
Published on Jan 9, 2011


Hardwood 6

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories and stories about gay sex, don't read this! If you have comments, send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

"My cousin and uncle done me," a man named Ed said. "I was living with them during harvest time. My mom was a widow woman so was a cook. My Uncle Willy paid me to work for him. The money was welcome. My Cousin, Bo, and I messed around some, he was older than I was, but I was big for my years. We slept in the attic of the cabin. It was hot there so we went bare ass most of the time."

"At first we had little races to see who could pop his nut first," Ed continued. "He won most of the time. We were young and then would do best of three, and eventually best out of five. He asked me if I ever tasted the cream. I said yes and then he asked if I would taste his. I said I would, if he tasted mine. Bo was afraid his Pa would find dried man seed on his pants. "If your cream tastes good enough, I'll eat it and keep it neat," he told me. Well, that turned out really well."

"We found another place where you can hide man seed our asses. Well, Bo had a really short fuse those days." Ed explained. "Bo would get his knob just inside my ass and shoot off. That was good, but not as good as sucking him until he popped, but it was good enough. Of course this was all quiet like and we thought his Pa had no idea what we were doing."

"We also thought we were the only guys in the world who did this. I later found out his Pa knew all about it. Bo was off to town to get supplies when my Uncle got me."

"Damn, that must have been bad," Aden said.

"It ain't exactly what you think. I was big even then and my Uncle was on the small and scrawny side. I was alone in the barn popping my cork when he caught me. I was scared, but he said he understood. He told me he liked to stroke the pole, but he liked to keep things neat too. I asked him if he wanted to shoot his load in my mouth. He said he rather plow my ass and seed me that way. That was fine for me.

"Uncle Willy was a small, scrawny man, but his privates weren't small at all. Up until now, I had nothing more than Bo's knob in me. My uncle was careful and got his mushroom in, and then he went deep, about eight inches deep. Bo's short fuse must have come from his mother's side of the family. Uncle Willy had stamina. I was dazed and confused, but when I got my wits back, I was in heaven. I soon was doing a fancy dance on his love pole. We both liked that. He done me good and we soon made a regular habit of it."

"Did you ever do him?" I asked.

"Sure, but I like him in me a lot more that he like me in him," Ed said. "That was good for both of us."

"I was in an orphanage in Baltimore," a man named Sean O'Bannon said. "Most of the boys got screwed by one of the brothers. I got lucky. Father McGuire fucked me. The brother's fucked you for being bad; Father McGuire fucked you because he liked you. We boys didn't like it, but we all thought we'd be murdered if anyone found out, so we kept our mouths shut."

"I looked like Father McGuire's favorite brother with red hair and blue eyes. His brother died at Gettysburg, and Father liked us when we looked like him when he went to war. He liked us with fully grown privates and a beard." "He fucked you in honor of his brother?" I asked.

"It was sort of that way," O'Bannon said. "Of course all of us were apprenticed by the time we were fourteen. It was more like being sold to the highest bidder. Most of the men we were apprenticed to were bad characters. I went to a bar keeper, Billy McGuire, who lived near the Orphanage. Billy was Father's cousin and kept me until I were the right age for the priest. He was the nicest of the possible men. He had a stable of young men who served his clients. I was a waiter for Billy until my beard was full and bushy. Only then did Father McGuire pop my virgin ass. Father McGuire had a long thin one and it was easy to take and felt good. Once I was popped, Billy did me."

"Billy's meat was much thicker and a bit hard to take but I soon got use to him and it was good," O'Bannon continued. "Some of Billy's customers were on the rough and ready side, but Billy had some close friends he let use me. They were important men who liked a little release sometimes. They all nice men and it was fun. They also gave me tips and that is how I got enough money to get here."

An Englishman named Oliver told his story next. "I was on the HMS Thunderer when I got uninitiated. I knew it was coming and knew it would hurt. The older sailors did it to everyone. It did come and it did hurt. You were expected to take it like a man and keep your mouth shut. I did but it sure hurt."

"Once the lights were out you were fair game for anyone senior to you," Oliver continued. "One of the older men, Tommy, a boson's mate, took a shine to me and became my protector. At first this seemed like a mixed blessing, the mate was had a donkey dong. Tommy called it the torpedo. He was a good man, just big."

"Tommy told me once I got use to the Torpedo, I would be good for anyone who wanted to take a poke. I would be stretched and open. It was hard, but I did it. Tommy was unhappy I didn't like it more so we did some experimenting," Oliver continued. "Doggy style was the official fucking position of the HMS Thunderer. Tommy did me on my back with my legs on his shoulders. The torpedo mad a direct hit on my magic nut and I drained my balls without touching my cock."

"Tommy called my cream cock caviar and from his position it was fun to watch me shoot off and eat it up if you were so inclined," Oliver said. "I'm personally not much into cock scum, but there were some on the ship who thought it was a great delicacy. I shoot a big load and got to be popular among the sperm hounds. Tommy made me wash my knob and clean up the space between my foreskin and head. He told me men like it straight from the spigot."

"The boiler exploded and killed Tommy, but like he said, once I could take the torpedo all was good."

I went to bed. The next morning Aden was gone. I saw him leaving Mr. Beauchamp's house with a smile on his face. Amos had been afraid Aden would have some no-account miner's sperm in his ass for his first fuck. As far as Amos was concerned, Beau had the cream of the crop as far as man seed was concerned and he didn't mind having Beau' man tool rooting around in Aden's ass. He was pleased.

Later that day I talked with Aden. It hadn't been easy at first, but Beau had taken his time and by the fourth or fifth time, it was good. "The last time he fucked me, I shot off hands free," Aden said. "That was a first for me."

"I hope it is the first of many," I said.

A small group of soldiers arrived at the camp two weeks after the Raiders left. It was a classic case of closing the barn door after the horses escaped. The army hadn't been uninvolved in repelling the attackers, but apparently, someone felt it was wise to show the flag. They rode down the main street of Hardwood and stopped at the doors to Mr. Beauchamp's house.

I happened to be nearby and saw them arrive. There were twenty cavalrymen and an officer, none other than my old friend Major Wilson. I went over to welcome him. He was glad to see me and to find I was uninjured in the attack. This was a new type of attack and the War Department was interested

Major Wilson initiated me into the joys of man sex and was a friend of Mr. Beauchamp too. His troop was small, but they were all seasoned fighters. Wilson's task was to get a full report of the attack to send to the War Department. I had been his company clerk during the War, so he was more than glad to see me. He knew I could do a good report in my sleep.

Major Wilson stayed at Beauchamp's house. His men stayed at the guesthouse. The guesthouse was filled so two men bunked with me. We had cots and they were better than sleeping on the ground. Henry was sergeant and Don a corporal. It took five minutes for us to understand we were like spirits.

The troop volunteered for the expedition so they could get away from the limitations of winter quarters at the fort and have some fun. Wilson found Henry and Don. They knew of other men who shared the same sexual tastes. Henry was a big black man. It was rare for a black man to be in charge of white men, but since this was party of volunteers, it was acceptable. There were six black and twelve white troopers. I took Henry and Don to the baths. No one was shocked at the Black man's appearance there. The reason for this acceptability dangled between his legs.

Henry was so impressive, I almost failed to notice Don's endowment. He possessed a classic horse cock. Once Henry got the lay of the land, he set Don off to get the rest of the men. "A couple of hours here will make for a lot of relaxing," Henry said.

There were a number of former Rebels in Hardwood. The camp was mostly white, but there was a mixture of Blacks, Mexicans, Indians and Chinese here too. Mr. Beauchamp was open-minded. Much to my surprise, Slim and Willy came over to talk with Henry. I think the black man's cock could have been an exhibition at the Centennial Exposition. It was a wonder.

"Do you poke white guys with that?" Slim asked.

"Shit," Henry said, "If they are willing, I'm more than willing to fill up any hole. I can take my time, but I get it in all the way. I do like to dump my load deep in the ass. Some white boys don't want that."

"Do you take white cock?" Willy asked.

"I sure do, but only once my meat has rubbed his nut. I like the man milk too," Henry replied. "I guess you've noticed all man milk is white." The Bishop and Tim joined us and the conversation veered away for who would fuck whom.

This may sound odd, but I had never noticed the magnetic attraction of a cock before, except in myself. I admit I find them attractive. As a Black Federal cavalryman and officer, Henry was everything Willy opposed and disliked. Henry didn't flaunt his impressive equipment. It flaunted itself. The balls hung low and while he wasn't hard, there was a firmness about it that showed polite interests in the men he was talking with, it wasn't blatant. His cock head would peek out of his foreskin and you could see a bead of pre cum.

By contrast, Willy and Slim were at half-staff and Willy's was drooling. Occasionally, a drop of his cock juice was fall and you could see the thin filament connecting the drip to his cock head. The Bishop was fully erect. He rarely showed hard in public. Tim was interested too. Naked men can say anything they want and pretend to be uninterested, but cocks are a thermometer of lust. Cocks never lie.

Don returned with the other troopers and they liked what they saw. Most of them were grizzled fighting men, guaranteed to attract the rough and tumble men of Hardwood. A younger white trooper looked like a child in a candy store when he saw all the naked men. Washington, a young black trooper, seemed to be Don's favorite. He stayed near Don and joined our group, while the rest of the troopers dispersed into the crowd of miners.

It was getting later and the sound of conversation began to quiet. Moans and slurping sounds replaced the talk. The Bishop decided to lick Washington's organ. "Is there anyone here who wants to take my cock in the ass?" Henry asked Tim.

"Ovid is our best bottom," Tim replied.

"He can take mine and enjoy it," Willy said. "Ovid, are you willing?"

"I'm willing but I may be out of practice," I said.

"I can help if you want it?" Willy said. That got the conversation rolling and a few minutes later Willy, Henry, Don, Tim and I were in my bedroom.

Washington stayed in the bath with the Bishop. The young Black man administered to the spiritual needs of the Bishop's sphincter.

While we had talked in the bath, the sexual needs grew. Once we were in my bedroom, they exploded.

"Get on the bed," Tim ordered. "I'm in the mood and I hope you are too."

In general, I am always in the mood. He put my legs on his shoulder. He must have been excited, since his knob was slippery form his pre cum. After toying with my sphincter a little, he pushed his Irish cock into me. It went in easily. I felt an explosion of pleasure as he filled me.

"Damn that's good," he moaned. Then he cried out, "Damn, damn, damn, damn!" I knew he was going to shoot off. His cock released his balls' load and I felt his seed squirting into my chute.

"Churn it up in there," Don ordered. "Get his whole shit tunnel slippery with your man seed!" Tim obeyed and pulled out when the ejaculations slowed. I don't think there could have been more than a second between Tim leaving and Don entering my ass. Don had a cock like a short telegraph pole except it had a downward curve. He was big, but Tim's man seed did the trick.

Don was a man fucker. He loved it and did it with enthusiasm and gusto. I could feel his enthusiasm emanating from his donkey dong. He was a bit rough, but he was rough like a big, friendly dog who doesn't realize how big he is. He pulled out before he shot off. He wanted a second trip up my ass later.

Willy filled in the gap. My hole didn't have time to close up after Don's fucking, so it was open and Willy went deep on the first thrust. He and Henry were huge, and they talked about ways to get in faster and deeper. Henry was on the bed and I sucked him as Willy did me doggy style. I must have been like being with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo discussing art technique in Florence. They were great masters comparing notes.

I could only get Henry's knob in my mouth; he was that big. He was a heavy leaker, and it was tasty brew indeed. I loved it, but more importantly realized he would be self-lubricating once he was in my ass.

Willy worked up to a climax and then added his sperm to Don's brew in my ass. When he pulled out, Henry flipped me over and spread my legs. From this position, there was no way I could resist him. He eased his monster knob into my quivering ass. He popped his knob through my sphincter and told me to kiss it with my ass lips.

"Kiss that battering ram! Make it feel welcome!" he ordered. "Squeeze it tight and try to keep me out!" I tried, but failed every time. After a few minutes if this, in one firm movement, he went deep and I was impaled. He winded me. Henry waited for me to catch my breath and then began to thrust slowly. I could only feel. Somehow Willy, the Rebel and Henry, the black army officer became friends as they shared my ass.

As a bottom, I am not in control often, but I lost it this night. The four men took turns, pulling out when they got close to an orgasm and turning me over to another man. I seemed to be in a sexually induced trance. It was confusing as cock after cock popped to my ass for four of five minutes, and then exited only to be replaced by another. The four men had very different fucking styles and techniques, so I was off balance. It was confusing, but intensely pleasurable too.

I am not a verbal person during sex, but I lost ant inhibitions I had and everyone knew just how good it was. I would have been embarrassed, had I been able to think clearly.

Don took a turn in Tim's ass and Tim poked Henry a few times too. After a round of orgasms, I fell asleep. Sometime in the early morning, I saw Willy doing a dance on Henry's love pole.

I heard Henry whispering, "I'm going to shoot; do you want my seed up your ass?"

Willy replied. "Fill me up!"

When I woke the next morning, I saw Henry had fallen asleep with Willy's cock still in his ass. One of the nice things about horse-hung men is even soft they still can fill an ass. I'm not positive, but I think Henry work with an ass filled with Rebel man seed.

The soldiers stayed for two weeks and by the time they left were popular men with the miners. I wrote the report with Major Wilson. We concluded the attack was probably a fluke. The full frontal attack was preferred by the commander and suited only for much-undefended places. The Indian losses were huge.

I also had a chance to renew my connection with Major Wilson. After many years as soon as we got in bed again, the years, melted away I felt the same excitement I had when I was a company clerk. The Major wasn't quite as hard as he had been then, but my ass was a lot more open, so the overall effect was the same.

We have the telegraph, but Indians have their own efficient way to communicate. Every Indian within 500 miles soon knew about the disaster. Beau's decision to protect the Indian women and children was noted too. That he sheltered them in his own house was shocking and appreciated.

My own situation improved. I was the schoolmaster, letter writer and very willing bottom. The men liked me, but when I spiked the cannons in a daring pre dawn foray into enemy territory my status rose. Some though bottoming was a woman's role. I was now officially a brave and gallant man.

Over the next few weeks, I got some new customers in my reading and writing classes. Mike Malloy, Chan and One Feather came to see me. Mike was a bruiser who looked like one of the illustrations you see of primitive men in articles on Mr. Darwin's book. Chan was a Chinese muscle man, and One Feather, the Indian scout.

Mike was a changed man after the Raider's attack. He no longer needed to be a loudmouth to prove he was a real man. Chan had found acceptance in the White world of the camp. He and One Feather wanted to participate more in the activities of the town. Mike was illiterate. Neither Chan nor One Feather had any way to be literate.

Mike was big and his folks had him working on the farm by the time he was eight -years old. He never went to school. He was thirty-five now and embarrassed to be unable to read. There were no schools for the Indians or Chinese. I knew no Chinese and my only Indian words came from the Song of Hiawatha. It was a challenge since I knew nothing about Chinese or any of the Indian languages.

I started with everyday words, phrases and words you saw on signs. I had some useful children's picture books. They were all intelligent men, although they may not have known it.

Oddly, all the men responded to Shakespeare, especially Chan. I discovered the Chinese have great admiration for learning and literature. To read a great work of literature was important to him.

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