Jamey Is Gay

By Steve Thomas

Published on Oct 21, 2005


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of Characters:

James Thomas Arthur (Jamey)

Harold Brian Arthur -- Jamey's Brother (Habby)

Harold Garfield Arthur -- Jamey's dad

William Pitts -- Roommate (Will)

Ronny -- Will's best friend.

George Wiggins

Darrel -- George's roommate

Dr. Steve Jordan -- Doctor

Grant (Buddy) Windward -- Waiter at Holdren's

John -- Neighbor across the hall.

Jerry -- John's roomie

Robert Rexburg -- High school friend

Yolanda -- Robert's wife.

From Chapter 21

"Oh -- you just have tried to make everything perfect and every time I screw it up! I'm sorry, Daddy!"

"It's not your fault -- this time. But you're right. I do want it to be perfect." He slid into bed beside me. We kissed and cuddled, fondled and even sucked. We both got off, but we didn't become one this night.

Chapter 22

Sunday morning, Steve was again up earlier than I, and I woke up to the room service visit again. This time Steve was clad only in a loose towel. He opened the door and the bellboy brought a cart in. Steve again went to the coffee table and got a pre-counted tip. The bellboy again watched intently as Steve bent over to get the money, smiling approvingly. This time he saw me, grinned, and winked at me.

"It's a bit earlier today than yesterday. I decided to leave plenty of time to eat together, and -- classes actually start later today. So I thought you might want to think of something to do -- before Bob calls you."

"Shit!" I said. "I just won't answer the phone. If you need me call my cell!"

"Okay. See what I got you?" he said pointing to the cart. "It's not your dad's waffles, but it's everything I remember that you said you like."

There were Belgian waffles, crepes, a fruit compote, scrambled eggs, several types of syrup and jams, bacon, sausage, and several types of juices. "That ought to be a good start for my growing boy!" I sat up and he pushed the cart to the bed, and dragged a chair up to the cart.

"You think of everything!" I said, smiling. "Thanks." I dug in and ate with relish. He ate too, but he watched me intently, enjoying my appreciation of his gift.

"Damn, I love to watch you eat!" He said.

"Why?" I said.

"Dunno. Guess it reminds me of when I was your age. I could put away two and a half meals at a setting like you can! It's just fun to watch.

I half stood and kissed him over the cart. "You done?" He said.

"Yeah." I said. He pushed the cart just far enough out of the way to climb back onto the bed with me. He started to rub me all over and I immediately responded and gave him it all back and more. We started to kiss in earnest, and he having lost his towel at the first turn, it was obvious how turned on he was.

I went down on him and he almost immediately gave me his nectar. It was a fitting topper for my full breakfast. He then did the same for me. We both swallowed deep and then came together for a most wonderful. cummy kiss. "Damn!" He said. "I really don't want to leave now!"

"You could just spend the rest of the day in bed with me!" I said.

"I really want to, but -- this last class is the most important. But there will be enough time when I get back to -- to -- finish what we started -- before heading back to the airport!"

"Cool!" I said.

"This will only be an hour and a half to two hours. There's more I could do -- and was planning to -- but -- you are more important, and I've satisfied my continuing ed credits already so -- I'll see you in a couple hours." He kissed me, got dressed, kissed me again as he went out the door.

I got up and went into the shower. I took another long hot shower, then came back to the bed and flopped down. The phone rang and I reached for it -- then remembered, DON'T ANSWER IT!

After it stopped ringing the message light came on in a few moments. I listened to it: "James, this is Bob. Sorry about last night. I was such a jerk! I guess I over-drank. I remember you pulling me out of the pool. Yolanda said you saved my life. Thanks! Call me in my room and maybe we can do something today. Catch you later!"

I exhaled a sigh of relief. I climbed deep under the covers and could have slept the rest of the day, I thought. This would be a great place to wait for my sweetie to return.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hi Sweetie." I said, groggily.

"Hi Honey!" He laughed. I turned and it was Robert! "I'm glad you're so happy to see me!"

"How'd you get in!?" I asked.

"I guess the door didn't close all the way! I wanted to surprise you anyway, so that worked out perfect! I just wanted so much to show my appreciation for you saving my life!"

"It was nothing, I only did - "

"Oh noooo! It was much more than nothing! It was my life! And I know how you guys like to suck dick, so I thought I'd allow you a chance at my more than generous endowed cock! I learned a long time ago no one sucks cock like a fag! So you see? This way, we have a win-win!"

I sat up in the bed, still groggy from sleep. "Oh, don't get up on my account!" He said, and he clobbered the side of my head, sending me across the bed. "I could see you drooling over my 9 inch-er last night!"

I tried to sit up again and he hit me a second time. I didn't have a chance against him. "I said, Don't get up on my account! I can give you what you need while you lay there! He went to the foot of the bed and dragged me halfway off the bed, then jumped on top of me. "Now if you'll be so good as to open your mouth, I'll do most of the work -- HONEY! See? I'm so thankful you saved my life! Now you get to swallow the biggest cock you ever saw!"

He pinned my arms easily and I turned my face away, keeping my mouth closed tight. He jammed his knee into my groin, and I opened my mouth in a gasp. "That's it HONEY! Just keep it open like that until I am in good, then you can suck it up real good! And if you don't bite me, I'll let you live!"

He jammed it into my mouth and immediately down my throat. I started to gag. "Dammit, if you throw up on me, I can't be responsible for what I'll do -- HONEY! So don't ever think of it!" What he didn't know was I had a tummy full of food from -- how long ago? I didn't even know. I tried to spit it out. He kneed me again.

The searing pain in my groin and stomach almost put me out. I concentrated on swallowing without gagging. I felt the bile rise in my lower throat about the third time he pushed it all the way down. I probably should have bitten him hard, but I couldn't think that straight. He balls kept bottoming out and further stifling my breathing.

All of a sudden my stomach lurched and upchucked my breakfast all over both of us. "I warned you about that, didn't I? He said. He forced my legs open and with a horrible ugly face readied his knee for the finishing blow.

"Uh! Uf!" He fell on top of me. Then I heard Steve.

"Oh my sweetie -- oh no! Are you -- Jamey talk to me- did he - " He pulled Robert off me. Then he threw the chair off the bed that apparently he had clobbered Robert with. Robert started to move again and groan,

"Now I'm going to have to kill both of you!" Steve put his elbow to the side of Robert's temple. He went down. By this time I guess the housekeeping people had called hotel security. They arrived the same time as Yolanda. She saw Robert lying unconscious on the bed.

"What have you done to my husband!??" She accused.

"I came in here and he was beating and raping my boy!" She looked at me and saw me crouched into a ball, holding my groin and she saw the bruises on my face and neck.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this his normal way of acting?" Steve asked. "He assaulted Jamey last night too, but I didn't believe it. I told my sweet boy it was in his head. Oh, Jamey, I'm so sorry!" I still couldn't talk. My throat was sore and my groin and stomach still felt like -- well, like I'd been kneed in the balls - - several times!

Robert started to stir again. The security guys grabbed him. "Don't touch me -- or I'll kill you too!" He said.

"Bob!" Yolanda said, by now crying, "He saved your life!"

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed back at her.

"The police have been alerted." The security guy said. "They'll surely want to question everyone here -- assuming you are going to file a complaint."

"He won't file a complaint! He knows what will happen if he does!" said Robert, defiantly.

"Keep talking, imbecile!" Yolanda said. Everyone here, including me - will testify against you."

"Fuck you - - Bitch! Pussy boy is the only one I'm concerned with -- and he loves me too much -- don't you HONEY!" he said to me.

"You -" I started, but couldn't talk. Steve got me a glass of water. I took a sip. My voice was froggy, and it hurt like hell, but I looked at him and said, croaked out, "You're dead, ass hole!"

He flew at me again. I flinched and Steve hit the side of his head again with his elbow. He went down with a thud.

One of the security guys looked at the other. "I didn't see a thing!" He said.

"Me neither." Said the other.

"See what?" said Yolanda.

The police arrived and handcuffed Robert after the security guys' quick account. They told us that we shouldn't plan to go anywhere for the next 48 hours, and left the room with a half-subdued Robert, followed by the security guys, who said, "A doctor will be up to attend to the boy in a short time.

"The boy." I managed a weak smile.

"Steve -- DEAR Jamey -- I am so sorry! He has never gotten this violent before." Said Yolanda.

"This violent?" Steve asked.

"He gets rowdy sometimes with his friends, watching the football games. But -- I never knew he was capable of -- I am so soooo sorry!" She left and closed the door.

"Well, the good news is," Steve said to me, "that we have at least two more days here. How do you feel, sweetie?"

"Like I was run over by a train." I croaked. I gingerly felt my groin. Everything felt sore.

The doctor arrived. Steve told him that he had checked me over, and found nothing immediately life threatening, but would he please order some lab tests. The doctor was on the hotels insurance, so Steve thought it best to get everything documented in case of later complications. The doctor wrote us orders for several lab tests, to be done tomorrow.

Steve stayed with me the entire time we had left on the island. We made the calls necessary to make arrangements for our prolonged absence from home. We would meet with the police and gave them statements that could be used later in court, with the possibility that we might have to come back.

"Are you up to going out for a bit?"

"Maybe." I said. I sat up carefully. Nothing felt out of place -- but awfully sore. I stood. My tummy was still pretty sore, and my balls ached. I took a couple steps. I could walk okay. "Yeah, I guess I'm game." I gave him a grimacing smile.

"Oh my poor baby boy!" He said. "We can go down and -- are you even hungry after all that?"

"Actually I'm starved."

"Yeah, well, most of your breakfast is on the bed. We'll have housekeeping clean things up while we're out."

"Part of my breakfast is on me too. I need a shower."

Steve stripped down and went into the shower with me, and washed me all over very carefully. When he got to my soldier, he looked up at me. "That's not sore!" I said. He sucked it a little, but I told him I was not sure I was ready to cum yet. My testicles were awfully sore.

"I hope there's no permanent damage there." Steve said. "He could have killed you."

"That last blow -- that you prevented -- may have been the one."

He took it all in his mouth and then hugged my butt and closed his eyes.

When finished washing and rinsing me, he towel-dried me very carefully.

"I think I can get myself dressed." I said. "I love you!"

"Just put on your shorts. One of the places we're going is that men's store -- to get you some more clothes."

"Aw, Steve -- you don't have to - "

"It wouldn't give me any joy if I HAD to. I WANT to. It'll make me feel good -- if it will make YOU feel good."

"I'm sorry that our special, `perfect' time has met with so many obstacles." I said, kissing him deep. "I really want it now more than ever."

"Me too." He said, and kissed me again.

He called and ordered a clean up and then we went down. The French guy was not there today. There was a younger guy with a decidedly British accent. Steve allowed me to select the clothes I wanted, with a few suggestions -- mostly to improve the quality of what I was choosing. I still had my eye too closely watching the price tag. "Jamey -- don't worry about it!"

But I did worry about it. He let me choose a place for lunch. I chose the pool cabana again. We ordered our food, and he ran my clothes up to the room. We sat by the pool this time. It was not so crowded. No band was playing today. All we could hear was the ever present tropical music over the PA system. We ate pretty much in silence.

"Do you want to just sit here by the pool for awhile?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, but I also want to go back into the ocean for a dip." I said.

"You're feeling good enough for that?"

"I'm feeling much better. A little sore, but I'm fine." When I said that, I saw some lines in his face disappear.

"But I'm not leaving your side for more than a few minutes the rest of this trip." He said.

"That would be my choice!" I smiled. "These are feeling a lot better too!" I said, grabbing my balls. He grinned. My cell phone rang.


"Jamey, I just got your message. Are you okay?" Dad's voice sounded concerned.

"I am -- now."

"How has your time been with Steve?"

"One thing after another has gone wrong, but I think we might make up for that the next couple days."

"Good. Do you need anything?"

I looked at Steve. "My dad." I said to him. "I don't think so, Dad. Steve's been very generous."

"Oh? Do you think that could be a problem?" He said.

"Yeah, okay Dad. Uh huh. He's right here." I said. "Dad says hi," I said to Steve.

"Oh! Sorry. So you can't really talk as you'd like. Okay." Said Dad.

"Okay, Dad. Thanks for calling. Love you!"

"Love you too, Jame. Habby says hi too. Bye! Oh! I almost forgot! Grant came by last night. He and his friend talked to Habby for awhile. He was driving your car."

"Yeah, I -- what friend?"

"Habby said it was your neighbor -- John. Wasn't he one of the ones - "

"Yeah, he was, Dad. Talk to you later, bye! Tell Habby I love him!" I hung up.

"I gotta call Grant. He has my car." I said.

"Hello? Jamey? You home?"

"Hi Buddy. No, we'll be here in Bermuda a little longer than planned."


"Not really -- I got attacked."

"No - - shit!" He exclaimed. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm okay for now -- I'll tell you about it when I get back. We're staying because the police want to get a statement of something. So -- you talked to Habby, huh?"

"Oh -- heh -- yeah. John was blown away. He said he had met him before, but it still surprised him how much you two look a like. Habby is so cute! Anyway, John's here now -- wanna talk to him?"

(How could I say no?) "Sure! Hi, John!"

"Hi. I've been having a great time with Buddy -- and Grant!" I heard Buddy giggle in the background. "What happened to you?"

"I'll explain it when I get back. I think I'm okay. I'll be getting some lab tests done tomorrow. I gotta go now, John. Tell Buddy I love him -- you too!" I hung up.

"You love them both huh?" Steve said with a smirk.

"I love a lot of people, Steve." I said, getting a little irritated. I tried not to show it. But it seems like he is getting more and more controlling.

"Yeah, I know -- it's just -- nothing." He said.

Good! I'll accept that. Even though I could tell he wanted me to continue. I got up and headed toward the beach. Steve followed. I started to run to the water, but a deep pain in my lower abdomen stopped me.

"What's wrong, Baby?"

"It's nothing." I said. I walked in to the water. It felt great. I felt a little faint, then - -

Next thing I knew I was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, staring up at a very worried looking Steve. "Wha - " I started.

"Shhh -- you passed out. It's my fault! I shouldn't have let you go into the water. I'm so sorry, Baby! I just -- I didn't want to - " His eyes filled with tears.

"Steve -- don't. It's not your fault." I said, smiling weakly.

"I know I didn't exactly push you into the water, but -- I -- feel -- like such an idiot!"

"Doctor, how could you have prevented this?" Said the EMT, in a slightly different accent than I could recognize. "It sounds like the boy chose to go into the water. It's just good you were there, or this boy might not be here!" I looked at the EMT. He couldn't have been over 25 -- and he was calling me a boy!

"But I shouldn't have allowed him to go into the water. I know how trauma can - "

"Trauma? What Trauma?" Said the EMT.

Steve looked at me. I nodded.

"He was attacked just this morning -- attacked and -- raped!" At that Steve lost it. He turned away from both me and the EMT.

The EMT turned directly to me. "Can you talk about what happened, son?"

I looked at his name tag. "Yes, Antonio, and you don't have to call me son. I'm almost 21."

"Oh! Sorry!"

"It's okay," I smiled, "I'm often taken for younger than my 16 year old brother. What do you want to know?"

"What -- happened this morning?"

"A big guy - football player big -- attacked me."

"And you say he raped you?"

"Not anally." I said. "He -- um -- raped my mouth. When I threw up, he kneed my balls several times -- hard. He would have killed me if my -- er -- if Steve didn't come in."

"Who's Steve?"

"He's my -- oh! He's right behind you."

"Oh! Wow! So he's saved you twice in one day! Gives a whole new meaning to dad."

"Steve's not my dad."

"You were calling him -- oh!" Antonio blushed. "Sorry. Before you came to all the way, you kept calling him -- daddy. And he looks" -- he stopped and regrouped. "anyway - - so you have had several blows to your groin?" He seemed relieved to change the subject.

"Yeah. Made my tummy sick."

"Is that all?" He said. He was writing it down on a report pad.

"Well -- my throat hurts a lot. He forced it all the way down as far as he could."

"Was he large?"

"I told you he was a -- oh - - that! Yeah. I've never seen anything like that. It was easily 8" before it got hard -- and about as thick as your wrist."

"Geez! That'd choke a horse!"

"Um - - DUH!" I said. I couldn't help laughing.

"Gotta say -- you have a good sense of humor. Maybe a little twisted, but - " His smile disappeared. "Sorry. Honestly, I can't imagine that happening!" He said, shaking his head. "Um -- did he -- um -- you know -- throw his semen -- in your throat?"

"No. I got sick before that happened."

"Did you -- notice -- if he had any -- sores -- around his groin?"

"I didn't notice."

"When you get to the emergency room the doctor there will receive my notes. Doctor - " he said to Steve, " -- Be sure they do a full blood work up -- in case. And -- I know I'm a little slow, but I finally think I figured it out -- you guys are -- like -- partners - ?"

"Yes." Steve said.

"Then, if I may make a suggestion, Doctor: You seem too emotionally attached to the situation right now -- you should let the attending physician make the decisions." Antonio looked directly at me when he said, "Okay?"

"Yeah, I get it!" Steve said, disgusted. "I've fucked up too many times already today!"

I reached out and took his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me, and I shook my head, and whispered, "It's not your fault, Steve."

Steve then gave Antonio the name of the doctor who attended me earlier, telling Antonio that he had some lab test orders back in our room. Antonio looked at Steve and shook his head. "Okay. I guess you didn't have time to run up and get them before we left the hotel." Antonio got on his cell phone and made a report, telling about Dr. Wilkins.

When we got to the hospital, Dr. Wilkins was waiting, and so was a detective from the police station.

"Did you bring the lab test orders with you?" Said Dr. Wilkins.

"No, I" I started.

"We were swimming when he passed out -- there wasn't time to get them in our room." Steve said.

"Why in the world were you swimming?" Said the doctor.

"It was my idea." I said.

"But surely you as a doctor", started the detective, "or at least as a father, you might have - "

Antonio whispered something to him -- I heard "lovers""

"WHAT?! Why was I not told this before this?" The detective exclaimed.

"Was it important to know that I am gay?" I asked, annoyed.

"It could be -- if there could be any link in that and your attacker's motive."

"Oh!" I said. "Would it be considered a hate crime, then?"

"A `hate crime'? This ISN'T the United States, boy. A crime of violence is a crime of violence. I know of no crime of this nature that was caused by love! Don't worry, kid, the penalties here are severe enough if he is proven guilty."

"Okay." I said meekly.

"Anyway," said Dr. Wilkins, "I'll rewrite the lab test orders. "Doctor, do you have anything else to add here?"

"Huh?" Steve said. "Oh -- no." He looked at me, but his mind was a 1000 miles away. Dr. Wilkins and Antonio walked out. The detective asked a lot more questions about the attack and the events leading up to it the night before. I told him everything I could remember.

"There's nothing I can do to keep you here, but without your testimony, this scum bag might go free. I hope when the time comes, you can come back." Then he left.

Dr. Wilkins came back in, to say, "I want to keep you overnight for observation. If you want Doctor, as a professional courtesy, we can make a place in his room for you.

"No thanks. I'll be okay." Steve said. My neck hurt from snapping to his direction. He looked away from me. Dr. Wilkins left the cubicle.

"I have to make some calls, Jamey. I'll be back." He said, almost as if in a fog. He walked out and I was left alone to my thoughts. Why was this happening to me? Was God punishing me for -- for -- (sigh!)

And why did Steve refuse the bed in my room? I was bewildered thinking about this and all that had happened to me in the last 24 hours. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Mr. Arthur? We're moving you to a room upstairs." I looked up at a cute nurse's face. She couldn't have been much older than I. She and another nurse helped me on to a gurney, and wheeled me to the elevator. As we were getting on it, another older nurse ran up to us. "Your friend left this for you." She handed me an envelope. I opened it.

"Dear Jamey,

It seems all I can do is hurt you. Everything I do seems to lead to more trouble for you. I know that I have been too controlling, and I don't think you can live with that. I talked to my hospital and they begged me to come back. You will be taken good care of there -- I saw to that. I packed your suitcase and delivered it to the hospital on my way to the airport. I hope you don't hate me. I really do love you. I'm just not sure I'm good for you.

Love, Steve"

I closed my eyes. What else could happen? I felt so completely empty -- again. Is this what life is like - one broken heart after another? No, there has to be something better out there. I was helped onto a bed. As soon as they left, I broke down. I found my cell phone and called Steve's number.

"This is Dr. Jorda -- oh -- Jamey."

"Steve, where are you going, I mean -- why -- I need you -- NOW! Why are you running away from me?"

"Jamey -- please -- I wrote it in the letter. I just don't think you can deal with any more - "

Gathering all the strength I had I said, "No! Not Me! It's YOU who can't deal with this. I'm dealing just fine! You're the one running away! Why?"

"I -- I -- don't want to hurt you any more!"

"That's bull crap! The only thing true in your letter was about you trying to control everything. And when you felt you lost control -- you cut and ran!"

"Jamey -- you don't understand."

"I think I do. I'm exhausted now. I can hardly hold my head up. So I have to go to sleep. I don't even have enough energy to cry!" I said, and then started to cry. "When I wake up -- I hope you are there, holding my hand. Is that too much to ask?"

"I -- dunno, Jamey -- I just -- don't know."

Notes: Who's more mixed up? Don't even ask me! I'm out to sea on this one this time. Comments are welcome though, to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and love, Steve

Next: Chapter 24

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