beauchamp will be with us. He is the one who recognized your exhibitionist tendencies. He shares them. Willy also volunteered. He's proud of his member and says every time the lecture flags, he can shove it up your ass and wake everyone up!"

"That sure sounds like Willy," I said while laughing. "I think for Willy fucking solves all his problems."

"That may be more true than you think," the Doc replied. "He possesses this huge and magnificent organ that is too big for everyday use. You both could take it and enjoy it. He has been much more even tempered since you came here."

"Men tended to take his cock as a bet, or out of curiosity," the Doctor explained. "It was more of an achievement than a pleasure for them. Several were appalled when he shot off in their asses. Let's face it; they weren't going to get pregnant. Willy isn't a looker and they didn't want his seed in their ass. You took his cock and loved it then took his sperm. Willy finally found someone who could fully appreciate his horse cock. Not only that, you've come back for more."

"Actually I've come back for more many times," I said. "I like Willy and his cock, but it's not anymore than like."

"You appreciate when he has and treat him as a man, not as a circus freak," Doc said. "When he screwed you with the audience, it was his way of letting the others know that some men can take it and enjoy it. It helps too that you are an officer and a gentleman. These other men were loudmouth cowpokes and miners. They weren't man enough to take and not gentlemanly enough to appreciate it." Doc went on his way and I was alone.

Willy came up to me. "How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm doing well," I said. "It is a wild way to spend a day."

"The day ain't over he said.

Next: Chapter 4

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