Its All in the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on May 13, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. (This story is also the original work of the author and the story belongs to

I turned the computer off and signed out. I then walked over to the rack and pulled my coat on as I flipped the light switch. Walking out of my small office space I smiled to Mrs. Hallow as I passed her Office. "See you tomorrow Devon" came her response. "Ok," I stated. I stepped out of the building and over to my car.

I made the short drive home to my house and was greeted by my mother as I entered the door. "Hi Devon, how was work" she questioned.

"It was ok I suppose, boring as usual." I replied as I moved passed her into the house.

"Dinners ready, make sure you eat before you go out ok and don't exercise too hard."

"Ok mom, thanks" I called from the hallway.

I made my way into my room and turned on the radio as I slipped into my workout clothing. "Did U understand that" by Willa Ford played through the air.

I pulled on a wifebeater and a pair of white sweats. I left my room and made my way into the kitchen and prepared a plate of food. I sat at the table and eat as I watched the "Malcolm in the Middle" season finale. As I finished my meal I stood from the table.

The episode had just ended and I was still laughing.

I moved to the hallway and called to my mother. "Ok, mom I'm going down"

I didn't wait for a reply, none was needed, it was my daily routine to workout after I eat everyday. I spent about an hour in the basement on my small home gym setup. I worked mostly my upper body. About 9:50 I was in the shower and getting ready to go to work.

That's right...I had two jobs.

Let's have a little background story here. I'm 18, just turned. I'm in my senior year of High school which I have only a month of school left. Prom's coming up but I'm not going. I honestly don't have the desire to go. I've had a couple offers for dates, I simply don't have the feeling, the want to go. I work afternoons in a small office. We rehabilitate houses in the city and help low income families move in. I leave there at 8:00 and head home. Everyday at 9:00 I workout then head to work at the local club. That's right; I an 18 year old high school student have the good fortune to work at a club. I've worked there since I was 16. My cousin owns the place. And I work as the assistant manager now. I started on tables and cleanup but I've worked my way up.

As assistant manager I was basically in charge of the club when Darryl wasn't there.

The club was pretty popular we served small meals as well as great drinks and had a super DJ.

I pulled up to the back of the club and used my key to enter the service door.

"Hey, cutie..." Kim greeted. She was carrying trash to the back door to be put out.

"What's sup chica" I said as I hugged her.

Kim, was half Mexican, and she looked it. She was gorgeous and had a great personality.

She was on the track team at school and kept in great shape. She was the only real friend I had. At school I had a group of friends I stayed with but I never hung out with them outside of school.

"So how's the crowd tonight Kim" I asked making conversation.

"Pretty light, usual Thursday" she replied. "The guys are waiting for the run through."

I made my way through the small crowd and out the door to stand next Berg and Craig.

Craig was the head bouncer/security guard. In all we had eight. "Hey guys, how's it going?" I greeted them. "Pretty smooth." replied Berg. Hey, D...imagine it's getting about that time by now.

"Yeah I think so, the room's almost full. I replied. Why don't you guys shut it down out here and meet me inside."

I walked back into the club as I heard Berg and Craig begin to turn people away so they could lock up and begin work inside. I made my way towards the bar and said hello to James. He was 23 and still in college. He was a great bar tender and a friend to my cousin Darryl. After having a short talk with James I made my way through the crowd and into the back room. Kim was there so I assumed she was taking care of tables.

Berg and Craig entered the back area soon after I did.

We all moved over to the small table in the back and sat.

"Ok, let's get this over with; we don't have any VIP tonight so let's just keep the office areas clear. I say we only need one man up there tonight.

That leaves 4 of you down there tonight. It's only Thursday so 4 guys are out. Let's keep one at the door so no one tries to sneak in when someone goes out, one at the bar and one at this back door. That leaves a guy to keep people on the lower levels and away from the office like I said".

"Ok I'll get the others setup" said Craig as he and Berg stood up.

"Ears in guys, even though it's light tonight, just in case." I stated as they left.

James, Kim and all of security and myself had headsets so we could talk over the loud crowd if we needed to or things got out of control.

I made my way back through the crowd and to the upper level. I moved along the railing and into the small office. I looked through the large full window and down onto the crowd. Craig had arranged the security guards and they were now in place. The room would soon thin out as it grew closer to midnight. People could leave but the doors were locked from the inside so no one could enter. At 1:00 we closed.

I'd go at 12:00 and leave things to the others. I still had school in the morning.

Kim joined me on the upper level shortly as always.

She knocked as she came in but I had seen her coming in the large windows.

"Hey chica," I greeted.

"Hey, only been here a few minutes and you already locked yourself away up here." She stated.

"You know my alone time" I replied

"Yeah... I know you like it a little to much." she stated.

"Yeah whatever" I stood and signaled that we were to leave the room.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. Then leaned over and kissed her on the forehead "see you tomorrow ok"

I said my goodbyes to everyone else and made my way home.

It would seem that I lead a pretty exciting life for a high school student. Yet every night I went home depressed.

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Next: Chapter 2

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