Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Jul 2, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 4

I was flat on my back on my bed looking up at the ceiling. A small tear rolled down my cheek and hit the sheet. Lance had just dropped me off at my apartment and I couldn't make sense of the evening. I sat up and turned on my desk lamp. The light illuminated the room and chased away the darkness which seemed to ease my discomfort only partially.

"Oh god Em," I sighed to myself, I really needed to talk to her. I really needed to talk to, "him,' too. I sat down on the chair next to my desk and bathed in the lamp's light. I didn't know how to fix what happened earlier that night or even where to start. The only thing I did know for sure was that I was silently grateful that I didn't have to work tomorrow.

"What the hell do I do now," I said out loud in exasperation, "hey. WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO"!! I started full out crying to myself and buried my head in my hands.

(Earlier that night)

"Hey Justin," I called as I turned around, "you coming."

"Yeah, just gotta lock 'er up Ryan be right there," Justin called locking up his car.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the bouncer, my face drained of all colour.

"What's up," Justin asked but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my face. "Oh don't worry 'bout getting in Ryan you're with us after all." With that he walked past me and up to the front door.

"Wow," was all that I could say. This place was huge, it had three floors each with it's own brand of music and dancers on each. One thing I have to say about these places I love the mist!!!!!!!!!!

"Geese Ryan, don't get out much do you?" he asked.

"Um," I replied in a weak, shaky voice, "I ugh".

"Oh sorry," he hastily added, "I didn't mean it the way it came out".

"D.. Don't worry 'bout it."

"Oh hey there's Chris, Joey and Cheryl, hey guys!" Justin called across the dance floor at the three figures sitting at a table for seven. I hung back a little, something didn't feel quite right but I brushed it off as nothing and remembered my little promise to myself.

"Hey Joey," I screamed over the music, "Chris," I nodded. "You must be Cheryl," I turned, smiled and held out my hand, "I'm Ryan".

"Hi," she replied happily, "Chris 'n Joe have already filled me in so don't worry."

"Okay," I laughed, "hope they weren't too harsh," I sat down on the nearest available chair and put down my bag.

"No more than he can be when he wants," she grinned gesturing at Justin who grabbed the nearest chair to myself and sat down.

"Hey I'm innocent, I'm innocent," he threw up his hands in his own defense, we all laughed (well all except Justin that is :)).

"Hey guys," a deep voice murmured in my left ear. I jumped about a foot in the air and a small shiver ran down my spine, I gasped.

"LANCE," I growled through my teeth.

"Gee how'd you know it was me?" he laughed sadistically.

"That's an easy way to lose you family jewels boy," I smirked.

"Ouch," Lance winced holding onto his boys as he sat grabbed a chair on my other side. Josh took the last chair beside Lance and laughed.

"You shoulda seen your face Ryan, man Lance got you good."

"Humph," I laughed, "I'll have to return the favor some day."

"Man I donno 'bout you guys but I'm going to get a small bite to eat," Justin said, jumping up from his chair. "Does anyone feel like tagging along to help me order?" he asked, looking around the table.

"I'm game," Joey chipped in.

"Me too," I decided, "What do you guys all feel like?"

After we had sorted out who was having what, the three of us wondered around until finally Joey found the restaurant portion of the club on the bottom floor.

"Ugh guys I gotta grab the bathroom," I called as I started to walk in the opposite direction. "Do you think that you've got every thing?"

"Sure Ryan," Joe reassured, "we'll meet you back at the table." Justin looked a little disappointed but the call of nature was a little too strong for me to notice. I crossed the club floor, dodged a few dancing couples, I finally pushed open the door to the men's room.

I stepped up to the urinal and relieved myself. "Hmm could he possibly," I wondered, hoped and dreamed. "No I can't rely on that," I decided, "I couldn't make a move on him without feeling really stupid. I mean he's adored by countless women, the chances are a thousand to one the he's gay and even less that he's interested. I've only known him for under three hours what would even make me believe that I'll ever see any of them ever again?" I finished up and brushed my illusions of grandeur aside. I washed and dried my hands under the hot air and pushed the door back open.

The bottom dance floor looked rather appealing to me (aside from all the cute guys :)) the place really looked nice and clean. I smiled to myself and climbed back up the stares to our table.

"Look who finally showed up," Josh called over his shoulder.

"Got lost in the potty," Chris batted his eyes at me rapidly.

"Well it was just so interesting I couldn't bare to tear myself away," I beamed.

"Ugh," Cheryl cringed. "It's one of those guys things again isn't it?" she turned and said to Chris. Chris just laughed.

"You wouldn't know anything about that now would you Chris," I asked sweetly between mouthfuls. He just sat there and sulked through his pasta. "Hey pal, you know what they say about turn about being fair play."

He just stuck out his tongue, "yeah, yeah," he countered.

About a half an hour later all of us had finished eating and were sitting around the table just hanging out and talking to each other. We all got to know each other a little bit better.

"I don't know about you guys," Lance suddenly commented, "but I'm about ready to hit the dance floor. "Anyone coming?" Quickly we all agree, except for Cheryl and Joey they said they wanted to take it easy tonight so we just left it at that.

Before long everyone was dancing and immensely enjoying themselves (I've always loved to dance :)). I think that for the guys it was a nice change to the stingy old choreographed dance moves that they had to repeat over and over again. After a half hour later (give or take, my sense of time minus a watch and while dancing gets kinda messed) a strange thought came to mind (no miracle involved I can hear what going through yer heads so don't even think about it :)), I brushed my way through the crowd and found Justin dancing by himself.

"Hey J," I called above the din of the music.

"Hey Ry," he smiled stopping dead in his tracks, "what's up?"

"I just thought of something," I began.

"Heh stop the presses," he giggled.

"Oh knock it off," I playfully smacked him upside the head. "You know I wonder if anyone's recognized you guys yet?"

"Oh," he replied as if hurt, "you mean to tell me you didn't notice our funky disguises?" I just stared at him blankly for a few seconds, finally noticing the sunglasses, hat and toned down clothing.

"Hmm I donno I guess that after the concert I'm used to seeing you guys in strange flashy clothing that regular stuff just don't fizz on me anymore!"

"HEY," this time it was Justin that playfully smacked me upside the head. I started to speak but he beat me to the punch. "Yeah, yeah I know I know the turn about thing right?" I just laughed.

"I'm innocent, I'm innocent," I pleaded in a similar fashion to him a little while earlier. This time it was Justin who returned the smack upside the head.

"I'm glad that everyone seems to be have a good time," I mentioned looking around the room. Josh and Lance were dancing in a large crowd of people and Chris was hitting on some petite little brunette in the corner.

"Yeah," he replied obviously thinking of something else. "Hey Ry I'm gettin kinda tired you wanna go grab something to drink."

"Sure," I shrugged, "sounds good to me." When we got back to our table we found a small note written in lipstick. Justin picked it up and read it.

"What's up," I asked as I grabbed a chair and sat back down.

"Not too much except Joey and Cheryl left, they took Cheryl's car. It says here not to expect him back anytime soon."

"Well I guess it's better than watching them suck face all evening," I laughed.

"Oh yeah," he replied making a face, "Joey's like a brother to me, all the guys are, but having to watch 'em suck face in public is kinda sick."

"I know what you mean," he said taking a sip of my water. Justin and I just talked for what seemed like forever. I couldn't help but feel like I've known him forever as the final traces of Justin the pop icon melted away.

"Ryan, hey baby," a feminine voice called out from the other side of the club. "Hey," Emily squealed as she ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug possible. "What the hell are you doing here," she said, "you told me that you were going to that concert."

"Yeah Em," I told her, "it ended a while ago and I came out here with them after it was over". I gestured to Justin. I couldn't help but notice that his features had gone through a visible change. He was no longer happy and excited instead something it seemed was deeply troubling him.

"Er hi," he said standing up, "I'm really sorry guys but I've got to go to the bathroom I'll be right back."

"What the..... Justin," I called but he was gone.

"What was that all about," Em asked confused.

"I think that he thought that you were my girlfriend hun," I bit my lower lip.

"WHAT," she exploded, "you mean he doesn't know that..." I shook my head, no.

"And you don't know if he....." I weakly nodded, yes.

"And you think that he thinks that you and me....?" She asked.

"Probably," I frowned.

"Well then hun," she stated firmly, "you'd better go after him and find out what's going on."

"But I," I started.

"No buts," she pushed into a standing position, "get yours in gear and go after him."


"Mitsie 'n me are just on the other side of the room," she said gesturing over to a waving figure in the distance. "Come and see me if you get into trouble but don't call tonight sugar I'm on the hunt if you know what I mean," she winked at me and I just smiled. "No get going she pushed me in the right direction.

I walked across the dance floor, past all the dancers and into the men's bathroom. I checked almost every stall and urinal but to no avail. He wasn't anywhere to be found. I came out to the dance floor and spotted Lance back at our table.

"That's strange I wonder what happened to Josh," I thought to myself, "or Justin for that matter. I hope he's ok." Lance saw me and threw me my coat and bag.

"Cummon Ryan," he called, "you ready to go."

"Yeah but.." I started but he cut me off.

"All the others have already left," he indicated the empty table, "Justin left with JC, he said that he was tired. So that leaves you 'n me," he smiled. "Ok," I shrugged as I put on my coat and gathered my crap. (Inside I was starting to break down but I wasn't about to let that slip). "Let's go. Oh and Lance."

"Yeah?" he asked turning around as he walked.

"Thanks for the ride," I weakly smiled.

"No problem," he nodded and soon we were on our way.

Emerging into the cool night air was refreshing. For a split second I let it caress me and I forgot about where and who I was.

"Ryan," a voice called somewhere off to my left.

"Ugh sorry," I blushed a little, "I'm coming." The ride back to my apartment was almost completely uneventful; Lance and I were still chatting but about nothing earth shattering.

Nearing the last corner to my apartment he suddenly became very serious.

"Um Ryan," he asked solemnly, "how long have you known that you were gay?" I could feel the colour drain from my face and those damn butterflies start up again at full throttle.

"I......Um......." I could only stare at the floor of his truck.

"Oh, no I," he started, "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry if I scared you. It's just that I saw the way that you looked at Justin tonight and I'm pretty sure why he left in such a hurry. I don't mean to pry but I saw your friend come and surprise you guys at the table and I think that I can figure the rest out on my own." I let out a sigh and looked over to see a concerned face of a friend that I had only known a few hours.

"I don't know what to do," I replied in a small voice.

"Hmmmm that's a tough one," Lance said, "I guess you'll just have to see how things turn out." We pulled up alongside my building. I opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Hey Ryan," he called through the open window, "here take this," he handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"What's this," I asked perplexed.

"It's my cell phone number," he stated, "at least that way you can get a hold of Justin indirectly." I ripped the paper in half, scribbled out my own number and handed it back to him.

"Out of curiosity," I asked, "why are you doing this?"

"I've got a good feeling about you," he smiled, "and besides which I don't feel like losing someone who I think'll be a great friend."

"Thanks Lance," I smiled back at him.

"Gotta go Ryan, talk to you soon," he called as he drove away.

"Yeah," I called after him, "and thanks." With that I picked up my bags off the sidewalk and walked towards my building. I could tell that this was just going to be one of those nights, the kind with absolutely no sleep. Damn I think I've fallen for him already........

Hi, let me know what you think and if you like it, hate it or are still reading. Watch out for those spelling mistakes, I'm half-asleep and typos just seem to be my best friends at the moment. I'm not too sure where I'll take the story from here so we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks to everyone for the email encouragement (I've tried to reply to everyone as best I can, but I can't always get enough time to run around the net, as I'd like :()

Oh well

Best wishes until the next chapter ^_^ Email:

Next: Chapter 5

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