Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Jul 9, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 7

(Justin's point of view) (Earlier that day)

"I'll be gone for about one night hunny," Mom held up my chin with her hand. I lowered my head despite her touch, I felt so lonely. "I need to finalize this deal with the company Justin," she sighed, "you understand right?"

"Sure thing Mom," I raised my head up to face her and faked a smile to appease her inquiries. "Don't worry 'bout nottin, little J 'n me'll be just fine," I beamed, "and besides Mom Josh's still in."

"Oh yeah that's right," she turned around on her heels (Don't ask me how she can do that with those monsters :)). "Josh said that he was gonna go out with some old high school friends for some coffee later on, so don't let him sleep in." She turned and started out towards the car but turned and stopped for a second time. "Jonathan's going over to a friend's house tonight and I want you to drive him over for the sleep over."

"Sure thing Mom," I nodded, "No problem."

"Oh and baby one more thing......" Mom trailed off.

"Yeah," I cocked my head to one side, "what's that?"

"The package that I ordered delivered should be around in a little while," she said as if preoccupied.

"Hmmmm... that's a litt'l bit weird," I thought but quickly brushed it away. "'K Mom see yah around," I called.

"Bye hunny," she waved, "I love you."

"Love you too," I called back, "see you soon." With that she got in the car and backed out of the driveway and was out of sight in seconds.

I turned back into the house with a heavy heart. Hmmmm I don't even know how to get a hold of h........

"Justin," someone brushed right by me. It was Josh. "I'm late," he called from the kitchen, "I'm going out to have coffee with a friend from high-school.

"Hey munchkin," I heard JC talk to Jonathan as he served himself out some cereal.

"Mornin," Jonathan managed between soggy bites of Captin' Crunch.

"Who are you going to see JC?" I asked pulling up a chair.

"Ugh......" he hesitated in mid mouthful. "Just some old friends J nothen more," he dismissed it entirely.

"Well that's what I figured," he smiled, "but how 'bout a name?"

"........ James and Emily," he said finally returning to his bowl.

"Oh," I said almost hurt. He was never this brisk with me unless somethin' more was on his mind. "So is she cute?" I asked batting my eyelashes in his general direction.

Josh was taken aback and looked to Jonathan for support. J just made kissy noises at a very nervous JC. "Hey... Hey you guys have it all wrong," he waved his arms at the two of us in a futile attempt to appease the torrent of teasing.

"Sure Joshypoo," I cooed, "whatever you say sweet cheeks. But just remember don't do anything I wouldn't do," I wagged a finger at him. "Besides two at a time? Grody," I made a face with Josh tried to shield Jonathan's tender young ears from my more raunchy teasing.

JC soon lost all track of time until he got up from the table abruptly looking at his watch.

"Oh shoot," he exclaimed, "I'm gonna be late if I'm not careful. Gotta go guys don't wait up," he called while half out the door.

"Bye Josh," I called back as I heard the door slam shut. I turned to my still half-asleep litt'l bro. and sorted out with him when he was supposed to be dropped off at Collin's house.

I soon found out that I still had a good part of the day to wait until I had to drop off Jonathan. Besides which there was still that little matter of the mysterious package that Mom had ordered to be dropped off sometime later on today so I was stuck at home.

"Oh well," I thought to myself while cleaning up the dishes, "I could ask and see if the guys wanted to come over and just watch movie." I picked up the phone and dialed Lance's number but I got nothin' but the damn machine.

I dialed up Chris and Joey but got smacked in the face by a busy signal. "Joey must be talking to Cheryl," I mumbled and sat down the phone. "Some vacation," I glanced around the room, "I'm stuck here for the whole day, bored out of my skull."

I finished up with everything in the kitchen and started a movie for both Jonathan and myself to watch.

"Oh well," I shrugged, "I might as well relax on my off days." I soon lost all track of time; the movie wasn't enough to catch my attention and I soon drifted off to slumber land.

Unaware of the passage of time I dreamt that I was in a room filled with people. People of every different kind, colour and shape, they were all talking amongst each other. I didn't belong with them. Didn't belong in their company; I had to find where I belonged. Where I was needed.

I pushed my way past people and faces that I might have remembered from concerts long ago but now was no the time. I brushed past a pregnant mother and a rabbi until I came to a clearing in the crowd. The people vanished into oblivion and the only thing that remained was a dark room, myself and a small figure with his back to me.

I stepped forward to speak, to run to him, to comfort him. But he turned suddenly, so that I could see his face.

"Ryan," I called out stumbling onward, my arms outstretched, but it was too late, I surprised him and he vanished from the dream.

I awoke covered in a cold sweat. I got up off the couch and turned off the white fuzz coming from the T.V set.

"Just a dream," I said myself as I heard Jonathan answer the front door. "One of the guys?" I wondered.

"Who's there J?" I called walking out to see who it was. Standing there in front of me on his knees hugging my little brother was the face that had been plaguing my mind and my dreams with an intoxicating eroticism unknown to me before.

I was too stunned to speak; all that I could do was stare down at him unbelieving what I saw before me.

"R... Ryan," I stammered out scratching the back of my neck, "what the...... I mean I." He just smiled back at me. I could feel a not wind up in my stomach and my head start to swim uncontrollably, but I managed to shake it off. "I thought that you," I gestured at the package putting two and two together, "....... I mean the gallery was.......... Don't you?" I took a deep breath, "You wanna come in," I sighed making a sweeping motion with my left hand.

"Sure Justin," he picked up Jonathan and started walking into the house. Just then something popped into my head.

"Jonathan," I cried looking at my watch, "Jonathan I was supposed to drop you off at your friends house a half an hour ago. Why didn't you wake me up?" The boy just looked away from me.

"You very so tired Just," he said, "I didn't wanna...."

"That's ok little guy," Ryan smiled at my little brother, "where are we supposed to drop you? Over here," he held Jonathan above the flowerpot. "Here?" he asked again with an ecstatic little boy upside down over the lawn. "Wait a sec," he said excitedly," how 'bout overrrrrrr here," he plopped the little guy back in my arms. Jonathan was giggling too much to form complete sentences.

"You'd better go get dressed J if you're gonna go out driving," Ryan said returning too normal (Damn he had a way with kids :)). I looked down at what I was wearing.

"Strange," I looked around, "I don't hear anyone compainen," I struck a sexy pose.

"Yeah, yeah," was I got out of hi before he smacked he upside the head. "Now get going, and don't worry I'll keep the little guy occupied while your getting' ready."

"Ok," I caved, handing the little barrel of monkeys over to Ryan to deal with. "Back in five," I went back inside the house and up to my bedroom.

"So this was what everyone was so secretive about," I giggled to myself, "I'll have to kick Josh's ass when I get a hold of him. (Well maybe not too hard ;) ). "So Josh said that he was going out with a James and an Emily. Judging from the fact that Lance wasn't home I'd say that it's a pretty good bet that he was in on the whole thing. But who's Emily?" I wondered, "Josh's new girltoy? That name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it. I slipped on a comfy pair of baggy back shorts overtop of my boxers and grabbed a hat on the way downstairs.

"Now don't get your hopes up too high Justin," I told myself as I grabbed my wallet and car keys. "Ryan's taken," I sighed deeply and remembered that night at the club all those weeks ago. "Why do all the cute, sweet and sexy ones have to be taken?" I wondered. "Huh? Why?" I asked no one in particular.

Actually these past few years I've had a lot of trouble figuring out just which way that I swing (if you catch my drift) I mean it's hard to find someone that isn't throwing themselves all over you (this is NOT an ego trip, really :)). I had already told all the guys and Mom about a year ago about the fact that I'm not too sure which way I swing and they all basically came up with the same conclusion. Meh, big deal J it's who you fall in love with right? But I can hardly look at anyone without feeling like they aren't seeing the real me. The real Justin Timberlake. A small tear gathered in my right eye and ran a bead line down my cheek and onto my favorite blue T-shirt.

"Damn," I complained as I wiped the tear away, "I guess that's the price you pay." I sniffled a wee bit, made sure that everything looked in order and went outside to see how the others were doing.

Litt'l J was busy show a very amused Ryan his latest cool new toy.

"I hate to brake up your little party boyz," I called while getting into the car. "But your ride is leaving."

"Awh Justin," Jonathan complained, "I was just showing Ryan my latest supersoaker and telling him about my trip." Ryan just laughed and helped him into the front seat. I was a little disappointed that I was going to be able to sneak very many glances at Ryan. But hey the night was still young.

Soon we we're waving goodbye to the little guy (Collin's Mom was very sweet and talkative (Didn't think that we'd ever get outta there :(). Oh well.

"Hey Ryan," I asked while pulling out of the Grehore's driveway, "you coming up to the front or what?"

"Not in public Justin," he glanced around as he got into the passenger seat. "What would the press think?" he burst out laughing. I playfully smacked him upside the head.

"That was sick man," I made a face.

"Oh but you loved it."

"Yeah, yeah," I just brushed it off. "Hey Ryan...... I've been wanting to ask you..."

"Yeah," he seemed to be more than just a wee bit interested.

"I thought that you only worked at the art gallery. And then the next thing I know you're showing up on my doorstep with a package for my Mum. Is there any little exciting stories behind it or what?"

"Actually J," he began it was a favor to friend."

"Oh yeah," I glanced back at him, "anyone that I'd know?"

"Actually you met Emily at the club that night a few weeks back," he replied.

"You mean that Emily is your friend?" I asked hardly able to believe it.

"Yeah," he shrugged, "we're just good friends."

"That's cool," inside my heart was doing back flips (YAAAAAAAY!! There's still a chance there's still a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

For the rest of the car ride home we just got caught up on what had happened during the weeks that we hadn't seen one another. I told him about my weeks with next to no sleep and he told me how his work was going. (We both had quite a laugh about poor Lance's little mix up :)).

"So Ry," I called back to him as I was unlocking the front door. "Do you wanna come in and watch a movie or somethen maybe spend the night since I'm all alone for the evenin?" I hope there wasn't too much anticipation in my voice but my fingers were crossed.

"Sure that sounds cool to me," he beamed back as we took off our shoes in the entranceway. "I've got nothing to exciting planned and besides tomorrow's Saturday and I don't have to go to work."

"Great," I enthused, "How 'bout some popcorn?"

"Awwwh you read my mind," he made a drooling noise while I got out all the stuff ready.

Before long we were busy watching some stupid movie (that I wasn't paying attention to) and eating bowl after bowl of rich buttery, mouthwatering popcorn.

"Um Justin," he suddenly perked up after all the popcorn was done. "I've got something that I need to tell you and if I don't I think I'll blowup insi......."

I leaned forward on the couch and gently pressed my lips against his. I could taste all the butter and salt from the popcorn but also a deep sweetness that I knew would linger on for weeks and weeks. His lips were full and soft; I knew wanted this feeling to end........

He jerked his head back and stared at me in shock. My mind landed back into reality with a thud and a bang.

"What've I done?" I asked myself in horror. Looking into those wide deep brown eyes I saw complete surprise. As he drew in a breath to speak I was over the side of the couch and sprinting for the door.

I had to get out, had to get away, had to sort everything out, make sense of it all. What've I done? What've I done? The phrase ran over and over inside my head. I was a trapped scared animal that had just made one of the stupidest mistakes of its nineteen-year-old life and I was panicking.

Suddenly I felt a strong hand on my shoulder pulling me back, stopping me from leaving. I struggled and fought until............. Until I felt that very same soft lips pressing once again against mine. Suddenly I ceased all motion except for that gentle, loving caress of warmth. It spread throughout my body and I could feel the tension against the front of my shorts. Slowly but surely that kiss brought me back to the real world. He brought me back.

I could feel the strong arms around my waist, pulling me into a deep hug but breaking the kiss.

"I'm soooooo sorry Justin," his voice was raked with sobs as he rocked me back and forth, "that was the last thing that I was expecting but the only thing that I really wanted. You scared me that's all." He raised his tear stained face up to meet mine.

"Ryan I didn't now," I began, "I thought that you and Emily were......." He tried to laugh and cry at the same time but failed miserably I couldn't help but laugh too as the tears started to flow.

"Look at us," he laughed, "a couple of cry babies." He gently wiped the tears from my eyes first and then his own.

"I like the sound of that word couple," I smiled, "does this mean that...."

His kiss interrupted me and I could feel my knees start to buckle despite my efforts. I broke the kiss wiping my face one more time as he smiled at me. I could feel his genuine sincerity and love; it warmed the center of my soul.

I separated from him and started climbing the stares up to my room. He simply stared at me, obviously confused. "Well," I asked him, "still up for that sleep over?" He smiled very erotically and was fast on my heels.

That night I held him to me the whole time. The warmth and texture of his skin against mine felt just right. I felt like we've already done this before in the past. It felt so natural.

"This," I smiled to myself, "this was what was missing. This was who was missing in my life." I felt a warm hand hold and caress my own.

"I love you," Ryan murmured, half a sleep.

"I love you too Ry," I whispered in his ear, "I'm never gonna let you go." With that I held him tighter and gently nuzzled my face against the side of his warm neck. He gave my hand a loving squeeze and both of us were a sleep in seconds.

Well? I thought that this chapter was cute (Let me know what you thought too!! ) Don't worry yonder sex a holics if I continue this there'll be some on the way ;P Anyhow I'm not too sure where I'll go from here so I guess I'll have to leave y'all (I can't believe I used that :() in suspense

Until the next Chapter

Best Wishes

P.S. Thanks John for the mention in your story (a little piece of love) it was really nice of you. Read his story if you haven't already (I'm only half way through :() Thanks again to everyone for their input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 8

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