Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Aug 6, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 9

I nodded my head and he just burst out laughing. He nearly fell over he was laughing so hard he was gasping for breath.

"Brit......... and me?" once again he burst into gales of laughter.

"J Justin?" I asked him, "what's so funny? This is serious."

"I'm sorry Ryan," he managed to calm down a little. "It's just that what would you do if you had to manage a gay pop star?"

"What the?" I stood there with my mouth agape. "You mean that....."

"Yup," he crossed his arms, "everyone that works with me knows that I'm gay. This whole rumor thing with Britney well that's just to make sure that everyone thinks that I'm straight. It was the management's idea really, it's all ok with B 'n me we're good friends." He paused to look at me, "good friends Ryan nothing more....."

"Well that's a lode off my mind," I sighed and hugged him to me, "You should'a told me sooner luv. I nearly had a heart attack not to mention a car accident."

"Sorry Babe," he replied and kissed me gingerly on the cheek, "this is still new to me too. I mean that I never even thought about it that's all."


"Nothing to worry yourself about. I'll still love you and only you. You got that? I 'aint leaven!"

"Ok ok," I laughed, "I get the picture."

We managed to get everything set up for the night; I cut up the cake and put it into the fridge and Justin got the movies in place. He rented Saving Private Ryan (Pun intended) and Sleepy Hollow :).

As it turns out all the guys new about us now, apparently they had known all about Justin's little crush on me even before we were introduced. It seems that Justin's had a hard time finding that special someone and connecting. I found out about Josh's, Liz's and Emily's little set up. Which reminds me, I never smacked her upside the head for the whole, "Deliver this package for me thing earlier," humph I guess my head was way too far up in the clouds for me to even notice. I've only had one thing on my mind since I met him, Justin Justin Justin Justin, well you know.........

Working alongside him the time seemed to melt away. The fabric of the world peeled itself away and left only two love struck teens a moment separate from the reality of the everyday. A moment all to ourselves. Then came the doorbell.........

"Justin hey," Josh's head pocked in the door way, "oooh I thought the car parked outside was new. I can see that you two have made yourselves more than comfy." It was true. I was cuddled up to my boy toy on the couch, both very relaxed and very contented.

"You're just jealous," I stuck my tongue out at him. "Yup," he replied with mixed emotions, "I guess I am."

"Hey look at the two love birds," Chris called as he and Joey piled in followed by a very tired and bedraggled Lance.

"Geese Josh," Justin tilted his head back and called to his close friend. "You gotta stop picking up these strays," he laughed, "you never know where they've been."

"Oh?" Joey replied, "I can't say the same about you guys."

"Yeah," Lance chimed in, " we all know where you've been." I didn't have to answer them because a nicely timed pillow smacked them both a good one.

"Nice shot love," I kissed him full out on the lips.

"Now now you two," JC called as he took a seat next to Lance, "save that for during the movies."

"Yeah," Chris echoed, "we're all really happy that you've both gotten together and all......."

"It's just that not too much groping and slobbering while we're around k?" a sickened Chris pleaded. As if on cue Justin slowly closed in for a kiss, his eyes closed. I did the same. I rubbed my free hand up and down his sculpted chest, he groaned in pleasure.

"Common you guys...." Lance begged, "not here."

"Why not it's my house?" Justin laughed

"But we're here......" Josh turned the lights low.

"Hey at least this way we can't see 'em," he laughed sitting back down.

"Yeah but we can hear em still," Joey smiled. I made my best interpretation of a vacuum and Justin made mock orgasmic moans.

"Oooh......Ryan......" he panted," I'm coming....I'm coming....I'mmmmmmm.....oooohhh ahhhhhhh!!" Justin nearly fell over laughing. Everyone was quite disgusted to say the least.

"Common you guys," Josh lightly scolded, "the movie's about to start."

"Oh that reminds me," Justin perked up, "there's pop and chips on the coffee table and here," he said motioning to my cake. "Is the fruit of my hot steamy passion."

"Umm.......yeah," I scratched my head in confusion.

"Ewwww," Chris complained I don't wanna touch it then."

"See hun," Justin kissed me on the forehead, "more for us."

"Now wait a minute," Josh intervened, "Chris doesn't speak for us all. I wanna piece of Ryan's cake too yuh know."

"Wellllll," Justin looked at me, "I dunno."

Soon the war was on. In the end every one got at least one piece of cake, which they all absolutely loved by the way, and we all settled down to watch the first movie.

One movie turned into the next and soon it was well past twelve. Chris and Joey had already crashed in separate guestrooms and Lance looked as though he was taking permanent residence on the sofa.

"Hey Ry?" Justin asked while playing with a lose strand of my hair. "Do you work in the morning?"

"Nope J it's all taken care of," I smiled up at him. "Before I got here tonight I made a few calls and I got the next two to three days off on good behavior."

"Is it all gonna work out ok?" he asked me.

"Yeah Ryan," Lance perked up, "we don't want to get you into any kind of trouble at work."

"Thanks guys," I got up and stretched, "but I just called in a few favors that's all."

"Anyway I gotta get some sleep," Josh interjected as he started climbing the carpeted stairs on the way to his room. "You guys had better get going soon too you know J, it's a big day tomorrow."

"Hmmmmm?" I asked turning to my new boyfriend.

"K Josh g'night," he called after his friend.

"Big day......?" I began, confused.

"Yeah," Lance replied, "tomorrow we've got to work a little bit more on the movie that we're gonna be acting in and do a few more photo and promotional stuff before we go back on tour. You know, decisions to be made stuff to sort out." Lance, like the others, started climbing the stairs to a guest room. "G'night y'all."

"Night," we both echoed in unison.

"Well my dear," Justin eyed me sweetly, "we're all alone." I put one hand on my leg and gave it a light squeeze. "What do you want to do?" he asked erotically.

"Hmmmmm," I mused, "what do I? What do I want to do tonight? Hmmmmm, that's a tough one," I looked into his eyes innocently. He was visibly taken aback, but I soon rectified that............ "I'm going to have a, "hard," time deciding," I placed my arms around his neck and smiled.

"Sheeze," he pouted, "you had me going there for a sec." I kissed him, "Ummm... Ry?"

"Yeah Justin," I asked, "what's on yer mind?"

"Ryan............" he hesitated.

"What ever it is Justin you know I'll always be there for you, if you need me."

"What?" he asked coming to his senses, "um yeah, yeah I'll always be there for you too luv." He gave me a quick pec on the cheek.

"Welllllll," I continued, my curiosity was peaked, "what's bothering you?"

"Ryan, I just wanted to tell you that I want to take this slow, and that I really care about you. I don't want to loose you and at the same time I want this to be done right."

"Well geese hun," I laughed, "what kind of date do you think I am?"


"One drink and then some hot lovin'? Of course I want to take this slow, of course I don't wanna lose you and of course I want it to be perfect!" I pressed my head into his chest and gave him a big hug, it took him a sec for it all to sink in (hey it's late!) but he hugged me back.

"I glad Ryan," I smiled and rocked from side to side, "but we'd better get to bed hun it's late." I looked up at him.

"I thought I told you," he cocked my head to the side, "I'm not that kind of girl."

"Hum," Justin laughed, "I should hope not, you don't have the rights parts to fill the position anyhow boyo." I rolled my eyes at him and helped him clean up the living room.

Tossing and turning that night, seemed to be second nature to me. Finally I couldn't take it any longer; I disengaged myself from my lover and got out of the nice warm covers.

I was amazed; Justin's room looked cozy even in the dim light of the moon. The moonbeams filtered through the blinds and cloaked the room in a fuzzy gray blanket of peace and warmth.

I slipped out the door, descended the staircase, and found myself amidst the jungle of the living room. Everything was new and different without any lights and I found it difficult to navigate without bumping into this, that or the other. It seemed that Jonathan had left a few toys out and about perfect for me to rip over or stub my foot.

I finally made it into the kitchen and turned on the dimmest light I could find. I sat down at the table and rested my head in my hands.

"I wonder why Justin's Mom hasn't returned home yet?" I thought to myself. "For that matter does he have a Dad?" These and countless other thoughts passed through my head and time seemed to blend together because I couldn't see the clock. I didn't know what time it was and I still was no closer to going back to bed and for that matter to sleep.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I stopped and listened. Whoever it was, they were obviously used to the layout of the house because never once did they trip, stumble or fall. Soon a very tired and bewildered soul poked his weary head through the entranceway. I smiled.

"Couldn't sleep either could you Josh?" I asked him as he came and joined me at the table. He pulled up a chair and sat across from me.

"Nope," he yawned, "but I would've thought that beside Justin you'd have slept like a baby? Oh did you want something to drink?"

"Hah hah," I shook my head, "you sound jealous JC. But anyway the reason why I can't sleep is that I can't help but feel that you guys have to leave to go back on tour sooner than any of you are letting on." He lowered his eyes as he poured a tall glass of ice cold milk. He sat back down at the table and leaned back in his chair, his dark hair was matted this way and that.

"Ryan.... I" he began, a little unsure of what to say and or how to say it. "I can't lie to you but I would've rather'd that Justin've been the one to tell you that we're going to have to leave within this week." I slumped down in my chair; this did not go unnoticed. "Oh but don't worry,' he spoke up fast as he noticed my reaction, "we'll be back before you know it."

"When'll that be?.........Josh?" I asked in a whispered tone. Once again he sighed and stared for what seemed like hours at his half full glass.

"There's no way to know for sure," he bit his lower lip then raised his eyes to meet mine. "You're a good friend Ryan, perhaps one of my closest. I haven't known you very long but I feel connected to you in a way I can't even begin to describe. I don't want to lose your friendship and I don't want to see the love that you and Justin share to be crushed or tossed aside." He closed his eyes once again and took a deep breath. I was deeply touched to say the least.

"Josh...." I could feel my heart go out to my dear friend. "I know what you mean," I got up and gave him a big hug. "You guys are all my dearest friends and I've felt a deep connection to you too JC. I can't explain it but it is like I've met you and Justin and Chris, Joey and Lance before. I will always be there for you guys and I know you'll be there for me." I smiled and took a few steps back. "We'd better head back up to bed now don't you think?"

"Yeah," he smiled lazily, "I'll be along later Ry, thanks and g'night."

"G'night Josh."

"Oh and Ryan," he began.

"Yeah..." I turned around to face him.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, "it'll all work out."

"Thanks," I nodded my head, "same to you too though pal."

"Sure thing."

"G'night Josh."

"G'night." I climbed the stairs and snuggled back into my lovers warm inviting arms. No matter where they go, all of them will be in my heart and I hope that I'm in theirs.

I watched the lazy Orlando moon through the window blinds and contemplated everything that's happened these past few weeks. I sighed against Justin's warm chest. I want these last few days to be really special, for all of 'em. I snuggled a little closer and I could feel his slow rhythmic breaths against my shoulder and his messy curly hair tickled my face.

I knew that after they were gone that I'd have a hard time dealing with it, Justin especially. Time apart can be useful though, both people need time to grow themselves and not simply fade into the other person and become hollow. If you revolve around others and are full of others the real you is lost.

I don't think that that will happen to Justin and myself but it's still something to consider.

I looked up and around the room, I let the humidity huddle around our two intertwined bodies. Somehow the heat and humidity became a little more welcome as I drifted off to sleep.

I really don't know what to think about this chapter; I was in WAY too many different moods to make it make much sense. So you guys'll just have to deal with it until I get more sleep.

Once again sorry for the delay. I'm not sure where to go from here so any suggestions are welcome at Or if you just want to drop me a line, hey it's all good.

Thanks a BUNCH to everyone for the encouragement etc, you know who you are!! At least I should hope so.

I'm not too sure when the next chapter will be out so you'll just have to bear with me ^_^

Thanks again and Best wishes!

Next: Chapter 10

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