Its All in the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on May 15, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. (This story is also the original work of the author and the story belongs to

You every have one of those days when it feels like it such be cloudy or pouring down rain, but instead you get clear sky and sunny weather. I made my way towards the main doors of school. I smiled and waved at a few friends here and there and joked with a few on the way in. Passing through the medal detectors, I made my way over to the usual spot to meet Kim. I placed my bag on the steps and leaned of to tie up my shoe.

As I was in the process of tying the last loop, I felt a hand not only upon my ass, but give it a squeeze as well. I had sprinted half way up the steps before I turned to see a grinning Kim. I made my way sluggishly back down the stairs. "You have got to stop doing that...last time I sent a bunch of drinks flying all over the club floor."

"It's not my fault you keep bending over in front of me...its temptation." Kim said grinning.

"Whatever" I replied.

We made are way to our lockers; her locker was a few down from mine. I grabbed the book I needed for the first 2 classes. It was already 9:30 I came late since I didn't have a first hour. I soon joined Kim at her locker.

"Sup chica"

"Nothing; sleep ok" she stated.

"Same" was my simple response.

"Ok lets go were almost late" she stated finishing with her hair in a mirror.

"We could have left if you wouldn't have been fusing with that scruffy bush you call hair". I laughed

Kim's reaction was exactly the same as it was whenever I insulted her hair and I was already running. She growled as she slammed her locker and took of after me. Years of track running had made her pretty fast but she still couldn't catch me.

I entered my class room with a huff and slowed to a walk and took my seat.

As I expected Kim came running in at full pace.

"Mrs. Taylor, don't run in my room please, you know better" stated our Civics Teacher.

I grinned at Kim as she huffed and took her seat.

The class was pretty average. Not to boring not to exciting. Our teacher Mr. Matin was a cool teacher. He often made fun of administration right along with us. And in general was a fun guy. Besides, school was actually cool with me. There I said it.

Honestly, I felt stupid whenever I was learning something. I was currently teaching my self Spanish and had plans to learn at least 4 other languages. By the end of the class we had moved into free talking with Mr. Matin again, which we did everyday.

The topics had been the same recently, current news, our new principal and prom.

And 10:25 the bell rang and we all started to file out.


I looked up to the voice of Mr. Matin "You were awfully quiet today; you didn't say a single word. Mrs. Taylor was even trying to get your attention and you didn't notice". He said nodding towards the door at a waiting Kim.

I simply shrugged as I moved towards the door. Kim was waiting there and punched me in the arm the second I was in reach. I didn't even react, I new it was coming so no point.

I continued down the hall towards my next class in silence.

"What's up with you"? Kim questioned.

I shrugged as we reached the door to my next class. In response Kim grabbed my arm and spun me around. She didn't say anything she simply raised her eyebrows as if waiting for an explanation. I shrugged again "Nothing"

She let out a sigh as she left for her own class.

About two hours later I was headed towards my car in the parking lot for lunch.

Kim was already waiting for me at the car and we both exchanges nods as we hopped in.

"Where to?" I questioned.

"How about Renaldo's so we can eat outside" Kim suggested.

"Ok I suppose."

We made our way there; Kim was making small talk to which I answered with as few words as possible. Eventually we arrived and left the car. The traffic had been pretty crazy but it was lunch time and was to be expected. I made my way towards the front doors.


I looked back to see Kim still standing in front of my car.

"What the hell is wrong with" she yelled at me.

"What!!!" I yelled back

"You walked away and left the keys in the ignition and didn't even close your door." Kim stated crossing her arms.

I sighed and slapped my forehead as I returned to my car to retrieve my keys and lock up the car. We eventually placed our orders and sat to eat outside. Kim kept taking small glances at me every now and again and it was getting to me.

"Kim why do you keep looking at me like that" I questioned putting down my fork.

"I've haven't seen you like this in a long while." She said quietly.

"Well it'll pass; I'm just in a mood I guess."

Kim looked as though she was thinking and suddenly her eyes grew wide.

"You didn't over do it again did you, I mean you got enough sleep right, you're not tired are you?" She panicked. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"No I'm fine, calm down jeez" I replied

She let out a sigh and went back to eat her food for only a few minutes before she was at me again.

"You're acting like the worlds coming to an end at the end of the day and nothing matters anymore." She stated.

I mumbled something and continued to eat. She paused and looked at me.

"What was that" she questioned.

"Nothing... let's finish before we're late back to school." I said in an attempt to change subjects.

"Come on already what did you say?" questioned Kim putting her for down.

"I said... maybe it should" I said looking her plain in the eyes before going back to my food.

She looked down at her plate and whispered; "why do you say that?"

"Just a thought"

She looked up at me "There had to be a reason for that thought!"

"You know me...always saying things before I think"


"I'm gonna go wait for you in the car...Ok" I started before she could finish her statement.

Kim took a last sip of her drink and started after me before she realized I had left her with the bill

"Damn it"

She came outside to find that I had never made it to the car. I was standing on the side walk seemingly lost in thought. I eventually noticed her standing at the door looking at me and began to move towards my car across the parking lot.

It was only a few splits seconds in time. I remember Kim yelling my name but I paid no attention to her assuming she was going to start in on me again with her worries.

And then I recall a split second of intense pain and force. After that I remember feeling disoriented, I could tell my body was moving but I felt as though I was lying down.

It hurt to open my eyes and my hearing was fuzzy. Then the most bizarre feeling I had ever felt in my life came over me. It was as if I was floating just inches from my body, I could just barely feel what ever it was I was laying on and the little I could feel was fading as was my hearing. I could just make out blurry voices and the sound of a siren.

The last things I heard was a distant voice asking for someone to move away saying that they were losing him....losing me.

Please send Comments, Question and suggestion (good or bad) to:

Feedback is the only outside reward/payment I get for my writing.

I'd like to firstly thank "David" for helping get my story out.

And thank all of you who have been e-mailing me. I plan to introduce the celebrity or celebrities in the next chapter so it might take a longer amount of time for me to post the next one. Please make suggestion if you have any and tell me who you want the celebs to be. I'm getting a lot for Aaron Carter (12) Hayden Christensen (15), and Frankie Muniz (8). I still have my own ideas but I'll most likely go with who ever will keep people reading.

Next: Chapter 4: Kims Incite

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