Its All in the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on May 22, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. (This story is also the original work of the author and the story belongs to

The annoyance of a constant beep; this is what I was first aware of. Slowly my senses were returning and pain was what registered with me next. An intense throbbing like I'd never felt was attacking my head. My first attempt was sitting up. This attempt was met with a surge of pain making its way up my spine.

I reacted with a loud groan and quickly feel back to the bed. I twisted my head from side to side as I moaned in pain. My legs began to throb next, I wondered if my sudden movement had done me more harm.

As I continued to moan I felt a sudden movement to my left. It never actually touched me I simply felt a presence suddenly move. I paid it no attention as I tried to calm my self. I lied still not daring to move again. The beeping of the machine growing slightly louder as my hearing returned. I groaned out from the throbbing in my head; it was almost unbearable. As I groaned out I felt a sudden movement again at my left side. This time I was curious, and turned my head and opened my eyes.

It was almost as if time stopped just then, even though so much was occurring just then nothing at all was. My mind was racing, my heart was pumping and the pain in my head increased the second I opened my eyes. I inhaled deeply as I looked on to see....nothing. I was staring into completely darkness. I soon after released the inhaled breathe in a loud yell. I yelled as though I were being murdered, I yelled as though my life was slipping away and I yelled for my sight to return.

I soon felt hands on both my arms pressing me back onto the bed, trying to calm me. The sudden touch mixed with my current state of not being able to see my surroundings; sent me further into panic. I again tried to sit up and push away the hands holding me down.

"Let go of me" I yelled

"Calm down...please" came the reply.

"Who are you....let go of me now....I'm warning you" I countered.

"Just calm down and I'll explain...please"

"Ok....ok...just get your hands of me"


The second the hands were removed from my arms I took a swing in the direction I assumed the person was standing. My hand simply cut through the air, who ever it was must have expected such retaliation.

"Ok...explain" I grunted

"I will just stop trying to hit me" he replied; but this time from my right side.

My head whirled to the side as I turned to the voice.

"They were can't see...can you?" he stated and half questioned.

"Who's they? asshole" I replied losing my temper.

"The doctors... they were hear earlier today making their rounds. They said you most likely wouldn't be able to see when you woke up."

"And who are you? Why are they telling you my business?" I yelled, again losing my temper.

"Ok listen...they didn't tell me I was in the next room when the doctors made their rounds. You caused a lot of commotion when they brought you in 2 days ago."

"2 days!!!" I interrupted.

"Yeah you were still on the IV and they had one of those machines breathing for you. Your heart monitor stopped twice in one day but they got you stable I guess."

"You still didn't tell me why you're here" I mumbled.

"I was in the next room and was curious to see who caused all that noise a few days ago."

"So you just waltzed into the room of someone in intensive care and recovering?" I questioned.

"Uh...your not in intensive care anymore they moved you out of there 2 days ago, like I said. Those two days were just the days they moved you in here I'll have to assume they kept you downstairs under observation for a while, so they could work on you."

"What day is it" I whispered.

"Thursday" he replied.

"4 days...." I stated.

"What?" he replied as he moved to sit on the edge of my bed.

I immediately moved to the far end of the bed. Just because we were having a conversation didn't mean I trusted this person. I still couldn't see them and it was a bit unnerving to be at such a disadvantage.

"Four's been four days since the accident; I've been out of it for four days."

"Wow..." he replied

His voice was somewhat deep but young sounding so that relaxed me a bit to realize it wasn't a large burly old man standing over me. Yet I was curious as to why this person was so comfortable sitting in my room. Surely this person had a job to do else where.

" why exactly are you...ya know....still here now. You made it seem like the doctors had left a while ago so why are you still here. Hasn't your curiosity been satisfied yet. I mean don't you have work to do in the other rooms." I stated trying not to be rude.

The room was brought to life with a sudden eruption of laughter from my unseen friend. This reaction to my statements confused me and concerned me at the same time.

"I don't work here"

This statement suddenly froze me, I was sitting in, what I can only assume is a hospital bed. Alone in a room with someone I don't even know, who had been watching me for days while I slept.

"Then why are you here?"

"Just curious I I said you caused a lot of commotion."

"Who are you"

"Uh....sorry I gotta go"


I was cut off by the sound of the door opening and shutting. To my relief I couldn't sense him in the room any longer. No breathing, no footsteps no nothing. So I assumed I was alone. I relaxed a bit and eventually fell asleep.

I eventually awoke, to the sounds of the heart monitor. To my relief my eyes were least I wasn't blind. My head was pounding and my limbs seemed weak and lifeless. I lay in the bed for sometime just thinking over things. A few hours later the door across from me opened. And the room was suddenly illuminated with light.

"So...I see you're finally awake"

"Uh....yeah since yesterday" I stated

"Oh really...guess you were just asleep when I came in the other day."

"Uh...are you the doctor"

"Yes, I'm sorry I realize you probably can't see me to well." He stated.

"My eyes are blurry...yesterday I couldn't see at all." I said.

"Well the trauma to your head caused you a mild concussion, so I'll assume you head is aching. And your head hurts worse when you open your eyes doesn't it" he stated.

" why is that"

"The head trauma caused partially severed the nerve endings in your eyes. They might heal over time or they may need surgery, we'll just have to wait." He stated while moving around my bed.

"How long will I be here" I questioned.

"I'm not sure, I can say a few days for sure" he stated.

He grasped my arm suddenly causing me to flinch.

"Sorry, just checking your pulse....ok, stronger than before...that's good to see."

"My arms feel weak"

"Yes, I imagine your entire body is a little weak, you've been on an IV for about 4 or five days. You haven't had any solid foods in a while. And no movement." He stated.

"My parents...are they here" I asked

"No they stayed for the first few days but eventually they needed to leave and take care of things at home."

"Oh" I replied

"Your friend stayed as well but we convinced her to leave eventually so she could go home for a while. I'll send a nurse around in the morning with some food and contact your parents for you. We start your sessions tomorrow, so I'll see you in the morning." The doctor stated as he left the room.

At least now I knew it was night time. As I began to drift back into sleep I couldn't help but wonder what sessions the doctor was referring to.

I shot out of my bed a few hours later, my body was healing and my sleeping behavior was a little irregular. As I sat up I noticed the pain in my midsection and back was less but still very much there. The throbbing in my head however no better was and I cursed my self for setting up so fast.

Almost immediately after I was done settling from the initial shock of sitting up; I noticed something. Someone was sitting in the far corner of the room. My eyes were much to blurry to be sure but I'm almost sure that I could make out the figure of a person sitting in a chair over in the dark corner. I sat perfectly still and glared into the shadows.

My adrenaline was rushing and I was quickly becoming alarmed. I looked from side to and my eyes landed on my watch sitting on the dresser near my bed. I grabbed my watch swiftly and hurled it like a rock into the shadowy corner.

"Awhh!" came a voice.

"Who, the fuck is there?" I demanded

It's me...don't throw anything else god" came the voice.

"Why are you here...again?" I questioned

"Uh...just visiting" he replied.

"That's it, you come in here...into my room, while I'm trying to heal and recover. You sneak around and watch me while I'm sleeping, you take it upon yourself to concern yourself with my personal business and to top all that off you haven't even told me who you are." I blurted all at once.

I heard some shuffling and then the shadows slowly began to give way to a figure. He moved closer to stand at the side of my bed and simply remained there. This along with the somewhat eerie nature of his visit added to my concern.

" names Hayden" he stated.

AN: Well there it is...that's it for awhile until I figure out how to work some things into my plans. I know some people had other celebrity's in mind, and may not be interested my choice but don't judge the plot yet you'll be surprised how things change.

Please send Comments, Question and suggestion (good or bad) to: Feedback is the only outside reward/payment I get for my writing. And thank all of you who have been e-mailing me.

Next: Chapter 6

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